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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationships between both job insecurity and fairness and employees' attitudes (job satisfaction, organisational commitment and turnover intention). Moreover, of even greater interest, it aims to test whether fairness mitigates the negative correlates associated with job insecurity. Design/methodology/approach The aproach takes the form of a cross‐sectional study based on self‐reported data. The sample was composed of 697 employees from a Spanish public organisation. Findings The findings showed that job insecurity is detrimental to employees' attitudes, whereas fairness is beneficial. Moreover, the results showed the negative correlates of job insecurity to be less strong in the presence of fairness. Research limitations/implications First, this is a cross‐sectional study, and therefore no causal relationships can be assumed. Second, the study is based on self‐reported data, which could lead to common variance source and method problems. Practical implications Job insecurity is a widespread concern in contemporary societies. Thus, research on how to palliate its negative correlates is valued. This study suggests fairness judgements might buffer the negative correlates associated with job insecurity. Originality/value Previous research has shown job insecurity to be detrimental to both individuals and organisations (e.g. job satisfaction, organisational commitment and turnover intention). Nonetheless, differences observed across studies in the strength of these relationships suggest the presence of moderating factors. The study provides evidence on the moderating role of fairness judgements.
The cwrent issue and full text archive of this journal is available at I 43 -7 7 2O.}:ltrr:.
Job insecurity and employees' The moderating
role of fairness
attitudes: the moderating role of
Inmaculada Silla
CIEMAT-UWG Research Growp, Barcelona, Spain
Francisco J. Gracia
Departrnent of Social Psychologt, IDOCAL, OPAL, UrLiuersity of Valencia,
Valencia, Spain
Miguel Angel Mañas
Uniuersity of Alanerta, Altnena, Spain, and
José M. Peiró
Departtment of Social Psycltology. [-lniuersity of Valencia, IVIE, IDOCAL,
Valencia, Spain
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine the relarionships betseen both job insecurity and
faimess and emplovees' atlifudes (job satisfaction, organisa¡ional comrnilment and turnover
intention). Moreover, of even ¡yeater interest. it aims to test rvhether fairness mitigates the negative
correlates associated with job insecurity.
Desigrr/methodology/approach * The aproach takes the fonn of a cr-oss-sectional study based on
self-repofied data. 'lhe sample was composed of 697 employees from a Spanish public organisation.
Findings - The findings showed that job insecurity is detrimental to employees' attitr-rdes, whereas
faimess is benef,cial. Moreover, the results showed the negative corelates of job insecuriry to be less
strong in the presence of faimess.
Research limitations/implications - First, this is a cross-sectionai study, and therefore no causal
relationships can be assumed. Second, the study is based on seif-reported data, which could lead to
common variance source and method prclblems.
Practical implications - Job insecurity is a widespread concern in contemporary societies. Thus,
research on how to palliate its negative correlates is valued. This study suggests fairness judgemcrtts
might buffer the negative correlates associated with job insecurity.
Originality/value * Previous research has shorvn jrü insecurity to be detnmental to both
individuals and organisations (e.g. job satisfaction, organisationai commitment and turnover
intention). Nonethelqss, differences observed across studies in the strength of these relationships
suggest the presence of moderating factors. The study provides evidence on the moderating roie of
fairness judgements.
Keywords Empioyment protection, Employee attitudes, Unceftainty management, Spain
Paper type Research paper
Intemational Joumal of N{arpower
\krl. 31 No. 4. 2010
pp. 449-465
{t) Emerald Group Publi,shing Linited
DOI 10.1108i01437721011057029
Francisco J. Gracia ancl José M. Peiró acknorvledge the support of CONSOLIDER EJEC (SEJ
2006 14086/PSrC).
... Besides the psychological health challenges, job insecurity is also associated with negative changes in employees' job attitudes (Hellgren et al., 1999). For example, job insecurity has been found to lower job satisfaction and organizational commitment (Hellgren et al., 1999;Silla et al., 2010) and employee engagement (Wang et al., 2021). Similar outcomes have been observed in studies related to COVID-19 (e.g., Aktan & Toraman, 2022;Jung et al., 2021). ...
... The effect of job insecurity on satisfaction also tends to vary according to tenure, whether permanent or fixed term (Mauno et al., 2005). Previous empirical studies have revealed that higher job security is associated with job satisfaction, while higher job insecurity is associated with lowered job satisfaction (Hellgren et al., 1999;Silla et al., 2010;Stankevičiūtė et al., 2021). Considering this literature, we presume that job insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic is negatively related to teachers' job satisfaction. ...
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The heightened employment uncertainty during the peak of COVID-19 due to the forced closure of work places and the slump in economic activities exacerbated the stress occasioned by the pandemic situation. Based on the Event System Theory and job insecurity literature, the current study investigates organizational compassion as a buffer against the effects of job insecurity during COVID-19 on teachers' psychological wellbeing and job attitudes after the reopening of schools. Data was obtained from 470 primary and secondary school teachers across Uganda. Using psychological wellbeing as a mediator and organizational compassion as a moderator, the moderated mediation hypothesis was supported for all job attitudes except normative commitment. Our findings suggest that organizational compassion is essential in alleviating employees’ suffering during time of need. However, it should be offered to employees in a way that does not foster less desired employee attitudes and behaviors.
... Clearly, this paper primarily refers to the literature on job insecurity (JI, hereafter), a topic investigated through the lenses of various disciplines, such as psychology, sociology, political science and, only marginally, economics (see, as examples of this variety of approaches, de Bustillo and de Pedraza, 2010;Witte, 2005;Erlinghagen, 2008;Keim et al., 2014;Dill and Jirjahn, 2016;Gallie et al., 2017;Silla et al., 2010). ...
... Malik et al. (2022) find that the personal understanding of new technology is a moderating factor with respect to its impact on perceived JI. Finally, a few other works analyse moderating factors associated with firm-level characteristics and strategies (see, for instance, Gallie et al., 2017;Silla et al., 2010). Notwithstanding these studies focus on the role of moderating factors between JI and technology, none of them considers the correlation between JI and the workers' direct experience of technology adoption in the workplace. ...
Purpose This work analyses how the adoption of technological innovations correlates with workers' perceived levels of job insecurity, and what factors moderate such relationship. Design/methodology/approach The study makes use of the 2018 wave of the Participation, Labour, Unemployment Survey (PLUS) from Inapp. The richness of the survey and the representativeness of the underlying sample (including 13,837 employed workers) allow employing various empirical specifications where it is possible to control and moderate for many socio-demographic features of the worker, including her occupation and industry of employment, thereby accounting for various potential confounding factors. Findings The results of this ordered logit estimations show that workers' perception of job insecurity is affected by many subjective, firm-related and even macroeconomic factors. This study demonstrates that the adoption of technological innovations by companies is associated with lower levels of job insecurity perceived by their workers. In fact, the adoption of technological innovations by a company is perceived by surviving workers (those who remain in the same firm even after the introduction of such innovations) as a signal of the firm's health and its commitment to preserving the activity. Individual- and occupation-specific moderating factors play a limited role. Originality/value This study estimates how perceived job insecurity relates to the technological innovations adopted by the firms in which the interviewees are employed rather than analyzing their general concerns about job insecurity. In addition, this study identifies different types of innovations, such as product and process innovation, automation and other types of innovations.
... In this regard, a novel theoretical approach has been introduced to the fielduncertainty management theory (Lind & Van den Bos, 2002) -which places justice in the focus of HRM as a key factor that breaks the harmful vicious circle in which job insecurity undermines organizational effectiveness, which then further increases experience of job insecurity (Greenhalgh & Rosenblatt, 1984). Research has shown that external resources such as fair treatment and organizational justice moderate the association of job insecurity with job attitudes (Richter & Näsvall, 2019;Silla et al., 2010;Sverke & Hellgren, 2002). In a longitudinal study, Chirumbolo and Areni (2005) found that job satisfaction and organizational commitment moderate the negative impact of job insecurity on job performance and suggested organizational interventions that lead to greater job satisfaction and organizational commitment among employees. ...
... On the contrary, perceived injustice of organizational procedures (especially those related to layoffs), distribution of resources and information could intensify the negative emotions and frustrations that job insecurity already caused, as well as foster the belief that the organization is not worth employee work engagement. Researchers that focus on justice, fairness, or external resources representing their correlates (e.g., voice, communication, or social support) ground their hypotheses on social exchange theory (e.g., Chirumbolo & Areni, 2005;Schreurs et al., 2012;Silla et al., 2010). ...
Although the most recent meta-analysis by Sverke et al. (2019) provides conclusive evidence documenting adverse effects of employees’ perceived job insecurity on a wide range of performance outcomes, theoretical understanding of the psychological processes underlying these relationships and their boundary conditions is still lagging behind. The aim of this review chapter is to address these lacunae by summarizing dominant theoretical frameworks used to explain the job insecurity-performance relationship. In particular, in the following paragraphs we (i) describe and integrate main theoretical explanations of the negative effects of job insecurity on performance; and (ii) account for moderators that can potentially ameliorate indirect effects of job insecurity by placing particular emphasis on organizational justice. We also highlight several plausible research pathways that could further advance the understanding of the intervening variables in the job insecurity-performance relationship, including test of multiple mediators, more rigorous longitudinal research methodology and test of boundary conditions.
... H2: Job insecurity on turnover intention has a partial and significant mediating effect through job satisfaction. Silla et al. (2010) stated that psychological contract theory is a condition of uncertainty in the organization that will cause serious problems, one of which is job insecurity which can have an impact on employee job satisfaction. Mahaputra et al. (2013) stated that the psychological contract theory of employees who feel high job insecurity will increasingly have low job satisfaction. ...
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Study this aim for knowing the influence of job insecurity and job stress on the turnover intention with job satisfaction as variable mediation employee at PT. Graha Maju Property Palembang. Study this done with use approach quantitative with sample 130 employee at PT. Graha Maju Property Palembang. Data processing using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the Smart PLS program. Research results show that job insecurity and job stress are influential and significant to turnover intention. Job satisfaction has a significant effect on turnover intention and can partially mediate the relationship between job insecurity and job stress among employees at PT. Graha Maju Property Palembang.
... Sementara Hurriyati & Apriyanti, (2022) menjelaskan bahwa job insecurity dapat menciptakan ketidaknyamanan dalam melakukan pekerjaan sehingga menimbulkan kekhawatiran akan kelanjutan kerja mereka. Silla et al., 2010) Hasil penelitian ah Ezra et al., (2019) menemukan fakta bahwa karyawan berkeinginan keluar dari perusahaan yang dikarebakan ketidakamanan saat bekerja, dengan tuntutan pekerjaan yang tinggi serta konpensasi yang diterima tidak sesuai dengan kinerja mereka. Indikator job insecurity yang digunakan dalam penelitian diadopsi dari penelitian Prestiana & Putri, (2013), antara lain terdiri dari: pentingnya job event yang negatif, pentingnya faktor-faktor pekerjaan, kemungkinan perubahan negatif, kemungkinan adanya job event yang negatif dan kemampuan dalam mengendalikan perubahan. ...
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Kompensasi, ketidakamanan kerja, stres kerja dan kepuasan kerja dapat mempengaruhi turnover intention karyawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kompensasi, ketidakamanan kerja, Stres Kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja dan turnover intention. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kantor perusahaan CV XYZ dengan mengambil sampel sebanyak 91 orang. Data di kumpulkan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner dengan pernyataan sebanyak 25 items. Selanjutnya data yang telah dikumpulkan dianalisis dengan analisis jalur menggunakan SPSS dan dan Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat empat hipotesis yang ditolak dan tiga hipotesis yang diterima. Hipotesis yang diterima dalam penelitian ini antara lain adalah konpensasi bepengaruh terhadap kepuasan kerja, job insecurity berpengaruh terhadap tunrover intention dan stres kerja berpengaruh tunrover intention karyawan. Sedangkan job insecurity tidak berpengaruh kepuasan kerja, stres kerja tidak berpengaruh kepuasan kerja, kompensasi tidak berpengaruh tunrover intention dan kepuasan kerja tidak berpengaruh tunrover intention
Well-being and happiness are essential attributes for a meaningful life. Well-being is the sum total of all positive emotions and satisfactions, whereas happiness is an emotional expression of a pleasant mental state. Well-being and happiness depend on many factors like education, skills, working space, interpersonal relationships, and family interactions. This chapter critically analyzes the parameters of well-being and happiness among the garment industrial workers in Bangalore Urban. Bangalore is the “garment capital of India,” which has many garment units and employs almost 0.3-0.5 million people. Most of them are women and less educated, and come under the category of unorganized workers. The chapter follows the unstructured interview method of qualitative methodology for exploring the experiences of garment industry workers in relation to their well-being and happiness. Based on their narratives, the chapter enlists the drawbacks in the sector and gives specific policy guidelines to ensure their well-being and better productivity.
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The success of the organization is determined, among others, by human resources because human resources are valuable and most important assets in an organization. Seeing the important role of human resources, it is necessary to pay attention to the provisions of the work system that should ensure a sense of security and comfort in the company, so that employees' intention to move or leave the company (turnover intention) will not exist. Because after all, employee companies are valuable assets in running the wheels of business operations so that the economy of a country remains stable. This research is a quantitative study with a survey method conducted at PT X East Java, involving 117 employees who were sampled with a population of 165 respondents. This study uses a Partial Least Square (PLS) based regression approach to test the relationship between variables. The results of this study indicate that job insecurity, compensation and job satisfaction have a significant positive effect on turnover intention. The practical implications emphasize the need for support and increased efforts so that turnover intention at PT. X does not occur. The management of PT. X needs to consider more effective time management strategies to overcome turnover intention.
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The Current research aims mainly at examining the role that happiness plays in the workplace in promoting job Engagement among workers in student's affairs departments in the colleges and institutes of Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University. To know the availability of dimensions of research variables in those departments. The researchers constructed hypotheses to measure the correlation and impact relationships between research variables and their testing. While the questionnaire was the main tool for measuring research variables, where (129) questionnaires were distributed to the total number of workers in all sections of student affairs, (117) questionnaires valid for analysis were returned. Where the data were analyzed through a set of statistical tools such as (Alpha Cronbach coefficient, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation coefficient, regression analysis). The results have proven the validity of the hypotheses, and in light of this a set of conclusions were formulated, the most important of which was a causal relationship between happiness in the workplace and job engagement. Where that any improvement in the levels of dimensions of happiness in the workplace and the factors that support them will reflect its impact on the overall individual performance and the collective, and that this continuous positive effect of happiness will encourage individuals to increase levels of job engagement and enhance their commitment and loyalty. Keywords: Happiness in the workplace, Job Engagement.
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La justicia organizacional es una variable que recientemente está cobrando relevancia en el contexto laboral con repercusiones evidenciables en la productividad y el bienestar de los trabajadores. Por ello se requiere contar con instrumentos debidamente validados para indagar en la incidencia y las manifestaciones de la justicia organizacional. En esta investigación se analizan las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Justicia Organizacional de Colquitt (Omar et al., 2018) en una muestra de 327 trabajadores mineros (75,84% hombres y 24,16% mujeres) de la ciudad de Arequipa, Perú. Se trata de un estudio instrumental en el que se analizó la estructura interna de la prueba mediante el análisis factorial confirmatorio y, para estimar la confiabilidad, se utilizaron las pruebas Alfa ordinal y Omega de McDonald categórica. Los resultados confirmaron la estructura de cuatro factores con adecuados índices de bondad de ajuste, aunque la confiabilidad fue baja en la dimensión de justicia distributiva (ω = ,606; α = ,373). Por ello se sugiere la eliminación de los ítems 7, 8 y 17.
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The field of organizational justice continues to be marked by several important research questions, including the size of relationships among justice dimensions, the relative importance of different justice criteria, and the unique effects of justice dimensions on key outcomes. To address such questions, the authors conducted a meta-analytic review of 183 justice studies. The results suggest that although different justice dimensions are moderately to highly related, they contribute incremental variance explained in fairness perceptions. The results also illustrate the overall and unique relationships among distributive, procedural, interpersonal, and informational justice and several organizational outcomes (e.g., job satisfaction, organizational commitment, evaluation of authority, organizational citizenship behavior, withdrawal, performance). These findings are reviewed in terms of their implications for future research on organizational justice.
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In this article, 2 experiments are presented. In both experiments, the independent variables were whether the procedure was accurate or inaccurate, whether the outcome was favorable or unfavorable, and whether participants were informed about the procedure before or after they were informed about the outcome. The independent variables were manipulated by means of scenarios in Experiment 1 and by means of the R. Vermunt, A. P. Wit, K. van den Bos, and E. A. Lind (1996) paradigm in Experiment 2. As predicted on the basis of the authors' analysis of fairness heuristic theory, the findings revealed that what people judge to be fair is more strongly affected by information that is received first than by subsequently received information. The findings are discussed in terms of recent developments toward an integration of the procedural and distributive justice domains.
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This article tests the hypotheses that the effects of layoffs on surviving employees' level of organizational commitment and job performance will vary according to (a) how close employees are to the layoffs, (b) their perceptions of the fairness of the layoffs, and (c) their position in the organizational hierarchy. Analyses were conducted on 1,900 respondents employed by a large U.S. company. Results indicated that although perceptions of layoff unfairness were associated with lower commitment regardless of employee position, close contact with layoffs was associated with the greater use of sick hours by surviving managers and professionals, but with lower use of sick hours and higher work effort by employees in lower positions.
Interest in the problem of method biases has a long history in the behavioral sciences. Despite this, a comprehensive summary of the potential sources of method biases and how to control for them does not exist. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to examine the extent to which method biases influence behavioral research results, identify potential sources of method biases, discuss the cognitive processes through which method biases influence responses to measures, evaluate the many different procedural and statistical techniques that can be used to control method biases, and provide recommendations for how to select appropriate procedural and statistical remedies for different types of research settings.
The influence of individuals' prior commitment to an institution on their reactions to the perceived fairness of decisions rendered by the institution was examined in two different field settings. The first study examined how layoff survivors' work attitudes and behaviors after the layoff changed as a function of (1) their level of organizational commitment prior to the layoff and (2) their perceptions of the fairness of the decision rule used to keep certain employees and lay off others. In the second study, we explored how citizens' commitment to legal authorities changed as a function of their initial level of commitment and their perceptions of how fairly they were treated in their recent encounters with legal authorities. Consistent results emerged across these two settings: The most negative reactions were exhibited by those who previously felt highly committed but who felt that they were treated unfairly by the institution. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.