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Job insecurity and employees' The moderating
role of fairness
attitudes: the moderating role of
Inmaculada Silla
CIEMAT-UWG Research Growp, Barcelona, Spain
Francisco J. Gracia
Departrnent of Social Psychologt, IDOCAL, OPAL, UrLiuersity of Valencia,
Valencia, Spain
Miguel Angel Mañas
Uniuersity of Alanerta, Altnena, Spain, and
José M. Peiró
Departtment of Social Psycltology. [-lniuersity of Valencia, IVIE, IDOCAL,
Valencia, Spain
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine the relarionships betseen both job insecurity and
faimess and emplovees' atlifudes (job satisfaction, organisa¡ional comrnilment and turnover
intention). Moreover, of even ¡yeater interest. it aims to test rvhether fairness mitigates the negative
correlates associated with job insecurity.
Desigrr/methodology/approach * The aproach takes the fonn of a cr-oss-sectional study based on
self-repofied data. 'lhe sample was composed of 697 employees from a Spanish public organisation.
Findings - The findings showed that job insecurity is detrimental to employees' attitr-rdes, whereas
faimess is benef,cial. Moreover, the results showed the negative corelates of job insecuriry to be less
strong in the presence of faimess.
Research limitations/implications - First, this is a cross-sectionai study, and therefore no causal
relationships can be assumed. Second, the study is based on seif-reported data, which could lead to
common variance source and method prclblems.
Practical implications - Job insecurity is a widespread concern in contemporary societies. Thus,
research on how to palliate its negative correlates is valued. This study suggests fairness judgemcrtts
might buffer the negative correlates associated with job insecurity.
Originality/value * Previous research has shorvn jrü insecurity to be detnmental to both
individuals and organisations (e.g. job satisfaction, organisationai commitment and turnover
intention). Nonethelqss, differences observed across studies in the strength of these relationships
suggest the presence of moderating factors. The study provides evidence on the moderating roie of
fairness judgements.
Keywords Empioyment protection, Employee attitudes, Unceftainty management, Spain
Paper type Research paper
Intemational Joumal of N{arpower
\krl. 31 No. 4. 2010
pp. 449-465
{t) Emerald Group Publi,shing Linited
DOI 10.1108i01437721011057029
Francisco J. Gracia ancl José M. Peiró acknorvledge the support of CONSOLIDER EJEC (SEJ
2006 14086/PSrC).