
Changes in Dispositional Empathy in American College Students Over Time: A Meta-Analysis

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The current study examines changes over time in a commonly used measure of dispositional empathy. A cross-temporal meta-analysis was conducted on 72 samples of American college students who completed at least one of the four subscales (Empathic Concern, Perspective Taking, Fantasy, and Personal Distress) of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) between 1979 and 2009 (total N = 13,737). Overall, the authors found changes in the most prototypically empathic subscales of the IRI: Empathic Concern was most sharply dropping, followed by Perspective Taking. The IRI Fantasy and Personal Distress subscales exhibited no changes over time. Additional analyses found that the declines in Perspective Taking and Empathic Concern are relatively recent phenomena and are most pronounced in samples from after 2000.

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... Empathic ability is an individual asset, yet it may bring both individual and public benefits in its promotion of "unity and cooperation" [5]. Thus, empathy is an essential skill that needs to be cultivated with specific orientations. ...
... One of the possible explanations for this apparent ignorance of a different viewpoint Dolby [10] proposed was the decrease of empathy among students today. Dolby's findings [10] in this case study echo a slightly earlier study [5], which demonstrated a 40% decline of empathy among college students from 1972 to 2009 in a meta-analysis of 72 studies on empathy. ...
... In order to address the issue that "people today are not as empathic as previous generations" [5], educators have attempted various strategies with a focus on improving students' empathy. Digital devices were employed as a teaching tool and pedagogical programs for empathy education were conducted in university classrooms. ...
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The prevalence of the Internet and the development of digital technology have enabled people to communicate with each other easily and instantly. Yet the physical distance in virtual communication may inhibit intimacy and the expression of empathy towards each other. This paper has carried out a review study on the experiments of empathy training for college students, aimed at finding out the effective strategies for intervention activities. The review shows that educators incorporated various digital means into the curriculum design so that students may interact with each other online or with computer programs. In addition, self-reflection through writing and digital stories plays an essential role in the cultivation of empathy. Finally, the paper points out that further research should raise more concerns about the full-view assessment of empathy training results and the sustained development of empathic ability. The paper argues for the inclusion of more diversified subjects in the experiments.
... Researchers have studied empathy for decades (Konrath et al., 2011) but have only recently begun to examine the construct of objectification (Fredrickson & Roberts, 1997;Moradi & Huang, 2008; and the connection between empathy and objectification (Bernard, et al., 2020). Researchers theorized that the hypersexuality of western culture encourages individuals to adopt cultural standards of beauty, placing an emphasis on physical traits over personhood (Fredrickson & Roberts, 1997). ...
... After data cleaning, a final sample size of 1,584 participants was obtained. Overall, the sample used in this study is similar to other samples included in investigations with emerging adult college students (e.g., majority white, heterosexual, female participants; see Konrath et al., 2011). ...
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The objectification of others is an important phenomenon in the cycle of objectification. However, few instruments measure the construct of other-objectification. This study examines the psychometric properties of Objectification of Others Scale using a sample of emerging adults (N = 1,584). Two random subsamples (n = 792) of the dataset were used to conduct exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, resulting in a two-factor model that explained 72.37% of the variance. We address limitations of the instrument and make recommendations for future research.
... It has been proved to be a source of altruistic motivation [7] and high empathy was found associated with prosocial behavior [8] . Nevertheless, empathy has been found decreasing among college students in recent years [9] , and one likely contributor is the pervasive digital technology and social media use in daily life [9][10] . Research focusing on the empathy education with digital strategies appeared in large numbers [11][12][13] , aiming to help students in college realize the importance of perspective taking and emphatic reactions in online communication. ...
... It has been proved to be a source of altruistic motivation [7] and high empathy was found associated with prosocial behavior [8] . Nevertheless, empathy has been found decreasing among college students in recent years [9] , and one likely contributor is the pervasive digital technology and social media use in daily life [9][10] . Research focusing on the empathy education with digital strategies appeared in large numbers [11][12][13] , aiming to help students in college realize the importance of perspective taking and emphatic reactions in online communication. ...
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In an era dominated by digital technology, the study of empathy in digital environment has gained increasing attention. This paper has analyzed the comments responding to the interviews featuring grassroots’ struggle on a popular Chinese video-sharing platform Bilibili, and found that those comments expressing empathy can be categorized into three types according to the Interpersonal Reactivity Index: comments showing empathic concerns, comments demonstrating perspective-taking, and comments sharing similar personal stories. The paper discovered that, in the video-audience relationship, empathic comments turned to more description of similar self-experience than emotional concerns and perspective-taking in order to show understanding of other’s emotions. This paper has expanded the study of empathy based on post-comment interactions and added to the exploration of reading emotions in texts.
... Der größte Schwund ergab sich ab dem Jahr 2000. Auch die Fähigkeit zur Perspektivübernahme sank in dieser Zeit um 34 % (Konrath, O'Brien, Hsing, 2011). Im gleichen Zeitraum verzeichnete der Narzissmus nach Untersuchungen von Twenge und Campbell in den USA neue Höhenflüge, sie sprachen in diesem Zusammenhang sogar von einer narzisstischen Epidemie (Twenge u. ...
... Obwohl also die Studie von Konrath et al. (2011) über den Rückgang von Empathie schon neun Jahre alt ist, hat sie bis heute nichts an Relevanz eingebüßt. Im Gegenteil, das Problem scheint sich nicht etwa gemildert, sondern eher noch verschärft zu haben. ...
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In dem Beitrag geht es um eine Diskussion des in wissenschaftlichen Studien, aber auch in glo-balen Wirtschaftsverbänden beklagten weltweiten und großflächigen Verschwindens von Em-pathie. Im Fokus steht eine ausführliche Debatte zum nicht nur psychoanalytischen Verständ-nis von "Empathie", wobei soziologische Erkundungen zum Thema "Resonanz" in die Analyse einbezogen werden. Deutlich herausgearbeitet wird dabei, dass insbesondere die neuen Medien empathische und das heißt resonante Beziehungsverhältnisse aushöhlen und damit rechtsradi-kalen Kräften und auch gesellschaftlicher Radikalisierung Vorschub leisten. Gruppenpsychother.
... This is consistent with other research linking the capacity for empathy with vicarious stress (Huggard & Unit, 2013;Jennings & Min, 2023). As one might expect, this association was strongest for PD, which may be construed as the epitome of vicarious stress (Konrath et al., 2011). Similarly, FS has previously been associated with emotional vulnerability, so the positive correlation with stress aligns with existing evidence as well (Davis, 1983b). ...
... In terms of EC, however, these findings are somewhat more notable. EC has previously been conceptualized as a particularly adaptive dimension of empathy that drives compassion and galvanizes altruistic intent, thus increasing feelings of self-efficacy and self-esteem, and buffering stress (Davis, 1980b;Haslam et al., 2018;Konrath et al., 2011). Our results diverge somewhat from this literature, though, by showing a positive association between EC and stress. ...
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Background Empathy has been associated with a range of positive outcomes, including social connection, pro‐social behavior, and mental health. Nonetheless, acknowledging the multidimensional aspects of empathy, budding research indicates that sometimes empathy may precipitate negative health outcomes. Aim In the present paper, we explore the extent to which the multidimensional aspects of empathy—as measured by the Interpersonal Reactivity Index—may relate to the experience of increased stress during the COVID‐19 pandemic. We also examine potential behavioral moderators (altruism) and social mediators (loneliness) of any such effect. Method We conducted a cross‐sectional survey study of 2595 Danish university students and implemented linear regression analyses to determine the relationships between our key variables. Results In both crude and adjusted regression models, our findings indicate positive associations between the IRI subscales Fantasy, Empathic Concern, and Personal Distress on self‐reported stress and loneliness. Perspective Taking was marginally and inversely associated with stress but not loneliness. Altruism did not moderate these associations, but loneliness did mediate the effects of Fantasy, Empathic Concern, and Personal Distress on stress. Discussion Our results emphasize the importance of conceptualizing empathy in multi‐dimensional terms. Further, our study highlights the potential negative health consequences of empathy in certain settings. These results may help focus future research in this area and feed into mental health interventions.
... Past experiences with cyberbullying can affect individuals' perception of severity, potentially leading to desensitization effects (Strasburger & Wilson, 2014;Konrath et al., 2011). Additionally, empathy arousal may be hindered in the cyber context due to the absence of non-verbal cues, impacting bystanders' ability to empathize with victims . ...
... Perceived incident severity also mediates between various variables and bystander behavior, wit h individuals less willing to intervene if they blame the victim (Koehler & Weber, 2018;Obermaier et al., 2016). Exposure to cyberbullying experiences can desensitize individuals, diminishing empathy arousal, particularly in online settings where non-verbal cues are limited (Konrath et al., 2011;. However, the severity of the incident itself can influence empathy arousal, with more serious incidents eliciting greater empathy, though witnessing cyberbullying perpetration may reduce perceived severity and empathy levels among bystanders, potentially due to diminished perceived rewards for intervention (Wang, 2021;Zhao et al., 2023). ...
... For instance, Javaeed et al. (2022) found that the mean empathy scores for all four constructs (examined above) of undergraduate medical students were higher than those in the present study. Konrath et al. (2011) conducted a cross-temporal meta-analysis to assess empathy levels of college students between 1979 and 2009. They found that there was a significant decline in empathic concern and perspective-taking, while fantasy and personal distress remained relatively stable. ...
Empathy is the ability to understand the thoughts, behaviors, and feelings of others. In addition to fostering strong relationships and overall personal growth, empathy plays a crucial role in college students achieving positive academic outcomes. However, a knowledge gap exists concerning the role and impact of empathy among college students, particularly Black/African American students at historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). This research aims to address this gap by examining those students’ empathy levels and their association with academic achievement. The study found relatively low levels of empathy and a negative association between empathy and academic performance. Further research is needed for a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between empathy and academic achievement among HBCU students.
... may increasingly characterize generations of young adults (Twenge 2013) and that these changes may be due to increasing individualism within Western societies (Bianchi 2016;Greenfield 2016;Grossmann and Varnum 2015). Possible candidate causes have been suggested to be related to crosstemporal increases in self-esteem (Gentile, Twenge, and Campbell 2010;Twenge and Campbell 2001), decreases in empathy (Konrath, O'Brien, and Hsing 2011), or decreases in trust in the community and religious institutions (Twenge, Campbell, and Carter 2014). ...
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Objective Several recent accounts have failed to replicate the so‐called Narcissism Epidemic, suggesting potential influences of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) in 2008 as a reason for narcissism trend reversals. Here, we provide evidence for narcissism test score changes from 1982 to 2023. Methods We investigated self‐report data on the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) from 1105 studies ( k = 1621, N = 546,225) using precision‐weighted cross‐temporal meta‐analysis. Results Data collection years were meaningfully negatively associated with narcissism scores in virtually all analyses ( b s: −0.409 to −0.008; partial eta square's: < 0.001 to 0.118; p s: < 0.001 to 0.174), thus indicating cross‐temporally decreasing narcissism self‐report scores. Examination of regression segments pre‐ and post‐dating the GFC and segmented line regressions indicated mostly stable narcissism scores during the 1980s and 1990s that subsequently showed negative slopes with somewhat differing decreases onsets according to analytical subsets. Conclusions Here, we provide evidence for negative cross‐temporal changes in narcissism from 1982 to 2023 globally, thus contrasting the idea of a Narcissism Epidemic having taken place at any point during the past four decades. Changes appear to generalize across different regions and participant sex, although mean scores were differentiated, yielding higher narcissism values for North American and younger samples.
... Considering the increased use of digital technology on individuals and society, the early 2000s explosion of digital technology and media use can negatively affect individuals, such as people becoming more concerned with themselves and interacting less with real people. This situation may also decrease empathy (Konrath et al., 2011). Some notable theorists, such as Turkle (2011), argue that mobile communication technologies, while sometimes facilitating communication, harm interpersonal relationships. ...
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The widespread use of digital technologies and online social networks causes a shift that has a pronounced impact on public space, public life, and public space design. However, research into this transformation is quite constrained. This study aims to illuminate how digital technologies influence individuals and their behavior in public spaces. A comprehensive conceptual scale was developed in the study to assess the impact of digital technology use on human behavior in public spaces. A structural equation model (SEM) was proposed after testing the scale’s construct validity. According to the findings, the factors influencing the scale were social isolation (F1), media influence (F2), placelessness and/or homogeneity (F3), techno-stress-related social anxiety (F4), and digital addiction (F5). The SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) results demonstrated strong relationships among these factors, with digital addiction significantly predicting social isolation (β = .90; p < .01) and placelessness (β = .74; p < .01). The media influence factor had the most substantial effect on techno-stress-related social anxiety. This study contributes significantly to the literature by understanding the influences of digital technologies on public life and adapting public space design to this new reality. The findings also guide prospective studies into the effects of digital technologies in public spaces, offering valuable insights for urban planning, social psychology, architecture, and social sciences research.
... A reference should also be made to the social phenomenon of empathy regression. The decreasing level of empathy is a phenomenon which translates into educational processes (Konrath et al., 2011). In our opinion, the only effective measure which could improve the situation regarding this phenomenon in education of nurses and midwives would be an implementation of changes to the curriculum of the bachelor programme. ...
... in non-clinical adult populations (Konrath et al., 2011), is associated with depression (Kim and Han, 2018), and is unaffected by antidepressant treatment (Rütgen et al., 2019). ...
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Several studies indicate a link between personal distress and vulnerability to depression. The literature also suggests that personal distress is associated with emotion dysregulation and that emotion dysregulation plays a role in depression. However, which of the various emotion regulation difficulties mediates the relationship between personal distress and depression remains unexplored. This study therefore aims to investigate the mediating role of specific emotion regulation difficulties in the relationship between personal distress and depression. Of the 702 initially recruited participants, 635 completed a survey comprising the Interpersonal Reactivity Index, the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale, and the Beck Depression Inventory. A mediation analysis was used to explore which emotion regulation difficulties mediate the relationship between personal distress and depression. Over a quarter (27%) of participants reported moderate-severe depression symptoms. Difficulties in accessing adaptive emotion regulation strategies and in having a clear understanding about one's own emotions partly mediated the relationship between personal distress and depression symptoms. Our results are the first to indicate that personal distress is linked to depression risk through specific emotion regulation difficulties in medical students. They also highlight possible modifiable skills that could be targeted by prevention intervention.
... It is possible that different aspects of empathy (e.g., emotional vs. cognitive) may relate to motives differently. Alternatively, because cohort data suggest dispositional levels of empathy among emerging adults have declined since the 1990s, it is possible that the connection with thrill watching has also decreased (Konrath et al., 2011). However, our sample mean on empathic concern was 4.03 on a 5-point scale, so we find this a less likely explanation than debates about the complexities of defining and measuring empathy. ...
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Horror narratives are common forms of entertainment and are found across history and culture. The appeal of horror entertainment is paradoxical because the success of these products hinges upon provoking negative emotions like anxiety, disgust, fear, and dread in audiences. In everyday life, people normally avoid such emotions, yet they actively seek them out in horror entertainment. These data both replicate and extend previous research on why people watch horror movies. Participants (N = 340) reported diverse motives for watching horror movies, such as being focused on gore, getting an emotional thrill, using them to prove emotional fortitude, and as a distraction from personal problems. Further, individual differences in empathy and morbid curiosity have complex relations with different motives.
... Parenthetically, data have indicated a steady decline in empathy behavior and civic participation in the USA over several recent decades [224,225] that is paralleled by declines in sleep quality and aspects of sleep quantity across the same time period [226,227]. Reductions in sleep quantity and quality in industrialized nations may thus be a previously unconsidered factor contributing to some asocial trends. ...
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In the past 20 years, more remarkable revelations about sleep and its varied functions have arguably been made than in the previous 200. Building on this swell of recent findings, this essay provides a broad sampling of selected research highlights across genetic, molecular, cellular, and physiological systems within the body, networks within the brain, and large-scale social dynamics. Based on this raft of exciting new discoveries, we have come to realize that sleep, in this moment of its evolution, is very much polyfunctional (rather than monofunctional), yet polyfunctional for reasons we had never previously considered. Moreover, these new polyfunctional insights powerfully reaffirm sleep as a critical biological, and thus health-sustaining, requisite. Indeed, perhaps the only thing more impressive than the unanticipated nature of these newly emerging sleep functions is their striking divergence, from operations of molecular mechanisms inside cells to entire group societal dynamics.
... Fiction and game characters are two characteristic examples. Notably, it seems that empathy scores decreased in students in the U.S.A., especially after 2000 [20]. Low levels of empathy have been also observed in specific academic and professional groups such as medical students [28] and engineers [19]. ...
Conference Paper
Computer programming is an emerging skill for the 21st-century citizens worldwide. Coding and educational robotics are part of several educational curricula. However, even though people’s personal attributes and culture can have an impact on their perceptions of technology usability, socio-emotional aspects of programming are often neglected. Notably, empathy is an important element for social interactions among humans and previous research has shown signs of possible connections with programmers’ coding experiences. As a result, this pilot study aims to explore potential correlations between Greek adults’ level of empathy and their perceptions of ease of use of programming. For this purpose, an online questionnaire has been applied for data collection to 104 participants who had programming experiences in the past. According to the results, programmers’ empathy is associated with perceived ease of use of object-oriented programming and educational robotics, but not with educational coding games. These findings can contribute further to our understanding of the interactions between users and technology in the fields of Human-Computer Interaction, Human-Robot Interaction, and Didactics of Informatics.
... Харин Иран улсад хийгдсэн нутагшуулах судалгааны үр дүнгээр 28 асуулттай хувилбар нь IRI асуулгын анхны загвартай тохирохгүй байсан бөгөөд цаашлаад богиносгосон 16 асуултыг гаргаж ирсэн (Golbabaei et al., 2022) зэрэг ялгаатай үр дүнг урьд өмнөх судалгаанууд харуулж байна. Түүнчлэн, уг арга зүйг ашиглан судалсан судалгааны үр дүнгүүдэд эмпати чадвар цаг хугацааны явцад өөрчлөгддөг эсэхийг Америк оролцогчдын мэдээлэлд дүн шинжилгээ хийж үзэхэд 2000 оноос хойш эмпатик санаа зовнил болон бусдын байр сууринаас харах чадварыг тодорхойлох үзүүлэлт дээр оролцогчдын оноо жил ирэх тусам буурч байсан (Konrath et al., 2010) ба хөгжимтэй ойр байх тусам хүүхдийн эмпати чадварын оноо нэмэгддэг болохыг тогтоосон байна (Carraturo et al., 2022). Харин архаг сэтгэл гутралтай хүний эмпатик санаа зовнил болон бусдын байр сууринаас харах чадвар сул байдаг (Wilbertz et al., 2010) ба шизофрени өвчнөөр оношлогдсон хүмүүсийн бусдын байр сууринаас харах чадвар буурдаг болохыг тогтоожээ (Fujino et al., 2014). ...
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Эмпати чадвар нь бусдын мэдрэмж, сэтгэл хөдлөл, туршлагыг ойлгох чадвар бөгөөд нийгмийн харилцаанд чухал болохыг урьд өмнөх судалгаанууд тогтоосон байна. Мөн эмпати чадвар өндөр байдал нь бусадтай харилцаа холбоо тогтоох, сэтгэл зүйн сайн сайхан байдал, амьдралын сэтгэл ханамж өндөр байхтай холбоотой байдаг. Монгол хэл дээр нутагшсан эмпати чадварын танин мэдэхүйн болон сэтгэл хөдлөлийн олон талыг судлах арга зүй одоогоор байхгүй байна. Тиймээс бид судалгаагаар эмпати чадварын олон талыг судлах зорилготой “Хүн хоорондын хариу үйлдлийн индекс” асуулгын монгол хувилбарын психометрик чанарыг шалгалаа. Уг асуулгыг монгол хэл рүү зөвлөлийн аргыг ашиглан орчуулж, салбартаа ажиллаж буй мэргэжлийн шинжээчдийн баг асуулгын агуулгын тохиромжтой байдлыг үнэлсэн. Асуулгын эцсийн хувилбараар ерөнхий боловсролын сургуулийн ахлах ангийн381 өсвөр насны хүүхдээс судалгаа авсан. Хүчин зүйл тайлбарлах (EFA) болон хүчин зүйл батлах (CFA) шинжилгээний үр дүнд анхны 28 асуулттайгаас 18 асуулт бүхий хувилбар нь 4 хүчин зүйлээ илүү тохиромжтой илэрхийлж байгааг тогтоосон. Ийнхүү M-IRI асуулгын найдварт чанарыг шалгаж өсвөр насны хүүхдийг судлахад ашиглах боломжтой, найдвартай арга болохыг баталсан
... School students have a strong sense of pity when they witness tragedy, suffering, injustice, pain, or unhappiness in the lives of others. While some researchers contend that empathy increases wellbeing, others contend that it causes social retreat and exhaustion [62]. Returning to one's intention, it is important to instill a sense of compassion in others from an early age in order to prevent bad things from happening to someone who is truly in need. ...
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The capacity to regulate our emotions in unusual circumstances is known as emotional intelligence (EI). EI has been acknowledged as a predominantly major challenge to both student achievement and the big five personality (BFP) traits. This study aimed to explore the impact of EI on an individual's personality. Specifically, it sought to determine: i) the level of EI of students in form 2 and 4; ii) gender differences in EI among students in form 2 and 4; and iii) the possibility whether there is a significant relationship between aspects of emotional intelligence and BFP towards form 2 and form 4 students. This study was conducted quantitatively at a Malaysian Secondary School located in Pahang, Malaysia. A set of questionnaires was distributed to 108 respondents at the school. For ethical consideration, the researchers informed the responsible behalf such as regional education department and school, and then distributed an informed consent form to each respondent. The findings indicate that self-regulation is the highest level of personality dimension achieved which is m=3.54. On the other hand, there is no significant difference between genders among students in form 2 and 4 affected by EI. Besides, there is a significant relationship between aspects of EI and BFP where the Pearson coefficient, or r-value is 0.674. Future research on interventions that are more appropriate for developing students' personalities to enhance their EI should be undertaken, according to the implications of this study.
... In previous studies, scales from Davis (1983) Interpersonal Reactivity Index have been commonly used to assess perspective taking, including in the field of teacher education (Lane-Garon, 1998;Knutson Miller, 2001;Konrath et al., 2011;Goeze et al., 2013;Abacioglu et al., 2020). Therefore, we used the German version of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Maes et al., 1995) and modified the perspective taking scale. ...
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Higher perspective taking skills are associated with better social functioning and improved social relationships. Generally, teachers are willing to take the perspective of their students, but it is unclear whether the same is true for the perspective of parents. As communication and conflicts with parents are pervasive, the motivation and willingness to adopt the perspective of parents in counseling situations should be promoted during university teacher training. Therefore, we investigated the promotion of perspective taking among teachers in training and focused mainly on perspective taking toward parents. We developed a case-based learning task in which teachers in training from Freie Universität Berlin ( N = 515) prepared for a fictitious upcoming consultation with a mother about her son. Because it is unclear if direct instruction for perspective taking is necessary in order to promote it, we also used indirect instruction to investigate whether preparing for the consultation under these instructions fostered the willingness to adopt the perspective of students and parents. In the direct instruction participants were directly told to take the perspective of the fictitious mother when evaluating and developing formulations for the consultation. The indirect instruction did not mention the concept of perspective taking but asked participants to focus on the comprehensibility of the formulations. We obtained three measures: the willingness to take a perspective, the attitude toward another person, and the emotional and empathic language used in written texts. With our main result we demonstrated that the willingness to adopt the perspective of both students and parents could be significantly promoted by both instructions. We further demonstrated that a higher willingness to take another’s perspective is associated with a more positive attitude toward the mother, as well as increased positive emotions and empathic concern. Additionally, we replicated results of a previous study showing a generally higher willingness to take the student perspective prior to the intervention. Results are discussed regarding the benefits of promoting perspective taking, especially toward parents, in teacher education.
... People's emotional development is a little behind. Unfortunately, evidence shows that empathy is declining (Konrath et al., 2011). Behavioral disorders such as peer bullying, which have emerged in the field of education in recent years, have made it necessary for empathy education to be a value and thinking skill that should be given in schools. ...
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Empathy, a crucial social skill that can lead to positive results, has gained more attention in recent years. This study aims to systematically examine research on empathy and empathy skills. For this purpose, within the scope of the research, studies on empathy and empathic thinking skills were subjected to bibliometric analysis. Analyzing bibliographic information is one of the most important methods for tracking aspects of scholarly communication, assessing research trends, and determining the priorities of research fields. Since this study focuses on the trends of studies on empathy and empathic thinking skills, the method of the research was determined as bibliometric analysis. The study group of the research consists of between the years 2013-2023 1135 articles accessed from the Web of Science database. According to the first finding of the research, it was seen that studies on empathy were mostly published in 2014. Additionally, most of the studies were published in the journal "Social Cognitive".The third observation is that most research is conducted in the health field. Following it were psychology and education. A fourth conclusion was that the correlation design, one of the quantitative research methods, was preferred. Additionally, It was determined that the sample levels of the studies were primarily adults and university students, and the sample size was between 31-100. It was observed that descriptive analysis, correlation, and ANOVA were mainly used in data analysis of the studies. In light of the findings obtained from the research, it is suggested that empathy-based studies can be carried out with preschool, primary school, and young children, and the number of meta-analysis and meta-synthesis studies can be increased.
... Мы разделили концепции на две группы, играющие разные роли в предполагаемой нами модели. То, является ли переменная прогностической или конечным результатом, в значительной степени зависело от обзора литературы, особенно от мета-анализа предыдущих исследований, проведенных по данным концепциям, если это было возможно [Andrews, 2000;Konrath, O'brien, & Hsing, 2011]. В отчете впервые предпринята попытка придать смысл тому, как эти концепции работают вместе, мотивируя переход от низших состояний сознания и ценностей к высшим. ...
... Parallel developments in related phenomena can partly explain the negative incivility trend. For instance, empathy seems to have decreased over the past few decades (Konrath et al. 2011), while narcissism appears to have simultaneously increased (Twenge et al. 2008a, b). Narcissism involves a strong focus on oneself and less focus on others, which increases the risk for lower empathy, as well as higher levels of selfishness, insensitivity, disrespect, and feelings of entitlement (Du et al. 2022;Twenge et al. 2008b). ...
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Aim Incivility is one of the most intrusive forms of antisocial behavior in the workplace. Using a newly constructed, single-item measure of incivility, the aim of the current study was to assess the possible prevalence of incivility in a sample from the Swedish retail industry, and to investigate possible associations between prevalence of incivility and a multitude of indicators of health, stress, well-being, and the psychosocial work environment. Subject and methods A total of 1014 (20%) individuals enrolled in the cross-sectional study and responded to a questionnaire, partially or fully. We conducted t-tests to assess possible differences in the indicators between those responding “Yes” versus “No” regarding prevalence of incivility at their workplace. Results Incivility at work was related to statistically significant differences in mean values in 32 out of 33 key indicators of health, well-being, stress, recovery, and the psychosocial work environment. Those reporting a prevalence of incivility systematically exhibited worse ratings. Conclusion The findings are in line with previous research. Although this study cannot infer causality, the profoundly systematic results indicate that the prevalence of workplace incivility is a bothersome problem that should be addressed. A single item about the prevalence of workplace incivility seems to be a feasible indicator of associations to a wide range of health-, stress-, well-being-, and psychosocially oriented work-related variables.
... A study has shown that people who are better managers and workers and better family members and friends are high on empathy (Miller, n.d.). Though the modern era has given students supplementary ways to connect with others than before, numerous investigators are worried about how online social networking and decreased face-to-face relationships have led to a 48% decrease in empathetic concern individuals over the past few decades (Konrath, O'Brien & Hsing, 2011). A low level of empathy in the students has been linked to narcissism, increased bullying, and civic apathy (Stavrinides, Georgiou & Theofanous, 2010). ...
... A reference should also be made to the social phenomenon of empathy regression. The decreasing level of empathy is a phenomenon which translates into educational processes (Konrath et al., 2011). In our opinion, the only effective measure which could improve the situation regarding this phenomenon in education of nurses and midwives would be an implementation of changes to the curriculum of the bachelor programme. ...
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Aim Empathic competencies are not developed sufficiently during studies. Among the reasons for this, there are deficiencies and barriers which occur in the course of education. The purpose of research was to analyse internal barriers whose elimination could increase efficiency and quality of education and development of soft skills. Material and methods A total of 396 students of nursing (N = 248) and midwifery (N = 148) participated in the study. The students completed the Empathy Quotient test (EQ-40) as well as a questionnaire, which consisted of a knowledge test and self-description questions on empathy. Results As many as 44.5% of the students were not able to provide a correct definition of empathy. Only 49.5% of the students were able to identify signs of empathic behaviours correctly. 82.6% defined themselves as rather or definitely empathic people in spite of the fact, that in the EQ test 67.2% of the students received an average result and 11.2% a low one. 2.5% students are individuals with high-functioning autism. Most students admitted that they experience constant tiredness because they have too many responsibilities (72.2 %) and we observed a positive correlation between tiredness and empathy. Conclusions The research reveals difficulties connected with the operationalisation of empathic behaviours. Students were much less empathic than according to their declarative self-assessment. The experience of stress and tiredness may impact the effectiveness of education when it comes to soft skills. Work in their profession at the initial stage may be a factor which increases empathy, commitment and care in patient care.
... Facebook, Twitter, dan media sosial lainnya mengurangi kontak tatap muka antara orangorang, yang membentuk "teman" dan hubungan online daripada secara langsung. Hal ini dapat mengurangi perasaan empatik terhadap orang lain karena lebih mudah mengabaikan kebutuhan dan perasaan orang lain ketika kita "bertemu" dengan mereka hanya sebagai representasi online daripada sebagai manusia seutuhnya (Konrath, O'Brien, & Hsing, 2011). ...
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Buku ini sebagai panduan praktis para mahasiswa S1, S2, dan S3, Akademisi dan praktisi untuk mendalami tentang psikologi sosial, di setiap halam buku ini pembaca akan mendapatkan wawasan mendalam tentang konsep-konsep yang mendasari interaksi sosial, perilaku manusia dalam kelompok, serta penerapan praktis psikologi sosial dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan.
... From a practical standpoint, the CAF may wish to directly increase empathy levels in their members as a method to increase overall investment in and support of culture change initiatives. Empathy levels can be influenced, and thus, improved-training can lead to a decline in aggressive behaviors and an increase in prosocial behaviors (Konrath et al., 2010). Empathy increasing training programs may help the CAF attain its culture change aims, as individuals who demonstrate empathic concern and perspective taking are more capable of understanding experiences and offering assistance (e.g., Batson et al., 2002;Lee et al., 2019). ...
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Introduction In response to several high-profile cases of senior leaders in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) being accused of various forms of sexual and professional misconduct, the organization has committed to culture change. Drawing on the group engagement model and empirical evidence, we propose that CAF members' experience of thwarted belongingness reduces their capacity to show empathy, which in turn affects their support for culture change. Method Participants were 139 Naval and Officer Cadets from the Royal Military College of Canada who were predominantly male (61%), between 18 and 21 years old (80%), and not members of a visible minority group (68%). Data was collected via an online self-report survey assessing thwarted belongingness, empathy, and attitudes toward culture change. Results Whether participants experienced thwarted belongingness was not directly related to their level of support for culture change. Individuals' thwarted belongingness was indirectly and negatively associated with support for culture change, through its impact on empathy. Discussion Taken together, the results demonstrate that cadets' experience of belongingness contributed to their level of empathy, which together predicted their support for culture change initiatives. Efforts to change the culture of the CAF may need to consider improving members' levels of belongingness and, by extension, their levels of empathy. Implications for inclusion efforts are discussed.
... Por tanto, las puntuaciones resultaban superiores en las habilidades personales frente a las sociales. Konrath et al. (2011) ya sugirieron que la actividad en línea podría estar reduciendo las habilidades personales de los usuarios digitales, como la empatía que durante los últimos 20 años ha mostrado una clara disminución. También, en las habilidades sociales algunos autores han observado nuevas dificultades surgidas en el entorno de las RSD como el acoso, el ciberbullying, las violaciones de los límites o las dificultades para la gestión de los grupos o de los conflictos (Álvarez-García et al., 2017;Dolby, 2014). ...
Introducción. Existen una serie de habilidades de carácter personales y sociales que presumiblemente resultan relevantes no sólo en la interacción cara a cara sino también a través de las redes sociales digitales (RSD). El presente trabajo analiza el perfil de interacción en RSD en base al sexo, la edad, el tamaño de las RSD y la intensidad de su uso. Además, se analiza las habilidades personales y sociales en RSD percibidas por un grupo de universitarios y en qué medida variables como el sexo, la edad, el tamaño de las RSD y la intensidad de su uso, predicen las habilidades personales y sociales en RSD. Método. Participaron en el estudio un total de 257 universitarios que completaron el Cuestionario de Percepción de Habilidades Personales y Sociales en RSD. Resultados. Los resultados reflejaron que los hombres poseían RSD de mayor tamaño, mientras que la intensidad de uso era superior en las mujeres. En lo que se refiere a la edad, aquellos universitarios más jóvenes poseían RSD con mayor tamaño y más intensidad de uso. De igual modo, los universitarios indicaron que ponían en juego en mayor medida habilidades personales con el uso de las RSD en detrimento de las habilidades sociales, y estas habilidades no se relacionaban con el sexo ni con la edad, pero sí con el tamaño e intensidad de uso de las RSD. Discusión. En definitiva, quienes cuenten con redes más amplias y con mayores posibilidades de interacción, alcanzarían un mejor nivel de habilidades personales, mientras que quienes dedican más tiempo, podrían fomentar sus habilidades sociales en el marco de las RSD.
... Namibia however presented some of the highest path coefficient values (elephant (0.39), lion (0.36) and hyena (0.35) compared to other case studies (average β = 0.25, n = 14) and were also stronger compared to Zambia for elephant (0.18), lion (0.25) and hyena (0.14), although they were similar for kudu (0.25) and baboon (Zambia: 0.29, Namibia 0.28). Empathy has never been included in tolerance and attitude surveys but was included in the WTM because empathy predicts pro-social behavior towards humans (Konrath et al., 2011) and animals (Ruckert, 2016) and increases compassion for animals after being exposed to humane education programs (e.g., www. ...
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Many wildlife species are threatened due to persecution and intolerance of people to sharing landscapes with them, especially in mixed use landscapes where both people and wildlife struggle to thrive together. Understanding the factors that promote human tolerance is therefore critical, but progress is hindered by a lack systematic syntheses of studies. The Wildlife Tolerance Model (WTM) is one attempt to provide a framework based on a systematic synthesis of the large body of work in this field. Here we apply the WTM in communal con-servancies in the Zambezi region of Namibia, an important wildlife corridor in the Kavango-Zambezi Trans-frontier Conservation Area and one of the few case studies where communities receive monetary benefits from wildlife. Using path modeling, we examined the drivers of tolerance towards five problem species and compared these results with other WTM studies to examine the role of monetary benefits and whether some variables consistently drive tolerance across different species and contexts. Empathy and perceptions of intangible benefits towards a species emerge as consistent drivers of tolerance for all species in Namibia and most other WTM studies but are rarely measured in the literature. Monetary benefits are often presumed to promote tolerance for wildlife however we found only an indirect effect where monetary benefits drive intangible benefits and thus have a "crowding in" effect. These results are encouraging as they suggest tolerance can be promoted indirectly through monetary benefits but also that monetary benefits, for example from trophy hunting are not essential to promote tolerance.
... A study has shown that people who are better managers and workers and better family members and friends are high on empathy (Miller, n.d.). Though the modern era has given students supplementary ways to connect with others than before, numerous investigators are worried about how online social networking and decreased face-to-face relationships have led to a 48% decrease in empathetic concern individuals over the past few decades (Konrath, O'Brien & Hsing, 2011). A low level of empathy in the students has been linked to narcissism, increased bullying, and civic apathy (Stavrinides, Georgiou & Theofanous, 2010). ...
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Hyderabad, a burgeoning metropolis in southern India, faces significant challenges in managing its water resources, particularly concerning the Musi River. The Musi, once a lifeline for the city, is now plagued by pollution, encroachments, and dwindling water levels, exacerbating the water crisis in the region. This abstract outlines the pressing need for an integrated approach to address Hyderabad's water issues, with a specific focus on revitalizing the Musi River. Firstly, the abstract delves into the historical significance of the Musi River, emphasizing its pivotal role in sustaining life and commerce in Hyderabad. However, rapid urbanization and industrialization have led to the river's degradation, transforming it into a repository for untreated sewage and industrial effluents. Secondly, the abstract highlights the multifaceted challenges confronting the Musi River, including pollution, encroachments on its banks, and unsustainable water management practices. These challenges not only threaten the ecological integrity of the river but also jeopardize the health and well-being of Hyderabad's residents who rely on it for drinking water and irrigation. Furthermore, the abstract underscores the need for an integrated solution that addresses the interconnected nature of Hyderabad's water issues. Such a solution would encompass various strategies, including robust pollution control measures, rejuvenation of the Musi River through desilting and afforestation, implementation of sustainable water management practices, and community engagement initiatives.
... A study has shown that people who are better managers and workers and better family members and friends are high on empathy (Miller, n.d.). Though the modern era has given students supplementary ways to connect with others than before, numerous investigators are worried about how online social networking and decreased face-to-face relationships have led to a 48% decrease in empathetic concern individuals over the past few decades (Konrath, O'Brien & Hsing, 2011). A low level of empathy in the students has been linked to narcissism, increased bullying, and civic apathy (Stavrinides, Georgiou & Theofanous, 2010). ...
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Training is essential for accomplishing complete human potential, growing an equitable and simply society, and promoting country wide improvement. imparting standard get entry to quality education is the important thing to economic boom, social justice and exceptional, scientific advancement, country wide integration and cultural protection; and for India's endured ascent, progress, and management on the worldwide degree. India will have the best youth populace within the global over the next decade, and our potential to offer instructional possibilities to them will shape the destiny of our country. the arena is undergoing rapid adjustments within the expertise panorama. With the upward push of big information, system mastering, and artificial intelligence, many unskilled jobs international can be taken over by machines, while the want for skilled labour, in particular regarding mathematics, laptop technological know-how and facts technology, alongside multi-disciplinary capabilities throughout the sciences, social sciences and arts, might be in rapidly growing call for. With climate trade and fast depletion of natural assets, there may be a giant shift in how we meet the sector's energy, water, and sanitation needs, once more ensuing in the want for brand spanking new skilled labour, particularly in biology, chemistry, physics, and climate science. There may be a growing call for humanities and artwork, as India movements in the direction of turning into evolved united states and many of the three largest economies in the global.
... A study conducted in the Chinese sample indicated that young Chinese individuals are found to score more on instruments measuring narcissism (Cai et al., 2012). Cross temporal meta-analysis conducted by (Khazaie et al., 2021;Konrath et al., 2011) indicated that dispositional empathy has declined across the time. It is speculated by some of the researchers that the increase in the narcissism has accompanied the rise of media usage and media is the potential factor that may be contributing towards the increase of the narcissism level across the time (Gibson et al., 2016). ...
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There is considerable debate in the literature about how narcissism predicts various behaviors associated with the utility of social networking sites, but researchers have paid less attention to exploring the potential mediators of this relationship. Based on the existing literature, we anticipated that narcissism predicts self-promoting behaviors on social networking sites. The current study also investigated the mediating role of multidimensional perfectionism between narcissism and self-promoting behavior. A total of 605 complete questionnaires were gathered from students from universities from Rawalpindi and Islamabad, Pakistan using convenient sampling. The study used Narcissistic Personality Inventory (Ames et al., 2006), self-developed Self-promoting Behavior on social networking sites questionnaire, and the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (Hewitt et al., 1991). Findings indicated that females as compared to males and single as compared to married individuals scored higher on narcissism. Higher educational levels were associated with higher rates of narcissism. The results also suggest that narcissism correlated with self-oriented perfectionism, and more significantly with others-oriented narcissism. Self-oriented and others-oriented perfectionism significantly mediated the relationship between narcissism and self-promoting behavior on social networking sites. Existe un debate considerable en la literatura sobre cómo el narcisismo predice diversos comportamientos asociados con la utilidad de los sitios de redes sociales, pero los investigadores han prestado menos atención a explorar los mediadores potenciales de esta relación. Con base en la literatura existente, anticipamos que el narcisismo predice comportamientos de autopromoción en los sitios de redes sociales. El estudio actual también investigó el papel mediador del perfeccionismo multidimensional entre el narcisismo y el comportamiento de autopromoción. Se recopiló un total de 605 cuestionarios completos de estudiantes de universidades de Rawalpindi e Islamabad, Pakistán, mediante un muestreo conveniente. El estudio utilizó el Inventario de Personalidad Narcisista (Ames et al., 2006), un cuestionario de desarrollo propio sobre comportamiento de autopromoción en sitios de redes sociales y la Escala de Perfeccionismo Multidimensional (Hewitt et al., 1991). Los hallazgos indicaron que las mujeres en comparación con los hombres y las solteras en comparación con las casadas obtuvieron puntuaciones más altas en narcisismo. Los niveles educativos más altos se asociaron con tasas más altas de narcisismo. Los resultados también sugieren que el narcisismo se correlaciona con el perfeccionismo orientado a uno mismo y, más significativamente, con el narcisismo orientado a los demás. El perfeccionismo orientado a uno mismo y a los demás medió significativamente la relación entre el narcisismo y el comportamiento de autopromoción en los sitios de redes sociales.
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The empirical study explores students' attitudes towards digital educational technologies and the digitalization of the education system as a whole. The survey, conducted between January and April 2022, shortly after the end of the lockdown, involved students from Russian universities aged from 18 to 38 (M=22,23; SD=3,17; N=132; 76%-female). The "Attitude towards Digitaliza-tion" questionnaire (D.V. Kashirsky, A.S. Ocheretin) and the Big Five Inventory (BFI-2-S, K. Soto, O. John) were used. The results of the survey revealed the extent to which students mastered the skills necessary for studying in a digital environment and whether these skills influenced their academic success. The study also examined the effect of the digitalization of education on the quality of education and identified the most effective learning formats as reported by respondents. Multiple regression analyses identified personality traits (Big Five factors) that underlie students' attitudes towards the digitalization of education. The results can be used to individualize the educational process at universities when implementing various educational technologies.
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Asian Americans have been the target of hate crimes in the United States. Data from multiple sources reveals that hate crimes increase following seminal events. Two events in particular, the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and the COVID-19 pandemic, led to spikes in hate directed at Asian Americans, including adolescents. These acts of hate can range from bullying on social media to violent attacks. This paper presents four such cases of hate along with the statistics surrounding pre- and post-event hate crimes and incidents. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the perspectives and emotions of others. The lack of empathy leads to prejudice and hate. Adolescence is a unique time for human development. Under the correct circumstances, intergroup contact with empathy activation has the ability to reduce hate. Further, as empathy is a teachable trait, schools have a critical role to play in adolescent social and moral development. A lack of research exists on empathy education in adolescents. This paper reviews the current literature and suggests that empathy education may reduce prejudice. As these events are likely to occur in the future, it is the position of this paper that empathy education may reduce hate, including violent hate.
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This study reveals that with similar valence of empathy, the tendency for humans to help humans in need is stronger than the animal in need. It also illustrates that a convincible advertisement for a charity should be a combination of various feelings, mainly empathic anger, in addition to compassion or empathy. To gain support from young individuals or donors regardless of their personal values, the egoistic values particularly, both the NPOs in humanitarian aid as well as in environmental protection or conservation should develop ads by which each individual or donor is aroused by either an empathic anger and empathic joy or both. This claim is more applicable for any ads developed to help people in need more than animals in need. Nevertheless, this study also found the role of an animal, generally known as innocent, as an actor in an ad is likely more crucial than human. Subjects with high-egoistic values appeared to get vulnerably aroused to a higher extent by being immersed in animal’s suffering than human’s suffering. The feeling of arousal seemed to motivate subjects with high-egoistic values to not decrease the amount of donation to a charity.
A solidão é um sentimento que carregamos no nosso interior e tendemos a senti-la em momentos que estamos sem companhia, apoio ou conexão emocional, sendo desafiadora de identificar na contemporaneidade. Este trabalhou visou a compreensão da solidão em jovens (18-25 anos) e idosos (acima de 60 anos) em Criciúma, SC. Utilizando a Escala Brasileira de Solidão (UCLA-BR), entrevistas e questionários sociodemográficos, os resultados indicaram maior solidão entre os jovens, associada ao uso de telas e redes sociais, e à dificuldade na formação de amizades significativas. Já os idosos experimentaram uma solidão mais centrada na família, ligada ao sentimento de abandono e à busca de conforto em outros grupos e na religião. A pesquisa identificou níveis e tipos variados de solidão, destacando a complexidade do fenômeno em diferentes grupos etários. Compreender essas nuances é fundamental para lidar com a solidão de maneira eficaz e desenvolver estratégias para promover o bem-estar social e emocional.
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Представлены результаты эмпирического исследования личностных особенностей студентов с различным отношением к цифровым образовательным технологиям и цифровизации системы образования. В опросе, проведенном в январе-апреле 2022 года после окончания локдауна, приняли участие студенты российских вузов в возрасте от 18 до 38 лет (M=22,23; SD=3,17; N=132; 76% девушек). Использованы анкета «Отношение к цифровизации» (Д.В. Каширский, А.С. Очеретин); тест «Большая пятерка» (BFI-2-S) (К. Сото, О. Джон). На основе результатов анкетирования определено наличие у студентов навыков работы в цифровой среде, а также влияние степени их сформированности на успешность обучения. Выявлены представления студентов о зависимости качества образования от его цифровизации и о недостатках применения цифровых технологий, определены наиболее эффективные форматы обучения с точки зрения студентов. С помощью процедур множественного регрессионного анализа выявлены личностные предпосылки (факторы Большой пятерки), лежащие в основе отношения студентов к цифровизации российского образования. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы для индивидуализации учебного процесса в вузе при реализации различных образовательных технологий.
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p>The empirical study explores students’ attitudes towards digital educational technologies and the digitalization of the education system as a whole. The survey, conducted between January and April 2022, shortly after the end of the lockdown, involved students from Russian universities aged from 18 to 38 ( ). The “Attitude towards Digitalization” questionnaire (D.V. Kashirsky, A.S. Ocheretin) and the Big Five Inventory (BFI-2-S, K. Soto, O. John) were used. The results of the survey revealed the extent to which students mastered the skills necessary for studying in a digital environment and whether these skills influenced their academic success. The study also examined the effect of the digitalization of education on the quality of education and identified the most effective learning formats as reported by respondents. Multiple regression analyses identified personality traits (Big Five factors) that underlie students' attitudes towards the digitalization of education. The results can be used to individualize the educational process at universities when implementing various educational technologies.</p
This mixed-methods study explored the impact of cinematic virtual reality (CVR) on seventh-grade students (n = 66) in a school library. The research was comprised of two phases, integrating data from questionnaires and student/teacher interviews. The study focused on The Displaced, a documentary about child refugees, presented in two formats: two-dimensionally (2D) on Chromebooks and in CVR through Oculus Go headsets. Students reported the immersion, agency, and presence experienced in CVR increased engagement and comprehension, while fostering empathy and desires for altruistic behavior. Teachers recognized CVR's potential as an effective instructional tool and planned to integrate it in future instruction.
Günümüzde sosyal medyanın yükselişi ve bağımlılık haline gelmesi, sosyal ilişkilerdeki empatik eğilimlerin de değişmesine yol açmıştır. Bu sebeple özellikle gençlerdeki sosyal medyaya olan bağımlılık ile empati becerileri arasındaki ilişkinin ortaya çıkarılması büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu nedenle bu araştırmanın amacı meslek yüksekokulu öğrencilerinin sosyal medya bağımlılıkları ile empati becerileri arasındaki ilişki olarak belirlenmiştir. Araştırma, Afyon Meslek Yüksekokulunda öğrenim gören 670 öğrenci ile yürütülmüştür. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre öğrencilerin sosyal medya bağımlılık düzeyleri düşük, empati becerileri yüksek bulunmuştur. Araştırmada sosyal medya bağımlılık ve empati becerilerinin yaş, cinsiyet, öğrenim türü ve mezun olunan okul değişkenlerine göre farklılaşmadığı belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca araştırmanın genel amacı olan sosyal medya bağımlığı ile empati becerileri arasında pozitif yönlü anlamlı fakat zayıf bir ilişki olduğu ortaya konmuştur. Son olarak akademik başarı(not ortalaması) ile sosyal medya bağımlılığı ve empati becerileri arasında anlamlı bir ilişki tespit edilmemiştir. Bu sonuçlardan yola çıkarak öğrencilerin sosyal medyayı doğru bir şekilde kullandıkları söylenebilir. Bu nedenle öğrencilere sosyal medya kullanarak kurum sayfası veya sınıf sayfası şeklinde sosyal medya kullanımı ile daha eğitici içerikler verilebilir.
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The present study has been undertaken to study the relationship of digital literacy with internet addiction and cyberloafing among senior secondary school students. The sample consists of 200 senior secondary school students (100 male and 100 female) were selected from CBSE & PSEB Schools of Amritsar District with purposive and random sampling technique. The data was collected by using standardized scale of Digital Literacy scale by Singh and Singh (2019), Internet Addiction Scale by Gulati, Kurisunkal and Bakliwal (2021) and Cyberloafing scale by Akbulut (2016). The data obtained was analysed statistically with the help of Mean, SD, t-ratio and ‘r’ and used to arrive at the following conclusions: (i) There exists no significant difference in the mean scores of digital literacy between male and female senior secondary school students (ii) There exists no significant difference in the mean scores of internet addiction between male and female senior secondary school students (iii) There exists no significant difference in the mean scores of cyberloafing between male and female senior secondary school students (iv) There exists no significant difference in the mean scores of digital literacy of senior secondary school students studying in CBSE and PSEB (v) There exists no significant difference in the mean scores of internet addiction of senior secondary school students studying in CBSE and PSEB (vi) There exists significant difference in the mean scores of cyberloafing of senior secondary school students studying in CBSE and PSEB (vii) There exists significant negative relationship between digital literacy and internet addiction among senior secondary school students (viii) There exists significant negative relationship between digital literacy and cyberloafing among senior secondary school students.
This chapter focuses on understanding of solid waste management, highlighting the changes being attempted and the challenges being faced at the interphase of waste generation and collection in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the challenges in waste management is the absence of a culture of segregation of waste at the generation points. An additional dimension to segregation of solid waste is the health hazard due to the infectious nature of the waste, particularly mixing with the general non-infectious waste making the entire mass potentially infectious. Using a qualitative case method, this research examined the process challenges of social enterprises engaged in solid waste management when facing external emergencies like the COVID-19 pandemic. Data was gathered by interviewing project coordinators and founder-operations heads of social enterprises involved in solid waste management in urban and rural areas. The findings suggest that, in emergencies like the pandemic, social enterprises highlight the criticality of resourcing, social networking, and empathy in waste management. They do this through processes adopted for addressing the problems of fear of contact, spread of infection through handling of waste, and easing the reluctance to participate in segregation, collection, and disposal of waste.
It was Turing’s work in the year 1950 which dawned upon the idea of, if machines can work intelligently. This ignited many minds at that time. Norvig and Russell in 1995 explored four different approaches for AI: thinking humanly, thinking rationally, acting humanly and acting rationally. Taking on these approaches, the field of AI was defined further, based upon reasoning and behaviour. Though companies are using strategies and methods for stimulating cognitive functions in machines, it is needed to be understood that at the end of the day it is humans who are going to deal and work with it. They are the ones whose jobs are impacted by this; they consume and reject it; they circumnavigate in an AI-enabled world and its interface with human lives is increasing day by day. So, there is a need to understand the mindset which enhances the probability of its acceptance and usage and whether these can be identified and trained. For the purpose of this, a questionnaire was developed and validated to understand people’s attitude towards AI. Basically, it will help in identifying the AI mindset which will eventually help prepare such mindsets that are as important as preparing data set. For the process of this, an item pool was generated, then an exploratory factor analysis was done. After, this validation of the tool will be done by establishing reliability and validity. With this the study also tried to measure the tendency of an individual to develop an AI mindset, to find out the positive and negative effects of constant interaction with AI in a human’s life and to find out the degree to which a human wants to fully develop an AI mindset.
This chapter explains the impact of digital devices and the responsible use of technology. It analyses the harmful effects of prolonged screen time on our physical, mental, and social health. The chapter explores the benefits of digital detox interventions and their challenges. It concludes with a call for a mindful, personalized approach to technology use. It emphasizes the need for a balanced and conscious approach to technology use, highlighting the potential risks of excessive screen time as evidenced by empirical research. However, it also showcases the significant advantages of digital detox interventions, such as enhanced sleep quality, mood, productivity, creativity, and improved personal relations. The chapter offers strategies for adapting to diverse lifestyles, needs, and responsibilities.
Can engagement with far-right social media communities socialize users into a new political identity? This study addresses concerns about the spread of far-right groups on mainstream social media platforms by examining how newcomers are affected by their engagement with these groups. I theorize that changes in social identity expression indicative of socialization will be measurable in the language users use to express themselves on social media, and that the magnitude of this linguistic change will intensify with more frequent far-right engagement. I develop a custom dictionary of far-right-relevant terms sourced from communities like The Daily Stormer and Stormfront. Using an original dataset of Reddit user posting histories from 2015–2017, I test for increases in the frequency of this far-right vocabulary. I find that users who engage often with a far-right community like r/The_Donald begin to sound more like white nationalists within three months. Socialized users also use far-right vocabulary more frequently in other spaces on their platform, contributing to the spread and normalization of far-right rhetoric.
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Two studies addressed alternative explanations for 3 pieces of evidence supporting the existence of moral hypocrisy. In Study 1, no support was found for the idea that low salience of social standards accounts for falsifying the result of a coin flip to assign oneself a more desirable task. In Study 2, no support was found for the idea that responses of those who honestly win the flip account for the higher ratings of morality of their action by participants who assign themselves the more desirable task after flipping the coin. Also, no support was found for the idea that responses of those who honestly win the flip account for the inability of personal moral responsibility measures to predict moral action. Instead, results of both studies provided additional evidence of moral hypocrisy.
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This meta-analysis surveyed 177 usable sources that reported data on gender differences on 21 different measures of sexual attitudes and behaviors. The largest gender difference was in incidence of masturbation: Men had the greater incidence (d = .96). There was also a large gender difference in attitudes toward casual sex: Males had considerably more permissive attitudes (d = .81). There were no gender differences in attitudes toward homosexuality or in sexual satisfaction. Most other gender differences were in the small-to-moderate range. Gender differences narrowed from the 1960s to the 1980s for many variables. Chodorow's neoanalytic theory, sociobiology, social learning theory, social role theory, and script theory are discussed in relation to these findings.
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In unstructured interactions, male friends were found to be more accurate than male strangers in inferring each other's thoughts and feelings. Plausible reasons for this difference were that friends (a) interacted more and exchanged more information, (b) had more similar personalities and therefore more rapport with each other, and (c) had more detailed knowledge of each other's lives. Data confirmed that the friends did indeed interact more and were more similar in their sociability than the strangers; however, these differences did not account for the friends' greater empathic accuracy. Instead, this was primarily attributable to a difference in knowledge structures, namely, the friends' ability to accurately read their partners' thoughts and feelings about imagined events in another place or time.
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Hypotheses concerning the specific contexts in which an altruistic personality might be most apparent were investigated. College students completed questionnaires tapping components of an altruistic personality, emotionality, and social desirability. At a 2nd session, the emotional evocativeness and ease of escape from the helping situation were experimentally manipulated. Ss were exposed to a distressed woman, completed state sympathy and personal distress indexes, and were given an opportunity to assist the woman. High scorers on dispositional altruism were expected to assist most when escape was easy, particularly when the distress cues were obvious. Altruistic and emotionally reactive persons were also expected to help most in a psychologically “weak” environment. Both predictions were supported. The relations between helping and the other predictors were also examined.
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Consistency of measures of a prosocial personality and prosocial moral judgment over time, and the interrelations among them, were examined. Participants' and friends' reports of prosocial characteristics were obtained at ages 21-22, 23-24, and 25-26 years. In addition, participants' prosocial judgment was assessed with interviews and with an objective measure of prosocial moral reasoning at several ages. Reports of prosocial behavior and empathy-related responding in childhood and observations of prosocial behavior in preschool also were obtained. There was interindividual consistency in prosocial dispositions, and prosocial dispositions in adulthood related to empathy/sympathy and prosocial behavior at much younger ages. Interview and objective measures of moral reasoning were substantially interrelated in late adolescence/early adulthood and correlated with participants' and friends' reports of a prosocial disposition.
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Most people's actions serve goals that, defined abstractly enough, are quite similar to one another. The authors thus proposed, and found, that construing action in abstract (vs. concrete) terms relates to perceiving greater similarity among persons both within and across different social groups (Studies 1-3). By fostering perspective taking, viewing action abstractly also related to empathizing with and expressing willingness to help nonstigmatized and stigmatized others (e.g., AIDS patients; Studies 3-5) and to donating money to help those in need (Study 6). These findings held when controlling for ideological, motivational, and broad personality variables. Abstract action construals, then, appear to blur social distinctions, fostering perspective taking and empathy on the one hand but also perceptions of group homogeneity on the other.
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Four studies examine the construct validity of the Tendency to Forgive Scale (TTF), a brief measure of dispositional forgiveness. Study 1 showed that romantic partners' ratings of targets converged with targets' self-ratings, and Study 2 demonstrated that higher scores on the TTF were associated with lower offense accessibility. Study 3 examined the TTF`s relation to self-reported depression symptoms, both independent of and interacting with attitudes toward forgiveness and dispositional vengeance. Lower TTF scores were associated with higher degrees of depression, especially for individuals with positive attitudes toward, forgiveness or those low in dispositional vengeance, although neither of these latter variables displayed significant zero-order relations with depression. Finally, Study 4 examined relations between the TTF, dispositional empathy, another recent measure of dispositional forgiveness, and the dimensions of the Big Five, providing both convergent and discriminant validity evidence for the TTF.
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Examined the prediction of adults' situational and dispositional empathy-related responses from measures of emotionality (emotional intensity and positive and negative affect) and regulation. A multimethod approach including self-reported, facial, and heart rate (HR) responses was used to assess situational vicarious emotional responding; Ss' (and sometimes friends') reports were used to assess the dispositional characteristics. In general, dispositional sympathy, personal distress, and perspective taking exhibited different, conceptually logical patterns of association with indexes of emotionality and regulation. The relations of situational measures of vicarious emotional responding to dispositional emotionality and regulation varied somewhat by type of measure and gender. Findings for facial and HR (for men) measures were primarily for the more evocative empathy-inducing stimulus. In general, the findings provided support for the role of individual differences in emotionality and regulation in empathy-related responding.
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In this study we examine the relationship between age and self-reported empathy. Using data from a 1985 community sample of 1,567 individuals from southwestern Ontario we document a strong negative association between age and empathy. The results show that age-associated patterns in socioeconomic status, widowhood, physical impairment, and dispositional attributes contribute to more than 65 percent of the total negative association between age and empathy. Conversely, a more positive balance of interpersonal relationships and greater religious involvement among older adults conceals about 20 percent of the size of the age-empathy association; that is, those factors tend to conceal older people's otherwise lower self-reported level of empathy. Other findings show that women report significantly more empathy and that the gender gap closes at older ages. Also, higher education significantly moderates the negative age-empathy association. Collectively our findings highlight the emotional significance of age-associated personal and social factors over the life course.
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Path models of the effects of gender, gender roles, and personality variables (achievement and affiliation orientation, locus of control, empathy) on coping and symptoms were tested to explore the risk and protective effects of gender roles and personality on psychological symptoms, and to test whether or not gender roles or personality accounted for gender differences in coping and symptoms. In a sample of university undergraduates (35% Asian American, 59% European American or Caucasian, 6% other ethnic/racial background), masculinity predicted lower depression but higher antisocial and substance use problems, whereas femininity predicted lower antisocial and substance use problems. Personality variables did not account for the effects of gender or gender roles on coping or symptoms, but rather gender roles and personality each predicted unique variance in those variables. Significant gender differences in the relations among gender roles and personality emerged; however, there were no gender differences in the relations between coping and symptoms. Findings highlight the importance of studying gender differences in the effects of gender roles and personality on coping and symptoms, because it appears that gender roles and personality operate differently for males and females.
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Social commentators have argued that changes over the last decades have coalesced to create a relatively unique generation of young people. However, using large samples of U.S. high-school seniors from 1976 to 2006 (Total N = 477,380), we found little evidence of meaningful change in egotism, self-enhancement, individualism, self-esteem, locus of control, hopelessness, happiness, life satisfaction, loneliness, antisocial behavior, time spent working or watching television, political activity, the importance of religion, and the importance of social status over the last 30 years. Today's youth are less fearful of social problems than previous generations and they are also more cynical and less trusting. In addition, today's youth have higher educational expectations than previous generations. However, an inspection of effect sizes provided little evidence for strong or widespread cohort-linked changes. © The Author(s) 2010.
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Past difficulties in demonstrating a link between accuracy in person perception and "empathy" are reviewed. The advantages of a forced choice accuracy assessment technique, in which observers view target subjects on video tape and then attempt to match targets with three-word self-descriptions, are discussed. Two studies designed to validate the method were performed. In both studies observers' accuracy in matching targets with self-descriptions exceeded chance. The effects on accuracy of observers' perspective-taking ability and targets' self-consciousness were also explored. Study I revealed that subjects scoring high on a measure of perspective-taking (Davis, 1980) were more accurate than low perspective-takers as predicted. Study II showed that target subjects high in private self-consciousness (Fenigstein, Scheier, & Buss, 1975) were more easily matched with their self-descriptions than were targets low in private self-consciousness. Study II also showed that the effects on accuracy of both observers' perspective-taking abilities and targets' selfconsciousness were related to the length of time targets were observed. The theoretical connections between perspective-taking and both stereotype and differential accuracy are discussed.
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In this study, the ways in which older siblings’personal qualities and sibling relationship experiences were associated with younger siblings’levels of empathy during early adolescence and preadolescence were explored. Participants were 199 sibling dyads (mean years of age = 11 and 8, respectively) who were interviewed using two procedures: (a) in their homes about their family relationships and personal qualities and (b) in a sequence of seven nightly telephone interviews about their daily activities and companions. Multiple regression analyses were conducted separately by younger siblings’gender to examine the relations of older siblings’personal qualities and sibling relationship experiences to younger siblings’ empathy. Analyses revealed that younger sisters’ as compared to younger brothers’ empathy was related differentially to their older siblings’ personal qualities and to the nature of their sibling relationship. Additional analyses to examine younger siblings’ personal qualities and sibling relationship experiences as potential predictors of older siblings’ empathy generally were nonsignificant, indicating that older siblings enhance younger siblings’empathy rather than vice versa.
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The tragic events on April 20, 1999, in Littleton, Colorado, provide an opportunity to reflect on the nature and consequences of not just the shootings but also the meanings that were ascribed to various facets of those events, including an emergent definition of the “Columbine Syndrome.” Based on a qualitative media analysis, this article examines part of the public presentations and news accounts of the “meanings of Columbine,” with particular emphasis on violence, crime, youth, popular culture, surveillance, social control, and terrorism. Analysis suggests that Columbine was merged with terrorism as part of the broader frame of fear and national security.
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Telephone helplines have long been recognised to provide an effective way to reach individuals in crisis and several advantages of this anonymous form of intervention have been described. Most helplines use volunteers to respond to calls, including those specifically set up for students. Our study investigates differences in the personality traits neuroticism, extroversion openness, conscientiousness and agreeableness, empathy as measured using the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) and mental health experiences between 54 volunteers and 52 non-volunteer students for a student delivered telephone helpline. Volunteers showed higher scores on the perspective taking and empathetic concern subscales of the IRI and scored higher on agreeableness. We could not identify any differences in mental health experiences between the two groups. Our findings suggest that volunteering for helplines may not be driven by volunteers’ own experiences but rather by their personality characteristics.
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A meta-analytic review finds that college students' self-esteem increased substantially between 1968 and 1994 when measured using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE). Children's scores on the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory (SEI) show a curvilinear pattern over time, decreasing from 1965 to 1979 and increasing from 1980 to 1993. Children's SEI scores are directly correlated with social statistics (e.g., divorce rate, unemployment) for the corresponding years. Analyses for age differences find that SEI scores decrease slightly during the transition from elementary school to junior high and then rise progressively through high school and college. RSE scores increase steadily with age. Results are discussed in terms of the antecedents of self-esteem, including social acceptance, competencies, and the culture of self-worth.
Intervention studies represent webs a interrelated substantive and methodological characteristics that take on different patterns in different rent studies and different intervention areas. All too often, meta-analysts do not give close attention to the possibility that these interrelated differences among studies are related in complex ways to study effect sizes and, consequently, run considerable risk of reporting results that are misleading or flatly wrong. To remedy this situation, improvements are needed in both the method and practice of meta-analysis so that greater attention can be given to effect size variation, the generalizability of study results, and the systematic multivariate relationships between study characteristics and the effect sizes reported in those studies.
If we knew more about the character of both offenders and victims, the nature of their relationships and the circumstances that create a high probability of crime conduct, it seems likely that crime prevention and control programs could be made much more effective. The President's Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice, 1967a For more than 30 years, the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) and its predecessor the National Crime Survey (NCS) have provided detailed information about the nature and extent of personal and property victimization in the United States. Much of our current understanding about crime, such as the most vulnerable segments of the population, the proportion of crime involving weapons, the types of injuries sustained in violent crimes, and the extent of reporting to police, is derived from the NCS and NCVS. The NCVS also serves as a model for victimization surveys implemented throughout the world because it incorporates many innovative methodological protocols that enhance its ability to produce reliable estimates of the nature and extent of criminal victimization. These methodological techniques combined with the large sample size and the extensive details collected by the survey on crime events are all reasons that the current NCVS remains the “most comprehensive and systematic survey of victims in the United States” (Mosher et al., 2002, p. 137). The NCVS and the Uniform Crime Reporting System (UCR) comprise the two ongoing national measures of crime in the United States.
There is considerable evidence that trait empathy affects single-episode helping behavior. However, the influence of empathy on more continuous altruistic behavior, such as voluntarism, has not been investigated. This study utilizes a four-dimensional empathy scale, the Davis Interpersonal Reactivity Index, to assess the relationship between trait empathy and voluntarism. Structural equation analysis results indicate that Perspective Taking, Empathic Concern, and Personal Distress dimensions of empathy are positive antecedents of voluntarism as hypothesized. The Fantasy dimension was not related to voluntarism.
In this article we argue for the need to develop a more adequate understanding of the connections between psychological research subjects' experience of social history and their personality development. We present the outlines of a general model according to which individuals' relative receptivity to the impact of social events is mediated by their life stage. Secondary analyses based on several data sets illustrate how women's work and family lives may be understood in terms of the general model. These analyses include data collected over the past 40 years from women in birth cohorts ranging from World War I to the baby boom.
This chapter reviews the friendship literature, focusing mainly on the meaning of friendship and the con-comitant emotional experience. It discusses four major topical areas or primary themes of the friendship research—friends vis-á-vis family, dimensions of friendship, gender differences, and life events and circumstances. The life course is highlighted in each of these areas, although the literature has been inconsistent in its focus on this aspect; that is, the life course is explicitly represented in analyses of friends and family and life events, and infrequently represented in analyses of gender differences and friendship dimensions. Understanding the effects of friendship has been the focus of much of this research; the understanding of friendship itself has been implicit in these accounts. The chapter concludes with an attempt to make explicit such understanding, including a brief examination of friendship bereavement.
Witnessing an ingroup member acting against his or her belief can lead individuals who identify with that group to change their own attitude in the direction of that counterattitudinal behavior. Two studies demonstrate this vicarious dissonance effect among high ingroup identifiers and show that this attitude change is not attributable to conformity to a perceived change in speaker attitude. Study 1 shows that the effect occurs-indeed, is stronger-even when it is clear that the speaker disagrees with the position espoused, and Study 2 shows that foreseeable aversive consequences bring about attitude change in the observer without any parallel impact on the perceived attitude of the speaker. Furthermore. the assumption that vicarious dissonance is at heart a group phenomenon is supported by the results indicating that attitude change is not impacted either by individual differences in dispositional empathy or measures of interpersonal affinity.
The purpose of the study was to test the unique contribution of certain personality components to loneliness. It was hypothesized that the influence of attribution style, self-disclosure, and perspective-taking ability would be mediated by social anxiety and deficits in social skills knowledge because the latter components are more likely to directly inhibit social interaction. A hierarchical regression analysis revealed that social anxiety accounted for a substantial amount of loneliness score variance, and once this variable entered the regression, attribution style and perspective-taking ability were unrelated to loneliness. Self-disclosure evidenced a unique relationship with loneliness and added a significant increment to loneliness score variance. Results are discussed relative to the theoretical literature on personality predictors of loneliness.
Sexual harassment proclivities in both men and women were studied in 222 college students. They were administered the newly developed Sexual Harassment Proclivities Scale and their scores were compared with a large number of measures, including sex-role stereotyping, adversarial sexual beliefs, sexual conservatism, acceptance of interpersonal violence, rape myth acceptance, likelihood of rape, acceptance of feminism, empathetic concern, sexual activity, and sexual exploitation. Most of the results were statistically significant for both males and females, although correlations tended to be higher for males. A factor analysis of the Sexual Harassment Proclivities Scale yielded a one-factor solution for both men and women, supporting the view that the scale measures likelihood of sexual harassment.
Two meta-analyses find that Americans have shifted toward substantially higher levels of anxiety and neuroticism during recent decades. Both college student (adult) and child samples increased almost a full standard deviation in anxiety between 1952 and 1993 (explaining about 20% of the variance in the trait). The average American child in the 1980s reported more anxiety than child psychiatric patients in the 1950s. Correlations with social indices (e.g., divorce rates, crime rates) suggest that decreases in social connectedness and increases in environmental dangers may be responsible for the rise in anxiety. Economic factors, however, seem to play little role. Birth cohort, as a proxy for broad social trends, may be an important influence on personality development, especially during childhood.
MySpace and YouTube have affected election campaigns in simple, but significant, ways. These social networking sites, which are used by a substantial segment of the U.S. voting age population, represent the next Internet generation, which is primarily user driven. They have created benefits such as increasing the potential for candidate exposure at a low cost or no cost, providing lesser known candidates with a viable outlet to divulge their message, and allowing campaigns to raise contributions and recruit volunteers online. In conjunction with these benefits, YouTube and MySpace have also posed a new set of challenges to campaign staff, the most important of which is the reduced level of control that campaigns have over the image and message of the candidate, which is of critical importance to election outcomes. This article discusses these benefits and challenges and the influence of YouTube and MySpace on the 2006 election and future campaigns.
Empathy development is believed to be an important element in adolescent sex offender treatment. Adolescence is a time of considerable self-absorption among adolescent boys. This study investigates levels of empathy among adolescent offenders in comparison with their nonoffending counterparts. Participants were 23 male sex offenders and 23 male nonoffenders between the ages of 13 and 18. Participants were administered Davis's Interpersonal Reactivity Index as a measure of empathy. The sex offender group scored significantly lower in empathy on the overall score. There was some variation on the individual subscales. Implications for research and practice are discussed.
Principled and expedient ideologies guide people along different ethical paths. A principled ideology, indicative of higher claimed integrity, involves a stronger personal commitment to a moral identity that facilitates positive social activities and helps resist the temptation of illicit activities. Prior research shows that individual differences in integrity are accurately perceived by friends, are reflected in self-beliefs, and affect social judgment. Results of four studies showed that integrity (a) predicts reported antisocial activities (lying, cheating, stealing) even after controlling for other individual difference measures, (b) predicts reported helping and volunteering, especially for nobler reasons and after controlling for empathy, and (c) is associated with a variety of personality and attitudinal qualities that signify greater psychological well-being, buffering from stress, and effective social functioning.
Two studies provide evidence that dispositional sympathy and perceived control interact to predict choices for and against situations likely to elicit sympathy. Sympathetic persons choosing among previewed experiments on the basis of the emotion elicited by each were particularly likely to choose a sympathy induction, and appeared to interpret that prospect in positive terms, but only when they expected substantial control over the procedure. In a second study, sympathizers were the most likely to volunteer for studies of people in distress, so long as the sympathizers expected a means of helping the distressed persons. In contrast, assurances of situational control did not encourage less sympathetic subjects to participate in either context Results provide for the expansion of models relating affect to prosaically behavior to include preferences for contact with distressed persons and for an interpretation of trait sympathy as less of a personal liability than prevalent views suggest.
Two studies tested the prediction that having had prior experience with a need increases empathy for another person currently experiencing that need. In Study 1, subjects reported their feelings of empathy after observing a same-sex peer endure mild but uncomfortable electric shocks. Compared with those given no prior experience with the shocks, women who had prepared to receive the shocks themselves reported more empathy, whereas men who had prepared reported less. In Study 2, subjects reported their feelings of empathy after reading a transcript in which a same-sex adolescent described an upsetting life experience. Women who had had a similar experience during adolescence reported more empathy than women who had not; men who had had a similar experience reported no more empathy than men who had not. Across both studies, then, prior experience with the need increased empathy among women but not among men.
A study was conducted to explore the effects of empathic predispositions on viewing and contributing to the annual muscular dystrophy telethon. A multidimensional measure of empathy (the Interpersonal Reactivity Index) was used to assess empathic predisposition, and respondents answered questions concerning their past viewing of the telethon and contributions to it. As predicted, only one facet of empathy-a tendency to experience sympathy and concern for others-was associated with more viewing of and contributing to the telethon. Other aspects of empathy, such as role-taking, fantasizing ability, and feelings of personal distress, were unrelated to either viewing or contributing.
This paper is addressed to the relevance of an empathy training program for school children as an alternative to the use of corporal punishment for the management of aggressive behavior in the classroom. After reviewing the theoretical relationship of empathy and aggression, the training procedures and findings from field studies concerned with Empathy Training are presented. The educational and developmental implications of using skill???oriented training programs in the classroom are discussed.
In this article I describe a method of fostering empathy in undergraduate and graduate students of abnormal psychology. Students depicted a psychological disorder by writing a brief biography and then role playing the characters they developed. Students demonstrated understanding of the disorders by acting and interacting in a manner consistent with their character and diagnosing other student ''characters'' using criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davis, 1980) results indicated student empathy increased significantly after the exercises. Qualitative analyses of focus group interview data supported and augmented the quantitative findings. Students attributed complex gains to the exercises.
We compared male and female psychology majors to psychology minors and nonmajors to understand the trends in a growing major in which women outnumber men. A total of 451 psychology majors, minors, and nonmajors from 4 institutions completed a questionnaire measuring empathy, career goals, and perceptions of the importance of empathy for therapy. Perspective taking and a desire to enter a helping profession mediated the relation between gender and major, suggesting that personality contributes to the choice of a psychology major. Highly empathic students may choose psychology because they believe that empathy is important for success in clinical and counseling psychology.
Despite the general presence of reality-based television programming for more than a decade and its recent increasing popularity, the extant literature on the phenomenon is limited. In Study 1, we considered how the viewing public constructs the so-called genre of reality-based TV. Multidimensional space analysis based on the Q-sort responses of 38 city residents indicated reality-based TV shows (a) are largely distinct from most major programming genres, although they do not form a particularly cohesive genre of their own, and (b) are viewed as only moderately real. In Study 2, we evaluated the lay hypothesis that reality-based TV is popular because it appeals to the voyeuristic nature of the U.S. population. We also considered other gratifications received from viewership as well as personality traits that might predict reality-based TV consumption. The results of a survey of 252 city residents suggested that (a) the role of voyeurism in the appeal of reality-based television is questionable, (b) regular viewers receive different and more varied gratifications from their viewing than do periodic viewers, and (c) impulsivity seeking and need for cognition do not predict overall reality-based TV viewing, although they might predict viewing of particular programs. Future research directions proposed include investigating dimensions that might distinguish different breeds of reality-based programming and studying the more specific cognitive and emotional elements that contribute to the "genre's" appeal.
The present study used autobiographical memory to investigate the social experience and short- and long-term effects of seeing frightening movies on a date, extending Zillmann and Weaver's (1996) model of differential gender-role behaviors to persons' own real-life dating experiences. Young adult participants (a) recalled the experience of watching a scary movie on a date, and (b) were assessed for levels of gender-role traditionality, sensation seeking, and dispositional empathy. Results showed that almost all individuals could recall such a date. Although men reported more positive reactions to the film and women more negative reactions, the experience appeared to have some social utility for both. Sex was a better predictor than the gender-role measures for Negative Reactions, Sleep Disturbances, and the likelihood of being Scared Today by the movie. Sensation-Seeking and Empathy were modest predictors of the same variables. In sum, the dating context seemed to encourage both men and women to behave and react in highly gender-stereotypical ways.
Prosocial motivation is egoistic when the ultimate goal is to increase one's own welfare; it is altruistic when the ultimate goal is to increase another's welfare. The view that all prosocial behavior, regardless how noble in appearance, is motivated by some form of self-benefits may seem cynical. But it is the dominant view in contemporary psychology. Most contemporary psychologists who use the term have no intention of challenging the dominant view that all human behavior, including all prosocial behavior, is motivated by self-serving, egoistic desires. Contemporary pseudoaltruistic views can be classified into three types: altruism as prosocial behavior, not motivation, altruism as prosocial behavior seeking internal rewards, and altruism as prosocial behavior to reduce aversive arousal. If altruistic motivation exists, then one has to make some fundamental changes in the conception of human motivation and indeed of human nature. As yet, the evidence is not sufficiently clear to justify such changes. If the conceptual analysis and research outlined in the chapter have merit, then the threshold of an empirical answer to the question why one care for other will be reached.
Traditionally, researchers have focused on the positive outcomes associated with empathy-related traits. However, in the present study, empathy-related traits were examined as possible mediators in the relationship between neuroticism and depressive symptoms among a sample of 204 college students. As expected, fantasy acted as a partial mediator in the neuroticism–depression connection. Although personal distress was not a mediator, it did interact with neuroticism to influence depression scores. Overall, these findings point to the importance of considering empathy not only in terms of positive, but negative outcomes as well.
We used the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) to assess the degree of narcissism among celebrities. Results indicate that celebrities are significantly more narcissistic than MBA students and the general population. Contrary to findings in the population at large, in which men are more narcissistic than women, female celebrities were found to be significantly more narcissistic than their male counterparts. Reality television personalities had the highest overall scores on the NPI, followed by comedians, actors, and musicians. Further, our analyses fail to show any relationship between NPI scores and years of experience in the entertainment industry, suggesting that celebrities may have narcissistic tendencies prior to entering the industry.
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