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Gut colonization by Candida albicans aggravates inflammation in the gut and extra-gut tissues in mice


Abstract and Figures

We examined whether Candida albicans gut colonization aggravates immune diseases in mice. Chronic and latent C. albicans gut colonization was established by the intragastric inoculation of C. albicans in mice fed as part of a purified diet. Allergic diarrhea was induced by repetitive intragastric administration of ovalbumin in sensitized BALB/c mice. Contact hypersensitivity was evaluated by measuring ear swelling after topical application of 2, 4-dinitrofluorobenzene in NC/Nga mice. Arthritis was induced by intradermal injection of bovine type-II collagen emulsified with complete Freund's adjuvant in DBA/1J mice. C. albicans gut colonization increased the incidence of allergic diarrhea, which was accompanied by gut hyperpermeability, as well as increased infiltration of inflammatory cells in the colon. Contact hypersensitivity was also exacerbated by C. albicans gut colonization, as demonstrated by increased swelling, myeloperoxidase activity, and proinflammatory cytokines in ear auricles. Furthermore, C. albicans gut colonization promoted limb joint inflammation in collagen-induced arthritis, in an animal model of rheumatoid arthritis. These findings suggest that C. albicans gut colonization in mice aggravates inflammation in allergic and autoimmune diseases, not only in the gut but also in the extra-gut tissues and underscores the necessity of investigating the pathogenic role of C. albicans gut colonization in immune diseases in humans.
Effect of Candida albicans gut colonization on OVA-induced allergic diarrhea in BALB/c mice. (A) Temporal changes in the recovery of viable organisms from the feces in mice with (Candida [ ], closed circle) and without (Candida [], open circle) intragastric C. albicans inoculation. Values are represented as mean SEM of six mice per group. (B) Temporal changes in diarrhea incidence in Candida [ ] and Candida [] mice (closed and open circles, respectively). Values with an asterisk are signifi cantly different ( P 0.05) from values of Candida [] mice at each time point as estimated by χ 2 test. (C) In vitro gut permeability in Candida [ ] and Candida [] mice (closed and open columns, respectively). Gut permeability was estimated using translocation of HRP in isolated segments of colon. Values are represented as mean SEM of six mice per group. Values with unlike letters are signifi cantly different ( P 0.05) as estimated by Tukey-Kramer ' s test. (D) Representative H&E staining and toluidine blue staining for eosinophils and mast cells, respectively, in colon sections of mice after 10th OVA challenge. Bars represent 50 μ m. (E) Numbers of infi ltrated eosinophils and mast cells in colon sections of mice. Each circle represents the value of individual mice, and closed and open circles represent mice with and without diarrhea, respectively. Horizontal bars represent mean values. Values with unlike letters are signifi cantly different ( P 0.05) as estimated by Tukey-Kramer ' s test. n.d., not detected. (F and G) IgG and IgE titers specifi c to OVA in Candida [ ] and Candida [] mice (closed and open columns, respectively). Values are represented as mean SEM of six mice per group. Med Mycol Downloaded from by Hokkaido University on 09/05/10
Effect of Candida albicans gut colonization on DNFB-induced CHS in NC/Nga mice. (A) Representative H&E staining of ear auricles on day 10 after the fi rst ear challenge. Bars represent 50 μ m. (B) Temporal changes in ear swelling of Candida [ ] and Candida [] mice (closed and open circles, respectively). Values are represented as mean SEM of six mice per group. Values with an asterisk are signifi cantly different ( P 0.05) from values of Candida [] mice at each time point as estimated by unpaired t-test. ( C) MPO activity in ear auricles of Candida [ ] and Candida [] mice (closed and open columns, respectively) on day 10 after the fi rst ear challenge. Values are represented as mean SEM of six mice per group. Values with an asterisk are signifi cantly different ( P 0.05) from values in Candida [] mice as estimated by unpaired t-test. (D) Expression of IL-1 β , IL-6, and TNF-α genes in ear auricles of Candida [ ] and Candida [] mice (closed and open columns, respectively) on day 10 after the fi rst ear challenge as estimated by RT-qPCR. Values represent the fold induction of each gene in challenged mice, relative to the values of untreated mice, which were taken as 1. Values are represented as mean SEM of six mice per group. Values with an asterisk are signifi cantly different ( P 0.05) from values in Candida [] mice as estimated by unpaired t-test. (E and F) IgG1 and IgG2a titers specifi c to DNP in Candida [ ] and Candida [] mice (closed and open columns, respectively) on day 10 after the fi rst ear challenge. Values are represented as mean SEM of six mice per group. Med Mycol Downloaded from by Hokkaido University on 09/05/10
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immune dysfunction, coupled with multiple allergies,
contributed to this list of clinical complaints. For exam-
ple, it has been hypothesized that excessive colonization
by C. albicans in the gastrointestinal mucosa may be
aggravating factors in atopic dermatitis [6 8]. However,
in a recent review, Goldman and Huffnagle described that
the data are not de nitive and that more research is needed
to understand any cause-and-effect relationships between
C. albicans gut colonization and a variety of hypersensi-
tivity diseases including allergy [9].
In animal studies, Noverr et al . reported that C. albicans
gut colonization promotes allergic airway in ammation in
response to mold spore ( Aspergillus fumigatus ) or ovalbu-
min (OVA) in antibiotic-treated immunocompetent mice
[10,11]. Because these mice repeatedly received intranasal
antigen administration without systemic immunization, the
authors mentioned that C. albicans gut colonization cou-
pled with antibiotic treatment can disrupt normal airway
Received 2 April 2010; Received in  nal revised form 9 July 2010;
Accepted 23 July 2010
Correspondence: Kei Sonoyama, Laboratory of Food Biochemistry,
Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Kita-9, Nishi-9,
Kita-ku, Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido 060-8589, Japan. Tel. & fax: 81 11 706
2496; E-mail:
Gut colonization by Candida albicans aggravates
in ammation in the gut and extra-gut tissues in mice
* Research Faculty of Agriculture, and
Graduate School of Life Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
We examined whether Candida albicans gut colonization aggravates immune diseases
in mice. Chronic and latent C. albicans gut colonization was established by the
intragastric inoculation of C. albicans in mice fed as part of a puri ed diet. Allergic
diarrhea was induced by repetitive intragastric administration of ovalbumin in sensi-
tized BALB/c mice. Contact hypersensitivity was evaluated by measuring ear swelling
after topical application of 2, 4-dinitro uorobenzene in NC/Nga mice. Arthritis was
induced by intradermal injection of bovine type-II collagen emulsi ed with complete
Freund s adjuvant in DBA/1J mice. C. albicans gut colonization increased the inci-
dence of allergic diarrhea, which was accompanied by gut hyperpermeability, as well
as increased in ltration of in ammatory cells in the colon. Contact hypersensitivity
was also exacerbated by C. albicans gut colonization, as demonstrated by increased
swelling, myeloperoxidase activity, and proin ammatory cytokines in ear auricles.
Furthermore, C. albicans gut colonization promoted limb joint in ammation in col-
lagen-induced arthritis, in an animal model of rheumatoid arthritis. These  ndings
suggest that C. albicans gut colonization in mice aggravates in ammation in allergic
and autoimmune diseases, not only in the gut but also in the extra-gut tissues and
underscores the necessity of investigating the pathogenic role of C. albicans gut colo-
nization in immune diseases in humans.
Keywords Candida albicans , allergic diarrhea , contact hypersensitivity , collagen-
induced arthritis , mice
Candida albicans is part of the indigenous microbial  ora
of the human gastrointestinal tract [1]. Since Truss
described in 1985 that tissue injury induced by C. albi-
cans was accompanied by mental and neurological mani-
festations [2], it was postulated that the excessive
colonization by C. albicans in the gut may be responsible
for wide ranging unspeci c chronic symptoms such as
fatigue, diarrhea, food intolerance, arthritis, and skin
problems which was called Candida hypersensitivity
syndrome [2 5]. Mechanistically, it was believed that
© 2010 ISHAM DOI: 10.3109/13693786.2010.511284
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2 Sonoyama et al .
immune tolerance in mice [11]. In addition, we have devel-
oped a model of sustained C. albicans gut colonization by
a single intragastric inoculation of C. albicans in healthy
adult mice without administration of antibiotics or immu-
nosuppressants [12]. Although these mice appear healthy
despite lifelong C. albicans gut colonization under immu-
nocompetent conditions, disseminated infection by C. albi-
cans in visceral organs including spleen, kidneys, liver, and
lungs is induced upon treatment with immunosuppressive
agents. Thus, these mice are useful as an animal model
mimicking immunocompetent humans with chronic and
latent gut colonization by C. albicans . Using this model,
we demonstrated that serum antibody responses to repeated
oral administration of OVA were enhanced by C. albicans
gut colonization, suggesting that C. albicans gut coloniza-
tion is likely to increase the risk for food allergy [13]. In
the present study, we addressed whether C. albicans gut
colonization aggravates allergic and autoimmune diseases
in mice.
Materials and methods
The following study was approved by the Hokkaido Uni-
versity Animal Use Committee (approved no. 08-0139),
and animals were maintained in accordance with the guide-
lines of Hokkaido University for the care and use of labo-
ratory animals. Speci c pathogen-free 5-week-old female
BALB/c and NC/Nga mice and male DBA/1J mice were
purchased from Japan SLC (Hamamatsu, Japan). All mice
were housed in a temperature-controlled (23 2 ˚ C) room
with a dark period from 20:00 to 08:00 and allowed free
access to water and a puri ed diet prepared according to
AIN-93G [14].
Inoculation and enumeration of C. albicans
C. albicans (JCM 1542) was maintained as previously
described [12]. For inoculation, all mice were acclimatized
to the puri ed diet for 2 weeks before being deprived of
the diet for 16 h. Mice were then inoculated intragastrically
with 0.2 ml of saline containing 1 10 7 cells of C. albi-
cans (Candida [ ]). Control mice were intragastrically
administered 0.2 ml of the vehicle (Candida []). Fecal
specimens were quantitatively cultured using a standard
pour plate technique as previously described [12].
Allergic diarrhea
Allergic diarrhea was induced in BALB/c mice following
the method of Kweon et al . [15]. Twelve mice were
inoculated with C. albicans as described above, and another
12 mice were uninoculated. At 1 week after the inocula-
tion, 6 mice in each group were immunized subcutaneously
with 1 mg of OVA (grade V, Sigma, St. Louis, MO) in 100
μ l of complete Freund s adjuvant (CFA, Difco Laborato-
ries, Detroit, MI). Another set of 6 mice in each group was
injected subcutaneously with 100 μ l of phosphate-buffered
saline (PBS, unimmunized). Two weeks after the immuni-
zation, all mice started to receive 10 mg of OVA dissolved
in 250 μ l of saline by intragastic administration every other
day. Diarrhea was assessed by visually monitoring mice
for up to 2 h following intragastric challenge. Mice dem-
onstrating liquid stool were recorded as diarrhea-positive
animals. After the 10th challenge, mice were anesthetized
by inhalation of diethyl ether, and whole blood was drawn
from the carotid artery. Serum was separated from the
blood samples and subjected to ELISA for measurement
of OVA-speci c antibody titers as described below. Fol-
lowing a laparotomy, the entire length of the colon was
excised and, after  ushing the luminal contents with 10 ml
of ice-cold PBS, a 1-cm section of the proximal colon was
embedded in OCT compound (Sakura Finetechnical,
Tokyo, Japan) and stored at 80 ° C for histological exam-
ination as discussed below. The remaining colon was sub-
jected to the in vitro permeation experiment as described
Contact hypersensitivity
Contact hypersensitivity (CHS) to 2, 4-dinitro uoroben-
zene (DNFB) was induced in NC/Nga mice following the
method of Nagai et al . [16]. Six mice were inoculated with
C. albicans as described above, and another 6 mice were
uninoculated. At 3 weeks after the inoculation, 25 μ l of
0.15% (v/v) DNFB (Tokyo Kasei, Tokyo, Japan) in ace-
tone/olive oil (4:1, v/v) and the vehicle were applied to
each side of the right and left ear auricles of all mice,
respectively, twice at 7-day intervals. Ear thickness was
measured with a digital engineer s micrometer (Mitsutoyo,
Kawasaki, Japan) before and 24, 48, and 72 h after each
application of DNFB. Ear thickness measurements were
performed by an investigator who was blinded to the mouse
treatments. DNFB-speci c ear swelling was calculated
according to the following equation:
Net swelling (right ear thickness left ear thickness)
at each time point (right ear thickness left ear thick-
ness) at 0 h.
After the last measurement of ear thickness, mice were
anesthetized by inhalation of diethyl ether, and whole
blood was drawn from the carotid artery. Serum was sepa-
rated from the blood samples and subjected to ELISA for
measurement of dinitrophenol (DNP)-speci c antibody
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Candida albicans and in ammation 3
antibody (Zymed Laboratories, South San Francisco, CA).
Anti-OVA IgE was captured with rat anti-mouse IgE mono-
clonal antibody (LO-ME-2, Zymed Laboratories)-coated
microtiter plates and detected with digoxigenin-conjugated
OVA followed by HRP-conjugated sheep anti-digoxigenin
Fab fragments (Roche Diagnostics, Tokyo, Japan). Anti-DNP
IgG1 and IgG2a were captured with DNP-bovine serum
albumin (Calbiochem, San Diego, CA)-coated microtiter
plates and detected with HRP-conjugated rat anti-mouse
IgG1 (clone LO-MG1-2, Zymed Laboratories) or rat anti-
mouse IgG2a (clone LO-MG2a-3, Zymed Laboratories).
Anti-CII IgG was captured with CII-coated microtiter plates
and detected with HRP-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG
polyclonal antibody (Zymed Laboratories). Plates were
developed at room temperature after the addition of o -phe-
nylenediamine (Sigma) and hydrogen peroxide. Pre-immu-
nized serum was used as a negative control. The average
extinction in negative control wells, to which three times the
standard deviation was added, provided the reference for
determination of the titer in the test sera. Antibody titers were
expressed as the reciprocal of the last dilution yielding an
extinction value higher than the reference value.
Cryostat sections (5 μ m) were prepared and stained with
hematoxylin and eosin (H&E). Toluidine blue staining was
also performed to identify mast cells in the colon tissue
sections. In the colon tissue sections, the number of eosino-
phils and mast cells was counted using a high-power  eld
in a section from each specimen. All cell counts were per-
formed by a single observer who was blinded to the mouse
Permeation of HRP in the colon in vitro
As described by Enomoto et al . [17], translocation of HRP
for 40 min was measured in isolated segments of colon. In
brief, 5-cm segments of colon were everted,  lled with 200
μ l of Tris-HCl buffer (125 mM NaCl, 10 mM fructose, 30
mM Tris, pH 7.5), and ligated at both ends. The  lled gut
segments were incubated in Tris-HCl buffer containing 40
μ g/ml HRP (Sigma) at 37 ° C. After 40 min, gut sacs were
removed, and the contents of each sac were collected. HRP
activity in the contents of each sac was determined spec-
trophotometrically from the rate of oxidation of 3, 3, 5,
5 -tetramethylbenzidine (TMB, Sigma).
MPO activity
Tissue samples were homogenized in a 50 mM phos-
phate buffer (pH 6.0) with 0.5% hexadecyltrimethyl
ammonium bromide (Sigma). The homogenates were
titers as described below. Ear auricles were excised, and a
portion of each tissue was embedded in OCT compound
and stored at 80 ° C for histological examination as
described below. The remaining tissue samples were sub-
jected to myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity measurement
and mRNA expression analysis as discussed below.
Collagen-induced arthritis
Bovine type-II collagen (CII, Cosmo Bio, Tokyo, Japan)
was dissolved in 0.05 M acetic acid to a concentration of
2 mg/ml by stirring overnight at 4 ° C and then emulsi ed
with an equal volume of CFA. Six DBA/1J mice were
inoculated with C. albicans as described above, and 12
mice were uninoculated. At 2 weeks after the inoculation,
150 μ l of the emulsion (150 μ g CII) was injected intrader-
mally on the back of 6 Candida [ ] and 6 Candida []
mice. At 3 weeks after the primary immunization, mice
were boosted intradermally with 150 μ l of the emulsion
(150 μ g CII) at the base of the tail. Another set of 6 Candida
[] mice was injected with PBS (i.e., untreated). After the
boosted injection, the clinical severity of arthritis (i.e.,
arthritis score) was assessed on a daily basis for visual
appearance of each paw, and was quanti ed using the fol-
lowing index: 0, normal; 1, swelling of a single  nger; 2,
swelling of multiple  ngers; 3, swelling of the entire paw.
Each paw was graded, and one mouse could thus have a
maximum score of 12. Additionally, the thickness of each
paw was measured with a digital engineer s micrometer
(Mitsutoyo) on day 0, 3, 6, 10, 17, and 21 after the boosted
injection. Paw thickness measurements were performed by
an investigator who was blinded to the mouse treatments.
Blood samples were obtained from the tail vein at weekly
intervals and subjected to ELISA for measurement of CII-
speci c antibody titers as described below. On the last day
of the experiment (i.e., day 21), mice were anesthetized by
inhalation of diethyl ether, and whole blood was drawn from
the carotid artery. Serum was separated from the blood
samples and subjected to measurement of β -glucan as
described below. Each limb was excised, and the joint tis-
sues were prepared by removing the skin and then separat-
ing the paw below the ankle joint. The tissue samples were
subjected to MPO activity measurement and mRNA expres-
sion analysis as described below.
ELISA for serum antibodies
Serum antibodies speci c to OVA, DNP, and CII were mea-
sured by ELISA as previously described [12]. For anti-OVA
IgG, 96-well microtiter plates were coated with OVA,
blocked, and incubated with serially diluted serum samples.
Bound IgG was detected by incubation with horseradish per-
oxidase (HRP)-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG polyclonal
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4 Sonoyama et al .
then subjected to three freeze/thaw cycles. After the cen-
trifugation at 13,000 g for 30 min at 4 ° C, the superna-
tants were subjected to MPO activity measurement as
described by B á nv ö lgyi et al . [18]. In brief, the samples
were added to a 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 6.0) sup-
plemented with hydrogen peroxide and TMB, and optical
density readings were then taken for 15 min at 620 nm.
The reaction rate ( Δ OD/time) was derived from an initial
slope of the curve. A calibration curve was then pro-
duced, with the rate of reaction plotted against the stan-
dard samples of the human MPO (Sigma). Aliquots of
tissue homogenate were subjected to mRNA expression
analysis as described below.
mRNA expression analysis
Total RNA was isolated from tissue homogenates using
Trizol reagent (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) according to
the manufacturer s instructions. After digestion of
genomic DNA with RQ1 RNase-free DNase (Promega,
Madison, WI), approximately 10 ng of total RNA was
annealed with Oligo (dT)
12-18 primer (Invitrogen) at
70 ° C for 10 min, and 1st strand cDNA was then synthe-
sized using M-MLV reverse transcriptase (Invitrogen),
followed by RNA digestion with DNase-free RNase H
(Invitrogen). Real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR)
was performed using Thermal Cycler Dice TP800
(Takara, Ohtsu, Japan). Primer sequences for interleukin
(IL)-1 β , IL-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)- α , and glyc-
eraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) were
identical to Giulietti et al . [19]. Ampli cation was car-
ried out in a 25- μ l reaction volume containing 12.5 μ l 1
SYBR Premix Ex Taq (Takara), 200 nM of each
primer and 1 μ l of template cDNA. The reaction condi-
tion was: 95 ° C for 10 s, followed by 40 cycles at 95 ° C
for 5 s and 60 ° C for 30 s, with dissociation curve at 95 ° C
for 15 s, 60 ° C for 30 s and 95 ° C for 15 s. Relative gene
expression levels for each sample were normalized to the
levels for GAPDH.
b -glucan measurement
Serum samples (5 μ l) were pretreated with 20 μ l of a
solution containing 0.6 M KCl and 0.125 M KOH for 10
min at 37 ° C and assayed with the Glucatell reagent kit
(Associates of Cape Cod, East Falmouth, MA) in a
kinetic, chromogenic format for 35 min at 37 ° C follow-
ing the manufacturer s instruction. Optical densities at
405 nm were read by using a microplate reader (Synergy
Mx, BioTek Instruments, Winooski, VT). The concentra-
tion of β -glucan in each sample was calculated by using
a calibration curve with standard solutions of 3.125 to
50 pg/ml.
Results are presented as mean SEM. Unpaired t -test or
Tukey-Kramer s test following one-way or two-way analy-
sis of variance was used to compare mean values. The χ 2
test was used to compare the frequencies of diarrhea. Stat-
View for Macintosh (version 5.0, SAS institute Inc., Cary,
NC) was used for the analyses.
Effect of C. albicans gut colonization on allergic
diarrhea in BALB/c mice
After intragastric inoculation, a high fecal recovery of C.
albicans was observed in all Candida [ ] mice throughout
the experimental period (Fig. 1A). Enumeration of C. albi-
cans in the gut tissues by quantitative culture after euthanasia
of animals revealed that colonization occurred in the stom-
ach, jejunum, ileum and colon in all Candida [ ] mice (data
not shown). We detected no C. albicans in the feces and tis-
sues of Candida [] mice. The present study did not examine
the colonization of other fungal species in the gut of mice.
Diarrhea was observed after two oral administrations of
OVA to the systemically immunized Candida [ ] mice
(Fig. 1B). As described by Kweon et al . [15], diarrhea was
observed within 30 min after OVA challenge and dimin-
ished within 2 h, suggesting that acute gut allergic responses
had occurred in these mice. In the immunized Candida []
mice, diarrhea was  rst observed after six OVA challenges.
The incidence of diarrhea in both groups roughly contin-
ued to increase by the end of the experiment. However,
Candida [ ] mice showed a higher incidence of diarrhea
throughout the induction period. Repeated OVA challenge
in mice without systemic immunization did not induce any
change in the gross appearance of feces (data not shown).
H&E staining of colon sections showed that eosinophils
in ltrated the epithelium and crypt region of the colon in
immunized mice (Fig. 1D, upper panels). Eosinophils were
rarely observed in the colon of unimmunized mice (Fig.
1E). In immunized mice, the number of in ltrated eosino-
phils was signi cantly higher in Candida [ ]mice than in
Candida [] mice, and was signi cantly higher in mice
with diarrhea than in mice without diarrhea (51 13 vs.
225 24 cells/mm
2 , P 0.0001). Additionally, toluidine
blue staining showed the in ltration of mast cells in the
colon (Fig. 1D, lower panels). In both immunized and
unimmunized mice, the number of in ltrated mast cells
was signi cantly higher in Candida [ ] mice than in Can-
dida [] mice (Fig. 1E). In both Candida [ ] and Candida
[] mice, those with immunization had a signi cantly
higher number of mast cells in the colon as compared
to mice without immunization. In immunized mice, the
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Candida albicans and in ammation 5
Fig. 1 Effect of Candida albicans gut colonization on OVA-induced allergic diarrhea in BALB/c mice. (A) Temporal changes in the recovery of viable organisms
from the feces in mice with (Candida [ ], closed circle) and without (Candida [], open circle) intragastric C. albicans inoculation. Values are represented
as mean SEM of six mice per group. (B) Temporal changes in diarrhea incidence in Candida [ ] and Candida [] mice (closed and open circles, respectively).
Values with an asterisk are signi cantly different ( P 0.05) from values of Candida [] mice at each time point as estimated by χ 2 test. (C) In vitro gut permeability
in Candida [ ] and Candida [] mice (closed and open columns, respectively). Gut permeability was estimated using translocation of HRP in isolated segments
of colon. Values are represented as mean SEM of six mice per group. Values with unlike letters are signi cantly different ( P 0.05) as estimated by
Tukey-Kramer s test. (D) Representative H&E staining and toluidine blue staining for eosinophils and mast cells, respectively, in colon sections of mice after
10th OVA challenge. Bars represent 50 μ m. (E) Numbers of in ltrated eosinophils and mast cells in colon sections of mice. Each circle represents the value
of individual mice, and closed and open circles represent mice with and without diarrhea, respectively. Horizontal bars represent mean values. Values with unlike
letters are signi cantly different ( P 0.05) as estimated by Tukey-Kramer s test. n.d., not detected. (F and G) IgG and IgE titers speci c to OVA in Candida [ ]
and Candida [] mice (closed and open columns, respectively). Values are represented as mean SEM of six mice per group.
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6 Sonoyama et al .
number of mast cells was signi cantly higher in mice with
diarrhea than in mice without diarrhea (24 9 vs. 202
27 cells/mm
2 , P 0.0001).
Gut permeability was estimated by measuring translo-
cation of HRP in isolated segments of colon after complet-
ing 10-times administration of OVA (Fig. 1C). In both
immunized and unimmunized mice, the translocation of
HRP was signi cantly higher in Candida [ ] mice than in
Candida [] mice. Systemic immunization had no effect
on the translocation of HRP.
Figures 1F and 1G shows serum antibody titers speci c
to OVA after the last administration. There was no signi -
cant difference between Candida [ ] and Candida []
mice for both IgG and IgE. Mice without systemic immu-
nization showed undetectable levels of both IgG and IgE
antibodies speci c to OVA (data not shown).
Effect of C. albicans gut colonization on contact
hypersensitivity in NC/Nga mice
Intragastric inoculation of C. albicans in NC/Nga mice led
to a high fecal recovery of C. albicans in all mice through-
out the experimental period (data not shown). The  rst
application of DNFB induced no ear swelling in all mice
(Fig. 2B), but did begin to be detected 24 h after the second
challenge and tended to decrease thereafter until 72 h. Ear
swelling was signi cantly higher in Candida [ ] mice than
in Candida [-] mice from 24 72 h after the second chal-
lenge. Histological examination shows moderate cell in l-
tration and severe edema in the dermis of challenged ear
auricle sections (Fig. 2A). In the challenged ear auricle
sections, thickness of dermis was signi cantly higher in
Candida [ ] mice than in Candida [] mice (268 32 vs.
405 56 μ m, P 0.05). In addition, there was a signi -
cant correlation between the last measurement of ear swell-
ing as measured by hand-operated thickness gauge and
dermis thickness as measured in the histological section
(r 0.891, P 0.01).
Neutrophil in ltration in the in amed ear auricles on
day 10 after the  rst ear challenge was indirectly quan-
ti ed by MPO activity in the tissue homogenates. In the
vehicle-treated left ear auricles, no detectable levels of
MPO activity were observed (data not shown). MPO
activity in the right ear auricles was signi cantly higher
in Candida [ ] mice than in Candida [] mice (Fig.
2C). Additionally, expression of proin ammatory
cytokine genes in ear auricles at day 10 after the  rst
ear challenge was quanti ed by RT-qPCR. Figure 2D
shows the fold induction of IL-1 β , IL-6, and TNF- α
genes in DNFB-treated ear auricles, relative to the val-
ues of vehicle-treated ear auricles, which were taken as
1. These proin ammatory cytokines were upregulated
by intradermal injection of CII. The expression levels of
these genes were signi cantly higher in Candida [ ]
mice than in Candida [] mice.
There was no detectable hapten-speci c antibody in the
sera of mice without DNFB treatment (data not shown).
On day 10 after the  rst application of DNFB, all the mice
produced detectable levels of hapten-speci c IgG1 and
IgG2a antibodies (Figs. 2E and 2F, respectively). There
was no signi cant difference between Candida [ ] and
Candida [] mice relative to both IgG1 and IgG2a.
Effect of C. albicans gut colonization on collagen-induced
arthritis in DBA/1J mice
DBA/1J mice inoculated with C. albicans showed high C.
albicans fecal recovery throughout the experimental period
(data not shown). Figure 3A illustrates the gross appear-
ance of mouse limbs. As compared to untreated mice,
swelling of forepaws and hindpaws was obvious in CII-
challenged Candida [ ] mice. However, in Candida []
mice, slight swelling was observed in hindpaws, whereas
swelling of forepaws was not evident. Quantitatively, the
arthritis score began to increase on day 5 after boosted
immunization with CII (Fig. 3B). The score was signi -
cantly higher in Candida [ ] mice than in Candida [] mice
from day 13 to day 21. Additionally, paw thickness began
to increase on day 10 after boosted immunization (Fig. 3C).
In left forepaws, the thickness was signi cantly higher in
Candida [ ] mice than in Candida [] mice from day 10
to day 21. Right forepaws also tended to be thicker in Can-
dida [ ] mice than in Candida [] mice. The thickness of
hindpaws tended to be higher in Candida [ ] than in Can-
dida [-] mice, and the difference was statistically signi cant
in both right and left hindpaws on day 21.
Untreated mice had no detectable levels of MPO activ-
ity in joint tissue homogenates (data not shown). MPO
activity in both forepaws and hindpaws tended to be higher
in Candida [ ] mice than in Candida [] mice (Fig. 3D).
Expression of proin ammatory cytokine genes in joint tis-
sues was quanti ed for pooled samples in each group. Fig-
ure 3E shows the fold induction of IL-1 β , IL-6, and
TNF- α genes in challenged mice, relative to the values of
untreated mice, which were taken as 1. These proin am-
matory cytokines, particularly IL-6, were upregulated by
intradermal injection of CII. The increase in the expression
of these genes was more evident in Candida [ ] mice than
in Candida [] mice.
There was no detectable CII-speci c antibody in the
sera of mice without immunization (data not shown). In
immunized mice, CII-speci c IgG antibody titers contin-
ued to increase by the end of the experiment in both groups
of Candida mice (Fig. 3F). There was no signi cant differ-
ence between Candida [ ] and Candida [] mice at any
time point after boosted injection of CII.
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Candida albicans and in ammation 7
Fig. 2 Effect of Candida albicans gut colonization on DNFB-induced CHS in NC/Nga mice. (A) Representative H&E staining of ear auricles on
day 10 after the  rst ear challenge. Bars represent 50 μ m. (B) Temporal changes in ear swelling of Candida [ ] and Candida [] mice (closed
and open circles, respectively). Values are represented as mean SEM of six mice per group. Values with an asterisk are signi cantly different ( P
0.05) from values of Candida [] mice at each time point as estimated by unpaired t -test. ( C) MPO activity in ear auricles of Candida [ ] and
Candida [] mice (closed and open columns, respectively) on day 10 after the  rst ear challenge. Values are represented as mean SEM of six
mice per group. Values with an asterisk are signi cantly different ( P 0.05) from values in Candida [] mice as estimated by unpaired t -test.
(D) Expression of IL-1 β , IL-6, and TNF- α genes in ear auricles of Candida [ ] and Candida [] mice (closed and open columns, respectively)
on day 10 after the  rst ear challenge as estimated by RT-qPCR. Values represent the fold induction of each gene in challenged mice, relative to
the values of untreated mice, which were taken as 1. Values are represented as mean SEM of six mice per group. Values with an asterisk are
signi cantly different ( P 0.05) from values in Candida [] mice as estimated by unpaired t -test. (E and F) IgG1 and IgG2a titers speci c to
DNP in Candida [ ] and Candida [] mice (closed and open columns, respectively) on day 10 after the  rst ear challenge. Values are represented
as mean SEM of six mice per group.
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8 Sonoyama et al .
Fig. 3 Effect of Candia albicans gut colonization on CII-induced arthritis in DBA/1J mice. (A) Gross appearance of forepaws and hindpaws of Candida
[ ], Candida [], and untreated mice on day 21 after boosted immunization. (B) Temporal changes in arthritis scores in Candida [ ] and Candida []
mice (closed and open symbols, respectively). Circles and triangles represent left and right paws, respectively. Values are represented as mean SEM
of six mice per group. Values with an asterisk are signi cantly different ( P 0.05) from values in Candida [] mice at each time point as estimated
by unpaired t -test. ( C) Temporal changes in paw thickness in Candida [ ] and Candida [] mice (closed and open circles, respectively). Values are
represented as mean SEM of six mice per group. Values with an asterisk are signi cantly different ( P 0.05) from values in Candida [] mice at
each time point as estimated by unpaired t -test. (D) MPO activity in limb joint tissue homogenates of Candida [ ] and Candida [] mice (closed and
open columns, respectively). Values are represented as mean SEM of six mice per group. ( E) Expression of IL-1 β , IL-6, and TNF- α genes in limb
joint tissues of Candida [ ] and Candida [] mice (closed and open columns, respectively) as estimated by RT-qPCR. Values show the measurements
of pooled samples in each group and represent the fold induction of each gene in challenged mice, relative to the values of untreated mice, which were
taken as 1. ( F) IgG titers speci c to CII in Candida [ ] and Candida [] mice (closed and open circles, respectively). Values are represented as mean
SEM of six mice per group.
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© 2010 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, Early Online, 1–11
Candida albicans and in ammation 9
Serum β -glucan concentrations were the same between
Candida [] mice and Candida [ ] mice (16.4 0.7 vs.
15.6 1.9 pg/ml, respectively).
The present study demonstrated that chronic and latent gut
colonization by C. albicans promoted acute allergic diar-
rhea and CHS-induced ear swelling in immunocompetent
mice. The results suggest that C. albicans gut colonization
aggravates not only IgE-mediated immediate-type allergy
but also T cell-mediated delayed-type hypersensitivity. In
addition, the in ammatory responses are exacerbated not
only by C. albicans colonization within the gut tissue but
also in the extra-gut tissues. Furthermore, C. albicans gut
colonization aggravated CII-induced arthritis, an animal
model of rheumatoid arthritis, implying a contribution to
arthritic deterioration in autoimmune disease. To our
knowledge, the present study is the  rst describing the
aggravation of allergic and autoimmune diseases by C.
albicans gut colonization in immunocompetent mice.
Mice with allergic diarrhea showed the in ltration of
eosinophils and mast cells in the colon, which is consistent
with the report of Kweon et al . [15]. Exacerbation of aller-
gic diarrhea by C. albicans gut colonization was the result
of an increased in ltration of these in ammatory cells.
Additionally, hapten-induced CHS mice and CII-induced
arthritic mice showed an increase in MPO activity, a marker
of neutrophil in ltration in in amed tissues, and the activ-
ity was further increased by C. albicans gut colonization.
Furthermore, gene expression of proin ammatory cytok-
ines such as IL-1 β , IL-6, and TNF- α in in amed tissues
was upregulated by C. albicans gut colonization. Despite
these enhanced in ammatory responses, C. albicans gut
colonization exerted no changes in serum antigen-speci c
antibodies in three experimental models. Therefore, it is
likely that C. albicans gut colonization modulates local
in ammatory responses but not systemic humoral immune
Our present study showed an increased protein perme-
ation in the colon of C. albicans -colonized mice, as evi-
denced by in vitro translocation of HRP in isolated segments
of the colon. Because we previously demonstrated that C.
albicans gut colonization enhanced in vivo gut permeation
of intragastrically administered proteins (that is, HRP and
OVA) in BALB/c mice [13], it appears likely that translo-
cation of OVA in isolated segments of the colon is also
promoted by C. albicans gut colonization. In our present
investigation, increased HRP translocation in the colon was
observed not only in immunized mice but also in unim-
munized mice, even though the mice were not affected by
diarrhea. The results suggest that in mice colonized by C.
albicans , higher gut permeability is not a consequence, but
rather one of the causes of an increased incidence of aller-
gic diarrhea. Our previous study also suggested that mast
cells are responsible for increased gut permeability in C.
albicans -colonized mice. In this study, mast cell in ltration
in the colon was promoted by C. albicans colonization in
unimmunized mice. Thus, it is likely that the in ltration of
mast cells in the colon by C. albicans colonization contrib-
utes to an increased occurrence of allergic diarrhea by
increasing antigen uptake in previously sensitized mice.
According to Kweon et al ., mast cells and eosinophils are
recruited by Th2 cytokines produced by CD4
T cells in l-
trated in the colon of diarrhea-induced mice [15]. There-
fore, the increased uptake of antigen by C. albicans gut
colonization may lead to an in ltration of antigen-speci c
T cells, which in turn further recruit effector cells,
such as mast cells and eosinophils, in the colon of diarrhea-
induced mice. However, our preliminary experiment
showed that C. albicans gut colonization did not alter IL-4
production in isolated mesenteric lymph node cells restim-
ulated in vitro with OVA (1 mg/ml) in sensitized mice (0.87
0.17 and 0.51 0.33 ng/ml in mice with and without
C. albicans gut colonization, respectively, Sonoyama et al.
unpublished data), thus we need to examine whether
C. albicans gut colonization promotes in ltration of anti-
gen-speci c CD4
T cells and production of Th2 cytokines
in the colonic mucosa. Mast cells act as the main effector
cells in the development of IgE-mediated allergic responses
by releasing chemical mediators such as histamines, leukot-
rienes, and cytokines, which exert clinical symptoms,
including diarrhea, and further recruit other immune and/or
in ammatory cells [20]. Taken together, it is likely that mast
cells act as the trigger and effector in promoting allergic
diarrhea in C. albicans -colonized mice.
In hapten-induced CHS and CII-induced arthritis, C.
albicans gut colonization aggravated the in ammatory
responses in tissues distal to the gut. Because no infec-
tions are evident in the visceral organs in this C. albicans
colonized mouse model [12], it is unlikely that invading
viable fungal cells are responsible for the local in amma-
tory responses. In our mouse model of C. albicans gut
colonization, serum IgG antibodies speci c to the cell
wall fraction of C. albicans become detectable after C.
albicans gut colonization [12]. Regarding rheumatoid
arthritis, gut microbiota have been widely proposed as a
potential environmental factor associated with the etiol-
ogy of this disease [21]. Indeed, the cell walls of several
enteric bacterial species are arthritogenic in animal mod-
els, and patients with early rheumatoid arthritis were
found to have a different gut microbiota from that of con-
trol patients [22]. In terms of fungi, Hida et al . reported
that injection of CII with β -glucan isolated from C. albi-
cans induces arthritis in DBA/1 mice [23], suggesting that
β -glucan, a cell wall constituent of C. albicans , acts as an
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© 2010 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, Early Online, 1–11
10 Sonoyama et al .
adjuvant for CII-induced arthritis. Taken together, these
ndings raise the possibility that degradation products of
fungal cells and/or secreted compounds might be absorbed
by the gut, systemically circulate, and subsequently in u-
ence systemic immune responses and/or local in amma-
tory reactions. However, in CII-induced arthritis model of
our present study, serum concentrations of β -glucan in
mice with C. albicans gut colonization did not differ from
mice without colonization. In addition, serum antibody
titers speci c to CII were the same between mice with and
without C. albicans gut colonization. Our preliminary
experiments showed that C. albicans gut colonization
induced no overt symptoms of arthritis in DBA/1J mice
when CII was injected without CFA (Miki et al . unpub-
lished observation). Furthermore, we observed that serum
antibody responses to repeated oral administration of
OVA were enhanced by C. albicans gut colonization [13],
but not by daily intragastric administration of heat-killed
C. albicans (Hata et al . unpublished observation). There-
fore, it appears unlikely that tissue in ammation and/or
antibody responses are promoted by systemically circulat-
ing cell constituents such as β -glucan derived from C.
albicans colonized in the gut. We are currently investigat-
ing whether intestinal epithelial cells and/or gut-associ-
ated lymphoid tissues exposed directly to C. albicans
produce some circulating factors that promote tissue
in ammation and antibody responses.
Taken together, the present  ndings suggest that C. albi-
cans gut colonization aggravates in ammation in allergic
and autoimmune diseases in mice, not only in the gut but
also in tissues distal to the gut. However, the present  nd-
ings are derived from animal experiments and not human
studies, thus we propose the necessity of investigating the
pathogenic role of C. albicans gut colonization in allergic
and autoimmune diseases in humans. In addition, further
studies are needed to  gure out whether observed proin-
ammatory effects are speci c to C. albicans and whether
anti-fungal treatment ameliorates enhanced in ammation.
Furthermore, we observed no signi cant relationships
between fecal C. albicans excretions and in ammation
parameters in the present study (data not shown), thus we
need to clarify the relationship between gut colonization
levels and extent of tissue in ammation. Nevertheless, the
present study provides an experimental tool for studying
the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms for the
proin ammatory action of C. albicans colonized in the
This study was partly supported by Special Coordination
Funds for Promoting Science and Technology, a Grant-
in-Aid for Scienti c Research from The Ministry of
Education, Science, Sports and Culture of Japan (no.
Declaration of interest: The authors report no con icts of
interest. The authors alone are responsible for the content
and writing of the paper.
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This paper was  rst published online on Early Online on 02 September
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... Because of the small sample size of clinical colitis with fungal dysbiosis, DE miRNAs were identified in a DSS-induced mice colitis model with C. albicans infection. Since mice gut are naïve to C. albicans [27], multiple Sham, DSS + CA vs. DSS, and SH vs. DSS + CA. The groups were classified as described in Fig. 1. gastrointestinal gavages of this fungus were employed in this study. ...
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Our previous research indicated that Sodium houttuyfonate (SH) can effectively ameliorate dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced colitis exacerbated by Candida albicans. However, the underlying protective mechanism of SH remains unclear. Therefore, in this study, a mice colitis model was infected with C. albicans, and the total colonic miRNAs were assessed. Furthermore, the differentially expressed miRNAs were enriched, clustered, and analyzed. Moreover, based on the dual luciferase analysis of NFKBIZ modulation by miR-32-5p, the in vitro and in vivo therapeutic effects of SH on inflammatory response, fungal burden, oxidative stress, and apoptosis were assessed at transcriptional and translational levels in the presence of agonist and antagonist. A total of 1157 miRNAs were identified, 84 of which were differentially expressed. Furthermore, qRT-PCR validated that SH treatment improved 17 differentially expressed miRNAs with > fourfold upregulation or > sixfold downregulation. Similar to most differentially altered miRNA, C. albicans significantly increased Dectin-1, NF-κB, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-17A, and decreased miR-32-5p which negatively targeted NFKBIZ. In addition, SH treatment reduced inflammatory response and fungal burden in a colitis model with C. albicans infection. Further analyses indicated that in C. albicans infected Caco2 cells, SH inhibited fungal growth, oxidative stress, and apoptosis by increasing Dectin-1, NF-κB, NFKBIZ, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-17A, and decreasing miR-32-5p. Therefore, SH can ameliorate the severity of colitis aggravated by C. albicans via the Dectin-1/NF-κB/miR-32-5p/NFKBIZ axis.
... Th e connection of arthritis with dysbiotic gut microbiota disorders has been proved [3,4]. A number of authors point to the role of fungi of the gut microbiota, and their phenotypic properties in the development of infl ammatory diseases of the intestinal and extra-intestinal localization [5,6]. It has been ReA subjects suff er from an intestinal dysbiosis characterized by an abnormal expansion of the Candida population [7]. ...
... The connection of arthritis with dysbiotic gut microbiota disorders has been proved [3,4]. A number of authors point to the role of fungi of the gut microbiota, and their phenotypic properties in the development of inflammatory diseases of the intestinal and extra-intestinal localization [5,6]. It has been ReA subjects suffer from intestinal dysbiosis characterized by an abnormal expansion of the Candida population [7]. ...
... may, in turn, influence the lung infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 or even alter the gastrointestinal microbiome, which in turn can induce local and systemic damage. Correspondingly, Zuo et al. showed the enrichment of C. albicans, Candida auris, and Aspergillus flavus in the intestinal microbiome in SARS-CoV-2-positive subjects [21], and the gut colonization of Candida albicans in mice aggravated both intestinal diseases, with allergic diarrhea, and non-intestinal ones, by inducing limb joint inflammation in collagen-induced arthritis [22]. ...
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The most common signs and symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, dyspnea, conjunctivitis, diarrhea, and olfactory and gustatory disturbances [...]
... Mice treated with E. lenta increased Th17 cytokines and the arthritis was augmented in CIA model mice gavaged with C. aerofaciens. Candida albicans also plays an unfavorable role that making arthritis heavier (52). It is worth mentioning that the highly concerned oral bacteria, Porphyromonas gingivalis, could also cause intestinal flora dysbiosis, improve the Th17 cell proportions in mesenteric lymphocytes and the level of citrullinated protein and IL-6, and then aggravate arthritis (53,54). ...
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Introduction Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a multifactorial autoimmune disease. Recently, growing evidence demonstrates that gut microbiota (GM) plays an important role in RA. But so far, no bibliometric studies pertaining to GM in RA have ever been published. This study attempts to depict the knowledge framework in this field from a holistic and systematic perspective based on the bibliometric analysis. Methods Literature related to the involvement of GM in RA was searched and picked from the Web of Science Core Collection (WOSCC) database. The annual output, cooperation, hotspots, research status and development trend of this field were analyzed by bibliometric software (VOSviewer and Bibliometricx). Results 255 original research articles and 204 reviews were included in the analysis. The articles in this field that can be retrieved in WOSCC were first published in 2004 and increased year by year since then. 2013 is a growth explosion point. China and the United States are the countries with the most contributions, and Harvard University is the affiliation with the most output. Frontiers in Immunology (total citations = 603) is the journal with the most publications and the fastest growth rate. eLife is the journal with the most citations (total citations = 1248). Scher, Jose U. and Taneja, Veena are the most productive and cited authors. The research in this field is mainly distributed in the evidence, mechanism and practical application of GM participating in RA through the analysis of keywords and documents. There is sufficient evidence to prove the close relationship between GM and RA, which lays the foundation for this field. This extended two colorful and tender branches of mechanism research and application exploration, which have made some achievements but still have broad exploration space. Recently, the keywords ”metabolites“, ”metabolomics“, ”acid“, ”b cells“, ”balance“, ”treg cells“, ”probiotic supplementation“ appeared most frequently, which tells us that research on the mechanism of GM participating in RA and exploration of its application are the hotspots in recent years. Discussion Taken together, these results provide a data-based and objective introduction to the GM participating in RA, giving readers a valuable reference to help guide future research.
... These studies suggest a crucial role of gut fungi in the gut microbiome ecology, revealing the centrality of simple microbial-microbial interactions in shaping host-associated microbiota. Moreover, gut colonization by Candida albicans can aggravate inflammation in the gut and non-gut tissues [204,205]. Therefore, the opportunistic expansion of certain fungi in COVID-19 patients potentially has a deleterious role on gut microbiome assembly, where a persistent gut microbiome dysbiosis is consistently seen even after disease resolution and hospital discharge. ...
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Since the pandemic’s onset, a growing population of individuals has recovered from SARS-CoV-2 infection and its long-term effects in some of the convalescents are gradually being reported. Although the precise etiopathogenesis of post-acute COVID-19 sequelae (PACS) remains elusive, the mainly accepted rationale is that SARS-CoV-2 exerts long-lasting immunomodulatory effects, promotes chronic low-grade inflammation, and causes irreversible tissue damage. So far, several viruses have been causally linked to human oncogenesis, whereas chronic inflammation and immune escape are thought to be the leading oncogenic mechanisms. Excessive cytokine release, impaired T-cell responses, aberrant activation of regulatory signaling pathways (e.g., JAK-STAT, MAPK, NF-kB), and tissue damage, hallmarks of COVID-19 disease course, are also present in the tumor microenvironment. Therefore, the intersection of COVID-19 and cancer is partially recognized and the long-term effects of the virus on oncogenesis and cancer progression have not been explored yet. Herein, we present an up-to-date review of the current literature regarding COVID-19 and cancer cross-talk, as well as the oncogenic pathways stimulated by SARS-CoV-2.
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Hearing loss places a substantial burden on medical resources across the world and impacts quality of life for those affected. Further, it can occur peripherally and/or centrally. With many possible causes of hearing loss, there is scope for investigating the underlying mechanisms involved. Various signaling pathways connecting gut microbes and the brain (the gut-brain axis) have been identified and well established in a variety of diseases and disorders. However, the role of these pathways in providing links to other parts of the body has not been explored in much depth. Therefore, the aim of this review is to explore potential underlying mechanisms that connect the auditory system to the gut-brain axis. Using select keywords in PubMed, and additional hand-searching in google scholar, relevant studies were identified. In this review we summarize the key players in the auditory-gut-brain axis under four subheadings: anatomical, extracellular, immune and dietary. Firstly, we identify important anatomical structures in the auditory-gut-brain axis, particularly highlighting a direct connection provided by the vagus nerve. Leading on from this we discuss several extracellular signaling pathways which might connect the ear, gut and brain. A link is established between inflammatory responses in the ear and gut microbiome-altering interventions, highlighting a contribution of the immune system. Finally, we discuss the contribution of diet to the auditory-gut-brain axis. Based on the reviewed literature, we propose numerous possible key players connecting the auditory system to the gut-brain axis. In the future, a more thorough investigation of these key players in animal models and human research may provide insight and assist in developing effective interventions for treating hearing loss.
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The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has posed a global health crisis. Increasing evidence underlines the key role of competent immune responses in resisting SARS-CoV-2 infection and manifests the disastrous consequence of host immune dysregulation. Elucidating the mechanisms responsible for deregulated host immunity in COVID-19 may provide a theoretical basis for further research on new treatment modalities. Gut microbiota comprises trillions of microorganisms colonizing the human gastrointestinal tract and has a vital role in immune homeostasis and the gut-lung crosstalk. Particularly, SARS-CoV-2 infection can lead to the disruption of gut microbiota equilibrium, a condition called gut dysbiosis. Due to its regulatory effect on host immunity, gut microbiota has recently received considerable attention in the field of SARS-CoV-2 immunopathology. Imbalanced gut microbiota can fuel COVID-19 progression through production of bioactive metabolites, intestinal metabolism, enhancement of the cytokine storm, exaggeration of inflammation, regulation of adaptive immunity and other aspects. In this review, we provide an overview of the alterations in gut microbiota in COVID-19 patients, and their effects on individuals’ susceptibility to viral infection and COVID-19 progression. Moreover, we summarize currently available data on the critical role of the bidirectional regulation between intestinal microbes and host immunity in SARS-CoV-2-induced pathology, and highlight the immunomodulatory mechanisms of gut microbiota contributing to COVID-19 pathogenesis. In addition, we discuss the therapeutic benefits and future perspectives of microbiota-targeted interventions including faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT), bacteriotherapy and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in COVID-19 treatment.
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Objective Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is a novel microbial treatment for patients with ulcerative colitis (UC). In this study, we performed a clinical trial of capsulized FMT in UC patients to determine the association between the gut fungal community and capsulized FMT outcomes. Design This study recruited patients with active UC (N = 22) and healthy individuals (donor, N = 9) according to the criteria. The patients received capsulized FMT three times a week. Patient stool samples were collected before (week 0) and after FMT follow-up visits at weeks 1, 4, and 12. Fungal communities were analysed using shotgun metagenomic sequencing. Results According to metagenomic analysis, fungal community evenness index was greater in samples collected from patients, and the overall fungal community was clustered among the samples collected from donors. The dominant fungi in fecal samples collected from donors and patients were Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. However, capsulized FMT ameliorated microbial fungal diversity and altered fungal composition, based on metagenomic analysis of fecal samples collected before and during follow-up visits after capsulized FMT. Fungal diversity decreased in samples collected from patients who achieved remission after capsulized FMT, similar to samples collected from donors. Patients achieving remission after capsulized FMT had specific enrichment of Kazachstania naganishii, Pyricularia grisea, Lachancea thermotolerans, and Schizosaccharomyces pombe compared with patients who did not achieve remission. In addition, the relative abundance of P. grisea was higher in remission fecal samples during the follow-up visit. Meanwhile, decreased levels of pathobionts, such as Candida and Debaryomyces hansenii, were associated with remission in patients receiving capsulized FMT. Conclusion In the metagenomic analysis of fecal samples from donors and patients with UC receiving capsulized FMT, shifts in gut fungal diversity and composition were associated with capsulized FMT and validated in patients with active UC. We also identified the specific fungi associated with the induction of remission. (NCT03426683).
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For sixteen years, the American institute of Nutrition Rodent Diets, AIN-76 and AIN-76A, have been used extensively around the world. Because of numerous nutritional and technical problems encountered with the diet during this period, it was revised. Two new formulations were derived: AIN-93G for growth, pregnancy and lactation, and AIN-93M for adult maintenance. Some major differences in the new formulation of AIN-93G compared with AIN-76A are as follows: 7 g soybean oil/100 g diet was substituted for 5 g corn oil/ 100 g diet to increase the amount of linolenic acid; cornstarch was substituted for sucrose; the amount of phosphorus was reduced to help eliminate the problem of kidney calcification in female rats; L-cystine was substituted for DL-methionine as the amino acid supplement for casein, known to be deficient in the sulfur amino acids; manganese concentration was lowered to one-fifth the amount in the old diet; the amounts of vitamin E, vitamin K and vitamin B-12 were increased; and molybdenum, silicon, fluoride, nickel, boron, lithium and vanadium were added to the mineral mix. For the AIN-93M maintenance diet, the amount of fat was lowered to 40 g/kg diet from 70 g/kg diet, and the amount of casein to 140 g/kg from 200 g/kg in the AIN-93G diet. Because of a better balance of essential nutrients, the AIN-93 diets may prove to be a better choice than AIN-76A for long-term as well as short-term studies with laboratory rodents.
The analysis of cytokine profiles helps to clarify functional properties of immune cells, both for research and for clinical diagnosis. The real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is becoming widely used to quantify cytokines from cells, body fluids, tissues, or tissue biopsies. Being a very powerful and sensitive method it can be used to quantify mRNA expression levels of cytokines, which are often very low in the tissues under investigation. The method allows for the direct detection of PCR product during the exponential phase of the reaction, combining amplification and detection in one single step. In this review we discuss the principle of real-time RT-PCR, the different methodologies and chemistries available, the assets, and some of the pitfalls. With the TaqMan chemistry and the 7700 Sequence Detection System (Applied Biosystems), validation for a large panel of murine and human cytokines and other factors playing a role in the immune system is discussed in detail. In summary, the real-time RT-PCR technique is very accurate and sensitive, allows a high throughput, and can be performed on very small samples; therefore it is the method of choice for quantification of cytokine profiles in immune cells or inflamed tissues.
Fungi have long been recognized as an important source of allergens in patients with atopic disease. In this review, we explore the hypothesis that fungal exposures resulting in colonization or infection directly influence the tendency of an individual to develop allergic disease. According to this hypothesis, fungal exposures especially those early in life may influence the manner in which the immune response handles subsequent responses to antigen exposures. Studies detailing this potential connection between fungi have already provided important insights into the immunology of fungal-human interactions and offer the potential to provide new approaches and targets for the therapy of allergic disease. The first half of this review summarizes the data concerning fungal infections and asthma, including possible connections between fungal infections and urban asthma. The second half explores the potential role of the fungal gastrointestinal microbiota in promoting allergic inflammation.
Mast cells have been implicated in the expression of a wide variety of biological responses, including immediate hypersensitivity reactions, host responses to parasites and neoplasms, immunologically non-specific inflammatory and fibrotic conditions, angiogenesis, and tissue remodeling and wound healing. However, the molecular basis for the action of the mast cell in many of these responses is obscure. In this review, John Gordon, Parris Burd and Stephen Galli suggest that the production of a broad panel of multifunctional cytokines may represent an important mechanism by which mast cells influence physiological, immunological and pathological processes.
Candida albicans infection has been proposed to cause a chronic hypersensitivity syndrome characterized by fatigue, premenstrual tension, gastrointestinal symptoms, and depression. Long-term antifungal therapy has been advocated as treatment for the syndrome, which is most often diagnosed in women with persistent or recurrent candida vaginitis. To determine the efficacy of nystatin therapy for presumed candidiasis hypersensitivity syndrome, we conducted a 32-week randomized, double-blind, cross-over study using four different combinations of nystatin or placebo given orally or vaginally in 42 premenopausal women who met present criteria for the syndrome and had a history of candida vaginitis. The outcomes studied were the changes from base line in scores for vaginal, systemic, and overall symptoms and in the results of standardized psychological tests. The three active-treatment regimens (oral and vaginal nystatin, oral nystatin and vaginal placebo, and oral placebo and vaginal nystatin) and the all-placebo regimen significantly reduced both vaginal and systemic symptoms (P less than 0.001), but nystatin did not reduce the systemic symptoms significantly more than placebo. On average, the scores for systemic symptoms improved 25 percent with the three active-treatment regimens and 23 percent with the all-placebo regimen, a difference of only 2 percent (95 percent confidence interval, -3 to 7 percent). As expected, the three active-treatment regimens were more effective than placebo in relieving vaginal symptoms (P less than 0.001). All four regimens reduced psychological symptoms and global indexes of distress; there were no significant differences among the treatment regimens. In women with presumed candidiasis hypersensitivity syndrome, nystatin does not reduce systemic or psychological symptoms significantly more than placebo. Consequently, the empirical recommendation of long-term nystatin therapy for such women appears to be unwarranted.
The chronic candidiasis syndrome, also known as the Candida-related complex, putatively caused by the overgrowth of Candida albicans in the gastrointestinal tract and secondarily in the genital organs, is briefly described. Patients with this disorder have many of the same symptoms as those with the chronic fatigue syndrome, except for the recurrent flu-like symptoms of the latter disorder. The positive response of a large number of patients with the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) to an oral antifungal agent and a diet for intestinal candidiasis has been described by another clinician. There is evidence that Candida albicans infection of the mucous membranes depresses T cell and natural killer (NK) cell function. Similar abnormalities of immune function are found in the CFS. The function of cytotoxic T cells, T helper cells, and NK cells is important in preventing reactivation of infections from Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, and other herpesviruses. Reactivation of one or more of these viruses could lead to the expression of the flu-like symptoms in the CFS. Yet the immune dysfunction found in this disorder has been considered the primary underlying causal factor. It is proposed that chronic intestinal candidiasis may be an agent which leads to immune depression in many CFS patients and therefore that it could be a causal factor in CFS.
Production of IgE caused by repeated topical application of 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB) to the ears of BALB/c mice was investigated. Ear thickness increased in proportion to the number of applications. Eczematous changes of the skin included marked infiltration of neutrophils, eosinophils, and monocytes and hypertrophy of the epidermis. Ear thickness due to inflammation reached a maximum 24 hours after the second, third, fourth, and fifth applications. The strong expression of interferon-gamma and IL-2 messenger RNA (mRNA) in the skin lesions indicated the participation of Th1 type helper T cells in the delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction. After the fifth application, the mice showed an immediate cutaneous reaction in addition to the delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction. The immediate reaction appeared within 1 hour of application. Hapten-specific IgE also was detected in serum from the mice, and the expression of germline and productive Cepsilon mRNA was detected in cervical lymph nodes, whereas productive Cepsilon mRNA was detected in the spleen. These results indicate that five topical applications of DNFB to the ear produce local eczematous dermatitis and increase serum hapten-specific IgE level in mice. Eczematous dermatitis is mainly caused by Th1 type T cells, and IgE production is mediated by Th2 type T cells in the cervical lymph nodes. In addition, IgE class switching occurs in the cervical nodes and IgE production occurs in both lymph nodes and spleen.
The relationship between gender and alcohol-induced liver disease is complex; however, endotoxin is most likely involved. Recently, it was reported that estriol activated Kupffer cells by upregulation of the endotoxin receptor CD14. Therefore, the purpose of this work was to study how estriol sensitizes Kupffer cells. Rats were given estriol (20 mg/kg ip), and Kupffer cells were isolated 24 h later. After addition of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), intracellular Ca2+ concentration was measured using a microspectrofluorometer with the fluorescent indicator fura 2, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha was measured by ELISA. CD14 was evaluated by Western analysis. One-half of the rats given estriol intraperitoneally 24 h before an injection of a sublethal dose of LPS (5 mg/kg) died within 24 h, whereas none of the control rats died. Mortality was prevented totally by sterilization of the gut with antibiotics. A similar pattern was obtained with liver histology and serum transaminases. Translocation of horseradish peroxidase was increased about threefold in gut segments by treatment with estriol. This increase was not altered by treatment with nonabsorbable antibiotics. On the other hand, endotoxin levels were increased to 60-70 pg/ml in plasma of rats treated with estriol. As expected, this increase was prevented (<20 pg/ml) by antibiotics. In isolated Kupffer cells, LPS-induced increases in intracellular Ca2+ concentration, tumor necrosis factor-alpha production, and CD14 were increased, as previously reported. All these phenomena were blocked by antibiotics. Therefore, it is concluded that estriol treatment in vivo sensitizes Kupffer cells to LPS via mechanisms dependent on increases in CD14. This is most likely due to elevated portal blood endotoxin caused by increased gut permeability.