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Strange-Face-in-the-Mirror Illusion



I describe a visual illusion which occurs when an observer sees his/her image reflected in a mirror in a dimly lit room. This illusion can be easily experienced and replicated as the details of the setting (in particular the room illumination) are not critical. These observations were made in a quiet room dimly lit by a 25 W incandescent light. The lamp was placed on the floor behind the observer so that it was not visible either directly or in the mirror. A relatively large mirror (0.5 mT0.5 m) was placed about 0.4 m in front of the observer. Luminance of the reflected face image within the mirror was about 0.2 cd m(-2) and this level allowed detailed perception of fine face traits but attenuated colour perception. The illusion occurred even at higher levels of illumination of observer's face (from 0.2 to 1.6 cd m(-2)). The task of the observer was to gaze at his/her reflected face within the mirror. Usually, after less than a minute, the observer began to perceive the strange-face illusion. Phenomenological descriptions were made by fifty naive individuals (age range 21 ^ 29 years; mean 23 years; SD 2.1 years). At the end of a 10 min session of mirror gazing, the participant was asked to write what he or she saw in the mirror. The descriptions differed greatly across individuals and included: (a) huge deformations of one's own face (reported by 66% of the fifty participants); (b) a parent's face with traits changed (18%), of whom 8% were still alive and 10% were deceased; (c) an unknown person (28%); (d) an archetypal face, such as that of an old woman, a child, or a portrait of an ancestor (28%); (e) an animal face such as that of a cat, pig, or lion (18%); (f) fantastical and monstrous beings (48%). Language: en
I describe a visual illusion which occurs when an observer sees his/her image reflected
in a mirror in a dimly lit room. This illusion can be easily experienced and replicated as
the details of the setting (in particular the room illumination) are not critical. These
observations were made in a quiet room dimly lit by a 25
incandescent light. The
lamp was placed on the floor behind the observer so that it was not visible either
directly or in the mirror. A relatively large mirror (0.5 m60.5 m) was placed about
0.4 m in front of the observer. Luminance of the reflected face image within the
mirror was about 0.2 cd m
and this level allowed detailed perception of fine face
traits but attenuated colour perception. The illusion occurred even at higher levels of
illumination of observer's face (from 0.2 to 1.6 cd m
). The task of the observer was
to gaze at his/her reflected face within the mirror. Usually, after less than a minute,
the observer began to perceive the strange-face illusion.
Phenomenological descriptions were made by fifty naive individuals (age range
21^ 29 years; mean 23 years; SD 2.1 years). At the end of a 10 min session of mirror
gazing, the participant was asked to write what he or she saw in the mirror. The
descriptions differed greatly across individuals and included: (a) huge deformations of
one's own face (reported by 66% of the fifty participants); (b) a parent's face with traits
changed (18%), of whom 8% were still alive and 10% were deceased; (c) an unknown
person (28%); (d) an archetypal face, such as that of an old woman, a child, or a portrait
of an ancestor (28%); (e) an animal face such as that of a cat, pig, or lion (18%);
(f) fantastical and monstrous beings (48%).
The disappearance or attenuation of face traits could be linked to the Troxler
fading that occurs in the periphery while staring at a central fixation. However, this
explanation would predict that face traits should fade away and eventually disappear
(Wade 2000), whereas the apparitions in the mirror consist of new faces having new
traits. A possibly related `multiple-faces' phenomenon (Simas 2000) has been reported
for photos of faces placed in peripheral vision. In this case, the reported deforma-
tions of features include variations of the facial traits and expressions or appearance
of new ones like teeth, or a beard, as well as completely new faces, 3-D distortions,
rotations, upside-down faces, the subject's own face, sometimes younger or older.
Clearly, there are similarities in effects for peripherally viewed photos and centrally
viewed self-reflections in dim light. However, in central viewing, the perception of the
face is more accurate, making the distortion more salient, and, because the distortions
are of one's own face, the effects are amplified from merely intriguing to often unsettling.
The two types of distortion (peripheral versus low-illumination central viewing) can be
compared by viewing one's own face in ÅÙÆprofile in a mirror in peripheral vision.
From a perceptual viewpoint, the strange-face illusion may be explained by disruption
of the process of binding of traits (eyes, nose, mouth, etc) into the global Gestalt of face
(Thompson 1980). This long-term viewing of face stimuli of marginal strength may
generate a haphazard assembly of face traits that generate deformed faces or scrambled
Strange-face-in-the-mirror illusion
Perception, 2010, volume 3 9, pages 1007 ^ 1008
Giovanni B Caputo
Department of Psychology, University of Urbino, via Saffi 15, 61029 Urbino, Italy;
Received 15 May 2009, in revised form 11 May 2010
faces. Frequent apparitions of strange faces of known or unknown people support the
idea that the illusion involves a high-level mechanism that is specific to global face
processing. On the other hand, the frequent apparition of fantastical and monstrous
beings, and of animal faces cannot, in our opinion, be explained by any actual theory
of face processing. Neither constructive approaches nor top ^ down accounts seem to
provide adequate explanations.
The participants reported that apparition of new faces in the mirror caused sensa-
tions of otherness when the new face appeared to be that of another, unknown person
or strange `other' looking at him/her from within or beyond the mirror. All fifty partic-
ipants experienced some form of this dissociative identity effect, at least for some
apparition of strange faces and often reported strong emotional responses in these
instances. For example, some observers felt that the `other' watched them with an
enigmatic expression
a situation that they found astonishing. Some participants saw
a malign expression on the `other' face and became anxious. Other participants felt
that the `other' was smiling or cheerful, and experienced positive emotions in response.
The apparition of deceased parents or of archetypal portraits produced feelings of silent
query. Apparition of monstrous beings produced fear or disturbance. Dynamic deforma-
tions of new faces (like pulsations or shrinking, smiling or grinding) produced an overall
sense of inquietude for things out of control.
Static face pictures and the distortions seen when they are peripherally viewed (Simas
2000) involve the binding of face traits. In contrast, self-perception in a mirror engages
a far broader set of processes as the image duplicates one's own face perfectly in space
and time, triggering an integration of perceptual, motor, and proprioceptive processes.
It is a dynamic process involving self-motion and autonomous self-exploratory control
of facial pose and expression (Rochat 2002). The construction of our self-identity
includes, among other processes, the capacity to recognise oneself in the mirror, a
competence acquired in childhood between 2 ^ 3 years of age (Zazzo 1981). Another
aspect of the strange-face illusion is the potential breakdown of self-identity that may
take place when gazing at a strange new face that has replaced one's own in the mirror
for a relatively long time.
Acknowledgment. I would like to greatly thank Patrick Cavanagh for his help in revision, advice,
and enthusiastic support.
Rochat P, 2002 ``Ego function of early imitation'', in The Imitative Mind Eds A N Meltzoff,W Prinz
(Cambridge: Cambr idge University Pres s) pp 85 ^ 97
Simas M L, 2000 ``The multiple-faces phenomenon: some investigative studies'' Perception 29
1393 ^ 1395
Thompson P, 1980 ``Margaret Thatcher: a new illusion'' Perception 9483 ^ 484
Wade N J, 2000 A Natural History of Vision (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press)
Zazzo R, 1981 ``Miroir, images, espaces'', in La Reconnaissance de son Image chez l'Enfant et l'Animal
Eds P Mounoud, A Vinter (Paris: Delachaux et Niestle
ß 2010 a Pion publication
1008 Last but not least
... Under a low-level face illumination, the mirror-gazing task (MGT) reliably produces strange-face illusions (SFIs). In the first study of SFIs (Caputo, 2010a), after 10-minutes of mirrorgazing, 50 healthy individuals from the general population perceived: (a) face deformations that still represented one's own face (66% of the 50 participants); (b) a parent's face with altered traits (18%); (c) an unknown person with an independent identity (28%); (d) an old man or woman, a child or an adolescent (28%); (e) an animal face (18%); and (f) non-human beings (48%). Similar results were obtained through interpersonal eye-gazing in dyads (Caputo, 2019). ...
... The participant's task in previous studies was to stare at their eyes reflected in the mirror (Caputo, 2010a(Caputo, , 2010b or to stare at the other's eyes during eye-gazing in dyads (Caputo, 2019;Lange et al., 2022). In general, participants had no difficulty in executing this task, while some participants were easier to fixate on only one eye at a time, or the nasal septum in between the eyes. ...
... Research Question: suggestions and biases introduced by task instructions. In previous studies of SFIs, the participant's task involved noting experiences of changes of their own face reflected in the mirror (Caputo, 2010a(Caputo, , 2010b or seen in the other participant's face during eyegazing (Caputo, 2019;Lange et al., 2022). Thus, it was possible that this instruction had primed the participant to detect face changes and biased the participant's response to face changes. ...
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Anomalous strange-face illusions (SFIs) are produced when mirror gazing under a low level of face illumination. In contrast to past studies in which an observer's task was to pay attention to the reflected face and to perceive potential facial changes, the present research used a mirror gazing task (MGT) that instructed participants to fixate their gaze on a 4-mm hole in a glass mirror. The participants' eye-blink rates were thus measured without priming any facial changes. Twenty-one healthy young individuals participated in the MGT and a control panel-fixation task (staring at a hole in a gray non-reflective panel). The Revised Strange-Face Questionnaire (SFQ-R) indexed derealization (deformations of facial features; FD), depersonalization (bodily face detachment; BD), and dissociative identity (new or unknown identities; DI) scales. Mirror-fixation increased FD, BD, and DI scores compared to panel-fixation. In mirror-fixation, FD scores revealed fading specific to facial features, distinct from "classical" Troxler- and Brewster-fading. In mirror-fixation, eye-blink rates correlated negatively with FD scores. Panel-fixation produced low BD scores, and, in a few participants, face pareidolias as detected on FD scores. Females were more prone to early derealization and males to compartmentalization of a dissociative identity. SFQ-R may be a valuable instrument for measuring face-specific dissociation (FD, BD, DI) produced by MGT. Use of MGT and panel-fixation task for differential diagnoses between schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder is discussed.
... The latter may involve faces of relatives, familiar faces, and unfamiliar faces, but extends even to monstrous faces and animal faces. In the original strange face illusion study (Caputo, 2010a), using a sample of 50 healthy individuals, it was reported that 66 % saw distorted facial features, 18 % a parent's face, 28 % an unknown person, 28 % archetypal faces, 18 % an animal face and 48 % monstrous/fantastical faces. The diversity and complexity of illusions induced by this simple paradigm appears to make it somewhat unique. ...
... Induction of SFIs have been reported using two main methodologies: Fig. 1(A), involves a seated participant, positioned approximately 0.4 m from a standard, frontal plane mirror positioned at eyelevel. (Brewin & Mersaditabari, 2013;Caputo, 2010aCaputo, , b, 2011Caputo, , 2016Caputo et al., 2012Caputo et al., , 2014Demartini et al., 2020;Derome et al., 2018Derome et al., , 2022Fonseca-Pedrero et al., 2015;Nistico et al., 2020;Pick et al., 2020;Rugens & Terhune, 2013;Shin et al., 2019). A variation of the MGT was conducted using a split-mirror made up of two mirrors, measuring 0.2 m by 0.4 m, which were mounted side-by-side with a 4 mm gap between them (Caputo, 2021). ...
... Your task is to look at the other participant; you should keep staring into the eyes of the other participant, the session will last 10 min" (Caputo, 2015, p.660). Typically, the mirror-gaze session lasts for either 10 min Brewin & Mersaditabari, 2013;Caputo, 2010aCaputo, , b, 2011Caputo, , 2016Demartini et al., 2020;Derome et al., 2018Derome et al., , 2022Fonseca-Pedrero et al., 2015;Pick et al., 2020;Shin et al., 2019), 11 min (Rugens & Terhune, 2013) or 7 min (Caputo et al., 2012. IGDT sessions typically last 10 min (Caputo, 2013(Caputo, , 2015(Caputo, , 2017(Caputo, , 2019. ...
Background: Strange face illusions describe a range of visual apparitions that occur when an observer gazes at their image reflected in a mirror or at another person's face in a dimly lit room. The illusory effects range from mild alterations in colour, or contrast, to the perception of distorted facial features, or new strange faces.The current review critically evaluates studies investigating strange face illusions, their methodological quality, and existing interpretations. Method: Searches conducted using Scopus, PubMed, ScienceDirect and the grey literature until June 2022 identified 21 studies (N = 1,132; healthy participants n = 1,042; clinical participants n = 90) meeting the inclusion criteria (i.e., providing new empirical evidence relating to strange face illusions). The total sample had a mean age of 28.3 years (SD = 10.31) and two thirds (67 %) of participants tested to date are female. Results are reported using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The review was preregistered at the Open Science Framework (OSF: Results: Pooling data across studies, illusory new strange faces are experienced by 58% (95%CI 48 to 68) of nonclinical participants. Study quality as assessed by the Appraisal Tool for Cross-Sectional Studies (AXIS) revealed that 3/21 (14.28%) studies were rated as high, 9/21 (42.86%) as moderate and 9/21 (42.86%) as low quality. Whilst the items relating specifically to reporting quality scored quite highly, those relating to study design and possible biases were lower and more variable. Overall, study quality accounted for 87% of the variance in reporting rates for strange faces, with higher quality being associated with lower illusion rates. The prevalence of illusions was also significantly greater in samples that were older, had higher proportions of female participants and for the interpersonal dyad (IGDT) compared to the mirror gaze paradigm (MGT). The moderating impact of study quality persisted in a multiple meta-regression involving participant age, paradigm type (IGDT vs MGT) and level of feature distortion. Our review point to the importance of reduced light levels, face stimuli and prolonged eye fixation for strange face illusions to emerge. Conclusion: Strange face illusions reliably occur in both mirror-gazing and interpersonal gazing dyad paradigms. Further research of higher quality is required to establish the prevalence and particularly, the mechanisms underpinning strange face illusions.
... When deprived of detailed visual input while staring at the darkened mirror, the visual system starts guesswork to fill in the missing details, and the person staring at the mirror may perceive dead relatives or demons in the place of their own poorly lit face. In an empirical study almost seventy percent of subjects staring at a mirror in a dimly lit room saw their own face deforming, and almost half saw something that resembled a supernatural being (Caputo 2010). These experiments show that darkness is a potent fear factor in movies, as it literally makes our imagination run wild, and if appropriate contextual information is provided (for example, the horror movie strongly hints that a killer or monster will appear from the darkness), the audience will automatically conjure threats and dreads to their mind's eye. ...
This article covers the neurobiological and psychological aspects of horror movies. Cinema audiences are not exposed to real threats, thus the movie should pass the brain's “reality check” systems and emotion regulation to engage the fear responses. This is achieved through vicarious simulation, proximity of threats, and unpredictability of the fearful events, and using universal sources of fear such as illness or isolation. Paradoxical appeal of horror movies stems from universal curiosity toward morbid and threatening subjects, mixing of emotions of fear and excitement in the brain, and the capability to learn about dangerous situations safely in the context of movies. These findings are summarized in a conceptual model for eliciting fear through cinema.
... Dissociative states are generally described in a traumatic context, although this condition is no longer essential in the DSM-5 (Dalenberg et al., 2012). These states can also be found in other contexts (e.g., substance-induced disorders, conversion disorders, schizotypal personality disorder) and could even be reproduced experimentally using paradigms in which participants are asked to stare for a long time at the reflection of their own face in a mirror (Caputo, 2010a(Caputo, , 2010b under a low level of face illumination. This undoubtedly explains its high prevalence, with 30% of individuals in the general population and 80% of psychiatric patients experiencing it (Saladini & Luauté, 2013). ...
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The number of multidisciplinary specialists dealing with questions relating to the body has grown steadily over the decades. Dozens of body-related disorders have been described over the years in the fields of neurology, neuropsychology, and psychiatry. These disorders can be grouped under the name “atypical bodily experiences,” namely, any experience involving the body (one’s own body or the body of another) that appears strange or unusual to the person experiencing it or to those around them. However, despite its probable involvement in human cognition, bodily experience remains a poorly investigated topic in research and clinical practices. The aim of this article is therefore to centralize and provide readers with the conceptual and semiological vocabulary required for the clinical interview, observation, and assessment of atypical bodily experiences. More than 90 of these experiences are defined and grouped into a few broad categories ranging from elementary sensory disorders to higher order neuropsychological or psychiatric symptoms and syndromes. These categories include abnormal sensations (i.e., sensory deficits and related disorders), abnormal perceptions (i.e., abnormal subjective experiences involving the body, autoscopic phenomena, and sensations of presence), identification disorders (i.e., difficulties identifying body parts or people), representation disorders (i.e., difficulties locating body parts, atypical ownership experience, and alterations to body unity), agency disorders (i.e., loss of sense of agency and unintentional motor acts), affective disorders (i.e., anxiety and negative value attributed to one’s own body), and interpersonal disorders (i.e., symptoms involving the body but that only become apparent in relation to others).
... While the audio file was playing, with a short break after each sentence to enable repetition, a white screen was presented. A black screen was deliberately omitted during the scenario presentation because reflections that would result from glass monitors could also induce dissociative symptoms (cf., Mirror-Gazing Task, Caputo (2010)). The mean duration of the experiment was 50 minutes. ...
Shame and dissociation play pivotal roles in the pathogenesis and treatment of (complex) post-traumatic stress disorder. However, the causal relationship between these two symptoms remains unclear. We tested the association between state shame and state dissociation in 249 participants (Mage = 27.55; SDage = 8.74; 60.24% female; 84.7% no mental illness). After completing questionnaires (trait shame and dissociation, trauma history), participants were randomly allocated to an imaginative shame or dissociation induction group, and changes in state shame and dissociation were measured. The data were analyzed using latent change score modeling. We found significant changes in both state shame and dissociation, with an isolated change of state shame in the shame induction group but changes in both shame and dissociation in the dissociation induction group. Thus, state shame and dissociation correlated only with the induction of dissociation. We found an effect of trait variables only on state dissociation and no effect of trauma history on state variables. The interaction between shame and dissociation remains complex and is only partially understood. Our study adds to research supporting the assumption that dissociation leads to shame. In addition, in experimental psychopathology approaches, imaginative procedures seem more suitable for studying shame than for studying dissociative symptoms.
... As mentioned before, van den Hout et al. (2009) have shown how compulsive-like staring brought about DEP/DER in a non-clinical sample. Subsequently, mirror-gazing has been used in several studies as an experimental method of inducing DEP/DER (Caputo, 2010;Brewin and Mersaditabari, 2013;Caputo et al., 2021). More generally, different forms of perseveration and repetition may lead to dissociation or breakdown of meaning by blocking the activation TABLE 1 Summary of theoretical models presented in this paper, each with a specific suggested mechanism worthy of further study, and a suggested direction of causality between dissociative experiences and obsessive-compulsive symptoms. ...
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A strong and specific link between obsessive-compulsive disorder or symptoms (OCD/S) and a tendency for dissociative experiences (e.g., depersonalization-derealization, absorption and imaginative involvement) cannot be explained by trauma and is poorly understood. The present theoretical formulation proposes five different models conceptualizing the relationship. According to Model 1, dissociative experiences result from OCD/S through inward-focused attention and repetition. According to Model 2, dissociative absorption causally brings about both OCD/S and associated cognitive risk factors, such as thought-action fusion, partly through impoverished sense of agency. The remaining models highlight common underlying causal mechanisms: temporo-parietal abnormalities impairing embodiment and sensory integration (Model 3); sleep alterations causing sleepiness and dreamlike thought or mixed sleep-wake states (Model 4); and a hyperactive, intrusive imagery system with a tendency for pictorial thinking (Model 5). The latter model relates to Maladaptive Daydreaming, a suggested dissociative syndrome with strong ties to the obsessive-compulsive spectrum. These five models point to potential directions for future research, as these theoretical accounts may aid the two fields in interacting with each other, to the benefit of both. Finally, several dissociation-informed paths for further developing clinical intervention in OCD are identified.
... When deprived of high-quality visual input while staring at the darkened mirror, the visual system starts guesswork to fill in the missing details, and the person staring at the mirror may perceive dead relatives or demons in the place of their own poorly lit face. In one experiment on this topic, almost 70% of subjects staring at a mirror in a dimly lit room saw their own face deforming, and almost half saw something that resembled a supernatural being 66 . These experiments show that darkness is a potent fear factor in movies, as it literally makes our imagination run wild, and if appropriate contextual information is provided (for example, the horror movie strongly hints that a killer or monster will appear from the darkness), the audience will automatically conjure threats and dreads to their mind's eye. ...
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This review covers the neurobiological and psychological aspects of horror movies. Cinema audiences are not exposed to real threats, thus the movie should pass the brain’s “reality check” systems and emotion regulation to engage the fear responses. This can be achieved through vicarious simulation, felt proximity of threats, as well as unpredictability of the fearful events, particularly by using universal sources of fear such as illness or isolation. Acoustic features such as roughness are also threatening, and they can be used for unobtrusively activating the fear circuits. Paradoxical appeal of horror movies stems from universal curiosity towards morbid and threatening subjects, mixing of emotions of fear and excitement in the brain and the capability to learn about dangerous situations safely in the context of movies. These findings are summarized in a conceptual model for eliciting fear through cinema.
... Note that the task instructions do not include explicit suggestions, yet these mirror-and eye-gazing protocols reliably elicit unusual experiences even in nonclinical samples and when using tightly controlled experimental conditions. Different methods have been used to quantify these induced perceptions, including phenomenological reports (Caputo, 2010a), psychophysical measurements (Caputo, 2010b(Caputo, , 2013, and self-report inventories (Caputo, 2015(Caputo, , 2019. ...
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In healthy individuals, investigations of cognitive processes and factors underlying mirror self-consciousness are compelling. Under a low level of face illumination, mirror- and eye-gazing protocols reliably induce anomalous self-experiences in healthy individuals, although the dimensionality of such perceptions has been debated in terms of three rival hypotheses rooted in one-, two-, and three- factor models. We explored the factor structure of anomalous experiences of mirror and eye gazing via advanced techniques grounded in Modern Test Theory and Rasch scaling. A sample of 90 healthy individuals participated in eye-gazing sessions using 45 dyads of randomly paired subjects; afterward, they responded to the Strange-Face Questionnaire (SFQ; Caputo, 2019) that inventories anomalous experiences of the other’s face. We found that the Derealization, Depersonalization, and Dissociative Identity items measured clearly discriminable constructs. Competitive model testing with structural equation modeling (SEM) also showed that the formulation “Derealization → Depersonalization → Dissociative Identity” contained no other links among these three factors and that each item contributed to a single factor only. The corresponding idea of “progressive dissociation” might imply a successively triggered or “layered” involvement of brain areas, from early processing of external world (i.e., the visual face) to intermediate processing of internal world (i.e., the bodily face) and to late processing of the subject’s identity (i.e., the identity self), as the intensity of state dissociation increases.
Background: The most significant features for clinical diagnosis of schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) are cognitive-perceptual and disorganized symptoms. Experimental study of visual perceptual processes is important to elucidate the psychological mechanisms of cognitive-perceptual impairment in SPD. Objective: To research the performance of visual perceptual tasks in SPD. Design: Series I and II presented the subjects with visual perceptual tasks with different types of instructions (vague, verbal, or visual perceptual cues). The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-R) was also administered. The participants were 39 SPD patients, 36 obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) patients (F.21.8, F.60.5 in ICD-10, respectively), and 102 healthy controls. Results: SPD patients had a significantly lower number of correct answers in conditions of vague instruction and verbal cues in Series I of a visual-perceptual task in comparison with healthy subjects (p < 0.01). With visual perceptual cues in Series II, patients with SPD had the same number of correct answers as controls, whereas OCPD patients had the same number of correct answers as controls with verbal cues in Series I. SPD patients had significantly lower scores in most verbal and nonverbal WAIS-R subtests in comparison with controls. SPD patients differed from OCPD patients in that they had lower scores in the "Information" (p < 0.05) and "Comprehension" (p < 0.05) subtests. Conclusion: With visual-perceptual cues, SPD patients were able to achieve normative results in the performance of visual-perceptual tasks, whereas patients with OCPD demonstrated lower productivity. In SPD patients, the basic impairments were associated with difficulties in inhibition of peculiar responses, stability of a subjective manner of performance and inability to revise it, low orientation to the model, and slipping into subjective associations with the stimuli.
Qualitative consciousness is conscious experience marked by the presence of sensory qualities, like the experienced painfulness of having a piano dropped on your foot, or the consciousness of seeing the brilliant reds and oranges of a sunset. Over his career, philosopher David Rosenthal has defended an influential theoretical approach to explaining qualitative consciousness. This approach involves the development of two theories – the higher-order thought theory of mental state consciousness and the quality space theory of sensory quality. If the problem of explaining qualitative consciousness is divided into two more manageable pieces, the door opens to a satisfying explanation of what is seen by some to be an intractable explanatory puzzle. This interdisciplinary collection develops, criticizes, and expands upon themes inspired by Rosenthal's work. The result is an exciting collection of new essays by philosophers and scientists, which will be of interest to all those engaged in consciousness studies.
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We have noted several characteristics of the phenomenon. It seems to be easier to observe: (i) with highly familiar faces; (ii) when centred at the blind spot; (iii) with achromatic stimuli; (iv) with faces varying in size from 7 cm to about 14 cm; and (v) with medium-contrast levels. It often occurs in bursts, generally very fast, may encompass an emotional response, may involve a number of unrecognised faces, and generally tends to take at least 20 ^ 60 s to start for subjects observing it for the first time. Further, it seems to be more specific to human faces as compared to monkey faces. It can be triggered by small eye movements. The multiple-faces phenomenon appears to be related to adaptation to a very familiar face; as adaptation occurs, other face-related stored information is displayed by visual memory (overlaying the priming face). Such mechanism initially seems to act locally, as for eyes, mouth, nose, moustache, etc [more related to our category (iii)], and later, globally, as for whole faces, hair, beard, etc [more related to our category (iv)]. We have not found in the literature studies on face adaptation, however. We base our main hypothesis on physiological studies that identified cells responsive to faces, profile, and elements of a face in monkeys' inferotemporal cortex (for a review, see Desimone 1991). We suppose that mechanisms for detecting and identifying faces exist, and that these are primarily tuned in very early infancy to faces more frequently viewed (ie generally the mother's or first care-giver's face) and that later, as other faces are detected and stored, this mechanism builds upon previously stored most (similar?) seen faces, or opens new categorical face matrices. It is interesting to observe that male faces can be seen in female's photos and vice-versa. We are still gathering addi- tional and more controlled data to learn more about the occurrence and characteristics of this phenomenon. Language: en
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The multiple-faces phenomenon: some investigative studiesWe have observed a new and peculiar phenomenon involving face perception. When afamiliar face measuring about 12 ^ 14 cm is placed in such a way that its nose coincideswith the blind spot, we create the best conditions for observing a series of interpolationevents, including the multiple-faces phenomenon. (3) (PDF) The multiple-faces phenomenon: some investigate studies. Available from: [accessed Mar 07 2023].
Imitation guides the behaviour of a range of species. Scientific advances in the study of imitation at multiple levels from neurons to behaviour have far-reaching implications for cognitive science, neuroscience, and evolutionary and developmental psychology. This volume, first published in 2002, provides a summary of the research on imitation in both Europe and America, including work on infants, adults, and nonhuman primates, with speculations about robotics. A special feature of the book is that it provides a concrete instance of the links between developmental psychology, neuroscience, and cognitive science. It showcases how an interdisciplinary approach to imitation can illuminate long-standing problems in the brain sciences, including consciousness, self, perception-action coding, theory of mind, and intersubjectivity. The book addresses what it means to be human and how we get that way.
Miroir, images, espaces'', in La Reconnaissance de son Image chez l'Enfant et l
  • R Zazzo
Zazzo R, 1981``Miroir, images, espaces'', in La Reconnaissance de son Image chez l'Enfant et l'Animal Eds P Mounoud, A Vinter (Paris: Delachaux et Niestle¨) pp 77^110 ß 2010 a Pion publication