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Agricultural Economics Research Review
Vol.23 January-June2010 pp 165-171
Research Note
Cost Benefit Analysis and Marketing ofMushroom in Haryana!
Ram Slngh=, D.K. Bishnoi" and Abbey Singh"
"College of Post Graduate Studies (Central Agricultural University), Umiam, Barapani,
Shillong - 793 103, Meghalaya
'Department of Agricultural Economics, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University,
Hisar -125004, Haryana
'Economics/Business Economics, Chaudhary Devi Lal University, Sirsa -125055, Haryana
The study conducted in the districts of Sonepat and Gurgaon in Haryana during the year 2003-04, has
analysed the cost, returns and break-even point of mushroom production on different categories of farms,
and has investigated the existing marketing system along with marketing cost, margins and marketing
efficiency. Simple tabular analysis, benefit-cost analysis, break-even level, price spread and marketing
efficiency have been used to draw the inference. The study has revealed that (i) the fixed capital investment
is more than double in large and medium farms as compared to the small farms, (ii) the use of compost has
a positive relationship with the farm size, (iii) there exists a positive relationship between mushroom
production and farm size, (iv) large farmers have lowest cost of mushroom production as compared to small
and medium farms due to efficient utilization of fixed farm resources, (v) the producer share in consumer
rupee is highest in channel-Tv, followed by channels II, III and I, respectively. The channel-I is the least
efficient due to the existence of more middlemen. The study has suggested that (a) mushroom cultivation
being capital-intensive, the financial assistance through institutional agencies at cheaper interest rate
would be the desirable entity, (b) mushroom being a highly perishable crop and prone to high temperature,
marketing infrastructures such as cold storage facilities are of immense importance. Similarly, suitable
arrangements are needed by the canning/processing units for the management of surplus mushroom.
Haryana is a leading of mushroom-producing state
of India and has potential to increase its production in
the near future. More than 80 per cent of total mushroom
production (:::4000 tonnes/year) in Haryana comes from
the seasonal mushroom growers of the Sonepat district.
These farmers take a crop on the compost prepared
by the long method. Delhi, besides being the largest
consumer, is a big market for the mushroom of Sonepat.
A mushroom grower is required to have sufficient
knowledge about production technology and
Author for correspondence, Email: ramsingh.cau@;
This paper is drawn from the Ph. D. thesis titled "An eco-
nomic analysis of production and marketing of mushroom
in Haryana" submitted by Ram Singh in 2004
understanding of economics of mushroom cultivation.
Depending on the availability of manpower,
infrastructure, raw materials and market, planning for
a small, medium or large unit may be chalked out, yet it
is crucial to determine the optimum output level which
makes a farm viable. The economics of mushroom
cultivation vary across regions, and also have a bearing
on the benefit-cost ratio. Keeping in view all these
aspects, the present study was conducted in the districts
of Sonepat and Gurgaon with the following objectives:
• To analyse the cost, returns and break-even point
of mushroom production on different categories
of farms, and
• To study the existing marketing system along
with marketing cost, margins and marketing
166 Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol.23 January-June 2010
The study was conducted in the districts of Sonepat
and Gurgaon of Haryana during 2003-04. From each
selected district, five villages, viz. Khubru, Bhadana,
Byanpur, Mimarpur and Rohat from the Sonepat district
and Dhaula, Khaika, Sultanpur, Bahrampur and
Pathrahri from the Gurgaon district, each with highest
mushroom units were purposively selected. All these
mushroom growers were arranged in the ascending
order of the quantity of straw used by them. Later,
based on the cumulative frequency total method (Singh
et aI.,
2001), they were categorized into small (up to
120 q), medium (120-240 q) and large (more than 240
q) farmers, thus out of 350 mushroom growers in these
10 villages, 100 mushroom growers (10 from each
village) were selected randomly (40 small, 30 medium
and 30 large farmers). In addition, 12 wholesalers and
10retailers of mushroom were also interviewed through
a well-structured schedule. For estimating cost, the
average expenditure on various inputs like straw,
human labour, spawn, bran, casing soil, fertilizer and
plant protection chemicals was worked out. This cost
along with the interest on working capital (@ 10 %per
annum) formed the total variable cost. For calculating
cost, the opportunity cost for owner inputs and actual
price paid by the farmers for purchased inputs were
considered, interest on fixed investment and
depreciation on investment on capital equipment
constituted the fixed cost.
The returns were calculated based on the actual
prices received by the growers. The return over
variable cost, return over material cost (wheat-straw,
spawn, fertilizer, plant protection chemicals, bran, casing
soil, etc.) and net returns were calculated by deducting
the respective cost from the gross returns.
Break-even point (BEP) of output was calculated
by using the following formula (1):
Total fixed cost,
Average sale price of mushroom (Rs/kg), and
Average variable cost (Rs/kg)
For estimating marketing cost and margins through
major channels in the study area, the data collected
from different marketing functionaries were analysed.
The important channels of mushroom marketing in the
study area were:
(1) Mushroom grower-e Wholesaler/Commission
agent ~Retailer~Consumer,
(2) Mushroom grower~Wholesaler/Commission
agent ~Consumer,
(3) Mushroom grower-oketailer-e-Consumer, and
(4) Mushroom grower-e'Consumer,
Marketing efficiency was calculated by using
formula (2):
Value of produce per kg
Marketing efficiency
= -
Marketing cost per kg
... (2)
Higher the ratio, higher is the efficiency and vice
Results and Discussion
The data presented in Table 1 revealed that the
average initial total investment on a mushroom farm
was Rs 155187. The expenditure on building including
kachcha and pucca structures accounted for the
maximum share, it was 91.32 per cent, 94.03 per cent
and 90.03 per cent for small, medium and large farms,
Regarding investment on machinery and
equipments, it was found that in small farms the
investment on such items as motor, spray pump, nozzle,
water pipes, exhaust fan, cooler, heater, etc., constituted
about 6.24 per cent, whereas on medium farms, it was
about 3.74 per cent. In the large farms, the major cost
was on generator, motor, electrical fittings, trays, forks,
spray pump, etc., constituting about 9.49 per cent of
the total capital investment.
Cost on Mushroom Production
The cost estimates for mushroom production on
different categories of farms have been presented in
Table 2. The total cost of production varied from Rs
54683 on small farms to Rs 401308 on large farms,
with average as Rs 195387 per farm. The fixed cost of
mushroom production was worked out to be 38.39 per
cent, 39.52 per cent and 29.12 per cent on small,
medium and large farms, respectively. The proportion
Singh et al. : Cost Benefit Analysis and Marketing of Mushroom in Haryana 167
Table 1. Initial capital investment on mushroom production in different categories of farms
Particulars Category of farms
Small Medium Large Average
1.Investment on buildings
(a) Kuchcha 21890 43960 163401 83714
(b) Pucca 35340 112270 49205 65605
Total 57230 156230 212606 142022
2.Investment on equipments
(i)Generator 7670 2557
(ii) Trays, forks, tubs and buckets 691 1752 3465 1969
(iii)Spray pump, nozzle and water pipes 1395 2216 3031 2214
(iv)Exhaust fan, cooler, heater, etc. 910 1412 775 1032
(v)Thermometer, basket, petis, knife, etc. 120 240 101 154
(vi) Weighing balance 140 170
(vii)Electrical fittings 581 1550 3660 1930
(viii)Motor 1605 2590 4575 3117
Total 62672 166160 236147 155187
Table2. Break-up of cost of cultivation on different mushroom farms (RsIfarm)
Particulars Category of farms
Small Medium Large
A.Fixed Cost
(i)Depreciation on buildings 12287(22.47) 29(J)6(22.75) 85042(21.19)
(ii)Depreciation on equipments 1186(2.18) 1894(1.45) 3489(0.87)
(iii)Interest on fixed capital investment @12 per cent for one year 7521 (13.75) 19939(15.32) 28338 (7.06)
Total 20994(38.39) 51438 (39.52) 116869(29.12)
B.Variable Cost
(i)Labour charges 3549(6.49) 17995(13.82) 57550(14.33)
(ii)Electricity charges 690 (1.26) %2(0.74) 1510(0.38)
(iii)Compost 19112(34.95) 38916 (29.90) 135430(33.75)
(iv) Pesticides
insecticides 1535(2.82) 2790(2.14) 9945(2.48)
(v) Casing soil 1549(2.83) 2759(2.12) 9%5(2.48)
(vi)Spawn 5650 (10.33) 11560 (8.88) 53525 (13.34)
(vii)Generator fuel 2970(0.74)
(viii) Interest on variable cost for 6 months @10 per cent 1604(2.93) 3749(2.88) 13545(3.38)
Total 33689(61.61) 78731 (60.48) 284440 (70.88)
Tota1(A+ B) 54683(100) 130170(100) 401308(100)
Note: Figures within the parentheses are the percentages to total
168 Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 23 January-June 2010
of fixed cost to total cost being lowest on large farms
revealed the optimum use of fixed farm resources by
these farms. On an average, total fixed and variable
costs were Rs 63101 and Rs 132287, which constituted
about 32.30 per cent and 61.70 per cent of the overall
cost, respectively.
Amongst the fixed cost, the depreciation on
buildings was worked out to be Rs 12287, Rs 29606
and Rs 85042 comprising of about 22 per cent, 23 per
cent and 21 per cent of the total cost on small, medium
and large farms, respectively. The interest on fixed
capital investment varied from 7.06 per cent to 15.32
per cent across different categories of mushroom farms
and was maximum on medium size farms.
Amongst the variable cost, the compost on an
average, accounted for the highest share (33 %) in the
total cost. It may be due to the fact that compost serves
as the base material for mushroom production. Across
different categories of farms, cost on compost varied
between 30 per cent and 35 per cent and was highest
on the small farms. The expenditures on labour and
spawn were the other major items, which accounted
for 13.49 per cent and 12.07 per cent of the total cost,
respectively. The generator fuel and electricity charges,
however, constituted the least share, 0.52 per cent and
0.54 per cent, respectively. The interest on variable
cost accounted for 3.22 per cent of the total cost and
varied between 2.88 per cent and 3.38 per cent across
different categories of mushroom farms.
In critical inputs, compost occupied the major share
of total expenditure (29.90-34.95%), followed by value
of spawn (8.88-13.34%), and labour charges (6.49-
14.33%). The cost on pesticides, insecticides and casing
soil ranged from 4.26 per cent to 5.66 per cent across
different categories of mushroom farms. On the whole,
the share of compost in total cost was 33 per cent,
followed by labour charges (13.49%), spawn (12.07%),
interest on variable cost (3.22%), casing soil (2.43%),
pesticides and insecticides (2.43%) and electricity
charges (0.54%) and generator fuel (0.52 %).
Costs and Returns from Mushroom Production
The average mushroom production across small,
medium and large growers was 2639 kg, 6978 kg and
21910 kg, respectively (Table 3). Thus, a positive
relationship existed between mushroom production and
farm size. The gross returns ranged between Rs 88202
and Rs 735100 across different categories of farms.
The average gross returns were computed to be Rs
351567 from the average mushroom production of
10509 kg and average selling price of mushroom being
Rs 33.37/kg. The gross returns increased with the
increase in the quantity of compost used. The net
returns from mushroom production, which ranged from
Rs 33519 to Rs 333792 across different farm categories,
depicted an increase with an increase in farm size.
The analysis clearly revealed that as the farm size
increased, income generation capacity of the mushroom
growers also went up. As a result, the large mushroom
Table 3. Costs and returns from mushroom production on different categories offarms
Particulars dif
Categories of farmers
Small Medium Large Average
Total variable cost (Rs)
Total production cost (Rs)
Mushroom production (kg)
Average selling price (Rs/kg)
Gross returns (Rs)
Net returns (Rs)
Returns over variable cost (Rs)
Benefit cost ratio (over total production cost)
Cost of production (Rs/ kg)
Break-even point of output (kg)
Net returns (Rs/ kg)
Singh et al. : Cost Benefit Analysis and Marketing of Mushroom in Haryana
Table 4. Marketing cost incurred by different categories of mushroom growers in channel-I (Rs/kg)
Particulars Small Average
Medium Large
1.Packing andweighing
2. Washingof mushroom
3. Spreadingon cloth sheet
4. Transportation
5. Loading and unloading
7. Miscellaneous
0.98 (19.44)
0.57 (11.31)
1.41 (27.98)
0.Q7 (1.39)
0.97 (20.29)
0.55 (11.51)
0.Q7 (1.46)
1.46 (30.54)
0.11 (2.30)
1.57 (32.85)
0.94 (25.27)
0.88 (23.66)
0.96 (21.29)
0.55 (12.20)
0.Q7 (1.55)
1.38 (30.60)
0.11 (2.44)
1.39 (30.82)
4.51 (100)
Note: Figures withinthe parentheses are the percentages of the total marketing cost.
growers earned more profit than small and medium
growers. In fact, adoption of better management
practices by the large mushroom growers ultimately
benefited them and provided higher income generating
capacity. The study observed that the 'economies of
scale' operated very well on large-size farms. It was
also supported by the benefit cost ratio, which was
higher on large (1.83) than small (1.61) and medium
(1.78), farms the overall figure being 1.74.
The cost of production of mushroom decreased
with the increase in farm size. Thus, net returns per
kilogram were Rs 12.70, Rs 14.51 and Rs 15.23 on
small, medium and large farms, respectively. It is clear
from the table that large growers spent the least on per
kg mushroom production due to efficient utilization of
fixed farm resources.
Marketing Costs and Margins
The data about marketing costs incurred by
different categories of mushroom growers are depicted
in Table 4. The three major cost components were
transportation, packing and weighing and commission
charges. The cost on packing and weighing increased
while cost on transportation decreased with farm size.
The commission ranged from 28 per cent to 33 per
cent with average cost of 31 per cent.
The marketing costs and margins presented in Table
5, show that the share of producer in consumer rupee
.wasminimum in channel-I (62.62%) and maximum in
channel-IV (91.51 %). But, the price received by the
grower was highest in channel-TV (Rs 35/kg) and
minimum in channel-I (Rs 32/kg). The marketing cost
of producer across different channels was noticed
highest in channel-Il (10.66%), followed by channel-I
(9.90%), channel-IV (8.49%) and channel-ill (6.56%),
but in absolute terms it was maximum under channel-I
(Rs 4.37/kg), followed by channel-Il (Rs .4.27/kg).
The marketing cost as well net margin of wholesaler
under channel-I and channel-Il were almost equal. The
consumers paid Rs 44/kg, Rs 40/kg, Rs 43/kg and
Rs 35/kg on purchasing mushroom through channels I,
II, ill, and IV, respectively.
DisposalPattern of Mushroom through Different
Marketing Channels
The disposal pattern of mushroom through different
channels, depicted in Table 6, reveals that the maximum
quantity (more than 80 %) of mushroom was sold
through channel-I, in which there was involvement of
all the stakeholders, viz. grower, wholesaler, retailer
and consumer. The channel-Il in which retailer was
absent, could attract marketing of around 10 per cent
production of mushroom from all the categories of
growers. The marketing of mushroom through channel-
ill in which wholesaler was absent, was 4-5 per cent
of their produce by small and medium farmers and 10
per cent by large farmers. The direct selling of
mushroom by growers to consumers was practically
not followed by large farmers, but small and medium
farmers did sell 2-4 per cent of their produce through
this channel. Thus, the order of disposal of mushroom
through different channels was:
channel-Il ""channel-ill> channel-Tv
170 Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 23 January-June 2010
Table 5. Marketing costs and margins of mushroom through different marketing channels
SI Particulars Channels
Price received by grower 32.00 (72.53) 33.25 (83.02) 33.50(77.91) 35.00 (100.00)
2. Marketing cost incurred by grower
a) Washing of mushroom 0.55 (1.25) 0.55 (1.37) 0.55 (1.28) 0.55 (1.57)
b) Spreading on cloth sheet 0.07 (0.16) 0.07 (0.18) 0.07 (0.16) 0.07 (0.20)
c) Packing and weighing 0.%(2.18) 0.96(2.39) 0.96(2.23) 0.96(2.74)
d) Transportation 1.38(3.13) 1.26(3.15) 1.18(2.74) 1.31(3.74)
e) Loading and unloading 0.11 (0.25) 0.11 (0.27)
f) Commission 1.25(2.83) 1.28 (3.20)
g) Miscellaneous 0.05 (0.10) 0.04(0.10) 0.06(0.14) 0.08(0.29)
Total (a to g) 4.37 (9.90) 4.27 (10.66) 2.82(6.56) 2.97 (8.49)
3. Net margin of grower 27.63 (62.62) 28.98 (72.36) 30.68 (71.35) 32.03 (91.51)
4. Marketing cost incurred by wholesaler
a) Packing 0.21 (0.48) 0.26(0.65)
b) Handling 0.20(0.45) 0.20(0.50)
Total (a to b) 0.41 (0.93) 0.46(1.15)
5. Net margin of wholesaler 7.03 (15.93) 6.34 (15.83)
6. Price received by wholesaler 39.44 (89.39) 40.05
7. Marketing cost incurred by retailer
a) Loading and unloading 0.11 (0.25) 0(0.30).13
b) Price paid by retailer (Rs) 0.14(0.32) 0.12(0.28)
Total (a +b) 0.25(0.57) 0.25 (0.58)
8. Net margin of retailer 4.43 (10.04) 9.25 (21.51)
9. Price paid by consumer (Rs) 44.12(100.00) 46.05 (100.00) 43.00(100.00) 35.00(100.00)
10. Marketing efficiency 10.78 9.91 6.03 5.36
Note: Figures in parentheses are the percentage to the price paid by the consumer i.e., producer to consumer rupee.
Table 6. Disposal pattern of mushroom through different marketing channels
(Quantity in kg)
Marketing channels Small growers Medium growers Large growers
No. of Average No. of Average No. of Average
growers quantity growers quantity growers quantity
sold sold sold
Mushroom grower- Wholesaler-Retailer-Consumer 24 2140 17 5792 19 17843
(60.0) (81.0) (56.7) (83.0) (63.3) (81.4)
II. Mushroom grower- Wholesaler-Consumer 8263 6713 62053
(20.0) (10.0) (20.0) (10.2) (20.0) (9.4)
III. Mushroom grower-Retailer-Consumer 5131 4 263 52014
(12.5) (5.0) (13.3) (3.8) (16.7) (9.2)
IV. Mushroom grower-Consumer 3105 3210
(7.5) (4.0) (10.0) (3.0)
Overall .:() 2639
Note: Figures within parentheses are the percentages to the total of respective columns
Singh et al. : Cost Benefit Analysis and Marketing of Mushroom in Haryana
Policy Implications
Following conclusions emerged from the study:
• The fixed capital investment is more than double
in large and medium farms as compared to small
• The fixed cost to total cost being lowest on large
farms (29.12%) as compared to small (38.39%)
and medium (39.52%) farms, implies the optimum
use of fixed farm resources with that size of farm.
• The use of compost has a positive relationship with
the farm size.
• On the whole, in total variable cost, the average
share of compost is maximum (33%) followed by
labour charges (13%) and spawn (12%).
• ',there is apositive relationship between mushroom
production and farm-size. The income of
mushroom growers goes up with the increase in
farm size. The large growers adopt the better
management practices, resulting into higher
income, that is followed by medium and small
farmers. This demonstrates the applicability of
"economies of scale" in mushroom cultivation.
• Of various channels, channel-I (Producer-
Wholesaler-Retailer-Consumer) is the most
common channel amongst different categories of
mushroom growers, followed by the channel-Il
(Producer- Wholesaler-Consumer) in small and
medium size farms, while channel-Ill only in case
of large growers.
Based on above conclusions, the following policy
implications emerge:
(i) Since mushroom cultivation is capital-intensive and
increases with increase in farm-size, the financial
assistance through institutional agencies at cheaper
interest rate would help increase mushroom
(ii) Proper institutional arrangements are required to
supply the good quality of spawn at reasonable
prices and in desired quantities to the mushroom
(iii) Farmers' co-operative marketing societies and/or
farmer's organizations may be promoted to take
care of surplus quantity of mushroom producion. ,
(iv) Mushroom being a highly perishable crop and prone
to high temperature, marketing infrastructure such
as cold storage facilities is of immense importance.
Similarly, suitable arrangements are needed by the
conning/processing units for the management of
surplus mushroom.
The authors thank the anonymous referee for his
valuable suggestions
Singh, Parminder, Pandey, U.K. and Suhag, K.S. (2001)
Economic feasibility of mushroom farming in Haryana,
Mushroom Research, 10(2): 91-98.