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Copper Nanoparticles for Printed Electronics: Routes Towards Achieving Oxidation Stability


Abstract and Figures

In the past few years, the synthesis of Cu nanoparticles has attracted much attention because of its huge potential for replacing expensive nano silver inks utilized in conductive printing. A major problem in utilizing these copper nanoparticles is their inherent tendency to oxidize in ambient conditions. Recently, there have been several reports presenting various approaches which demonstrate that copper nanoparticles can resist oxidation under ambient conditions, if they are coated by a proper protective layer. This layer may consist of an organic polymer, alkene chains, amorphous carbon or graphenes, or inorganic materials such as silica, or an inert metal. Such coated copper nanoparticles enable achieving high conductivities by direct printing of conductive patterns. These approaches open new possibilities in printed electronics, for example by using copper based inkjet inks to form various devices such as solar cells, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags, and electroluminescence devices. This paper provides a review on the synthesis of copper nanoparticles, mainly by wet chemistry routes, and their utilization in printed electronics.
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Materials 2010, 3, 4626-4638; doi:10.3390/ma3094626
ISSN 1996-1944
Copper Nanoparticles for Printed Electronics: Routes Towards
Achieving Oxidation Stability
Shlomo Magdassi *, Michael Grouchko and Alexander Kamyshny
Casali Institute of Applied Chemistry, the Institute of Chemistry, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Jerusalem 91904, Israel; E-Mail:
Received: 22 July 2010; in revised form: 18 August 2010 / Accepted: 1 September 2010 /
Published: 8 September 2010
Abstract: In the past few years, the synthesis of Cu nanoparticles has attracted much
attention because of its huge potential for replacing expensive nano silver inks utilized in
conductive printing. A major problem in utilizing these copper nanoparticles is their
inherent tendency to oxidize in ambient conditions. Recently, there have been several
reports presenting various approaches which demonstrate that copper nanoparticles can
resist oxidation under ambient conditions, if they are coated by a proper protective layer.
This layer may consist of an organic polymer, alkene chains, amorphous carbon or
graphenes, or inorganic materials such as silica, or an inert metal. Such coated copper
nanoparticles enable achieving high conductivities by direct printing of conductive
patterns. These approaches open new possibilities in printed electronics, for example by
using copper based inkjet inks to form various devices such as solar cells, Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID) tags, and electroluminescence devices. This paper provides a review
on the synthesis of copper nanoparticles, mainly by wet chemistry routes, and their
utilization in printed electronics.
Keywords: printed electronics; copper nanoparticles; conductive inks
The use of silver nanoparticles (NPs) in conductive inks and their printing by inkjet technology has
been known for years [1]. However, the very high cost of silver limits wide industrial application.
Since copper is much cheaper, but possesses a very high conductivity (only 6% less than that of Ag),
Cu NPs can be considered as a replacement for silver NPs.
Materials 2010, 3 4627
Therefore, during recent years, the synthesis of Cu NPs has become of great interest from a
scientific as well as an industrial point of view, due to its huge potential for replacing the expensive
nano silver ink. Since the 1990s, many attempts have been made to synthesize nano copper by wet
chemistry, as well as by gas or solid phase methods. Among these, are the sonochemical method [2],
microemulsion techniques [3-5], polyol processes [6-8], radiation methods [9-13], thermal
reduction [14], reducing flame synthesis [15,16], metal vapor synthesis [17], vacuum vapor
deposition [18,19] and chemical reduction in solution [20,21]. An example of the gas phase synthesis
route is the pioneering work of Luechinger et al. [16], in which various metal nanoparticles were
prepared by the flame-aerosol route, which is based on spraying a metal precursor yielding metal
nanoparticles coated by a carbon layer.
The present review focuses mainly on wet chemical processes which are based on the reduction of
metal ions by reducing agents in liquid media. This route is very convenient since it may result in
various dispersions with controllable particle characteristics, by numerous variable experimental
parameters. The main parameters are the type and concentration of reagents, their redox potentials and
rate of addition, type and concentration of protective agents, temperature, pH and the addition of
preformed seeds [22]. Additional advantages of these processes are that the metallic NPs can be
synthesized with essentially low-cost equipment and in large volumes.
The driving force of the ion metal reduction (mOx
+ Red = mOx
+ Red
) is the difference in
the redox potentials of the reagents (∆E) which correlates with the Gibb's free energy of the reaction at
standard conditions:
= RTlnK = −nF∆E
(where n = the number of electrons in a reaction equation, K = equilibrium constant,
F = Faradys constant).
The reduction is thermodynamically possible only if the redox potential of the reducer is more
negative than that of the oxidizer (metal precursor) and, respectively, ΔE is positive. This difference
should be larger than 0.30.4 V, otherwise the reduction will proceed too slowly and may not result in
the formation of NPs [23]. Therefore, the synthesis of stable copper NPs presents an additional
challenge in relation to gold and silver, which is caused by a relatively low Cu
potential (+0.34 V).
As presented in Table 1, not too many papers have been published thus far on the various ways of
synthesizing copper NPs by chemical reduction in solution.
Table 1. A list of published methods to synthesize copper NPs by chemical reduction in solution.
210 nm
1996 [24]
Water + n-
515 nm
Qi 1997
Water+ n-Heptane,
n-Octane, n-Hexane
4080 nm
Song 2004
Materials 2010, 3 4628
1030 nm
2004 [26]
5 nm
Wu 2004
Ethylene Glycol
Ascorbic acid
PVP 40
100 nm
2006 [28]
Ascorbic acid
PVP 58
3 nm
Wu 2006
Di-Ethylene Glycol
PVP 40
45 nm
Park 2007
Octyl ether
Oleic acid,
oleyl amine
5200 nm
Mott 2007
Toluene + water
Lauric acid +
3 nm
2008 [31]
Di-Ethylene Glycol
50 nm
2009 [32]
2009 [21]
SFS = sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate; HDEHP = Bis(ethylhexyl)hydrogen phosphate; SDS = Sodium
dodecyl sulfate; Na AOT = Sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate; CTAB = Cetyl trimethylammonium
bromide; PVP = Polyvinylpyrrolidone; TOAB = Tetraoctylammonium bromide; PAA Na = Polyacrylic acid
sodium salt.
However, a major problem in utilizing these copper NPs is their inherent tendency to oxidize in
ambient conditions [33]. Yanase et al. [34,35] examined the mechanism and kinetics of oxidation and
reduction of copper NPs in oxygen and hydrogen atmospheres by using UV-vis spectroscopy. They
found a fast oxidation process from Cu to CuO
and a slow one from CuO
to CuO, confirming the
formerly suggested mechanism reported by Wieder et al. [36]. From the point of view of conductive
printing applications, the presence of copper oxides on the surface of NPs, has two negative
consequences: it increases the required sintering temperature, and reduces the electrical conductivity.
Only a limited number of reports have attempted to address the oxidation problem, which in general
is based on minimizing the exposure of the copper NPs to oxygen, by a protective layer composed of a
second material at the surface of the particles.
These materials can be divided into four groups: (1) carbon-based materials (carbon and graphene),
(2) surfactants and polymers, (3) silica, (4) metals.
In this paper we describe the approaches that are meant to achieve air stable copper NPs.
2. Amorphous Carbon and Graphene Based Materials
Li et al.[37] synthesized copper NPs by means of solid state reduction of cupric carbonate by
glucose at high temperature. The fundamental reactions can be summarized as follows:
Materials 2010, 3 4629
It was found that as the glucose load increases, the carbon layer on the surface of the NPs becomes
thicker, and stable copper NPs, coated by amorphous carbon, are obtained.
Luechinger et al. [16] has demonstrated how deposition of bi- or tri-layers graphene on copper can
be realized on a large scale, and how it enables full protection of the copper metal core under humid
air. The protected copper was synthesized by the reducing flame technique [15,38] which leads to the
formation of ~50 nm copper NPs coated with a ~3 nm layer of graphene. The main advantage of this
method is that it leads to coated nanoparticles in a one-step process. Figure 1a presents a high
resolution transmission electron microscope (HR-TEM) image of copper NPs coated by graphene, and
a corresponding schematic illustration. It was found that the graphene-coated copper NPs are stable to
oxidation up to 165 °C (thermogravimetric analysis, Figure 1b). The formulation of these NPs in an
aqueous ink-jet ink and printing with that ink enabled conductive patterns. As a highly conductive
material, graphene is not expected to decrease the pattern conductivity, even though, the obtained
conductivity was found to be five orders of magnitude lower than that of bulk copper.
Figure 1. (a) Transmission electron microscope (TEM) image of a single copper NP with a
thick graphene layer of 3 nm (left) and a corresponding schematic illustration (right);
(b) Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) confirms the thermal stability of these NPs up to
165 °C. Reprinted from reference [16], with permission from IOP Publishing LTD.
Materials 2010, 3 4630
3. Surfactants and Polymers
Another way to address this oxidation problem is to coat the obtained copper NPs with a dense
layer of capping agents. Such molecules are usually present at the surface of the NPs to prevent
aggregation and agglomeration in dispersions. However, in order to minimize the penetration of
oxygen to the NPs surface, a dense structure of these molecules is required.
Ang et al. [39] formed 5 to 10 nm Cu NPs coated by alkanethiols, by reducing the copper nitrate in
presence of C
to C
alkanethiols in ethanol. In a typical procedure copper nitrate was dissolved in
absolute alcohol and the respective alkanethiol was added. Then, a solution of sodium borohydride was
added dropwise into the reaction mixture. The reaction was maintained at room temperature with
vigorous stirring carried out in an inert N
atmosphere. A brownish precipitate was isolated by
centrifugation, washed repeatedly with deionized water, toluene, ethanol, and acetone, and vacuum
dried [39]. It was found that such a layer is a good barrier that protects the copper NPs from oxidation
for at least six months. Kannienen et al. [31] used the same approach with a wider range of chain
lengths (C
to C
), and compared their performance to that of lauric (C
) and oleic (C
) acids. Thiols
were found to improve oxidation resistance already at a 1:1 ratio, while oxidation resistance improved
with increased chain length, but not with increased concentration. Oleic acid was found to increase
oxidation resistance slightly in comparison to lauric acid. In summary, it was found that oleic
acid-capped particles were clearly superior to thiol-stabilized particles.
More stable dispersions were obtained by the use of polymers as capping agents. For example,
Jeong et al. [40] followed by Engels et al. [41] evaluated the effect of the well established stabilizer,
poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP), at various molecular weights (10,000, 29,000 and 40,000 g/mol).
Jeong et al. found that besides the effect of the PVP molecular weight on the NPs size (the particle size
increases as the PVP molecular weight increases), the minimum thickness of the amorphous CuO and
chemisorbed PVP layers was 1.6 nm, obtained using PVP with a molecular weight of 40000 g/mol.
The molecular weight of the PVP capping agent determines their conformation when adsorbed on the
Cu surface, which significantly influences the formation of the surface oxide layer. In addition, their
results confirm that the thickness of the surface oxide layer is the predominant factor which determines
the electrical conductivity of the Cu film obtained after sintering. As presented in Figure 2, when the
molecular weight of PVP increases, the obtained resistivity decreases for all temperature ranges down
to six times the resistivity of bulk copper (under vacuum). Lee et al. [8] used the same polymer,
PVP 40, to form a conductive copper ink, and to ink-jet print with it to form conductive patterns.
According to TGA analysis, the obtained copper patterns were stable to oxidation up to 180 °C .
However, highly conductive patterns (45% of bulk copper) were demonstrated only after heating to
200 °C for 60 min under hydrogen. Kobayashi et al. [42] used polypyrrole (PPY), a conductive polymer,
to coat the copper NPs through the polymerization of pyrrole in aqueous solution. This method produced
PPY-coated copper NPs which were chemically stable, even under air, for a prolonged period of time.
However, no data was shown regarding the stability of these NPs at elevated temperatures.
Pulkkinen et al. [43] evaluated two different polymers, polyethylene imine (PEI) and
tetraethylenepentamine (TEPA), as protecting agents for copper NPs. However, even after pressing and
heating to 250 °C , the obtained resistivities were 3 to 5 orders of magnitude higher than bulk copper.
Materials 2010, 3 4631
Figure 2. Resistivity of the Cu conductive film as a function of heat treatment temperature
for various PVP MWs. The ink-jet printed Cu nanoparticulate films were heat-treated at
various temperatures between 200 °C and 325 °C under vacuum. Reprinted from [40],
Reproduced with permission of copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA.
4. Silica Coating
Only one attempt has been made to form an inorganic protection layer on copper NPs.
Kobayashi et al. [44] reported his success in coating copper NPs by a thin layer of silica. The x-ray
diffraction (XRD) analysis in Figure 3 shows that while the uncoated copper NPs are accompanied by
clear Cu
O peaks (3a), the coated particles have only low Cu
O peaks (3b), even after one month (3c).
However, in view point of conductive printing, the presence of silica, an insulating material with high
melting point, is a major obstacle in obtaining a continuous conductive pattern.
Figure 3. XRD patterns of (a) uncoated Cu NPs; (b) Cu/SiO
NPs; (c) Cu/SiO
NPs one
month after preparation. (●) Metallic Cu, ( ) Cu
O. Reprinted from reference [44] with
permission from Elsevier.
Materials 2010, 3 4632
5. Metallic Coating
Core-shell structured, bimetallic NPs can be prepared by the successive reduction of one metal over
the nuclei of another [45]. The preparation and characterization of bimetallic NPs from various
combinations of noble metals have been the subject of numerous papers, examples of which include
the Au-Pd [46], Au-Pt [47], Ag-Pd [48], Ag-Pt [49], Ag-Cu [50], and Ag-Au [51] systems. Until now,
many methods such as electroless plating [52], surface seeding [53], and self-assembly [54], have been
explored to fabricate metallic shells on metallic particles. Generally, such NPs are prepared by the
successive reduction of one metal ion over the core of another [55]. This process often leads to the
formation of a new nuclei of the second metal in solution (in addition to a shell around the first metal
core) and is clearly undesirable from the application point of view. Satry et al. [56] overcame this
problem in a gold-silver core-shell system by immobilizing a reducing agent on the surface of the core
metal which, when exposed to the second metal ions, reduces them, thereby leading to the formation of
a thin metallic shell.
Schmid et al. [46] used hydroxylamine as a reducing agent that is capable of reducing the metal ion,
but the reduction was dramatically accelerated by the Au surfaces. As a result, in the presence of
preformed gold NPs, no new particle nucleation occurred in the solution, and all the added metal ions
served in the formation of the shell.
Furthermore, copper-silver core-shell NPs have been described in several studies, using
electrodeposition [57], thermal evaporation techniques under ultrahigh vacuum [50], and ion exchange
in soda lime glass matrix [58]. Lee et al. [59] demonstrated the formation of various core-shell NPs
through the transmetalation (redox) process. It should be noted that one disadvantage of this method is
that it requires several steps. In the first step, the core particles are synthesized. Then, the core material
serves as a reducer for the reduction of shell atoms on the core particle. The core surface atoms are
oxidized (and are released to the solution as ions), and the shell material ions are reduced. In our
previous report [60], we used this approach to synthesize a copper-silver core-shell structure in a two
step process. As schematically presented in Figure 4; in the first step an aqueous dispersion of Cu NPs
is prepared by reducing Cu(NO
with hydrazine hydrate excess in the presence of polyacrylic acid
sodium salt as a polymeric stabilizer [21]. The large excess of hydrazine prevents oxidation of the Cu
NPs in the aqueous dispersion, but only if it is kept in closed vials. In the second step, the excess
hydrazine is consumed or washed out, and silver salt is added. During the transmetalation reaction, the
reduction of silver ions by the copper metal takes place directly on the surface of CuNPs (Ag to Cu
atomic ratio of 0.12), thus creating a silver shell on the copper core.
Figure 4. Schematic illustration of a single Cu NP synthesis and the formation of a silver
shell by the transmetalation reaction. The surface copper atoms serve as reducing agents
for the silver ions.
Materials 2010, 3 4633
As follows from the TEM and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analyses (Figure 5 (a) and (b),
respectively), the size distribution of the obtained Cu-Ag core-shell NPs is in the range of 10 to 50 nm.
The thermal stability of the obtained NPs was measured by TGA (Figure 5 (c)) confirming the
inertness of the copper core up to 187 °C where copper oxides start to appearleading to a mass
increase of about 5 wt %.
Figure 5. (a) TEM and (b) SEM images of the obtained copper-silver core-shell NPs;
(c) TGA of the copper-silver core-shell NPs under air atmosphere.
By using these oxidation stable Cu NPs, it was possible to further evaluate the use of these NPs in
inkjet printing of conductive patterns. An inkjet water-based formulation, which contained 25 wt %
Cu-Ag core-shell NPs, was printed by a Lexmark office printer. An example of a Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID) antenna, printed on an inkjet photo paper, is presented in Figure 6. However, due
to the presence of organic stabilizer at the NPs surface, the resistivity of the obtained patterns was very
high. To obtain highly conductive patterns, a sintering process should be carried out. In order to
overcome the temperature sensitivity of the substrate (paper, plastics), a new room temperature
sintering process was developed [61,62], based on the neutralization of stabilizing charges at the NPs
surface. The sheet resistance measurements after the sintering process revealed, as expected, that the
sintering is accompanied by a drastic decrease of resistance, down to values of 3 (±0.2) Ω/square. It
should be emphasized that such low sheet resistances were reported until now only for metallic
Materials 2010, 3 4634
patterns which were heated at temperatures of ≥150 °C for prolonged time, while in the present study it
was achieved spontaneously at room temperature.
Figure 6. A flexible RFID antenna printed using copper-silver core-shell ink on inkjet
photo paper.
6. Summary
In summary, there are only a few reports which present various approaches for obtaining copper
nanoparticles that can resist oxidation under ambient conditions. These approaches are based on
coating copper NPs by a proper protective layer, thus enabling copper to be used as a low-cost
non-noble metal. This layer may consist of an organic polymer, alkane chains, amorphous carbon or
graphenes, or inorganic materials such as silica, or an inert metal. Several reports have shown that the
formulation of these NPs as conductive inkjet inks, and their printing, can yield conductive patterns
which are stable to oxidation for at least several months. Naturally, the formation of a low or
non-conductive shell (polymers, surfactants, carbon or silica) on the copper NPs has a negative effect
on the obtained conductivity of the printed pattern which is composed of the copper nanoparticles
(except for cases in which the shell is graphene or a second metal). This inherent contradiction
between conductivity and coating layers is well addressed in the literature. To the best of our
knowledge, so far oxidation resistance accompanied by high conductivity was achieved by the
formation of a PVP shell [40] or a silver shell [60] on the copper NPs. This opens new possibilities for
applications in printed electronics, such as solar cells, RFID tags and electroluminescence
(EL) devices.
This research was supported by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Program, through
Collaborative project LOTUS, Project Number 248816.
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... Metal alloys are materials that have an important impact on a wide range of applications and industries, based on their unique properties [1,2]. This includes copper alloys with enhanced conductivity and corrosion resistance for electronics [3], steel alloys with high durability and load-bearing capacity in construction [4,5], and high-strength, lightweight aluminium and titanium alloys for aerospace applications [6,7]. Aluminium alloys are particularly important to many parts of society, being extensively used to reduce vehicle weight and improve fuel efficiency in the automotive industry [8,9]. ...
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Machine learning is proving to be an ideal tool for materials design, capable of predicting forward structure-property relationships, and inverse property-structure relationships. However, it has yet to be used extensively for materials engineering challenges, predicting post-processing/structure relationships, and has yet to be used for to predict structure/post-processing relationships for inverse engineering. This is often due to the lack of sufficient metadata, and the overall scarcity and imbalance of processing data in many domains. This topic is explored in the current study using binary and multi-class classification to predict the appropriate post-synthesis processing conditions for aluminium alloys, based entirely on the alloying composition. The data imbalance was addressed using a new guided oversampling strategy that improves model performance by simultaneously balancing the classes and avoiding noise that contributes to over-fitting. This is achieved by through the deliberate but strategic introduction of not-a-numbers (NaNs) and the use of algorithms that naturally avoid them during learning. The outcome is the successful training of highly accurate binary classifiers, with significant reductions in false negatives and/or false positives with respect to the classifiers trained on the original data alone. Superior results were obtained for models predicting whether alloys should be solutionised or aged, post-synthesis, by guiding the re-balancing of the classes based on features (metals) that are highly ranked by the classifier, and then doubling the size of the data set via interpolation. Overall, this strategy has the greatest impact on tasks with a Shannon Diversity Index greater than 1 or less than 0.5, but can be applied to any prediction of post-processing conditions as part of an inverse engineering workflow.
... 64 In electronics, copper alloys are widely used in electrical wiring and connectors, due to their excellent conductivity and corrosion resistance. 65 Alloys are materials composed of two or more metallic elements, oen combined with non-metallic elements, to enhance their properties compared to their individual components. 66 The primary objective of creating alloys is to achieve superior strength, hardness, fatigue or fracture resistance, corrosion resistance, or other desired characteristics tailored to specic applications. ...
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Machine learning has the potential to revolutionise alloy design by uncovering useful patterns in complex datasets and supplementing human expertise and experience. This review examines the role of unsupervised learning methods, including clustering, dimensionality reduction, and manifold learning, in the context of alloy design. While the use of unsupervised learning in alloy design is still in its early stages, these techniques offer new ways to analyse high-dimensional alloy data, uncovering structures and relationships that are difficult to detect with traditional methods. Using unsupervised learning, researchers can identify specific groups within alloy data sets that are not simple partitions based on metal compositions, and can help optimise and develop new alloys with customised properties. Incorporating these data-driven methods into alloy design speeds up the discovery process and reveals new connections that were not previously understood, significantly contributing to innovation in materials science. This review outlines the key scientific progress and future possibilities for using unsupervised machine learning in alloy design.
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We theoretically and numerically investigated the local field enhancement factor (LFEF), absorption coefficient, refractive index, and group velocity of spherical core-shell nanocomposites (NCs) using the quasi-static approach. By solving Laplace’s equations, we derived expressions for the enhancement factor, polarizability, absorption coefficient, refractive index, and group velocity for each core-shell NCs. Our findings show that the LFEF, absorption coefficient, and group velocity of spherical core-shell NCs exhibit two peaks, while the real part of the refractive index shows four distinct peaks. Additionally, the core-shell nanocomposites demonstrate greater tunability and a higher intensity of the enhancement factor when the host matrix is changed from CdSe to SiO3. The study further reveals that, for spherical nanocomposites, the first two peaks of the enhancement factor and extinction cross-sections occur at the same frequencies. Moreover, all extinction cross-section peaks are lowest when the dielectric function of the host matrix is SiO3, whereas the peaks are highest for CdSe. The variation in peak values, despite having the same number of peaks for different shapes, indicates that the shape of the core-shell NCs significantly influences the intensity, number, and positions of the peaks in the enhancement factor and optical cross-sections. Such nanocomposites hold potential for applications in optical sensing, biosensing, as well as in photonic and electronic devices.
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New materials for electrical conductors, energy storage, thermal management, and structural elements are required for increased electrification and non-fossil fuel use in transport. Appropriately assembled as macrostructures, nanomaterials can fill these gaps. Here, we critically review the materials science challenges to bridge the scale between the nanomaterials and the large-area components required for applications. We introduce a helpful classification based on three main macroscopic formats (fillers in a matrix, random sheets or aligned fibres) of high-aspect ratio nanoparticles, and the corresponding range of bulk properties from the commodity polymer to the high-performance fibre range. We review progress over two decades on macroscopic solids of nanomaterials (CNTs, graphene, nanowires, etc . ), providing a framework to rationalise the transfer of their molecular-scale properties to the scale of engineering components and discussing strategies that overcome the envelope of current aerospace materials. Macroscopic materials in the form of organised networks of high aspect ratio nanomaterials have higher energy density than regular electrodes, superior mechanical properties to the best carbon fibres, and electrical and thermal conductivity above metals. Discussion on extended electrical properties focuses on nanocarbon-based materials (e.g., doped or metal-hybridised) as power or protective conductors and on conductive nanoinks for integrated conductors. Nanocomposite electrodes are enablers of hybrid/electric propulsion by eliminating electrical transport limitations, stabilising emerging high energy density battery electrodes, through high-power pseudocapacitive nanostructured networks, or downsizing Pt-free catalysts in flying fuel cells. Thermal management required in electrified aircraft calls for nanofluids and loop heat pipes of nanoporous conductors. Semi-industrial interlaminar reinforcement using nanomaterials addresses present structural components. Estimated improvements for mid-range aircraft include > 1 tonne weight reduction, eliminating hundreds of CO 2 tonnes released per year and supporting hybrid/electric propulsion by 2035.
The never-ending discovery of novel nanomaterials has been pivotal in improving the analytical performances of electrochemical sensors. Due to their nanometric dimensions, these materials can be exploited to increase the electrode area, provide high electrocatalytic activity, and improve electrical conductivity, enhancing the overall analytical performances of the sensors. Thanks to their solution processability, nanomaterials can be used as the functional components of inks, facilitating the production and modification of electrochemical analytical platforms. In recent years, many nanomaterial-based ink formulations have been proposed in the literature. The flourishing of this technology allowed the exploitation of the astonishing properties of nanomaterials in the production of low-cost and environmentally sustainable electrochemical paper-based analytical sensors (e-PADs). Herein, we provide a comprehensive overview of the state of the art of nanomaterial-based inks for the manufacture of printed e-PADs. In the first instance, resume the crucial aspects behind e-PAD manufacturing processes, such as the choice of paper, the different printing techniques, the post-printing processes, and the implementation of microfluidics. In the second section, we will review the applications of nanomaterial-based inks, categorizing them on the base of the chemical composition of the nanomaterial. Finally, we will focus on the application of printed e-PADs in real matrixes. With this chapter, we want to demonstrate the potentiality of nanomaterial-based functional inks and e-PADs, as well as the challenges that must be overcome to achieve high-performance and robust platforms.
Food safety, particularly concerning foods contaminated by toxic chemicals, has emerged as a pervasive societal concern. The prevalence of food contaminants has spurred both scientific communities and industries to develop highly sensitive and selective sensors for rapid and precise food authentication. Noble metal nanoparticles (NPs) have garnered significant attention in this regard due to their exceptional properties, including high sensitivity, selectivity, stability, target binding affinity, and versatility for modification to detect specific contaminants. Moreover, the readout of such sensors is relatively straightforward, as their resulting color change can be observed with the naked eye. This Review aims to delve into the current strategies involving various noble metal NPs as colorimetric nanosensors in food safety monitoring applications. It begins by elucidating their working principles, encompassing localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR), enzyme-based approaches, and other methodologies. Subsequently, the material properties of commonly utilized noble metal NPs, including those of gold, silver, palladium, platinum, and copper, are meticulously examined, providing comprehensive overviews of the benefits and drawbacks associated with each material. Furthermore, this Review summarizes the latest use cases of noble metal NPs in diverse food safety monitoring applications, ranging from the detection of heavy metal contaminants to veterinary and pesticide drug residues and foodborne pathogens. Lastly, it addresses the remaining challenges in this field and proposes feasible solutions, offering insights into future research directions.
One of the greatest challenges in fabrication of plastic electronics devices by printing metallic nanoprticles is obtaining highly conductive patterns at sufficiently low temperature which will not damage the polymeric substrate. However, to date, sufficient conductivity of silver patterns was achieved only after prolonged heating at elevated temperatures, thus limiting fabrication of plastic devices only to heat resistance polymers. We report on a discovery that assemblies of silver nanoparticles, can undergo a spontaneous two-dimensional aggregation-coalescence process, even at room temperature. The surface coalescence of the metal nanoparticles leads to sintering and eventually to electrical conductivity, much below the melting temperature of the bulk silver. This process is triggered by surface charge neutralization of the nanoparticles, by using a variety of charged flocculants, and takes place in thin layers of various substrates, such as plastic and paper. The resulting high conductivity, 20% of bulk silver, enabled fabrication of various devices, as demonstrated by a flexible plastic electroluminescent ink-jet printed device.
Au/Ag core/shell nanorods with different shell thickness were synthesized in aqueous solution by chemically depositing silver on gold nanorods surface. With the silver coating, the longitudinal plasmon mode of the nanorods shifted blue and was enhanced. A dipole-limit calculation, based on confocal ellipsoids, simulates the spectra of the core/shell nanorods using bulk dielectric functions. Good agreement with the experimental result was achieved. Light scattering spectra of single nanorods were taken by dark-field microscopy to measure the homogeneous line width. The scattering spectra of single gold nanorods are less than 10% broader than the theoretical value, while the spectra of silver-coated nanorods are systematically 40−50% broader. The additional damping of the plasmon was modeled as the extra scattering at the Au−Ag interface and the nanorods surface. A model for evaluating the plasmon damping in inhomogeneous metallic systems with interfaces is presented.
The synthesis of nanomaterials with control over size, shape and chemical composition continues to be a major challenge in nanoscience. The requirements of nanomaterial synthesis are becoming more sophisticated and, in addition to anisotropic structures, there is much excitement surrounding the development of recipes for the synthesis of core–shell and hollow nanostructures. Much of the motivation for research in this direction stems from the unusual optoelectronic and chemical properties exhibited by such nanostructures. In this article, we review the work from this laboratory on the synthesis of flat gold nanostructures at the air–water interface, either by confining the reductant or the precursor metal ions to the air–water interface. We also describe the synthesis of phase-pure core–shell nanoparticles by immobilizing UV- and pH-dependent reducing agents on the surface of the core nanoparticles as well as the synthesis of organically soluble hollow-shell nanostructures via transmetallation reactions.
Copper nanoparticles can be utilized as a low-cost replacement for silver and gold nanoparticles which are currently used in inkjet printing of conductive patterns. However, the main obstacle for using copper nanoparticles is their spontaneous oxidation at ambient conditions. Here we describe the synthesis of nonoxidizable copper nanoparticles by coating them with a silver shell, and inkjet printing of these particles. The formation of these core–shell nanoparticles is driven by a transmetalation reaction on the surface of copper nanoparticles, where the copper atoms present on the particles' surface are used as the reducing agent for the silver. This process results in formation of solely copper–silver core–shell nanoparticles, with no individual silver particles. It was found that coating 40 nm copper nanoparticles with a 2 nm layer of silver prevents oxidation of the copper core and preserves its metallic characteristic. Characterization of these nanoparticles by HR-TEM, SEM, EDS, XRD, spectrophotometry and XPS confirm the core–shell structure and their stability to oxidation. Inkjet printing of concentrated aqueous dispersions of these copper–silver nanoparticles was done on various substrates, and it was found that conductive and decorative patterns with metallic appearance, stable to oxidation (up to 150 °C) are formed.
We have studied Cu coatings grown on AlN substrates via a polyol deposition method using grazing incidence X-ray (GIXS) techniques and small angle scattering techniques to determine the dependence of film structure on depth as well as the presence of nanometer size structures in the films. Small angle measurements indicate the presence of ordered structures in the order of 4 nm close to the surface of the films. Depth studies using different X-ray energies in combination with the GIXS technique suggest the first 20 to 60 nm of the film correspond to a textured region, with strains ranging between +0.1% to − 0.6%. The azimuthal ordering in the plane of the films depends on the sample deposition time and the substrate orientation.
The corrosion characteristics of copper microparticles and copper nanoparticles in distilled water were investigated in this paper. The Cu2+ transformations of copper microparticles and copper nanoparticles in distilled water were tested by using absorbance measurement, the structures of their corrosion products were determined by using XRD and TEM techniques. The results of absorbance measurement show that the corrosion characteristics of copper nanoparticles in distilled water are quite different from that of copper microparticles. The Cu2+ transformations ratio of copper microparticles increases slowly with the increasing of immersion time and levels off eventually, but the Cu2+ transformations ratio of copper nanoparticles increases sharply with the increasing of immersion time and gets to peak rapidly, and then decreases as the immersion time increases and levels off finally. The results of XRD present that they have different corrosion products, the corrosion products of copper microparticles in distilled water are Cu and CuO, but the nanoparticles are Cu, CuO, Cu(OH,Cl)2·2H2O and Cu2(CO3)(OH)2. All these differences owe to the size effect of copper particles.
Carbon-coated copper (C/Cu) nanoparticles with a size of 50–80 nm were synthesized through a simple solid-state reduction reaction. The reaction process and optical properties were subsequently explored.
The surface of gold nanorods is coated with thickness-controlled silver by reducing AgCl43- exclusively on the metallic surface to form AucoreAgshell nanorods and then restored by selectively removing the silver coating. AucoreAgshell nanorods show much sharper, stronger, and shorter-wavelengthed surface plasmon absorption than gold nanorods. However, the absorption wavelength is much longer than the one calculated for pure Ag nanorods. This means that the core−shell structure of AucoreAgshell nanorods must be explicitly taken into account in these calculations.
In situ optical observation was used as a technique to study the effects of cyclic oxidation and reduction (redox) treatment made at temperatures below 673 K on small copper particles supported on porous glass. The in situ real-time observation revealed decreases both in size of copper particles and volume fraction of metallic copper during the cyclic redox treatment. The decreases correspond to an increase in fraction of nonmetallic copper species on the support surface. This is confirmed by comparing the measured with calculated optical spectra and tracing the change in the rate of oxidation of copper particles. This phenomenon is enhanced by using 500 ppm O2 rather than 1% O2, and at higher temperatures. The role of a lower oxygen concentration in the mechanism of the phenomenon is discussed.