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Effect of different doses of un-fractionated green and black tea extracts on thyroid physiology

SAGE Publications Inc
Human and Experimental Toxicology


Tea is a rich source of polyphenolic flavonoids including catechins, which are thought to contribute to the health benefits of it. Flavonoids have been reported to have antithyroid and goitrogenic effect. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether high doses of green and black tea have a harmful effect on thyroid physiology. Un-fractionated green and black tea extracts were administered orally to male rats for 30 days at doses of 1.25 g%, 2.5 g% and 5.0 g%. The results showed that green tea extract at 2.5 g% and 5.0 g% doses and black tea extract only at 5.0 g% dose have the potential to alter the thyroid gland physiology and architecture, that is, enlargement of thyroid gland as well as hypertrophy and/or hyperplasia of the thyroid follicles and inhibition of the activity of thyroid peroxidase and 5(')-deiodinase I with elevated thyroidal Na+, K+-ATPase activity along with significant decrease in serum T3 and T4, and a parallel increase in serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). This study concludes that goitrogenic/antithyroidal potential of un-fractionated green tea extract is much more than black tea extract because of the differences in catechin contents in the tea extracts.
Effect of different doses of
un-fractionated green and black tea
extracts on thyroid physiology
Amar K Chandra, Neela De and
Shyamosree Roy Choudhury
Tea is a rich source of polyphenolic flavonoids including catechins, which are thought to contribute to the
health benefits of it. Flavonoids have been reported to have antithyroid and goitrogenic effect. The purpose
of this study was to evaluate whether high doses of green and black tea have a harmful effect on thyroid phy-
siology. Un-fractionated green and black tea extracts were administered orally to male rats for 30 days at doses
of 1.25 g%, 2.5 g% and 5.0 g%. The results showed that green tea extract at 2.5 g% and 5.0 g% doses and black
tea extract only at 5.0 g% dose have the potential to alter the thyroid gland physiology and architecture, that is,
enlargement of thyroid gland as well as hypertrophy and/or hyperplasia of the thyroid follicles and inhibition of
the activity of thyroid peroxidase and 50-deiodinase I with elevated thyroidal Naþ,Kþ-ATPase activity along
with significant decrease in serum T3 and T4, and a parallel increase in serum thyroid stimulating hormone
(TSH). This study concludes that goitrogenic/antithyroidal potential of un-fractionated green tea extract is
much more than black tea extract because of the differences in catechin contents in the tea extracts.
catechins, green tea, black tea, thyroid, thyroid peroxidase, Naþ,Kþ-ATPase, 50-deiodinase I
Tea is a pleasant, popular, socially accepted and eco-
nomical drink that is enjoyed everyday by hundreds of
millions of people across all continents.
The pleasing
astringent taste and refreshing boost it provides is so
deep-pervasive that its potential health benefits and
medicinal properties are often overlooked. Ongoing
scientific exploration points that certain potential
health benefits derived from tea have important impli-
cations on human heath.
Although there are thousands of tea varieties, tea is
generally divided into three groups based on the pro-
cess of fermentation they undergo during processing.
These are unfermented tea (white and green tea),
semi-fermented tea (oolong tea) and fully fermented
tea (black tea). Green tea and black tea are both
derived from the tea leaves of Camellia sinensis.To
produce green tea, freshly harvested leaves are
steamed to prevent fermentation, yielding a dry, sta-
ble product. They are rich in flavonoids and have the
highest quantity of tea catechins that are chemically
defined as flavan-3-ols. To produce black tea, the
fresh leaves are allowed to wither, decreasing their
moisture content, until their weight is *55%of the
original leaf weight. The withered leaves are then
rolled and crushed, initiating fermentation of poly-
phenols. This fermentation converts catechin to thea-
flavins and thearubigins that give the characteristic
aroma and color of the black tea and consequently less
catechin content.
In general, green tea contains about
30%w/w of catechins in the dry leaves. The major
catechins, which are found in abundant proportion,
are ()Epigallo catechin gallate (EGCG), ()Epi-
gallo catechin (EGC), ()Epicatechin (EC) and ()
Endocrinology and Reproductive Physiology Laboratory,
Department of Physiology, University of Calcutta, Kolkata,
West Bengal, India
Corresponding author:
Amar K Chandra, Endocrinology and Reproductive Physiology
Laboratory, Department of Physiology, University of Calcutta,
University College of Science and Technology, 92, Acharya
Prafulla Chandra Road, Kolkata 700 009, West Bengal, India
Human and Experimental Toxicology
30(8) 884–896
ªThe Author(s) 2010
Reprints and permission:
DOI: 10.1177/0960327110382563
Epicatechin gallate (ECG) with ()Catechin gallate
(CG). Other compounds obtainable in tea are the
flavonols (quercetin, kaempferol, myricitin and rutin),
caffeine, phenolic acids, theanine and flavour
By oral intake, EGCG, the pure com-
pound, has an LD
of more than 1 g/kg body weight
(1390 mg/kg) in rat. Black tea contains less tea
catechins (3%10%w/w), while theaflavins and
thearubigins account for about 2%6%w/w and
10%20%w/w of the dry weight of the leaves,
Green tea is commonly consumed in
China, Japan and Eastern Asia, while black tea is
mainly brewed in European countries and India. The
intake of catechins can be expected to be higher in the
Asiatic countries and the health effects of green tea
may be more apparent when examined in the Asian
Tea is a source of a wide range of phytochemicals
that are digested, absorbed and metabolized by the
body and that tea constituents exert their effects at the
cellular level.
Abundant experimental and epidemio-
logic evidences provides a convincing argument that
polyphenolic antioxidants present in green and black
tea can reduce several chronic diseases, especially
cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Despite its enormous usefulness and potential health
benefits, flavonoids emerge as phytochemicals of
great concern due to their antithyroidal and goitrogenic
effect. It has previously been reported that the con-
sumption of flavonoids and some phenolic acids by
experimental animals induced enlargement and
histological changes in the thyroid gland.
study reported that after a 13-weeks oral administration
of polyphenone-60 (P-60), which is green tea extract
(GTE) catechins, it was found that this treatment at
high dose induced goiters in rats.
studies on the un-fractionated tea extracts on thyroid
physiology are not available though tea is used as
whole beverage rather than taking any single compo-
nent of it, so it is very essential to study the effect of
un-fractionated green and black tea extracts on rats.
In this present investigation, the effects of green and
black tea consumption at high doses on the thyroid
physiology will be explored to find out whether there
is goitrogenic effect of tea extracts on normal rats. For
this purpose, dose- or concentration-dependent effects
of un-fractionated green and BTEs without any specific
purification of possible candidate compounds on thyr-
oid peroxidase (TPO), 50-deiodinase I (50-DI) and
sodium-potassium adenosine triphosphatase (Naþ,
Kþ-ATPase) activities, thyroid gland architecture and
serum levels of thyroid hormones were examined in
Materials and methods
DTE, Tris-HCl and Na
ATP were purchased from
Sisco Research Laboratories (SRL), Mumbai, India.
Ouabain, PTU, T4, bovine serum albumin, EDTA,
were purchased from Sigma Chemical Company,
Steinheim, Germany. SDS was purchased from LOBA
Chemie Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai, India. Goat anti-rabbit
g-globulin, polyethylene glycol and chloramine T were
purchased from Sigma, St Louis, MO, USA.
Green tea was collected from Institute of
Himalayan Bioresource Technology (IHBT), Palam-
pur, Himachal Pradesh, India. The black tea was
collected from Tea Research Association, Tocklai
Experimental Station, Jorhat, Assam, India. The com-
ponents of tea were analyzed by the method of HPLC
gradient elution (Hitachi HPLC, Darmstad, Ger-
many). The composition of green tea denotes contents
of EC 1.55%, EGCG 9.00%, ECG 4.8%, EGC
5.0%, Caffeine 2.38%as mentioned by the pro-
ducer. The composition of the black tea as provided
by the producer was theaflavins (TF) 1.56%, thear-
ubigins (TR) 11.95%and total catechins (TC)
4.80%. Preparation of aqueous extract of green tea
was done following the method of Wei et al.
2.5 g green tea leaf was added to 100 mL of boiling
water and was steeped for 15 min. The infusion was
cooled to room temperature and then filtered. The tea
leaves were extracted a second time with 100 mL of
boiling water and filtered and two filtrates were
combined to obtain a 1.25-g%tea aqueous extract
(1.25 g%tea leaf/100 mL water). By the same proce-
dure 2.5 g%and 5.0 g%green tea aqueous extract was
prepared. The BTEs were also prepared by the same
procedure. These solutions of both tea extracts were
prepared freshly everyday.
Animals and treatment
In the present study, 3-months-old adult male albino
rats of Sprague Dawley strain weighing 200 +10 g
were used that were obtained from Indian Institute
of Chemical Biology (IICB), Kolkata. The animals
were maintained as per national guidelines and proto-
cols, approved by the Institutional Animal Ethics
Committee (PHY/CU/IAEC/07 dated 25.07.2007).
The animals were housed in clean polypropylene
Chandra AK et al. 885
cages and maintained in a controlled environment at
temperature 22C+2C and relative humidity
(40%60%) in an animal house with constant
12 hours light and 12 hours dark schedule. The ani-
mals were fed on standardized diet which consisted
of 70%wheat, 20%Bengal gram, 5%fish meal
powder, 4%dry yeast powder, 0.75%refined til oil
and 0.25%shark liver oil and water ad libitum.
In the 30 days treatment, the experimental animals
were divided into seven groups of eight animals each.
The first group was administered sterile distilled
water orally by gavage as vehicle and considered as
control. Next three groups of animals received un-
fractionated GTE orally at doses of 1.25 g%(mild
dose), 2.5 g%(moderate dose) and 5.0 g%(high
dose), respectively, daily. Another three groups
received the same doses of un-fractionated black tea.
The GTE and BTE were administered to animals
orally by gavage once daily at a dose of 1 mL/100 g
body weight. All the animals were sacrificed 24 hours
after the last treatment (i.e. during 9 am to 10 am on
the day of experiment to avoid any discrepancy that
may arise for diurnal variation) following protocols
and ethical procedures. Blood samples were collected
and serum separated for hormone assay.
Body weight and food consumption
The body weights (g) of the experimental animals
were recorded on the first day before the start of treat-
ment (initial) and the day of sacrifice (final). Food
consumption of the animals per cage was recorded
daily during the period of treatment.
Thyroid weight
Just after sacrifice, the thyroid glands were taken out,
trimmed off the attached tissues and weighed. The
relative weight of thyroid gland (mg) was expressed
per 100 g body weight.
Histological study
Immediately after removal, the thyroid gland of each
rat was fixed in 10%neutral buffered formalin,
embedded in paraffin and sections were stained with
hematoxylin & eosin (HE) staining and examined
under a light microscope.
Thyroid peroxidase assay
Thyroid peroxidase activity was measured by the
method of Alexander.
For TPO activity, 10%
homogenate was prepared using thyroid tissues
collected from the sacrificed animals, in phosphate
buffer (pH 7.2, 100 mM) and sucrose solution
(500 mM) at 4C. Homogenisation was carried out in
a glass homogeniser (Potter-Elvehjem) for 4560 sec
at 4400 gand about 15 strokes/min. The homogenate
was centrifuged at 1000 gfor 10 min. This low-
speed supernatant was further centrifuged at 10,000 g
for 10 min at 4C to get the mitochondrial fraction.
The microsomal fraction containing most of peroxi-
dase activity was obtained by centrifuging the
post-mitochondrial supernatant at 1,05,000 gfor 1 hour.
Immediately after centrifugation, the precipitate
was solubilized in phosphate buffer (pH 7.2).
Thyroid peroxidase activity was measured in a 1 mL
cuvette containing 0.9 mL acetate buffer (pH 5.2,
50 mM), 10 mL potassium iodide (1.7 mM), 20 mL
microsomal fraction of thyroid tissue, and freshly
prepared 20 mL hydrogen peroxide (0.3 mM) was
added lastly to start the reaction for assaying the TPO
activity (DOD/min/mg protein) in spectrophotometer
(UV-1240 Shimadzu) at 353 nm. The pooled sample
was assayed in duplicate.
Thyroidal Naþ,Kþ-ATPase assay
Thyroidal Naþ,Kþ-ATPase activity was measured
by a modification of the method of Esmann et al.
In brief, microsomal fraction of thyroid tissue homo-
genate was incubated in reaction mixtures of
(i) 30 mM imidazole HCl, 130 mM NaCl, 20 mM
KCl, 4 mM MgCl
and (ii) 30 mM imidazole HCl,
4 mM MgCl
and 1 mM ouabain (Sigma Chemical
Co., St. Louis, MO 63178, USA) at pH 7.4 for 60 min
at 0C. The reaction was started by addition of 4 mM
Tris-ATP at 37C and stopped with 0.1 mL of 20%
SDS after 10 min. The inorganic phosphate (Pi) liber-
ated was determined by reading the absorbance at 850
nm in a UV-mini1240, Shimadzu, Japan, by the
method of Baginski et al.
The enzyme activity was
expressed as nmols of Pi liberated per hour per mg
protein calculated from a standard curve of potassium
dihydrogen phosphate. The pooled sample was
assayed in duplicate.
50-deiodinase I (5’-DI) 50-DI assay
Iodothyronine 50-deiodinase type I (5’-DI) 50-DI
activity was measured according to the method of
Ko¨dding et al.,
with slight modifications. Briefly,
a substrate solution of 0.1 M Tris-HCl buffer (pH
7.4), 3 mM EDTA and 150 mM DTE containing 0.4
886 Human and Experimental Toxicology 30(8)
mM T4 and 100150 mg thyroid tissue protein in a
final volume of 400 mL was incubated at 37C for
30 min. The monodeiodination reaction of T4 to T3
was terminated by addition of 800 mL ice-cold abso-
lute ethanol, followed by shaking for 8 min at 4C.
The reactants were then centrifuged at 10,500 g at
4C for 8 min and the ethanol supernatants were
collected for measurement of T3 content. For all
samples, values for zero time were prepared by
adding the thyroid tissue to the substrate containing
T4 after the addition of alcohol. The concentration
of T3 in the ethanolic extract after 0 and 30 min of
incubation were estimated by enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The activity of
50-DI was calculated as the difference of the 0 and
30 min values and expressed in terms of pmoles T3
formed/mg protein. The pooled sample was assayed
in duplicate.
The validity of the assay method has been justi-
fied by preincubation of the sample with the 50-DI
inhibitor, propylthiouracil (PTU), that resulted in
>50%inhibition of the enzymatic activity. It needs
by 50-DI cannot proceed under such simulated con-
ditions, as rT3 formation can occur only under high
pH and substrate concentration, unlike T4 to T3
monodeiodination, as found in our experimental
Protein estimation
Proteins were estimated by the method of Lowry
et al.,
using bovine serum albumin (BSA) as the
standard protein.
ELISA of serum T3 and T4
Just before sacrifice, blood samples were collected for
each rat under ether anesthesia and the serum was
separated for the assay of T3 and T4. All the samples
for measurement were preserved at 20C. Total
serum triiodothyronine and thyroxin were assayed
using ELISA kits obtained from RFCL Limited, India
(Code no HETT 1108 and HETF 0908 respectively).
The sensitivity of the T3 and T4 assays were
0.04 ng/mL and 0.4 mg/dL, respectively.
Radioimmunoassay (RIA) of thyroid
stimulating hormone
Serum levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
were assayed by radioimmunoassay (RIA) using
reagents supplied by Rat Pituitary Distribution and
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kid-
ney Diseases (NIDDK) (California, USA). NIDDK-
rTSH was iodinated using the chloramine-T method
with carrier free
I. Serum rat TSH antiserum
(NIDDK–anti-rTSH–RIA-6) had no significant cross
reactivity with rat Growth Hormone (rGH), rat
Follicle stimulating hormone (rFSH), rat Luteinizing
hormone (rLH) and rat Prolactin (rPRL). The assay
was calibrated with rat TSH reference preparation
I was purchased from the
Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC), Mumbai,
India. Goat anti-rabbit g-globulin (Cambridge
Nuclear, Sigma) and polyethylene glycol (Sigma)
were used as the second antibody to precipitate the
antibody-bound TSH. Radioactivity was counted on
the Gamma counter (Electronic Corporation of India
Ltd) and the results were expressed as ng/mL. The
sensitivity of the TSH assay was 0.01 ng/mL, and the
intra- and interassays coefficients of variation were
8.2%and 6%, respectively.
Statistical analysis
Results were expressed as mean +standard devia-
tion. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test
was first carried out to test for any differences
between the mean values of all groups. If differ-
ences between groups were established, the values
of the treated groups were compared with those
of the control group by a comparison ttest. A
value of p< 0.05 was interpreted as statistically
Body weight and food consumption
During the course of the present study, it was
observed that the body weight of the control animals
increased progressively throughout the period of
investigations and showed a net body weight gain
of þ31.8%. However, the net body weight gain of
the animals treated at high dose with GTE was notice-
ably less and was þ26.7%as compared to black
teatreated group of animals þ28.1%(Table 1).
During the course of GTE and BTE treatment, food
consumption of the experimental animals was
recorded (Table 2). Food consumption was almost
same in all the groups (mild, moderate and high-
dose groups) of experimental animals in comparison
to control animals.
Chandra AK et al. 887
Thyroid weight
Relative weight of thyroid glands were significantly
increased after green tea administration in a dose-
dependent manner as compared to the control group
of animals, whereas, the relative weight of thyroid
glands increased only after high dose of black tea
exposure for 30 days (Figure 1).
Histological changes
Histological assessments performed on thyroid section
of various groups were presented in Figures 2 and 3.
Thyroid appeared normal both grossly and microsco-
pically in both mild dose (1.25 g%) of green and black
teatreated groups (Marked B). However, green tea
treatment at moderate dose (2.5 g%) daily for 30 days
caused diffuse hypertrophy and/or hyperplasia of thyr-
oid follicular epithelial cells, with less amount of col-
loidal material and irregular shaped follicles having
decreased luminal spaces with tall cuboidal follicular
epithelium when compared with those of control and
the same dose (2.5g %) of black tea (Marked C). Green
tea treatment at high dose (5.0 g%) daily produced
large colloid-filled follicles with tall columnar epithe-
lium that occupied most of the thyroid tissue. In addi-
tion, the presence of desquamated epithelial cells and
mononuclear cell infiltration inside the follicles were
observed (Marked D). Thyroid sections of control
(Marked A) and the mild and moderate BTE-treated
Weight of thyroid gland
mg/100g body weight
Gr 5.0%Control
Bl 1.25%
Gr 1.25%
Bl 2.5%
Gr 2.5%
Bl 5.0%
Figure 1. Changes in the relative thyroid gland weight of
rats subjected to green and black tea extracts at different
doses. Each bar denotes mean +SD, n¼8. One-way
analysis of variance (ANOVA) test followed by a multiple
comparison ttest was performed. Significance at p< 0.05.
Control versus other groups;
green tea 2.5 g% versus
black tea 2.5 g%;
green tea 5.0 g% versus black tea 5.0 g%.
Gr ¼green tea extract treatment and Bl ¼black tea
extract treatment.
Table 1. Change in the body weight (g) of experimental animals subjected to different doses of green and black tea
extracts treatment
Green tea extract treatment Black tea extract treatment
Initial weight Final weight Initial weight Final weight
Control 201 +7.4 265 +6.2 201 +7.4 264 +2.5
(% gain in body weight) (þ31.8%) (þ31.4%)
1.25 g% 204 +6.3 268 +5.6 202.1 +6.5 272.1 +6.0
(% gain in body weight) (þ31.4%) (þ34.7%)
2.5 g% 204.1 +6.5 263.5 +8.5 201.3 +2.4 262.5 +1.3
(% gain in body weight) (þ29.0%) (þ30.4%)
5.0 g% 202.5 +7.6 256.6 +3.8
203.5 +4.5 260.6 +3.4
(% gain in body weight) (þ26.7%) (þ28.1%)
Data are presented as the mean +SD, n ¼8. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test followed by a multiple comparison ttest
was performed.
Significantly different by ANOVA at p< 0.05 when compared to control.
Table 2. Effects of green and black tea extract on food
consumption of rats for 30 days treatment
Green tea extract
Black tea extract
g/animal/day g/animal/day
Control 24 +1.2 25 +1.6
1.25 g% 25 +1.1 26 +1.9
2.5 g% 26 +1.3 25 +2.4
5.0 g% 24 +2.1 27 +1.5
Data are presented as the mean +SD.
888 Human and Experimental Toxicology 30(8)
groups (Marked B and C respectively) showed no his-
topathologic features. However, BTE treatment only at
high dose (5.0 g%) causes mild hypertrophy and/or
hyperplasia of thyroid follicular epithelial cells lined
by columnar epithelium.
Thyroid peroxidase assay
Figure 4 compares the effect of green and black tea
administration at different doses on thyroid peroxi-
dase activity in adult albino male rats. Thyroid perox-
idase activity was decreased significantly in a dose-
dependent manner after green tea administration. No
significant changes in the activity of TPO were
observed at either mild or moderate doses (1.25 g%
and 2.5 g%) of black tea treatment when compared
with the control group, while treatment with high
doses (5.0 g%) of black tea for 30 days caused a more
prominent decrease in the enzyme activity.
Thyroidal Naþ,Kþ-ATPase assay
Figure 5 compares the level of thyroidal Naþ,
Kþ-ATPase in animals to different treatments. The
Figure 2. Photomicrographs of paraffin-embedded hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained rat thyroid sections. A, Rat
thyroid section (400) from control animals. B, Thyroid section (400) from green tea-treated animals (Dose I).
C, Thyroid section (400) from green tea-treated animals (Dose II). D, Thyroid section (400) from green tea-
administered animals (Dose III). C ¼colloid, F ¼follicle of thyroid.
Chandra AK et al. 889
thyroidal Naþ,Kþ-ATPase activity was signifi-
cantly increased after administration of green tea
at moderate and high doses (2.5 g%and 5.0 g%
daily) for 30 days when compared to control. But
after the black tea treatment only at high dose
(5.0%) thyroidal Naþ,Kþ-ATPase activity was
increased significantly, whereas, at moderate dose
(2.5%), no significant changes were found. How-
ever, no change in the activity of Naþ,Kþ-ATPase
was observed in either 1.25 g%green or black tea–
treated groups.
Thyroidal 50-deiodinase I assay
Figure 6 provides data on thyroidal 50-deiodinase I
(50-DI) activity in control, green and black tea adminis-
tered at different doses in experimental animals. Green
tea treatment caused a statistically significant inhibition
in the activity of 50-DI in a dose-dependent manner,
while in black tea, inhibition in the 50-DI enzyme activ-
ity was found at a high dose(5.0 g%). However, no such
significant changes were observed in the animals treated
with black tea at mild and moderate doses.
Figure 3. Photomicrographs of paraffin-embedded hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained rat thyroid sections. A, Rat
thyroid section (400) from control animals. B, Thyroid section (400) from black tea-treated animals (Dose I).
C, Thyroid section (400) from black tea-treated animals (Dose II). D, Thyroid section (400) from black
tea-administered animals (Dose III). C ¼colloid, F ¼follicle of thyroid.
890 Human and Experimental Toxicology 30(8)
Thyroid hormone level
Figures 7 and 8 show serum T3 and T4 level in control
and green and black tea administered animals at dif-
ferent doses. The serum T3 and T4 levels were
significantly decreased in a dose-dependent manner
in green tea administered animals as compared to con-
trol rats. However, serum T3 level was decreased sig-
nificantly only at high dose (5.0 g%) of black tea
treatment as compared to control.
Serum TSH level
Figure 9 shows that serum TSH level was signifi-
cantly increased in the green teatreated groups at
moderate and high doses (2.5 g%and 5.0 g%) over the
control values. However, no such significant changes
were observed in the animals treated with green tea at
the mild dose (1.25 g%) and black tea at the different
doses (1.25 g%, 2.5 g%and 5.0 g%) for 30 days.
The present study demonstrated that un-fractionated
GTE exposure at medium (2.5 g%) and high (5.0
g%) dose as used in this investigation reduced the net
gain in body weight in adult albino rats when compared
with control group, even though the average daily food
intake did not differ between the groups during study
period. However, un-fractionated BTE exposure at
5.0 g%dose for 30 days as used in this investigation
reduced the net gain in body weight in treated rats
when compared with control group, but at dose of
1.25 g%and 2.5 g%weight gain was not significantly
affected. These findings are in line with previous work,
where it was shown that green tea has a potential role in
body weight control; in addition, caffeine and theanine
have been found to strengthen polyphenol effects on
body weight control and fat accumulation in mice.
Recently, it has been reported that oral administration
of GTE caused significant decrements in both the visc-
eral and hepatic fat accumulation of non-obese rats fed
Thyroid peroxidase activity
ΔOD/min/mg protein
Control Gr 1.25% Gr 2.5% Gr 5.0%
Bl 1.25% Bl 2.5% Bl 5.0%
Figure 4. Effect of green and black tea extracts at
different doses on thyroid peroxidase (TPO) activity in
rats. Each bar denotes mean +SD of three pooled
samples. Each pool containing a mixture of three thyroid
glands isolated from three individual rats. The assay was
repeated twice. One way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
test followed by a multiple comparison ttest was
performed. Significance at p< 0.05.
Control versus
other groups;
green tea 1.25 g% versus black tea 1.25 g%;
green tea 2.5 g% versus black tea 2.5 g%;
green tea
5.0 g% versus black tea 5.0 g%. Gr ¼green tea extract
treatment and Bl¼black tea extract treatment.
Thyroidal Na+,K+-ATPase activity
nmol Pi/min/mg protein
Control Gr 1.25% Gr 2.5% Gr 5.0%
Bl 1.25% Bl 2.5% Bl 5.0%
Figure 5. Effect of green and black tea extracts at
different doses on thyroidal Naþ,Kþ-ATPase activity in
rats. Each bar denotes mean +SD of three pooled
samples. Each pool containing a mixture of three thyroid
glands isolated from three individual rats. The assay was
repeated twice. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
test followed by a multiple comparison ttest was
performed. Significance at p< 0.05.
Control versus
other groups;
green tea 2.5 g% versus black tea 2.5 g%;
green tea 5.0 g% versus black tea 5.0 g%. Gr ¼green tea
extract treatment and Bl ¼black tea extract treatment.
Chandra AK et al. 891
a normal diet and the tea catechin treatment caused a
decrease in the serum levels of cholesterol and bile
acids, showing that the tea catechins have a notable
effect on lipid metabolism in non-obese subject as well
as obese ones.
It has been further shown that lipid-
lowering effect of black tea in hyperlipidaemic rats is
through reactivation of lipoprotein lipases, increased
faecal excretion of cholesterol and bile acids.
The synthesis of thyroid hormones is the major
function of thyroid gland. The main regulatory
enzyme for thyroid hormones biosynthesis is thyroid
peroxidase which catalyzes the binding of iodine to
tyrosyl residues on thyroglobulin and the subsequent
coupling of iodotyrosyl residues required for the for-
mation of iodothyronine residues. The inhibition of
TPO-catalyzed reactions results in decrease in serum
levels of thyroid hormones, which leads to compensa-
tory increased secretion of TSH by the anterior pitui-
tary. The increased levels of TSH provide a growth
stimulus to the thyroid and it has been proposed that
a prolonged stimulus can select for clones of follicular
cells with the potential for transformation.
Green tea
exposure decreased the activity of thyroid peroxidase
in a dose-dependent manner, whereas, black tea expo-
sure decreased the same only at a high dose (5.0 g%).
No significant changes were found in the activity of
TPO after administration of black tea at mild and
moderate doses (1.25 g%and 2.5 g%), respectively.
Available literature shows that dietary flavonoids
have an antithyroidal effect and also to be goitrogenic.
Although flavonoids are reported to exert antithyroid
effects through a variety of mechanisms, reports on
the antithyroidal effects of catechins are limited.
Black tea contains high concentrations of theaflavins
and thearubigins and relatively low concentrations of
catechins, which are well-known natural flavonoids.
Divi and Doerge,
reported that catechins inhibited
¼36.4 +3.86 mM). A probable mechanism
of action may relate to the ability of phenolic com-
pounds with a free resorcinol (metahydrophenol) moi-
ety to inhibit TPO. The proposed mechanism of action
for enzyme inhibition as found in the present study
involves the conversion of thyroid peroxidase to a free
radical that reacts with resorcinol moiety and produces
a flavonoid radical.
The flavonoid radical could
covalently bind to the catalytic amino acid residues
5'-deiodinase I activity
pmol T3/mg protein
Control Gr 1.25% Gr 2.5% Gr 5.0%
Bl 1.25% Bl 2.5% Bl 5.0%
Figure 6. Effect of green and black tea extracts at
different doses on thyroid 50-deiodinase I (50-DI) activity in
rats. Each bar denotes mean +SD of three pooled
samples. Each pool containing a mixture of three thyroid
glands isolated from three individual rats. The assay was
repeated twice. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
test followed by a multiple comparison ttest was
performed. Significance at p< 0.05.
Control versus
other groups;
green tea 2.5 g% versus black tea 2.5 g%;
green tea 5.0 g% versus black tea 5.0 g%. Gr ¼green tea
extract treatment and Bl ¼black tea extract treatment.
Serum T3 level
Control Gr 1.25% Gr 2.5% Gr 5.0%
Bl 1.25% Bl 2.5% Bl 5.0%
Figure 7. Effect of green and black tea extracts at
different doses serum T3 level in rats. Each bar denotes
mean +SD, n¼8. One-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA) test followed by a multiple comparison ttest
was performed. Significance at p< 0.05.
Control versus
other groups;
green tea 2.5 g% versus black tea 2.5 g%;
green tea 5.0 g% versus black tea 5.0 g%. Gr ¼green tea
extract treatment and Bl ¼black tea extract treatment.
892 Human and Experimental Toxicology 30(8)
on the enzyme, leading to enzyme inactivation.
Through their inhibitory activity in thyroid
peroxidase, they can cause elevated TSH levels, which
promote thyroid gland growth and thyroid
The most striking finding in this study was that
un-fractionated GTE increased the activity of Naþ,
Kþ-ATPase in a dose-dependent manner. Naþ,
Kþ-ATPase activity was also increased at a dose of
5.0 g%BTE. The first step in the synthesis of thyroid
hormones is the uptake of iodide from the extracellu-
lar fluid by thyroid follicular cells. The iodide is con-
centrated in the follicular cells by an active transport
mechanism, the so-called ‘Sodium-iodide symporter’
(NIS), which is energy consuming, connected to a
Naþ,Kþ-ATPase activity and stimulated by TSH.
NIS-mediated iodide transport is therefore inhibited
by the Naþ,Kþ-ATPase inhibitor ouabain as well
as by the competitive inhibitors thiocyanate and per-
Naþ,Kþ-ATPase is composed of two
subunits in equimolar ratios. These are the asubunit
with a molecular mass of *113 KDa and the
smaller glycosylated bsubunit with a protein portion
accounting for 35 KDa of the overall molecular mass
of 55 KDa. Isoforms exist for both a(a1, a2 and a3)
and b(b1, b2 and b3) subunits. Previous studies
strongly suggest that hypothyroidism increases the
number of Naþ,Kþ-ATPase subunits (a1 and b1)
in the rat thyroid gland.
In the present study,
increased Naþ,Kþ-ATPase activity can be attributed
due to development of a morphological as well as
functional hypothyroidism that develop under the
influence of catechins present in the un-fractionated
GTE and BTE.
Most of the circulating T3 originates from the
extra-thyroidal tissues. The peripheral deiodination
of T4 to T3, taking place mainly in the liver, kidney
and thyroid, is dependent on 50-monodeiodinase I
activity. Un-fractionated green tea as well as black tea
(only at high dose) exposure reduced significantly the
enzymatic activity of 50-monodeiodinase I, which
suggested that tea catechin decreased the rate of
conversion of T4 into T3. Previously, it has been
described that synthetic flavonoids and some natural
plant-derived flavonoids seem to inhibit T4 50-DI
activity in vivo and are potent inhibitors of hepatic
deiodinase activity in vitro.
Another study reported
that the high consumption of flavonoids including
catechin diminished the enzymatic activity of 50-DI
in vivo as well as in vitro.
Serum TSH level
Control Gr 1.25% Gr 2.5% Gr 5.0%
Bl 1.25% Bl 2.5% Bl 5.0%
Figure 9. Effect of green and black tea extracts at
different doses on serum thyroid stimulating hormone
(TSH) level in rats. Each bar denotes mean +SD, n¼8.
One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test followed by a
multiple comparison ttest was performed. Significance at
p< 0.05.
Control versus other groups;
green tea 2.5 g%
versus black tea 2.5 g%;
green tea 5.0 g% versus black tea
5.0 g%. Gr ¼Green tea extract treatment and Bl¼Black
tea extract treatment.
Serum T4 level
Control Gr 1.25% Gr 2.5% Gr 5.0%
Bl 1.25% Bl 2.5% Bl 5.0%
Figure 8. Effect of green and black tea extracts at
different doses on serum T4 level in rats. Each bar denotes
mean +SD, n¼8. One-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA) test followed by a multiple comparison ttest
was performed. Significance at p< 0.05.
Control versus
other groups;
green tea 2.5 g% versus black tea 2.5 g%;
green tea 5.0 g% versus black tea 5.0 g%. Gr ¼green tea
extract treatment and Bl ¼black tea extract treatment.
Chandra AK et al. 893
It is important to point out that thyroid
gland weight was increased significantly in a
dose-dependent manner after oral administration of
un-fractionated green tea for a period of 30 days,
whereas, weight of thyroid gland increased signifi-
cantly only after high dose of black tea exposure for
same duration. It has been previously reported that
oral administration of diet containing GTE catechins
(P-60) at 5%dose to male rats for 28 weeks induced
In the present study, it was found that oral
administration of green tea (at moderate and high
doses) and black tea (only at high dose) induced
hypertrophy and/or hyperplasia of thyroid gland,
which are common in the thyroid of rats treated with
goitrogenic substances.
In 2.5 g%group of green
tea, thyroid follicles were diffusely hyperplastic, irre-
gularly shaped, lined with enlarged cuboidal or
columnar epithelium with depleted colloid, whereas
at a dose of 5.0 g%, colloid-rich follicles with flat
epithelial cell with mononuclear cell infiltration were
observed that was similar to the changes observed fea-
tures after un-fractionated black tea exposure at high
dose (5.0 g%). Consistent with those observations,
Sakamoto et al.
reported that marked hypertrophy
and hyperplasia of the follicles, some with depletion
of colloid and some with rich colloid after the oral
administration of 5.0 g%GTE catechin (P-60) in rats
in a 13-week study while the changes were less severe
after relatively lower doses.
Another finding in this study is the elevated TSH
and decreased serum T3 and T4 levels. Such altera-
tion in serum thyroid hormone profile by green tea
catechin P-60 has been reported earlier.
The pres-
ent data suggests that oral administration of green tea
(at moderate and high doses) and black tea (only at
high dose) exert an antithyroid effect, reducing T3
and T4 concentrations, that in turn increase TSH
secretion and consequently resulting hypertrophic/
hyperplastic changes in the thyroid follicles.
The present study indicates that low-dose exposure
to un-fractionated GTE and BTEs would have no sig-
nificant impact on thyroid hormone status. The pres-
ent in vivo study reveals that chronic dietary
administration of the green tea at moderate and high
doses and black tea only at a high dose induce a mor-
phological as well as functional state of hypothyroid-
ism in rats by interfering with the activity of the
enzyme for thyroid hormone synthesis and for thyroi-
dal deiodination of T4 to T3, resulting in decreased
T3 level and augmented TSH level. This study also
demonstrated that the relative adverse effect of green
tea on thyroid physiology is much more than that of
the black tea, probably because green tea contains
about 30%w/w of catechins, whereas black tea con-
tains less tea catechins (3%–10%w/w). This present
in vivo study may propose that the natural flavonoids,
catechin present in green and black tea in different
proportions, have the potential to induce hypothyroid-
ism and goiter in rats if this beverage is consumed rel-
atively at high doses for prolonged duration.
In considering a risk to humans, species difference
should be considered. Many experiments show that
rodents are highly sensitive to goitrogenic agents in
comparison with humans, because rats are lacking
in high-affinity thyroxine-binding globulin which is
present in humans and plasma half-life of T4 in rats
(1224 hours) is shorter than in humans (59
This study suggests that oral adminis-
tration of green tea (mainly) and black tea only at high
dose has the potential to induce hypothyroidism and
goiter in rats; however, human tea drinkers are
unlikely to be at risk.
The authors also thank Dr Ashu Gulati, Scientist, IHBT,
Palampur (HP), India, for providing green and black tea
samples and for the measurement of concentrations of cate-
chins in green tea samples. The authors also thank Tea
Research Association, Tocklai Experimental Station, Jorhat,
Assam, for providing black tea samples. The authors are
grateful to Prof. Arun K Ray (Bose Institute, India) for his
contribution in conducting enzyme study. The authors thank
Dr Syed N Kabir, Scientist, Cell Biology & Physiology
Division, Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (IICB),
Kolkata, India, for his help in conducting RIA of TSH.
The National Tea Research Foundation (NTRF; Scheme
code no. NTRF: 106/07), Kolkata, India, has provided
scholarship to Neela De for this work.
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896 Human and Experimental Toxicology 30(8)
... It is permittable to consume one's desiredquantity of tea and coffee on a daily basis, but overconsumption may disturb the sleep cycle, heart problems, dental erosion, and acidity [8,9]. In some diseases such as diabetes and thyroid disease, consumers should know the dose of tea and coffee in order to control and avoid health consequences [8]. ...
... It is permittable to consume one's desiredquantity of tea and coffee on a daily basis, but overconsumption may disturb the sleep cycle, heart problems, dental erosion, and acidity [8,9]. In some diseases such as diabetes and thyroid disease, consumers should know the dose of tea and coffee in order to control and avoid health consequences [8]. The authors of the paper [8] had discussed the impact of the addition of sugar, lemon, and milk in the tea. ...
... In some diseases such as diabetes and thyroid disease, consumers should know the dose of tea and coffee in order to control and avoid health consequences [8]. The authors of the paper [8] had discussed the impact of the addition of sugar, lemon, and milk in the tea. The addition of sugar in tea can cause dental caries, whereas the addition of lemon with the prescribed quantity is safe. ...
Full-text available
Tea is the most popular hot beverageworldwide. In 2020, the value of the global tea market was almost USD 200 billion, and is estimated to reach up to USD 318 billion by the year 2025. Tea has been included as part ofa regular diet for centuries because of its various health benefits. However, tea is acidic, and over-consumption causes heat problems, disturbance of the sleep cycle, tooth erosion, and low calcium absorption in the body. Strong tea concentration is very harmful and toxic. The safe consumption of tea should be guaranteed. The treatment applied in this research work is on sensory mechanisms and Arduino UNO. The objective of this paper is to find out community interest in a particular tea species and inform them about tea overdose.The acidity is mapped with tea taste in terms of strong, medium, and low flavors. Based on the data analysis, the results differentiatethe acidity level of black tea (pH: 3.89–4.08) as very high, green tea (pH: 4.68–4.70) is in the 2nd position, and the energy drink Herbalife Nutrition (pH: 5.59–5.64) is the least acidic comparatively, with a proportion ratio 1:10 of tea to water. Experimental analysis reveals that in the additives, lemon is most acidic, followed byginger, lemongrass, and Tulasi.
... Bentvena et al. 52 found that caffeine blocks the uptake of levothyroxine in hypothyroid patients, thereby affecting thyroid function. Chandra et al. 53 revealed the potential antithyroid activity of black and green tea extracts. These components are very important factors in DII calculations. ...
Full-text available
Objective Researchers have developed the Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII) as a tool to quantify the inflammatory potential of a given diet. Higher DII scores indicated a more proinflammatory diet. While inflammation is known to have a strong impact on thyroid function, the precise nature of the association between DII scores and thyroid function has yet to be clarified. This study was conducted with the goal of exploring this relationship in a representative population of adults from the United States. Methods For this study, we used data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Standardized questionnaires were used to collect demographic and dietary data from the participants, and laboratory tests were used to collect data on the participants' thyroid parameters and other relevant data. Linear regression models and smoothed curve fitting were used to assess the relationship between DII scores and thyroid function, with weighted data analyses and subgroup analyses being conducted as appropriate. Results In total, 7712 subjects were recruited from the NHANES 2007–2012 cohort. Their weighted mean age was 44.87 (0.47) years, mean DII score was 1.41 (0.05). Mean FT3 was 3.20 (0.01) pg/mL and mean TT4 was 7.81 (0.03) µg/dL. In adjusted analyses, higher DII values were related to increases in FT3 ( β = .007; p = .027) and TT4 ( β = .050; p = .005) levels. Subgroup analyses showed a negative correlation between FT3 levels and DII scores in a population with high urinary iodine concentrations. Conclusion These data indicate that the consumption of a more proinflammatory diet, as evidenced by elevated DII scores, is correlated with significant increases in FT3 and TT4 levels. However, for people with high urinary iodine concentrations, a more proinflammatory diet was associated with lower FT3 levels. Additional research will be vital to clarify the mechanistic basis for these findings.
... Tea. Chandra et al., showed that green and black tea extracts have antithyroid potential [151,152]. It has been shown that catechins (flavonoids found in abundance in tea) have a goitrogenic effect in rats [151,153,154]. ...
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Thyroid hormones are necessary for the normal functioning of physiological systems. Therefore, knowledge of any factor (whether genetic, environmental or intrinsic) that alters the levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroid hormones is crucial. Genetic factors contribute up to 65% of interindividual variations in TSH and thyroid hormone levels, but many environmental factors can also affect thyroid function. This review discusses studies that have analyzed the impact of environmental factors on TSH and thyroid hormone levels in healthy adults. We included lifestyle factors (smoking, alcohol consumption, diet and exercise) and pollutants (chemicals and heavy metals). Many inconsistencies in the results have been observed between studies, making it difficult to draw a general conclusion about how a particular environmental factor influences TSH and thyroid hormone levels. However, lifestyle factors that showed the clearest association with TSH and thyroid hormones were smoking, body mass index (BMI) and iodine (micronutrient taken from the diet). Smoking mainly led to a decrease in TSH levels and an increase in triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) levels, while BMI levels were positively correlated with TSH and free T3 levels. Excess iodine led to an increase in TSH levels and a decrease in thyroid hormone levels. Among the pollutants analyzed, most studies observed a decrease in thyroid hormone levels after exposure to perchlorate. Future studies should continue to analyze the impact of environmental factors on thyroid function as they could contribute to understanding the complex background of gene–environment interactions underlying the pathology of thyroid diseases.
... Rats injected with pure green tea intra-pretonialy were studied for acute effects on endocrine systems, significantly reduction in food intake, body weight gain, testosterone blood level as well as there has been a growth in the prostate and uterus in lean and obese male zucker rats (Yung et al., 2000). Green tea extract at dose level of 5.0% has the potential to alter the thyroid gland physiology and architecture that is an enlargement of thyroid gland as well as hypertrophy and/or hyperplasia of the thyroid follicles and significant decrease in serum T3 and T4 and a parallel increase in serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) (Chandra et al., 2010). The level of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone in the serum was not affected by the treatment of L-Carnitine as dairy supplementation in cats following ovariohysterectomy, since, long-term study is recommended (Tavakoli et al., 2017). ...
This work was designed to study the effect of daily oral administration for two groups of male albino rats suffering from weight gain (obese rats) with both 10% aqueous extract of green tea and 21 mg L-Carnitine/kg body weight for 9 weeks. Green tea (GT) and L-Carnitine (LC) cause significant body weight reduction in overweight rats with low thyroid hormone levels (triiodothyronin T3 and thyroxin T4) as well as testosterone. Treatment of obese male rats with GT caused decrease in count of red blood cells and blood haemoglobin and elevate in both count of white blood cells WBCs and haematocrit PCV%, while LC caused elevate in blood haemoglobin levels Hb, RBCs, WBCs and (PCV) % compared with both negative and positive groups of control while haematocrit PCV% in rats of positive contrl group was reduced compared with rats of (C-ve) group and all treatment groups.
... It is found that thyroid peroxidase activity and DI activity were decreased in treated group of rats. Flavonoids inhibit TPO activity in vitro (Chandra, De, Choudhury, 2011) which seems to be competitive and it might be able to scavenge H 2 O 2 , an essential TPO cofactor (Divi, Doerge, 1996). A high concentration of thiocyanate is also responsible for inhibition of TPOcatalysed oxidation (Ileads to I 2 ) (Virion et al., 1980). ...
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Moringa leaves and spinach used as vegetables containing cyanogens and polyphenols having suspected antithyroidal activity; however, detailed studies in this aspect found unavailable. Goitrogenic/antithyroid potentiality of those plant foods of Indian origin was evaluated. To explore the goitrogenic/antithyroid effect of those plant foods cyanogenic glucosides, glucosinolates, thiocyanate and polyphenol content were measured. These plant foods were fed with diet regularly to adult male albino rats for 30 and 60 days respectively, followed by evaluation of morphological and functional status of thyroid,as thyroid gland weight, the activity status of thyroid hormone synthesizing enzymes viz. TPO, Na+-K+-ATPase, deiodinase I, thyroid hormone profiles, thyroid histoarchitecture as well as urinary iodine and thiocyanate. In moringa leaves and spinach fed diet, there was a significant increase in urinary excretion of thiocyanate and iodine, enlargement of thyroid gland along with hypertrophy of thyroid follicles and altered in the activities of thyroid hormone synthesizing enzymes with concomitant changes of thyroid hormone profiles. Effects were more severe in moringa leaves treated group than that of spinach. Biochemical analysis moringa leaves and spinach reveal that those are rich sources of goitrogens and their prolonged consumption gradually developed a relative state of biochemical and morphological hypothyroidism.
... Tea shows goitrogenic effect due to its flavonoids. The goitrogenic potential of green tea is higher than black tea because of the differences in catechin concentration (Chandra et al., 2010). ...
... However, due to non-availability of control values it is difficult to indicate whether their activity statuses in vitro as observed from the surgical specimens were within normal ranges, or to assign any physiologic and/or clinical significance to these findings. Contextual references can be discussed here from the observations of our earlier studies involving human as well as animal models that looked for the effects of excess iodine, various goitrogenic plants foods and community food habits on the biochemical and morphological patterns of goitrous thyroid and it wa s f o un d th at pr ol on ge d ex pos ur e of t ho s e substances resulted in a state of hypothyroidism (2, 3,7,[33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40]. In such conditions, the activity of Na + -K + -ATPase was enhanced while that of TPO and 5'-DI was decreased. ...
Full-text available
Background and Objective: Endemic goitre is the most important clinical manifestation of iodine deficiency disorders (IDDs). To prevent IDDs, universal salt iodisation (USI) has been implemented, irrespective of the environmental iodine content of the region that might not necessarily be iodine-deficient, like the Gangetic plains of West Bengal (WB), India. In this study, surgical specimens of goitrous thyroids from patients of the Gangetic plains of WB were investigated with the objective to explore the aetiology of large goitres. Materials and Methods: Seven specimens of thyroid tissue of large goitrous subjects after their thyroidectomy were collected during June 2014 - May 2015. To know their thyroid functional status, serum total thyroxine (TT4), total triiodothyronine (TT3) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) were assayed prior to their surgery ; to understand their thyroid gland status, histology of thyroid as well as the activity of thyroid hormone synthesizing enzymes as sodium-potassium adenosine triphosphatase (Na-K-ATPase), thyroid peroxidase (TPO) and deiodinase (5’DI) from excised specimen were assayed. Results: The pre-operative serum TT3, TT4 and TSH levels were within normal range in all patients. In thyroid tissue specimen, activities of enzymes (Na+-K+-ATPase, TPO, 5’-DI) were noted. The follicles were distended with colloids as found in colloid goitre, with flattened lining epithelial cells. Further involution was almost complete. However, there were areas having smaller follicles with peripheral vacuolations and scalloping within the thin colloids, showing that resorption of colloid continued to occur as found in Graves’ disease. Conclusion: Large goitres in patients belonging to iodine replete Gangetic plains of West Bengal histologically mimic Graves’ disease apparently developed for the consumption of dietary goitrogens, including excess iodine for USI programme.
... However, due to non-availability of control values it is difficult to indicate whether their activity statuses in vitro as observed from the surgical specimens were within normal ranges, or to assign any physiologic and/or clinical significance to these findings. Contextual references can be discussed here from the observations of our earlier studies involving human as well as animal models that looked for the effects of excess iodine, various goitrogenic plants foods and community food habits on the biochemical and morphological patterns of goitrous thyroid and it wa s f o un d th at pr ol on ge d ex pos ur e of t ho s e substances resulted in a state of hypothyroidism (2, 3,7,[33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40]. In such conditions, the activity of Na + -K + -ATPase was enhanced while that of TPO and 5'-DI was decreased. ...
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Background and Objective: Endemic goitre is the most important clinical manifestation of iodine deficiencydisorders (IDDs). To prevent IDDs, universal salt iodisation (USI) has been implemented, irrespective of theenvironmental iodine content of the region that might not necessarily be iodine-deficient, like the Gangeticplains of W est Bengal (W B), India. In this study, surgical specimens of goitrous thyroids from patients ofthe Gangetic plains of W B were investigated with the objective to explore the aetiology of large goitres.Materials and Methods: Seven specimens of thyroid tissue of large goitrous subjects after their thyroidectomywere collected during June 2014 - May 2015. To know their thyroid functional status, serum total thyroxine(TT4), total triiodothyronine (TT3) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) were assayed prior to their surgery; to understand their thyroid gland status, histology of thyroid as well as the activity of thyroid hormonesynthesizing enzymes as sodium-potassium adenosine triphosphatase (Na-K-ATPase), thyroid peroxidase(TPO) and deiodinase (5’DI) from excised specimen were assayed.Results: The pre-operative serum TT3, TT4 and TSH levels were within normal range in all patients. In thyroidtissue specimen, activities of enzymes (Na+-K+-ATPase, TPO, 5’-DI) were noted. The follicles were distendedwith colloids as found in colloid goitre, with flattened lining epithelial cells. Further involution was almostcomplete. However, there were areas having smaller follicles with peripheral vacuolations and scallopingwithin the thin colloids, showing that resorption of colloid continued to occur as found in Graves’ disease.Conclusion: Large goitres in patients belonging to iodine replete Gangetic plains of West Bengal histologicallymimic Graves’ disease apparently developed for the consumption of dietary goitrogens, including excessiodine for USI programme.
Objectives Methimazole is an antithyroid drug and is used clinically in hyperthyroidism. Liver dysfunction is one of the side effects of methimazole. Catechins are natural flavonoids and have antioxidant, antithyroid, and liver protection effects. Despite the wide range of biological properties of catechins, their effective use is limited due to poor water solubility, low stability, and low bioavailability. Catechin niosomal nanoencapsulation improves the properties of catechin and increases its antioxidant activities. Methods Niosomal vesicles were synthesized by the Thin Film Hydration method and their physicochemical characteristics, morphology, and percentage of trapped catechin in them were determined by dynamic light scattering (DLS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and spectrophotometry, respectively. In this study, 32 adult male rats were divided into 4 groups: control, 50 mg/kg methimazole, 100 mg/kg catechin, and 100 mg/kg nanocapsule niosomal form of catechin. The drugs were administered orally and the duration of treatment was 8 weeks. Then, the serum concentration of thyroid hormones and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method, and serum liver function tests were performed using an autoanalyzer. The activities of hepatic oxidative enzymes were measured spectrophotometrically. Results Our study showed that the percentage of catechin encapsulation in the niosome was calculated to be 51%. A significant difference was observed in the catechin and encapsulated catechin treatment groups compared to the methimazole group (p <0.0001). In all three treatment groups of methimazole, catechin, and niosomal nanocapsule catechin, serum levels of TT3, TT4, FT3, FT4, body weight and daily consumption of water and food were significantly reduced compared to the control group (p <0.0001). Conclusions The antithyroid effects of catechin and its encapsulated form were comparable to methimazole. Also, the encapsulation improved the hepatoprotective effects of catechin.
Tea (Camellia sinensis) being the most consumed beverage worldwide. The safety evaluation of tea needs to be monitored during pregnancy, prenatal as well as postnatal developmental period beside its beneficial roles toward health and disease. Black Tea extract (BTE) may have an impact on thyroid hormone physiology and reproductive health during pregnancy. The objective of present study was to evaluate the role of BTE on thyroid physiology of pregnant rat during prenatal and postnatal period. Among three experimental groups, Group 1 was the control pregnant female rats respectively treated orally with saline, Group 2 and Group 3 were pregnant female rats treated with 50 mg and 100 mg BTE/kg body weight/day, p.o. respectively throughout prenatal and postnatal periods. All three groups of rats were provided balance diet and drinking water ad libitum. Animals were examined through their T3, T4, TSH, E2 and P4 hormone assay and histology of thyroid, ovary and uterus. All data were expressed as mean ± standard deviation with significance between the controls and the treated groups (n = 6). Experimental data were subjected to the ANOVA and Tukey test; P < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. BTE treatment significantly increased the levels of T3 and T4 whereas decreased TSH level. BTE also alters the shape of thyroid follicles, follicular epithelium and colloid content in the lumen. This study confirmed BTE induced hyperthyroidism during pregnancy.
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Indian black tea; CTC leaf and dust, produced by Tata Tea Limited, Kolkata, (India) was studiedin vitro as potential scavenger of oxygen free radicals. Super oxide anions were generated in a system containing xanthine-xanthine oxidase (enzymic system) and by NADH- phenozine methosulphate (non enzymic system). Anions were assayed in terms of uric acid formation and reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium salt, which were shown to be suppressed by tea extracts. Extracts from both leaf and dust also inhibted the formation of hydroxyl radicalsin vitro in the enzymic system comprising hypoxanthine-Cu(+2)-sodium ascorbate and xanthine oxidase and in non enzymic system of deoxyribose-Cu(+2)-sodium ascorbate and H(2)O(2) as well as the Cu(+2) induced lipid peroxidation in human low density lipoprotein. Feeding with black tea in normal rats for sixty days increased their antioxidant activity and their liver microsomes were shown to be protected against peroxidation of lipids as stimulated by metal ions with enzymic or non enzymic reactants. Furthermore feeding with tea extracts in normal as well as triton WR-1339 induced hyperlipidemic rats caused decrease in their plasma levels of total cholesterol, phospholipids and triglycerides. The antioxidant and lipid lowering activities of both extracts from CTC leaf and dust tea was comparable and may be due to the presence of natural products like catechin and others.
Although studies have documented the regulatory effects of thyroid hormones on the Na,K-ATPase in peripheral tissues, there is little information on the regulation of this transporter in the thyroid gland itself. Accordingly, we investigated the effects of thyroid status on Na,K-ATPase specific activity and the abundance of its constituent subunits in rat thyroid. Exogenous tri-iodothyronine (T3) was administered daily to produce hyperthyroidism. 6n-propyl-2-thiouracil (PTU), an inhibitor of thyroid hormone synthesis, was used to induce hypothyroidism. There was a four-fold increase in Na,K-ATPase specific activity in the follicular membranes from PTU-treated animals after 7 days. Enzymatic activities were not changed in the T3-treated glands. Immunoblotting of membranes from T3-treated rats revealed a 75% reduction in alpha1 subunit abundance and a slight, but nonsignificant reduction in beta1 abundance. On the other hand, the membranes from PTU-treated rats displayed 136 and 567% increases in the abundance of the alpha1 and beta1 subunits respectively. These data demonstrate that thyroid hormone status regulates Na,K-ATPase in the gland, but the effects are in direct contrast to those seen in the periphery.
An investigation was carried out on a newer method for the determination of inorganic phosphate which is applicable to the study of phosphate-splitting enzymes. It offers a unique advantage: after the color reagent has been added any inorganic phosphate formed cannot react with molybdenum, for the latter has been complexed by the addition of a citrate-arsenite solution and phosphate cannot compete successfully for the molybdate.This procedure appears to be quite suitable for the determination of inorganic phosphate, phospholipids, nucleotides or enzyme-hydrolyzed phosphate.
A simple and rapid method is presented for the preparation of I¹³¹-; labeled human growth hormone of high specific radioactivity (240-300 mu C/ mu g). ; Low amounts of carrierfree I¹³¹ iodide (2 mC) are allowed to react, without ; prior treatment, with small quantities of protein (5 mu g) in a highyield ; reaction (approx. 70% transfer of I¹³¹ to protein). The degree of ; chemical substitution is minimized (0.5- 1.0 atom of iodine/molecule of protein) ; by the use of carrier-free I¹³¹ iodide. The I¹³¹-labeled hormone (up ; to 300 mu C/ mu g) contains no detectable degradation products and is ; immunologically identical with the unlabeled hormone. The loss of immunological ; reactivity at high specific radioactivities or at high levels of chemical ; substitution with STAI¹²⁷!iodine is demonstrated. (auth);
A rapid, sensitive spectrophotometric assay for iodide oxidation by thyroid peroxidase is described. The method depends upon the measurement of periodide at either of its absorption peaks, 353 mμ or 287.5 mμ, and is adequately suited for enzyme purification studies.