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Malcolm Pattinson and Grantley Anderson
University of South Australia,; Anderson Analyses,
grantley. ander
Abstract: This paper puts forward the view that an individual's perception of the risks
associated with information systems determines the Hkelihood and extent to
which she or he will engage in risk taking behaviour when using a computer.
It is suggested that this behavior can be manipulated by 'framing' a
communication concerning information system risk in a particular manner. In
order to achieve major effectiveness in getting an information security
message across to a computer user, this paper discusses and demonstrates how
his or her individual cognitive style should be considered when framing the
risk message. It then follows that if the risk taking behaviour of computer
users becomes less risky due to an increase in the level of perceived risk, then
the level of information security increases.
Keywords: Information Security, Risk Perception, Risk Communication, Field-Dependent
Field-Independent (FI), Framing.
For too long now, the information security fraternity, and indeed
management, have focused their attention on hardware and software
solutions in their attempt to mitigate against risks to their information
systems. We are now starting to see this focus change slightly with the
realisation that people issues are equally important. Backhouse et al, (2004)
and Jackson, et al, (2004) are two such papers that draw attention to the
social aspects of information systems and the security surrounding them. It
is a universally accepted fact that IT/IS people are an important component
of any information system. One only has to look at the relevant textbooks
for a definition of 'information system' to realise that people are one of the
five components that comprise an information system. The other
components are hardware, software, data and procedures.
This paper is concerned with the perception that computer users have of
the risks to the information systems. For example, when someone asks
"What is the risk of your computer getting a virus - is it high, medium or
What do you say? What they are really asking you is "What is your
individual perception of the risk?" (Note that 'actual' information systems
176 Risk Communication, Risk Perception and Information Security
risks can never be measured - risks are intangible and subjective and can
only be estimated). What influences your answer - past experience,
knowledge about viruses, recent media reports or your mood on that day?
It is suggested that, although these factors and others have a bearing on
your response (that is, your perception), so does the way that the question is
phrased. If the question was rephrased as "What is the risk of your computer
getting a virus and causing havoc for many colleagues - is it high, medium
or low?". Does this 'reframing' and provision of additional information
influence your answer and therefore your perception of the risk? The answer
to this question is the crux of this paper.
The manner in which people see the risks associated with information
security determines what decisions they will make regarding the actions they
will take (or not take) in conjunction with whatever risk security measures
their particular organisation has put in place. Unfortunately, to date, not
much is known about the perceptions that computer users hold concerning
information systems risk.
However, research into risk perception in general has identified some
important factors. The influence these factors have on risk perception is
considered to be a function of the extent to which the risk is viewed as (a)
voluntary, (b) under control, (c) representing a threat or catastrophe, or (d)
having potential for a reduction in gains, or an increase in losses (Heimer,
The literature on risk perception seems to be devoid of research into its
prevalence in the information security domain. However, in terms of
general risk perception research, there is an abundance of articles and studies
that look at factors that influence risk perception. For example. Bener
(2000) claims that there is a range of social, cultural and psychological
factors that contribute to risk perception. Furthermore, Otway (1980) Usts
other factors that shape risk perception such as the information people have
been exposed to, the information they have chosen to believe and the social
experiences they have had, to name a few.
One of the factors that is purported to have an influence on risk
perception is the way in which the risk message is communicated to
computer users and IT management. Bener, (2000) is one such author that
supports this view, and he claims that risk is communicated within an
organisation that contributes to the risk perception of the different
individuals within that organisation. It then follows that if people's
perception of risk is changed, there is the likelihood that their risk-taking
Risk Communication, Risk Perception and Information Security 111
behaviour will change. If this behaviour changes for the better, then it can
be argued that the actual risk is lessened.
Risk communication has been defined by numerous authors. For
example, (O'Neill, 2004) defines it as" interactive process of
exchanging information and opinions between stakeholders regarding the
nature and associated risks of a hazard on the individual or community and
the appropriate responses to minimise the risks. The key behavioural change
lies in risk communication designed to change people's perception of the
risk and to increase their willingness to manage the risk." (p. 14).
Similarly, the US National Research Council, (1989) defines it as "an
interactive process of exchange of information and opinion among
individuals, groups and institutions. It involves multiple messages about the
nature of risk and other messages, not strictly about risk, that express
concerns, opinions and reactions to risk messages or to legal and institutional
arrangements for risk management" (p. 21 as cited in Bener, 2000 &
Backhouse et al, 2004).
The media plays a significant role in influencing people's perception of
information system risk. One only has to look at the impact of the terrorist
attack on the world trade centre twin towers on September 11, 2001.
Another example is the reporting of the phishing software that logs
keystrokes and subsequently gains banking information including user name
and password.
The challenge with any form of risk communication is how to target a
specific audience. For example, computer users, the subjects of this
proposed research, range from executives through to general users through
to IT experts, all of which have a different understanding and appreciation of
information system risks. One approach, as described by O'Neill, (2004), is
to divide the world's population into four types, namely, those who are risk
averse, those who are risk tolerant, people who deny risk and people who
seek out risk and then target each of these groups with different messages.
Alternatively, one could target individuals rather than groups, as put
forward in this paper, by phrasing information security 'messages' to suit the
individual. This internationally accepted approach is called 'message
framing' or just 'framing'.
178 Risk Communication, Risk Perception and Information Security
Framing is a concept that relates to the way a set of facts or a situation is
described by a communicator. It also relates to a type of cognitive set that
the receiver of a communication may use in order to interpret and make
sense of any communication that he or she receives. From the point of view
of the receiver, the way in which a message is framed as it is received will
have an impact upon the course of action that he or she will choose to
In terms of risk communication effectiveness, the way a message is
framed by a sender has significant potential to set decision boundaries in that
it may determine what is included and what is left out of consideration by
the receiver. Of even greater significance is the fact that not all the "in"
elements will receive the same attention. A receiver's framed message tends
to focus the individual on certain elements in a situation, while leaving other
elements either unexamined, or at best, relatively obscured (Russo &
Schoemaker, 1989).
Consider a risk communication written (or framed) in two different ways
in two different messages. In the first message the aim is to provide an
explanation of a potential event that threatens the security of an
organisation's computer systems, such as a computer virus that has the
potential to wipe out critical data files stored on hard disk. For example, one
approach might be to phrase the message such that the emphasis is on how
such an event will cause the organisation's technical competence to come
into question as well as causing substantial costs to be incurred.
In the second message of the communication, information is provided as
to what each individual computer user must do in order to ensure that the
organisation's information security protocols have been properly
implemented and observed. For example, the communication would be
phrased in such a way that the emphasis is on how the prevention of such a
security breach can be achieved by individual computer users exerting some
effort in following a set of laid down procedures designed for that purpose.
Numerous studies (Tversky & Kahneman (1981), McNeill et al (1982),
Meyerowitz & Chaiken (1987) on framing support the view that the way a
situation is framed can have a substantial impact on people's risk taking
behaviour. However, it is our belief that what should be of particular interest
to information security managers and supervisors relates to more than just
the general finding that people are more inclined to take risks in order to
avoid losses than they are to take risks in order to make gains. Rather, it is
the finding, derived mainly from the educational literature, that the
importance placed on a particular message by an individual may be as much
Risk Communication, Risk Perception and Information Security 179
influenced by that person's cognitive style, as it is influenced by the core
content of the message (Chinien, 1990).
We believe this distinction to be an important one. Principally because
one of the surprising findings of this proposed research into human factor
problems associated with information security procedures, is that very little
has been written about individual differences in the way that individual
computer users process information that has been presented to them, be that
by hard copy written communications or by computer interface methods.
Consequently, it would not be surprising to find that few information
security managers and supervisors are aware that human information
processing factors are predominately a consequence of an individual
computer user's personal cognitive style.
As a personality dimension, an individual's cognitive style has a
significant impact on the way that she or he collects and interprets
information that is presented to her or him. Cognitive style is not considered
to be a fixed personality trait, rather it is viewed as the preferred and habitual
approach that an individual adopts when organising and presenting
information. A number of such styles are described in the literature.
However, since it describes how effectively an individual is able to
restructure information using salient cues and field arrangements, for our
purposes the dimension of Field Dependence versus Field Independence
seems the most appropriate one to discuss and examine.
FD/FI has been researched extensively (Witkin et al, 1997; Ausburn &
Ausburn, 1978) and is an established construct in the domain of psychology.
Why is this personal characteristic important? The focus of this paper is
on the perception of risk and although the way that people perceive risks is a
complex sociological and psychological phenomenon, the authors of this
paper are suggesting that one way of changing individual risk perceptions is
to communicate in a way that is aUgned to each individual's FD/FI cognitive
The aim of this proposed research is to determine whether the framing
of potential threat scenarios has an effect on computer user risk perception,
particularly if the threat scenarios are framed in an FD sense for FD people
and an FI sense for FI people.
Much of the literature on framing refers to wording a situation in terms of
potential gains and potential losses. In particular, a substantial amount of
this literature relates to the medical profession, such as the Meyerowitz &
Chaiken (1987) research into the effect of a negatively worded (or gain-
180 Risk Communication, Risk Perception and Information Security
frame) pamphlet versus a positively worded (loss-frame) pamphlet about
breast self-examination.
But framing doesn't only relate to wording a situation in terms of
potential gains and losses. It can also refer to elements such as:
• how it affects the subject
• self justification or previous action
• support investment already made
• social benefits and costs
• self image
• organisational image
• reputation
• face saving
Table 1. Summary of the FD/FI cognitive style construct
Individuals classified as FD Individuals classified as FI
Drawn to people Enjoys own company
Like to have people around them Not sensitive to others around them
More non-verbal behaviours Less non-verbal behaviour
Prefer occupations which require Prefer occupations with less
involvement with others interaction
Take a longer time to solve problems Solve problems rapidly
Alert to social cues More
Highly developed social skills More abstract & analytical
Sensitive to social criticism Initially thought to be males but
Extremely influenced by others Less inclined to be influenced
Teachers Prefer maths & physical sciences
Global way of perceiving Analytic way of perceiving
how might we frame the explanation of a potential threat and its
impact to the two different types of cognitive styles, field-independent and
field-dependent so that their level of perceived risk is raised?
The aim of this research is to show that when the explanation of a
potential threat scenario is couched in a way that is in line with an
Risk Communication, Risk Perception and Information Security 181
individual's cognitive style, then that individual is likely to perceive the risk
to be higher than if the explanation was framed differently.
Therefore, for FD types, the potential threat scenario should be framed in
a way that highlights:
• the global impact,
• the social implications,
• the impact it would have on people/individuals,
• what individuals can do to mitigate against the risk,
• the benefits to individuals
• how we might be viewed by others or
• how our image might suffer.
Conversely, for
types, the potential threat scenario should be framed to
• physical effects
• a practical/pragmatic solution to the problem with little regard to the
impact on people
• a quick fix solution
• hardware and/or software solutions
The following three threat scenarios have been framed according to the
FD/FI cognitive style.
Table 2. Threat Scenario No,
- Theft of desktop computer
Written for FD^s Written for FI^s
Your office was broken into and a desktop Your office was broken into and a desktop
computer was stolen by an unknown external computer was stolen by an unknown external
person. Sensitive information could be person. You will be without a computer until
leaked to unauthorised people that could be a replacement can be purchased. You may
embarrassing for the organisation. have to use one of the office laptops in the
Depending on your backup procedures, this meantime. Recovery of all data could be
could be costly for the IT department to difficult if you did not backup everything,
182 Risk Communication, Risk Perception and Information Security
Table 3. Threat Scenario No. 2 - A virus infection
Written for FD's Written for FI's
Your office desktop computer has been
infected with a virus. If not addressed
immediately, it might spread through the
whole organisation, causing inconvenience
and loss of productivity. It may damage
people's hard drives, causing valuable &
sensitive information to be lost. This would
be embarrassing for the organisation.
Your office desktop computer has been
infected with a virus. If not addressed
immediately, it could damage your computer
files preventing you from doing your work.
This could be embarrassing for you because
you obviously did not run anti-virus software
Table 4. Threat Scenario No. 3 - A software bug
Written for FD's Written for FI's
An accidental software bug in one of our
application programs could cause our
computer system to crash. This, in turn,
could cause a delay in processing the
fortnightly pays, or prevent invoices from
being processed on time. Futhermore,
employee confidence in the computer system
could be impacted.
An accidental software bug in one of our
application programs could cause our
computer system to crash. To prevent this
breach from occurring in the future, we have
to tighten up our testing procedures to ensure
that all programs are thoroughly tested before
they are put into production.
The primary aims of this paper were, firstly, to emphasise the importance
of human factors/behaviour as management strive for an acceptable level of
information security within their organisations. The second aim was to
present a risk communication approach, namely cognitive style framing, that
management might consider in an attempt to change user risk-taking
behaviour of computer users at all levels. It is suggested that a positive
change of this nature can reduce the level of risk.
This paper supports the view that an acceptable level of information
security is best achieved by addressing all components of an information
system, particularly issues relating to the people component. It also attempts
to contribute to an ever-increasing amount of research into the sociological
aspects of risk as it relates to the domain of information security. Also
examined is the concept that better risk communication, by deploying the
concept of framing, will mitigate against the actual information risks as
depicted in Figure
Risk Communication, Risk Perception and Information Security 183
This is essentially a theory paper. However, the authors expect to present
some preliminary findings of a pilot study to sample test a range of threat
scenarios at the IFIP WGll.l conference in December 2005.
(by deploying cognitive style framing)
increases the
level of
which influences
which mitigates
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