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This paper aims to examine changes in common longevity and variability of the adult life span, and attempts to answer whether or not the compression of mortality continues in Switzerland in the years 1876-2005. The results show that the negative relationships between the large increase in the adult modal age at death, observed at least from the 1920s, and the decrease in the standard deviation of the ages at deaths occurring above it, illustrate a significant compression of adult mortality. Typical adult longevity increased by about 10% during the last fifty years in Switzerland, and adult heterogeneity in the age at death decreased in the same proportion. This analysis has not found any evidence suggesting that we are approaching longevity limits in term of modal or even maximum life spans. It ascertains a slowdown in the reduction of adult heterogeneity in longevity, already observed in Japan and other low mortality countries.
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... The transformations in the age pattern of mortality in conjunction with mortality decline results in mortality compression, a process in which deaths are concentrated in a narrow age interval of age at death (Cheung et al. 2005;Kannisto 2000Kannisto , 2001Myers/Manton 1984;Thatcher et al. 2010). The phenomenon of mortality compression and associated changes in other related phenomena such as variability in age at death or degree of inter-individual variability in age at death (Shkolnikov et al. 2003: 306) and rectangularization of the survival curve (Wilmoth/ Horiuchi 1999: 475) are signifi cant determinants of the advances in mortality transition (Cheung et al. 2009;Kannisto 2000;Lynch/Brown 2001;Myers/Manton 1984;Nusselder/Mackenbach 1996;Paccaud et al. 1998;Wilmoth/Horiuchi 1999). Over the historical trends of demographic transition of developed nations, there is consensus among researchers that mortality compression is a fundamental demographic process for comprehending the progress of mortality transition (Bohk-Ewald et al. 2017;Kannisto 2000;Robine 2001;Smits/Monden 2009;Thatcher et al. 2010). ...
... Improvements in these mortality indicators as well as structural changes in disease pattern indicate that the current phase of mortality transition is signifi cantly modulated through improved survival at adult and old (60 and above) ages (Horiuchi/Wilmoth 1998), despite the fact that IMR decline played a dominant role in the past in India (Bhat/Navaneetham 1991;Navaneetham 1993). Edwards/Tuljapurkar (2005: 647) acknowledge that higher-order moments (Variance, Skewness, and Kurtosis) of distribution of age at death better demonstrate differentials in mortality and variability in age at death that contribute to the process of mortality compression than fi rst-order moments (e 0 or Mean) do (Aburto/van Raalte 2018;Canudas-Romo 2008;Chaurasia 2010;Cheung et al. 2009;Missov et al. 2015;Németh 2017;Shkolnikov et al. 2003;Wilmoth/Horiuchi 1999). Developed nations display a low disparity in the lifespan (e † ), which is average remaining life expectancy at the ages when death occurs, and a higher threshold age, which separates early deaths from late deaths, though not restricted to old age (Zhang/Vaupel 2009: 726), as the characteristics of increasing homogeneity in old ages (Cheung/Robine 2007;Nusselder/Mackenbach 1996;Thatcher et al. 2010). ...
... This interpolation method assumes that the distribution pattern of grouped data is a valid indication of the distribution pattern within groups, maintaining the original data and the group totals at the cost of less smoothness (Popoff/Judson 2004: 696, 702). Applying this method, we derived single-year distribution of age at death between 10 and 110 years which was smoothened using the cubic spline method (Cheung et al. 2009;Kostaki/Panousis 2001). Henceforth, the single-year, smoothened distribution of age at death between 10 and 110 years is referred to as the distribution of age at death or age at death which was used to examine mortality compression and variability in age at death. ...
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The global rise of life expectancy at birth has attracted worldwide interest , especially in understanding the pace of mortality transition in developing countries. In this study, we assess the progress of mortality transition in India during four decades between 1970 and 2013. We estimate measures of mortality compression and variability in age at death to assess the trends and patterns in mortality compression for India as a whole and its twelve biggest states. The results reveal an unequivocal convergence pattern in mortality compression across the states underpinned by the reduction in premature mortality and emerging homogeneity in mortality. Results by gender show that women are more homogenous in their mortality across the country because of an explicit reduction in the Gini coeffi cients at age 10 by the age group of 15-29 years. Mortality compression has changed in recent decades because of the increased survival of women in their reproductive ages, which marked a distinct phase of mortality transition in India. The pace of mortality transition , however, varies; adult mortality decline was greater than senescent mortality decline. These results show that India has passed the middle stage of mortality transition and has entered an early phase of low mortality.
... Then, premature mortality designates the transition region between childhood and adult deaths. This identification of the adult modal age at death has been used to understand the development of mortality across the twentieth century (Bongaarts 2005;Cheung et al. 2005Cheung et al. , 2009Canudas-Romo 2008, 2010Cheung and Robine 2007;Horiuchi et al. 2013;Kannisto 2000Kannisto , 2001Ouellette and Bourbeau 2011;Wilmoth and Horiuchi 1999;Wilmoth and Robine 2003). Pearson (1897) evaluated the problem from a statistical point of view: taking Lexis' idea even further and considering the distribution of deaths to be composed of five functions with different degrees of skewness. ...
... During the first half of the twentieth century, in low-mortality countries, a compression in a smaller age interval of the adult mortality distribution was observed (Cheung et al. 2005(Cheung et al. , 2008(Cheung et al. , 2009Cheung and Robine 2007;Fries 1983;Kannisto 2001;Wilmoth and Horiuchi 1999). After a period of strong compression, developed countries experienced a shift of the late modal age at death (Bongaarts 2005;1900 1940 Cheung and Robine 2007;Kannisto 1996). ...
... For adult mortality, a general shift in the late mode to the right of the distribution was found. The conclusions about infant, childhood and adult mortality are consistent with what is already known about the trends of these components (Bongaarts 2005;Canudas-Romo 2008;Cheung et al. 2005Cheung et al. , 2008Cheung et al. , 2009Edwards and Tuljapurkar 2005;Fries 1983;Kannisto 2001;Vaupel et al. 2011;Willets 2004;Yashin et al. 2001). During the last century, the accidental hump disappeared for most of the countries, but the premature deaths across youth and the first part of adulthood continue to exist, even if with a small incidence (greater flattening of the deaths distribution in its middle part). ...
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Premature mortality is often a neglected component of overall deaths, and the most difficult to identify. However, it is important to estimate its prevalence. Following Pearson’s theory about mortality components, a definition of premature deaths and a parametric model to study its transformations are introduced. The model is a mixture of three distributions: a Half Normal for the first part of the death curve and two Skew Normals to fit the remaining pieces. One advantage of the model is the possibility of obtaining an explicit equation to compute life expectancy at birth and to break it down into mortality components. We estimated the mixture model for Sweden, France, East Germany and Czech Republic. In addition, to the well-known reduction in infant deaths, and compression and shifting trend of adult mortality, we were able to study the trend of the central part of the distribution of deaths in detail. In general, a right shift of the modal age at death for young adults is observed; in some cases, it is also accompanied by an increase in the number of deaths at these ages: in particular for France, in the last twenty years, premature mortality increases.
... Two demographic indicators, the adult modal age at death, M, and the standard deviation above the mode, SD(M +), have increasingly been used in the last decades for monitoring changes in the distribution of deaths at older ages in low mortality countries (Brown et al. 2008(Brown et al. , 2012Cheung and Robine 2007;Cheung et al. 2005Cheung et al. , 2008Cheung et al. , 2009Diaconu et al. 2016;Kannisto 2007;Ouellette and Bourbeau 2011;Ouellette et al. 2012a, b;Robine and Cheung 2008;Thatcher et al. 2010), where the extension of the length of human life is primarily due to improvements in oldage survival (Meslé and Vallin 2006;Vallin and Meslé 2001;Wilmoth et al. 2010). Under a given mortality regime, M represents the most common (i.e., frequent) or 'typical' length of life among adults. ...
... For this reason, in many high-income countries, M remained constant or increased slightly over most of the first half of the twentieth century, when the increase in the length of human life was mainly due to survival im-provements among infants, children and young adults. However, throughout the second half of the twentieth century, mortality at older ages declined more rapidly than at younger ages, and M followed a steep upward trend (Canudas-Romo 2010; Cheung and Robine 2007;Cheung et al. 2009;Kannisto 2001;Office of National Statistics 2012). Another interesting feature of M was highlighted in a later study by Horiuchi and colleagues (2013), who provide empirical evidence and a mathematical proof that when mortality shifts to older ages, M increases at the exact pace as the old-age mortality shift while conditional life expectancy at some early old age, i.e. 50, 65, 75, increases more slowly. ...
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The U.S. elderly experience shorter lifespans and greater variability in age at death than their Canadian peers. In order to gain insight on the underlying factors responsible for the Canada-U.S. old-age mortality disparities, we propose a cause-of-death analysis. Accordingly, the objective of this paper is to compare levels and trends in cause-specific modal age at death (M) and standard deviation above the mode (SD(M +)) between Canada and the U.S. since the 1970s. We focus on six broad leading causes of death, namely cerebrovascular diseases, heart diseases, and four types of cancers. Country-specific M and SD(M +) estimates for each leading cause of death are calculated from P-spline smooth age-at-death distributions obtained from detailed population and cause-specific mortality data. Our results reveal similar levels and trends in M and SD(M +) for most causes in the two countries, except for breast cancer (females) and lung cancer (males), where differences are the most noticeable. In both of these instances, modal lifespans are shorter in the U.S. than in Canada and U.S. old-age mortality inequalities are greater. These differences are explained in part by the higher stratification along socioeconomic lines in the U.S. than in Canada regarding the adoption of health risk behaviours and access to medical services.
... The survival curve is the direct product of the death curve, and many scholars have tried to model both of them (see, for example, [35,[48][49][50][51][52], etc.). Cheung et al. [53] described three properties of the survival curve: ...
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This paper presents the basic features of mortality analysis using period life tables. While life table construction is outside the aims of this paper, the elements analyzed are the life expectancy at birth, probabilities of death, death, and survival curves. Therefore, an attempt is made here to present an overall picture of the study of the mortality phenomenon. However, due to the multitude of different approaches, this picture will be short and comprehensive, failing to cover all aspects of the phenomenon and the entire literature in a limited space. All modes of analysis will be accompanied by corresponding examples, which will assist the researcher in a more complete understanding of the analytical methods presented. The epilogue summarizes the analytical scheme and briefly mentions new research efforts that may occur in the future.
... Przegląd empirycznych badań dotyczących koncepcji kompresji umieralności i rektangularyzacji krzywej przeżycia oraz badań korzystających z narzędzi pomiaru przedstawionych w tym artykule, pozwolił na ustalenie, iż dotychczasowa literatura polsko-i anglojęzyczna obejmuje jedynie 11 krajów europejskich: Szwecję (Wilmoth, Horiuchi, 1999;Kannisto, 2000;Canudas-Romo, 2008, 2010Thatcher i in., 2010;Yue, 2012;Rossi, Rousson, Paccaud, 2013;Ebeling i in., 2013;Schalkwijk, Koopman, Ghariq, de Beer, van Bodegom, Westendorp, 2016;Ebeling i in., 2018), Francję (Hill, 1993;Kannisto, 2000;Robine, 2001;Kannisto, 2007;Canudas-Romo, 2008;Thatcher i in., 2010;Ouellette, Bourbeau, 2011;Ebeling i in., 2013;Rossi i in., 2013;Schalkwijk i in., 2016), Szwajcarię (Paccaud, Pinto, Marazzi, Mili, 1998;Cheung, Robine, Paccaud, Marazzi, 2009;Kannisto, 2000;Thatcher i in., 2010;Rousson, Paccaud, 2010;Rossi i in., 2013;Schalkwijk i in., 2016), Wielką Brytanię, chociaż część badań dotyczy jedynie obszaru Anglii i Walii (Hill, 1993;Kannisto, 2000;Canudas-Romo, 2008;Thatcher i in., 2010;Rossi i in., 2013;Schalkwijk i in., 2016), Holandię (Nusselder, Mackenbach, 1996Nusselder, 2007;Kannisto, 2000;Rossi i in., 2013;Engelaer, Bodegom, Kirkwood, Westendorp, 2014), Włochy (Canudas-Romo, 2008Thatcher i in., 2010;Rossi i in., 2013;Ebeling i in., 2018), Finlandię (Kannisto, 2000(Kannisto, , 2007Rossi i in., 2013), Danię (Rossi i in., 2013;Ebeling i in., 2018), Norwegię (Rossi i in., 2013), Hiszpanię (Debón, Martínez-Ruiz, Montes, 2012) i Polskę (Wróblewska, 2017). Widoczna jest dysproporcja w liczbie literatury poświęconej poszczególnym krajom europejskim, w tym pojedyncze źródła dla Norwegii, Hiszpanii i Polski. ...
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This article is a result of a methodological literature review concerning the compression of mortality and rectangularization of the survival curve concepts. It aims to identify the current state of knowledge – key definitions, existing tools of measurement and analysis of empirical research conducted so far in Europe. The process of gathering and selecting scientific literature is precisely described so that one can easily understand the obtained knowledge synthesis and possibly improve further research. The first part of this paper includes definitions of the rectangularization of the survival curve, its dimensions, and related terminology. Then, 26 measures and indicators of the phenomenon, found in existing scientific literature, are described individually and gathered in a comparative table. Finally, the results of reviewing empirical research of 11 European countries are presented: Sweden, France, Switzerland, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Italy, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Spain, and Poland. The results are further discussed on the example of France. The analysis shows that some of the rectangularization measures are still rarely used empirically, some being only theoretically formulated. Moreover, these studies have small to none representation of some European countries. As a result of this literature review, new interesting paths for further research are formulated.
Monitoring the changes in mortality patterns and levels requires studying mortality models and measures of lifespan length and variation. Measures of lifespan length and variation can be obtained from life tables or from mortality modes. In this paper, measures of lifespan length and variation are presented for mixture model introduced by Zanotto, L., V. Canudas-Romo, and S. Mazzuco. 2021. “A Mixture-Function Mortality Model: Illustration of the Evolution of Premature Mortality.” European Journal of Population 37 (1): 1–27. This was applied to the case of Egypt for males and females in the period 1950–2021. The mixture model was able to fit Egypt’s mortality pattern well for both males and females. The calculated measures of lifespan length and variation show that there is an increasing longevity and a declining variation of age at death distribution across time for both males and females.
The scope of this paper is to analyse mortality regimes and classify 39 populations using data from the Human Mortality Database. After utilising the life tables of these populations, several parameters will be studied: life expectancy at birth, Gini Coefficient, average life years lost because of deaths (e†), interquartile range (IQR), age separating early and late deaths, modal age at death and length of the old age heap. Afterwards, PCA analysis will produce uncorrelated components, which will be used in the subsequent cluster analysis to identify the homogeneous groups of populations, i.e., their segmentation. The study’s results indicate the existence of two mortality patterns in both genders. In males, these two major clusters are divided into three sub-clusters showing different transitional levels: one of more advanced, one of moderate and one of less advanced mortality transition. In females, four sub-clusters are formed, with several dissimilarities among them. The first two subclusters are of advanced mortality transition, and the second two are of less advanced. Details of this classification can be seen in the text. The segmentation of the populations differs in the two genders, signifying the differential patterns in their mortality regimes.KeywordsLife tablese0Gini coefficientE-daggerInterquartile rangeAge separating early and late deathsModal age at deathLength of the old age heapPCACluster analysis
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Mortality forecasting has received increasing interest during recent decades due to the negative financial effects of continuous longevity improvements on public and private institutions’ liabilities. However, little attention has been paid to forecasting mortality from a cohort perspective. In this article, we introduce a novel methodology to forecast adult cohort mortality from age-at-death distributions. We propose a relational model that associates a time-invariant standard to a series of fully and partially observed distributions. Relation is achieved via a transformation of the age-axis. We show that cohort forecasts can improve our understanding of mortality developments by capturing distinct cohort effects, which might be overlooked by a conventional age–period perspective. Moreover, mortality experiences of partially observed cohorts are routinely completed. We illustrate our methodology on adult female mortality for cohorts born between 1835 and 1970 in two high-longevity countries using data from the Human Mortality Database.
L’évolution dans le temps de la fonction des survivants par âge est très souvent présentée graphiquement, mais n’est pas mesurée précisément. Cela s’explique par le fait que la lecture directe de ce déplacement selon l’âge n’est pas possible dans la mesure où les tables de mortalité sont décrites âge par âge et non pas pour des proportions de survivants données. En fait, il est possible de détourner cette difficulté au moyen d’interpolations. Des mesures sont présentées pour une dizaine de pays à faible mortalité. Le déplacement de la fonction des survivants (Sx) au cours du temps — à droite, selon l’axe des âges x, se réduit au fur et à mesure que le niveau de Sx diminue ; cette liaison est pratiquement linéaire lorsque Sx est inférieur à 0,8. Une suggestion, basée sur cette démarche, est proposée pour établir une projection d’une table de mortalité nécessitant seulement de définir la trajectoire au fil du temps au moyen de deux paramètres facilement interprétables. Cette méthode présente l’avantage de tenir compte du fait que l’effet de l’âge évolue au fur et à mesure que l’âge au décès augmente.
Technical Report
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THEME 3 Population and social conditions Population and social conditions 3/2003/F/n o 26 Methodology for the calculation of Eurostat's demographic indicators Detailed report by the European Demographic Observatory G. Calot, J.
No mortality curve appears yet to have been devised which both fits the national statistics at all ages, and also has a simple philosophical explanation. The object of this paper may be stated as being the building up of a new mortality curve from its component parts, as many as possible of these parts having a philosophical background, and the whole being applicable to the national data.
Perhaps the greatest of all human achievements has been the enormous increase of human longevity that has occurred over the past few centuries. The average length of life in the early history of our species was probably in the range of 20 to 35 years (Table 1). By 1900, this value had already risen to around 45 to 50 years in industrialized countries. Slightly more than a century later, the world’s healthiest countries now have a life expectancy at birth of around 80 years. Thus, roughly half of the historical increase in human life expectancy occurred during the twentieth century. Of course, much of the increase in this average value has been due to the near elimination of infant and childhood deaths. According to the available evidence, in the distant past, around a quarter of all babies died in their first year of life. Today, in the most advantaged countries, less than a half percent of infants meet a similar fate.
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