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Deterministic Formulization of SNR for Wireless Multiuser DS-CDMA Networks



Wireless Multiuser receivers suffer from their relatively higher computational complexity that prevents widespread use of this technique. In addition, one of the main characteristics of multi-channel communications that can severely degrade the performance is the inconsistent and low values of SNR that result in high BER and poor channel capacity. It has been shown that the computational complexity of a multiuser receiver can be reduced by using the transformation matrix (TM) algorithm [4]. In this paper, we provide quantification of SNR based on the computational complexity of TM algorithm. We show that the reduction of complexity results high and consistent values of SNR that can consequently be used to achieve a desirable BER performance. In addition, our simulation results suggest that the high and consistent values of SNR can be achieved for a desirable BER performance. The performance measure adopted in this paper is the consistent values of SNR. Comment: 9 pages IEEE format, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, IJCSIS July 2009, ISSN 1947 5500, Impact Factor 0.423
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This paper presents a new transformation matrix system for reducing the computational complexity of multiuser receiver. The proposed system observes the coordinates of the constellation diagram to determine the location of the transformation points. Since most of the decisions are correct, we can reduce the number of required computations by using the transformation matrixes only on those coordinates which are most likely to lead to an incorrect decision. Our results show that the proposed system successfully reduces the computational complexity of an optimal multiuser receiver. The complexity of the proposed system is not polynomial in the number of users, but it still gives comparatively reduced complexity.
Conference Paper
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Multiuser detection is an important technology in wireless CDMA systems for improving both data rate as well as user capacity. However, the computational complexity of multiuser detection prevents the widespread use of this technique. Most of the CDMA systems today and in the near future will continue to use the conventional matched filter with its comparatively low user capacity and a slow data rate. However, if we could lower the computational complexity of multiuser detectors, most of the CDMA systems would be likely to take advantage of this technique in order to gain increased system capacity and a better data rate. In this paper, a novel approach for reducing the computational complexity of multiuser receivers is proposed. It utilizes the transformation matrix technique to improve the performance of multiuser detectors. We show that the mathematical computations of the implementation complexity can turn in overall less complex system that has strong impact on the system's signal to noise ratio (SNR) and the bit error rate (BER). The performance measure adopted in this paper is the achievable bit rate for a fixed probability of error (10-7) and consistent values of SNR.
This paper proposes a low complexity joint space-time multiuser detection algorithm for asynchronous DS/CDMA antenna array systems. The proposed multiuser detector is composed of an adaptive antenna array, used as a linear beamformer, and a sliding window decorrelator. A QPSK modulation scheme is used in order to increase bandwidth efficiency. Numerical results are given in terms of Bit Error Rate (BER) under the assumption of a frequency-selective Rayleigh slow fading channel. In particular, the proposed receiver is shown to be near-far resistant, even in worst fading cases, and to exploit completely array introduction while maintaining acceptable computational complexity. The proposed architecture avoids linear filter realization of the decorrelator, which is impractical in the case of a large number of users, and operates with relatively short data frames instead of the complete information sequence. Finally, this receiver is very flexible to changes in timing configuration.
Conference Paper
The behavior of the multiple antenna broadcast channel at high SNR is investigated. The multiple antenna broadcast channel achieves the same multiplexing gain as the system in which all receivers are allowed to perfectly cooperate (i.e. transforming the system into a point-to-point MIMO system). However, the multiplexing gain alone is not sufficient to accurately characterize the behavior of sum rate capacity at high SNR. An affine approximation to capacity which incorporates the multiplexing gain as well as a power offset (i.e. a zero-order term) is a more accurate representation of high SNR behavior. The power offset of the sum rate capacity is shown to equal the power offset of the cooperative MIMO system when there are less receivers than transmit antennas. In addition, the power offset of using the sub-optimal strategy of beamforming is calculated. These calculations show that beamforming can perform quite well when the number of antennas is sufficiently larger than the number of receivers, but performs very poorly when there are nearly as many receivers as transmit antennas
Conference Paper
Realizing the large user capacity planned for ultra-wideband (UWB) systems motivates multiuser detection (MUD). However, it is impractical to implement conventional chip-rate MUD methods, because UWB signaling gives rise to high detection complexity and difficulty in capturing energy scattered by dense multipath. In this paper, we develop a reception model for UWB multiple access based on frame-rate sampled signals in lieu of chip-rate samples. This model enables low-complexity MUD, of which we examine a reduced-rank Wiener filter for blind symbol detection. We show that frame-rate UWB samples have a small number of distinct eigenvalues in the data covariance matrix, resulting in warp convergence of reduced-rank filtering. The proposed MUD method exhibits good performance at low complexity, even in the presence of strong frequency-selective multipath fading.
Conference Paper
This paper deals with a multiuser detector based on a new decorrelating approach for asynchronous up-link DS/CDMA communications in which the QPSK modulation scheme is used in transmission. It is shown that the receiver proposed is near-far resistant and exhibits a low complexity which allows real-time operation. The performance is expressed in terms of the bit error rate (BER) which has been derived by simulations under the assumption of a slow frequency-selective Rayleigh fading channel
A maximum likelihood optimum detector with an asymptotic complexity per user of 0(1.5K) has been derived for the synchronous DS/CDMA channels. The detector employs a local descent algorithm through the Voronoi regions for the equivalent hypothesis detector
The analysis of the multiple-antenna capacity in the high-SNR regime has hitherto focused on the high-SNR slope (or maximum multiplexing gain), which quantifies the multiplicative increase as a function of the number of antennas. This traditional characterization is unable to assess the impact of prominent channel features since, for a majority of channels, the slope equals the minimum of the number of transmit and receive antennas. Furthermore, a characterization based solely on the slope captures only the scaling but it has no notion of the power required for a certain capacity. This paper advocates a more refined characterization whereby, as a function of SNR|dB, the high-SNR capacity is expanded as an affine function where the impact of channel features such as antenna correlation, unfaded components, etc., resides in the zero-order term or power offset. The power offset, for which we find insightful closed-form expressions, is shown to play a chief role for SNR levels of practical interest.