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Life Cycle Analysis of Solar Module Recycling Process

  • bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH
  • Private Consultancy

Abstract and Figures

Since June 2003 Deutsche Solar AG is operating a recycling plant for modules with crystalline solar silicon cells. The aim of the process is to recover the silicon wafers so that they can be reprocessed and integrated in modules again. The aims of the Life Cycle Analysis of the mentioned process are (i) the verification if the process is beneficial regarding environmental aspects, (ii) the comparison to other end-of-life scenarios, (iii) the ability to include the end-of- life phase of modules in future LCA of photovoltaic modules. The results show that the recycling process makes good ecological sense, because the environmental burden during the production phase of reusable components is higher than the burden due to the recycling process. Moreover the Energy Pay Back Time of modules with recycled cells was determined.
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Life Cycle Analysis of Solar Module Recycling Process
Anja Müller 1, Karsten Wambach1 and Erik Alsema2
1Deutsche Solar AG, Solar Material, Alfred Lange Straße 18, 09599 Freiberg, Germany
2Science, Technology and Society, Copernicus Institute, Utrecht University, Utrecht,
Since June 2003 Deutsche Solar AG is operating a recycling plant for modules with crystalline
solar silicon cells. The aim of the process is to recover the silicon wafers so that they can be
reprocessed and integrated in modules again. The aims of the Life Cycle Analysis of the
mentioned process are (i) the verification if the process is beneficial regarding environmental
aspects, (ii) the comparison to other end-of-life scenarios, (iii) the ability to include the end-of-
life phase of modules in future LCA of photovoltaic modules. The results show that the recycling
process makes good ecological sense, because the environmental burden during the production
phase of reusable components is higher than the burden due to the recycling process. Moreover
the Energy Pay Back Time of modules with recycled cells was determined.
In recent years a rapid growth of the production capacity and installation of photovoltaic
modules has been observed. For the next decades a growth of 15% is predicted [1]. Due to their
long lifetime the amount of end-of-life modules is still relatively small. It is estimated to be
about 14 MWp in 2006 [2], and this quantity will increase rapidly as the PV market grows. In
Europe alone, the emergence of end-of-life modules is estimated to be 290 tons in 2010 and
33,500 tons in 2040.Other concepts for recycling crystalline photovoltaic modules were
examined in scientific studies, but none of them was realized in an industrial scale until now.
Regarding the growing quantity of end-of-life modules producers of photovoltaic products have
to take the responsibility of the final treatment. Due to the curtness of silicon, it is necessary to
establish a recycling concept for all kinds of photovoltaic modules that regards environmental
aspects and statutory regulations. Competing technologies to high-value processes like the one
of Deutsche Solar AG are low-value recycling technologies like the treatment in a recycling
plant for laminated glass or disposal on a landfill after treatment in a municipal incineration
SolarMaterial, a business unit of Deutsche Solar AG is engaged in various recycling loops
along the succession of production steps from silicon as raw material to photovoltaic modules.
The presented study deals only with the module recycling process. Regarding a sustainable use
of silicon as raw material, the other recycling activities are just as important.
Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 895 © 2006 Materials Research Society 0895-G03-07.1
Recycling activities along the production steps from ingot growing to module assembly:
- sides of multi crystalline ingots
- bottom of multi crystalline ingots
- tops of multi crystalline ingots (partly)
- broken wafers
- faulty processed cells
- cell breakage
- production rejects of ingots
A silicon photovoltaic module is composed of silicon solar cells, metal contacts between the
cells, encapsulation layer that enclose the cells, front glass plate and a back-side foil or a second
glass plate on the back side. Often the module is framed with aluminium and contains a contact
box. The module recycling process of Deutsche Solar AG enables the recovery of wafers and the
recycling of glass and metals from crystalline solar modules [3]. By burning off the laminate in
an furnace the module compound structure is disunited, so that solar cells, glass and metals can
be separated manually. Glass and metals are and given to recycling partners, while the unbroken
cells are etched in the etching line of SolarMaterial. Broken cells are also collected for reuse as
raw material for ingot growing after etching with a different technology. In the etching line the
metallization, anti-reflection coating and pn-junction of the cell are removed subsequently. The
clean wafer, which is the final product of the recycling process, can be processed again in a
standard solar cell production line and integrated into a PV module. During the thermal treatment
energy is consumed by the furnace, afterburner and washer. In addition, the washer consumes
water and leach. Important outputs are air emissions and different waste streams. During the
chemical process different chemicals are required. Moreover, water and energy are consumed in
the line and the exhaust gas washer. The chemicals used for etching are treated chemically and
physically. The resulting sludge is disposed of. Resulting water is delivered to a sewage
treatment plant. The process and important in- and outputs are summarized in Figure 1.
In this study the transportation of the modules to the recycling plant is not considered, because it
does not depend on the recycling technology but on the collection system.
Figure 1. Important in- and outputs during module recycling.
furnace afterburner washe
etching line washer
end- of-life
energy water energy water chemicals
air used waste
emissions chemicals water
air waste glass metals
An assessment of the total energy demand during the recycling process gives a first insight on
the environmental effects of the process. The total energy consumption is composed of the
demand of natural gas and electrical energy of the exhaust gas cleaning during the thermal
treatment as well as the consumption of electrical energy of the etching line. The amount of
primary energy was converted to electrical energy with an assumed efficiency of 35 percent. For
the calculation of the energy generation per year a Middle-European location with 1000
kWh/m²/year and a performance ratio of 0.75 is assumed. The results of a comparison of a
module with new wafers and a module with recovered wafers of the recycling process of
Deutsche Solar is shown in Table I. For wafer production a high energy input is necessary. The
recycling of 72 wafers for a new module takes 92 kWhel. Which is 30 % of the energy input for
the production of 72 new wafers (306 kWhel).The calculation shows that the Energy Pay-Back
Time (EPBT) of a module with recycled wafer is 1.7 years shorter than of a standard module
(EPBT of a new module with above mentioned assumptions: 3.3 years).
Table I: Energy consumption and generation during the production and use phase of a module of
160 Wp, 72 multicrystalline cells 12.5 x 12.5 cm (energy consumption during production are
based on data of 2004 [4]).
module with
new wafers
module with
recycled wafers
wafer production (multi) 306 kWhel
recycling process 92 kWhel
cell processing 49 49 kWhel
module assembly 45 45 kWhel
Total 400 186 kWhel
energy generation 120 120 kWhel/year
EPBT 3.3 1.6 years
Figure 2. Field photovoltaic installation on the German island Pellworm before disassembling
for recycling
The calculation is based on average data of the treatment at the pilot plant in Freiberg. In the next
months modules of the oldest field photovoltaic installation in Germany will be treated [5]. This
installation was installed 1983 with an efficiency of 8%. After reprocessing and module
assembly the recycled installation will have an efficiency of about 14% thanks to improved cell
In the presented LCA a standard module was investigated with 72 cells (12.5 x 12.5 cm),
Tedlar as backside foil and an aluminum frame. For the evaluation of the environmental impacts,
the CML Baseline-2000 method of the institute of Environmental Science in Leiden (CML) was
used. The analysis was performed with the software Simapro 6.0. Calculations are based on
Deutsche Solar data as well as data from the ecoinvent 2000 database [6]. The dataset for
production of silicon wafers is based on analysis of the years 1995 to 2000. The presented LCA
was done before more recent data were available. The described in- and outflows including the
treatment of wastewater and used chemicals are considered. The environmental impact of
producing the collected amount of glass and metals as well as of producing the amount of
recovered wafers is credited to the impacts of the recycling process itself. In the following the
results of the characterization is presented. The process is evaluated regarding seven impact
categories, for example “climate change”. For each category a specific indicator (for example kg
CO2-equivalent) is calculated as the weighted sum of individual emissions. In Figure 3 the
environmental burden (positive contribution) are opposed to the environmental disburden
(negative contribution) of the recycling process. The sum of negative and positive contribution is
scaled to 100%, because each category is evaluated by a different indicator with its own unit.
Figure 3. Disburden and burden of the recycling process of Deutsche Solar AG.
Due to the avoidance of new wafers and recycling of glass and metals the absolute impact values
are negative for each category. This shows the superiority of high value recycling processes
compared to disposal solutions with low environmental impacts but without material recycling or
the possibility to reuse individual components. The results also show that the burden of the
environment is mainly related to the energy consumption during the thermal treatment and the
use of chemicals in the etching line. As a result it is important to decrease the energy
ozone layer
disburden by material recycling and reuse of wafers
burden by the thermal and chemical treatment
consumption during the thermal treatment and to cut down the consumption of chemicals in the
etching line. The actual operational mode of the furnace and the etching line posses further room
for improvement regarding both aspects [7].
At the present time there are two alternative disposal scenarios for photovoltaic modules. The
simplest possibility is a treatment in a municipal waste incineration and subsequent disposal at a
landfill for inert waste. At least in Europe a thermal treatment before the deposit on a landfill is
necessary to fulfill the criteria for the acceptance of waste at landfill sites [8]. The advantage of
this solution is that it is not necessary to acquire end-of-life modules separately to commercial or
industrial waste. The main disadvantage is the loss of raw material like silicon. In the examined
scenario it was assumed that the aluminum frame is removed before the thermal pre-treatment
because of its high economic value. A municipal incineration plant is a large-scale plant unlike
the furnace of DS. Hence the energy consumption of a municipal incineration plant per kilogram
is substantially lower.
A comparison of the process of DS and the described scenario is shown in Figure 4. In this figure
the recycling of the aluminum frame is not considered, because it is carried out in both scenarios
and only a part of photovoltaic modules is framed with aluminum.
Figure 4. Comparison of an incineration scenario with the recycling process of DS.
Another scenario is a shredder process with subsequent sorting and thermal treatment of one
fraction, that is deposited on a landfill. It is expected that the aluminium frame is removed before
the shredder process. The recovered glass fraction can be put back into glass production. The
second fraction consists of organic material, metals and crushed solar cells. Due to its high
organic content the thermal treatment before a deposit on a landfill is necessary in Germany and
other countries. The energy consumption of a shredder process is two orders of magnitudes
lower than the recycling process. But in the shredder scenario only glass and metals can be
recycled. The silicon of wafers is lost in this scenario. The expenditure of energy for the
ozone layer
incineration scenario recycling Deutsche Solar
production of silicon wafers and material for ingot growing is relatively high (see table I). This
fact justifies the operation of the DS process even with higher energy consumption. In general
high grade recycling solutions are preferable to low grade solutions. In consideration of the
scarcity of silicon for the PV industry the reuse of wafers is an additional advantage.
The energy consumption during the recycling process is essential. Nevertheless the use of
recycled wafers for wafer production instead of new ones can halve the EPBT of a module.
Due to the reuse of recovered wafers and the recycling of glass and metals the recycling process
of Deutsche Solar AG leads to a decrease of environmental burden by avoidance of the
production of new wafers and material like glass. Other examined disposal scenarios do not
represent a high value recycling, because the material with the highest value is lost by deposition
on al landfill.
1. K. Sander, S. Zangl, M. Reichmuth, G. Schröder, Stoffbezogene Anforderungen an
Photovoltaikprodukte und deren Entsorgung, Institut für Ökologie und Umwelt Hamburg,
Institut für Energetik und Umwelt GmbH Leipzig, 2003.
2. K.Wambach, S. Schlenker, Stoffkreisläufe in der Photovoltaik, Freiberger Solartage 2005,
3. E. Bombach, K. Wambach, A. Müller, I. Röver, Recycling of Solar Cells and Modules –
Recent Improvements, 20th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Barcelona
4. E.A. Alsema, M.J. de Wild-Scholten, Environmental Impacts of Crystalline Silicon
Photovoltaic Module Production, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA, Nov.29-Dec.2 2005
5. J. Siemer, Neues Leben für ein altes Kraftwerk 6 - 88, Photon November 2005
6. Jungbluth, N., Life Cycle Assessment of Crystalline Photovoltaics in the Swiss ecoinvent
Database. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 2005 (in press).
7. I. Röver, K. Wambach, W. Weinreich, G. Roewer, Processs controlling of the etching
system HF/HNO3/HNO2, 20th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Barcelona
8. Council decision of 19 December 2002: establishing criteria and procedures for the
acceptance of waste at landfills pursuant to Article 16 of and Annex II to Directive
1999/31/EC; Official Jounal of the European Communities L 11/27
... However, it has been reported to consume a large amount of energy and impose costly gas processing methods, which hinder its application [53]. After the pyrolysis process, no energy recovery is anticipated because the generated gases are condensed [54]. The study of Frisson et al. (2020) [50] was found to be the only study proposing energy recovery through combustion of pyrolytic products. ...
... Moreover, due to the use of many solvents in the chemical treatment of DSP, particularly with the aim of recycling wafers or valuable metals, other challenges may arise. Müller et al. (2006) [54] recovered silicon wafers from Deutsche PV panels. The study finds that the wafer can be recovered by using less energy compared with the energy needed to generate a virgin wafer. ...
... Moreover, due to the use of many solvents in the chemical treatment of DSP, particularly with the aim of recycling wafers or valuable metals, other challenges may arise. Müller et al. (2006) [54] recovered silicon wafers from Deutsche PV panels. The study finds that the wafer can be recovered by using less energy compared with the energy needed to generate a virgin wafer. ...
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In the past few decades, the solar energy market has increased significantly, with an increasing number of photovoltaic (PV) modules being deployed around the world each year. Some believe that these PV modules have a lifespan of around 25-30 years. As their lifetime is limited, solar panels wind up in the waste stream after their end of life (EoL). Several ecological challenges are associated with their inappropriate disposal due to the presence of hazardous heavy metals (HMs). Some studies have reported different treatment technologies, including pyrolysis, stabilization, physical separation, landfill, and the use of chemicals. Each proposed treatment technique pollutes the environment and underutilizes the potential resources present in discarded solar panels (DSPs). This review recommends thermal plasma pyrolysis as a promising treatment technology. This process will have significant advantages, such as preventing toxic HMs from contaminating the soil and groundwater, reducing the amount of e-waste from DSPs in an environmentally friendly and economical way, and allows the utilization of the valuable resources contained in EoL photovoltaic solar panel modules by converting them into hydrogen-rich syngas to generate thermal energy, electricity, and non-leachable slag that can be used as an additive in other treatment processes or as a conditioner to improve soil properties. However, plasma pyrolysis uses a high temperature to break down waste materials, a challenge which can be offset by the integration of this process in anaerobic digestion (AD), as the slag from plasma pyrolysis can be used as an additive in AD treatments to produce high yields of biogas and improve nutrient recovery. Moreover, the produced energy from both processes can operate the entire plant in which they take place and increase the net energy production, a resource which can be sold for an additional income. Future challenges and recommendations are also highlighted.
... The versatility of crystalline silicon cells is demonstrated by their ability to be installed in various environments, from rooftop arrays to large-scale solar farms. Furthermore, improvements in manufacturing techniques have led to reduced production costs, making them more widely accessible [13,14]. ...
... In addition, other studies have highlighted the potential for price stability and reduced supply chain risks associated with recycling, further enhancing its economic attractiveness compared to reliance on virgin materials. The establishment and growth of PV recycling facilities also creates job opportunities across different stages of the recycling process [14,61]. Incorporating recycled materials into the production of new PV modules not only has the potential to lower manufacturing costs but also bolsters local economies, fosters innovation, and expertise within the recycling industry [61]. ...
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This review examines the complex landscape of photovoltaic (PV) module recycling and outlines the challenges hindering widespread adoption and efficiency. Technological complexities resulting from different module compositions, different recycling processes and economic hurdles are significant barriers. Inadequate infrastructure, regulatory gaps and limited awareness are also hampering progress. In addition, this analysis draws parallels between the development of PV module recycling and recycling technologies for other high-tech products, such as lithium-ion batteries, highlighting similarities in regulatory and technical feasibility challenges. Amid these challenges, however, lie opportunities for a sustainable future. Technological advances, stakeholder collaboration and the adoption of circular economy principles emerge as key ways forward. This review highlights the need for concerted action to overcome barriers and drive the development of efficient and sustainable PV module recycling practices.
... As part of this project, this study focuses on the recovery of silver (Ag) and aluminum (Al) from the cell fraction along with recommended methods for recovering valuable metals from EoL silicon. Thus far, several studies [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] have been carried out on metal recovery from recycled PV panels at lab and at pilot scale. The focus was generally on recovering silicon, copper, and aluminum, as silver recovery needs intensive extractive metallurgical methods [13]. ...
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Recycling solar panels is crucial to mitigating the environmental impact of the growing volume of end-of-life photovoltaic waste and to conserve valuable resources, while achieving high purity in recovered materials ensures their effective reuse in the manufacturing of new solar panels, contributing to a sustainable and circular economy. This study proposes a two-step leaching process to recover Ag and Al from the silicon fraction of EoL photovoltaics (PVs). In the first-stage laboratory scale tests, 99% Al was extracted using 5% HCl at room temperature (19 • C) for 3 h The Al was precipitated as oxide from the solution. The silicon residue was then leached with 0.5 M HNO 3 at 85 • C for 2 h, extracting 99% Ag and producing Si with 99.83% purity. The silver was precipitated to produce metallic Ag with >99.9% purity. Then, 95.63% of Pb in the nitric acid effluent was removed using ion exchange resins. Further, methods to mitigate the effluent solutions were recommended and the entire process was presented in a flowsheet.
... Nevertheless, none of these chemical-based methodologies have been upscaled into industrial production. In addition, combination of thermal and chemical methods has been used for recycling of polycrystalline and monocrystalline silicon on a lab scale in Taiwan [26], South Korea [27][28][29] and EU [30] but also on a pilot scale within the EU [31,32]. ...
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Synergies between technology flows is essential to balance the consumption of their related critical materials and promote a sustainable green economy transition. Using dynamics modelling, a comprehensive analysis of silicon flows applied in green energy technologies such as photovoltaic (PV) solar panels and lithium-ion batteries (LiBs) is provided. The results show that appropriate allocation of the circular flows of different silicon grades can become an effective global solution for saving material, energy and water as well as mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. About 15 % of required global silicon could be provided by secondary production from end-of-life green energy technologies by 2030. Recovering metallurgical, solar and electronic grades of silicon from global end-of-life PVs compared to its primary production will lead to savings of 3.5 billion GJ of energy, 3.1 million m 3 of water and over 65 Mt CO 2 eq of GHG emissions globally by 2030. Also, synergies between material flows from PVs waste to advance LiBs production aims to save around 38 M GJ of energy and 0.01 million m 3 of water and mitigate 4 Mt CO 2 eq of GHG emissions through secondary production practices by 2030. The findings outline a systematic solution for environmental sustainability of recycling by suggesting optimized integrated material flows of recovery of 50 % metallurgical, 25 % solar and 25 % electric grades of silicon from global end-of-life PVs.
Over the last few years there has been a growing trend towards using solar electricity as an alternative source of energy. In order to meet the world's projected energy needs, PV panel technology is a major alternative to fossil fuels. Due to the increase in production, PV panels with a lifetime of between 25 and 30 years are potential for photo-voltaic waste over the next few years. The environmental damage caused by PV panels is significantly reduced when they are recycled. The recycling also contributes to the recovery of materials, some of which are rare in nature. The structure of the components that make up this paper. From 2050 onwards, the estimated PV waste projections for the world have been analyzed.
Photovoltaic (PV) technology advances swiftly towards achieving Net-Zero emissions, driving exponential growth in global installations. This surge in solar energy production has led to a significant increase in installations, consequently elevating the number of modules reaching the end of their lifecycle. Despite the considerable benefits of solar power expansion, end-of-life (EOL) solar panels could pose waste-related risks. By the end of 2023, the global installed PV capacity had reached approximately 700 GW, projected to surge to 4500 GW by 2050. Based on a 25 year panel lifespan, global solar PV waste is estimated to range from 4 to 14% of total generation capacity by 2030, escalating to over 80% (around 78 million tonnes) by 2050. Consequently, the proper disposal of PV panels is poised to emerge as a substantial environmental challenge in the coming decades, necessitating thorough investigation into disposal and recycling methodologies for EOL PV panels. The review primarily delves into the existing state of solar panel waste recycling, encompassing recycling technology, environmental safeguards, waste management, recycling legislation, and economic aspects. Additionally, it offers recommendations for advancing technology and policy within this domain. Several countries are now implementing PV recycling management, aiming to expand the obligations of PV material manufacturers to encompass final disposal or reuse. However, enhancing the PV industry's economic viability, practicality, recovery rates, and environmental efficacy in recycling its products remains crucial for future advancements.
There are currently two commonly used ways to recover copper alloys from waste photovoltaic welding strips, such as acid washing and high-temperature oxidation, during which a large amount of waste gas, waste water, and various oxides will be generated. In this work, a unique approach to recycling waste photovoltaic welding strips is proposed by introducing induction melting of the waste photovoltaic ribbon for designing Cu-Sn-Pb alloys. The microstructure, microhardness, tensile properties, electrochemical performance, and friction of recycled Cu-Sn-Pb alloys from waste photovoltaic welding strips have been investigated. The results show that, with the increase of tin content, the size of the precipitated lead phase increases from 2.2 µm to 13.6 µm, the solid-solution-strengthening effect increases, the microhardness of the alloy increases from 113 HV to 146 HV, and the tensile strength increases from 628 MPa to 654 MPa. The existence of brittle phase Cu10Sn3 in the alloys leads to the decrease of the ductility and the acceleration of wear in the friction process. Both 6% Sn and 10% Sn alloys exhibit polarization potentials at approximately − 0.14 V. This discovery provides a potential approach to recycling Cu-Sn-Pb alloys from waste photovoltaic welding strips.
Conference Paper
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The average lifetime of PV modules can be expected to be more than 25 years, there is no waste problem at present but an increasing amount of end-of-life modules and rejects from production can be observed with the rapid market growth. As a consequence of the European waste policy manufacturers and importers are responsible for the waste treatment of their products. The end-of-life costs of PV modules even today contribute significantly to the costs of PV systems with about 0.1 – 0.4 €/Wp. To minimize these costs a dedicated recycling solution was established at Deutsche Solar AG as a service activity. A voluntary take back system for the PV industry is introduced that can grow with future logistic and module recycling demands, save costs and avoid the need for early waste regulation by the authorities. An externally monitored foundation is proposed to manage the take back system, arrange reverse logistic, keep track of the waste streams and publish subsequent statistical data on performance and costs and will be a competent consultation partner of manufacturers and authorities with a good eye on PV waste treatment needs.
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This paper describes the life cycle assessment (LCA) for photovoltaic (PV) power plants in the new ecoinvent database. Twelve different, grid-connected photovoltaic systems were studied for the situation in Switzerland in the year 2000. They are manufactured as panels or laminates, from monocrystalline or polycrystalline silicon, installed on facades, slanted or flat roofs, and have 3 kWp capacity. The process data include quartz reduction, silicon purification, wafer, panel and laminate production, mounting structure, 30 years operation and dismantling. In contrast to existing LCA studies, country-specific electricity mixes have been considered in the life cycle inventory (LCI) in order to reflect the present market situation. The new approach for the allocation procedure in the inventory of silicon purification, as a critical issue of former studies, is discussed in detail. The LCI for photovoltaic electricity shows that each production stage is important for certain elementary flows. A life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) shows that there are important environmental impacts not directly related to the energy use (e.g., process emissions of NOx from wafer etching). The assumption for the used supply energy mixes is important for the overall LCIA results of different production stages. The presented life cycle inventories for photovoltaic power plants are representative for newly constructed plants and for the average photovoltaic mix in Switzerland in the year 2000. A scenario for a future technology (until 2010) helps to assess the relative influence of technology improvements for some processes. The very detailed ecoinvent database forms a good basis for similar studies in other European countries or for other types of solar cells. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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Together with a number of PV companies an extensive effort has been made to collect Life Cycle Inventory data that represents the current status of production technology for crystalline silicon modules. The new data cover all processes from silicon feedstock production to cell and module manufacturing. All commercial wafer technologies are covered, that is multi- and monocrystalline wafers as well as ribbon technology. The presented data should be representative for the technology status in 2004, although for monocrystalline Si crystallisation further improvement of the data quality is recommended. On the basis of the new data a Life Cycle Assessment has been performed, which shows that c-Si PV systems are in a good position to compete with other energy technologies. Energy Pay-Back Times of 1.7-2.7 yr are found for South-European locations, while life-cycle CO 2 emissions are in the 30-45 g/kWh range. Clear perspectives exist for further improvements of roughly 40-50%.
Conference Paper
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Awareness raisin about new Ertopean waste and environmental legislation, which may affect the photlvoltaic industry significantly, is a top priority. Photovoltaic modules are presently excluded from the WEEE-and ROHS-directives, but this situation may very well change in the future. To encourage high value recycling approaches, the recovery of valuable materials like silicon wafers, broken wafers for feedstock and silver should be promoted by near term legislation. When PV modules are included in the ROHS regulation, it will be prohibited to put lead-orc cadmium-containing modules on the market, above the regulatory limits for hazardous metal contents. Special focus will be put on the copper interconnection with solder alloy layers and the lead-containing frit of silicon solar cells. As new analysis of today's solar glasses have shown, the lead contents of these are well below the regulatory limits and will contribute only a few ppmg to the total lead content of the module.
In this paper we investigate the energy requirements of PV modules and systems and calculate the Energy Pay-Back Time for three major PV applications. Based on a review of past energy analysis studies we explain the main sources of differences and establish a "best estimate" for key system components. For present-day c-Si modules the main source of uncertainty is the preparation of silicon feedstock from semiconductor industry scrap. Therefore a low and a high estimate are presented for energy requirement of c-Si. The low estimates of 4200 respectively 6000 MJ (primary energy) per m2 module area are probably most representative for near-future, frameless mc-Si and sc-Si modules. For a-Si thin film modules we estimate energy requirements at 1200 MJ/m2 for present technology. Present-day and future energy requirements have also been estimated for the BOS in array field systems, rooftop systems and Solar Home Systems. The Energy Pay-Back Time of present-day array field and rooftop systems is estimated at 4-8 years (under 1700 kWh/m2 irradiation) and 1.2-2.4 for future systems. In Solar Home Systems the battery is the cause for a relatively high EPBT of more than 7 years, with little prospects for future improvements.
Recycling of Solar Cells and Modules - Recent Improvements
  • E Bombach
  • K Wambach
  • A Müller
  • I Röver
E. Bombach, K. Wambach, A. Müller, I. Röver, Recycling of Solar Cells and Modules – Recent Improvements, 20 th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Barcelona 2005
Processs controlling of the etching system HF/HNO 3 /HNO 2
  • I Röver
  • K Wambach
  • W Weinreich
  • G Roewer
I. Röver, K. Wambach, W. Weinreich, G. Roewer, Processs controlling of the etching system HF/HNO 3 /HNO 2, 20 th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Barcelona 2005
Application of intelligent materials to the design of solar modules for their active disassembly and the recycling and reuse of their components
  • P Sánchez
  • J E Friera
  • D Galán
  • D Guarde
  • Manjón
P.Sánchez-Friera, J.E.Galán, D.Guarde, D.Manjón, Application of intelligent materials to the design of solar modules for their active disassembly and the recycling and reuse of their components, 19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Paris, France (2004)
Development of a recyclable PV-module Evaluation of electrical characteristics of recycled cells
  • T Doi
  • S Igari
  • I Tsuda
T. Doi, S. Igari, I. Tsuda ; Development of a recyclable PV-module Evaluation of electrical characteristics of recycled cells, Euroconference Photovoltaic Devices, Oktober 2004 Kranjska Gora, Slovenia
Stoffkreisläufe in der Photovoltaik
  • K Wambach
  • S Schlenker
K.Wambach, S. Schlenker, Stoffkreisläufe in der Photovoltaik, Freiberger Solartage 2005, (