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The APOE 4 allele modulates brain white matter integrity in healthy adults


Abstract and Figures

The Apolipoprotein E (APOE) ɛ4 allele is the best-established genetic risk factor for sporadic Alzheimer's disease, and is also associated with structural gray matter and functional brain changes in healthy young, middle-aged and elderly subjects. Because APOE is implicated in brain mechanisms associated with white matter (WM) development and repair, we investigated the potential role played by the APOE polymorphism on WM structure in healthy younger (aged 20-35 years) and older (aged 50-78 years) adults using diffusion tensor imaging. General reduction of fractional anisotropy and increase in mean diffusivity values was found in carriers of the APOE ɛ4 allele relative to non-carriers. No significant interactions between genotype and age were observed, suggesting that differences in WM structure between APOE ɛ4-carriers and non-carriers do not undergo significant differential changes with age. This result was not explained by differences in brain morphology or cognitive measures. The APOE ɛ4 allele modulates brain WM structure before any clinical or neurophysiological expression of impending disease.
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Title Page
The APOE ε4 allele modulates brain white matter integrity in healthy adults
*Verena Heise, MSc
, *Nicola Filippini, PhD
, Klaus P. Ebmeier, MD
Clare E. Mackay, PhD
FMRIB, Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the
Brain, and
University Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford, Oxford,
LENITEM, Laboratory of Epidemiology, Neuroimaging, & Telemedicine-
IRCCS S. Giovanni di Dio-FBF, Brescia, Italy
*These authors contributed equally
Dr Clare Mackay, FMRIB, University of Oxford, John Radcliffe Hospital,
Headley Way, Headington, Oxford, OX3 9DU, UK
Phone: +44 (0)1865-222-494
Fax: +44 (0)1865-222-717
peer-00574005, version 1 - 7 Mar 2011
Author manuscript, published in "Molecular Psychiatry (2010)"
DOI : 10.1038/mp.2010.90
The Apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 allele is the best-established genetic risk
factor for sporadic Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and is also associated with
structural gray matter (GM) and functional brain changes in healthy young,
middle-aged and elderly subjects. Because APOE is implicated in brain
mechanisms associated with white matter (WM) development and repair, we
investigated the potential role played by the APOE polymorphism on WM
structure in healthy younger (age range: 20-35 years) and older (aged 50-78
years) adults using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). General reduction of
fractional anisotropy (FA) and increase in mean diffusivity (MD) values was
found in carriers of the APOE ε4 allele relative to non-carriers. No significant
interactions between genotype and age were observed, suggesting that
differences in WM structure between APOE ε4-carriers and non-carriers do
not undergo significant differential changes with age. This result was not
explained by differences in brain morphology or cognitive measures. The
APOE ε4 allele modulates brain WM structure before any clinical or
neurophysiological expression of impending disease.
APOE, diffusion tensor imaging, neuroimaging, white matter, healthy subjects,
peer-00574005, version 1 - 7 Mar 2011
Apolipoprotein E (apoE, protein; APOE, gene) is a very-low-density lipoprotein
that has a key role in coordinating the mobilization and redistribution of
cholesterol, phospholipids, and fatty acids.
In the central nervous system,
apoE is implicated in mechanisms such as neuronal development, brain
plasticity, and repair functions.
The human APOE gene has 3 allelic variants
(ε2, ε3, and ε4). The ε4 allele is associated with higher risk of developing both
and late-onset
Alzheimer's disease (AD), poor outcome from
traumatic brain injury
and age-related cognitive impairment.
Neuroimaging studies have shown that the APOE ε4 allele is associated with
modification of brain function and gray matter (GM) structure, both in AD
and in healthy subjects.
GM volume reduction in AD
patients carrying the ε4 allele relative to non-carriers has been found mainly in
the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex.
Similarly, reductions in MTL
volumes have been reported among healthy middle-aged/ elderly,
APOE ε4-carriers, although not all studies replicate this
Positron emission tomography (PET) studies have consistently
shown resting glucose metabolism reduction in healthy young and middle-
aged APOE ε4-carriers in brain regions known to be affected by AD
pathology, such as the parietal, temporal and prefrontal cortices.
based functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have been less
consistent, showing increased
, decreased
or even no difference
task-related BOLD signal between healthy APOE ε4-carriers and non-carriers.
Methodological differences may explain inconsistencies in the studies.
Because of the link between APOE and AD, to date structural imaging studies
have largely concentrated on GM changes, especially in the entorhinal cortex
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and hippocampal regions, which are the first structures to show AD
Very few studies have investigated the potential effects of the
APOE genotype on white matter (WM) structure. This is surprising considering
that the major role of apoE in the brain is the transport of lipid components
which contribute to building up the myelin sheath.
Moreover, AD
pathology not only involves GM atrophy but also changes in WM
, which
have been shown to correlate with disease severity.
Diffusion tensor
imaging (DTI) is an imaging technique that is increasingly used for WM
analysis in vivo. DTI-derived measurements, such as fractional anisotropy
(FA) and mean diffusivity (MD), have proved to be sensitive for detection of
disease-related WM changes.
A recent meta-analysis of DTI measurements
in AD and MCI reported widespread increases in MD and decreases in FA
with large effect sizes.
To date studies using DTI to investigate the effects of
APOE on FA and MD have focused on specific age groups
or were limited to
preselected regions-of-interest.
The aim of this study is to investigate the
relationship between APOE genotype, WM structure and age in healthy
individuals using an unbiased whole-brain analysis (tract-based spatial
statistics - TBSS
) using DTI. This will allow us to investigate whether the ε4
allele selectively modulates well-defined WM pathways or rather has a more
general effect. In particular, we will test whether the APOE ε4 allele alters WM
integrity both in distinct groups of younger (age range = 20 to 35 years old)
and older (age range = 50 to 78 years old) participants.
Based on previously reported studies showing age-related WM changes in
healthy subjects
, we hypothesize that older subjects will have
increased MD and reduced FA. As the APOE ε4 allele is associated with an
earlier onset of AD
and cognitive decline at a younger age
, we expect that
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the trajectories of WM changes with age will differ between APOE ε4-carriers
and non-carriers. Moreover, we will study GM volumes to investigate whether
whole brain GM or WM analyses are more sensitive to changes associated
with the APOE ε4 allele. Based on previous studies
, we hypothesize that
GM volume will be reduced in older APOE ε4-carriers. Lastly, we will compare
the data between younger and older groups to study a possible interaction
between age and genotype. We will test alternative hypotheses: either brain
structure of APOE ε4-carriers already differs from non-carriers in young
adulthood, or structural modifications associated with the APOE ε4 allele only
manifest at a certain age, perhaps preceding AD development in healthy
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Materials and methods
Participants: Imaging data for 73 right-handed subjects (35 males) aged 20
to 78 years were acquired. Thirty-four subjects aged 20 to 35 years comprised
the “younger” group (mean age 28.6 years ± 4.20), and thirty-nine subjects
aged 50 to 78 years (mean 64.9 years ± 7.19) comprised the “older” group.
A priori exclusion criteria were: current or past history of neurological or
psychiatric disorders, memory complaints, head injury, substance abuse
(including alcohol), corticosteroid therapy, and youth diabetes therapy. A
posteriori (after MRI scan) exclusion criteria included presence of brain
vascular insults and two or more hyperintense lesions equal or larger than 10
mm diameter, or more than eight hyperintense lesions with a diameter from 5
to 9 mm
, on a Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR) image. In order
to exclude possible confounds due to cognitive complaints older subjects
underwent a pre-screening cognitive test [Addenbrooke’s Cognitive
Examination-revised version (ACE-R)
Subjects were pre-screened for APOE genotype (using a cheek swab sample)
and selected for the study on the basis of either having an APOE ε4 allele
(APOE ε4-carrier) or being an ε3 homozygote (non-carrier). Three APOE ε4-
carriers were homozygous for the ε4 allele (one in the younger and two in the
older group). The genotyping process was conducted at the Wellcome Trust
Centre for Human Genetics in Oxford. DNA was extracted from cheek swab
samples of subjects according to standard procedures to allow PCR for the
characterization of APOE genotype. The study was approved by the local
Ethics Committee, and written informed consent was signed by all
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Image Acquisition: Scans were performed at the University of Oxford Centre
for Clinical Magnetic Resonance Research (OCMR) using a 3-T Siemens Trio
scanner (Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany) with a 12-channel head coil. The
neuroimaging protocol included a 3D T1-weighted structural scan (TR = 2040
ms, TE = 4.7 ms, flip angle = 8°, field of view = 192 mm, voxel dimension = 1
mm isotropic, acquisition time = 12 min), diffusion weighted imaging (echo
planar imaging, TR = 9300 ms, TE = 94 ms, field of view = 192 mm, voxel
dimension = 2 mm isotropic, B-value = 1000, gradients applied = 60
isotropically distributed, acquisition time = 21 min) and fluid attenuated
inversion recovery (FLAIR) imaging (TR = 9000 ms, TE = 89 ms, field of view
= 220 mm, voxel dimension = 1.1x0.9x3 mm, acquisition time = 5 min 8 sec).
Image Analysis: Data analysis was carried out using FMRIB Software Library
(FSL) tools (
Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI):
Raw images were pre-processed using “Eddy
Current correction”, in order to correct for distortions due to the gradient
directions applied. Fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) maps
were generated using DTIFit, part of FMRIB’s Diffusion Toolbox
(, that fits a diffusion tensor model at each
. The magnitude and direction of tissue water mobility is measured in
the three dimensions
and the diffusion tensor is modelled as an ellipsoid
with symmetry across any one of its three axes. The largest axis or eigenvalue
is denoted λ1 or axial diffusivity. The two minor axes (λ2, λ3) are usually
averaged to compute radial diffusivity. The average of all three eigenvalues is
called mean diffusivity (MD). Fractional anisotropy (FA) is a ratio of axial to
radial diffusivity, and thus provides a measure of the directionality of diffusion.
In axons, net intravoxel water diffusion perpendicular to the fibres is reduced
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due to the myelin sheath but unrestricted parallel to the axon. This
directionality of water diffusion gives rise to a higher FA in WM, whereas less
restricted diffusion, e.g. in GM or cerebrospinal fluid leads to lower FA. GM
and WM have similar MD values.
The FA output images were used as input for tract-based spatial statistics
(TBSS), a voxelwise approach for analysis of FA data.
All subjects' FA data
were aligned into a common space using the nonlinear registration tool
FNIRT. The mean FA image was generated and thinned to create a mean FA
skeleton, which represents the centres of all tracts common to the group.
Each subject's aligned FA data was then projected onto this skeleton and the
resulting data fed into voxelwise GLM cross-subject statistics. A voxel by voxel
permutation nonparametric test (5000 permutations) was used to assess
group-related differences using threshold-free cluster enhancement (TFCE),
which avoids using an arbitrary threshold for the initial cluster-formation.
results are shown at p < 0.05 corrected for multiple comparisons across
space. In addition to FA data, mean diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity (DA) and
radial diffusivity (DR) were also compared using TBSS in an analogous
fashion. Separate analyses were performed for the younger and older group,
then data from both groups were pooled together. GM volume, WM volume
and cognitive scores were added to the TBSS analysis as covariates of no
Structural MRI:
A voxel-based morphometry (VBM) approach was used to
study brain morphology and to relate it to the APOE polymorphism. Total brain
volume, GM and WM and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) measurements were
calculated using FMRIB’s Automated Segmentation Tool (FAST).
brain analysis was carried out with FSL-VBM
, using default settings. In brief,
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brain extraction and tissue-type segmentation were performed, and resulting
GM or WM partial volume images were aligned to standard space using
FMRIB's Linear Image Registration Tool (FLIRT) and then nonlinear (FNIRT)
registration tools. The resulting images were averaged, modulated, and
smoothed with an isotropic Gaussian kernel of 3mm (~7 mm FWHM) to create
a study-specific template. Finally, voxelwise general linear modelling (GLM)
was applied using permutation nonparametric testing (5000 permutations) and
p < 0.05 correcting for multiple comparisons across space. GM volume and
total brain volume were used as covariates of no interest in the VBM analysis.
ROI analysis of hippocampal volume:
Individual hippocampal measures were
obtained using FMRIB’S Integrated Registration and Segmentation Tool
(FIRST), an automatic subcortical segmentation program.
correction was used for the classification of the boundary voxels. ROIs were
visually inspected in the coronal plane to ensure accuracy.
White matter lesions:
Measurement of WM lesions in the older group was
manually performed on FLAIR by a trained neuroscientist (VH) blind to the
genotypic profile using the Jim 4.0 software (Xinapse Medical Systems,
Thorpe Waterville, UK). All axial slices of each subject were investigated for
WM hyperintensities and periventricular WM lesions. After marking all
hyperintensities and periventricular lesions as Regions-of-interest (ROIs), total
ROI volume was calculated for each subject.
Statistical analyses of non-imaging variables were carried out using
SPSS software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA). T-tests comparison were used for
continuous variables (sociodemographic, cognitive performance and brain
volumes). Exact Fisher's continuity correction was used for categorical
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variables (gender and family history of dementia). An alpha of p < 0.05 was
considered significant.
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Participants: Seventy-three subjects completed the MRI protocol. Two of the
older subjects (one APOE ε4-carrier, one non-carrier) were excluded because
they showed an abnormally high volume of white matter lesions (more than 3
standard deviations from each group mean), leaving a total of 71 subjects
(Table 1). There was no effect of genotype on white matter lesion volume
= 2.40, p = 0.13). Within the younger and older group, APOE ε4-carriers
and non-carriers did not differ for age, sex, years of education, number of
individuals with a family history of dementia and ACE-r results. Similarly,
memory performance and reaction times in an encoding memory task as
described in Filippini et al.
were not different between APOE ε4-carriers and
non-carriers (Table 1).
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI):
In the younger group whole brain WM analysis
with TBSS revealed decreased FA values in APOE ε4-carriers relative to non-
carriers in widespread areas, including the cingulum, corona radiata, corpus
callosum, external capsule, internal capsule and superior longitudinal
fasciculus (Figure 1a). There were no regions in which FA values were higher
in APOE ε4-carriers relative to non-carriers. The decreased FA in APOE ε4-
carriers was not associated with significant differences in either MD, DA or
In the older group, whole brain analysis with TBSS showed increased MD in
APOE ε4-carriers relative to non-carriers in widespread areas including the
cingulum, corona radiata, corpus callosum, external capsule, internal capsule
and superior longitudinal fasciculus (Figure 1b) but there were no significant
differences in FA, DR or DA. There were no regions in which MD values were
lower in APOE ε4-carriers relative to non-carriers.
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TBSS analysis with the data from both age groups combined was performed
to study a possible interaction between AGE (younger or older) and
GENOTYPE (APOE ε4-carrier and non-carrier) factors. No significant
interaction between the two factors was detected for FA or MD. However, a
main effect of GENOTYPE was found for FA values in areas including the
cingulum, corona radiata, corpus callosum, external capsule, internal capsule
and superior longitudinal fasciculus (Figure 1c). Additionally, DR was
significantly higher in APOE ε4-carriers compared to non-carriers (Figure 1d)
but there were no significant effects on MD or DA.
As we expected, a widespread main effect of AGE was observed for FA. FA
was significantly increased in the younger compared to the older group in WM
tracts including the cingulum, corona radiata, corpus callosum, external
capsule, internal capsule and superior longitudinal fasciculus (Figure 4a). This
was associated with significantly increased DA and DR in the older group
(Figure 4c and d). The same structures showed significantly increased MD
values in the older group (Figure 4b). There were no regions in which FA
values were higher or MD, DA or DR values were lower in the older group
compared to the younger group.
Structural MRI:
No differences between APOE ε4-carriers and non-carriers in
both age groups were found for total brain volume, GM volume, WM volume,
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and hippocampal volumes (Table 1). Moreover, no
differences between APOE ε4-carriers and non-carriers were observed in GM
or WM using a whole brain Voxel-Based-Morphometry approach.
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We investigated the effect of the APOE genotype on WM structure in healthy
individuals using Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) and found that the APOE ε4
allele affects WM integrity. In detail, we observed significantly reduced FA
values in younger APOE ε4-carriers and increased MD in older ε4-carriers
relative to matched non-carriers in widespread areas of the brain. Reduced FA
values in APOE ε4-carriers relative to non-carriers were also found when the
data from both groups were combined. No significant interactions between
AGE and GENOTYPE were observed, suggesting that APOE has an effect on
WM that is evident even in early adulthood and remains relatively stable
throughout adulthood. Increased MD and decreased FA are generally markers
of pathology, thus our observation may provide clues to the basis of the
vulnerability of APOE ε4-carriers to late-life pathology.
This is the first study to describe an effect of the APOE ε4 allele on WM
structure in a group of healthy young adults. Whole-brain analysis showed that
young APOE ε4-carriers had reduced FA values in widespread brain areas.
Therefore carrying the APOE ε4 allele influences WM integrity even in young
adulthood. A genotype effect on WM structure was also found in the older
group. Although FA was not altered, widespread significant increases in MD
were observed in APOE ε4-carriers. This is in accordance with several other
studies that reported effects of the APOE ε4 allele on WM integrity in brain
tracts such as parahippocampal WM
and the corpus callosum
a recent study did not replicate these results
Although the APOE genotype affects different measures of WM integrity in the
two age groups, this is probably caused by age differences in FA and MD
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measures. It is possible that FA is more sensitive to detect differences in
younger adults because we found that FA values decrease with age
independent of genotype. The opposite effect would be found for MD.
AD and amnesic MCI are associated with an increased volume of WM lesions
compared to healthy controls
, which predicts the rate of cognitive
We did not find a significant effect of the APOE ε4 allele and this is
in concordance with two studies reporting an effect of APOE genotype on
volume of WM lesions only for homozygous individuals and no gene-dose
Although APOE genotype effects were observed within WM regions in both
the younger and the older group, we found that GM structure did not differ
between APOE ε4-carriers and non-carriers. This was interesting because we
expected that at least in the older group the higher risk of AD for APOE ε4-
carriers would show in GM changes, especially in regions affected early by
, as was shown in two studies
. However, other studies also failed to
observe APOE-related structural GM differences in healthy subjects.
therefore suggest that brain function
and WM-related
measurements are more sensitive than GM-related measurements to detect
the physiological effects of carrying an APOE ε4 allele.
As expected, we found age-related changes in FA and MD. FA was
significantly lower in the older than in the younger group independent of APOE
genotype. In addition, a widespread increase in MD was found in the older
group. Several studies also observed reductions in FA with age mainly in
prefrontal structures
as well as changes in WM volume unevenly
distributed across brain regions.
Therefore, our results are similar to age-
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related changes in WM integrity observed by other groups and our unbiased
whole-brain approach strengthens these results.
The main goal of our study was to investigate whether differences in WM
structure between APOE ε4-carriers and non-carriers change across the
lifespan. As TBSS revealed no significant AGE by GENOTYPE interactions for
FA or MD we showed that genotype-dependent differences in WM structure
are already present in young adulthood and do not undergo significant
differential changes with age. Previously, we have shown functional
differences between APOE ε4-carriers and non-carriers in the same group of
younger subjects.
It is possible that WM differences might underlie these
functional differences found in the default-mode network (DMN). Indeed, it has
been shown that structural connectivity between the cingulum, superior frontal
occipital fasciculus and genu of the corpus callosum determine the functional
links of the DMN.
We found that FA was significantly decreased in young
APOE ε4-carriers in the cingulum and genu of the corpus callosum. However,
the relationship between structural and functional differences between APOE
ε4-carriers and non-carriers require further investigation.
The effect of APOE on brain structure and function and the associated risk of
AD remains poorly understood. The major role of apoE in the brain is the
transport of lipid components which contribute to building up the myelin
In-vitro and in-vivo studies have shown that the apoE isoforms
differentially modulate neuritic outgrowth, sprouting and branching
the apoE4 isoform has been specifically associated with microtubule
and axonal degeneration
thus potentially affecting WM
integrity. Although these studies point to a differential role for the apoE
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isoforms on white matter structure, the molecular mechanisms require further
Our cross-sectional study did not cover the entire lifespan but instead
concentrated on distinct age groups of younger (20-35 years) and older (50-78
years) volunteers. The age-related changes in WM that we observed are
unlikely to be caused by a cohort effect, but longitudinal studies would be
required to rule this out. Given our observation of white matter changes even
in young adulthood, it would be particularly interesting to investigate
differences in brain development of children and adolescents carrying the
APOE ε4 allele.
It is important to note that the changes in WM that we observe in APOE ε4-
carriers may not relate to AD risk because there are other genes in linkage
disequilibrium with APOE ε4 that might affect WM structure.
For example
APOC1 and TOMM40 have been associated with increased risk of AD
or earlier age of AD onset.
Large population samples would
be needed to study the contribution of other genes to WM structure and AD.
The link between APOE, WM structure and AD risk would be strengthened if
evidence of a gene-dose effect in WM integrity that mirrored the gene dose
effect in AD risk could be found. WM changes might prove to be a useful
imaging marker for early detection of subjects at increased risk of developing
AD. The methods for including imaging markers in genome wide association
studies are now being worked out.
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In conclusion, this study demonstrated that individuals carrying the APOE ε4
allelic variant have different WM-related measurements even at a young age
but show no differences in GM structure. No significant interactions of
genotype and age group were found indicating that differences in WM
structure between APOE ε4-carriers and non-carriers remain relatively stable
during adulthood. The WM changes we observed in young adults occur
decades before any impending cognitive or clinical manifestations of disease,
and are thus probably not caused by preclinical AD pathology. Nevertheless,
the changes we see mirror those found in early AD and MCI and may
therefore inform our understanding of the increased risk of disease in APOE
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We thank Prof. Jonathan Flint and Amarjit Bhorma, Wellcome Trust Centre for
Human Genetics, for genotyping APOE data. VH was supported by the
Alzheimer’s Research Trust (English Charity Register: 1077089) and the
German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen
Volkes), NF by the Gordon Edward Small’s Charitable Trust (Scottish Charity
Register: SC008962).
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Conflict of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Table 1 Sociodemographic features and general brain morphology of both
age groups. Values denote mean (±Standard Deviation) or number of
subjects, *Values are expressed as percentage of whole-brain volume; p-
values refer to t-tests (parametric data) and chi-square tests (categorical
Younger group
APOE ε4 carriers
(N = 17)
APOE ε4 non-carriers
(N = 17)
Age [years]
28.88 (±4.69) 28.24 (±3.77) 0.66
Sex [Male / Female]
10 / 7 10 / 7 1.00
Education [years]
19.53 (±2.35) 19.41 (±1.91) 0.87
Family history of dementia
2 2 1.00
Encoding memory task (max 83)
70.88 (±8.17) 69.24 (±8.12) 0.56
Reaction time, familiar blocks [s]
0.78 (±0.21) 0.76 (±0.15) 0.70
Reaction time, novel blocks [s]
1.07 (±0.42) 0.99 (±0.27) 0.56
Whole brain volume [cm
2038.99 (±168.25) 2016.80 (±205.80) 0.73
Gray Matter*
43.63 (±0.54) 43.78 (±0.93) 0.59
White Matter*
32.76 (±1.11) 32.90 (±0.86) 0.68
23.61 (±1.07) 23.32 (±1.41) 0.51
Left Hippocampus*
0.19 (±0.02) 0.20 (±0.01) 0.24
Right Hippocampus*
0.22 (±0.03) 0.23 (±0.02) 0.24
Older group
APOE ε4 carriers
(N = 16)
APOE ε4 non-carriers
(N = 21)
Age [years]
65.13 (±8.45) 64.85 (±6.27) 0.92
Sex [Male / Female]
6 / 10 8 / 13 1.00
Education [years]
15.69 (±3.79) 16.66 (±3.54) 0.43
Family history of dementia
3 6 0.70
ACE-r results (max 100)
98.81 (±0.98) 99.29 (±1.27) 0.21
Encoding memory task (max 83)
68.20 (±9.76) 68.90 (±6.57) 0.81
Reaction time, familiar blocks [s]
0.75 (±0.09) 0.72 (±0.11) 0.44
Reaction time, novel blocks [s]
0.99 (±0.15) 0.96 (±0.16) 0.55
Whole brain volume [cm
1900.07 (±173.27) 1872.54 (±184.07) 0.65
Gray Matter*
41.50 (±1.05) 41.77 (±0.55) 0.35
White Matter*
33.39 (±1.27) 32.95 (±1.18) 0.29
25.12 (±1.62) 25.28 (±1.34) 0.74
Left Hippocampus*
0.19 (±0.03) 0.20 (±0.03) 0.37
Right Hippocampus*
0.20 (±0.04) 0.21 (±0.03) 0.35
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Figure 1 Mean FA images with mean FA skeleton used for TBSS (green).
(a) The TBSS results show that FA was significantly decreased in carriers of
the APOE ε4 allele in the younger group (red) (P<0.05). R: right, L: left.
(b) within the older group MD was significantly increased (blue) in APOE ε4-
(c) significantly reduced FA (red) in APOE ε4-carriers was found when data
from both age group were pooled.
(d) DR was significantly increased (yellow) in APOE ε4-carriers when data
from both age groups were pooled.
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Figure 2 Mean FA images with mean FA skeleton used for TBSS (green).
(a) FA was significantly higher in the younger compared to the older group
independent of genotype (red) (P<0.05). R: right, L: left.
MD (b), DA (c) and DR (d) were significantly increased in the older group.
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... Some studies have shown cortical thinning and reduced GMV in regions such as the superior temporal gyrus and hippocampus in healthy APOE-ε4 carriers compared to non-ε4 carriers [7][8][9][10][11]. Others have found WMI reduction, without GMV changes, in healthy APOE-ε4 carriers compared to non-ε4 carriers [12,13]. ...
... Cognitive scores recorded from the healthy older cohort in the current study were expected to fall within the normal range on standardized measures; nonetheless, some previous studies have reported a relative cognitive advantage in ε2-carriers and a relative disadvantage in ε4-carriers [5,7,[8][9][10][11][12][13]46]. The current study found no significant differences between APOE groups on indices of memory or EF. ...
Full-text available
Background The Apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene has been established in the Alzheimer’s disease (AD) literature to impact brain structure and function and may also show congruent effects in healthy older adults, although findings in this population are much less consistent. The current study aimed to replicate and expand the multimodal approach employed by Honea et al. Structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), and neuropsychological measures were used to investigate the impact of APOE-ε status on grey matter structure, white matter integrity, and cognitive functioning. Methods Data were obtained from the Alzheimer’s Disease Initiative Phase 3 (ADNI3) database. Baseline MRI, DTI and cognitive composite scores for memory (ADNI-Mem) and executive function (ADNI-EF) were acquired from 116 healthy controls. Participants were grouped according to APOE allele presence (APOE-ε2+ N = 17, APOE-ε3ε3 N = 64, APOE-ε4+ N = 35). Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) were used to compare grey matter volume (GMV) and white matter integrity, respectively, between APOE-ε2+ and APOE-ε3ε3 controls, and again between APOE-ε4+ and APOE-ε3ε3 controls. Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was used to examine the effects of APOE polymorphism on memory and EF across all APOE groups with age, sex and education as regressors of no interest. Cognitive scores were correlated (Pearson r) with imaging metrics within groups. Results No significant differences were seen across groups, within groups in MRI metrics, or cognitive performance (p>0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons). Conclusions The current study partially replicated and extended previous findings from an earlier multimodal study (Honea 2009). Future studies should clarify APOE mechanisms in healthy ageing by adding other imaging, cognitive, and lifestyle metrics and longitudinal design in larger sample sizes.
... The strength of DMN's functional connectivity partly depends on white matter tracts connectivity. APOE-ε4 carriers have shown disruptions in the white matter tracts, primarily in the cingulum, which interconnects PCC and hippocampus (Heise et al. 2011). These white matter disruptions are reported in individuals at high AD risk before cognitive decline (Gold et al. 2012). ...
... These alterations were mainly exhibited in the DMN core hubs, for instance, precuneus, which regulates cognitive function. Also, studies showed precuneus dysfunctions association with cognitive impairment in patients with PD (Heise et al. 2011). Increased metabolic and functional connectivity along frontoparietal connections was identified in PD-MCI patients compared to controls and unimpaired patients (Gold et al. 2012). ...
Cancer is the deadliest disease that led to the death of millions of people around the world. Endocrine cancer is one of the most common types of cancer and badly affects the endocrine system of the patient. Currently, due to the alarming increase in the endocrine cancer patients, there is a need for nanotechnology like therapeutic options to treat the endocrine cancer. This chapter describes about the steroid-based hormone receptors in the cancer biology and remedies like hormone-based therapy to target the different forms of cancers. However, the nanomedicines could be the ideal strategy to treat the endocrine cancer using different forms of nanoproducts. The chapter also briefs about different types of drugs approved for cure of different types of cancer along with their recent status in the market. There is numerous research available in the field of hormone-based treatment for cancer through use of nanotechnology but still no milestone is established.KeywordsCancerNanomedicinesHormoneEndocrine
... For example, damage or degeneration to a tract is shown to be associated with a decrease in its white matter integrity (fractional anisotropy). [22][23][24][25][26][27] Likewise, training-induced or experience-dependent increases in white matter integrity have also been reported in humans. [28][29][30] Moreover, recently developed neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI) methodology, based on biophysically inspired modeling of diffusion MRI data, provides further information about tissue microstructure, e.g., neurite density and fiber orientation dispersion. ...
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Impaired attention is one of the most common, debilitating, and persistent consequence of traumatic brain injury (TBI), which impacts overall cognitive and executive functions in these patients. Previous neuroimaging studies, trying to understand the neural mechanism underlying attention impairment post TBI, have highlighted the role of prefrontal white matter tracts in attentional functioning in mild TBI. Goal-Oriented Attentional Self-Regulation (GOALS) is a cognitive rehabilitation training program that targets executive control functions in participants by applying mindfulness-based attention regulation and goal management strategies. GOALS training has been demonstrated to improve attention and executive functioning in patients with chronic TBI. However, its impact on microstructural integrity of attention-associated prefrontal white matter tracts is still unclear. Here, using diffusion MRI in a pilot randomized controlled trial, we investigated the effect of GOALS training on prefrontal white matter microstructure in US military veterans with chronic mild TBI (mTBI), compared to a matched control group of veterans with chronic mTBI who received standard of care brain health education. We also tested for an association between microstructural white matter changes and sustained attention ability in these patients pre- and post-GOALS training. Our results show significantly better white matter microstructural integrity in left and right anterior corona radiata in the GOALS group compared to the control group post-training. Moreover, we found a significant correlation between sustained attention ability of GOALS training participants and white matter integrity of their right anterior corona radiata pre- and post-training. Finally, our findings indicated that the improved white matter integrity of the anterior corona radiata in GOALS training participants was the result of increased neurite density and decreased fiber orientation dispersion within this tract.
... Some studies report an association between APOE and decreased hippocampal volume in samples with mean ages ranging from 23.9 to 39.7 years, 28,66,67 whereas others observe no significant differences in samples aged 14.4 to 28.8 years. [68][69][70] Increased hippocampal volume, as we observed in the younger adult sample, has also been reported in studies of child APOE4 carriers. 71 Greater frontal grey matter volumes have been observed in infant APOE4 carriers, 25 and increased temporal grey matter volumes have been reported in children with autosomal dominant AD genes. ...
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Genome-wide association studies have identified multiple Alzheimer’s Disease risk loci with small effect sizes. Polygenic risk scores, which aggregate these variants, are associated with grey matter structural changes. However, genome-wide scores do not allow mechanistic interpretations. The present study explored associations between disease pathway specific scores and grey matter structure in younger and older adults. Data from two separate population cohorts were used: the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, mean age 19.8; and UK Biobank, mean age 64.4 (combined n = 18,689). Alzheimer’s polygenic risk scores were computed using the largest genome-wide association study of clinically assessed Alzheimer’s to date. Relationships between subcortical volumes and cortical thickness, pathway specific scores and genome-wide scores were examined. Increased pathway specific scores were associated with reduced cortical thickness in both the younger and older cohorts. For example, the reverse cholesterol transport pathway score showed evidence of association with lower left middle temporal cortex thickness in the younger Avon participants (p = 0.034; Beta = -0.013; CI -0.025, -0.001) and in the older UK Biobank participants (p = 0.019; Beta = -0.003; CI -0.005, -4.56 x 10-4). Pathway scores were associated with smaller subcortical volumes, such as smaller hippocampal volume, in UK Biobank older adults. There was also evidence of positive association between subcortical volumes in Avon younger adults. For example, the tau protein binding pathway score was negatively associated with left hippocampal volume in UK Biobank (p = 8.35 x 10-05; Beta = -11.392; CI -17.066, -5.718) and positively associated with hippocampal volume in the Avon study (p = 0.040; Beta = 51.952; CI 2.445, 101.460). The immune response score had a distinct pattern of association, being only associated with reduced thickness in the right posterior cingulate in older and younger adults, (p = 0.011; Beta = -0.003, CI -0.005, -0.001 in UK Biobank; p = 0.034; Beta = -0.016, CI -0.031, -0.001 in the Avon study). The immune response score was associated with smaller subcortical volumes in the older adults, but not younger adults. The disease pathway scores showed greater evidence of association with imaging phenotypes than the genome-wide score. This suggests that pathway specific polygenic methods may allow progress towards a mechanistic understanding of structural changes linked to polygenic risk in pre-clinical Alzheimer’s. Pathway specific profiling could further define pathophysiology in individuals, moving towards precision medicine in Alzheimer’s disease.
... An increasing body of evidence suggests that WM changes play an important role in AD pathophysiology, including WM degeneration and demyelination secondary to reduced numbers and function of OPCs and oligodendrocytes, disrupted connectivity of WM tracts, and amyloid-induced inflammatory damage (178)(179)(180)(181)(182). The finding that ApoE4 carriers show significant WM degeneration prior to emergence of GM atrophy and cognitive dysfunction further Neurology 11 highlights a fundamental role of WM in AD disease pathogenesis (183). Advanced MR studies show altered vascular integrity in WM areas adding further support to a role vessel-related WM changes in AD (176, 184). ...
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The maintenance of adequate blood supply and vascular integrity is fundamental to ensure cerebral function. A wide range of studies report vascular dysfunction in white matter dementias, a group of cerebral disorders characterized by substantial white matter damage in the brain leading to cognitive impairment. Despite recent advances in imaging, the contribution of vascular-specific regional alterations in white matter dementia has been not extensively reviewed. First, we present an overview of the main components of the vascular system involved in the maintenance of brain function, modulation of cerebral blood flow and integrity of the blood–brain barrier in the healthy brain and during aging. Second, we review the regional contribution of cerebral blood flow and blood–brain barrier disturbances in the pathogenesis of three distinct conditions: the archetypal white matter predominant neurocognitive dementia that is vascular dementia, a neuroinflammatory predominant disease (multiple sclerosis) and a neurodegenerative predominant disease (Alzheimer’s). Finally, we then examine the shared landscape of vascular dysfunction in white matter dementia. By emphasizing the involvement of vascular dysfunction in the white matter, we put forward a hypothetical map of vascular dysfunction during disease-specific progression to guide future research aimed to improve diagnostics and facilitate the development of tailored therapies.
... However, in different studies including heterozygous E4 carriers or only E3/E4 but not E2/E4 heterozygous carriers distinct alterations of white matter in E4 carriers have been reported. In 20-35 and 50-78 year-old E4 carriers, a reduction in fractional anisotropy and an increase in mean diffusivity, as compared to age-matched non E4 carriers, were reported (Heise et al., 2010). A decrease in fractional anisotropy in E4 versus non-E4 carriers were reported in people over 60 (Westlye et al., 2012) and between 49 and 79 years of age (Persson et al., 2006), respectively. ...
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Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) T2-weighted white matter hyperintensity (WMH) is a marker of small vessel cerebrovascular pathology and is of ischemic origin. The prevalence and severity of WMH is associated with cardiovascular risk factors, aging, and cognitive injury in mild cognitive impairment (MCI), vascular dementia, and Alzheimer's disease (AD). WMH especially affects executive function, with additional effects on memory and global cognition. Apolipoprotein E (apoE) plays a role in cholesterol metabolism and neuronal repair after injury. Human and animal studies support a role for apoE in maintaining white matter integrity. In humans, there are three major human apoE isoforms, E2, E3, and E4. Human apoE isoforms differ in risk to develop AD and in association with WMH. In this Mini Review, we propose an increased focus on the role of WMH in cognitive health and cognitive injury and the likely role of apoE and apoE isoform in modulating these effects. We hypothesize that apoE and apoE isoforms play a role in modulating WMH via apoE isoform-dependent effects on oxylipins and 7-ketocholesterol, as well as amyloid related vascular injury, as seen in cerebral amyloid angiopathy.
... The majority of DTI studies in healthy older adults have reported lower FA and higher diffusivities in APOE4 carriers than non-carriers, with multiple WM tracts implicated, such as the cingulum bundle, corpus callosum, and superior longitudinal fasciculus. These findings suggest that APOE4 is related to WM fiber degeneration (e.g., axonal degeneration and loss of myelin sheath density; (Nierenberg et al., 2005;Persson et al., 2006;Honea et al., 2009;Heise et al., 2011;Salminen et al., 2013;Adluru et al., 2014;Cavedo et al., 2017;Slattery et al., 2017). Saddiki et al. (2020) found that the impact of APOE4 on brain aging was most pronounced in individuals aged 65 to 70 years old. ...
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The influence of the apolipoprotein E ε4 allele (APOE4) on brain microstructure of cognitively normal older adults remains incompletely understood, in part due to heterogeneity within study populations. In this study, we examined white-matter microstructural integrity in cognitively normal older adults as a function of APOE4 carrier status using conventional diffusion-tensor imaging (DTI) and the novel orthogonal-tensor decomposition (DT-DOME), accounting for the effects of age and sex. Age associations with white-matter microstructure did not significantly depend on APOE4 status, but did differ between sexes, emphasizing the importance of accounting for sex differences in APOE research. Moreover, we found the DT-DOME to be more sensitive than conventional DTI metrics to such age-related and sex effects, especially in crossing WM fiber regions, and suggest their use in further investigation of white matter microstructure across the life span in health and disease.
... APOE4 has long been associated with WM integrity loss, volume reduction and lesion formation in the aging brain (Burzynska et al., 2010;Heise et al., 2011;Lyall et al., 2020;Ready et al., 2011). ...
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Carriers of the APOE4 (apolipoprotein E ε4) variant of the APOE gene are subject to several age‐related health risks, including Alzheimer's disease (AD). The deficient lipid and cholesterol transport capabilities of the APOE4 protein are one reason for the altered risk profile. In particular, APOE4 carriers are at elevated risk for sporadic AD. While deposits o misfolded proteins are present in the AD brain, white matter (WM) myelin is also disturbed. As myelin is a lipid‐ and cholesterol‐rich structure, the connection to APOE makes considerable biological sense. To explore the APOE‐WM connection, we have analyzed the impact of human APOE4 on oligodendrocytes (OLs) of the mouse both in vivo and in vitro. We find that APOE proteins is enriched in astrocytes but sparse in OL. In human APOE4 (hAPOE4) knock‐in mice, myelin lipid content is increased but the density of major myelin proteins (MBP, MAG, and PLP) is largely unchanged. We also find an unexpected but significant reduction of cell density of the OL lineage (Olig2⁺) and an abnormal accumulation of OL precursors (Nkx 2.2⁺), suggesting a disruption of OL differentiation. Gene ontology analysis of an existing RNA‐seq dataset confirms a robust transcriptional response to the altered chemistry of the hAPOE4 mouse brain. In culture, the uptake of astrocyte‐derived APOE during Lovastatin‐mediated depletion of cholesterol synthesis is sufficient to sustain OL differentiation. While endogenous hAPOE protein isoforms have no effects on OL development, exogenous hAPOE4 abolishes the ability of very low‐density lipoprotein to restore myelination in Apoe‐deficient, cholesterol‐depleted OL. Our data suggest that APOE4 impairs myelination in the aging brain by interrupting the delivery of astrocyte‐derived lipids to the oligodendrocytes. We propose that high myelin turnover and OL exhaustion found in APOE4 carriers is a likely explanation for the APOE‐dependent myelin phenotypes of the AD brain. image
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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the primary cause of dementia and is anticipated to impose a substantial economic burden in the future. Over a significant period, the widely accepted amyloid cascade hypothesis has guided research efforts, and the recent FDA approval of an anti- amyloid-beta (Aβ) protofibrils antibody, believed to decelerate AD progression, has further solidified its significance. However, the excessive emphasis placed on the amyloid cascade hypothesis has overshadowed the physiological nature of Aβ and tau proteins within axons. Axons, specialized neuronal structures, sustain damage during the early stages of AD, exerting a pivotal influence on disease progression. In this review, we present a comprehensive summary of the relationship between axonal damage and AD pathology, amalgamating the physiological roles of Aβ and tau proteins, along with the impact of AD risk genes such as APOE and TREM2. Furthermore, we underscore the exceptional significance of axonal damage in the context of AD.
Over the past few decades, the brain’s default mode network (DMN), consisting of a constellation of brain regions active during rest, has been associated with many neurological disorders. However, this network has recently shown activation during high-order social cognitive tasks attributed to self-referential processing and theory of mind. Furthermore, in several disorders with deficits in social cognition, or disrupted physiology including autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, hormonal cancer, and strikingly aberrant patterns of brain activity have been observed in certain cortical regions overlapping the DMN. This suggests that DNM overlaps the social brain network extensively involved in social cognitive processes and is often compromised in brain disorders. Here, we explore how an altered DMN may be plausibly extended as an indicator of neurological disorders.KeywordsBrain’s default mode networkHormonal neuronal tumoursTherapeutics models
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Structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) have focused on the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex; gray matter structures in the medial temporal lobe. Few studies have investigated the integrity of white matter in patients with AD or MCI. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a MRI technique that allows for the interrogation of the microstructural integrity of white matter. Based on increases in translational diffusion (mean diffusivity: MD) and decreases directional diffusion (fractional anisotropy: FA) damage to white matter can be assessed. Studies have identified regions of increased MD and decreased FA in patients with AD and MCI in all lobes of the brain, as well as medial temporal lobe structures including the hippocampus, entorhinal cortex and parahippocampal white matter. The pattern of white matter integrity disruption tends to follow an anterior to posterior gradient with greater damage noted in posterior regions in AD and MCI. Recent studies have exploited inter-voxel directional similarities to develop models of white matter pathways, and have used these models to assess the integrity of inter-cerebral connections. Particular focus has been applied to the parahippocampal white matter (including the perforant path) and the posterior cingulum. Although many studies have found DTI indicators of impaired white matter in AD and MCI, other studies have failed to detect any differences in MD or FA between the groups, demonstrating the need for large replicative studies. DTI is an evolving technique and advances in its application ought to provide new insights into AD and MCI.
There is a clear need for brief, but sensitive and specific, cognitive screening instruments as evidenced by the popularity of the Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination (ACE). We aimed to validate an improved revision (the ACE-R) which incorporates five sub-domain scores (orientation/attention, memory, verbal fluency, language and visuo-spatial). Standard tests for evaluating dementia screening tests were applied. A total of 241 subjects participated in this study (Alzheimer's disease=67, frontotemporal dementia=55, dementia of Lewy Bodies=20; mild cognitive impairment-MCI=36; controls=63). Reliability of the ACE-R was very good (alpha coefficient=0.8). Correlation with the Clinical Dementia Scale was significant (r=-0.321, p<0.001). Two cut-offs were defined (88: sensitivity=0.94, specificity=0.89; 82: sensitivity=0.84, specificity=1.0). Likelihood ratios of dementia were generated for scores between 88 and 82: at a cut-off of 82 the likelihood of dementia is 100:1. A comparison of individual age and education matched groups of MCI, AD and controls placed the MCI group performance between controls and AD and revealed MCI patients to be impaired in areas other than memory (attention/orientation, verbal fluency and language). The ACE-R accomplishes standards of a valid dementia screening test, sensitive to early cognitive dysfunction.
The apolipoprotein E type 4 allele (APOE-epsilon 4) is genetically associated with the common late onset familial and sporadic forms of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Risk for AD increased from 20% to 90% and mean age at onset decreased from 84 to 68 years with increasing number of APOE-epsilon 4 alleles in 42 families with late onset AD. Thus APOE-epsilon 4 gene dose is a major risk factor for late onset AD and, in these families, homozygosity for APOE-epsilon 4 was virtually sufficient to cause AD by age 80.
White matter microstructural integrity was assessed using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in 25 young adults, 25 nondemented older adults, and 25 age-matched older adults with dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT). For each individual, measures of anisotropy and diffusivity were obtained from atlas-transformed images in the anterior and posterior callosum and in the frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital white matter. These data revealed age differences in anisotropy and diffusivity in all assessed regions. Age effects were greater in the anterior as opposed to the posterior corpus callosum and greater in the frontal white matter than in the temporal, parietal and occipital white matter, suggesting age-associated differences in white matter that exhibit a roughly anterior-to-posterior gradient. In contrast, individuals with early-stage dementia exhibited minimal, if any, additional change in anterior regions but did show greater deterioration of white matter in posterior lobar regions. Taken collectively, these results indicate that nondemented aging is characterized by significant changes in white matter most prominently in anterior brain regions. The dissociation between the regional effects of age and dementia status suggests that the mechanisms underlying age-associated cognitive decline are likely distinct from those underlying DAT.
A novel MRI method-diffusion tensor imaging-was used to compare the integrity of several white matter fibre tracts in patients with probable Alzheimer's disease. Relative to normal controls, patients with probable Alzheimer's disease showed a highly significant reduction in the integrity of the association white matter fibre tracts, such as the splenium of the corpus callosum, superior longitudinal fasciculus, and cingulum. By contrast, pyramidal tract integrity seemed unchanged. This novel finding is consistent with the clinical presentation of probable Alzheimer's disease, in which global cognitive decline is a more prominent feature than motor disturbance.
The APOE ε4 allele isa risk factor for late-life pathological changes that is also associated with anatomical and functional brain changes in middle-aged and elderly healthy subjects. We investigated structural and functional effects of the APOE polymorphism in 18 young healthy APOE ε4-carriers and 18 matched noncarriers (age range: 20-35 years). Brain activity was studied both at rest and during an encoding memory paradigm using blood oxygen level-dependent fMRI. Resting fMRI revealed increased "default mode network" (involving retrosplenial, medial temporal, and medial-pref rontal cortical areas) coactivation in ε4-carriers relative to noncarriers. The encoding task produced greater hippocampal activation in ε4-carriers relative to noncarriers. Neither result could be explained by differences in memory performance, brain morphology, or resting cerebral blood flow. The APOE ε4 allele modulates brain function decades before any clinical or neuro-physiological expression of neurodegenerative processes.
Apolipoprotein E epsilon4 is a major genetic risk factor for Alzheimer's disease, but the neurobiological basis for this risk is unknown. We used diffusion tensor imaging to measure diffusion anisotropy in the parahippocampal gyrus white matter in healthy elderly apolipoprotein E epsilon4 carriers and noncarriers. We also measured volumes of the lateral ventricles and temporal horns as proxies of cerebral atrophy. The epsilon4 carriers (n=14) showed significantly lower fractional anisotropy and higher radial diffusivity in the parahippocampal white matter 15 mm below the anterior commissure-posterior commissure plane than noncarriers (n=15). No group differences in ventricular volumes were found, nor were diffusion tensor imaging measures modulated by ventricular volumes. Diffusion tensor imaging may be sufficiently sensitive to detect preclinical brain changes related to Alzheimer's disease.