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Generalized Joint Hypermobility and Risk of Lower Limb Joint Injury During Sport: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis


Abstract and Figures

Generalized joint hypermobility is a highly prevalent condition commonly associated with joint injuries. The current literature has conflicting reports of the risk of joint injury in hypermobile sporting participants compared with their nonhypermobile peers. Systematic reviews have not been conclusive and no meta-analysis has been performed. This review was undertaken to determine whether individuals with generalized joint hypermobility have an increased risk of lower limb joint injury when undertaking sporting activities. Systematic review with meta-analysis. Studies were identified through a search without language restrictions of PubMed, CINAHL, Embase, and SportDiscus databases from the earliest date through February 2009 with subsequent handsearching of reference lists. Inclusion criteria for studies were determined before searching and all included studies underwent methodological quality assessment by 2 independent reviewers. Meta-analyses for joint injury of the lower limb, knee, and ankle were performed using a random effects model. The difference in injury proportions between hypermobility categories was tested with the z statistic. Of 4841 identified studies, 18 met all inclusion criteria with methodological quality ranging from 1 of 6 to 5 of 6. A variety of tests of hypermobility and varied cutoff points to define the presence of generalized joint hypermobility were used, so the authors determined a standardized cutoff to indicate generalized joint hypermobility. Using this criterion, a significantly increased risk of knee joint injury for hypermobile and extremely hypermobile participants compared with their nonhypermobile peers was demonstrated (P < .001), whereas no increased risk was found for ankle joint injury. For knee joint injury, a combined odds ratio of 4.69 (95% confidence interval, 1.33-16.52; P = .02) was calculated, indicating a significantly increased risk for hypermobile participants playing contact sports. Sport participants with generalized joint hypermobility have an increased risk of knee joint injury during contact activities but have no altered risk of ankle joint injury.
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Generalized Joint Hypermobility
and Risk of Lower Limb Joint Injury
During Sport
A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis
Verity Pacey,
GradDip (Sports Physiotherapy), Leslie L. Nicholson,
Roger D. Adams,
PhD, Joanne Munn,
PhD, and Craig F. Munns,
From the
Discipline of Physiotherapy, The University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales,
Australia, the
Physiotherapy Department, and
Department of Endocrinology, The Children’s
Hospital at Westmead, Westmead, New South Wales, Australia, and
Discipline of Pediatrics and
Child Health, The University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Background: Generalized joint hypermobility is a highly prevalent condition commonly associated with joint injuries. The current
literature has conflicting reports of the risk of joint injury in hypermobile sporting participants compared with their nonhypermobile
peers. Systematic reviews have not been conclusive and no meta-analysis has been performed.
Purpose: This review was undertaken to determine whether individuals with generalized joint hypermobility have an increased
risk of lower limb joint injury when undertaking sporting activities.
Study Design: Systematic review with meta-analysis.
Methods: Studies were identified through a search without language restrictions of PubMed, CINAHL, Embase, and SportDiscus
databases from the earliest date through February 2009 with subsequent handsearching of reference lists. Inclusion criteria for
studies were determined before searching and all included studies underwent methodological quality assessment by 2 indepen-
dent reviewers. Meta-analyses for joint injury of the lower limb, knee, and ankle were performed using a random effects model.
The difference in injury proportions between hypermobility categories was tested with the zstatistic.
Results: Of 4841 identified studies, 18 met all inclusion criteria with methodological quality ranging from 1 of 6 to 5 of 6. A variety
of tests of hypermobility and varied cutoff points to define the presence of generalized joint hypermobility were used, so the
authors determined a standardized cutoff to indicate generalized joint hypermobility. Using this criterion, a significantly increased
risk of knee joint injury for hypermobile and extremely hypermobile participants compared with their nonhypermobile peers was
demonstrated (P\.001), whereas no increased risk was found for ankle joint injury. For knee joint injury, a combined odds ratio of
4.69 (95% confidence interval, 1.33-16.52; P5.02) was calculated, indicating a significantly increased risk for hypermobile
participants playing contact sports.
Conclusion: Sport participants with generalized joint hypermobility have an increased risk of knee joint injury during contact
activities but have no altered risk of ankle joint injury.
Keywords: hypermobility; knee; ankle; joint; sports injury; meta-analysis
Generalized joint hypermobility (GJH) is a condition in
which most of an individual’s synovial joints move beyond
the ‘‘normal’’ limits, with the age, gender, and ethnic
background of the individual taken into account.
of differing definitions and case identifications, the preva-
lence of GJH in published reports varies from 5% to 43% in
and 2% to 55% in children.
Generalized joint
hypermobility is also a recognized feature of many her-
itable disorders of connective tissue, such as Ehlers-Danlos
syndrome,Osteogenesis Imperfecta, and Marfansyndrome.
Many of these disorders are associated with symptoms of
chronic fatigue and widespread musculoskeletal pain,
which may result from the GJH.
The increased connective tissue flexibility in GJH is
considered to be of primarily genetic origin, given its com-
mon autosomal dominant presentation.
Although many
Address correspondence to Verity Pacey, GradDip (Sports Physio-
therapy), Physiotherapy Department, The Children’s Hospital at West-
mead, Locked Bag 4001, Westmead, NSW 2145, Australia (e-mail:
The authors declared that they had no conflicts of interests in their
authorship and publication of this contribution.
The American Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 38, No. 7
DOI: 10.1177/0363546510364838
Ó2010 The Author(s)
Winner of the 2009 Systematic Review Competition
of the genes responsible for the monogenetic disorders
associated with GJH have been identified,
the cause of
idiopathic GJH, including those with benign joint hyper-
mobility syndrome, requires further investigation.
Dislocations, subluxations, and sprains are commonly
reported in individuals with GJH
and it is assumed
that the risk of such injuries is magnified during activi-
ties that are more physically challenging, particularly
where the lower limbs are involved. However, reports in
the current literature are inconclusive as to whether the
risk of lower limb joint injury during sport is greater in
hypermobile participants compared with their nonhyper-
mobile peers. Conflicting evidence of the relationship
between hypermobility and joint injuries has been
reported among ballet dancers
and gridiron play-
To date, systematic reviews have also been
unable to definitively determine any difference in the
risk of lower limb joint injury sustained by hypermobile
sporting participants
and no meta-analysis has been
This situation has led to varying recommendations
from clinicians and researchers advising individuals
with GJH on the risks incurred by sports participation.
Advising caution when giving advice on sports participa-
tion for those with GJH, recommendations include
participation in noncontact activities only, such as swim-
ming, pilates, and tai chi
; or greater caution so that ‘‘rel-
atively lax individuals should avoid physical exertion at
a higher than normal rhythm.’’
Others suggest that
hypermobile participants can undertake sporting activi-
ties such as netball, stipulating that they should do so
with the use of strapping and supports in order to limit
Conversely, Murray
recommends full involve-
ment in sporting activities for pain-free hypermobile
Physical activity is routinely prescribed for patients
with chronic conditions; however, patients with GJH
need a statement of the best information available on the
risks associated with such participation. Accordingly, the
aim of the current study is to systematically review the lit-
erature to determine whether people with GJH are at sig-
nificantly greater risk of lower limb joint injury if they par-
ticipate in sporting activities.
Identification of Studies
Eligible studies were identified through a search without
language restrictions of PubMed, CINAHL, Embase, and
SportDiscus databases from the earliest date through
February 2009. The search strategy (Table 1) was formed
by the authors in conjunction with an experienced medi-
cal librarian. Handsearching of reference lists of all
included studies and relevant review papers was also
All studies identified by the search were screened by the
first author using the inclusion criteria and checked by
a second author as required.
Inclusion Criteria
Studies were included if they used a prospective design with
an objective scale to measure GJH and included participants
who were undertaking any type of sports activity. To be
included in the review, studies also had to be peer reviewed
and have objective, quantitative injury data. Injury defini-
tion included injury diagnosis by a health professional, self-
reported dysfunction, or time lost to athletic participation.
Methodological Quality Assessment
Methodological quality was assessed using the 6-point
scale developed for prognostic studies by Pengel et al,
PubMed Search Strategy
1. Causal*[tw]
2. Causation[tw]
3. Pred*[tw]
4. Risk*[tw]
5. Risk assessment[mh]
6. Risk factors[mh]
7. Odds ratio[mh]
8. Clinical trials[mh]
9. Prevalence[mh]
10. Prevalence studies[mh]
11. Incidence studies[mh]
12. Incidence[mh]
13. Epidemiological studies[mh]
14. Or/1-13
15. Hip injuries[mh]
16. Foot injuries[mh]
17. Knee injuries[mh]
18. Athletic injuries[mh]
19. Injur*[tw]
20. Sublux*[tw]
21. Disloc*[tw]
22. Sprain*[tw]
23. Sprains or strains[mh]
24. Dislocations[mh]
25. Ankle injuries[mh]
26. Or/15-25
27. Joint instability[mh]
28. Hypermob*[tw]
29. Hyper-mob*[tw]
30. Joint laxity[tw]
31. Joint instability*[tw]
32. Ligament*AND instability*[tw]
33. Ligament*AND laxity[tw]
34. Beighton[tw]
35. Hyperflex*[tw]
36. Hyperextens*[tw]
37. Or/27-36
38. 14 AND 26 AND 37
This search strategy was modified for searches of other
Database search terms: tw, textword; mh, MeSH term (biomed-
ical term assigned to describe the subject of indexed articles);
*wildcard (search for terms that begin with the letters preceding
1488 Pacey et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine
used previously in reviews of prognosis of musculoskeletal
Two reviewers independently assessed the
quality of each study. Ambiguities were resolved through
discussion, with a third reviewer consulted when agree-
ment could not be reached.
Data Extraction and Analysis
Data extracted from each included study by 2 authors
included participant age, gender, and sporting activity;
number of participants; length of follow-up; measure and
definition of GJH; definition of injury used; injuries stud-
ied; and reported injury data. In line with the American
Academy of Pediatrics system, sporting activities were
classified into 3 groups—collision or contact sports, limited
contact sports, and noncontact sports.
Four studies
included sporting activities in more than 1 of these groups
and were therefore classified into a fourth group referred
to as mixed sports. Where studies reported insufficient
data to be included in a meta-analysis, an attempt was
made to contact the authors by e-mail. From this, 4 sets
of more detailed data were obtained.
Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were
generated using StatsDirect software (version 2.7.2,
StatsDirect Ltd, Altrincham, Cheshire, United Kingdom).
Because an odds ratio of 1 demonstrates that an injury is
equally as likely to occur in the hypermobile group as
the nonhypermobile group, where the odds ratio is
greater than 1, and the 95% CI does not include 1,
then statistical significance was accepted as P\.05.
Forest plots were generated (Figures 1-4) and the area
of each square symbol (odds ratio) is proportional to the
study’s weight in the meta-analysis, reflecting the weight-
ing of each study’s results in the random effects analysis
model. The open diamond symbol represents the com-
bined odds ratio.
Because of differences among the included studies in
the participants, sports, and measures used, the DerSimo-
nian and Laird random effects method
was used for the
meta-analysis and I
was calculated to determine the level
of heterogeneity, with an I
value of 100% representing
Odds ratio meta-analysis plot [random effects]
0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10
Soderman et al - CONTACT 1.27 (0.59, 2.72
Krivickas & Feinberg - MIXED 0.65 (0.27, 1.45
Diaz, Estevez & Guijo - CONTACT 3.40 (1.66, 7.15
combined [random] 1.43 (0.56, 3.67
odds ratio (95% confidence interval)
Figure 1. Meta-analysis of risk of lower limb joint injury to
hypermobile sports participants utilizing the standardized
generalized joint hypermobility definition.
Odds ratio meta-analysis plot [random effects]
0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 100
Ostenberg & Roos - CONTACT 5.32 (1.59, 18.26)
Nicholas - CONTACT 25.74 (8.82, 77.28
Krivickas & Feinberg - MIXED 0.72 (0.20, 2.15)
Diaz, Estevez & Guijo - CONTACT 2.52 (1.02, 6.31)
combined [random] 3.98 (0.95, 16.55)
odds ratio (95% confidence interval)
Figure 2. Meta-analysis of risk of knee joint injury to hyper-
mobile sports participants utilizing the standardized general-
ized joint hypermobility definition.
Odds ratio meta-analysis plot [random effects]
0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 100
Ostenberg & Roos 5.32 (1.59, 18.26)
Nicholas 25.74 (8.82, 77.28
Krivickas & Feinberg 1.19 (0.18, 5.69)
Diaz, Estevez & Guijo 2.52 (1.02, 6.31)
combined [random] 4.69 (1.33, 16.52)
odds ratio (95% confidence interval)
Figure 3. Meta-analysis of risk of knee joint injury to hyper-
mobile participants of contact sports utilizing the standard-
ized generalized joint hypermobility definition.
Odds ratio meta-analysis plot [random effects]
0.10.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 100
McHugh et al - MIXED 0.82 (0.32, 2.02)
Krivickas & Feinberg - MIXED 0.48 (0.11, 1.51)
Hiller et al - NON-CONTACT 1.40 (0.57, 3.41)
Diaz, Estevez & Guijo - CONTACT 5.33 (1.51, 23.50
Beynnon et al - CONTACT 1.38 (0.22, 6.01)
combined [random] 1.28 (0.62, 2.63)
odds ratio (95% confidence interval)
Figure 4. Meta-analysis of risk of ankle joint injury to hyper-
mobile sports participants utilizing the standardized general-
ized joint hypermobility definition.
Vol. 38, No. 7, 2010 Hypermobility and Joint Injuries 1489
Included Studies
Gender and Age
Sporting Activity
of Follow-up
Author(s)’ Conclusion:
Does GJH Affect
the Risk of Injury?
et al
73 males, 72
females aged 18-
23 years
Lacrosse, soccer,
field hockey
Not stated Lateral
Trainer review Ankle: No significant
Beynnon et al
50 males, 68
females aged
18-23 years
Lacrosse, soccer,
field hockey
Not stated Lateral
Medical review Ankle: No significant
Davies and
185 males aged
23 65 years
Rugby union (1st
Welsh, and
1 season Any injury,
any body
Self-report: Temporary
interruption to game OR
impaired ability to train
or play
Overall: No significant
Decoster et al
147 males, 163
females aged 20 6
4 years
Lacrosse (college) 1 season Any injury,
any body
Trainer report: Injury
resulting in missing at
least 1 practice or game
Overall: No significant
Ankle: Increased risk
Diaz et al
675 males aged 17
Soldier recruits 2 months Any injury,
any body
Medical review: Lesions
or alterations to the
locomotor system
requiring treatment
Overall: Increased
Hiller et al
21 males, 94
females aged
12-16 years
Ballet and dance
(high school)
Up to 13
(until 1st
Self-report: Swelling or
bruising from inversion
injury and limping
for .1 day
Ankle: No significant
Hopper et al
72 females aged 15-
36 years
Netball (A grade) 14 weeks Any injury,
any body
Medical review Overall: No significant
Kalenak and
72 males American football
1-4 seasons Knee
Medical review: Medial,
lateral, or anterior
cruciate ligament
Knee: No increased
Krivickas and
131 males, 70
females aged
17-21 years
Football, baseball,
basketball, soccer,
golf, diving, and
others (college)
1 year Any type of
back or
Trainer or medical
review: Injury that
limited activity or
prevented play in
practice or game
Overall: Decreased
Lompa et al
71 males, 34
females aged
9-24 years
volleyball and
12 months Any injury,
any body
Medical review Overall: Increased
Lysens et al
118 males, 67
females aged
17-19 years
Physical education
1 year Any injury,
any body
Medical review: Injury
during sport session
resulting in 3 days
absence from sport
Overuse: Increase risk
McHugh et al
101 males, 68
females, aged
14-18 years
Athletes (high
2 years Lateral
Trainer review: Ankle
injury with inversion
mechanism resulting in
missing 1 game or
Ankle: No significant
139 males American football
At least 1
Medical review: 3°
ligament rupture
requiring surgery within
2 weeks due to
Knee: Increased risk
Ostenberg and
123 females aged
14-39 years
Soccer (all levels) 1 season (7
Any injury,
any body
Medical review: Absence
from at least 1 practice
or game
Overall: Increased
Knee: Increased risk
1490 Pacey et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine
complete heterogeneity. Potential publication bias was not
tested because of the substantial heterogeneity and low
number of studies included within the meta-analysis.
19, 44
Although differing definitions of GJH were identified
between studies, obtaining the original raw data sets
allowed us to use a standardized criterion of 4of9on
the Beighton scale to indicate GJH, as recommended by
the British Society of Rheumatology.
Where the scale
used to determine the extent of hypermobility was not
a 9-point scale, the point closest in percentage to 4 of 9
(44.44%) was used (eg, 2 of 5, 3 of 6).
Therefore, odds ratios for all lower limb, knee, and
ankle joint injuries related to GJH are reported in 2
ways: first, by the original authors’ definition; and second,
by the standardized definition using the British Society of
Rheumatology criterion for defining GJH (4 of 9 or equiv-
alent). Thus the odds ratios for each area (ankle, knee,
overall lower limb) and for each definition (authors’ and
standardized) are pooled from differing numbers of studies
and individual data sets, depending on the data that could
be extracted.
Participants in the 6 studies that provided hypermobil-
ity scores as continuous data
were then clas-
sified on the basis of extent of hypermobility into 1 of 3
categories—not hypermobile (0 of 9 to 3 of 9 or equiva-
lent), hypermobile (4 of 9 to 6 of 9 or equivalent), or
extremely hypermobile (7 of 9 to 9 of 9 or equivalent)—
The 95% CIs for
the injury rates of participants in each of these 3 catego-
ries were calculated, and the difference in injury propor-
tions between categories was tested with the zstatistic.
The number of individual data sets able to be used in
each calculation differs from the odds ratio calculations
depending on the number of data sets able to be catego-
rized into these 3 groups.
The search identified 4841 studies, of which 18 met all
inclusion criteria (Table 2). Of the 18 studies, 4 considered
only ankle injuries,
3 considered only knee inju-
1 study pooled all leg injuries,
and all others
considered both lower limb and injuries to other areas of
the body.
Attempts were made to contact authors of all
studies by e-mail with a request to provide de-identified
data of sufficient detail to be included in the meta-
analyses. Authors were not contacted if the complete
data were available within the publication, as was the
case for 2 studies. Three of the 10 authors who responded
were able to provide the required data. No specific injury
data relating to GJH could be obtained for 8 of the 18
articles and consequently these studies are not included
in the meta-analyses. Hip joint injury data were only
available from 1 study
that reported 3 hip joint injuries,
generating an odds ratio of 1.33 (95% CI, 0.12-14.94; P5
.82) utilizing the standardized definition of GJH.
TABLE 2 (continued)
Gender and Age
Sporting Activity
of Follow-up
Author(s)’ Conclusion:
Does GJH Affect
the Risk of Injury?
Pasque and
418 males aged 14-
19 years
Wrestling (high
1 season (3
Any injury,
any body
Medical review: Any
condition reducing
function resulting in
seeking medical care OR
Self-report: Loss of
practice or match and
loss of 1 day from
athletic participation
Overall: No significant
et al
146 females aged
20.6 64.7 years
Soccer (2nd and
3rd division)
1 season (7
Leg injuries Self- or coach report:
Absence from 1 practice
or game
Traumatic : Increased
Stewart and
51 males aged 23.6
63.3 years
Rugby union (1st
class New
1 season Shoulder,
hip, knee,
wrist, and
Medical review: Any
condition reducing
function requiring
Overall: Increased
et al
1021 males, 177
females aged 17-
23 years
Cadets 4 years ACL rupture Medical review: ACL
rupture on arthroscopy
Overall: Increased
GJH, generalized joint hypermobility; ACL, anterior cruciate ligament.
{References 9, 13, 17, 23-25, 33, 34, 43, 46.
Vol. 38, No. 7, 2010 Hypermobility and Joint Injuries 1491
Methodological Quality
The 2 reviewers scored 108 quality criteria and initially
agreed on 94 (87%) of these (k50.74; 95% CI, 0.62-0.87).
Further discussion led to agreement on 107 (99%) (k5
0.98; 95% CI, 0.95-1.0), requiring only 1 quality criterion
to be decided by a third reviewer. Nine studies (50%)
defined the population from which the sample was drawn,
5 (28%) clearly described methods for assembling a repre-
sentative sample, and 10 (56%) reported follow-up of at
least 80%. All studies (100%) quantified prognosis, no
study reported blinded assessment of outcome measures,
and 9 studies (53%) reported statistical adjustments. Final
methodological quality scores for these studies ranged
from 1 of 6 to 5 of 6 (Table 3).
Objective Measures Used
Seven different measures of GJH were used by the 18 stud-
ies, incorporating varying cutoff points to indicate the pres-
ence of hypermobility (Table 4). Of the 8 studies that
reported using the modified 9-point Beighton scale, 4
described different criteria for positive identification.
Joint Injury
All Lower Limb Joint Injuries. Original authors’ definition:
Odds ratios and confidence intervals for all lower limb joint
injuries were calculated from 3 studies using the original
authors’ definition of GJH (Table 5) giving a combined odds
ratio of 1.71 (95% CI, 0.60-4.85; P5.31; I
Standardized definition: Calculation of odds ratios
using the standardized definition of GJH was possible for
the same 3 studies, enabling pooling of 1047 individual
data sets (Figure 1) and demonstrating that 14% of the
sporting participants suffered all lower limb joint injuries.
Odds ratios ranged from 0.65 to 3.40 with a combined odds
ratio of 1.43 (95% CI, 0.56-3.67; P5.46; I
581%). Figure
5 reveals that overlap between the 95% CIs of each mobil-
ity status group and the difference in the proportion of
participants with lower limb joint injuries between nonhy-
permobile participants and the combined hypermobile and
extremely hypermobile participants was not significant (z
51.69; P5.09).
Knee Joint Injuries. Original authors’ definition: From
the 5 studies that reported knee injury data, a significant
relationship between hypermobility status and risk of
knee joint injury was found with a combined odds ratio of
2.62 (95% CI, 1.04-6.58; P5.04; I
574.1) (Table 5).
Standardized definition: Four studies assessed injury
risk in male army recruits, female soccer players, profes-
sional male American football players, and athletes
engaged in mixed college level sports allowed pooling of
1167 individual data sets (Figure 2) and calculation of
odds ratios using the standardized definition of GJH. The
overall knee injury rate in these studies was 8.65%, with
odds ratios for knee joint injury in those with GJH ranging
from 0.72 to 25.74, giving a combined odds ratio of 3.98
(95% CI, 0.95-16.55; P5.06; I
Methodological Rating
Author(s) (Year) Defined
Baumhauer et al
(1995) Yes Yes No Yes No No 3
Beynnon et al
(2001) Yes No Yes Yes No Yes 4
Davies and Gibson
(1978) No No Yes Yes No No 2
Decoster et al
(1999) No Yes No Yes No No 2
Diaz et al
(1993) Yes No No Yes No N/A 2
Hiller et al
(2008) Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes 5
Hopper et al
(1995) No No Yes Yes No Yes 3
Kalenak and Morehouse
(1975) No No No Yes No No 1
Krivickas and Feinberg
(1996) Yes No Yes Yes No Yes 4
Lompa et al
(1998) Yes No Yes Yes No No 3
Lysens et al
(1989) No No Yes Yes No Yes 3
McHugh et al
(2006) No No Yes Yes No Yes 3
(1970) Yes Yes No Yes No No 3
Ostenberg and Roos
(2000) No No Yes Yes No Yes 3
Pasque and Hewett
(2000) No No Yes Yes No No 2
Soderman et al
(2001) Yes No No Yes No Yes 3
Stewart and Burden
(2004) No No No Yes No No 1
Uhorchak et al
(2003) Yes Yes No Yes No Yes 4
Description of source of participants with defined inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Participants randomly selected or consecutive cases.
At least 1 prognostic factor available from 80% of study population at 3-month follow-up or later.
Studies must provide raw data, percentages, survival rates, or continuous outcomes.
Assessor unaware of at least 1 prognostic factor, used to predict prognostic outcome, at time prognostic outcome was measured.
For at least 2 prognostic factors with adjustment factor reported.
1492 Pacey et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine
Data were extracted from 4 studies comprising 1043 par-
ticipants in the contact activities of soccer, gridiron, basket-
ball, diving,
and Army recruit training (Figure 3). Army
recruit training was included as a contact activity because
of the nature of combatant activities and the high-impact
body contact with the ground likely to be involved. Using
the standardized definition of GJH, a combined odds ratio
of 4.69 (95% CI, 1.33-16.52; P5.02; I
582.81%) was calcu-
lated, indicating a significant increased risk of knee joint
injury for hypermobile participants playing contact sports.
Three studies of participants in contact sports
provided knee injury data that could be categorized into
the 3 mobility-status groups (not hypermobile, hypermo-
bile, and extremely hypermobile, using the standardized
definition of GJH). When the proportion of nonhypermobile
participants who sustained knee injuries was compared
with those who were hypermobile or extremely hypermo-
bile (combined), the difference was statistically significant
(z54.08; P\.001), with the hypermobile groups injured
more often (Figure 5).
Objective Measures Used
Objective Measure of Hypermobility Description of Measure (Including Variations) Cutoff Point Indicating Hypermobility
Modified 9-point Beighton
5th finger MCP dorsiflexion .90°
(passively extend fingers parallel to forearm
Passive thumb to forearm
Hyperextension of elbows .10°
Hyperextension of knees .10°(.15°
Palms flat on the floor
6-point Beighton and Horan
Passive 5th finger MCP joint extension .90°
Thumb to forearm passively
Elbow hyperextension .10°
Knee hyperextension .10°
Ankle hyperextension .45°
Palms to floor with knees straight
Cutoff not used, treated
as continuous scale
Modified 5-point Carter and Wilkinson
Passive dorsiflexion of 5th finger .90°
(passive hyperextension of the fingers
parallel to the forearm
Thumb to forearm
Hyperextension of elbow (.5°
Hyperextension of knee (.5°
Palms on floor (femoral anteversion
Modified 10-point Carter and Wilkinson
Passive hyperextension of fingers to
parallel with forearm
Passive thumb to forearm flexor aspect
Elbow hyperextension .10°
Knee hyperextension .10°
Dorsiflexion of ankle .30°
5-point Nicholas
Upper extremity laxity—hypothenar eminence
inclines cephalad in vertical plane with elbows
extended and forearms supinated (hyperextension
of the elbow with the wrist in supination and
the shoulder flexed to 90°
Hyperextension of the knee 20°(.10°
Over pivot ability—feet .180°degrees heel to
heel and toes out (hip, knee, and ankle max
external rotation with knees flexed 15°-30°)
Knees or ankles parallel to floor when lying or
sitting in either external rotation (lotus position)
or internal rotation (thumb to forearm
with wrist flexed
Flex spine so palms touch floor with knees
fully extended
8-point Wynne and Davies
Thumb to volar aspect of forearm
5th MCP hyperextension .90°
Elbow hyperextension
Knee hyperextension
Original references cited within text with no description of test provided for 5-point Beighton and Horan
or combination of joint laxity,
looseness, and mobility test.
MCP, metacarpophalangeal joint.
Vol. 38, No. 7, 2010 Hypermobility and Joint Injuries 1493
Ankle Joint Injuries. Original authors’ definition: Odds
ratios and CIs for ankle joint injury were calculated from 6
studies using the original authors’ definition of GJH (Table
5). The combined odds ratio was 1.34 (95% CI, 0.69-2.60;
P5.39; I
Standardized definition: Pooling 1361 individual data
sets from the studies providing data able to use the stan-
dardized definition of GJH, 8.74% of participants suffered
ankle joint injuries. The combined odds ratio of 1.28 (95%
CI, 0.62-2.63; P5.51; I
559.4%) was not significantly
different from 1 (Figure 4). Combined data from 4 stud-
providing the continuous scores from 1244
sports participants demonstrated the 95% CIs between
the nonhypermobile, hypermobile, and extremely hyper-
mobile groups all overlapping (Figure 5). There was,
therefore, no significant difference in ankle injury rates
between these groups or the nonhypermobile and
combined hypermobile and extremely hypermobile group
(z51.22; P5.22).
Joint Injuries Incurred During Participation in
Different Sports: Contact, Limited Contact,
Noncontact, or Mixed
Relating lower limb, knee, and ankle joint injuries to the
type of sporting activity undertaken (contact, limited con-
tact, noncontact, or mixed), differences became apparent.
Studies involving mixed sporting activities had lower
odds ratios compared with those obtained for the contact
or collision sports, with no odds ratio equal to or above
1.00 for any of the mixed sporting activity studies, whereas
all collision or contact sporting activity studies generated
odds ratios greater than 1 when using the standardized
definition of GJH (Figures 1, 2, and 4).
The findings of this review and meta-analyses indicate
that for those people who have GJH, there is a signifi-
cantly increased risk of injury to the knee joint during
participation in contact sports; however, the ankle joint
is not at an increased risk of injury during any sporting
Much of the current literature is consistent with the
findings of the present review. Several prospective
studies of ankle injuries incurred during a range of
sporting activities have been undertaken, with most find-
ing no significantly increased risk of injury associated
with GJH.
A recent systematic review of the pre-
dictors of ankle injury reported that it was reduced ankle
dorsiflexion range of motion (hypomobility at the ankle)
that was a strong predictor of ankle sprains.
respect to the knee joint, our findings support studies
suggesting that individuals with increased knee hyperex-
tension are at increased risk of anterior cruciate
ligament injury,
one of the most common knee joint
Odds Ratios and 95% Confidence Intervals for Studies Using the Authors’ Definition of GJH
Author(s) (Year) Type of Sport Area of Injury Odds Ratio 95% Confidence Interval
Beynnon et al
(2001) Contact Ankle 1.38 0.22-6.01
Diaz et al
(1993) Contact Lower limb
Decoster et al
(1999) Contact Ankle 1.99 0.57-6.30
Hiller et al
(2008) Noncontact Ankle 1.40 0.57-3.41
Kalenak and Morehouse
(1975) Contact Knee 1.08 0.36-3.24
Krivickas and Feinberg
(1996) Mixed Lower limb
McHugh et al
(2006) Mixed Ankle 0.61 0.15-1.93
(1970) Contact Knee 15.56 3.61-138.32
Ostenberg and Roos
(2000) Contact Knee 5.32 1.59-18.26
Soderman et al
(2001) Contact Lower limb 2.24 0.79-6.71
GJH, generalized joint hypermobility.
Percent with injury
Knee Ankle
Injury location
** Not hypermobile
Extremely hypermobile
All lower limb
Figure 5. Proportion of injuries by hypermobility status. Bars
represent 95% confidence intervals. **Difference in propor-
tions of injuries significant at P\.001 level.
1494 Pacey et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine
The increased risk of knee injury but not ankle injury in
sports participants with GJH has not been reported previ-
ously; however, it is consistent with ankle and knee joint
anatomy and biomechanics. Ankle stability relies on both
active (musculotendinous) and passive (ligamentous)
restraints to prevent injury, whereas the knee relies to
a greater extent on passive restraints. The most common
ankle injury, lateral ankle sprain, occurs as a result of
unrestrained inversion and plantar flexion.
Along with
the passive restraints to inversion provided by the lateral
ligament complex, the peroneus longus and brevis also pro-
vide active restraint. Both active and passive tissues, in
conjunction with the bony congruency of the talocrural
joint, provide restraint to all planes of the movement at
the ankle joint.
However, the knee has less bony congru-
ency and the alignment and action of surrounding muscu-
lature offer little active joint restraint. Most knee joint
injuries occur either at the end of extension range, or
involve unrestrained rotation, varus, or valgus force.
While the large hamstring muscle group, sartorius and
gracilis, provide some active restraint to the end range of
knee extension, their moment arms are small, rendering
them unlikely to be able to provide sufficient torque to
restrain extension. During rotatory, valgus, and varus
motion, passive restraint is provided by tension in the cru-
ciate, medial, and lateral collateral ligaments, respectively.
There is minimal active control of rotation and no active
control of varus or valgus movement at the knee joint,
which relies almost completely on the passive ligamentous
and capsular restraints to prevent injury. When the foot
remains in contact with the ground as forces are applied
to the joints (such as in the contact sport of football, where
the player wears studded or cleated shoes), greater inter-
nal torques are created at the knee joint than at the ankle
joint because of the increased distance from the ground,
again further predisposing the knee joint to injury. The
sporting participant with GJH may rely more on their
dynamic muscular control to maintain joint stability of
their lax lower limb joints than their nonhypermobile
peers, placing them at greater risk of musculotendinous
as well as capsuloligamentous injury.
The intention of the current study was to combine the
results from many available studies. However, of the 18
included studies, the results from 10 studies were ineligi-
ble for meta-analysis because of the method of reporting
data. Meta-analysis performed with access to individual
patient data sets is highly desirable as it allows consis-
tency of data analysis.
Variation in the definition and assessment of GJH is
evident within this review. Seven different objective meas-
ures of GJH, involving 10 differing measurement methods,
were used in the 18 studies. These methods of determining
GJH vary in terms of the particular joints assessed, the
range considered hypermobile, and the application of an
injury allowance point (Table 4). While all the tests aim
to be measures of GJH, upper limb mobility measures
are highly represented in the Beighton scale, while lower
limb measures dominate the Nicholas scale, raising ques-
tions about the face validity of either scale in relation to
generalized or whole body mobility.
Several differing cutoff points to indicate the presence of
GJH were used for the same tests of GJH reported within
this review. Every effort was made to establish the risk of
injury related to GJH utilizing all available data across the
18 studies by using the standardized criterion; however,
conversion of the 5-point scale to a 9-point scale may be
somewhat ambitious. The odds ratios calculated using
the authors’ original definition of GJH differed from those
calculated using the standardized definition of GJH, yet
the overall results were similar.
Definitional inconsistencies encountered during this
review were not limited to those concerning GJH. Different
definitions of ‘‘injury’’ were also used among the studies
reviewed. These varied from diagnostic definitions, for
example ligament rupture confirmed under arthroscopy,
to functional definitions such as absence from training or
a game because of injury.
Increased uniformity in the
reporting of injury incidence in prospective cohort trials
is recommended.
One of the confounders to determining the risk of lower
limb joint injury for those with GJH is that the studies
available cover a wide range of sports (from ballet to grid-
iron) as well as a range of levels of participation (from rec-
reational to occupational and elite). A previous review was
inconclusive as to whether professional competition or
amateur participation resulted in a greater risk of injury.
Sporting activities included in the present systematic
review varied extensively in both the demands of the sport-
ing tasks undertaken and the level at which participation
occurred (Table 2). The injury rate varied within the
included studies, which is likely to be attributable to
multiple factors, including not only sporting activity
undertaken but also the definition of ‘‘injury’’ used. Inves-
tigating risk of injury related to type of sport by categoriz-
ing those sports according to the American Academy of
Pediatrics classification
revealed a marked difference
between contact and other sporting activities. Generalized
joint hypermobility may indeed be protective against
injury in some limited contact and noncontact sports; how-
ever, the results of this study indicate that there is an
increased risk of injury, particularly to the knee, for partic-
ipants with GJH during contact activities.
In conclusion, the risk of ankle injury while participat-
ing in sporting activities is not altered by the presence of
GJH, yet individuals with GJH do have an increased risk
of knee injury during sporting activities, particularly dur-
ing contact sporting activities. Improved consistency in the
measurement of GJH and definitions of injury used within
research studies may assist in providing further evidence
as to which sports are associated with the least risk to
hypermobile individuals.
The authors acknowledge Dr Louise Tofts for her assistance
in reviewing original data supplied by authors, Dr Paulo
Ferreira for the English translation of a Portuguese article,
and Dr Colleen Canning for her assistance with graphical
representation of data.
Vol. 38, No. 7, 2010 Hypermobility and Joint Injuries 1495
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Vol. 38, No. 7, 2010 Hypermobility and Joint Injuries 1497
... Our results supplement previous literature directed at understanding the management of patients at the confluence of syndromic joint hypermobility and patellofemoral instability. A review and meta-analysis by Pacey et al. 23 evaluated the risk of lower-extremity joint injury in the setting of adolescent and young adult athletes with generalized joint hypermobility. In the 18 included studies, generalized joint hypermobility was defined by 7 different clinical scales, the primary of which was the 9-point Beighton scale, although various cutoffs to define hypermobility were used throughout the studies. ...
... P < .001) in patients with JHS at 1 and 2 years, respectively. This presents an interesting finding in that the patients in the metaanalysis by Pacey et al. 23 were contact athletes, which would intuitively produce a greater odds ratio compared with the general sample presented in the current study. In addition, the present study specifically only included patellofemoral instability, whereas the study by Pacey et al. 23 included all knee injuries; again, this would intuitively produce a perhaps greater odds ratio in a contact athlete population. ...
... This presents an interesting finding in that the patients in the metaanalysis by Pacey et al. 23 were contact athletes, which would intuitively produce a greater odds ratio compared with the general sample presented in the current study. In addition, the present study specifically only included patellofemoral instability, whereas the study by Pacey et al. 23 included all knee injuries; again, this would intuitively produce a perhaps greater odds ratio in a contact athlete population. This discrepancy suggests a potentially greater detrimental effect with respect to knee injuries in patients with specific JHS diagnoses compared with those with clinically hypermobile joints alone. ...
... Joint proprioception diminishes in GJH subjects [9], affecting sensory input. Individuals with GJH exhibit quadriceps activation disorder [22] and congenital weaknesses in soft Descriptive statistics are shown as the mean ± SD for continuous data; **Significant between-group differences (P < 0.01); * Significant between-group differences (P < 0.05) tissues, such as laxity in joint capsules and ligaments [48]. These weaknesses can result in joint instability and motor health disorders, further affecting balance function. ...
Full-text available
Purpose To investigate the characteristics of balance and gait functions in Generalized Joint Hypermobility (GJH) subjects residing in high-altitude areas. Methods This study included 61 university students (28 with GJH and 33 healthy controls) all from the high-altitude region of Linzhi, Tibet Autonomous Region. The Riablo™ wearable intelligent rehabilitation assessment and training system was used to assess static balance (with eyes open and closed) and gait function (during flat walking) in both groups. Results Compared to healthy subjects, GJH subjects exhibited significantly impaired balance, indicated by an increased distance of the center of pressure position from the ideal center of gravity(EO: P = 0.007, EC: P = 0.031) and greater amplitude of center of pressure displacements (EO: P = 0.043, EC: P = 0.032). Gait velocity(P = 0.007), stride length(P = 0.012), and swing stance phase of the gait cycle(P = 0.046) were significantly reduced in GJH subjects compared to healthy subjects. A significant increase in the flat-foot phase of the gait cycle(P = 0.022) was observed in GJH subjects compared to healthy subjects. Conclusion The current study demonstrated that GJH subjects residing in high-altitude areas exhibit impairments in balance and gait, providing a basis for training and prevention strategies tailored for this population. And this study used the wearable intelligent rehabilitation evaluation and training system in high-altitude areas, providing methodological references for scientific research on balance and gait function under non laboratory conditions. Trial registration Controlled Trials No.102772023RT133, Registered 13 October 2023.
... Peculiar to joint hypermobility is the abnormal joint biomechanics arising from the laxity of the joint connective tissues (Pacey et al. 2010). It is assumed that the demand to maintain joint stability may put some strain on the connective tissues causing repetitive micro and macro trauma over time (Tinkle 2020). ...
... Peculiar to joint hypermobility is the abnormal joint biomechanics arising from the laxity of the joint connective tissues (Pacey et al. 2010). It is assumed that the demand to maintain joint stability may put some strain on the connective tissues causing repetitive micro and macro trauma over time (Tinkle 2020). ...
Full-text available
To investigate differences in proprioception using four proprioceptive tests in children with and without hypermobility. Additionally, it was tested if the results on one proprioceptive test predict the results on the other tests. Of the children (8-11years), 100 were classified as normal mobile (Beighton score 0–4) and 50 as hypermobile (Beighton score 5–9). To test proprioception, in the upper extremity the unilateral and bilateral joint position reproduction tasks were used and for the lower extremity the loaded and unloaded wedges task. No differences were found in any of the proprioception tests between the two groups. Estimating the height of the wedges was easier in the loaded position (mean penalty in standing and sitting position, 4.78 and 6.19, respectively). Recalling the elbow position in the same arm resulted in smaller errors compared to tasks reproducing the position with the contralateral arm. Of the four angles used (110°, 90°, 70°, 50°), the position recall in the 90° angle had the smallest position error (1.8°). Correlations between the proprioception tests were weak (Loaded and Unloaded (r 0. 28); Uni and Bilateral (r 0.39), Upper and Lower extremity not significant). No indication of poorer proprioception was found in children with hypermobile joints compared to their normal mobile peers. Loading gives extra information that leads to fewer errors in the wedges task performed while standing, but this effect is independent of joint mobility. Proprioception test outcomes are dependent on the test used; upper extremity results do not predict lower extremity outcomes or vice versa.
... W badaniu metaanalizy Pacey i zespołu stwierdzono, że sportowcy z UHS mają zwiększone ryzyko urazu stawu kolanowego podczas działań wymagających kontaktu fizycznego. Jednakże nie odnotowano zwiększonego ryzyka urazu stawu skokowego w tej populacji (Pacey, Nicholson, Adams, Munn, Munns, 2010, s. 1487-1497. ...
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Uogólniona hipermobilność stawów (UHS) to stan charakteryzujący się zwiększonym zakresem ruchu w wielu stawach, a częstość występowania szacuje się na 10-30% w przypadku mężczyzn i 20-40% u kobiet. UHS jest przyczyną wielu urazów, co może nawet prowadzić do niepełnosprawności. W związku z tym celem tej pracy było określenie zależności pomiędzy uogólnioną hipermobilnością stawową a dziedziczeniem rodzinnym, występowaniem danego typu stopy, w tym stopy i palca Mortona oraz palucha koślawego wśród młodych osób. Analizą objęto 271 osób w wieku 18-26 lat, średnio 22,11 ± 1,61, studiujących fizjoterapię w Kolegium Nauk Medycznych Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Na pod-stawie badania UHS wyłoniono dwie grupy: grupę badaną (GB) z UHS (n = 61) i kontrolną (GK) bez UHS (n = 210). Za narzędzie badawcze posłużyła skala Beightona, ocena wizualna, plantogram oraz autorski kwestionariusz ankiety do-tyczący zależności rodzinnych. Do analizy statystycznej wykorzystano testy Shapiro-Wilka, U Manna-Whitneya, chi-kwadrat Pearsona i współczynnik korelacji rang Spearmana. Wykazano istotną zależność pomiędzy występowaniem UHS a stopą Mortona (p = 0,028), płcią żeńską (p = 0,004). Natomiast nie wykazano istotnego związku UHS z palcem Mortona, paluchem koślawym ani modzelami czy zgrubiałym naskórkiem. Ponadto stwierdzono rodzinny i pokoleniowy istotny dodatni związek z występowaniem stopy Mortona (R = 0,72; R = 0,081), palucha koślawego (R = 0,41; R = 0,27) oraz dodatni związek palucha koślawego z modzelami (R = 0,29). U osób z UHS jest większe prawdopodobieństwo występowania stopy Mortona, ale już nie palucha koślawego czy palca Mortona. Stopa Mortona i paluch koślawy występują rodzinnie i pokoleniowo.
... A greater effect than stretching alone or IASTM alone may be obtained in such cases. However, joint flexibility that is too high is believed to cause an increased risk of sports injuries [27]. Instructors should consider IASTM when planning their athletes' training, in order to improve their joint flexibility. ...
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Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) stimulates soft subcutaneous tissues by applying pressure to the skin with a specialized bar or spurtle-like instrument. No studies have verified whether several weeks of continuous IASTM alone can alter joint flexibility and musculotendinous properties in healthy participants. We examined the effect of a 6-week IASTM program on joint flexibility and the musculotendinous properties of the lower limbs. Fourteen healthy men (aged 19–35 years) who participated in a 6-week IASTM program (3 days weekly) for the soft tissue of the posterior aspect of one lower leg were included. The other leg served as the control. Before and after the intervention, we measured the maximal ankle joint dorsiflexion angle (dorsiflexion range of motion: DFROM) and maximal passive torque (MPT), a measure of stretch tolerance. We measured muscle and tendon stiffness using shear wave elastography on the gastrocnemius and Achilles tendon. IASTM significantly increased the DFROM and MPT (p < 0.05 for both). However, no significant changes were observed in muscle and tendon stiffness. None of the parameters changed significantly in the control group. The 6-week IASTM program increased stretch tolerance and joint flexibility but did not change muscle and tendon stiffness.
Background Whether non‐syndromic connective tissue hyperlaxity is associated with myopia is unknown. The aim of this study was to examine the association between systemic signs of tissue hyperlaxity and myopia among adolescents. Methods Included were adolescents assessed before mandatory military service at the age of 16–18 years between 2011 and 2022. Diagnoses of hernias, pes planus, genu varus, genu valgum, and scoliosis, as well as joint injuries were used as surrogate markers for tissue hyperlaxity. The prevalence of these events among adolescents with myopia was evaluated and compared to the non‐myopic population. Results Included were 920 806 adolescents. The mean age was 17.4 ± 1.4 years and 58.6% were men. Myopia was diagnosed in 290 759 adolescents (31.6%) and high myopia in 24 069 adolescents (2.6%). The prevalence of hernias was higher among adolescents with myopia, (2.76%, 95% confidence interval (95% CI): 2.69%–2.82% vs. 2.60%, 95% CI: 2.57%–2.65%), as were pes planus (14.92%, 95% CI: 14.79–15.05 vs. 13.51%, 95% CI: 13.42–13.59) and scoliosis (9.14%, 95% CI: 9.03–9.24 vs. 7.69%, 95%CI: 7.62–7.76). The prevalence of joint injuries was clinically similar between groups (less than 0.1% difference for ankle, shoulder, and knee injuries), as were genu varum and genu valgum (0.66%, 95%CI: 0.64%–0.69% vs. 0.68%, 95% CI: 0.66–0.70, respectively). Adjusted for possible confounders results remained consistent. Conclusions Among a large sample of Israeli adolescents, those with myopia had a higher prevalence of hernias, pes planus, and scoliosis. These results could suggest a propensity for systemic conditions related to tissue laxity among myopic adolescents.
Introduction. Elastin and collagen are the key components of bones, cartilage, tendons, skin, lungs and arterial walls. Weak connective tissue disorders and joint hypermobility are pathological conditions where the structure of collagen fibers is changed, resulting in a number of symptoms. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of weak connective tissue disorder in second- and third-year students of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Novi Sad, and to compare muscle strength, pulmonary function and blood pressure between individuals with and without hypermobility. Material and Methods. The study included 100 students (50 females and 50 males) divided into two groups: Group 1 with weak connective tissue and Group 2 with normal connective tissue. The subjects were assessed according to the Beighton score and the Brighton criteria to diagnose hypermobility. Values of blood pressure, pulmonary function and muscle strength were also measured. Results. Analysis of anthropometric parameters and blood pressure values showed significant difference between the groups, including the body height (p=0.014) and body weight (p=0.021) values and systolic (p<0.001) and diastolic (p=0.004) blood pressure values. Dynamometric parameters and lung function values were significantly different between the groups, with vital capacity (p<0.001), forced vital capacity (p=0.05), forced expiratory volume in the 1st second (p=0.025). Lower values were noted in group 1. Conclusion. Weak connective tissue was found with high percentage of students of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Novi Sad (67%). Blood pressure, lung function vales and dynamometric parameters were significantly lower in group 1.
Following a brief description of the historical and genetic background of the condition HMS is described in relation to other connective tissue disorders, such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, the Marfan Syndrome etc. The hypermobility syndrome is distinct from hypermobility (as in one joint only), which most physiotherapists are familiar with, and this difference will be explored. Hypermobility, is something people are born with, but it does not necessarily produce symptoms. It is present in between 5-15% of the population. Many of these will suffer symptoms at some stage in their life. It may occur in childhood, adolescence, adulthood, pregnancy or old age. Each of these stages is covered in the book, with detailed information on the presentation of the condition and its management. There are contributions from a variety of medical practitioners experienced in this field: Consultant Rheumatologist, Professor R Grahame, Consultant Paediatrician, Dr K Murray, GP, Dr E Mansi, several physiotherapists, who specialise in different areas; Rosemary Keer (adults), Alison Middleditch (adolescents), Vicky Harding (Chronic pain), Jane Simmonds (Rehabilitation) & Sue Maillard (paediatric). There will also be a contribution from Sarah Gurley-Green, past Chairperson to the Hypermobility Syndrome association.
Accompaniment of 105 athletes of three sports modalities was made in a multisports club in Rio Grande do Sul. Initial 15; athletes were evaluated according to Familiar, Articular Hypermobility Syndrome (FAHSS), being classified into two groups: FAHSS character carrier and non-carrier. Such evaluation was accomplished through five criteria, evolving the wrist, elbow, knee, and hip joints. Subsequently, athletes were followed- during a 12 month period - observing injury incidence in both groups. At the end of the period, data were collected and analyzed statistically using Spearman's correlation coefficient, chi-square test and Fisher's accurate test. The significance level was set at 5%. A prevalence of 7.6% of the athletes with FAHS was verified, similar to the rate found in literature. Significant greater prevalence of FAHS was observed in females (17.6%) when compared to males (2.8%) which compares also with literature reviewed. The injury incidence related to sports practice was significantly greater in FAHS carrier athletes than in non FAHS carriers, such results strongly indicating that FAHS predisposes individual carriers to muscle-ligamentous injuries, when submitted to exercise with impact on the articulations.
Controversy exists on the relationship of knee ligament stability to knee injuries. Subjective evaluation of joint tightness or looseness has been proposed as a criterion for prescribing selective corrective strengthening or stretching exercises. Biomechanical studies of knee ligament stability were performed on 401 college football players from 1969 to 1971. Forty-three knee ligament injuries occurred during this period of time, 19 (44.2%) in "loose-jointed" players and 24 (55.8%) in "tight-jointed" players. Joint laxity tests were performed on 72 college football players; the distribution of college football players failing to perform each of the tests was quite different from that reported for professional football players. There was no relationship between the subjective joint laxity tests and the objective biomechanical tests of knee ligament stability. We conclude that it is not possible to predict knee injuries by subjective evaluations of joint laxity or by objective biomechanical knee ligament evaluations and that exercise programs based on subjective studies are therefore not sound. (JAMA 234:1143-1145, 1975)
The causes of noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injury remain an enigma. To prospectively evaluate risk factors for noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injuries in a large population of young athletic people. Prospective cohort study. In 1995, 1198 new United States Military Academy cadets underwent detailed testing and many parameters were documented. During their 4-year tenure, all anterior cruciate ligament injuries that occurred were identified. Statistical analyses were used to identify the factors that may have predisposed the cadets to noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injuries. Among the 895 cadets who completed the entire 4-year study, there were 24 noncontact anterior cruciate ligament tears (16 in men, 8 in women). Significant risk factors included small femoral notch width, generalized joint laxity, and, in women, higher than normal body mass index and KT-2000 arthrometer values that were 1 standard deviation or more above the mean. The presence of more than one of these risk factors greatly increased the relative risk of injury. All female cadets who had some combination of risk factors sustained noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injuries, indicating that some combinations of factors are especially perilous to the female knee. Several risk factors may predispose young athletes to noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injury.