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Neuromarketing has recently generated controversies concerning the involvement of medical professionals, and many key questions remain-ones that have potentially important implications for the field of psychiatry. Conflicting definitions of neuromarketing have been proposed, and little is known about the actual practices of companies, physicians, and scientists involved in its practice. This article reviews the history of neuromarketing and uses an exploratory survey of neuromarketing Web sites to illustrate ethical issues raised by this new field. Neuromarketing, as currently practiced, is heterogeneous, as companies are offering a variety of technologies. Many companies employ academicians and professionals, but few list their clients or fees. Media coverage of neuromarketing appears disproportionately high compared to the paucity of peer-reviewed reports in the field. Companies may be making premature claims about the power of neuroscience to predict consumer behavior. Overall, neuromarketing has important implications for academic-industrial partnerships, the responsible conduct of research, and the public understanding of the brain. We explore these themes to uncover issues relevant to professional ethics, research, and policy. Of particular relevance to psychiatry, neuromarketing may be seen as an extension of the search for quantification and certainty in previously indefinite aspects of human behavior.
Defining Neuromarketing: Practices
and Professional Challenges
Carl Erik Fisher, MD, Lisa Chin, EdD, JD, MA, MPH, and Robert Klitzman, MD
Neuromarketing has recently generated controversies concerning the involvement of medical profes-
sionals, and many key questions remain—ones that have potentially important implications for the
field of psychiatry. Conflicting definitions of neuromarketing have been proposed, and little is known
about the actual practices of companies, physicians, and scientists involved in its practice. This article
reviews the history of neuromarketing and uses an exploratory survey of neuromarketing Web sites
to illustrate ethical issues raised by this new field. Neuromarketing, as currently practiced, is hetero-
geneous, as companies are offering a variety of technologies. Many companies employ academicians
and professionals, but few list their clients or fees. Media coverage of neuromarketing appears
disproportionately high compared to the paucity of peer-reviewed reports in the field. Companies
may be making premature claims about the power of neuroscience to predict consumer behavior.
Overall, neuromarketing has important implications for academic-industrial partnerships, the re-
sponsible conduct of research, and the public understanding of the brain. We explore these themes
to uncover issues relevant to professional ethics, research, and policy. Of particular relevance to psy-
chiatry, neuromarketing may be seen as an extension of the search for quantification and certainty
in previously indefinite aspects of human behavior. (HARV REV PSYCHIATRY 2010;18:230–237.)
Keywords: bioethics, conflicts of interest, ethics, fMRI, neuroethics, neuromarketing,
Psychiatry is increasingly embracing functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI) and other neurotechnologies,
From the Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University; New York
State Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY.
Supported, in part, by a Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Clini-
cal Research Fellowship (CEF); National Institute of Mental Health
training grant no. T32 MH19139 (LC); and U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services Office of Research Integrity grant no.
1R01HG004214-01 (RK).
Original manuscript received 27 July 2009; revised manuscript re-
ceived 2 October 2009, accepted for publication 14 December 2009.
Correspondence: Carl Erik Fisher, MD, Department of Psychiatry,
New York State Psychiatric Institute, 1051 Riverside Dr., Box 103,
New York, NY 10032. Email:
c2010 President and Fellows of Harvard College
DOI: 10.3109/10673229.2010.496623
which carry the promise of revealing the underpinnings
of emotions and social interactions. Similarly, various
domains have acquired the prefix neuro- as brain sci-
ence increasingly informs our daily lives, social prac-
tices, and intellectual discourses. This collection of new
fields—for example, neuroaesthetics, neurotheology, and
neuroeducation—has been labeled neuroculture,andthe
brain-based explanations arising from it are progressively
influencing public notions of personal identity, responsi-
bility, and causation.1Neuromarketing, which can be ten-
tatively defined as marketing designed on the basis of
neuroscience research, is one manifestation of this new neu-
roculture. The field offers insights into the development of
brain-based narratives and into the potential problems that
they might pose for medical ethics and the public under-
standing of science.
Neuromarketing has attracted increasing attention, but
critical aspects of it remain underexplored, including what
exactly it is or includes, and how it is used in practice. The
field has already generated controversy. For example, the
popular press has reported on the perceived dangers of neu-
romarketing, including concerns that advertisers might find
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Volume 18, Number 4 Defining Neuromarketing 231
a “buy button” or “magic spot” in the brain;2,3editorials
in the scientific literature have argued that these worries
are most likely premature since the current state of imag-
ing technology does not allow for accurate, deterministic
predictions of human decision making;4,5and still others
have expressed concerns that neuromarketing might one
day threaten individual autonomy if this technology were
able to effectively manipulate consumer behavior.6Indeed,
the authors of one recent review are optimistic about the
potential of this technology, asserting that neuromarketing
will “soon be able to reveal hidden information about con-
sumer preferences”—though they recognize that this tech-
nology is unlikely to be more cost-effective than traditional
Universities and medical professionals have been crit-
icized for forming partnerships with neuromarketing
companies.8For example, consumer groups claimed that
Emory University violated the Belmont Report’s principle
of beneficence when it partnered with a neuromarketing
company; the groups asserted that this research promotes
“socially harmful” results such as increasing sales of un-
healthy food or facilitating political propaganda.8
Yet, surprisingly, there have been few descriptions of
neuromarketing as it currently exists, and many key as-
pects of such companies are unknown: to what extent these
technologies are actually being used in the private sector;
whether and how they are associated with academicians;
and what claims are being made. Indeed, there is little
consensus over what should be considered neuromarketing
at all.
This new development in neuroscience has important
implications for the public understanding of science. Some
have argued that the public understanding of brain imaging
lacks sufficient skepticism.9The public may not always real-
ize that the colorful results in a functional brain scan appear
as such only after extensive image processing and statisti-
cal analyses, and in the context of a specific experimental
paradigm.10 Indeed, members of the public find descriptions
of neuroscience findings more persuasive when descriptions
of research are accompanied by brain images—even though
these images have no actual impact on the objective validity
of those findings.11
The earliest reported use of the word neuromarketing
appears to be in a June 2002 press release by an Atlanta
advertising firm, BrightHouse, announcing the creation of
a business division using fMRI for marketing research.12
This firm quickly attracted criticism for potential conflicts
of interest involving Emory University; the new business
division of BrightHouse was established by Emory faculty,
including at least one professor in psychiatry, and the imag-
ing studies used Emory’s facilities.8The anti-advertising
civic group Commercial Alert advanced some of the most
vocal criticisms of this work—for example, the spread of
“marketing-related diseases” resulting from the promotion
of junk food companies—and they soon asked the federal
Office for Human Research Protections and the U.S. Senate
to investigate BrightHouse’s research.13 The Web site for
BrightHouse Neurostrategies, as it was called, was quickly
taken down, and the new enterprise faded from public
Long before this type of work acquired its neuro-
prefix, however, and long before Emory University and
BrightHouse announced their partnership, corporations
have sponsored neurophysiologic research into market-
ing topics—for example, by studying consumer reactions
to television programming with electroencephalography
(EEG).14,15 Of note, four years before the term neuromar-
keting was coined, Professors Gerald Zaltman and Stephen
Kosslyn of Harvard University16 filed a patent for “Neu-
roimaging as a marketing tool”; however, Zaltman quickly
shifted his focus to the “Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Tech-
nique,” a structured interview that does not employ imaging
technology, and Kosslyn appears not to have been involved
in neuromarketing until 2008, when he joined the advisory
board of a company called NeuroFocus.17,18
More recently, researchers have proposed conflicting defi-
nitions of neuromarketing, preferring to see it as essentially
a scientific field rather than as a business. Specifically, Lee
and colleagues19 have defined neuromarketing as academic
scholarship: “a valid field of study” and not simply “the ap-
plication of neuroimaging techniques to sell products.” Some
companies that describe their activities as neuromarketing
have not published their results in peer-reviewed journals,
however, and their efforts seem contained largely within
the private sector. Thus, in contrast to Lee and colleagues,
Hubert and Kenning20 see neuromarketing as a business
activity rather than an academic field focused on scholar-
ship. They propose that the broader field of neuroscientific
consumer research (what Lee and colleagues refer to as neu-
romarketing) should be labeled “consumer neuroscience,”
and they define neuromarketing more narrowly as “the
application of these findings within the scope of managerial
A useful comparison can be made to neuroeconomics,
an academic discipline that studies various aspects of eco-
nomic decision making.21 This field has also attracted at-
tention recently and often uses imaging technology, but it is
more clearly an academic discipline. Recent commentators
echo the above distinction between scholarship and appli-
cation, asserting that neuroeconomics should be considered
apart from specific investigations for marketing purposes.2
Neuroeconomics has undergone extensive theoretical
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232 Fisher et al.
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development as a field,2124 and it has already produced
a wealth of evidence on decision making in real-world con-
texts. Neuroeconomics researchers often use commonly rec-
ognized objects like consumer products to study general con-
cepts like sensory processing, choice, and the evaluation of
losses and rewards, but these studies are not done for a
particular company or marketing application. For example,
McClure and colleagues25 examined subjects’ responses to
Coke and Pepsi using fMRI; this model was chosen to under-
stand sensory perception of common cultural symbols, not
to aid the Coca-Cola Company or PepsiCo in their market-
ing design. More broadly, much neuroscience and psychology
research is potentially useful for understanding choice and
preference, but is not neuroeconomics (or neuromarketing)
per se. The neuroeconomics community now comprises over
one dozen university-based research centers, one scientific
society, and a considerable literature that includes numer-
ous textbooks.
In contrast, the academic foundations of neuromarket-
ing as a field are difficult to identify. It is unclear at present
whether neuromarketing qualifies as an academic field, and
if it does, what distinguishes it from neuroeconomics. We
have found only a handful of scholarly reports of the re-
sults of industry-sponsored neuromarketing. In 2002, scien-
tists from the University of Ulm in Germany, supported by
Daimler Chrysler, published a report on the visual percep-
tion of automobiles,26 and scientists at UCLA received par-
tial funding from the political consultancy FKF Research
to analyze the neural reactions of registered Republicans
and Democrats to faces of presidential candidates.27 Anecdo-
tally, a few companies have also conducted neuromarketing
studies but have not published their work in peer-reviewed
journals. For example, researchers at Caltech’s Social Cog-
nitive Neuroscience Laboratory have reportedly partnered
with Lieberman Research to help Hollywood studios select
movie trailers.3
But beyond these few cases, it is not clear how widespread
neuromarketing is or even exactly what it is. Thus, sev-
eral critical questions remain: Does neuromarketing in-
volve more than this handful of companies? How are these
companies presenting themselves and neuromarketing it-
self? To what extent are medical professionals and aca-
demicians involved in their work? What claims are they
making? What are the ethical obligations of medical pro-
fessionals, including psychiatrists, with regard to this new
practice? To examine these themes, we performed an ex-
ploratory study to capture a sense of the range, variety, and
frequency of key characteristics of neuromarketing compa-
nies. Since an ever burgeoning amount of medical infor-
mation is being offered through the Internet,2831 we de-
cided to examine these issues through neuromarketing Web
To probe the similarities, differences, and patterns that
might appear among neuromarketing companies, we
searched Google for “neuromarketing.” We examined the
maximum number of available hits—1,000 in this case—and
identified 16 companies offering neuromarketing services.
We included all marketing sites that described any neuro-
science methods but excluded Web logs (blogs), media sites,
and other noncommercial hits that did not offer such ser-
vices. Then, using the methodology we have described pre-
viously to study how the Web sites of in vitro fertilization
clinics present the risks and benefits of preimplantation ge-
netic diagnosis,32 we developed a coding strategy to qualita-
tively describe these neuromarketing sites. In brief, we each
independently read the 16 Web sites, developed categories
to code, and worked together to reconcile the three indepen-
dently developed coding schemes into a single scheme. With
that scheme in place, we reviewed all of the Web sites and
assigned codes together. The results are presented in the
text box on the next page.
Early commentators assumed the term neuromarketing
indicated the use of brain imaging such as fMRI,4but many
companies seem not to use imaging but rely, instead, on a va-
riety of technologies (or on no technology at all). As shown
in the text box, of the 16 companies identified, only 5 of-
fered fMRI; 9 offered EEG services; and 12 offered some
other neuroscience-related technology, including: magne-
toencephalography, “psychophysics,” software services, eye
tracking, galvanic skin response, electrocardiography, elec-
tromyography, and analysis of pupil dilation, blush, blink-
ing, heartbeat, or breathing. Of note, one company did not
offer any technology; instead, it offered only focus groups
and other simple marketing strategies, but described these
methods using neuroscience terms.
Only four companies listed their clients, and only one
listed costs. This relatively limited transparency is relevant
to consumer groups’ criticisms of Emory University. Those
groups alleged that companies could be secretly damag-
ing public health by promoting unhealthy products like
junk food or cigarettes, or that they could even threaten
individual liberty by designing more effective political
propaganda.8While this line of attack may seem alarmist
to some, it is comparable to the criticisms levied against
academic medical centers during debates about the divest-
ment of tobacco stock—which were made on the basis of the
mission of academic medical centers to protect the public
In terms of the science itself, 13 companies described
their methodology, but these descriptions were often insuf-
ficient to determine what was being done. For example, one
stated that it could “measure almost any form of stimulus
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Volume 18, Number 4 Defining Neuromarketing 233
Characteristics of Neuromarketing Web Sites
Services offered
fMRI 31.2% (5)
EEG 56.3% (9)
Other technologies 75% (12)
Business considerations
Costs listed 6.2% (1)
Clients listed 25% (4)
Descriptions of science
Methodology described 81.2% (13)
Peer reviewed publications on Web site 31.2% (5)
Peer reviewed publications by lab or affiliates
on Web site
25% (4)
Professionals on staff
Academicians on staff 31.2% (5)
MDs listed on staff 31.2% (5)
PhDs listed on staff 56.3% (9)
Listing of university affiliation 6.2% (1)
Any holder of advanced science degree 56.3% (9)
Web s ite fo rmat
Picture of brain on home page 43.8% (7)
Picture of brain function (e.g., fMRI, EEG) on
home page
31.2% (5)
Cartoon graph on home page 12.5% (2)
Any other graph/visual data on home page 18.8% (3)
At least one of above graphics 56.3% (9)
Links of media coverage 56.3% (9)
Specific claims
Use of terms truth/real/really 62.5% (10)
Revealing secrets/subconscious 62.5% (10)
Predicting future behavior 6.2% (1)
Claims of neuromarketing as improvement over
other techs
Mitigating factors 50% (8)
Provide citations for claims 6.2% (1)
Caveats to technology 37.5% (6)
Specific ethics section on Web site 12.5% (2)
Mention of word “ethics” 12.5% (2)
Advertise for subjects 12.5% (2)
Risk/benefits description for subjects 0
One includes a link to a Web site in German.
material in many different types of environment” via
“[t]echniques” involving “[n]eurological responses via EEG
eg [sic] the nature and intensity of different mind-state
shifts, levels of attention and emotions.”In most cases,
The concern here is not about specific companies but about the
broader phenomenon of neuromarketing. Although we have there-
fore not included the sources of the quotations from neuromarketing
Web sites, we do have the original sources on file.
the companies alluded to techniques or simply listed tech-
nologies without describing the actual experimental design.
Furthermore, little evidence was provided for their claims.
Eleven Web sites did not reference any peer-reviewed ar-
ticles, either in support of their methods or as reports of
their previous work. Six included caveats to their technol-
ogy, and only one company provided citations for its specific
The examples that we found illustrate the confusion
over the precise disciplinary definition of neuromarketing:
whether it is essentially an academic field or a marketing ap-
plication. Five of these companies do employ academicians;
five sites reference the academic literature; and one had a
university affiliation. The involvement of professionals is
comparatively larger, as nine sites had holders of advanced
science degrees on staff (more PhDs than MDs).
Seven sites displayed some graphic depiction of the brain
on their home pages, and nine had a picture of the brain or
of other “data.” Nine also had links to media coverage.
With regard to the claims themselves, the majority (10 of
16) of the neuromarketing companies promised the “truth”
or what customers “really” think; for example: “we measure
what consumers really think and feel, rather than simply
what they state,” or we “unlock what your customer really
thinks.” Ten also invoked the workings of the sub- or uncon-
scious mind in relation to their methods (e.g., “These mea-
surements ...will reveal mental activity operating below the
level of conscious awareness.”). Half explicitly claimed that
their methods were an improvement over past technologies,
though only one company claimed that it could predict fu-
ture behavior. In light of the current state of imaging tech-
nology, these claims appear questionable at best.
As shown in the text box on the next page, we saw a
variety of claims suggesting reductionism, which the Ox-
ford English Dictionary defines as the practice of describing
or explaining a complex phenomenon in terms of relatively
simple or fundamental concepts.34 In this case, reduction-
ism was apparent in statements such as “types and levels
of emotions” or “what part of the brain is telling” consumers
to make decisions. Other examples were less striking but
still seemed to suggest a simplistic explanation for complex
brain processes (e.g., “quantify and localise brain activity in
areas involved in emotion, attention, memory and decision-
making”) We did not develop an additional code for this pro-
cess of oversimplification; it was too difficult and uncertain
to specify exactly when an interpretation of neuroscientific
findings becomes reductionistic. However, we thought it im-
portant to bring these examples to light, as they seem to cap-
italize on the public fascination with neuroscience. Racine
and colleagues35 have described a concept they term neuro-
essentialism: the immediate, uninquisitive equation of iden-
tity and agency to the brain and its substructures. Similarly,
Vidal36 has proposed the concept of brainhood: the condition
of “being rather than having a brain,” in which humans are
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Examples of Reductive Claims
Web site Quotation
1 “we use the fMRI learn why consumers make the decisions they do, and that part of the brain is telling them to
do it
2 “instantaneously monitors and records how consumers’ brains process what they see, hear, and read from one moment
to the next”
3 “the member is exposed to a series of visual and sonic stimuli aimed to stimulate ...a brainwave response to a definite
recognition of the stimulus shown
4 “Neuromarketing is now able to identify the type and levels of emotions experienced when consumers are exposed to all
types of commercial messages. It is possible to discover how that information is being processed their brains, the
type and degree of interest shown and the extent to which new information is being established in long term memory.”
5 “The brainwave responses to these stimuli are measured using a patented headband equipped with EEG sensors.
The data is then analyzed to determine if the relevant information is present in the subject’s memory.”
6 “fMRI ...allows researchers to view the human mind in real-time, as emotions and cognitive thoughts are at play.
Using fMRI, we can literally “map” the human mind as it reacts to stimuli with which it is presented.”
7 “EEG capability that measures brainwave cognition and emotion on a moment-by-moment basis.”
8 “When a part of the brain becomes active, the brightness of the images changes. By analysing the images using
sophisticated computer programmes, we can quantify and localise brain activity in areas involved in emotion,
attention, memory and decision-making.”
“cerebral subjects” whose selfhood is determined by their
brains alone. Indeed, these examples seem to go beyond
simply overvaluing technology to suggest that all human
behavior and thought can be reduced to regional brain ac-
Finally, none of the Web sites mentioned issues of privacy
or confidentiality (e.g., who else, if anyone, mighthave access
to data that are collected) and what, if anything, might be
done with incidental findings (e.g., evidence of pathology).
This brief study raises several broader issues relevant to the
public understanding of science and academic professional-
Public Understanding of Science
It is worrisome that neuromarketing companies appear to
be providing links to media rather than to scientific liter-
ature, as media coverage could be used in the absence of
peer-reviewed evidence to prematurely legitimize the use
of these technologies. The media has an important role in
communicating scientific discoveries, but multidirectional
communication between neuroscientists and the lay public
is more desirable than relying on the media alone to dissem-
inate scientific results; media reports alone may not suffi-
ciently capture essential limitations of specific studies.37
Many of the Web sites that we found included some
graphical representation of brain function, such as a pic-
ture of a brain, cartoon data, or other suggestive graphics.
This marketing approach is probably effective; as mentioned
above, when descriptions of research findings are accom-
panied by graphical representations, laypersons consider
those results more believable.11 The use of such graphics
may be problematic, however, as their widespread use may
obscure certain scientific and technological limitations that
have a general tendency to be ignored when such meth-
ods are popularized. Among other things, since these vivid
graphics are produced only through intensive statistical and
image processing, the results can be manipulated to high-
light or underplay differences among brain regions. Further
problems derive from the physical nature of the signal on
which these methods rely. All neurotechnologies measure
surrogate signals for neural activity (such as the blood oxy-
gen level–dependent, or BOLD, response of fMRI), and these
signals are constrained by the physical and biological lim-
itations of the technology in question and the brain itself.
This dependence upon surrogate signals, rather than direct
measures, is typically ignored in popular depictions of neu-
roscience, such as when technologies are described as direct
windows into the working of the brain (e.g., “we can literally
‘map’ the human mind as it reacts to stimuli”).
It appears that few neuromarketing companies have pub-
lished their results. These findings could be scientifically
useful, and companies would be performing a valuable pub-
lic service if they published them in the academic literature.
Such dissemination is unlikely, however, because of the pro-
prietary nature of such findings and their potential strategic
usefulness, and it is also unlikely that neuromarketing com-
panies (like any other for-profit businesses) can be compelled
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Volume 18, Number 4 Defining Neuromarketing 235
to release those results. Such an intervention might be war-
ranted if neuromarketing were actually able to manipulate
consumer behavior and if the targets of that marketing ef-
fort could not detect that they were being manipulated. This
scenario, which is described as stealth neuromarketing in
one analysis,6is not possible using current technology. If
and when it does become possible, however, it would surely
represent a significant threat to consumer autonomy—so
much so that it would fundamentally alter our understand-
ing of autonomy and free will. But for now, neuromarketing
companies bear no special duty to transparency.
Professional and Academic Conduct
Psychiatry has often served as a crucible for testing new
ideas about the brain and mind, and the example of neuro-
marketing may hold lessons for our field. The current value
granted to neuroimaging could be said to descend directly
from the late-nineteenth-century concept of “instruments of
precision.”38 From thermometers and blood pressure cuffs
to EEG and fMRI machines, medical researchers have long
striven to quantify previously subjective observations. Neu-
romarketing, as one of the earliest manifestations of com-
mercialized neuroscience in the post-imaging era, may well
be a harbinger of developments within psychiatry—for ex-
ample, a rush toward diagnostic certainty through imag-
ing. Indeed, one for-profit venture is already marketing the
use of brain imaging for psychiatric diagnosis.39 Psychi-
atry as a field should closely consider the limitations of
such measures. At a time when the development of the
new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual is attracting vig-
orous public commentary, and when the validity of psychi-
atric diagnosis is publicly debated, the claim that imaging
technology is a unique route to diagnostic certainty could
be a premature way to seek to legitimize complex disease
concepts; if these new methods or the concepts they sup-
port are not consistently found to be valid and reliable,
“neuronosology” could undercut public trust in psychiatric
Several topics in medical professionalism suggest further
concerns. There exists a sizeable literature on conflicts of in-
terest in medicine, and in view of the potential for such con-
flicts to encourage reporting bias40 and data withholding,41
detailed proposals for academic medical centers have been
advanced. Regarding communications and the public under-
standing of science, however—unlike research per se—there
is little specific guidance about professional involvement
with entrepreneurial ventures such as neuromarketing. The
Charter on Medical Professionalism identifies one aspect of
professionalism as “providing expert advice to society on
matters of health,”42 and previous writers have highlighted
the need for physicians to counteract declining trust in the
medical profession by doing work that “contributes to the
public value for which the profession stands.”43 Society ex-
pects the medical profession to be beneficent: honest, ac-
countable, transparent, and a source of objective advice and
information.44 Some have urged physicians to be more en-
gaged in the public arena, but these discussions often refer
primarily to advocacy and activism, not public communica-
tions about science.45
Since neuromarketing has socially and ethically relevant
implications—for example, regarding self, agency, and free
will—it is important to consider closely the participation
of medical professionals in neuromarketing companies.46
Considering that the field of neuromarketing is still emerg-
ing, it is premature to recommend prohibiting professionals
from becoming involved at all. That said, academic medical
centers might well consider formulating policies to address
concerns about neuromarketing. Survey data have revealed
that institutional policies around conflicts of interest vary
significantly47 and that most such policies lack specificity.48
Academic medical centers could take the lead in promoting
transparency regarding neuromarketing and similar enter-
prises by requiring their faculty to publish consulting agree-
ments, advisory positions, and other entrepreneurial rela-
tionships on a publically available source such as the institu-
tion’s Web site. This suggestion mirrors existing policy pro-
posals regarding ties to pharmaceutical companies—policies
that, in an attempt to safeguard against bias in reporting
research results, require the posting of information about
such ties.49
More broadly, all academicians have a duty to the public
trust: they need to communicate clearly about science and
cannot rely on the popular press to fulfill that responsibility
with the same clarity and accuracy.50 Gibbons51 has pro-
posed that the production of scientific knowledge should be
seen by society to be “both transparent and participative.”
It is troubling that in our example of neuromarketing, com-
panies with academicians on staff have made questionable
claims without evidence-based citations. Indeed, promising
to deliver a deterministic way of understanding and ulti-
mately manipulating consumer behavior is premature, and
over time such unrealistic claims could be seen as a viola-
tion of an implicit social contract—and as harming public
respect for science and jeopardizing public support of re-
search in general.52
Individual neuromarketing companies and the academi-
cians employed by them should recognize the potential
benefit to be gained by instituting better practices on
their own—for instance, to avoid unfounded claims and
to adhere more closely to accepted standards of scientific
evidence. In response to the perceived excesses of neuro-
marketing, some observers have suggested that legislation
may be needed to regulate the commercial use of imaging
technology.5Self-regulation by industry and by individual
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academicians might help to forestall such restrictions
while simultaneously improving transparency and research
quality. Similarly, while these companies are not under
the purview of health privacy laws, as they are not health
care providers, they should have measures in place both
to protect the confidentiality of the data that they record
and to enable the portability of images, records, and other
information that might prove to be useful for their subjects.
Considering that neuromarketing studies might disclose
important radiologic findings, companies should have an
explicit protocol in place for reporting and referral, as
recommended by Murphy and colleagues.6
The issues raised by neuromarketing highlight important
professional, ethical, and scientific concerns. This new field
exemplifies the complicated issue of professional ethics as
applied to academic-industrial relationships. Furthermore,
as a new application of neuroscience methods, neuromar-
keting raises important considerations for the responsible
conduct of research and the public understanding of neuro-
More research is needed in order to better under-
stand neuromarketing, neuromarketing companies, and
their practices and claims. Our exploration of these com-
panies used only publicly presented information. Further
investigations could directly assess the actual roles of pro-
fessionals and academics in these companies. For example:
whether they are in a position to oversee the collection, in-
terpretation, or dissemination of research findings; how the
roles of academicians are defined; and whether they are
paid. Several questions remain: Who is using neuromarket-
ing, and for what specifically? What advice and data do they
receive as part of these services? And do they perceive any
return on investment?
It would be interesting to investigate the quality of neu-
romarketing research directly since the private sponsor-
ship of biomedical research has been found to be associated
with pro-industry conclusions.39 As neuromarketing grows
in scale and enters more fully into society, as well as into
various media and economic marketplaces, the concerns ex-
pressed here about the industry’s claims and about the roles
of professionals in promoting scientific legitimacy will be-
come increasingly important.
Psychiatrists in academics and clinical practice alike
should be alert to the implications of new neurotechnolo-
gies, including neuromarketing, as these applications carry
important consequences for both the public trust in aca-
demic medicine and the public’s evolving comprehension of
mind/brain interrelationships.
Thanks to Paul Appelbaum for helpful comments on an ear-
lier version of this paper.
Declaration of interest: The authors report no conflicts of
interest. The authors alone are responsible for the content
and writing of the article.
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... The concept of "neuromarketing" was introduced in 2002 by Ale Smitds, professor at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, to refer to the application of neuroimaging techniques in market research. However, the first time the term was used in the field of market research was by the advertising agency Bright House (Fisher et al., 2010). ...
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Neuromarketing studies the neurological brain responses to various marketing stimuli, such as visual, sound, colour and emotional elements, in order to understand in depth the cognitive and affective processes associated with consumer decision-making. Given its relevance, the objective is to determine how the power of neuromarketing acts as a fuel to drive purchase in a local retail store - Piura 2024. Methodologically, a quantitative approach was used with a non-experimental, descriptive-correlational and transversal design. A total of 384 frequent customers, of legal age and with purchasing power, participated. The findings of this study are an irrefutable testimony to the transformative power of neuromarketing in this local setting (Piura). With a Spearman correlation coefficient of 0.823 (p < 0.01), a strong and statistically significant positive correlation between neuromarketing and purchase decision is revealed, demonstrating that this innovative discipline has the ability to profoundly influence consumer behaviour. These results are a call to action for companies in the sector to adopt neuromarketing strategies that allow them to connect with their customers in a more effective and emotional way, thus unleashing an unprecedented impact on their commercial success. Received: 4 August 2024 / Accepted: 29 October 2024 / Published: 05 November 2024
... Una de las principales preocupaciones es la manipulación, por lo que los autores Fisher et al. (2010), argumentan que las técnicas de neuromarketing podrían ser utilizadas para manipular las emociones y las decisiones de los consumidores de manera que beneficie a las empresas, pero sin considerar los intereses del consumidor. Esto plantea disyuntivas sobre la autonomía del consumidor y el papel de la ética en la publicidad. ...
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Este artículo explora el campo del neuromarketing, un enfoque interdisciplinario que combina neurociencia y marketing para comprender cómo los estímulos afectan el cerebro y, en última instancia, las decisiones de compra de los consumidores. El objetivo principal es analizar la influencia del neuromarketing en la toma de decisiones del consumidor mediante una revisión documental exhaustiva. El método utilizado fue una revisión sistemática y descriptiva de la literatura, en la cual se revisaron y analizaron los 75 documentos más relevantes encontrados en el proceso de búsqueda, entre los cuales estaban artículos científicos, estudios empíricos, revisiones teóricas, casos de estudio y debates éticos. La información fue organizada en categorías clave como técnicas de neuromarketing, respuestas neuronales y consideraciones éticas. Los resultados indican que las técnicas como la resonancia magnética funcional (fMRI) y la electroencefalografía (EEG) son efectivas para capturar respuestas emocionales y cognitivas que no son accesibles a través de métodos convencionales. Además, se encontró que estas técnicas pueden mejorar significativamente la efectividad de las estrategias de marketing al permitir una segmentación y personalización más precisa. Sin embargo, el estudio también subraya la necesidad de abordar las implicaciones éticas del neuromarketing, especialmente en términos de privacidad mental y manipulación del comportamiento. En conclusión, el neuromarketing representa una herramienta poderosa para el marketing moderno, pero requiere un enfoque ético para proteger a los consumidores.
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b>Purpose . Neuroscience used for conducting market research is called Neuromarketing. Though the effectiveness of Neuromarketing over traditional research has been proven, its adoption is very limited. The automotive sector is one of the biggest industries worldwide and due to lack of detailed research on the adoption of Neuromarketing in the Automotive space, authors have tried to bridge this gap. They have identified the current adoption of Neuromarketing and have suggested solutions to overcome barriers. This research will help Automotive brands, market research companies and Neuro experts to come up with relevant solutions to increase the usage of Neuromarketing Design. The authors first reviewed any available literature related to the Automotive landscape. Then, in-depth discussions with Automotive players were conducted in order to clarify the Neuromarketing adoption in the current scenario. Finally, Neuro experts, viz. neuroscientists and research companies, were consulted for possible future solutions Findings . Literature reviews and discussions with Automotive companies revealed that Neuromarketing adoption is limited as compared to traditional market research methods. Though the majority are aware of Neuromarketing, limited companies have used it. It is mostly undertaken in advertisement and product testing, primarily using EEG and Eye tracking. Neuromarketing is perceived as being expensive and difficult to understand and having ethical concerns. It is also believed that Neuromarketing does not answer the ‘why’ behind the participants’ responses. The paper also validated Simon’s Bounded Rationality Theory where automotive organizations used conformity instead of maximum value in adoption of neuromarketing. Expert discussions clarified that most of the Neuromarketing limitations like ethics, cost, lower sample, lab setup, etc. mentioned by Automotive players can be overcome. Hence the next step is to take this science to maximum automotive players and make them aware of the development, conduct pilot studies, remove their inhibitions about Neuromarketing and complement it with traditional research methods.
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In the world of marketing, neuro-marketing is a new idea. It's an idea where different scientific instruments and approaches are applied to analyze customer behavior. Neuro-marketing, often known as neuro-science, is the study of consumers' brains to forecast their behavior. Immersion of neuroscientific methods in the neuro-marketing world allows marketers to improve their communications by exposing the trance decisions of customers. It has become more challenging for firms to understand consumer behavior these days. With the internet, the word-on-the-street has become the web-rooming-a term for the process of consumers shopping around for similar products online before making the final decision on which product they will buy. In understanding what customers demand, academic entertainment becomes the must. A small section of a larger field of marketing research that is limited to branding, product design, advertising, and client decision making is termed neuro-marketing.
In the ever-changing marketing landscape, gaining customer attention and influencing purchase decisions necessitates inventive techniques. Traditionally, marketing has aimed to captivate customers by visual and logical arguments. However, a growing tendency acknowledges the significant importance of our senses on decision-making Sensory marketing, a tactic that goes beyond standard visual and logical appeals, has emerged as a potent tool for organisations looking to build stronger connections with their customers. Sensory marketing creates multidimensional brand experiences by purposefully engaging all five senses - sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste. In the ever-evolving landscape of customer service, businesses are turning to predictive analytics as a game-changer. Predictive analytics goes beyond traditional data analysis; it's a forward-thinking approach that harnesses the power of historical data to anticipate customer needs and preferences. At its core, the concept is about being proactive rather than reactive.
This chapter delves into the intersection of neuroeconomics, cognitive biases, and managerial decision-making. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview of how neurosensory and neuromarketing techniques influence consumer behaviour and decision-making processes. The chapter bridges the gap between academic research and industry practices through an in-depth literature review, innovative research methodologies, and detailed case studies. It offers practical insights and strategies for marketers and practitioners, emphasising the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange.
This chapter investigates the developing topic of neuromarketing and its possible impact on consumer purchasing decisions. Neuromarketing integrates neuroscience, psychology, and marketing to better understand consumer decision-making. This chapter explores neuromarketing techniques like FMRI, EEG, and Eye tracking and how they reveal subconscious elements that impact consumer behavior. This chapter raises ethical questions about neuromarketing, specifically the manipulation of customer behavior. It indicates that neuromarketing has the potential to transform how marketers understand and affect consumer behavior. Neuromarketing has the ability to transform how organizations understand and interact with customers. Keywords: Neuromarketing, FMRI, EEG, Eye Tracking, Marketing, Consumer Buying Behaviour
Recent advances in the brain sciences have dramatically improved our understanding of brain function. As we find out more and more about what makes us tick, we must stop and consider the ethical implications of this new found knowledge. Will having a new biology of the brain through imaging make us less responsible for our behavior and lose our free will? Should certain brain scan studies be disallowed on the basis of moral grounds? Why is the media so interested in reporting results of brain imaging studies? What ethical lessons from the past can best inform the future of brain imaging? These compelling questions and many more are tackled by a group of contributors to this book on neuroethics. The wide range of disciplinary backgrounds that this book represents, from neuroscience, bioethics and philosophy, to law, social and health care policy, education, religion, and film, allow for profoundly insightful and provocative answers to these questions, and open up the door to a host of new ones. The contributions highlight the timeliness of modern neuroethics today, and assure the longevity and importance of neuroethics for generations to come.
Context Despite federal regulations on faculty conflicts of interest in federally funded research, academic-industry ties are common, and evidence exists that financial considerations bias the research record. Public scrutiny of these ties is increasing, especially in cases where researchers have financial interests in the corporate sponsors of their clinical research. Objective To review policies on conflict of interest at major biomedical research institutions in the United States. Design Cross-sectional survey and content analysis study conducted from August 1998 to February 2000. Setting and Participants The 100 US institutions with the most funding from the National Institutes of Health in 1998 were initially sampled; policies from 89 institutions were available and included in the analysis. Main Outcome Measures Process for disclosure, review, and management of conflicts of interest and specified management strategies or limitations, according to the institutions' faculty/staff conflict of interest policies. Results Content of the conflict of interest policies varied widely across institutions. Fifty-five percent of policies (n = 49) required disclosures from all faculty while 45% (n = 40) required them only from principal investigators or those conducting research. Nineteen percent of policies (n = 17) specified limits on faculty financial interests in corporate sponsors of research, 12% (n = 11) specified limits on permissible delays in publication, and 4% (n = 4) prohibited student involvement in work sponsored by a company in which the faculty mentor had a financial interest. Conclusions Most policies on conflict of interest in our sample of major research institutions in the United States lack specificity about the kinds of relationships with industry that are permitted or prohibited. Wide variation in management of conflicts of interest among institutions may cause unnecessary confusion among potential industrial partners or competition among universities for corporate sponsorship that could erode academic standards. It is in the long-term interest of institutions to develop widely agreed-on, clear, specific, and credible policies on conflicts of interest.
Academic medicine is entrusted by society with the responsibility to undertake several important social missions toward improving the health of the public, including education, patient care, and research. This trust is given implicit authority by generous public funding and considerable autonomy. Medical academia can take pride in its successes, manifested by a premier scientific establishment, the development and use of sophisticated medical technologies and drugs, and the recent dramatic declines in death rates from heart disease and stroke. Academic medicine, however, has been relatively unresponsive to a number of vexing public problems, including skyrocketing expenditures for medical care, substandard indexes of population health, uneven quality of care, an unfavorable geographic and specialty mix of physicians, and widespread disability from long-term medical and psychiatric problems. Although there are many cogent reasons why academic medicine has chosen to define its task relatively narrowly (the nature of its funding successes, the intractability of the social problems, and the attractiveness of the biomedical model), the central issue is how well academic medicine is fulfilling its responsibilities to the public. To the degree that academic medicine defines its central mission narrowly, it may violate its implicit social contract and jeopardize its primary source of financial support. Alternatively, in recognition of its public responsibilities, academic medicine can choose to expand its current activities to be more responsive to the health concerns of the general population.(JAMA. 1989;262:803-812)
This paper introduces an emerging transdisciplinary field known as neuroeconomics. Neuroeconomics uses neuroscientific measuremen techniques to investigate how decisions are made. First, I present a basic overview of neuroanatomy and explain how brai activity is measured. I then survey findings from the neuroeconomics literature on acquiring rewards and avoiding losses learning, choice under risk and ambiguity, delay of gratification, the role of emotions in decision-making, strategic decision and social decisions. I conclude by identifying new directions that neuroeconomics is taking, including applications to publi policy and law.