
Estrada Real : patrimônio cultural de Minas Gerais (?) : um estudo de Diamantina e Serro

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O crescimento mundial do turismo tem estimulado o desenvolvimento de grandes programas de base local, que buscam aumentar o fluxo turístico para as localidades por meio da promoção das riquezas naturais, culturais e patrimoniais das mesmas. Neste contexto, se insere o Programa Estrada Real, iniciativa do governo e outras instituições de Minas Gerais, que investe desde 1999 no desenvolvimento turístico de uma vasta região, que compreende 168 cidades no estado. As propostas de ação são baseadas na riqueza histórica de Minas Gerais e dos caminhos do período colonial, por onde se realizou o povoamento do interior brasileiro e o escoamento das riquezas do território. A região apresenta atualmente grande vocação para o turismo, notadamente no segmento cultural, necessitando ser trabalhada por estratégias coerentes com este fim. Estas se encontram inseridas no escopo do Programa, que tem objetivos audaciosos, como demonstra a candidatura em curso para reconhecimento da Estrada Real como Paisagem Cultural Mundial pela UNESCO. Esta dissertação objetiva identificar o nível de participação da população neste Programa, bem como o de sua apropriação quanto aos bens patrimoniais envolvidos. A análise se focou nos municípios mineiros de Diamantina e Serro, onde foi realizada a pesquisa de campo. Através das entrevistas realizadas, identificaram-se as percepções e expectativas da comunidade quanto ao tema, o que constitui certamente a base para o diagnóstico das ações desenvolvidas até o presente momento, bem como para o prognóstico do êxito das mesmas.

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... Serro was the capital of one of the four districts of the captaincy of Minas Gerais, it was the first city to have its architectural ensemble listed by the National Historical and Artistic Patrimonial Institute (IPHAN) and the one that best preserved the features of 18 th century villages in the state. Situated in the northeast center of Minas Gerais, in central region of the Espinhaço mountain ( Barbosa et al., 2013;Marques, 2009). In Serro region an artisanal minas cheese is produced, considered intangible heritage of Minas Gerais (Barbosa, 2007). ...
... During the colonial period, Serro was the capital of one of the four districts of the captaincy of Minas Gerais. It was the first city to have its architectural ensemble listed by the National Historical and Artistic Patrimonial Institute (IPHAN) and the one that best preserved the features of 18 th century villages in the state (Marques, 2009). In Serro region an artisanal minas cheese is produced, considered intangible heritage of Minas Gerais ( Barbosa, 2007). ...
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The history of Minas Gerais state, Brazil, is directly linked to the construction of roads by gold and diamonds explorers, known as the Royal Road. Studying the gardens built in cities located along this road, many with historical value, helps to understand and appreciate its history. So it is possible to connect the past to the present and add greater value to the cultural architectural ensemble in order to encourage tourism, promote and preserve the environment and, above all, value the history of the society through the gardens. The big question is how these public gardens were appropriate and modified by society over time. Thus, it has as object of study the gardens and landscape of Serro. The methodology consisted of inventive analysis, together with the subjective analysis and preservation of gardens and historical heritage. The study of the evolution of this area is based on the analysis of the morphological transformations in the landscape and in the squares during the development of the city. Serro was the seat of one of the four districts of Minas Gerais. The city still retains many features of the 18th century villas and is marked by the strong presence of the baroque features. The houses are arranged in an amphitheater on the slopes of the hills and the green is formed by the junction of backyards with fruit. The Largo da Cavalhada, was built in 1738. It was the place where the troops carrying goods by the highway stopped to rest. Initially wide accompanied the ground level paved with stones and, during the 20th century, became a public garden with new elements as gazebo, fountain and vegetation.
... Currently, the Road is an important tourist attraction offering to the visitors access to singular architecture buildings, traditional food, unique landscapes and natural handcrafts gifts (Marques, 2009). The region is also home to several traditional communities (e.g. ...
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Payments for environmental services (PES) consist of a way of promoting conservation by providing a financial reward to landowners. We propose an approach to determine the potential of a region for implementing PES based on the land potential for agriculture. PES is a powerful mechanism able to contribute for at least ten United Nations sustainable development goals. The study area consists of the headwaters of two important basins in Brazil: the Doce and the Jequitinhonha rivers. The potential for agricultural use was determined based on lithology, soil class, and slope of the terrain layers. The land use was classified using Sentinel images between August 2019 and March 2020. The potential of environmental services were mapped overlapping the land use, the protected areas, and the potential for agricultural. We found that 42.9% of the land have low potential; 31.6% have moderate potential, 23.6% have high potential and 1.9% have very high agricultural. Native vegetation and rocky outcrops accounted together for 75% of the area. Pasture occupies another 22.3%, urban area 1.38%, mining 0.83% and agriculture 0.04%. We found that 87.3% of the land classified as low agricultural potential are still covered by native vegetation or rocky outcrops, and are natural candidates to enter a PES program. Livestock farming or agriculture developed in low potential areas are candidates for land retirement and restoration. The livestock farming is the dominant economic activity in the region, with annualized present value of US106.77perhectare,andshouldbethereferencefortheannualpaymentfornaturalareasincludedinaPESprogram.TheannualbudgetforthePESprogramimplementationaimingatthepreservationofthecurrentnaturalvegetationisUS 106.77 per hectare, and should be the reference for the annual payment for natural areas included in a PES program. The annual budget for the PES program implementation aiming at the preservation of the current natural vegetation is US 10.8 millions.
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p class="normal">Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo discutir os impactos psicossociais da atividade turística em Diamantina, a partir da concepção de identidade cultural, mais especificamente, a partir das questões identitárias que se apresentam no contato da população local com o turista. Procurou-se centrar sobre os elementos e situações que confrontam ou contrastam significativamente com o modo de vida local. Para tal, realizou-se um grupo focal com os principais representantes dos setores ligados a atividade turística na cidade. Os discursos indicaram que os residentes percebem os impactos de uma forma negativa, sinalizando situações de ameaça e agressão ao modo de vida, além do turismo não ser o único vetor de alteração da identidade tradicional. Palavras-chave : identidade, turismo, impacto do turismo, confronto/negação da identidade, Diamantina.</p
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El turismo históricamente siempre ha sido un fenómeno social relacionado con la cultura, pues a menudo ha contribuido a su reestructuración. Sus impactos han sido positivos y negativos y por ello ha sido tan polémico su desarrollo en los diferentes países donde ha tenido mayor presencia. La función protectora y socializadora de la cultura ha sido importante en el desarrollo turístico desde hace siglos e incluso en el presente con mayor razón. La única manera de generar políticas sobre el turismo cultural es realizando primero las investigaciones de base para conocer bien los impactos y decidir en consecuencia