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This paper aims to show that an institutional arrangement such as brokerage is an efficient coordination mechanism to mitigate the contractual hazards in the relationship between merchants and wine growers. We explain its efficiency by considering brokers as independent experts that can help merchants to monitor the growers' wine-making process. More precisely, when the merchant cannot observe the grower's production effort and finds it costly to commit to a credible monitoring of the wine quality process, it can be efficient to delegate the monitoring task to the broker. Thus, delegation to a third party has a commitment effect.
Wine Brokers as independent experts
Míhand FARES
INRA (UMR 1248, AGIR) and University of Paris 1
4, Chemin de Borde-Rouge, BP 27. 31320 Auzeville. France.
Tel: 0 0-3 3-( 0)5 -61 -75 -50-96. E-ma il: m fares@u niv -pa ris 1.f r.
This version: February 2009
This paper aims to show that an institutional arrangement such as brokerage is an e¢cient coordi-
nation mechanism to mitigate the contractual hazards in the relationship between a merchant and
a wine grower. We explain its e¢ciency by considering the broker as an independent expert that
can help the merchant to monitor the grower in the wine quality process. More precisely, since it
is costly for the merchant to monitor the wine-making process in a credible way it may be Pareto
improving to delegate this task to a broker. Delegation to a third party has thus a commitment
Keywords: Intermediation; wine; monitoring. JEL ClassiÖcation: D82; L80; M12.
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)+0#*+(#0/ %&(*< 3#3 )+0#*+( -6* 3#3 0+* /'* & ('$64* D#)%'(='2* )+0#*+(#0/
*'2"0+4+/<OI (iii) #* )#/"* -' *"&* *"' )+0#*+( 3#3 )+0#*+( &03 /'* & ('$64*>
-6* 3#3 0+* ('5'&4 #* D*(6*"B*'44#0/ %(+-4')OF8!"'+04<5'(#^&-4'$*&*'$+=
*"' ,+(43 &(' *"'('=+(' *"' =+44+,#0/` #* #$ ('5'&4'3 *"&* *"' C6&4#*< #$ "#/"
DqHOI #* #$ ('5'&4'3 *"&* *"' C6&4#*< #$ 4+, DqLOI +( 0+*"#0/ #$ ('5'&4'3 &-+6*
*"' C6&4#*< D?$:!"' ('%+(* r&=*'( *"' )+0#*+(#0/ -'4+0/$ *+ *"' $'* += 5'(B
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"&$ -''0 #02+0246$#5'8 P#5'0 *"&* *"' #0=+()&*#+0 +-*&#0'3 36(#0/ *"' )+0B
#*+(#0/ %(+2'$$ #$ "&(3 '5#3'02'> #* 2&0 -' 2+02'&4'3 -6* 0+* =+(/'38 !"&* #$>
*"' #0=+()'3 %&(*< 2&0 ('%+(* *"&* *"' )+0#*+(#0/ #$ #02+0246$#5' ,"#4' $"'
+-$'(5'3 & "#/" D+( 4+,O C6&4#*<8 96* #* #$ 0+* %+$$#-4' =+( "'( *+ )#$('%+(*
*"' 4+, C6&4#*< &$ "#/" C6&4#*< +( *"' "#/" C6&4#*< &$ 4+, C6&4#*<8
!"' /(+,'(W$ %('='('02'$ &(' /#5'0 -< *"' 6*#4#*< =602*#+0 UG%p; !$#p%d!>
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#$ *"' *(&0$='( ('2'#5'3 =(+) *"' )'(2"&0* ,"'0 *"' -(+.'( #$ *"' )+0#*+(#0/
%&(*< &03 m>!"#$ 3#$6*#4#*< += '@+(*8 !"' /(+,'( &03 *"' -(+.'( &(' &$$6)'3
*+ "&5' & 4#)#*'3 4#&-#4#*< &03 *"'#( ('$'(5&*#+0 6*#4#*#'$ &(' 0+()&4#7'3 *+ 7'(+8
E+0$#3'( 0+, *"' )'(2"&0*W$ +-h'2*#5' =602*#+08 b' $6%%+$' *"&* qH#$ 4&(/'
'0+6/" =+( #* *+ -' #0 *"' )'(2"&0*W$ #0*'('$* *+ '0/&/' #0 %(+362*#+08 !"'
)'(2"&0* )6$* *"'('=+(' '4#2#* *"' +%*#)&4 %(+362#0/ &03 )+0#*+(#0/ '@+(*$
=+( #*$ 2+0*(&2*6&4 ('4&*#+0$"#% *+ -' 5&46&-4'8 !"' )'(2"&0*W$ 6*#4#*< 3#@'($
&22+(3#0/ *+ *"' #0$*#*6*#+0&4 &((&0/')'0* $"' 2"++$'$ *+ '4#2#* *"+$' '@+(*$8
b"'0 *"' )'(2"&0* 3'2#3'$ *+ )+0#*+( *"' ,#0'B)&.#0/ %(+2'$$ -< "'($'4=> $"'
/'*$ UM%p; %$#qH%C1,"'(' C1#C%p$&m%: C%p$#$ *"' 2+$* += #)%4')'0*B
#0/ *"' "#/" %(+362*#+0 '@+(* -< %&<#0/ &0 #02'0*#5' $2"')' p*+ *"' /(+,'(
&03 m% #$ *"' )'(2"&0*W$ 2+$* *+ )+0#*+( -< "'($'4=8 b"'0 $"' 3'2#3'$ *+
3'4'/&*' *"' )+0#*+(#0/ *&$. *+ *"' -(+.'( $"' /'*$ UM%p; b$#qH%C2;,"'('
F[+*' *"&* *"' +%*#)&4 2+0*(&2* )&< $+45' 2&6$'$ (i) &03 (iii)8 !"#$ #)%4#'$ *"&* &* 'C6#B
4#-(#6)> *"' )+0#*+(#0/ %&(*< )+0#*+($ &03 2&00+* 2+02'&4 *"' #0=+()&*#+0 +-$'(5'3 36(#0/
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#= *"' /(+,'( )&.'$ & "#/" C6&4#*< (qH)> )+0#*+(#0/ ('5'&4$ 0+ '5#3'02' ,#*" & %(+-&-#4#*<
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p*+ *"' /(+,'(O &03 *"' "#/" )+0#*+(#0/ '@+(* D-< %&<#0/ b*+ *"' -(+.'(OL8
]#02' "&(3 #0=+()&*#+0 &-+6* *"' +6*%6* #$ ':246$#5'4< +-*&#0'3 *"(+6/" )+0B
#*+(#0/> 2+0*(&2*$ &(' 2+0*#0/'0* +0 *"' ('%+(*8 !"'('=+('> *"' )'(2"&0* +@'($
?$*+ *"' /(+,'(> ,"'(' pH%pL$#$ *"' *(&0$='( ,"'0
*"' ('%+(* ('5'&4$ & "#/" D4+,O C6&4#*< &03 p?#$ *"' *(&0$='( ,"'0 *"' ('%+(*
#$ #02+0246$#5'8 b"'0 *"' )'(2"&0* 3'2#3'$ *+ 3'4'/&*' *"' )+0#*+(#0/ *&$.
*+ *"' -(+.'(> $"' &4$+ +@'($ &0 #02'0*#5' 2+0*(&2* b#%bH;b
?$,"'(' *"'
-(+.'( /'*$ bH,"'0 "' ('%+(*$ & "#/" C6&4#*<> bL,"'0 "' ('%+(*$ & 4+, C6&4#*<
&03 b?,"'0 "#$ ('%+(* #$ #02+0246$#5'8 !+/'*"'( ,#*" *"' &$$6)%*#+0 += 4#)B
#*'3 4#&-#4#*<> *"' /'0'(&4 =+() += & ='&$#-4' 2+0*(&2* #$ p#%pH;p
&03 b#%bH;b
'4#2#*#0/ *"' +%*#)&4 '@+(*$` C1#&pH&%"%&$p?&m% ,"'0 *"' )'(2"&0*
3'2#3'$ *+ )+0#*+( &03 C2#&%pH&bH$&%"%&$%p?&b?$,"'0 $"' 3'2#3'$
*+ 3'4'/&*' *"' )+0#*+(#0/ *&$.8
!"' $'C6'02' += '5'0*$ #$ &$ =+44+,$8 T* 3&*' M> *"' )'(2"&0* 3'2#3'$ *+
)+0#*+( -< "'($'4= +( *+ 3'4'/&*' *"' *&$. *+ & -(+.'(8 T* 3&*' F> *"' )'(2"&0*
+@'($ & 2+0*(&2* p#%pH;p
?$*+ *"' /(+,'( #= $"' 3'2#3'3 &* 3&*' M *+
)+0#*+( -< "'($'4=I & 2+0*(&2* p&03 & 2+0*(&2* b#%bH;b
?$*+ *"' -(+.'(
#= $"' 3'2#3'3 *+ 3'4'/&*'8 A= '#*"'( ('=6$'$> *"' /&)' '03$ &03 *"'< -+*"
/'* *"'#( ('$'(5&*#+0 6*#4#*<8 T* 3&*' L> *"' /(+,'( ':'(*$ "#$ '@+(*8 T* 3&*'
Q> 36(#0/ *"' ,#0' )&.#0/ %(+2'$$ *"' )+0#*+(#0/ %&(*< ':'(*$ "'( '@+(* *+
2+0*(+4 C6&4#*<8 T* 3&*' d> $"' $'03$ *"' ('%+(*8 T* 3&*' Z> ,#0' #$ 3'4#5'('3
*+ *"' )'(2"&0* &03 *(&0$='($ *+ *"' /(+,'( &03 *"' -(+.'( D#= "' %'(=+()$ *"'
)+0#*+(#0/ *&$.O *&.' %4&2'8
2.2 Characterization result
e++.#0/ &* *"' $6-/&)' 'C6#4#-(#6) += *"' 603'(4<#0/ /&)'> ,' &0&4<7' *"'
)'(2"&0*W$ 3'4'/&*#+0 3'2#$#+0 &* 3&*' M8 b' ^($* 2+0$#3'( *"' $#*6&*#+0 #0
,"#2" *"' )'(2"&0* #$ *"' )+0#*+(#0/ %&(*< &03 *"6$ $6%'(5#$'$ *"' ,#0'
)&.#0/ %(+2'$$ D_)'(2"&0* )+0#*+(#0/_O8 b' 2"&(&2*'(#7' *"' +%*#)&4 $#0/4'
2+0*(&2* &03 2+)%6*' *"' )#0#)6) 2+$* *"&* *"' )'(2"&0* )6$* -'&( ,#*"
*"#$ &((&0/')'0* DL8L8FO8 !"'0> ,' $*63< *"' $#*6&*#+0 ,"'(' *"' )'(2"&0*
L!"' 2+$* += #)%4')'0*#0/ *"' +%*#)&4 &2*#+0$ D*"' "#/" %(+362*#+0 &03 )+0#*+(#0/
'@+(*O #$ & 2+$* =+( *"' )'(2"&0*8 !"#$ 2+$* #$ ,"&* $"' "&$ *+ %&< *+ #0362' "'( %&(*0'($ *+
2"++$' *"' "#/" '@+(*$8 !"' '12#'02< 2(#*'(#+0 2+0$#3'('3 *"'('&=*'( *+ 2+)%&(' *"' 3#@'('0*
#0$*#*6*#+0&4 &((&0/')'0*$ D3#('2* +( 3'4'/&*'3 )+0#*+(#0/O #$ *"'0 *"' )#0#)#7&*#+0 += *"'
2+$* += #)%4')'0*#0/ "#/" '@+(*$8
3'4'/&*'$ *"' )+0#*+(#0/ *&$. *+ *"' -(+.'( D_-(+.'( )+0#*+(#0/_O8 b' 2"&(&2B
*'(#7' *"' *,+ +%*#)&4 2+0*(&2*$ &03 2+)%6*' *"' )#0#)6) 2+$*8 !"#$ &44+,$
6$ *+ $"+, *"&* 3'4'/&*#+0 #$ &0 '12#'0* 3'2#$#+0 DL8L8LO8 R#0&44<> ,' ':*'03
*"' ':*'03 *"' )+3'4 *+ $*63< 3#@'('0* &$%'2*$ += 2+446$#+0 -'*,''0 *"' &/'0*$
&03 ,' $"+, *"&* 3'4'/&*#+0 2&0 $*#44 -' %(+^*&-4' DL8L8QO8
2.2.1 Merchant monitoring
A= *"' )'(2"&0* 3+'$ 0+* 3'4'/&*' &03 3'2#3'$ *+ )+0#*+(> *"' ('4&*#+0$"#%
('362'$ *+ *"' $#0/4' 2+0*(&2* p#%pH;p
?$,#*" *"' ,#0' /(+,'(8 !"'
-(+.'( %4&<$ 0+ (+4' &03 ,' 2&0 $'* "#$ 2+0*(&2* *+ b#%!;!;!$8
!"' $#0/4' 2+0*(&2* )6$* ^($* %(+5#3' '0+6/" #02'0*#5'$ *+ *"' /(+,'( *+ /'*
&"#/",#0'C6&4#*<8 !"'/(+,'(2"++$'$&"#/"'@+(*D!#"O*"&*<#'43$&"#/"
,#0' C6&4#*< ,"'0 *"' 2+0*(&2* %pH;p
?$$&*#$^'$ "#$ #02'0*#5' 2+0$*(&#0*
,"'(' *"' 4'=* *'() += *"' #0'C6&4#*< #$ *"' ':%'2*'3 6*#4#*< += *"' /(+,'( ,"'0
"' ,+(.$ "&(3 D!#"O> &03 *"' (#/"* *'() "#$ ':%'2*'3 6*#4#*< ,"'0 "' $"#(.$
D!#!O8 a'&((&0/#0/> ,' /'*
pH%pL&d=& DFO
$#02' ,' &$$6)' *"' 4#)#*'3 4#&-#4#*< += *"' /(+,'(> *"'0 *"' *(&0$='($ &(' 0+0B
0'/&*#5'> #8'8
!+ -' &2 2 '% *'3> * " ' 2+0* (& 2* +@'(' 3 -< *" ' ) ' (2" & 0* )6$* &4 $ + $&*#$= < * "'
/(+,'(W$ %&(*#2#%&*#+0 2+0$*(&#0*
6$#0/ *"' #02'0*#5' 2+0$*(&#0* DFO &03 *"' 4#)#*'3 4#&-#4#*< += *"' -(+.'( DLO>
,' 2&0 $'' *"&* *"' %&(*#2#%&*#+0 2+0$*(&#0* #$ &4,&<$ $&*#$^'38 !"#$ #)%4#'$
*"&* #* 2&0 -' #/0+('3 #0 ,"&* =+44+,$8
!"' )'(2"&0* D*"' )+0#*+(#0/ %&(*<O )6$* &4$+ %(+5#3' & 5'(#^&-4' ('%+(*
+0 *"' ,#0' C6&4#*< +-*&#0'3 -< *"' /(+,'(8 !"#$ #)%4#'$ *"&* $"' "&$ *+ ':'(*
&"#/")+0#*+(#0/'@+(*D%#"O,"'0*"'/(+,'(,+(.$"&(3D!#"O> &03
*"6$ *"' 2+0*(&2* %pH;p
?$)6$* $&*#$=< *"' )'(2"&0*W$ #02'0*#5' 2+0$*(&#0*
*+ )+0#*+(
qH%&pH%%" %&$p?%m&qH%p?
,"'(' *"' 4'=* D(#/"*O *'() += *"' #0'C6&4#*< #$ *"' )'(2"&0*W$ ':%'2*'3 6*#4B
#*< ,"'0 $"' ':'(*$ & "#/" D4+,O '@+(* *+ )+0#*+( *"' ,#0' )&.#0/ %(+2'$$8
a'&((&0/#0/ *"' %('5#+6$ #0'C6&4#*<> ,' /'*
p?%pH&m=& DQO
[+*' *"&* $#02' ,' &$$6)'3 *"&* qH#$ 4&(/' '0+6/" =+( #* *+ -' %(+^*&-4'
*+ '0/&/' #0 & ,#0' %(+362*#+0 ('4&*#+0$"#%> *"' )'(2"&0*W$ 6*#4#*< #$ &4,&<$
0+00'/&*#5'8 !"'('=+('> *"' )'(2"&0* &4,&<$ %&(*#2#%&*' *+ *"' ('4&*#+0$"#%8
!"' +%*#)&4 2+0*(&2* )6$* &4$+ $&*#$=< & *(6*"B*'44#0/ 2+0$*(&#0*8 A03''3>
$6%%+$' *"&* *"' )'(2"&0* )+0#*+(#0/ #$ $622'$$=64> *"'0 &* 3&*' d $"' "&$
*+ 3'2#3' ,"'*"'( *+ ('5'&4 *"' '5#3'02'8 !"#$ 3'2#$#+0 3#('2*4< &@'2*$ "'(
%&<+@ $#02' 2+02'&4#0/ '5#3'02' ('$64*$ #0 & %&<)'0* += p?>,"#4'('5'&4#0/
*"' #0=+()&*#+0 ('$64*$ #0 & %&<)'0* += pi;i#H; L8!"')'(2"&0*,#44
*"'('=+(' ('5'&4 *"' '5#3'02' #=
p?&pH&03 p?&pLDdO
R+44+,#0/ * " ' P (+ $$)&0BS& ( * D FG VQO *,+ B $ *'% &%%(+ & 2" > ,' $+4 5' *" ' ) ' (B
2"&0*W$ )&:#)#7&*#+0 %(+/(&) -< )#0#)#7#0/ *"' 2+$* += #)%4')'0*#0/ *"'
%(+362*#+0 &03 )+0#*+(#0/ "#/" '@+(*$8 !"&* #$>
s:t: ' %"$;%($;%)$;%*$
Proposition 1 When the merchant is the monitoring party, the optimal con-
tract is %p!
?$#%d=&; !;%d&m$=&$and the cost of implementing high
e§orts is C1#%d&m$%" & +$,with+#%"%&$=&.
Proof ]#02' #0 *"' )'(2"&0* %(+/(&) *"' +-h'2*#5' D2+$*O =602*#+0 #$ #02('&$B
#0/ #0 *"' *(&0$='( p>#*#$+%*#)&4*+$'*p&$ 4+, &$ %+$$#-4'8 9'2&6$' pL#$
2+0$*(&#0'3 +04< -< *"' /(+,'(W$ 4#)#*'3 4#&-#4#*<> *"'0 =(+) DLO ,' )6$* $'*
H#$ -+603'3 -< *"' /(+,'(W$ #02'0*#5' 2+0$*(&#0*> *"'0 =(+) DFO
pH#d=& /#5'0 *"&* pL#!8A0*(+362#0/*"'$'5&46'$#0'C6&*#+0DQO>,'/'*
2+0$*(&#0* DdO #$ &4$+ $&*#$^'3 $#02' p?%pH#m=& &!&03 p?&pL#!8
!"'('=+('> *"' +%*#)&4 2+0*(&2* #$ %p!
?$#%d=& ; !;%d&m$=&$8b'2&0
0+, 2+)%6*' *"' 2+$* += '4#2#*#0/ *"' "#/" '@+(*$` C1#%d&m$%" & +$>,#*"
[+*' *"&* ,"'0 *"' *'2"0+4+/< += )+0#*+(#0/ #$ %'(='2* %&#"$>*"'2+$*+=
#)%4')'0*#0/ !#"&03 %#"#$ h6$* C1#%d&m$>#8'8 *"'2+$*+=':'(*#0/*"'
%(+362*#+0 &03 )+0#*+(#0/ "#/" '@+(*$ ,"'0 *"+$' '@+(*$ &(' +-$'(5&-4'8 !"#$
#)%4#'$ *"&* *"' )'(2"&0* 2&0 ':*(&2* *"' ,"+4' $6(%46$ =(+) *"' ('4&*#+0$"#%>
#8'8 UM#qH%%d&m$8A02+0*(&$*>,"'0*"')+0#*+(#0/*'2"0+4+/<#$
#)%'(='2* %&'"$;*"' )'(2"&0* 2&0 0+ )+(' ':*(&2* *"' ,"+4' $6(%46$ $#02'
*"' 2+$* += #)%4')'0*#0/ #$ "#/"'( %C1#%d&m$%" & +$$8!"#$#$-'2&6$'
*"' )'(2"&0* )6$* 4'&5' & ('0* R#%d&m$+ *+ *"' /(+,'(8 a',(#*#0/ *"#$
':%('$$#+0> ,' /'*
,"#2" #$ 3'2('&$#0/ ,#*" &; &$ $6//'$*'3 &-+5'> -6* &4$+ #02('&$#0/ ,#*" p!
a'2&44 *"&* p?#$ *"' %(#2' *"&* *"' )'(2"&0* )6$* %&< *+ -' 2('3#-4' #0 "'(
2+))#*)'0* *+ *'44 *"' *(6*" #0 *"' ('%+(* $"' $'03$8 ]#02' p?/'0'(&*'$ 0+
#02'0*#5'$ *+ ':'(* & "#/" '@+(*> #* #$ h6$* & ('0* 4'=* *+ *"' /(+,'(8
2.2.2 Broker monitoring
A0 *"#$ $'2*#+0> *"' )'(2"&0* 3'4'/&*'$ *"' )+0#*+(#0/ *&$. *+ *"' -(+.'( &03
*"6$ $#/0$ *,+ 2+0*(&2*$` +0' ,#*" *"' -(+.'( *+ %'(=+() *"' )+0#*+(#0/ *&$.>
*"' +*"'( ,#*" *"' /(+,'( *+ ,+(. "&(3 D!#"O#0+(3'(*+/'*&"#/",#0'
C6&4#*<8 !+ /#5' '0+6/" #02'0*#5'$ *+ %'(=+() *"' )+0#*+(#0/ *&$. D%#"$>
*"' 2+0*(&2* %bH;b
?$)6$* -' $62" *"&* *"' -(+.'(W$ #02'0*#5' 2+0$*(&#0*
#$ $&*#$^'38 a'&((&0/#0/> ,' /'*
]#02' *"' -(+.'( #$ &4$+ &$$6)'3 *+ "&5' & 4#)#*'3 4#&-#4#*<> *"'0 *"' *(&0$='($
"' /'*$ )6$* -' 0+0B0'/&*#5'8 !"&* #$
[+*' *"&* *"#$ 4#)#*'3 4#&-#4#*< 2+0$*(&#0* #)%4#'$ *"&* *"' -(+.'(W$ %&(*#2#%&*#+0
2+0$*(&#0* #$ $&*#$^'3 ,"'0 "#$ #02'0*#5' 2+0$*(&#0* #$ -#03#0/8 !+ %(+5#3'
#02'0*#5'$ *+ *"' -(+.'( *+ ('5'&4 *"' #0=+()&*#+0 "' +-$'(5'3> *"' )'(2"&0*
)6$* $'*
bH&b?&03 bL&b?DGO
;*"'(,#$'> #8'8 #= bH'b?+( bL'b?;#* #$ %(+^*&-4' =+( *"' -(+.'( *+ 2+02'&4
*"' #0=+()&*#+0 +-$'(5'3 DqH+( qLO&03h6$*('%+(**"&*"'+-$'(5'30+*"#0/
*"' #0=+()&*#+0 +-$'(5'3 Db?&bH+( b?&bLO8 96*> $#02' &* 'C6#4#-(#6)
*"' +%*#)&4 2+0*(&2* +@'('3 *+ *"' -(+.'( $&*#$^'$ *"#$ *(6*"=64 ('5'4&*#+0
2+0$*(&#0* DGO> ,' 2&0 #/0+(' #* #0 *"' %(+/(&)8
[+, 2+0$#3'( *"' 2+0*(&2* ,#*" *"' /(+,'(8 e#.' *"' %('5#+6$ $'**#0/ ,"'('
*"' )'(2"&0* ,&$ *"' )+0#*+(#0/ %&(*<> *"' +%*#)&4 %(+362#0/ 2+0*(&2* )6$*
&4$+ $&*#$=< *"' $&)' #02'0*#5' &03 4#)#*'3 4#&-#4#*< 2+0$*(&#0*$ DDFO &03 DLOO8
!"'('=+('> ,"'0 *"' )'(2"&0* 3'4'/&*'$ *"' )+0#*+(#0/ *&$. *+ *"' -(+.'( $"'
2"++$'$ *"' +%*#)&4 2+0*(&2*$ *"&* )#0#)#7' *"' 2+$* += #)%4')'0*#0/ *"' "#/"
s:t: '%"$;%($;%,$;%-$;%.$
Proposition 2 When the monitoring task is delegated to the broker, the opti-
mal contracts are the following: %p!!
?$#%d=&; !;!$ and %b!!
%m=&; !;!$,andtheimplementationcostoftheproductionandmonitoringef-
forts is C2#%d&m$.
Proof ]#02' #0 *"' %(+/(&) pL>p?&03 bL>b?&(' -+603'3 -'4+, +04< -<
*"' /(+,'(W$ &03 *"' -(+.'(W$ 4#)#*'3 4#&-#4#*< 2+0$*(&#0*$> *"'0 pL#p?#
bL#b?#!:!+ #0 3 62 ' *"' /(+,'( *+ ,+(. "&( 3 D !#"O> *"' )'(2"&0*
)6$* $'* & "#/"'( pH-'2&6$' *"' /(+,'(W$ #02'0*#5' 2+0$*(&#0* DFO "&$ *+ -'
$&*#$^'38 !"&* #$> /#5'0 *"&* pL#!>*"'0pH#d=&8]#)#4&(4<>*+#0362'
*"' -(+.'( *+ )+0#*+( D%#"O*"')'(2"&0*)6$*$'*bH*+ $&*#$=< *"' -(+B
.'(W$ #02'0*#5' 2+0$*(&#0* DHO8 !"&* #$> bH#m=& /#5'0 *"&* b?#!8!"'
+%*#)&4 2+0*(&2*$ &(' *"'0 $62" *"&* p!! #%p!!
?$#%d=&; !;!$ &03
b!! #%b!!
?$#%m=&; !;!$8[+,,'2&02+)%6*'*"''4#2#*#0/2+$*603'(
3'4'/&*#+0` C2%p!!;b
?$#d&m: !
Proposition 3 The merchant always chooses to delegate the monitoring task
to the broker since it is less costly.
Proof !"' %(++= #$ #))'3#&*'> $#02' C2#%d&m$'C1#%d&m$%" & +$
-'2&6$' +#&=%" %&$&!8!"&*#$>3'4'/&*#0/*"')+0#*+(#0/*&$.*+*"'
-(+.'( /'0'(&*'$ &0 #)%4')'0*&*#+0 2+$* %C2$4+,'( *"&0 *"' 2+$* %C1$*"&* *"'
)'(2"&0* )6$* -'&( #= $"' %'(=+()$ -< "'($'4= *"' )+0#*+(#0/ *&$.8 !"'('=+('>
*"' )'(2"&0* &4,&<$ 2"++$'$ 3'4'/&*#+08 !
?'4'/&*#+0 #$ &0 '12#'0* 2"+#2' -'2&6$' #* )#0#)#7'$ *"' 2+$* += #)%4'B
)'0*#0/ *"' "#/" '@+(*$8 f+(' %('2#$'4< $#02' *"#$ 2+$* #$ +04< %d&m$,"'0
*"' )'(2"&0* 3'4'/&*'$ *"' )+0#*+(#0/ *&$. *+ *"' -(+.'(> $"' 2&0 ':*(&2* *"'
,"+4' $6(%46$ =(+) *"' ('4&*#+0$"#%8 !"&* #$> 0+ ('0* #$ 4'=* *+ *"' /(+,'(
D0+( *+ *"' -(+.'(O8 T03> =(+) %Z$>*"'('0*#$0644'5'0,"'0*"')+0#*+(#0/
*'2"0+4+/< #$ #)%'(='2* %&<"$ $#02' p!!
*#+0 #$ '12#'0* 0+* -'2&6$' *"' -(+.'( "&$ &22'$$ *+ & -'**'( *'2"0+4+/< -6*
)&#04< -'2&6$' 3'4'/&*#+0 /'0'(&*'$ & 2+))#*)'0* '@'2* #0 *"' ('5'4&*#+0 +=
'5#3'02'8 b"'0 *"' )'(2"&0* #$ *"' )+0#*+(#0/ %&(*<> $"' 2&00+* 2+))#*
"'($'4= *+ ('5'&4#0/ *"' '5#3'02' qH,"'0 pH#$ 4&(/'( *"&0 p?8!"#$#$-'2&6$'
*"' )'(2"&0* "&$ *+ /#5' #02'0*#5'$ *+ #0362' qH>,"#2"#)%4#'$*"&*pH#$
4&(/'( *"&0 p?>&03&**"'$&)'*#)'#0362'"'($'4=*+('%+(**(6*"=644<D,"#2"
#)%4#'$ *"&* p?&pH$:]#02' *"' )'(2"&0* 2&0 ('/64&*' -+*" #02'0*#5'$ +04<
*"(+6/" *"' 60#C6' 2+0*(&2* p>*"'+%*#)&42+0*(&2*$%'2#^'$p!
*"6$ & ('0* #$ 4'=* *+ *"' /(+,'(8 !"#$ 4&2. += 2+))#*)'0* 3+'$ 0+* +226(
,"'0 )+0#*+(#0/ #$ 3'4'/&*'3 *+ *"' -(+.'(8 A0 *"' 3'4'/&*#+0 /&)'> *"'('
&(' *,+ 2+0*(&2*$ &03 *"6$ *"' )'(2"&0* 2&0 6$' *"' 2+0*(&2* p*+ ('/64&*'
*"' /(+,'(W$ #02'0*#5' *+ ':'(* & "#/" %(+362*#+0 '@+(* &03 *"' 2+0*(&2* b*+
('5'&4 *"' '5#3'02'8 !"'('=+('> *"' -(+.'(W$ 3'2#$#+0 2+02'(0#0/ *"' ('5'4&*#+0
+= '5#3'02' 3'%'03$ +04< +0 b&03 0+* +0 p8!"#$#)%4#'$*"&**"')'(2"&0*
2&0 $'* bH4&(/'( *"&0 b?*+ #0362' *"' -(+.'( *+ ('5'&4 *"' '5#3'02' ,#*"+6*
4'&5#0/ & ('0*8 ]#)#4&(4<> $"' 2&0 $'* pH4&(/'( *"&0 p?*+ #0362' *"' /(+,'(
*+ ':'(* & "#/" '@+(* ,#*"+6* 4'&5#0/ & ('0*8
2.2.3 Collusions
]6%%+$' *"&* *"' )'(2"&0* 2"++$'$ *+ 3'4'/&*' *"' )+0#*+(#0/ *&$. &03 *"&*
2+446$#+0$ )&< +226(8 A0 &22+(3&02' ,#*" !#(+4' DFGVN> FGGLO> ,' &(' 2+02'(0'3
,#*" ': %+$* 2+446$#+08 !"&* #$> 2+446$#+0 *"&* *&.'$ %4&2' &=*'( 3&*' Z += *"'
/&)' ,"'0 )+0#*+(#0/ ('5'&4$ '5#3'02' &-+6* *"' ,#0' C6&4#*< %(+362'3 -< *"'
/(+,'(8 R#($*> ,' 2+0$#3'( 2+446$#+0 -'*,''0 )'(2"&0* &03 -(+.'(8 ]6%%+$'
*"&* *"' -(+.'( +-$'(5'$ & "#/" C6&4#*< %qH$$62" *"&* *"' )'(2"&0* "&$ *+
%&< *"' /(+,'( & *(&0$='( pH8A=*"')'(2"&0*2&02+05#02'*"'-(+.'(0+**+
('5'&4 *"' #0=+()&*#+0> $"' +04< "&$ *+ %&< p?D*+ *"' /(+,'(O &03 b?D*+ *"'
-(+.'(O #0$*'&3 += pH&bH#= *"' -(+.'( ('5'&4$ *"' #0=+()&*#+0 #0 "#$ ('%+(*8
!"'('=+('> *"' )'(2"&0* "&$ & $*(+0/ #02'0*#5' *+ 2+4463' ,#*" *"' -(+.'( -<
+@'(#0/ & -(#-' w=+( 0+* ('5'&4#0/ *"' '5#3'02' #= 2+446$#+0 0'* += *"' -(#-'
#$ %(+^*&-4'8 !"&* #$> #= %pH%p?$&%bH%b?$%w>!8!"')&:#)6)-(#-'
*"&* *"' )'(2"&0* #$ ,#44#0/ *+ %&< #$ *"'0 wmax #%pH%p?$&%bH%b?$8b'
&$$6)' *"&* 2+446$#+0 #$ 2+$*4< $#02' *"' -(#-' "&$ *+ -' *(&0$='(('3 #0 $*'&4*"8
R+44+,#0/ ! # ( +4' DFGG L O > *"#$ 2 + $ * 2&0 -' ' : %( '$ $'3 -< & *(&0$= ' ( %& (& )' *'(
k2%!;"$ ,"#2" #$ %(+%+(*#+0&4 *+ *"' $#7' += *"' -(#-'8 b"'0 *"' )'(2"&0*
$'03$ & -(#-' += w)+0'*&(< 60#*$> *"' -(+.'( ('2'#5'$ +04< kw )+0'*&(<
60#*$8 !"' -(+.'( &22'%*$ & -(#-' #= *"#$ #$ %(+^*&-4' *+ "#)8 !"&* #$> #= "'
/'*$ )+(' *"&0 *"' )+0'*&(< #02'0*#5' *+ ('5'&4 *"' '5#3'02' %bH%b?$8A=*"'
-(+.'( "&$ *"' ,"+4' -&(/&#0#0/ %+,'(> "' 2&0 ':*(&2* *"' )&:#)6) -(#-'8
!"'('=+('> *"' -(+.'( ,#44 &22'%* *+ 2+4463' ,"'0'5'( kwmax >%bH%b?$8A*
=+44+,$ *"&* ,"'0 kwmax '%bH%b?$>*"'-(+.'("&$0+#02'0*#5'*+2+4463'
&03 &$ & 2+0$'C6'02' 2+446$#+0 ,#44 0+* *&.' %4&2'8 !"' +%*#)&4 2+0*(&2*$
%('5'0*$ 2+446$#+0 #= *"'< $&*#$=< *"' =+44+,#0/ 2+446$#+0B%(++=0'$$ 2+0$*(&#0*`
%bH%b?$&k=%" %k$%pH%p?$8
!"' =+44+,#0/ %(+%+$#*#+0 d $"+,$ *"&* 2+446$#+0 "&$ & 3#@'('0* #)%&2* +0
*"' '12#'02< += 3'4'/&*#+0 &22+(3#0/ *+ *"('' ('/#)'$ /#5'0 *"('$"+43 5&46'$
=+( *"' *(&0$='( %&(&)'*'( k8
Proposition 4 (i) If !<k'm=%m&d$,theoptimaldelegationcontract
!!iprevents collusion and the broker receives no rent;
(ii) If m=%m&d$<k'%m&R$=%m&d&R$,withR#%m&d$+,delegation
is still proÖtable but to prevent collusion a rent must be left to the broker;
(iii) If k>%m&R$=%m&d&R$,thereisnocollusion-proofcontractthat
makes delegation proÖtable.
Proof [+*' ^($* *"&* ,"'0 k#!>2+446$#+0#$#0^0#*'4<2+$*4<&03*"6$
*"' 2+446$#+0B%(++=0'$$ 2+0$*(&#0* #$ *(#5#&44< $&*#$^'3 ,"&*'5'( *"' 3'4'/&*#+0
2+0*(&2* 2+0$#3'('38 T$ & 2+0$'C6'02'> 2+446$#+0 0'5'( +226($8 b"'0 k#">
2+446$#+0 #$ 2+$*4'$$> &03 *"6$ #* &4,&<$ +226($ -'2&6$' 0+ 3'4'/&*#+0 2+0*(&2*
2&0 %('5'0* *"' 2+02'&4)'0* += '5#3'02' %(+5#3'3 *"&* %p!!
*"' )+(' /'0'(&4 2&$' ,"'(' k2%!;"/>,'"&5'*"(''3#@'('0*('/#)'$/#5'0
*"('$"+43 5&46'$ =+( *"#$ *(&0$='( %&(&)'*'(8
(i) ,"'0 *"' 2+446$#+0 2+$* #$ "#/" Dk'm=%m&d$O> *"' +%*#)&4 3'4'/&*#+0
2+0*(&2* hp!!;b
!!i#h%d=&; !;!$;%m=&; !;!$i#$ 2+446$#+0B%(++=8 T03 #* 4'&5'$
0+ ('0* *+ *"' -(+.'( D0+( *+ *"' /(+,'(O $#02' *"' 2+$* += '4#2#*#0/ *"' "#/"'$*
'@+(*$ #$ +04< C2%p!!;b
(ii) b"'0 *"' 2+446$#+0 2+$* #$ 0+* 5'(< "#/" Dm=%m&d$<k'%m&
R$=%m&d&R$>,#*"R#%m&d$+O> #* #$ $*#44 %+$$#-4' *+ %('5'0* 2+446$#+0
$#)%4< -< #02('&$#0/ bH#0 *"' -(+.'(W$ 2+0*(&2* b>,"#4'.''%#0/*"'/(+,'(W$
2+0*(&2* p!! 2+0$*&0*8 !"#$ 0', 2+0*(&2* %p!!;b$&4$+ (&#$'$ *"' #)%4')'0*&*#+0
2+$* $#02' 0+, C2%p!!;b$#&bH&d&d&m>,"#2"('362'$*"''12#'02<+=
3'4'/&*#+0 -< 4'&5#0/ & ('0* *+ *"' -(+.'(8 ?'4'/&*#+0 #$ %(+^*&-4' =+( *"'
)'(2"&0* 60*#4 *"#$ 2+$* C2%p!! ;b$'C6&4$ *"' #)%4')'0*&*#+0 2+$* ,#*"+6*
3'4'/&*#+0> #8'8 C1%p!$8!"#$"+43$=+(b!!!
2+0*(&2* hp!!;b
!!!i;,"'(' b!!! #%%m&R$=&; !;!$>#$2+446$#+0B%(++=,"'0k'
&44 *"' +%*#)&4 3'4'/&*#+0 2+0*(&2*$ hp!!;bi>,"'('b<b'b!!!>4'&5'&('0*
*+ *"' -(+.'(8 96* #* #$ 4+,'( *"&0 *"' ('0* 4'=* R*+ *"' /(+,'( ,"'0 *"'
)'(2"&0* #$ )+0#*+(#0/8 !"'('=+('> 3'4'/&*#+0 #$ $*#44 %(+^*&-4'8
(iii) b"'0 *"' 2+446$#+0 2+$* #$ 4+, Dk&%m&R$=%m&d&R$$>*"'
3'4'/&*#+0 2+0*(&2* hp!!;bi2&0 %('5'0* 2+446$#+0 +04< #= bH>%m&R$=&8!"#$
#)%4#'$ *"&* C2%p!!;b$>C
1%p!$8!"&*#$3'4'/&*#+0#$0+)+('%(+^*&-4'8 !
i(+%+$#*#+0 d $"+,$ *"&* 2+446$#+0 -'*,''0 )'(2"&0* &03 -(+.'( )&< 60B
3'()#0' *"' 2+))#*)'0* '@'2* += 3'4'/&*#+08 ;04< ,"'0 2+446$#+0 #$ 5'(<
2+$*4< Dk'm=%m&d$O> *"' +%*#)&4 3'4'/&*#+0 2+0*(&2* hp!!;b
!!i('5'&4$ '5B
#3'02' ,#*"+6* 4'&5#0/ & ('0* *+ *"' -(+.'(8 A0 *"' *,+ +*"'( ('/#)'$> & ('0*
#$ 4'=* *+ *"' -(+.'( *+ $&*#$=< *"' 2+446$#+0B%(++=0'$$ 2+0$*(&#0*8 b"'0 *"'
2+446$#+0 2+$* #$ 0+* 5'(< "#/" Dm=%m&d$<k'%m&R$=%m&d&RO> 3'4'B
/&*#+0 $*#44 /'0'(&*'$ & 2+))#*)'0* '@'2*8 A03''3> '5'0 #= *"' 2+446$#+0B%(++=
3'4'/&*#+0 2+0*(&2* hp!!;bi;,"'(' b&b!!;4'&5'$ & ('0* *+ *"' -(+.'( *+ ('%+(*
*(6*"=644<> 3'4'/&*#+0 #$ $*#44 %(+^*&-4' -'2&6$' C2%p!!;b$'C1%p!$8b"'0
2+446$#+0 #$ 0+* 5'(< 2+$*4< Dk>%m&R$=%m&d&R$$O> *"' 2+))#*)'0*
'@'2* 5&0#$"'$ $#02' 3'4'/&*#+0 #$ 0+ )+(' %(+^*&-4'8 !"'0> *"' +04< '12#'0*
2+0*(&2* #$ p!,"'(' *"' )+0#*+(#0/ %&(*< D*"' )'(2"&0*O 2&00+* 2+))#* "'(B
$'4= *+ ('5'&4#0/ *"' '5#3'02' ,#*"+6* 4'&5#0/ & ('0* *+ *"' /(+,'(8 !"#$ ('$64*
$6//'$*$ *"&* *"' 4+,'( 2+446$#+0 2+$* D#8'8 "#/"'( kO;*"' 4+,'( *"' 3'4'/&*#+0
2+))#*)'0* '@'2*8
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+226(8 9< 2+4463#0/ *"' /(+,'( ,#44 $"#(. &03 *"' -(+.'( ,#44 ('%+(* #02+0246B
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3'4'/&*#+0 2+0*(&2* D%p!!
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&0 #03'%'03'0* -(+.'(8 ?'4'/&*#+0 "&$ *"6$ & 2+))#*)'0* '@'2*8 !"#$ ('$64*
/#5'$ & *"'+('*#2&4 (&*#+0&4' *+ *"' ')%#(#2&4 ^03#0/ *"&* )+0#*+(#0/ *"' C6&4B
#*< += & ,#0' D2+)%4':O 2+0*(&2* #02('&$'$ *"' %(+-&-#4#*< += "&5#0/ ('2+6($'
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A0*'(0&*#+0&4 o+6(0&4 += A036$*(#&4 ;(/&0#7&*#+0 FL` ZMGBZQF8
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p8 b+(.#0/ %&%'( ?&5#$ q0#5'($#*< += E&4#=+(0#&8
lNm E"'0/<&0 c8> f&('**' ]8> 9'(/"#0> o8 DLMMNO8 S+, *+ %(+)+*' C6&4#*< %'(B
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b+(. # 0/ %&% '( MNB b i dLN> E '0*'( = + ( T/(# 2 64*6 ( &4 &03 a6 ( &4 ?'5' 4 +%B
lHm ?'5'$&> i8 DFGGQO8 eW+%Y(&*#+0 3' 2+6(*&/'8 i&(#$` e#*'28
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*'(4< VL` ZFBNN8
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Supplementary resource (1)

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The quality signaling choice of the French small cooperatives in agribusiness This paper aims to characterize the determinants of the quality signaling choice by small cooperatives, when they adopt a public label and / or a private brand. Our econometric results confirm the expected effects of the organizational structure and membership. We also show original results about the influence of the geographical export and the importance of the marketing channel. In particular, we find that the industry and the export markets are major determinants of a complementary effect between brand and public labels.
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French wine brokers are independent matchmaker intermediaries. They help buyers and sellers of bulk wine to meet and transact. This paper aims to identify the determinants of the wine brokers' use. We use a transaction cost approach and we hypothesize that buyers and sellers use brokers because they may reduce costs associated with transactions on bulk wine. A database of contracts on bulk vins de table and vins de pays is used to estimate a logistic regression of the probability of “broker intervention.” We show that if the sellers do not belong to a cooperative production structure and if the buyers do not belong to the productive sphere it increases the recourse to brokers. Also, the extent of the production area and the potential quality variance among wine growers and the size of the contract positively influence the use of brokers. &lsqb;EconLit citations: L140, L220&rsqb;. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Agribusiness 22: 375-390, 2006.
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This paper provides a simple framework showing that the extent of competition in credit markets is important in determining the value of lending relationships. Creditors are more likely to finance credit-constrained firms when credit markets are concentrated because it is easier for these creditors to internalize the benefits of assisting the firms. The paper offers evidence from small business data in support of this hypothesis. Copyright 1995, the President and Fellows of Harvard College and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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I show that a middleman can be welfare improving in all equilibria in a quite general bargaining model when adverse selection is present. Conditions are determined for when a middleman is most likely to be in a market. Examples of the theory are also presented.
Après la crise du négoce des années 70, de nombreux courtiers ont disparu. Il ne reste plus aujourd'hui qu'une quarantaine de courtiers dans la région Languedoc-Roussillon. Le temps du courtier travaillant seul uniquement sur la zone de son village est bien révolu. Les courtiers qui exercent aujourd'hui ont su réorganiser leur activité afin de survivre à la crise, au départ, et se rendre indispensables, par la suite. C'est ainsi que de nombreux courtiers travaillent en équipe de façon à traiter de plus gros volumes. Ces mêmes courtiers ont également élargi leur zone d'activité en dehors de leur village, du département, de la région, et quelquefois en dehors des frontières françaises. Bien que travaillant encore beaucoup avec le négoce expéditeur de la région, beaucoup de courtiers ont diversifié leurs partenaires commerciaux et sont allés jusqu'à court-circuiter des circuits de vente en proposant leurs services au négoce embouteilleur ou aux filiales de la grande distribution.
The purpose of this paper is to provide an economic analysis of the brokerage institution and an overview of the literature on this issue. In addition to the brokerage issues that have already been examined by the literature, the paper also discusses a number of issues as potential avenues for future research.
We analyze an experience good model with producer moral hazard which is based on Shapiro (Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1983, 98, 659–679). We develop conditions under which a good will be sold through a middleman instead of being sold directly by the producer when selling costs may even be increased by the presence of middlemen. Middlemen help to alleviate the producer moral hazard problem by dropping a producer's good, and lowering her future sales, if the good is not of its claimed quality. The middleman engages in this policing activity in order to maintain his own reputation as a seller of high quality goods.
This paper identifies a new agency cost of intermediated contracting. A non productive intermediary can extract some rents when (a) the productive agent has some private information and (b) the intermediary’s sub-contract with the productive agent is not directly controlled by the top principal. We show that the intermediary’s informational rent is an increasing and concave function of the productive agent’s own informational rent.
This article examines the role of middlemen in bilateral search markets (e.g., employment agencies, real estate brokers). It is shown that the middleman narrows the set of buyer (firm) and seller (worker) types who search; seller types with high valuations and buyer types with low valuations drop out of the search market and instead trade through the middleman. The middleman also decreases the equilibrium search intensities of those agents who search. It is proven that the middleman improves welfare if search is very costly and inefficient and decreases welfare if search is effectively costless and very efficient. Copyright 1994 by University of Chicago Press.
I discuss the role of intermediaries that search out the information of privately informed parties and then choose what to reveal to uninformed parties. The focus is on the strategic manipulation of information by these certification intermediaries. I show that in a class of environments the optimal choice for a monopoly intermediary is to reveal only whether quality is above some minimal standard. Despite this minimal information transmission, the intermediary can capture a large share of the surplus. I also show that competition among the intermediaries can lead to full information revelation.
Wine producers have their products evaluated at various wine exhibitions for the purpose of receiving awards that can be displayed on the bottles. This contribution introduces an approach to estimate optimal prices for wine exhibition awards. A case study has been employed in cooperation with a major Czech wine company to investigate the practical usefulness of the method. Estimating the relative importance of selected wine exhibitions as award origins and determining the partial utilities of selected awards (medals) is based on a conjoint experiment. Price equivalents and markups can be derived based on consumer preferences.