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Afin d'atteindre la température de rotation-vibration des molécules N2 et N+2 dans un plasma d'azote produit à la pression atmosphérique par un générateur à arc, nous avons mesuré les intensités des spectres du premier système négatif B 2Σu → X 2Σ+g de N+2 et du second système positif C 3Πu → B 3Πg de N2 pour des températures comprises entre 5 000 et 12 000 K. Au-dessus de 8 000 K, nos résultats vérifient l'hypothèse de l'ETL mais en deçà de cette température, ils montrent des écarts entre les intensités mesurées de chacun des deux systèmes d'une part, et les intensités de ces mêmes systèmes calculées dans l'hypothèse de l'ETL d'autre part. Enfin, l'étude de la population du niveau υ = 0 de C 3Πu de N2 excité par les métastables de l'argon nous a montré que la distribution des populations des niveaux de rotation est maxwellienne, ce qui permet d'en déduire une température de rotation et la surpopulation du niveau υ = 0. To reach the N2 and N+2 molecules rotational-vibrational temperature in a nitrogen arc plasma at atmospheric pressure, we have measured the (1-) N+2 and (2+) N2 spectra intensities for the temperature range 5 000 to 12 000 K. Above 8 000 K, LTE is verified but below this temperature, some discrepancies between the experimental intensities of these two systems and the intensities of these systems calculated in the LTE hypothesis are observed. The vibrational level υ = 0 population of the C 3Πu N2 state, excited by the argon rnetastables, has showed that the rotational levels population is Maxwell distributed ; therefore we can obtain a rotational temperature and the overpopulation of the υ = 0 level.

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Some plasma chemistry work done in France during the past three years is described: measurements of transition probabilities and line profiles by J. Chapelle; calculations on non-LTE hydrogen and helium plasmas by H. W. Drawin; and application of N22 and N2 bands in the diagnosis of nitrogen plasma jets as treated by P. Fauchais.
The rotational temperature evaluation method based on only the partially resolved (0,0) emission band of B2 Sigma u+-X2 Sigma g+ of the N2+ molecule at 391.44 nm is proposed when a low- or medium-resolution power (R=4000 to 12000) transportable spectral instrument has to be used, i.e. to diagnose an industrial plasma source. The band was simulated for large temperatures and apparatus width ranges, and six local peaks on the simulated spectrum were found to be quite sensitive to the temperature evolution; they are composed of the line P26 or complex lines P26+R1, P30+R3, P32+R5, P34+R7, and P36+R9. These local intensity maxima are compared to the band head peak and a practical formula which takes into account the band head shape is proposed for the temperature range of 2000-7000 K. The accuracy on temperature evaluation should be about 6% near 7000 K when the relative peak intensities are known within 3% error. The presented method can be easily used by a spectroscopist not involved in molecule structure.
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