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Privacy in Danger: Let's Google Your Privacy


Abstract and Figures

Protection of personal data is a requirement from both ethical and legal perspectives. In the Internet, search engines facilitate our lives by finding any searched information within a single-click time. On the other hand, they threaten our privacy by revealing our personal data to others. In this paper, we give concrete examples of Google personal data exploits against user privacy, discuss the countermeasures to protect our privacy and introduce a penetration testing tool called TrackingDog checking and reporting privacy exploits over Google. Full Text at Springer, may require registration or fee
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... Google can be queried for revealing sensitive personal data by using its advanced search parameters [186,187]. An attacker can target a certain person and benefit from automated tools exploiting the person's privacy. ...
Conference Paper
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With this work we aim at bringing together the best of both web-based social networks and peer-to-peer networks. We provide the mechanism to bootstrap and deploy, in a decentralized manner, user-centric overlay networks. The overlay network of each person is built on top of already exiting relationships provided by the person's social graph, and, through a novel service naming convention, it allows users to advertise, discover and interact with the services they provide to each other.
Conference Paper
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Google hacking is a term to describe the search queries that find out security and privacy flaws. Finding vulnerable servers and web applications, server fingerprinting, accessing to admin and user login pages and revealing username-passwords are all possible in Google with a single click. Google can also reveal secrets of cryptography applications, i.e., clear text and hashed passwords, secret and private keys, encrypted messages, signed messages etc. In this paper, advanced search techniques in Google and the search queries that reveal cryptographic secrets are explained with examples in details.
The network authentication protocol
  • Kerberos
Kerberos: The network authentication protocol.
Bachelorarbeit: Implementation of a penetration testing tool for searching cryptographic secrets and personal secrets with Google
  • Martin Kessler
Martin Kessler. Bachelorarbeit: Implementation of a penetration testing tool for searching cryptographic secrets and personal secrets with Google. Bauhaus Universitaet Weimar, Medien Fakultaet, October 2007.
Gooscan Google Security Scanner
  • Johnny Long
Johnny Long. Gooscan Google Security Scanner. &file=index&req=getit&lid=33.