77 See Sandra Seubert Ron van Dooren, Messengers from the Promised Land. An Interactive Theory of Charisma The Power Elite 80 For a more philosophical and elaborate argumentation about the compatibility of populism and representative democracy, see Benjamín Arditi
Gellner, Populism. Its Meanings and National Characteristics, op. cit., pp. 62–96.
76 Taggart, Populism, op. cit., p. 1.
77 See Sandra Seubert, 'Paradoxien des Charisma. Max Weber und die Politik des
Vertrauens', Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 12: 3 (2002), pp. 1123–48; Ron van
Dooren, Messengers from the Promised Land. An Interactive Theory of Charisma, Leiden,
DSWO-Press, 1994.
78 C. Wright Mills, The Power Elite, New York, Oxford University Press, 1957.
79 See, inter alia, Yves Mény and Yves Surel, Par le people, pour le people. Le populisme
et les démocraties, Paris, Fayard, 2000; Taggart, Populism, op. cit.; Urbinati, 'Democracy
and Populism', op. cit., pp. 110–24.
80 For a more philosophical and elaborate argumentation about the compatibility
of populism and representative democracy, see Benjamín Arditi, 'Populism as a
Spectre of Democracy: A Response to Canovan', Political Studies, 52: 1 (2004), pp.