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Late onset of isovaleric acidemia presenting with bicytopenia



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216 Letter to the Editor
Late onset of isovaleric acidemia presenting
with bicytopenia
Bisitopeni ile birliktelik gösteren geç başlangıçlı izovalerik asidemi
Barış Malbora1, Zekai Avcı1, Alev Hasanoğlu2, Füsun Alehan3, Namık Özbek1
1Department of Pediatric Hematology, Başkent University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey
2Department of Pediatric Metabolism, Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey
3Department of Pediatric Neurology, Başkent University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey
Address for Correspondence: M.D. Barış Malbora, Başkent University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Hematology, 6. Cadde,
No: 72/3, Bahcelievler 06490 Ankara, Turkey Phone: +90 312 212 68 68 E-mail:
To the Editor,
Isovaleric academia (IVA) is an autosomal reces-
sive inborn error of leucine metabolism caused by
a deficiency of isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase. In
the acute phase of this disease, thrombocytopenia,
neutropenia or pancytopenia may be common fea-
tures [1-4]. However, the physiopathology of the
bone marrow suppression in this disease is still
unclear. Here, we report the case of an IVA patient
who presented with thrombocytopenia and neutro-
penia at the age of 31 months.
A 31-month-old male patient had been admitted
to our hospital with fever, vomiting, fatigue, and loss
of appetite. There was no history of any drug use.
On physical examination, the patient was lethargic.
Vital signs were normal except for mild tachycardia
and tachypnea. Skin turgor and tonus were found to
be decreased.
The results of a complete blood count revealed
the following: white blood cells (WBC) count
1.4x109/L; absolute neutrophil count 0.92x109/L;
hemoglobin 11 g/dl; and platelet count 57.5x109/L.
The bone marrow aspiration showed normal matu-
ration of three lineages without any hemophagocy-
tosis, megaloblastic cells, extramyeloid cells, fatty
changes, or myelodysplasia. There were numerous
necrotic cells. The number and the morphology of
megakaryocytes were normal. In the aspiration
smear, 18% myelocyte, 35% metamyelocyte, 11%
polymorphonuclear leukocyte, 28% lymphocyte, 2%
normoblast, 1% monocyte, 1% eosinophil, and 4%
lymphoblast-like cells were present. Bone marrow
flow cytometry did not reveal lymphoblasts.
Biochemical analyses were within normal limits
except for hypocalcemia, hyperammonemia, and
mildly increased aspartate aminotransferase and
lactate dehydrogenase. Serum C-reactive protein
and erythrocyte sedimentation rate were in normal
range. Ketonuria was determined. The results of
blood, throat, urine, stool, and cerebrospinal fluid
cultures were negative. Viral serology of the cere-
brospinal fluid and serum were also negative.
Serum Brucella agglutination and Salmonella agglu-
tination were negative. Serum lactate and pyruvate
levels were 4 mmol/L (normal range: 0.7-2.1
mmol/L), and 2.74 mg/dl (normal range: 0.3-1 mg/
dl), respectively. The urine organic acid examina-
tion showed that the excretions of isovaleryl glycine
and methyl malonic acid were significantly
increased: 1299 mmol/mol creatinine (normal: 0
mmol/mol creatinine) and 42.7 mmol/mol creati-
nine (normal: 0 mmol/mol creatinine), respectively.
Tandem mass spectrometry of spot serum, free car-
nitine and amino acid profiles were normal. There
was an increase in the isovaleryl and 3-OH butyryl
carnitine levels, whereas there was a decrease in
the levels of acetyl, propionyl, and palmitoylcarni-
tine. Lymphocyte isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase
activity was 0.02 nmol/ [controls mean±SD:
1.51±0.31 nmol/].
We initiated antibiotic therapy and protein-poor
diet. Carnitine and L-glycine were added to the treat-
ment. During this period, his laboratory examination
revealed WBC count of 0.64x109/L (absolute neutro-
phil count, 0.43x109/L); a hemoglobin level of 10.7 g/
dl; and a platelet count of 31.8x109/L. On the fifth day
of antibiotics, his fever was controlled, and the WBC
number and platelet count began to increase. His
blood count was completely normal one week after
the end of antibiotic treatment (Figure 1a, b).
Hematologic problems can be seen in patients
with inborn errors of branched-chain amino acid
metabolism. Various cytopenias have been reported
in IVA [5]. However, the physiopathology of myelo-
suppression in this disease is not well known. Some
infections may also result in myelosuppression, but
in our patient, we did not determine any serologic
or microbiologic evidence of infection. There is also
a report of a patient with IVA with promyelocytic
myeloproliferative syndrome [6,7]. In patients with
IVA, hematologic problems are usually reported in
early infancy [1,2,6]. Compatible with this, no
patients have been reported in the English literature
with IVA diagnosed later in childhood with neutro-
penia, thrombocytopenia or pancytopenia.
In some patients, this disorder may be diagnosed
as late as 5 years [8]. However, hematologic prob-
lems are not observed at that age. Another interest-
ing finding in our patient was the lymphoblast-like
cells observed in the bone marrow. We believe that
the lymphoblast-like cells observed in our patient’s
bone marrow were due to maturation arrest in the
normal lymphoblastic series caused by IVA.
Although both forms of IVA often occur in the first
year of life, IVA may be observed later in childhood.
Hematologic problems frequently observed in the acute
form of the disease can be seen in the chronic intermit-
tent form, as was the case in our patient. Thus, in such
cytopenias, inborn errors of branched -chain amino acid
metabolism, like IVA, should be kept in mind.
This study conforms to the principles outlined in
the Declaration of Helsinki (1975) and later revisions,
and was approved by Ethical Committee of Baskent
University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey.
Conflict of Interest
No author of this paper has a conflict of interest,
including specific financial interests, relationships,
and/or affiliations relevant to the subject matter or
materials included in this manuscript.
1. Newman CG, Wilson BD, Callaghan P, Young L.
Neonatal death associated with isovaleric acidaemia.
Lancet 1967;2:439-42.
2. Fischer AQ, Challa VR, Burton BK, McLean WT.
Cerebellar hemorrhage complicating isovaleric acide-
mia: a case report. Neurology 1981;31:746-8.
3. Hou JW, Wang TR. Isovaleric acidemia: report of one
case. Zhonghua Min Guo Xiao Er Ke Yi Xue Hui Za Zhi
Malbora et al.
Hematologic problems in isovaleric acidemia
Turk J Hematol 2010; 27: 216-8 217
Figure 1. The hematologic parameters of the patient during isovaleric acidemia episode. A) WBC (white blood cell) and ANC (absolute
neutrophil count), B) Platelet count
4. Kelleher JF Jr, Yudkoff M, Hutchinson R, August CS,
Cohn RM. The pancytopenia of isovaleric acidemia.
Pediatrics 1980;65:1023-7.
5. Guerra-Moreno J, Barrios N, Santiago-Borrero PJ.
Severe neutropenia in an infant with methylmalonic
acidemia. Bol Asoc Med P R 2003;95:17-20.
6. Gilbert-Barness E, Barness LA. Isovaleric acidemia
with promyelocytic myeloproliferative syndrome.
Pediatr Dev Pathol 1999;2:286-91.
7. Hutchinson RJ, Bunnell K, Thoene JG. Suppression of
granulopoietic progenitor cell proliferation by metabo-
lites of the branched-chain amino acids. J Pediatr
8. Berry GT. Inborn errors of carbohydrate, ammonia,
amino acid, and organic acid metabolism. In: Ballard
RA, Berry GT, editors. Avery’s Diseases of the Newborn.
8th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders, 2005:227-57.
Malbora et al.
Hematologic problems in isovaleric acidemia Turk J Hematol 2010; 27: 216-8
... However, no increase in isovaleryl glycine or 3hydroxyisovaleric acid was noted even on a repeated OA testing so isovaleric aciduria was excluded. This was much in accordance to two cases reported in literature 13,14 . Two cases had incidental finding of markedly elevated homovanillic acid (HVA) excretion in the urine. ...
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Objective: To evaluate the analytical and diagnostic challenges in interpreting the various organic acid results by gas-chromatography-mass spectrometry and to devise a protocol for analysis that is beneficial for prompt interpretation and diagnosis. Study Design: Retrospective study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Chemical Pathology & Endocrinology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Rawalpindi, from Apr 2015 to May 2017. Material and Methods: We reviewed clinical data, biochemical investigations and urine organic acid profiles of 110 patients received for evaluation of a suspected organic acid disorder. Urine organic acid analysis was carried out by gas chromatography – mass spectrometry using Mass Hunter software. Results: A total of 104 (99%) cases received were from the pediatric patients and 7 (6.3%) from adult patients. A total of 11 different organic acidurias were diagnosed. Other diseases (n=10) were also detected on the basis of their pathognomics metabolites and included tyrosinemia type 1 (n=4), alkaptonuria (n=5) and ornithine transcarbamoylase deficiency (n=1). Twenty-eight (25%) urine samples were either recalled or repeated for reasons like random urine sample yielding negative profiles in setting of a strong suspicion for organic aciduria (n=6), non-availability of clinical data (n=12) or delay in transportation >8 hours (n=10). Raised non-specific organic acid metabolites were seen in 23 (21%) cases. Lactic acid and ketones were detectable in 12 (11%) samples in the absence of raised plasma levels. Conclusion: Urine OA profiles must be interpreted in context of complete clinical, nutritional and biochemical findings. Each laboratory equipped with this facility should devise their analytical protocols for meaningful interpretation of results.
... More than 40 mutations were found to be associated with the IVA phenotype ( In spite of the biological characteristics (such as clinical symptoms, biochemical findings, and molecular evidence), that were defined in some Western and Far Eastern countries, studies in Turkey are quite limited and consist of only clinical and biochemical characterizations [Erdem et al., 2010;Kasapkara et al., 2011;Kilic et al., 2014;Malbora et al., 2010;Tokatli et al., 1998]. ...
A case of isovaleric acidemia appearing as diabetic ketoacidosis with acute encephalopathy and pancytopenia was reported. A three-year-old male patient, with mild psychomotor retardation, had recurrent bouts of acute encephalopathy and pancytopenia after episodes of upper respiratory infection. At admission, he had vomiting associated with dehydration, acidosis, ketonuria, coma and a pungent, rather unpleasant odor. Laboratory features included hyperglycemia, hyperammonemia, hyperamylasemia, hypocalcemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia and subsequent anemia. Urine organic acid profiles showed profuse amount of 3-beta-hydroxyisovaleric acid (295 mg/ml) and isovalerylglycine (616 mg/ml) by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Levels of amino acids in the serum and urine were normal. The patient received treatment with rehydration and insulin, with rapid improvement. After the acute illness, blood glucose levels returned to normal. The patient was doing well on a low-protein diet in recent 3 months.
The effects of branched-chain amino acid metabolites on granulocyte-macrophage progenitor cell proliferation in marrow culture are reported. Isovalerate and propionate profoundly suppress granulopoiesis at both 3.2 and 6.4 mM concentrations, whereas methylmalonate and other metabolites suppress to a lesser degree. The parent branched-chain amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine do not suppress in vitro granulopoiesis at similar concentrations. Because the concentrations of the organic acids tested fall within the pathophysiologic ranges observed in patients with isovaleric, propionic, and methylmalonic acidemias, we suggest that elevated in vivo levels of isovalerate, propionate, and to a lesser degree methylmalonate are responsible for the neutropenia observed in these disorders.
A fatal disease in a newborn infant has been shown to be associated with the rare condition of isovalericacidæmia. Clinically there was an early development of a severe metabolic acidosis resistant to treatment. The urine and serum had a strong and characteristic odour resembling that of sweaty feet. There were signs of progressive neurological impairment, and death followed an intrapulmonary hæmorrhage. The acidosis arose through the accumulation of a volatile organic acid which was shown by gas-liquid chromatography to be isovaleric acid. The concentration of this acid in the serum at death was about 1500 times the normal value. Isovaleric acid can arise from isovalerylcoenzyme A, an intermediate in the catabolism of leucine. It would seem that in the case described the enzyme responsible for the dehydrogenation of isovalerylcoenzyme A was deficient, and metabolism by an alternative route gave isovaleric acid. This is thought to be the first report of a death of a newborn infant with this inborn error of leucine metabolism.
Isovaleric acidemia (IVA) is an inborn error of leucine metabolism, resulting in an accumulation of isovaleric acid in the body fluids. The neuropathologic findings in an 11-day-old infant with IVA consisted of diffuse cerebral edema, massive cerebellar hemorrhage, upward transtentorial herniation, and focal degeneration of clusters of glial cells in white and gray matter. Although abnormal myelination has been described in different aminoacidopathies, the above findings have not been reported previously in IVA.
Severe pancytopenia developed in two infants with isovaleric acidemia. Previous reports indicate these hematologic abnormalities are a leading cause of death in affected infants. Our findings suggest that the pancytopenia may be due to arrested maturation of hematopoietic precursors. Prompt transfusion of appropriate blood components prevented complications due to the hematologic abnormalities.
Isovaleric acidemia, an autosomal recessive disorder, is due to isovaleryl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency and is one of the branched-chain aminoacidopathies. Isovaleric acidemia may present in the neonatal period with an acute episode of severe metabolic acidosis, ketosis, and vomiting and may lead to coma and death in the first 2 months of life. This report concerns an infant who presented at 10 days of age because of lethargy, poor feeding, hypothermia, cholestasis, and thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, and profound pancytopenia. Death occurred at 19 days of age. Autopsy showed mild fatty change in the liver and extramedullary hematopoiesis, generalized Escherichia coli sepsis, and myelodysplasia of the bone marrow with arrest of the myeloid series at the promyelocytic stage. The appearance resembled promyelocytic leukemia, but the diagnostic 15:17 translocation was not present. The maturation arrest in granulopoiesis in isovaleric acidemia appears to be most likely due to a direct metabolic effect on granulocyte precursor cells.
Neutropenia exists when the neutrophil counts is less than 1000/mm3 in infants between 2 weeks and 1 year of age and less than 1500/mm3 beyond 1 year of age (1). Severe infections occur when the absolute neutrophil count is below 500/mm3 with perirectal abscesses, pneumonia, and sepsis being common. Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (G-CSF) produces a sustained neutrophil recovery in patients with severe neutropenia, reduces the incidence and severity of infection, and improves the quality of life. Various cytopenias, including neutropenia, thrombocytopenia and pancytopenia, have been reported in association with inborn errors of branched aminoacid metabolism such as methylmalonic, propionic and isovaleric acidemia. We report an infant with methylmalonic acidemia who presented severe neutropenia.
Inborn errors of carbohydrate, ammonia, amino acid, and organic acid metabolism Avery's Diseases of the Newborn Malbora et al. Hematologic problems in isovaleric acidemia
  • Gt Berry
  • Ballard Ra
  • Berry
Berry GT. Inborn errors of carbohydrate, ammonia, amino acid, and organic acid metabolism. In: Ballard RA, Berry GT, editors. Avery's Diseases of the Newborn. 8th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders, 2005:227-57. Malbora et al. Hematologic problems in isovaleric acidemia Turk J Hematol 2010; 27: 216-8 218
Neonatal death associated with isovaleric acidaemia Cerebellar hemorrhage complicating isovaleric acide-mia: a case report Isovaleric acidemia: report of one case
  • Cg Newman
  • Bd Wilson
  • P Callaghan
  • Young
  • Fischer Aq
  • Vr Challa
  • Bk Burton
  • Wt Mclean
  • Wang
Newman CG, Wilson BD, Callaghan P, Young L. Neonatal death associated with isovaleric acidaemia. Lancet 1967;2:439-42. Fischer AQ, Challa VR, Burton BK, McLean WT. Cerebellar hemorrhage complicating isovaleric acide-mia: a case report. Neurology 1981;31:746-8. Hou JW, Wang TR. Isovaleric acidemia: report of one case. Zhonghua Min Guo Xiao Er Ke Yi Xue Hui Za Zhi 1990;31:262-5.