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The Touchstone Process An Ongoing Critical Evaluation of Reiki in the Scientific Literature


Abstract and Figures

Reiki is used by a growing number of people but little is known about the scientific basis for its use. The Touchstone Process was developed as an ongoing process to systematically analyze published, peer-reviewed studies of Reiki, the results being made accessible to the public online. Thirteen scientifically qualified experts in the field of Reiki were assembled into 3 teams to retrieve, evaluate, and summarize articles using standardized, piloted evaluation forms. Summaries of 26 Reiki articles, including strengths and weaknesses, were posted on a newly developed Web site (, together with an overall summary of the status of Reiki research and guidelines for future research: The Touchstone Process determined that only 12 articles were based on a robust experimental design and utilized well-established outcome parameters. Of these articles, 2 provided no support, 5 provided some support, and 5 demonstrated strong evidence for the use of Reiki as a healing modality. There is a need for further high-quality studies in this area.
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An Ongoing Critical Evaluation of Reiki
in the Scientific Literature
Ann L. Baldwin, PhD Anne Vitale, PhD, APN, AHN-BC Elise Brownell, PhD
Jan Scicinski, PhD Mary Kearns, PhD William Rand
23,451*+/67 Reiki is used by a growing number of people but little is known about the scientific basis for its use.
0+18*-)7 The Touchstone Process was developed as an ongoing process to systematically analyze published,
peer-reviewed studies of Reiki, the results being made accessible to the public online. 9).(*67 Thirteen
scientifically qualified experts in the field of Reiki were assembled into 3 teams to retrieve, evaluate, and summarize
articles using standardized, piloted evaluation forms. &)-+:.-7 Summaries of 26 Reiki articles, including strengths
and weaknesses, were posted on a newly developed Web site (, together with an
overall summary of the status of Reiki research and guidelines for future research:The Touchstone Process
determined that only 12 articles were based on a robust experimental design and utilized well-established outcome
parameters. Of these articles, 2 provided no support, 5 provided some support, and 5 demonstrated strong
evidence for the use of Reiki as a healing modality. ;*/,:+-<*/7 There is a need for further high-quality studies in
this area. ="> ?@&A'7 evidence-based practice,Reiki,Reiki research Holist Nurs Pract !"#"$!%&'()!*"+!,*
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Copyright © 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Touchstone Process !*#
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Copyright © 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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!BC%&" DE Steps of the Touchstone Process.
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Copyright © 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Touchstone Process !*I
$#2F" DE Defined Numerical Score Ranges for
Word Evaluations
G+3:<.3.<H) G+3/.<.3.<H)
I@+. *J DKL I@+. *J MNL
Weak 0-8 0-20
Satisfactory 9-11 21-25
Very good 12-13 26-29
Excellent 14-15 30-34
0; jCN90>Dk 36>D.1; .; E?.>? D?6 =67.6E6= F=.6K
3D0D63 E?6D?6= D?6 3D45K .3 >1;3.3D6;D E.D? 9=67.P
143 ;5.;G3B >=60D63 ;6E 90=05.GN3B 1= 5.39=1763
9=67.143 ;5.;G3A C; 055.D.1;B 60>? =67.6E6= =0D63
D?6 0=D.>86 Q1= jg76=088 CN9=633.1;k &6^>6886;DB
76=K G115B 30D.3Q0>D1=KB 1= E60/(A M1 6;34=6 >1;P
3.3D6;>K F6DE66; 0 =67.6E6=f3 3>1=6 0;5 g76=088
CN9=633.1;B 6^0>D ;4N6=.>08 =0;G63 E6=6 56;65
Q1= 60>? g76=088 CN9=633.1; >0D6G1=K &M0F86 #(A
M?636 =0;G63 E6=6 1FD0.;65 Q=1N D?6 3>1=6 5.3D=.P
F4D.1;3 Q1= 60>? >0D6G1=K .; D?6 9.81D 3D45KA CQ D?6
! =67.6E6=3 Q1= 0 G.76; 0=D.>86 5.QQ6= .; D?6.= g76=P
088 CN9=633.1;3 FK # >0D6G1=KB D?0D .3B 1;6 G.763
j_0D.3Q0>D1=Kk 0;5 D?6 1D?6= j\6=K `115Bk D?6 0=P
D.>86 .3 >8033.65 03 30D.3Q0>D1=Ki76=K G115A M?6
O408.D0D.76 0;5 O40;D.D0D.76 Q1=N3B 567681965 FK
D?6 M14>?3D1;6 D60N 0;5 3?1E; .; D?6 U996;5.^B
>1;D0.; 0 D1D08 1Q #! 0;5 !# .D6N3B =6396>D.768KB
31N6 1Q E?.>? 0=6 >1NN1; F6DE66; D?6 ! >0D6P
G1=.63A C; >0363 1Q 3.G;.>0;D8K 5.76=G6;D 3>1=.;G
&g76=088 CN9=633.1;3 5.QQ6=.;G FK N1=6 D?0; # >0DP
6G1=K(B 0 D?.=5 =67.6E .3 96=Q1=N65 0;5 D?6 I 3>1=63
076=0G65A M?6 :67.6E M60N N0.;D0.;3 =6>1=53 1Q
088 966=P=67.6E65 0=D.>863 03 E688 03 3676=08 >036
3D45.63 Q1= Q4D4=6 670840D.1;A T1N986D65 =67.6E3
0=6 36;D D1 D?6 _4NN0=.V0D.1; D60NA M?6 =67.6E
Q1=N3 E6=6 .;.D.088K 9.81D65 D1 6;34=6 D?6.= 34.DP
0F.8.DK D1 D?6 9=1c6>D G1083 0;5 D1 D63D 0;5 ;6P
D4;6 D?6 670840D.1; 9=1>633 .D368QA M?6 =3D % :6./.
=6360=>? 0=D.>863 =6D=.6765 E6=6 4365 Q1= D?6 9.81D
3D45KB 0881E.;G D.N6 D1 >08.F=0D6 3>1=.;G 90DD6=;3
0;5 D1 670840D6 14= 176=088 9=1>633A
IA The Summarization Team) T1;3.3D3 1Q , D60N
N6NF6=3 E?1 jD=0;380D6k D?6 =67.6E3 .;D1 90=65P
51E; 34NN0=.63 D?0D >1;76K D?6 .N91=D0;D .;Q1=P
N0D.1; .; 60>? 0=D.>86 &94=9136 1Q 3D45KB 1Fc6>P
D.763B ?K91D?63.3B N6D?153B 0;5 =6348D3(B D1G6D?6=
E.D? .D3 3D=6;GD?3 0;5 E60/;63363B .; 0; 603.8K 4;P
56=3D0;50F86 E0KA H60/;63363 &.Q 0;K( .; D?6 436
1Q :6./. 9=0>D.D.1;6=3 0;5 .; 176=088 >80=.DK 1Q E=.DP
.;G 0=6 .;>84565 .; D?.3 36>D.1; 0;5 80D6= 670840D65
.; 055.D.1; D1 D?6 9=.N0=K 3>1=65 =67.6EA U 3D0;P
50=5.V65 9.81D65 34NN0=K Q1=N .3 4365 D1 N0.;P
D0.; 4;.Q1=N.DK .; 80;G40G6 0;5 176=088 >1;D6;D
D?=14G?14D D?6 G=149 1Q 34NN0=.63A g;>6 >1NP
986D65B D?6 34NN0=K G163 D1 D?6 65.D1=P.;P>?.6QB
E?1 56D6=N.;63 D?0D 60>? 34NN0=K D=48K =66>D3
D?6 =67.6E6=3f 3>1=63 0;5 >=.D.>.3N3B 0;5 65.D3 0>P
>1=5.;G8K 9=.1= D1 980>6N6;D 1; D?6 H6F 3.D6A
E7680:878=: ;179: 24 01: )2/=19028: .32=:99
M?6 M14>?3D1;6 S=1>633 .3 =.G1=143 0;5 3.N.80= D1 D?6
63D0F8.3?65 =67.6E 9=1>654=63 4365 FK 65.D1=.08 F10=53
1Q ?.G?8K =0;/.;G 3>.6;D.> c14=;083 D1 3686>D 0=D.>863
E1=D?K 1Q 94F8.>0D.1;A -48D.986 =67.6E6=3 0;5
3D0;50=5.V65 670840D.1; >=.D6=.0 0=6 4D.8.V65 .; F1D?
O40;D.D0D.76 0;5 O408.D0D.76 =67.6E3 1Q :6./. =6360=>?A
M?6 =6348D3 1Q 14= 670840D.1; D1 50D6 &; =!* 0=D.>863(
0=6 D0F480D65 .; 0 80D6= 36>D.1; 1Q D?.3 0=D.>86 &M0F86 !(A
M?636 0=D.>863 &N0=/65 E.D? 03D6=.3/3( 0=6 >.D65 .; D?6
j:6Q6=6;>63k 36>D.1; 1Q D?.3 0=D.>86A M?6 >1N986D.1; 1Q
966= =67.6E3 1; 088 6^.3D.;G :6./. =6360=>? 0=D.>863
D?=14G? <4;6 !""@ N0=/3 D?6 F6G.;;.;G 1Q D?6
-0.;D6;0;>6 S?036 1Q D?6 9=1c6>DA M60N 86056=3
>1;D.;46 D1 N66D N1;D?8K D1 >1;D.;41438K 4950D6 D?6
50D0F036 E.D? ;6E8K 94F8.3?65 :6./. =6360=>?
14D>1N63A X0>? 94F8.3?65 3D45K .3 >=.D.O465 43.;G D?6
3D0;50=5.V65 9=1>654=63 1Q D?6 M14>?3D1;6 S=1>633B
6;34=.;G 0>>4=0D6B 49PD1P50D6 0>>633 D1 D?6 3D0D43 1Q
:6./. =6360=>?A UD 0;K G.76; D.N6B 1;6 >0; 033633 G093
.; /;1E865G6 0;5 563.G; Q4D4=6 3D45.63B 0>>1=5.;G8KA
M?6 M14>?3D1;6 S=1>633 0;5 D?6 T6;D6= Q1= :6./.
:6360=>? E6=6 567681965 D1 F6 0 >6;D=08 >860=.;G?1436
1Q :6./. =6360=>? .;Q1=N0D.1; Q1= 9=0>D.D.1;6=3 0;5
=6360=>?6=3 08./6A M?6 T6;D6= Q1= :6./. :6360=>? ?03
567681965 0 H6F 3.D6 &EEEA>6;D6=Q1==6./.
=6360=>?A1=G( D1 N0/6 D?6 ;5.;G3 1Q D?6 M14>?3D1;6
S=1>633 070.80F86 D1 D?6 94F8.>A M?6 3.D6 8.3D3 088 1Q D?6
966=P=67.6E65 :6./. 3D45.63 .; D?6 9=1c6>D E.D?
*B:3755 03:8<9 78< 90706906=9 432> 01: ;36>73I
3:B6:J ;32=:99
M?6 M14>?3D1;6 S=1>633 .56;D.65 !* 966=P=67.6E65
:6./. 0=D.>863 .; D?6 >4==6;D 3>.6;D.>
8.D6=0D4=6B,,I#,I!,I%PIJ ,%"P', , 1Q E?.>? E6=6 qualitative
0;5 #@ E6=6 quantitativeA U 34=9=.3.;G ;5.;G E03
Copyright © 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
!*% LgYC_MCT Z2:_CZ` S:UTMCTX _XSMX-WX:igTMgWX: !"#"
$#2F" OE Major Primary and Additional
Weaknesses Specific to Each Article
P?)34Q #1.<,:)-
Ring46 A, B, C, E, H J, K, M, O
Raingruber and Robinson45 A, E, G, H J, K, M
Engebretson lWardell7A, B, C, E J
Wetzel53 A, B, C, D L
Sharma et al48 C, D, F K, L
Wardell and Engbretson52 A, C, D, E J
Wirth et al55 B, D, F, I
Olson et al43 A, B, C J
Brathovde37 B, D, E L
Potter44 AJ, K
Rubik et al47 M, N
P9<6R&3/5)Q #1.<,:)-
Shiflett et al49 A, B, C, D, F
Crawford et al40 A, B, C, D J, O
Tsang et al51 A, B, C J, K
Gillespie et al57 C, F L
Mackay et al42 B, D, F
Dressin and Singg41 A, C, F
Wirth et al54 B, I
P$*8R&3/5)Q #1.<,:)-
Vitale and O’Conner38 A, B J
Shore50 FN
Whelan and Wishnia32 B, H
Vitale31 B
Witte and Dundes56 D
Baldwin and Schwartz35 B
Baldwin et al36 B
Assefi et al34 B
A. Lack of blinding of participants to treatment group
B. Small sample size
C. Lack of blinding of data collectors
D. Convenience sample of participants
E. Lack of controls
F. Lack of information about participants (gender/age/race)
G. Lack of standardization of qualitative outputs
H. Lack of independent decision-audit trail
I. Using multiple treatment modalities simultaneously
J. Lack of sham Reiki treatment (if possible)
K. Lack of standardization of Reiki treatments within study
L. Lack of information about training level of Reiki practitioners
M. Lack of clarity of writing
N. Using Reiki practitioners of different levels in same study
O. Using Reiki practitioners as subjects receiving Reiki
D?0D 1;8K '"h 1Q D?6 0=D.>863 =67.6E65 9=17.565 Q488
.;Q1=N0D.1; 0F14D D?6 G6;56=B 0G6B 0;5 6D?;.>.DK 1Q D?6
6^96=.N6;D08 90=D.>.90;D3A CD .3 9133.F86 D?0D D?6
6QQ6>D.76;633 1Q :6./. N0K F6 .;46;>65 FK # 1= N1=6
1Q D?636 90=0N6D6=3A U>>1=5.;G D1 D?6 9=.N0=K
670840D.1; >=.D6=.0B 0F14D ?08Q &% 1Q ,$ ',h( 1Q D?6
O408.D0D.76 3D45.63 E6=6 >0D6G1=.V65 03 jE60/k 0;5 D?6
=63D &I 1Q ,$ %Ih( E6=6 3>1=65 03 j76=K G115k D1
j6^>6886;DAk U 3.N.80= 90DD6=; E03 366; Q1= D?6
O40;D.D0D.76 3D45.63 &, 1Q #@B mI,hn E6=6 jE60/k 0;5
% 1Q #@ m!#hn E6=6 j76=K G115k D1 j6^>6886;Dk(A Z1;6
1Q D?6 O408.D0D.76 0=D.>863 0;5 , &I,h( 1Q D?6 #@
O40;D.D0D.76 0=D.>863 E6=6 >8033.65 03 N.5=0;G6A C;
D1D08B ## &%!h( 1Q D?6 !* 3D45.63 E6=6 >0D6G1=.V65 03
jE60/k 0;5 , &!,h( 03 j76=K G115k D1 j6^>6886;Dk
&M0F86 !(A M?6 176=088 0;08K3.3 3?1E65 D?0D Q1=
O40;D.D0D.76 3D45.63 D?6=6 .3 0 Q0= 81;G6= ?.3D1=K 1Q
94F8.>0D.1; .; 966=P=67.6E65 c14=;083 D?0; Q1=
O408.D0D.76 3D45.63 &[.G4=63 !0 0;5 !FB =6396>D.768K(A
M?6 =3D 966=P=67.6E65 O40;D.D0D.76 0=D.>86 09960=65 .;
#@J@B E?6=603 D?6 =3D 966=P=67.6E65 O408.D0D.76
0=D.>86 5.5 ;1D 09960= 4;D.8 !""#A C; 055.D.1;B D?6
076=0G6 ;4NF6= 1Q 94F8.3?65 O40;D.D0D.76 3D45.63
.;>=60365 0QD6= !""IA ME1 1Q D?6 % O40;D.D0D.76 3D45.63
>8033.65 03 j6^>6886;Dk E6=6 94F8.3?65 .; !""JA
U;1D?6= ! 1Q D?6 % j6^>6886;Dk 3D45.63 &94F8.3?65 .;
!""* 0;5 !""J( .;718765 6^96=.N6;D3 1; 0;.N083
=0D?6= D?0; 1; ?4N0;3A U;.N083 0=6 90=D.>480=8K
=68670;D D1 :6./. 3D45.63 F6>0436 6^96=.N6;D3 E.D?
0;.N083 0=6 ;1D >1;Q14;565 FK D?6 5.QQ6=6;>63 .;
F68.6Q3 1= 8.Q63DK863B 03 1QD6; 1>>4=3 E.D? ?4N0;3B 0;5
D?43 D?6 436 1Q 0;.N083 86053 D1 N1=6 603.8K
.;D6=9=6D0F86 6^96=.N6;DA gQ D?6 J 3D45.63 >8033.65 03
j76=K G115k D1 j6^>6886;DBk 088 E6=6 94F8.3?65
F6DE66; !""# 0;5 !""@B 34GG63D.;G D?0D D?6 O408.DK 1Q
D?6 3D45.63 09960=3 D1 F6 .N9=17.;G E.D? D.N6A
M?6 N0.; 56>.6;>.63 1Q D?6 3D45.63B 03 03363365
43.;G D?6 9=.N0=K 670840D.1; >=.D6=.0B 0=6 8.3D65 .;
M0F86 IB D1G6D?6= E.D? D?6 ;4NF6=3 1Q 0=D.>863
>8033.65 03 jE60/Bk jN.5P=0;G6k &30D.3Q0>D1=K 1=
30D.3Q0>D1=Ki76=K G115(B 1= jD19 =0;G6k &76=K G115 D1
6^>6886;D( D?0D 3?1E65 60>? 90=D.>480= 56>.6;>KA M?6
N0.; 56>.6;>.63 0331>.0D65 E.D? 60>? 90=D.>480=
0=D.>86 0=6 3?1E; .; M0F86 !A [4=D?6= 56D0.83 >1;>6=;.;G
D?6 N6D?15181G.63 1Q D?6 =0;51N.V65 >1;D=18865 D=.083
.;>84565 .; D?6 M14>?3D1;6 S=1>633IJ,%"P%% ,%@P'# >0; F6
Q14;5 .; 0 9=67.143 94F8.>0D.1;A'J -13D 1Q D?6
56>.6;>.63 E6=6 =680D65 D1 0 E.56 =0;G6 1Q .;D6=;08
0;5 6^D6=;08 708.5.DK .33463 E.D? 6^96=.N6;D08 563.G;A
T1N90=65 D1 D?6 0=D.>863 >8033.65 03 jE60/Bk Q6E6= 1Q
D?136 >8033.65 03 jN.5 =0;G6Bk 0;5 Q0= Q6E6= 1Q D?6
jD19P=0;G6k 0=D.>863B 3?1E65 N0c1= 56>.6;>.63 6^>69D
D?0D 08N13D 088 D?6 0=D.>863 E6=6 >=.D.>.V65 Q1= D?6 3N088
30N986 3.V6A M?.3 90=D.>480= 56>.6;>K E03 D?6 1;8K
1;6 D?0D 390;;65 088 >0D6G1=.63 1Q N6=.DA U88 J 0=D.>863
D?0D E6=6 >8033.65 03 jD19 =0;G6k 56N1;3D=0D65
E688P563.G;65 N6D?15181GK 0;5 4D.8.V65 3D0;50=5.V65
D=60DN6;D 9=1D1>183 0;5 14D>1N6 90=0N6D6=3 D?0D ?05
F66; 9=67.1438K 708.50D65A
M0F86 % 8.3D3 055.D.1;08 E60/;63363 =6G0=5.;G
9=1F86N3 E.D? D?6 436 1Q :6./. 9=0>D.D.1;6=3 0;5 80>/
Copyright © 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Touchstone Process !*'
!BC%&" OE Graphs to show number and quality of peer-reviewed original Reiki research articles as a function of year of
publication for (a) qualitative and (b) quantitative articles.
1Q 176=088 >80=.DK 1Q E=.D.;GB 03 03363365 Q=1N D?6
_4NN0=K 3D0D6N6;D3A C;>84565 .; D?6 D0F86 .3
.;Q1=N0D.1; 3?1E.;G D?0D D?6 ;4NF6= 1Q 055.D.1;08
E60/;63363 96= 0=D.>86 E03 >1;3.3D6;D E.D? 60>?
9096=f3 g76=088 CN9=633.1; .; D?6 9=.N0=K 670840D.1;A
M?6 055.D.1;08 E60/;63363 0331>.0D65 E.D? 60>?
90=D.>480= 0=D.>86 0=6 3?1E; .; M0F86 !A
g76=088B D?6 =6348D3 Q=1N D?6 M14>?3D1;6 S=1>633
0;08K3.3 1Q D?6 !* 966=P=67.6E65 :6./. =6360=>?
0=D.>863 56N1;3D=0D65 D?0D 1;8K #! 1Q D?6
3D45.63I#BI!,I%PI* ,IJ,%",%#,%@,'",'%,'* E6=6 F0365 1; =1F43D
=6360=>? 563.G;3 0;5 E688P63D0F8.3?65 14D>1N6
90=0N6D6=3A M?636 0=D.>863 E6=6 033.G;65 E1=5
670840D.1;3 1Q j\6=K `115k 1= jX^>6886;Dk FK 0D 8603D
Copyright © 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
!** LgYC_MCT Z2:_CZ` S:UTMCTX _XSMX-WX:igTMgWX: !"#"
$#2F" ME Numbers of Articles of a Given Quality Demonstrating Each Particular Major Primary Weakness
S+TU)1 *J #1.<,:)-
?)34 9<6 $*8 &3/5)
A Lack of blinding of participants to treatment group 7 4 1
B Small sample size 6 5 6
C Lack of blinding of data collectors 6 5 0
D Convenience sample of participants 5 3 1
E Lack of controls 5 0 0
F Lack of information about participants (gender/age/race) 2 5 0
G Lack of standardization of qualitative outputs020 0
H Lack of independent decision-audit trail020 1
I Using multiple treatment modalities simultaneously 1 1 0
0For qualitative studies only.
# =67.6E6= 0;5 E6=6 ;1D >1;3.56=65 jE60/k FK 0;K
=67.6E6=A CD 3?1485 F6 ;1D65 D?0D N13D 1Q D?636 3D45.63
0=6 =6>6;DB .;5.>0D.;G D?0D D?6 3>.6;D.> 3D0;50=5 1Q
94F8.3?65 :6./. =6360=>?B 03 670840D65 FK D?6
M14>?3D1;6 S=1>633B .3 .N9=17.;GA
&2 01: ;/D5691:< ;::3C3:B6:J:< 90/<6:9 ;32B6<:
9/;;230 423 !:6@6K
M?6 #! 0=D.>863 D?0D E6=6 >8033.65 03 j\6=K `115k 1=
jX^>6886;Dk FK 0D 8603D # =67.6E6= E6=6 6^0N.;65 D1
56D6=N.;6 D1 E?0D 56G=66 D?6K 9=17.56 34991=D Q1= D?6
436 1Q :6./. 03 0 ?608.;G N1508.DKA M?6 =6348D3 E6=6
N.^65A g; D?6 ;6G0D.76 3.56B 1;6 3D45K 3?1E65 318.5
67.56;>6 1Q ;1 6QQ6>D 1Q :6./. 1= D14>? 1; =654>.;G
90.; =6348D.;G Q=1N F=1NK08G.0AI% M?.3 90=D.>480=
3D45K E03 76=K E688 563.G;65 0;5 .;>84565 3?0N :6./.
G=1493A L1E676=B D?6 6^96=.N6;D E03 ;1D 91E6=65 D1
56D6>D 34FD86 >?0;G63 .; 90.; 96=>69D.1;B 0;5
05?6=6;>6 D1 3D0;50=5.V65 :6./. ?0;5 913.D.1;3 N0K
$#2F" NE Numbers of Articles of a Given Category of Quality Demonstrating Each Particular Additional
Weakness Assessed from Summaries
S+TU)1 *J #1.<,:)-
?)34 9<6 $*8 &3/5)
J Lack of sham Reiki treatment0(if possible) 6 2 1
K Lack of standardization of Reiki treatments within study 4 1 0
L Lack of information about training level of Reiki practitioners 3 1 0
M Lack of clarity of writing 3 0 0
N Using Reiki practitioners of different levels in same study 1 1 0
O Using Reiki practitioners as subjects receiving Reiki 1 1 0
0An example of a sham Reiki treatment would be when a person, untrained in energy healing, assumes the hand positions of a Reiki practitioner as if
delivering Reiki to a participant.
?076 ;6G86>D65 .;5.7.5408 90=D.>.90;D ;6653A U;1D?6=
3D45K E03 34GG63D.76 1Q ;1 6QQ6>D 1Q :6./. .;
913D3D=1/6 =6?0F.8.D0D.1; 0;5 =6>176=KA%@ M?.3 3D45K
4365 1;8K 0 3N088 30N986 3.V6B 0;5 D?6 Q4;>D.1;08
.;5696;56;>6 N6034=6 4365 Q1= 670840D.;G =6>176=K
N0K ;1D ?076 F66; 34Q>.6;D8K 36;3.D.76 F6>0436 .D 5.5
;1D .;>8456 0 >1G;.D.76 >1N91;6;DA U 3?0N >1;D=18
G=149 E03 .;>84565 .; D?6 3D45KA
[.76 0=D.>863 3?1E65 N.^65 1= >1;5.D.1;08 =6348D3A
H.=D? 6D 08'% 56N1;3D=0D65 3.G;.>0;D =654>D.1; .;
913D196=0D.76 90.; 0QD6= D11D? 6^D=0>D.1; .; 90D.6;D3
E?1 =6>6.765 0 >1NF.;0D.1; 1Q :6./. 0;5 Y0_?0;
D?6=09KA L1E676=B .D .3 ;1D 9133.F86 D1 56D6=N.;6 D?6
6QQ6>D 1Q :6./. 03 1991365 D1 Y0_?0; 0;5 D?6=6 E03 ;1
D=46 >1;D=18 G=149A T=0EQ1=5 6D 08%" 3?1E65 D?0D :6./.
3.G;.>0;D8K .N9=1765 >1G;.D.1; 3/.883 .; 6856=8K
90D.6;D3 E.D? N.85 U8V?6.N6= 5.36036 1= N.85 >1G;.D.76
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Copyright © 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Touchstone Process !*,
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Copyright © 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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Copyright © 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Touchstone Process !*@
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.;G U=D L0;5F11/(A Reiki News. !""*$'&!()#JA
!A d0N0G4>?. MA Light on the Origins of ReikiA ME.; Y0/63B HC) Y1D43
Y.G?D$ !"",)*!A
IA :0;5 HA Reiki, The Healing TouchA _14D?685B -C) \.3.1; S4F8.>0D.1;3$
%A M?1N9/.;3 <<A Mastering Reiki: A Practicing and Teaching PrimerA _D
S048B -Z) Y86E688K; S4F8.>0D.1;3$ !""!A
'A :0;5 HA The Reiki Touch BookletA W14856=B Tg) _14;53 M=46$ !""'A
*A :1E80;5 U]A Traditional Reiki for Our TimesA :1>?63D6=B \M) L608.;G
U=D3 S=633$ #@@J)!@A
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,A X;G6F=6D31; <B H0=5688 RHA X^96=.6;>6 1Q 0 :6./. 3633.1;A Altern Ther
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JA 234. -B S6DD6= [UA The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr. Mikao UsuiA
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#"A `.88 YA -1=6 ?139.D083 1QQ6= 08D6=;0D.76 D?6=09.63 Q1= N.;5B F15KB
39.=.DA USA Today. ?DD9)iiEEEA430D150KA>1Ni;6E3i?608D?i!""JP!""@P
!"#%P08D6=;0D.76PD?6=09.63 ZA?DNA S4F8.3?65 _69D6NF6= #'B !""JA
##A UN6=.>0; L18.3D.> Z4=363 U331>.0D.1; 0;5 UN6=.>0; Z4=363 U331>.0P
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#IA Z0D.1;08 T6;D6= 1Q T1N986N6;D0=K 0;5 U8D6=;0D.76 -65.>.;6A _D0D.3P
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#JA _96;>6 YA :6./. 0;5 >0;>6=A Reiki News. !""!$#&!()#IA
#@A _D1881; -A :6./. ?6893 9=13D=0D6 >0;>6=A Reiki News. !""%$I&#()*#A
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!#A -.863 SB M=46 `A :6./.P=67.6E 1Q 0 F.1685 D?6=09K ?.3D1=KB D?61=KB 9=0>P
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!!A X;G6F=6D31; <A L0;53P1;) D?6 96=3.3D6;D N6D09?1= .; ;4=3.;GA Holist
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!IA R.;4>>. X-A C;D6=G=0D.;G 6;6=GK ?608.;G .; ;6E 6;7.=1;N6;D3 0;5 Q1=
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I#A \.D086 UA Z4=363f 8.765 6^96=.6;>6 1Q :6./. Q1= 368QP>0=6A Holist Nurs
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'%A H.=D? RSB W=6;80; R:B Y67.;6 :<B :15=.G46V T-A M?6 6QQ6>D 1Q >1NP
986N6;D0=K ?608.;G D?6=09K 1; 913D196=0D.76 90.; 0QD6= 34=G.>08 =6N1708
1Q .N90>D65 D?.=5 N180= D66D?A Complement Ther Med. #@@I$#)#IIP
''A H.=D? RSB T?0;G :<B X568N0; H_B S0^D1; <WA L06N0D181G.>08 .;P
5.>0D1=3 1Q 0 >1N986N6;D0=K .;D6=76;D.1;A Complement Ther Med.
'*A H.DD6 RB R4;563 YA L0=;633.;G 8.Q6 6;6=GK 1= E.3?Q48 D?.;/.;Go
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',A `.88639.6 XUB `.88639.6 WHB _D676;3 -<A S0.;Q48 5.0F6D.> ;64=190D?K)
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'JA 70;56=\00=D _B `.c36; \-B 56 H.85D _ZB a1=6; `A U 3K3D6N0D.>
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The Touchstone Process !,#
=67.6E 1Q D?6 D?6=0964D.> 6QQ6>D3 1Q :6./.A J Altern Complement Med.
'@A Y66 -_B S.DD86= -LB X=;3D XA XQQ6>D3 1Q :6./. .; >8.;.>08 9=0>D.>6)
0 3K3D6N0D.> =67.6E 1Q =0;51N.V65 >8.;.>08 D=.083A Int J Clin Pract.
*"A <0.; _B -.883 S<A W.1685 D?6=09.63) ?689Q48 1= Q488 1Q ?K96o U F63D
67.56;>6 3K;D?63.3A Int J Behav Med. !"#"$#,&#()#P#*A
*#A Y66 TgA T8.;.>08 D=.083 .; >0;>6= 90=D CCA W.1N65.>08B >1N986N6;P
D0=KB 0;5 08D6=;0D.76 N65.>.;6) 3.G;.>0;D .33463A Clin J Oncol Nurs.
*!A gf-0D?4;0 RSA :6./. Q1= =680^0D.1; 0;5 90.; =68.6QA Altern Ther
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3>.6;>6A Rogerian Nurs Sci News. #@@*$J&I()#%P#'A
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Copyright © 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Touchstone Process !,I
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Copyright © 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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Copyright © 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Touchstone Process !,'
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Copyright © 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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Copyright © 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
... [9][10][11] As is the case for most healthcare interventions, BFTs have been tested in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to build an evidence base. 4,[12][13][14][15] While these reviews include trials with both positive and negative findings for specific BFTs in a range of conditions, the reviewers also caution that drawing robust conclusions regarding efficacy and effectiveness is often limited by incomplete descriptions of experimental details. 4,5,15,16 The broad issue of inconsistent reporting of RCTs, which is addressed for BFT trials in the present paper, was first brought to the attention of the clinical research community in a formal manner by CONSORT, the CONsolidated Standards of Reporting Trials, published initially in 1996 17 and revised most recently in 2010. ...
Full-text available
A set of guidelines has been developed to help improve reporting of clinical trials of biofield therapies. The need for enhanced transparency when reporting trials of this family of integrative health practices, eg, External Qigong, Healing Touch, Reiki and Therapeutic Touch, has been advocated in systematic reviews of these studies. The guidelines, called Biofield Therapies: Reporting Evidence Guidelines (BiFi REGs), supplement CONsolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) 2010 by including details of the intervention protocols relevant to biofield therapy trials. BiFi REGs evolved through a draft document created by a core group, two rounds of a Delphi process with an international group of subject matter experts and two panels, meeting via Zoom, which included editors of complementary and integrative medicine journals. BiFi REGs comprises a 15-item Intervention checklist. Modifications of two other CONSORT topic areas are also proposed to enhance their relevance to trials of biofield therapies. Included for each item are an explanation, and exemplars of reporting from peer-reviewed published reports of biofield therapy trials. When used in conjunction with all other items from CONSORT 2010, we anticipate that BiFi REGs will expedite the peer review process for biofield therapy trials, facilitate attempts at trial replication and help to inform decision-making in the clinical practice of biofield therapies.
... [9][10][11] As is the case for most healthcare interventions, BFTs have been tested in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to build an evidence base. 4,[12][13][14][15] While these reviews include trials with both positive and negative findings for specific BFTs in a range of clinical conditions, the reviewers also caution that drawing robust conclusions regarding efficacy and effectiveness is often limited by incomplete descriptions of experimental details. 4,5,15,16 . ...
... [9][10][11] As is the case for most healthcare interventions, BFTs have been tested in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to build an evidence base. 4,[12][13][14][15] While these reviews include trials with both positive and negative findings for specific BFTs in a range of conditions, the reviewers also caution that drawing robust conclusions regarding efficacy and effectiveness is often limited by incomplete descriptions of experimental details. 4,5,15,16 The broad issue of inconsistent reporting of RCTs, which is addressed for BFT trials in the present paper, was first brought to the attention of the clinical research community in a formal manner by CONSORT, the CONsolidated Standards of Reporting Trials, published initially in 1996 17 and revised most recently in 2010. ...
Highlights Guidelines have been created to improve the reporting of clinical trials of biofield therapies, e.g. External Qigong, Healing Touch, Reiki, and Therapeutic Touch. Appropriate use of these guidelines is likely to strengthen the evidence base for biofield therapies as well as increase their usage as stand-alone practices and as complementary therapies within mainstream healthcare.
... The findings of these investigations, however, have been mixed. Several systematic reviews on various EM modalities conclude that, despite many of those studies having flawed study designs, promising outcomes have been reported which warrants further research with sounder methodologies to determine their efficacy [14,[42][43][44][45][46]. The future prospect of EM is a topic of ongoing research and debate. ...
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Energy medicine (EM), is a type of complementary and alternative medicine, which encompasses a range of practices aimed at promoting holistic well-being through the manipulation of energy fields within the body. EM has immense potential in delivering valuable support in a wide range of health conditions. It is imperative for healthcare professionals to be aware of EM, its safety and efficacy in the management of various conditions. Despite its growing popularity, EM remains controversial and encounters several barriers to its recognition and acceptance by the medical fraternity. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the concept and practice of EM including its history, various types, mechanism of action, applications, driving factors for its practice, current status and future prospects. Putative types of EM modalities are the focus of this paper. Additionally, we examine the challenges to its widespread recognition and acceptance and discuss the importance of further rigorous scientific research to establish its efficacy and safety and bridge the gap between conventional and energy medicine.
... It should be noted that practitioners do not provide their energy but act as a channel, allowing the body and the energy to be directed intelligently to where they believe the best impact can be generated. [31][32][33][34][35] This bioenergetic therapy is easy to learn and use and can be applied in 3 different ways: face-to-face, distance, and by oneself. The benefits of this therapy include relaxation and a reduction of stress, anxiety, depression, pain, and fatigue, as well as providing the client with a more positive and optimistic outlook on life. ...
Evidence has been found of how the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has increased stress and anxiety indicators. Against this background, the present research aims to determine the effect of a distance Reiki intervention program on stress and anxiety during the period of isolation due to COVID-19 among people working in the city of Lima, Peru. The related hypothesis was that distance Reiki would generate a reduction in stress and anxiety levels. It was a quasiexperimental design with pre- and posttests, with nonprobabilistic purposive sampling. In total, 28 employees participated (12 in the experimental group and 16 in the control group). As part of the method, the following instruments were used: the EPGE, IDARE, and Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS). There was a large decrease in the distress parameter (Cohen's d = 1.006), as well as in the state anxiety parameter (d = 1.678) and a large increase in eustress (d = 0.921). Similarly, there was an overall reduction in the trait anxiety parameter (d = 0.373) in all cases as compared with the control group. Coronavirus anxiety showed no major impact. These results provide initial evidence on the effects of distance Reiki among Peruvians and provide the basis for promoting this cost-effective therapy, generating a practical and social contribution.
... Метод, запропонований японським цілителем Мікао Усуі у 1922 році, отримав свою назву як похідне від двох японських слів: рей (Всесвіт, дух душа) та кі (енергія, розум, настрій). Рейкірозповсюджена у багатьох країнах альтернативна лікувальна та духовна практика, яку, за даними Американського коледжу кардіології [2], на початок XXI сторіччя у світі практикувало близько 500 000 енерготерапевтів (майстрів Рейкі), а у 2010 році, за даними Baldwin A.L. et al., їх нараховували вже 2 млн [3]. Вважається, що Рейкі не може заподіяти шкоду здоров'ю людини, якщо його не використовують як єдиний метод замість стандартної офіційно схваленої терапії. ...
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Bioenergy therapy method Reiki, existing since 1922, is widespread in Europe, Asia, North America, Australia, and the former Soviet Union. According to the US National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), Reiki belongs to the methods of com­plementary and alternative medicine, but is increasingly used as a standard procedure in hospitals, hospices and rehabilitation centers. Most of the published results of Reiki efficacy studies relate to pain relief, anxiety, depression, and fatigue. The effects of Reiki for reducing the effects of strokes, epilepsy, normalization of the nervous, immune and endocrine systems in the rehabilitation and overcoming the effects of distress are studied. Studies concern humans, animals, and bacterial cultures. Special attention should be paid to recent studies conducted with a large number of patients, design and methods of evaluation of results that meet the standards of modern traditional evidence-based medicine. To determine promising areas for further research, PubMed information on the proven effects of Reiki on chronic and acute pain, stress-induced states, motor and sensitivity functions, immunity, metabolic and hormonal processes, inflammation, edema, microcirculation in the perspective of physical therapy and rehabilitation. Among the studies of the last twenty years are studies with small samples of patients and animals, which contain interesting hypotheses about the possible mechanisms of action of Reiki. In particular, this is a study by Dyer N.L. et al. (2019). The high interest of researchers in Reiki therapy and good acceptance of the method by many patients were noted. Researchers constantly note that the study of the effectiveness of Reiki should be continued, and determine what part of the effect belongs to the placebo. Other aspects of impact require standardization of methods, randomization, blinding, and strict control of results. Keywords: Reiki, physical therapy, rehabilitation, clinical effects, evidence-based medicine.
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Este documento inclui todas as informações sobre a 2.ª edição da formação de Psicoterapeutas Clássicos e Professores de Reiki, criada e facultada por Sandra Ramos e Jorge A. Ramos, com ensino à distância (EAD) e/ou presencial, teórico e prático, entre maio de 2023 e fevereiro de 2024.
Two therapeutic modalities of touch, physical touch and healing touch or reiki, used by nurses in cancer care to promote healing, resilience, and well-being are discussed from their theoretical underpinnings, scientific evidence, and relevant clinical contexts.The empirically known effects of affective (gentle, tactile touch) and affectionate physical touch and of biofield modalities (reiki and healing touch) within the context of the nurse-patient and patient-caregiver or partner relationships are examined through experimental and clinical research findings in relation to psychological, physical, and neurobiological outcomes.KeywordsAffective and affectionate forms of physical touchAttachment and embodiment theoriesReikiTherapeutic and healing touchBiofield modalitiesCancer care
The effect of Therapeutic Touch, Reiki, LeShan, and Qigong Therapy in combination on haematological measures was examined in an exploratory pilot study utilizing a randomized, double-blind, within-subject, crossover design. Fourteen subjects were randomly assigned to treatment and control conditions for two one-hour evaluation sessions separated by a 24-hour period. Six blood samples were taken from each subject — three during the treatment condition and three during the control condition — for a total of 84 separate analyses. Blood samples were taken prior to the commencement of each evaluation session as well as at 30- and 60-minute intervals and analyzed using an i-STAT point-of-care clinical analyzer. Treatment intervention included a distant healing element — with Reiki and LeShan healers working conjunctively — as well as an inperson healing period wherein a Qigong and Therapeutic Touch practitioner worked independently through a one-way mirror. The subjects were blinded to the treatment intervention as well as to the nature of the experimental protocol in order to control for suggestion, expectation of healing, and the placebo effect. The results demonstrated that the treatment had a significant effect versus the control condition for urea nitrogen values at time point two (P = 0.02), as well as significance for blood glucose values at time point one (P = 0.03) and time point two (P = 0.0001). The findings of the study are considered preliminary in nature, however, due to the fact that the significant effects demonstrated may have been influenced by several factors other than the treatment intervention including: psychophysiological factors, the incorporation of meditation into the experimental protocol, dietary and measurement variability elements, the experimenter effect, and the utilization of subjects who were students/patients of the Qigong practitioner.
This study utilized a randomized, double-blind, within subject, crossover design to examine the effect of Reiki and LeShan healing in combination on iatrogenic pain experienced after unilateral operative extraction of the lower third molar. Two separate operations were performed on 21 patients with bilateral, asymptomatic, impacted lower third molar teeth. The patients were randomly assigned to the treatment or control condition prior to the first operation. For the second operation, patients crossed over to the opposite condition - i.e. those subjects who were in the treatment group for the first operation became control group subjects for the second operation, and those subjects who were in the control group for the first operation became treatment group subjects for the second operation.All pre-operative and postoperative conditions were identical for the treatment and control groups for both operations, with the exception that the treatment group received Reiki and LeShan healing postoperatively. The patients assessed their pain intensity using a 100 mm visual analogue scale for postoperative hours 3 through 9, and pain relief using a 5 point scale for hours 4 through 9. A statistically significant difference was found between the treatment and control groups in both the level of pain intensity and degree of pain relief experienced for postoperative hours 4 through 9.
Healing therapies which employ touch and are based on the premise of a human energy field are gaiping in popularity and support. Reiki, a Tibetan healing art, is one such modality. But Reiki has not yet been submitted to close scientific scrutiny. Using Krieger's protocol for hemoglobin studies within the context of Therapeutic Touch, forty-eight adults participating in First Degree Reiki Training were tested. Findings revealed a statistically significant change in the hemoglobin and hematocrit levels of the participants at the P =.01 level. A comparable control group, not experiencing the training, demonstrated no change within an identical time frame. Further research is necessary to clarify the physiologic effects of touch healing.
Biological correlates of Reiki Touchsm healing Background. Despite the popularity of touch therapies, theoretical understanding of the mechanisms of effect is not well developed and there is limited research measuring biological outcomes. Aims. The aim of this study was to test a framework of relaxation or stress reduction as a mechanism of touch therapy. Methods. The study was conducted in 1996 and involved the examination of select physiological and biochemical effects and the experience of 30 minutes of Reiki, a form of touch therapy. A single group repeated measure design was used to study Reiki Touch’ssm effects with a convenience sample of 23 essentially healthy subjects. Biological markers related to stress-reduction response included state anxiety, salivary IgA and cortisol, blood pressure, galvanic skin response (GSR), muscle tension and skin temperature. Data were collected before, during and immediately after the session. Results. Comparing before and after measures, anxiety was significantly reduced, t(22)=2·45, P=0·02. Salivary IgA levels rose significantly, t(19)=2·33, P=0·03, however, salivary cortisol was not statistically significant. There was a significant drop in systolic blood pressure (SBP), F(2, 44)=6·60, P < 0·01. Skin temperature increased and electromyograph (EMG) decreased during the treatment, but before and after differences were not significant. Conclusions. These findings suggest both biochemical and physiological changes in the direction of relaxation. The salivary IgA findings warrant further study to explore the effects of human TT and humeral immune function.