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Abstract and Figures

We have studied the effects of Agaricus bisporus and Phellinus linteus ethanol extracts on transcriptional regulation of genes involved in cytokine release and apoptosis in the human leukemia cell line K562. In particular, we applied quantitative real-time PCR (Q-PCR) assays to monitor alterations of gene expression for the following genes: Bcl-2, Casp-9, NF-κB, TNF-α, IFN-γ, and IL-10. We found stronger proapoptotic activity for the Ph. linteus alcohol extract on K562 cells than for the A. bisporus extract: 4.4- and 2.2-fold increase of Bcl-2 and Casp-9 transcripts. Mushroom alcohol extracts are suggested to exert their effects on tumor cells via the induction of apoptosis. K562 leukemia cells were shown to be most responsive to the transcriptional induction of tumor necrosis factor TNF-α when stimulated with IFN-γ and then treated with Ph. linteus alcohol extract: up to a 4.5-fold increase. Treatment of K562 cells with A. bisporus extract promoted transcription of the cytokine gene IL-10
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International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 12(2):167–175 (2010)
© 2010 by Begell House, Inc.
Extracts of Medicinal Mushrooms Agaricus bisporus
and Phellinus linteus Induce Proapoptotic Effects in
the Human Leukemia Cell Line K562
Alla V. Shnyreva,
Wei Song,
& Leo J. L. D. Van Griensven
Department of Mycology and Algology, Moscow State University, Moscow 119991, Russia;
Research International, Wageningen UR, Wageningen 6700 AA, The Netherlands
* Address all correspondence to Leo J. L. D. Van Griensven,
Plant Research International, Wageningen UR, Wageningen 6700 AA,
The Netherlands; Leo van Griensven <>
ABSTRACT: We have studied the effects of Agaricus bisporus and Phellinus linteus ethanol extracts
on transcriptional regulation of genes involved in cytokine release and apoptosis in the human leukemia
cell line K562. In particular, we applied quantitative real-time PCR (Q-PCR)
assays to monitor altera-
tions of gene expression for the following genes: Bcl-2, Casp-9, NF-κB, TNF-α, IFN-γ, and IL-10.
We found stronger proapoptotic activity for the Ph. linteus alcohol extract on K562 cells than for the
A. bisporus extract: 4.4- and 2.2-fold increase of Bcl-2 and Casp-9 transcripts. Mushroom alcohol ex-
tracts are suggested to exert their effects on tumor cells via the induction of apoptosis. K562 leukemia
cells were shown to be most responsive to the transcriptional induction of tumor necrosis factor TNF-α
when stimulated with IFN-γ and then treated with Ph. linteus alcohol extract: up to a 4.5-fold increase.
Treatment of K562 cells with A. bisporus extract promoted transcription of the cytokine gene IL-10.
KEY WORDS: medicinal mushrooms, Agaricus bisporus, Phellinus linteus, mushroom ethanol ex-
tracts, proapoptotic and anticancer activities
Bcl-2: B-cell lymphoma 2; BSA: bovine serum albumin; Casp-9: caspase 9; CML: chronic myeloid leukemia;
DEAE: diethyl diamino ethyl; FCS: fetal calf serum; HMW: high molecular weight; IFN-γ: interferon gamma;
IL-10: interleukin 10; K562: myelogenous erythroid leukemia cell line; NF-κB: nuclear factor-kappa B; Q-PCR:
quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction; RT-PCR: reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction; ROS:
reactive oxygen species; RPMI 1640: Roswell Park Memorial Institute cell culture medium 1640; TNF-α: tumor
necrosis factor alpha; TNF-R: tumor necrosis factor receptor.
The preventive and therapeutic effects of medicinal
mushrooms Agaricus bisporus (J. Lge) Imbach
(Agaricaceae, Agaricomycetideae) and Phellinus
linteus (Berk. et M.A. Curt.) Teng (Hymeno-
chaetaceae, Aphyllophoromycetideae) and their
components have been shown to be associated
with immunomodulatory effects.
This involves
proin ammatory activity or adjuvant effects, as
well as apoptosis, mostly with the involvement of
chemokines as mediators, produced by the cells of
the immune system. Mushroom extracts contain sev-
eral biologically or medicinally active components.
The in uence of mushroom extracts on oxygen
metabolism, both in vitro and in vivo, may be a
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168 International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms
common denominator. Redox reactions strongly
in uence the majority of physiological processes.
Several glucans of higher Basidiomycetes were
found to have a direct antioxidant effect in vitro.
Agaricus bisporus, which contains high amounts
of antioxidants, has been reported to additionally
harbor a pro-oxidative phenolic compound, that
is, the 4-(hydroxymethyl)-phenyl radical. Pheno-
lic compounds generally have anti- and/or pro-
oxidative properties, depending on the oxidative
status of their OH groups. Some are therefore able
to activate the intracellular formation of reactive
oxygen species (ROS). The most fundamental role
of ROS might be signal transduction and regulation
of diverse processes, including phagocyte activa-
tion, cell proliferation and migration, and apoptosis
(or programmed cell death). Molecular damage
caused by ROS in normal cells challenges the cells
to repair the damage. Abnormal or affected cells
are activated towards the cell death program, that
is, to either apoptosis or autophagous cell death.
Tumor cell lines appear particularly sensitive to
ROS-induced apoptosis. In fact, antitumor agents
exhibit their activity via ROS-dependent activation
of apoptotic cell death.
We demonstrated that partially puri ed poly-
saccharide extracts of A. bisporus and Ph. linteus
are highly active in ROS generation.
When hot
water–extracted polysaccharides of A. bisporus
were subjected to DEAE cellulose adsorption
chromatography, a nonadsorbed, colorless, high
molecular weight (HMW) 1,4,α-glucan was obtained
that was unable to generate ROS, suggesting the
inability of some glucans to generate ROS.
DEAE-adsorbed fractions that were eluted by salt
gradient and consisted of a hazel-colored polysac-
charide-polyphenol complex were very active in
ROS generation. This suggests that the A. bisporus
glucan needs to be associated with polyphenolic
compounds to become an active ROS generator.
To study whether mushroom polyphenols have
a direct effect on cell growth and metabolism, we
applied Q-PCR assays to monitor alterations of gene
expression in the human leukemia cell line K562.
The objective of the research was to analyze pos-
sible effects of A. bisporus and Ph. linteus ethanol
extracts on the transcriptional regulation of genes
involved in cytokine release and apoptosis.
A. Chemicals
RPM1640 with L-glutamine and sodium bicarbon-
ate was from Sigma Chemical Corp. (St. Louis,
MO, USA), serum supreme and fetal bovine serum
(South American origin) was from BioWhittaker
(Walkersville, MD, USA), the Trizol agent was
from Life Technologies (Rockville, MD, USA),
and the DNase I Amp Grade and Superscript II
reverse transcriptase were both from Invitrogen
(Carlsbad, CA, USA).
B. Cancer Cells
The human erythroid leukemia cell line K562 was
cultured in RPMI-1640 medium supplemented
with 10% fetal calf serum (fcs) and 100 U/mL
penicillin + 100 μg/mL
streptomycin and main-
tained in a humidi ed incubator with 5% CO
37°C. Cell viability was assessed by the trypan
blue exclusion test.
Acridine orange/ethidium bromide staining
(AO/EB) was used to visualize the induction of
apoptotic bodies and was performed on live cells
in cultivation medium by the addition of an equal
volume of a mixture of 10 μg/mL
acridine orange
and 1 μg/mL
ethidium bromide in phosphate
buffered saline (PBS). The cells were then imme-
diately observed in a Zeiss Axioscope uorescence
microscope (Carl Zeiss AG, Oberkochen, Germany)
using a 40 × Neo uar objective.
C. Mushroom Extracts and Treatment
Fresh fruiting body tissue of cultivated Agaricus
bisporus (Sylvan, strain A15) was obtained from
Innerlife B.V. (Venlo, The Netherlands). Dry
powdered wild-type Phellinus linteus was kindly
provided by Amazing Grace Ltd. (Thailand). Water
extracts were prepared as described previously.
Ethanol extracts were prepared as follows: 10 g
of lyophilized or dry powdered fruiting body were
homogenized to a ne powder in a mortar and
then suspended in 100 mL of 96% ethanol. The
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Volume 12, Issue 2, 2010 169
mixture was stirred at 70°C for 2 hours and then
ltered and centrifuged to remove solid materi-
als. The supernatant was concentrated to a small
volume in a Buchi rotary evaporator at 45°C. The
concentrate was diluted to a clear 1% (w/v) solu-
tion in absolute ethanol.
1. Cell Stimulation and Treatment
K562 cells, at a nal concentration of 0.5 × 10
, were stimulated with 100 ng/mL
IFN-γ for
20 hours and then incubated (treated) with mush-
room ethanol extracts for another 4 hours in 6- and
12-well culture plates. Various doses of mushroom
ethanol extracts (1, 5, and 10 μg/mL
) and 200 μg/
of hot water extract were tested. Untreated
and unstimulated control cells were examined at
corresponding times.
D. RNA Isolation and cDNA Synthesis
Total RNA was extracted from K562 cells with
Trizol according to the manufacturers protocol. All
RNA extractions were treated with 1 μL of DNase I
Amp Grade for 15 min at room temperature and then
heated for 10 min at 65°C to remove any traces of
genomic DNA contamination. RNA concentration
and purity (260/280/230 ratio) were measured by
the NanoDrop ( NanoDrop Tecnologies, Thermo
Fisher Scienti c Inc., Waltham, MA, USA), achiev-
ing a mean concentration of 191 ng/μL
, a 260/280
ratio of 2.03, and a 260/230 ratio of 1.89.
One microgram of total RNA was converted
into cDNA using the Superscript II reverse tran-
scriptase. For each reaction, 4 μL 5 rst-strand
buffer (50 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8.3, 375 mM KCl,
15 mM MgCl
), 2 mL of 0.1 M dTT, 5 U RNAsin,
500 μM dNTP mix, 200 pmol Oligo-dT, 25 U
Superscript II reverse transcriptase, and MQ-
water were added to the RNA to a nal volume
of 20 μL. This reaction was then incubated at
42°C for 1 h. The reaction was carried out for
5 min at 25°C, followed by 30 s at 42°C, and
was terminated at 85°C for 5 min. The nished
cDNA products were stored in aliquots at –80°C
until needed.
E. Primer Design and Real-Time
Q-PCR Assays
Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction
(Q-PCR) was used for monitoring alterations of gene
expression in K562 cells stimulated with mushroom
ethanol extracts. Q-PCR enables a sensitive and
accurate quanti cation of mRNA transcription lev-
els. Selection of a housekeeping (reference) gene
as an internal control is of crucial importance for
data interpretation. The β-actin gene, Actb, was
selected as a housekeeping gene from those most
commonly used in the literature.
The expression
of six genes involved in cell immune responses
and apoptosis regulation (Bcl-2, Casp-9, NF-κB,
TNF-α, IFN-γ, and IL-10) was evaluated. Speci c
cDNA sequences were retrieved from the GenBank
sequence database of the National Center for Bio-
technology Information (, and
primers were designed by using BEACON software.
Criteria for primer selection were as described in
detail by Giguere and Prescott.
Brie y, primers
were designed to span the exon-exon boundary to
eliminate the possible in uence of the contamination
of genomic DNA. Primers were constructed to have
a length of 18–25 bp, 40–60% GC content, and to
produce amplicons 150–220 bp in length.
The Q-PCR was performed using SYBR Green
uorescence and a MJQ BioRad iCycler (USA).
After an initial step at 95°C for 10 min, ampli -
cation was performed with 40 cycles denaturing
at 95°C for 30 s, annealing at 60°C for 40 s, and
extension at 72°C for 40 s. Ampli cation was fol-
lowed by a melting curve analysis to con rm PCR
product speci city. A melting curve analysis was
performed after the nal ampli cation cycle via a
temperature gradient from 60°C to 95°C. A non-
template control (NTC) was run with each assay,
and all determinations were performed at least in
duplicate to achieve reproducibility.
During the protocol optimization, all Q-PCR
ampli ed products were loaded on 1.6% agarose
gel using the appropriate DNA ladder to con rm
appropriate fragment sizes and lack of primer dimers.
No signals were detected in nontemplate controls.
Calibration curves were generated using rela-
tive concentration versus the threshold cycle (C
Raw data were analyzed using the 2
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170 International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms
also known as the comparative threshold cycle (C
or ∆∆Ct method.
The relative gene expression
was quanti ed based on the results obtained for
β-actin as the endogenous control (the housekeep-
ing gene).
A. Design and Quality Assessment of
Q-PCR Protocol and Q-PCR Ef ciency
We evaluated the expression of Bcl-2, Casp-9,
NF-κB, TNF-α, IFN-γ, and IL-10 genes in K562 leu-
kemia cells under the following conditions: (1) cells
stimulated with mushroom ethanol extracts; (2) cells
stimulated with ethanol extracts and preactivated
(preincubated) with interferon-γ (IFN-γ); (3) cells
stimulated with hot water extracts. First, we analyzed
gene expression at different time points of stimula-
tion/treatment in the time-course experiment (data
not shown) in order to choose the optimal incubation
time. As a result, cells stimulated at 4-h time points
were subjected to comparative analysis of mRNA
transcriptional level in Q-PCR experiments.
Then, we tested various doses of A. bisporus
ethanol extract on gene expression in order to choose
the optimal concentration of mushroom extracts for
the induction of apoptosis and therefore applicable
for the analysis (Fig. 1). In the dose-response study,
K562 unstimulated with IFN-Ȗ
control 1 ug/mL 5 ug/mL 10 ug/mL 200 ug/mL
Ethanol extract Water extract
Relative gene expression
(fold change)
K562 stimulated with IFN-Ȗ
control 1 ug/mL 5 ug/mL 10 ug/mL 200 ug/mL
Ethanol extract Water extract
Relative gene expression
(fold change)
FIGURE 1. Effect of various doses of Agaricus bisporus extracts on gene expression in leukemia cell line K562. (A)
Cells were treated with mushroom extracts (without IFN- stimulation). (B) Cells were stimulated with IFN- for 20 h
and then treated with mushroom extracts. Control—untreated K562 cells without stimulation with IFN-. The optimal
concentration of ethanol extract is 10 g/mL
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Volume 12, Issue 2, 2010 171
K562 cells were initially treated using 1, 5, and 10
A. bisporus alcohol extract. Our results
suggested that activation of gene transcription was
maximal at 10 μg/mL
of A. bisporus ethanol
extract treatment.
We also investigated the IFN-γ synergetic effect
on the modulation of gene transcription in tumor
cells treated with mushroom ethanol extracts. K562
cells were activated (preincubated) with IFN-γ at
the concentration 100 ng/mL
for 20 h and then
stimulated with mushroom extracts for another
4 h, followed by Q-PCR analysis of mRNA tran-
scripts of genes involved in cytokine release and
apoptosis (Bcl-2, Casp-9, NF-κB, TNF-α, IFN-γ,
and IL-10). At time-point zero (prior to IFN-γ
activation) and after the 20-h preincubation with
IFN-γ and subsequent 4-h stimulation by mushroom
ethanol extracts, the total RNA was isolated, reverse
transcribed, and gene expression was quantitated
by real-time Q-PCR. There were no apparent dif-
ferences in mRNA transcription of the reference
gene, β-actin, between IFN-γ-stimulated cells,
mushroom extract-stimulated, and nonstimulated
cells, indicating constitutive expression and the
reliability of the reference housekeeping gene used
in the experiment.
Therefore, the concentrations of 10 μg/mL
of ethanol extract and 200 μg/mL
of hot water
extract and 20-h stimulation with 100 ng/mL
IFN-γ followed by 4-h incubation with mushroom
extracts were chosen as the optimal experimental
conditions for the subsequent investigation.
Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR prod-
ucts during initial optimization experiments was
performed to reveal single bands corresponding
to ampli ed genes for all primer sets tested (not
shown). Moreover, melting curve analysis was per-
formed after each Q-PCR run. This demonstrated a
single homogenous melting peak, con rming highly
speci c ampli cation.
B. Gene Expression Analysis in K562
Cells Treated with Ethanol Extracts
No signi cant differences in the level of nuclear
factor-kappaB (NF-κB) and tumor necrosis factor-
alpha (TNF-α) transcripts stimulated with A.
bisporus alcohol extract were noticed between
K562 cells left untreated or treated for 20 hours
with IFN-γ (Fig. 1). Transcription of these genes
remained at control values or was downregulated.
The Bcl-2 gene transcription underwent positive
regulation under the increased concentration of
A. bisporus alcohol extract (at concentration 10
): more than 3.5-fold increase in IFN-γ-
stimulated K562 cells and 2.8-fold increase in cells
left nonstimulated. IFN-γ is shown to have immu-
noregulatory, antiviral, and anticancer properties.
It alters transcription in up to 30 genes, producing
a variety of physiological and cellular responses,
including inhibition of cellular proliferation and
effects on apoptosis.
As another biomarker of apoptosis induction,
caspase-9 activity was also slightly increased (up to
2.2.-fold) in K562 cells stimulated with A. bisporus
alcohol extract without IFN-γ pretreatment, indicat-
ing a proapoptotic effect of the mushroom extract
in K562 cells (Fig. 1A). Caspase-9 is known to
be activated during programmed cell death, or
apoptosis, and to be linked to the mitochondrial
death pathway.
Agaricus bisporus hot water extract (at concen-
tration 200 μg/mL
) did not perform much activity
either in cells stimulated with IFN-γ or in unstimu-
lated cells: only the transcription of the Bcl-2 gene
was slightly induced (1.6-fold increase), whereas the
other tested genes were downregulated, including
the proapoptotic gene Casp-9 (Fig. 1). This result
suggested that the hot water extract of A. bisporus
is more likely to have antiapoptotic activity and
protects K562 cells against apoptosis.
In the subsequent set of experiments, K562 cells
were stimulated with ethanol extracts of A. bisporus
and Ph. linteus (at concentration 10 μg/mL
). The
expression of six genes involved in cell immune
responses and apoptosis regulation (Bcl-2, Casp-9,
NF-κB, TNF-α, IFN-γ, and IL-10) was evaluated.
The gene transcriptional pro les differed in K562
cells treated with Ph. linteus or A. bisporus ethanol
extracts (Fig. 2). The Ph. linteus alcohol extract
demonstrated stronger activity: an approximately
4.4-fold increase of Bcl-2 gene transcription and
a 2.1-fold growth of Casp-9 in treated K562 cells.
Bcl-2 family members are known to play a major
role in apoptosis regulation, and they are responsive
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172 International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms
to many cytotoxic stimuli, including limited cyto-
kine levels, drugs, etc.
When the K562 cells were rst stimulated with
IFN-γ, followed by Ph. linteus alcohol extract treat-
ment, transcription of the in ammatory cytokine
TNF-α was elevated up to 4.5-fold, suggesting
a quite strong proin ammatory effect of the Ph.
linteus extract on K562 cells (Fig. 2). The high
expression of TNF-α transcripts stimulated by
IFN-γ treatment may also indicate a proapoptotic
effect of TNF-α on K562 cells. One of the possible
mechanisms is that IFN-γ could induce sensitivity
of the cells to the proapoptotic effects of TNF-α
by promoting the surface expression of a TNF-α
receptor on tumor cells.
The transcription of proapoptotic genes (Bcl-
2, Casp-9, and NF-κB) in K562 cells treated with
A. bisporus ethanol extract was not much affected
by IFN-γ stimulation (Fig. 2). The transcription of
TNF-α and Bcl-2 genes was even higher in cells
without IFN-γ preincubation: 3.2- and 2.3-fold in-
crease, respectively, whereas the mRNA transcripts
of Casp-9 and NF-κB genes were increased less than
1.5-fold (Fig. 2). Upregulation of Bcl-2 and Casp-9
gene expression indicates a proapoptotic effect of
A. bisporus alcohol extract. Interestingly, transcrip-
tion of NF-κB was higher in cells stimulated with
Ph. linteus alcohol extract without preincubation
with IFN-γ (1.7-fold increase), suggesting a posi-
tive transcriptional regulation in the K562 leukemia
cells in response to treatment by the mushroom
alcohol extract only.
The interleukin-10 (IL-10) gene was slightly
upregulated by A. bisporus ethanol extract in K562
cells. The IL-10 mRNA transcription level was
increased 1.7-fold in cells activated with IFN-γ
for 20 h, whereas the transcription of the IFN-γ
gene was always downregulated in the experiment
(Fig. 2). In cells treated with the Ph. linteus alcohol
extract, the transcription of IL-10 and IFN-γ genes
was also downregulated.
IL-10 is an anti-inflammatory cytokine that
has pleiotropic effect in immune regulation. Inter-
estingly, the lack of IL-10 transcription in K562
cells was always correlated with down regulated
IFN-γ transcription. This is not surprising because
A.bisporus Ph.linteus A.bisporus Ph.linteus control
Relative gene expression (fold increase
INF-Ȗ Stimulated Unstimulated
FIGURE 2. Induction of gene expression in leukemia cells K562 stimulated in vitro with ethanol extracts of Agaricus
bisporus and Phellinus linteus. mRNA transcripts were quanti ed without stimulation and after 20 h of IFN- stimula-
tion followed by 4-h treatment with 10 g/mL
ethanol extracts. For each sample, one cDNA was prepared (Q-PCR
assay for each gene was performed in duplicate).
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Volume 12, Issue 2, 2010 173
IL-10 is able to inhibit proinflammatory cyto -
kines (including IFN-γ),
and, vice versa, IFN-γ
itself can specifically downregulate the cyto kine
IL-10 transcription.
The K562 cell line, derived from a chronic myeloid
leukemia (CML) patient, is known to be particularly
resistant to apoptotic death.
However, analysis of
gene expression in Q-PCR experiments has demon-
strated that K562 cells that were preactivated with
IFN-γ for 20 h can be triggered to apoptosis (or at
least become more responsive to apoptosis) by a
4-h mushroom alcohol extract treatment.
Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, is a form
of cell deletion/elimination aimed at the control of
cell differentiation and proliferation that can be trig-
gered by either intracellular or extracellular signals,
followed by activation of a group of enzymes called
Caspases work like a cascade pathway
by targeting and cleaving key cellular structures
and thus promoting cell decomposition.
Apoptosis can be considered as a promising
mechanism to ght tumor cells. That is why it
was of interest to evaluate the variety of genes
involved in the programmed cell death. For
example, TNF-α, when it binds to the TNF-R1
receptor, can act as an extracellular trigger for
TNF is shown to be a major media-
tor of apoptosis as well as of in ammation and
immunity. TNF-α is a multifunctional cytokine
that stimulates the acute-phase reaction in the in-
ammatory process
and can cause apoptotic cell
death and activation of the NF-κB transcriptional
The central role of TNF in in ammation
has been demonstrated by the ability of agents
that block the activity of TNF to treat a range of
in ammatory conditions, including rheumatoid
arthritis, in ammatory bowel disease, and multiple
TNF-α can deliver both proapoptotic
and antiapoptotic signals to the cells. For example,
interaction of TNF-α with its membrane receptor
TNF-R1 can activate the NF-κB pathway that, in
turn, leads to death receptor-mediated apoptosis.
However, some other factors, such as the amount
of reactive oxygen species (ROS), can shift the
inter cellular balance in favor of the proin amma-
tory or proapoptotic pathway.
The considerably high transcription of TNF-α
and Bcl-2 genes stimulated by alcohol extracts of
A. bisporus and Ph. linteus in our experiments
indicates their proapoptotic effect on K562 leu-
kemia cells (Fig. 2). The highest level of Bcl-2
transcripts (4.4-fold increase) was observed in
cells treated with the Ph. linteus extract, which
indicates its stronger effect on apoptosis induction
as compared to the A. bisporus ethanol extract.
Morphologically, no obvious signs of increased
apoptotic activity were observed after 4 h of incuba-
tion, when live stimulated K562 cells were stained
with ethidium bromide and immediately visualized
microscopically. After overnight incubation with
ethanol extracts, the situation was quite different:
most IFN-γ-stimulated and ethanol extract–treated
K562 cells had died, mostly through apoptosis,
leaving apoptotic cells and granular nuclear rem-
nants in the culture. The apoptotic cells and the
nuclear remnants incorporated ethidium bromide
and showed bright orange uorescence under the
uorescence microscope.
The increased level of TNF-α transcripts ob-
served in cells preincubated with IFN-γ also proves
the proapoptotic effect of IFN-γ stimulation. This
trend was clearly observed in cells treated with the
Ph. linteus alcohol extract: in cells preincubated
with IFN-γ, the transcription of Bcl-2 was decreased,
whereas the transcription of TNF-α was elevated
up to 4.5-fold as compared to cells without IFN-γ
stimulation. Therefore, it is suggested that IFN-γ
stimulation induces the sensitivity of K562 leukemia
cells to the proapoptotic action of TNF-α. Many
reports indicate that IFN-γ can arrest the cell cycle
and provide a proapoptotic signal.
In our experiment, NF-κB transcription was
slightly upregulated in K562 cells treated with
A. bisporus and Ph. linteus alcohol extracts (from
1.2- to 1.7-fold increase), the gene transcription be-
ing not much affected by IFN-γ activation (Fig. 2).
NF-κB is a universal transcriptional factor that
regulates the expression of a large number of genes
involved in immune-in ammatory responses, cell
cycle progression, and inhibition of apoptosis.
The NF-κB transcriptional factor can be activated
in response to various stimuli, including cytokines,
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174 International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms
viral infection, oncoproteins, membrane receptors
overexpression, and other stressful conditions (e.g.,
ROS). All these processes require rapid reprogram-
ming of gene expression.
As shown in a number of research studies,
NF-κB is constitutively expressed in some tumor
In our experiment, the level of NF-κB
transcripts was slightly decreased in K562 cells
preactivated with IFN-γ, as compared to the cells
stimulated with mushroom ethanol extracts only:
from 1.6- to 1.4-fold for Ph. linteus and from 1.4-
to 1.2-fold for the A. bisporus extract (Fig. 2).
This might suggest the potent antitumor activity of
mushroom ethanol extracts applied in combination
with IFN-γ stimulation because the repression of
NF-κB gene transcription is believed to stop the
proliferation of tumor cells. Therefore, it might
be suggested that the mushroom ethanol extracts
are able to inhibit/repress NF-κB transcription
and to block activation of the NF-κB signaling
pathway. For example, many natural products,
including antioxidants that were suggested to have
anticancer and anti-in ammatory activity, have
also been shown to inhibit the transcriptional fac-
tor NF-κB.
Several recent studies on medicinal
mushrooms (Ganoderma lucidum, Pleurotus spp.,
Schizophyllum commune, Marasmius oreades, Tra-
metes versicolor, etc.) also indicate that fungal low-
molecular-weight metabolites are able to modulate
the activity of NF-κB.
In conclusion, we demonstrated a suppressive
effect/activity of Ph. linteus and A. bisporus alcohol
extracts on erythroid leukemia cell line K562 (pre-
activated with IFN-γ). Mushroom alcohol extracts
are suggested to exert their anticancer effect via
the induction of apoptosis. The Ph. linteus alcohol
extract demonstrated stronger proapoptotic activity
on K562 leukemia cells than the alcohol extract of
A. bisporus. Therefore, even tumor cells generally
resistant to programmed cell death, such as K562,
can be triggered to apoptosis by treatment with
Ph. linteus alcohol extract. The K562 cells were
more responsive to transcriptional induction of
proapoptotic genes (particularly, Bcl-2 and TNF-α)
when stimulated with IFN-γ. Treatment of K562
cells with A. bisporus extract selectively promoted
transcription of the cytokine gene IL-10.
This work was assisted by an Erasmus Mundus
grant, External Cooperation Window, to Dr. A. V.
Shnyreva (Russia) who would like to express her
thanks for the hospitality she received at Plant
Research International WUR (The Netherlands).
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... Extraction using water is also a commonly used technique, as it is economical and does not need any special equipment. Still, it needs high temperatures ranging from 50-80 • C [47,48], and is time-consuming, requiring about 1.5-5 h [48,49]. The high temperature and long duration results in the degradation of thermolabile components present in mushrooms. ...
... The high temperature and long duration results in the degradation of thermolabile components present in mushrooms. Hydro-alcoholic extractions necessitate an adequate temperature of 25-60 • C, for a time ranging from 1-24 h, as well as high concentrations (30 to 98.6%) of high-cost organic solvents [48,49]. Extraction using organic solvents such as chloroform-methanol 2:1 (v/v), percolation, maceration (soaking), pressurized liquid extraction, and the Soxhlet method is widely used to extract nutraceutical components from plant bioresources. ...
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Mushrooms are well-known functional foods due to the presence of a huge quantity of nutraceutical components. These are well recognized for their nutritional importance such as high protein, low fat, and low energy contents. These are rich in minerals such as iron, phosphorus, as well as in vitamins like riboflavin, thiamine, ergosterol, niacin, and ascorbic acid. They also contain bioactive constituents like secondary metabolites (terpenoids, acids, alkaloids, sesquiterpenes, polyphenolic compounds, lactones, sterols, nucleotide analogues, vitamins, and metal chelating agents) and polysaccharides chiefly β-glucans and glycoproteins. Due to the occurrence of biologically active substances, mushrooms can serve as hepatoprotective, immune-potentiating, anti-cancer, antiviral, and hypocholesterolemic agents. They have great potential to prevent cardiovascular diseases due to their low fat and high fiber contents, as well as being foremost sources of natural antioxidants useful in reducing oxidative damages. However, mushrooms remained underutilized, despite their wide nutritional and bioactive potential. Novel green techniques are being explored for the extraction of bioactive components from edible mushrooms. The current review is intended to deliberate the nutraceutical potential of mushrooms, therapeutic properties, bioactive compounds, health benefits, and processing aspects of edible mushrooms for maintenance, and promotion of a healthy lifestyle
... P. linteus and anticancer drug doxorubicin (0.5 mg/mL + 1.0 µg/mL) showed synergistic impact to induce apoptosis [48] . Phellinus linteus extract exerted antitumor effect against MFC7, NCI-H187 cancer cells [49] and K562 leukemia cells [50] . ...
... Hymenophore Aqueous extract Antibacterial [56] Hymenophore Phelligridin A Antioxidant [107] Phelligridin G Antioxidant and cytotoxic [109] Mycelium Methanol extract and hot water extract Antioxidant [27] Hymenophore Phelligridin H and Phelligridin I Antioxidant [25] Phelligridin J Cytotoxic Aqueous, ethanol (50%, 80%, pure) and ethyl acetate extract Antioxidant [86] Ethanol extract Antioxidant [102] P. linteus Mycelium Exopolysaccharides Antidiabetic [117] Hymenophore Exopolymers [118] Ethanol extract Antioxidant and antiangiogenc [119] Methanol extract and its n-butanol fraction Antibacterial [53] n-butanol subfraction Antiinflammatory [65] Mycelium Different solvent fractions Antitumour [120] Antioxidant [24] Ethanol and Ethylacetate combined extract Antiinflammatory [68] Hymenophore Phellinusfuran A and Phellinusfuran B Anticomplement activity [78] Mycelium Chloroform, ethylacetate, methanol, water and boiled water extract Antiallergic [75] Hot water extract Immunomodulatory activity [71] Mycelium Hispidin, 3,14ˊ-bihispidinyl, hypholomine B and 1,1distyrylpyrylethan Antioxidant [110] Hymenophore Phellifuropyranone A Antiproliferative [111] Ethanol extract Antiallergic [73] Nine different protein glycation inhibitors from ethylacetate fraction Antidiabetic [32] 10 different antioxidant compounds Antioxidant [36] Phellinusfurans A and B Anticomplement activity [78] Aqueous extract Antioxidant [122] Crude methanol, chloroform and ethyl acetate extracts Antimalarial, antioxidant and cytotoxic [49] Aqueous extract CNS activity [80] Methanol and ethyl acetate extract Antibacterial [58] Mycelium Hispidin from mycelial culture Antidiabetic and antioxidant [123] Hymenophore Ethanol extract Anticancer [50] Polysaccharides Antitumour [124] Polysaccharides Antioxidant [18] Hymenophore Aqueous, ethanol (50%, 80%, pure) and ethylacetate extract Antioxidant [86] Hymenophore Ethanol extract Antioxidant [102] Aqueous extract Antibacterial [63] Hispidin Antioxidant [30] Mycelium Ethanol extract and Phellinulin A Hepatoprotective [41] P. lloydii Hymenophore Sesquiterpenes Antibacterial and antifungal [60] P. merrillii Hymenophore ...
... Fax: +66-43-754245. Griensven 2008; Shnyreva et al., 2010). P. linteus is distributed throughout North America, Europe, Japan, China, Korea and Southeast Asia (Dai and Xu, 1998). ...
... lucidum, L. endodes, Lentinus spp.) are successfully cultivated on mushroom farms (Chang and Miles, 1989). Most studies of the Phellinus mushrooms were focused on the biologically active compounds and pharmacodynamic effects under animal and cellular experiments (Han et al., 1999;Li et al., 2004; Kim et al., 2004; Matsuba, 2007;Ohno et al., 2007;Jung et al., 2008;Song and Van Griensven, 2008;Shnyreva et al., 2010). The vegetative compatibility, mating type system and development are the basic information required for supporting mushroom cultivation but they have to date received little attention. ...
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The purpose of this study was to determine the mating type system and initiation of fruiting body development of a medicinal mushroom Phellinus linteus from Cambodia. The evidence of fungal crossing analysis revealed that Cambodian P. linteus was a heterothallic basidiomycete and had a bipolar mating system. Clamp connection and peg cells formed on the dikaryons were possibly regulated by A and B genes. Initiation of the fruiting body was observed first on the Malt Extract Agar (MEA). In addition, we also found that fruiting bodies rapidly initiated on wood blocks. Unfortunately, their fruiting body initials were arrested before the stage of fruiting body maturation. Hence, a mushroom cultivation approach was chosen for observing the proper fruiting body development. The results showed that most mushroom spawns inoculated by dikaryons had initiated the small size (1.5 to 4.0 cm in diameter) fruiting bodies with a semicircular-shape. Fruiting body was not form in the mushroom spawns inoculated by monokaryons.
... Jagadish et al. (2009) showed that the ethanolic extract of A. bisporus suppressed cell proliferation of HL-60 leukemia cells via the induction of apoptosis. Ethanol extract of A. bisporus is suggested to exert its cytotoxic activity against human erythroid leukemia cell line K562 by the induction of apoptosis (Shnyreva et al. 2010). The growth of prostate cancer PC3 and DU145 cells in mice has also been inhibited by A. bisporus extract (Hassan et al. 2015;Singh et al. 2017). ...
Agaricus bisporus (J.E. Lange) Imbach; Agaricus campestris L.; Agaricus xanthodermus Genev. - AGARICACEAE . Yusufjon Gafforov, Mustafa Yamaç, Milena Rašeta, Sylvie Rapior, Mustafa Sevindik, Rui-Lin Zhao , Samantha Chandranath Karunarathna, Manzura Yarasheva et Soumya Ghosh. Agaricus bisporus (J.E. Lange) Imbach; Agaricus campestris L.; Agaricus xanthodermus Genev. - AGARICACEAE. Pages 899-930. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-23031-8_99 ; hal-04373449v1
... Although the exact mode of action of these mushroom polysaccharides has not yet been established, using them as additional adjuvants with cancer drugs may be of value in cancer treatment. The Agaricus bisporus β-glucans interact with intestinal cells and activate the immune system and enterocytes [14]. Several other species of Agaricus mushroom have been noted to contain antioxidants and have anticancer properties [15]. ...
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Mushroom polysaccharides are active medicinal compounds that possess immune-mod-ulatory and anticancer properties. Currently, the mushroom polysaccharides krestin, lentinan, and polysaccharopeptides are used as anticancer drugs. They are an unexplored source of natural products with huge potential in both the medicinal and nutraceutical industries. The northern parts of Pakistan have a rich biodiversity of mushrooms that grow during different seasons of the year. Here we selected an edible Morchella esculenta (true morels) of the Ascomycota group for polysaccharide isolation and characterization. Polysaccharopeptides and polysaccharides from this mushroom were isolated using the green chemistry, hot water treatment method. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy revealed the sugar nature and possible beta-glucan type structure of these polysac-charides. Antioxidant assays showed that the deproteinized polysaccharides have moderate free radical scavenging activity. These isolated polysaccharides exhibited good acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyryl cholinesterase (BChE) inhibition activities. Therefore, these polysaccharides may be valuable for the treatment of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Further bioassays are needed to discover the true potential of M. esculenta polysaccharides for medicinal purposes.
... Studies on Agaricus bisporus, which contains high amounts of antioxidants, has been reported to additionally harbor a pro-oxidative phenolic compound, that is the 4-(hydroxymethyl)-phenyl radical (Zhu et al, 2011). These microspheres exhibit excellent potential for application in biomedical fields and life science, especially for the delivery and controlled release of bioactive compounds (Shnyreva et al, 2010). ...
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Present studies was undertaken to investigate the heavy metals in mushroom by chemical extraction method from cultivated Button mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus)., extensive attention has been paid during the last two decades for the management of environmental pollution caused by hazardous materials like heavy metals. Detection of heavy metal concentration in the fresh fruiting bodies of Agaricus bisporus is crucial in dietary intake studies. The mean concentration (mg/kg in dry weight) in the mushroom and respective substrate samples were analyzed for essential and non-essential metals, viz., Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cd and Pb after acidic digestion. The results of the heavy metals concentration in each samples ranging from Cr 0.05-0.06, Fe 13.54-13.75, Ni 0.04-0.06, Zn 3.79-3.88, As 0. 05-0.06, Hg 0.04-0.06 and Pb 0.04-0.06 and found to be significant at (P<0.05). The concentration of Cr, Fe, Ni, Zn, As, Hg and Pb were observed lower than permitted limits set by WHO and FAO. All the results were under permissible limits and it was compared with the reported results and hence it may be more useful for human consumption.
... The bioactive compounds in the fruiting body possess remarkable medicinal effects, including antitumor, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory activities . [2][3][4][5] The cultivation of this edible and medicinal mushroom also serves as a source of livelihood and has helped alleviate poverty in rural areas. ...
Agaricus bisporus is well known for its nutraceutical properties. To meet consumer market demand, there is an urgent need for new strains with disease resistance and a diverse nutrient profile for commercial cultivation. Wild germplasm resources provide a good source for the breeding of new strains for this purpose. In this study, we evaluated the physical, chemical, and structural properties of wild domesticated (CCMJ1351) and major commercially cultivated strains (CCMJ1013, CCMJ1028, and CCMJ1343) of A. bisporus from China. The results showed significant differences among the strains for all parameters measured. In terms of morphological characteristics, CCMJ1351 possessed the highest stipe thickness, fruiting body individual weight, cohesiveness, and springiness; CCMJ1013 demonstrated maximum pileus diameter and thickness; CCMJ1028 exhibited the highest textural hardness and color characteristics; and strain CCMJ1343 had the highest yield. CCMJ1351 ranked top among all the strains for proximate composition, rheological profile, and structural and mechanical properties, containing 21.93% crude protein and the highest dry matter, crude fat, and fiber contents. However, the bioactive chemical constituents present in the four strains were very similar, especially β-(1→3)-glucan, according to Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis, while some minimal peaks varied among the different strains. Therefore, in combination with previously identified high disease-resistance traits, the wild domesticated strain CCMJ1351 constitutes a good candidate for further exploitation in breeding programs and is suitable for fresh consumption as well as incorporation into various food products.
... 12 Research has also investigated the therapeutic potential of the various consumable forms (fresh, powders, extracts) of the white button mushroom. [13][14][15] The versatile beneficial properties of A. bisporus 10 may be attributed to its diverse profile of compounds with antioxidant, 16,17 antimicrobial, 18 anti-inflammatory, 19 antitumor, [20][21][22][23] and immunomodulatory activities. 13 A. bisporus, among other mushrooms, contains a relatively high concentration of lovastatin, which has been shown to inhibit the production of cholesterol and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. ...
Agaricus bisporus, also known as the white button mushroom or champignon, is the most cultivated mushroom species worldwide. In addition to its favorable nutrient profile, it contains a number of compounds with antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, and immunomodulatory activities. Waste biomass is a secondary product obtained from A. bisporus during the harvesting stage. It is underused, although it could be a cheap source of polysaccharides and antioxidants for use in food and feed production, or a source of nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals. In this study, waste biomass was used as raw material for extraction of crude polysaccharides. The mean amount of crude polysaccharides extracted was 106 g/kg dry weight debris-free mushroom waste biomass. The crude polysaccharides recovered contained 11.57% α-glucan and 16.37% β-glucan. Total carbohydrates composed 44.18%. No significant differences were found in the Fourier transform infrared spectra, which confirmed the presence of protein, α-glucan, and β-glucan in all samples; phenols were detected only in waste biomass and market-ready A. bisporus fruiting bodies. The total phenol content in methanol extracts of waste biomass and A. bisporus fruiting bodies was 6.16 and 11.25 mg gallic acid equivalents/g extract, respectively. Antioxidant capacities of methanol extracts from waste biomass, as determined by spectrophotometric techniques, were 22.67 µmol Trolox/g extract (ABTS radical scavenging), 51.77 µmol Fe²⁺/g extract (ferric-reducing antioxidant power), and 51.52% (DPPH radical scavenging). Although these values were lower than those for A. bisporus fruiting bodies, the waste biomass has great potential for use in food, feed, and other bioproducts of economic importance.
... When stimulated with IFN-γ followed by treating with PL alcohol extract, transcription of the inflammatory cytokine TNF-α in K562 was elevated up by 4.5-fold, suggesting a quite strong proinflammatory effect of the PL extract on K562 cells. The high expression of TNF-α transcripts stimulated by IFN-γ treatment may also indicate a proapoptotic effect of TNF-α on K562 cells [126]. Park et al. [128] elucidated the molecular mechanisms of potent antileukemia activity of proteoglycan extracted from PL. ...
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This paper studies a buyback contract in the Stackelberg framework of a manufacturer (leader) selling to a price-setting, newsvendor retailer (follower). Using an analytical model that focuses on a multiplicative demand form, we generalize previous results and produce new structural insights. A novel transformation technique first enables us to establish the unimodality of the profit functions for both channel partners, under relatively mild assumptions. Further analysis identifies the necessary and su±cient condition under which the optimal contract for the manufacturer (wholesale and buyback prices) is distribution-free, i.e., independent of the uncertainty in customer demand. A specific instance of the above condition is also necessary and su±cient for a no-buyback contract to be optimal from the manufacturer's perspective. We then prove that the optimal performance of the decentralized channel for distribution-free buyback contracts depends only on the curvature of the deterministic demand part. In addition, some of the optimal decisions and relevant profit ratios for buyback contracts in our setting are shown to be identical to those for their deterministic price-only counterparts.
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Hot-water extracts of the higher Basidiomycetes Agaricus bisporus (J. Lge) Imbach, A. brasiliensis S. Wasser et al., Coprinus comatus (O.F. Mull.) Pers., Ganoderma lucidum (W. Curt.: Fr.) P. Karst., and Phellinus linteus (Berk. et Curt.) Teng were made, and the resulting polysaccharide mixtures were purified by DEAF-cellulose chromatography and ethanol precipitation. The extracts were noncytopathic. A. bisporus, A. brasiliensis, and G. lucidum strongly generated reactive oxygen species (ROS) in human PBMCs and K 562 cells. C. comatus and Ph. linteus extracts had low ROS-generating capacity. In A. bisporus extract, two different classes of polysaccharides were found. The colorless polysaccharide of MW > 250 kDa caused no intracellular ROS generation; acid hydrolysis followed by HPLC analysis showed it to consist of only glucose residues, thus being a pure glucan. The light brown polyphenol/polysaccharide complex of MW 75-200 kDa was found to strongly generate ROS. ROS generation by medicinal mushrooms could therefore be due to the presence of polyphenols rather than of glucan alone. A. bisporus polysaccharide extract showed a saturation level of ROS generation at 2 mg mL(-1). Generation appeared to continue in the presence of polysaccharide for more than 14 hours. Purified colorless polysaccharides of C. comatus and Ph. linteus showed no ROS generation in K562 cells; G. lucidum and A. brasiliensis polysaccharides could not completely be cleaned of phenolic compounds and remained active. Competitive inhibition of ROS generation by laminarin was not observed for any of the polysaccharide extracts, suggesting that polyphenol/glucan complexes isolated from higher Basidiomycetes mushrooms are able to generate ROS without binding to a dectin receptor.
Over the past few years, the transcription factor nuclear factor (NF)-κB and the proteins that regulate it have emerged as a signaling system of pre-eminent importance in human physiology and in an increasing number of pathologies. While NF-κB is present in all differentiated cell types, its discovery and early characterization were rooted in understanding B-cell biology. Significant research efforts over two decades have yielded a large body of literature devoted to understanding NF-κB's functioning in the immune system. NF-κB has been found to play roles in many different compartments of the immune system during differentiation of immune cells and development of lymphoid organs and during immune activation. NF-κB is the nuclear effector of signaling pathways emanating from many receptors, including those of the inflammatory tumor necrosis factor and Toll-like receptor superfamilies. With this review, we hope to provide historical context and summarize the diverse physiological functions of NF-κB in the immune system before focusing on recent advances in elucidating the molecular mechanisms that mediate cell type-specific and stimulus-specific functions of this pleiotropic signaling system. Understanding the genetic regulatory circuitry of NF-κB functionalities involves system-wide measurements, biophysical studies, and computational modeling.
Apoptosis--the regulated destruction of a cell--is a complicated process. The decision to die cannot be taken lightly, and the activity of many genes influence a cell's likelihood of activating its self-destruction programme. Once the decision is taken, proper execution of the apoptotic programme requires the coordinated activation and execution of multiple subprogrammes. Here I review the basic components of the death machinery, describe how they interact to regulate apoptosis in a coordinated manner, and discuss the main pathways that are used to activate cell death.
The two most commonly used methods to analyze data from real-time, quantitative PCR experiments are absolute quantification and relative quantification. Absolute quantification determines the input copy number, usually by relating the PCR signal to a standard curve. Relative quantification relates the PCR signal of the target transcript in a treatment group to that of another sample such as an untreated control. The 2(-DeltaDeltaCr) method is a convenient way to analyze the relative changes in gene expression from real-time quantitative PCR experiments. The purpose of this report is to present the derivation, assumptions, and applications of the 2(-DeltaDeltaCr) method. In addition, we present the derivation and applications of two variations of the 2(-DeltaDeltaCr) method that may be useful in the analysis of real-time, quantitative PCR data. (C) 2001 Elsevier science.
A reverse transcription-competitive polymerase chain reaction (RT-cPCR) method was developed to quantitate equine interleukin (IL)-1α, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12 p35, IL-12 p40, interferon-γ (INF-γ), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and β-actin mRNA expression. Using primers based on equine-specific sequences, these cytokines could be detected in concanavalin A-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The specificity of the amplified product was confirmed by sequencing. For each cytokine, the assay was made quantitative by generating competitor DNA fragments (mimic) containing the same primer template as a equine cytokine, but differing in size to make them distinguishable on an agarose gel. Serial dilutions of the mimic were added to PCR reactions containing constant amount of equine cDNA. Following gel electrophoresis and ethidium bromide staining, densitometric analysis of the bands corresponding to the target and mimic were used to construct a standard curve from which the amount of target cDNA was derived. Quantitation of IL-6 gene expression from a cDNA sample on four different days gave a coefficient of variation or 6.6%. Sample-to-sample variation in the efficiency of the reverse transcription as well as in the quantity of quality of starting RNA was considerably attenuated by normalizing the results to β-actin mRNA expression used as a house-keeping gene. Small differences (2-fold) in cytokine mRNA expression were reliably detected. The sensitivity and reproducibility of this technique will make it valuable in following changes in equine cytokine gene expression in vitro and in vivo. In addition, the RT-cPCR technique described will have broad applicability for quantitation of cytokine gene expression in other animal species of veterinary interest.
Apoptosis or programmed cell death can be induced by a variety of stimuli including activation of death receptors. This subgroup of the TNF/NGF-receptor-superfamily activates caspases, a family of aspartyl-specific cysteine-proteases, which are the main executioners of apoptosis. Depending on the cell type, signalling pathways downstream of the death receptors can be modulated by different proteins such as Bcl-2, FLIPs, chaperones and kinases. Deregulation of apoptosis has been associated with diseases as cancer, autoimmunity and AIDS. Therefore, the identification of modulators of apoptosis has several therapeutic implications.
Mushrooms are known for their immune-modulating and anti-tumour properties. The polysaccharide fraction, mainly beta-glucans, is responsible for the immune-modulating effects. Fungal beta-glucans have been shown to activate leukocytes, which depend on structural characteristics of beta-glucans. As edible mushrooms come in contact with the intestinal immune system, effects on enterocytes are also interesting. Our aim was to evaluate the effect of mushroom polysaccharide extracts varying in beta-glucan structure on nitric oxide production by bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMMs) from mice and on nuclear factor-kappaB transactivation in human intestinal Caco-2 cells. We demonstrated that extracts from Agaricus bisporus stimulated nitric oxide production by BMM, whereas extracts from Coprinus comatus and spores of Ganoderma lucidum had only minor effects. Furthermore, extracts of A. blazei Murill and Phellinus linteus had no effect at all. Almost all mushroom extracts lowered nuclear factor-kappaB transactivation in Caco-2 cells. Structural analysis of A. bisporus compared with A. blazei Murill suggests that branching of the beta-glucan chain is essential for immune-stimulating activity. In conclusion, extracts from A. bisporus activate BMM, without activating enterocytes. These characteristics make A. bisporus an attractive candidate as a nutritional compound to stimulate the immune response in depressed states of immunity.