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The involvement of Narcissus hispanicus Gouan in the origin of Narcissus bujei and of cultivated trumpet daffodils (Amaryllidaceae)



To investigate the origin of cultivated trumpet daffodils the genome size (2C-value) of more than 100 old and new cultivars were measured. A large number of concolored yellow tetraploid cultivars with large coronas seem to be derived from a doubling of chromosomes of a hybrid of the two species N. hispanicus Gouan and N. pseudonarcissus L. This can also still be recognized by the presence of a black spot at the top of the anthers in about 15 % of the tetraploid cultivars. Assuming N. pseudonarcissus as one of the parents of the allotetraploid cultivars, species of trumpet daffodils of section Pseudonarcissi investigated earlier were compared. Doubling of the nuclear DNA content of 23.8 pg of N. pseudonarcissus falls short of the values found for the trumpet daffodils. Species of trumpet daffodils of section Pseudonarcissi with a complementing higher amount of nuclear DNA like N. hispanicus with 25.8 pg, N. poeticus L. with 26 pg and the hexaploid N. pseudonarcissus ssp. bicolor (L.) Baker with 67.7 pg (Zonneveld,2008) and other species were evaluated. N. hispanicus with 25.8 pg clearly differs from N. pseudonarcissus with 23.8 pg and is accepted here also as a species. The nuclear DNA content of N. bujei (Fern. Casas) Fern. Casas with 30 pg fits with the (ancient) hybrid origin for N. bujei between N. longispathus Pugsley (36 pg) and N. hispanicus Gouan (25.8 pg). The tetraploids with white tepals and yellow corona's can be obtained by crossing a diploid N. pseudonarcissus with the hexaploid and bicolored N. pseudonarcissus ssp. bicolor (L.) Baker.
The involvement of Narcissus hispanicus Gouan
in the origin of Narcissus bujei and of cultivated
trumpet daffodils (Amaryllidaceae)
B.J.M. Zonneveld
NCB Naturalis, section National Herbarium of The Netherlands, Leiden University,
P.O. Box 9514, 2300RA Leiden, The Netherlands.
Zonneveld, B.J.M. 2010. The involvement of Narcissus hispani-
cus Gouan in the origin of Narcissus bujei and of cultivated trum-
pet daffodils (Amaryllidaceae). Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 67(1):
To investigate the origin of cultivated trumpet daffodils the
genome size (2C-value) of more than 100 old and new cultivars
were measured. A large number of concolored yellow tetraploid
cultivars with large coronas seem to be derived from a doubling
of chromosomes of a hybrid of the two species N. hispanicus
Gouan and N. pseudonarcissus L. This can also still be recog-
nized by the presence of a black spot at the top of the anthers in
about 15 % of the tetraploid cultivars. Assuming N. pseudonar-
cissus as one of the parents of the allotetraploid cultivars, species
of trumpet daffodils of section Pseudonarcissi investigated earli-
er were compared. Doubling of the nuclear DNA content of 23.8
pg of N. pseudonarcissus falls short of the values found for the
trumpet daffodils. Species of trumpet daffodils of section
Pseudonarcissi with a complementing higher amount of nuclear
DNA like N. hispanicus with 25.8 pg, N. poeticus L. with 26 pg
and the hexaploid N. pseudonarcissus ssp. bicolor (L.) Baker with
67.7 pg (Zonneveld,2008) and other species were eval-
uated. N. hispanicus with 25.8 pg clearly differs from N.
pseudonarcissus with 23.8 pg and is accepted here also as a
species. The nuclear DNA content of N. bujei (Fern. Casas) Fern.
Casas with 30 pg fits with the (ancient) hybrid origin for N. bujei
between N. longispathus Pugsley (36 pg) and N. hispanicus
Gouan (25.8 pg). The tetraploids with white tepals and yellow
corona’s can be obtained by crossing a diploid N. pseudonarcis-
sus with the hexaploid and bicolored N. pseudonarcissus ssp. bi-
color (L.) Baker.
Keywords: Narcissus hispanicus, daffodil origin, origin of
N. bujei.
Zonneveld, B.J.M. 2010. Participación de Narcissus hispanicus
Gouan en el origen de Narcissus bujei y de los narcisos trompe-
ta cultivados (Amaryllidaceae). Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 67(1):
Para investigar el origen de los narcisos trompeta cultivados se
midió el tamaño del genoma (valor 2C) de más de 100 cultivares
viejos y nuevos. Un gran número de cultivares tetraploides ama-
rillos de color uniforme y con grandes coronas parecían derivar-
se de una duplicación de cromosomas de un híbrido de las dos
especies N. hispanicus Gouan y N. pseudonarcissus L. Esto tam-
bién se observa por la presencia de una mancha negra en la par-
te superior de las anteras en alrededor del 15 % de los cultivares
tetraploides. Tomando a N. pseudonarcissus por uno de los pa-
rentales de los cultivares alotetraploides, se compararon espe-
cies de narcisos trompeta de la sección Pseudonarcissi que ya
hubiesen sido investigados anteriormente. La duplicación del
contenido de ADN nuclear de 23,8 pg de N. pseudonarcissus
queda por debajo de los valores hallados en los narcisos trom-
peta. Se evaluaron otras especies de narciso trompeta de la
sección Pseudonarcissi con una cantidad más alta de ADN nu-
clear complementaria, tales como N. hispanicus, con 25.8 pg,
N. poeticus L., con 26 pg y el hexaploide N. pseudonarcissus ssp.
bicolor (L.) Baker, con 67.7 pg (Zonneveld, 2008), entre otras.
N. hispanicus, con 25.8 pg, se diferencia claramente de N. pseu-
donarcissus, con 23.8 pg, y también se acepta aquí como espe-
cie. El contenido de ADN nuclear de N. bujei (Fern. Casas) Fern.
Casas, con 30 pg, se adecua al hibridismo (antiguo) para N. bu-
jei entre N. longispathus Pugsley (36 pg) y N. hispanicus Gouan
(25,8 pg). Los tetraploides con tépalos blancos y coronas amari-
llas pueden obtenerse con el cruzamiento entre N. pseudonar-
cissus diploide y el hexaploide y bicolor N. pseudonarcissus ssp.
bicolor (L.) Baker.
Palabras clave: Narcissus hispanicus, origen de los narcisos
trompeta, origen de N. bujei.
Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid
Vol. 67(1): 29-39
enero-junio 2010
ISSN: 0211-1322
doi: 10.3989/ajbm.2219
2219 narcissus:Maquetación 1 18/06/2010 16:47 Página 29
Daffodil culture started with the import of large
numbers of bulbs collected from the field in the 16th
century. Especially the large concolored yellow N. his-
panicus (Gouan, 1773) was imported and consequent-
ly likely became exterminated in southern France and
most of the Pyrenees and later also most of Spain.
From these in culture at first triploids originated at the
end of the 19th century (Wylie, 1952) with N. ‘Golden
Spur’ found in the Estate Bakkershage in Wassenaar,
The Netherlands (De Mol, 1923). At roughly the same
time the triploids N. ‘Emperor’ and ‘Empress’ origi-
B.J.M. Zonneveld
nated with Backhouse UK (Wylie, 1952). At the start
of the 20th century the first tetraploids became avail-
able (N. ‘King Alfred’ 1899, N. ‘van Waverens Giant’,
1900) and since that time the tetraploid trumpet daf-
fodils have taken over the market.
Previous work in Hosta Tratt. (Zonneveld & Van
Iren, 2001), Galanthus L. (Zonneveld & al., 2003a),
Agapanthus L’Hér. (Zonneveld & Duncan, 2003b),
Nerine Herb (Zonneveld & Duncan, 2006), Narcissus
L. (Zonneveld, 2008) and Tulipa L. (Zonneveld, 2009)
has shown that nuclear DNA content of species and
cultivars can contribute to the taxonomy of species
and the origin of hybrids. The N. pseudonarcissus L.
Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 67(1): 29-39, enero-junio 2010. ISSN: 0211-1322. doi: 10.3989/ajbm. 2219
Coll.# Species DNA Average St. Dev. Chrom. # Origin
in pg
PB436 N. hispanicus Gouan 25,9 25,8 0,3 2x= 14* S. de Nieves, Spain
D031 N. hispanicus Gouan 26,6 Cuenca, Spain
BZ 3-'08-1 N. hispanicus Gouan 25,5 Los Quejigales, Spain
BZ 3-'08-2 N. hispanicus Gouan 25,2 Los Quejigales, Spain
BZ 3-'08-3 N. hispanicus Gouan 25,6 Los Quejigales, Spain
BZ 3-'08-4 N. hispanicus Gouan 25,7 Los Quejigales, Spain
BZ 3-'08-5 N. hispanicus Gouan 25,5 Los Quejigales, Spain
N. hispanicus Gouan 25,6 ex H. Meeuwissen
BZ 3-'08-6 N. hispanicus Gouan 39,3 39,3 0,7 2n= 3x= 21 1 km from Los Quejigales
L16 N. 'Hispanicus Maximus' 36,5 35,4 0,9 2n= 3x= 21 H. Bulborum, Limmen
B35 N. 'Hispanicus Maximus' 36,1 ex C. Breed
N. 'Hispanicus Maximus' 34,7 ex H.Meeuwissen
N. 'Hispanicus Maximus' 35,3 ex C. Breed
N. 'Hispanicus Maximus' 34,4 ex B. Duncan ex JWB
A8715 N. bujei Fern. Casas 29,3 30,2 0,5 2n= 2x= 14 Cabra, Spain
D678 N. bujei Fern. Casas 30,5 Albacete, Spain
D701 N. bujei Fern. Casas 30,0 F. de la Pieta, Spain
D008 N. bujei Fern. Casas 30,1 ex M. Salmon SF137
BZ 3-2008 N. bujei Fern. Casas 29,5 10 km w v Cazorla
kw9613 N. bujei Fern. Casas 31,5 N. S del Sierra, Spain
N. pseudonarcissus L. 23,8 0,4 2x= 14* Zonneveld (2008)
N. abscissus (Haw.) Schult. f. 26,4 0,8 2x= 14& Zonneveld (2008)
N. moleroi Fern. Casas 26,1 0,4 2x= 14& Zonneveld (2008)
N. poeticus L. 26,0 0,5 2x= 14$ Zonneveld (2008)
N. cyclamineus DC 26,2 0,5 2x= 14+ Zonneveld (2008)
N. longispathus Pugsley 36,0 0,7 2x= 14* Zonneveld (2008)
N. nevadensis Pugsley 38,2 1,1 2x= 14* Zonneveld (2008)
N. pseudonarcissus ssp. bicolor 67,7 2,0 2n= 6x= 42 Zonneveld (2008)
Table 1. Narcissus species with their amount of nuclear DNA, standard deviation, chromosome number and origin. Chromosome
counts are from literature or derived from the genome size.
* Sañudo (1984); + Sañudo (1985); & Monserrat Martí & Vives (1991); $ Mehra & Sachdeva (1976).
2219 narcissus:Maquetación 1 18/06/2010 16:47 Página 30
complex has given rise in nature to many forms now
accommodated in eight subspecies (Zonneveld, 2008).
The genome sizes here measured show that N. hispa -
nicus Gouan is also of importance in the development
of yellow garden daffodils. It is moreover a good
species that can still be found in Southern Spain.
Moreover N. bujei (Fern. Casas) Fern. Casas is likely
derived from a cross between N. hispanicus and N. lon -
gispathus Pugsley. The tetraploids with white tepals
and yellow corona’s can be obtained by crossing the
diploid N. pseudonarcissus with the hexaploid N. pseu -
donarcissus ssp. bicolor (L.) Baker. Lastly, the te -
traploid cultivars with pink to orange color in the coro-
na show the influence of N. poeticus L.
The taxonomy of all species of Narcissus (Amarylli-
daceae) has been investigated recently by flow cytom-
etry (Zonneveld, 2008). The somatic nuclear DNA
contents (2C) were shown to range from 14 to 38
picogram for the diploids. The total number of Nar-
cissus species was determined as 36, nine more than in
Flora Europaea and they were divided up in two sub-
genera and eleven sections. Section Pseudonarcissi DC
was much more heterogeneous in nuclear DNA con-
tent than expected. Sixty five accessions of N. pseu -
donarcissus possessed, with 23.8 pg, similar amounts
of DNA. However several species from this section
were clearly distinctive in nuclear DNA content. It
runs from the diploid N. primigenius Fern. Casas with
21.7 pg to the also diploid N. nevadensis Pugsley with
38.2 pg. Also N. cyclamineus DC, N. abscissus (Haw.)
Schult. f. and N. moleroi Fern. Casas are with about
26 pg clearly different from N. pseudonarcissus. For
the first time, in eleven accessions, hexaploidy was
found in N. pseudonarcissus ssp. bicolor. A new sec-
tion Nevadensis Zonn. with 30-39 pg of nuclear DNA
was split off from the section Pseudonarcissi with now
21-27 pg.
The aim of the present study was the desire to know
whether nuclear DNA value was of use in determin-
ing the origin of trumpet daffodils and of the contro-
versial Narcissus bujei (Fern. Casas) Fern. Casas. This
is of value for the taxonomy of Narcissus and also for
improving commercial varieties.Moreover, important
pharmacological substances like galanthamines are
found in daffodils (Codina, 2002) making it worth-
while to be able to discriminate between the species
and show the origin of the main groups of cultivars.
Materials and methods
Plant material
Plant material of the species was mainly obtained
from the collections of J. Blanchard (UK) and D.
Origin of Narcissus bujei and trumpet daffodils
Donnison-Morgan (UK). However, most cultivars
were obtained from The Netherlands (KAVB Lisse,
Hortus Bulborum Limmen, C.P. Breed, C. van der
Veek, H. Meeuwissen, W. Lemmers, and S. de Groot)
and a few from the UK (J.M. Grimshaw, M. Salmon
and I. Young), from France (L. de Jager), from Ger-
many (G. Knoche) and from the USA (N. Wilson and
H. Koopowitz). Care was taken to ensure correct
identification of all material, relying also on the expert
opinions of J. Blanchard, D. Donnison-Morgan and
S. de Groot. In most cases fresh leaves were used from
the wild or available in the different collections.
Determination of nuclear DNA content
For the isolation of nuclei, about 0.5 cm of a fresh
full-grown leaf was chopped together with a piece of
Agave americana L. ‘Aureomarginata’ as internal stan-
dard. The nuclear DNA content (2C-value) of A. ame -
ricana was measured as 15.9 picogram (pg) per nucle-
us with human leukocytes (2C = 7 pg, Tiersch & al.,
1989) as the standard. The chopping was done with a
new razor blade in a Petri dish in 0.25 ml nuclei-isola-
tion buffer, with 0.01 % RNAse added (Zonneveld &
Van Iren, 2001b). After adding 1.8 ml propidium io-
dide solution (50 mg/l in isolation buffer) the suspen-
sion with nuclei was filtered through a 30 µm nylon
filter. The fluorescence of the nuclei was measured, 30
and 60 min. after addition of propidium iodide, using
a PARTEC CA-II flow cytometer. The more DNA is
present in a nucleus, the higher is the intensity of the
fluorescence. The 2C DNA content of the sample was
calculated as the sample peak mean, divided by the
Agave peak mean, and multiplied with the amount of
DNA of the Agave standard. From chopping of a leaf
piece of 0.5 cm2about 50 000 nuclei could be isolated.
For each clone, two to six different runs (determina-
tions) with at least 3000-5000 nuclei were measured
with two runs from a single nuclear isolation.
Results and discussion
In Table 2 nuclear genome size is presented for
more than 60 trumpet daffodils. These were compared
with the genome sizes of all species (Zonneveld, 2008,
Table 1). It turns out that doubling of the nuclear
DNA content of 23.8 pg of N. pseudonarcissus falls
short of the values found for the trumpet daffodils
(Table 3). Morphological similar looking species of
trumpet daffodils of section Pseudonarcissi with a
com plementing higher amount of nuclear DNA like
N. hispanicus with 25.8 pg, N. poeticus with 26 pg and
the hexaploid N. pseudonarcissus ssp. bicolor with
67.7 pg (Zonneveld, 2008) were selected and data on
Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 67(1): 29-39, enero-junio 2010. ISSN: 0211-1322. doi: 10.3989/ajbm. 2219
2219 narcissus:Maquetación 1 18/06/2010 16:47 Página 31
B.J.M. Zonneveld32
Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 67(1): 29-39, enero-junio 2010. ISSN: 0211-1322. doi: 10.3989/ajbm. 2219
Table 2. Narcissus cultivars with their amount of nuclear DNA, average, standard deviation, chromosome number, origin and remarks. Chromosome counts are from Mol, 1923; Nagao,
1933; Fernandes & Fernandes, 1946; Fernandes & Neves, 1971; Sañudo, 1985, and Brandham & Kirton, 1985.
Coll.# Colour White tepals + pink trumpet DNA Average St. dev Chrom. # Origin Parents
in pg
2lim1 2WP N. Accent’ 49,7 49,4 1,1 2n = 4x = 28 H. Bulborum Limmen, NL
2lim2 2WP N. ‘Algarve’ 50,0 H. Bulborum Limmen, NL
2lim3 2WP N. ‘Arctic Char’ 49,3 H. Bulborum Limmen,NL
2lim4 2WP N. ‘Eastern Dawn’ 48,3 H. Bulborum Limmen, NL
2lim6 2WP N. ‘Rose Noble’ 48,8 H. Bulborum Limmen, NL
2lim7 2WP N. ‘Precocious’ 50,7 H. Bulborum Limmen, NL
2lim8 2WP N. ‘Truly Royal’ 49,8 H. Bulborum Limmen, NL
2lim9 2WP N. ‘Valinor’ 50,6 H. Bulborum Limmen, NL
2lim10 2WP N. ‘Violetta’ 49,4 H. Bulborum Limmen, NL
1WP N. ‘Chanson’ 47,3 ex C. Breed
White tepals + yellow trumpet H. Bulborum Limmen, NL
1WY N. ‘W.P. Milner’ 23,0 23,5 0,4 ex C. Breed
1WY N. ‘Princeps’ 23,4 ex H.Meeuwissen
1WY N. ‘Topolino’ 23,8 2x= 14 ex commerce
H3 1WY N. ‘W.P. Milner’ 23,8 2x= 14 ex H. Bot. Leiden
1WY N. ‘Empress’ 38,8 38,9 0,5 3x= 21+B H. Bulborum Limmen, NL pseudon. × bicolor 4x
2lim17 1WY N. ‘Bizerta’ 48,4 49,6 0,9 H. Bulborum Limmen, NL
2lim13 1WY N. ‘Drummerry’ 48,9 H. Bulborum Limmen, NL
2lim16 1WY N. ‘Monticello’ 49,0 H. Bulborum Limmen, NL
2lim14 1WY N. ‘Bar None’ 49,2 H. Bulborum Limmen, NL
2lim18 1WY N. ‘Irish Mist’ 49,4 H. Bulborum Limmen, NL
2lim19 1WY N. ‘Wahkeena’ 49,5 H. Bulborum Limmen, NL
2lim15 1WY N. ‘Cyros’ 49,7 H. Bulborum Limmen, NL
2 1WY N. ‘Glory of Noordwijk’ 49,9 H. Bulborum Limmen, NL
2lim12 1WY N. ‘Breton’ 49,9 H. Bulborum Limmen, NL
2lim20 1WY N. ‘Tudor Groove’ 50,1 H. Bulborum Limmen, NL
2lim11 1WY N. ‘Bravoure’ 51,9 H. Bulborum Limmen, NL
1WY N. pseudon. ssp. leonensis 64,0 64,0 1,2 Picos de Europa
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Origin of Narcissus bujei and trumpet daffodils 33
Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 67(1): 29-39, enero-junio 2010. ISSN: 0211-1322. doi: 10.3989/ajbm. 2219
Coll.# Colour Yellow tepals + yellow trumpet DNA Average St. dev Chrom. # Origin Parents
in pg
G15 1YY N. ‘Bowles Early Sulphur’ 22,6 23,8 0,1 2x= 14 ex commerce
1 1YY N. gayi (Henon) Pugsley 23,9 H. Bulborum Limmen,NL
7 1YY N. ‘Golden Spur’ 23,8 H. Bulborum Limmen,NL
5 1YY N. ‘Henry Irving’ 24,4 H. Bulborum Limmen,NL
3 1YY N. ‘Emperor’ 37,8 37,8 0,5 3x= 21 H. Bulborum Limmen,NL pseudon × bicolor? (Rix)
1YY N. ‘Golden Harvest’ 46,3 48,1 1,1 4x = 28 ex C. Breed G. Spur × K Alfred
2YY N. ‘Saint Keverne’ 46,5 ex C. Breed
1YY N. ‘Dutch master’ 46,9 ex C. Breed
1YY N. ‘King Alfred’ 48,9 ex C. Breed
1YYd N. ‘Golden Ducat’ 47,7 ex C. Breed
2YY N. ‘Carlton’ 47,6 ex C. Breed
1YY N. ‘Meldrum’ 48,5 ex C. Breed
2lim21 1YY N. ‘Golden Perfection’ 51,6 53,4 2,4 H. Bulborum Limmen,NL
1YY N. ‘Rijnveld’s Early Sensation’ 55,1 2n = 33 ex C. Breed
Other Cultivars
3WO N. ‘Aflame’ 48,8 ex C. Breed
4WY N. ‘Argent’ 24,4 ex C. Breed
J5 8YY N. ‘Avalanche of Gold’ 46,6 ex L de Jager Bill Welch × tazetta
7YY N. ‘Baby Boomer’ 31,2 KABV 10-4-08 Avalanche × jonq
7YY N. × intermedius = Baby Boomer? 31,2 KABV 10-4-08 Avalanche × jonq
7YY N. ‘Baby Moon’ 33,7 ex commerce jonq minor × jonq
7YY N. ‘Baby Moon’ 67,5 ex commerce jonq minor × jonq
3YO N. ‘Bath’s Flame’ 37,2 ex C. Breed
4WY N. ‘Bridal Crown’ 28,2 2x = 17 ex commerce sport of l’Innocence’
L22 1WW N. ‘Celilo’ 49,0 H. Bulborum Limmen,NL Petsamo’ × ‘Beersheba’
11YOs N. ‘Centannees’ 49,2 H. Meeuwissen
2YO N. ‘Croesus’ 36,9 ex C. Breed
H2 7YW N. ‘Dickcissel’ 41,3 3x = 21 ex Hortus Bot. Leiden Binkie (2n = 28) × jonquilla
Table 2. (Continuación).
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B.J.M. Zonneveld34
Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 67(1): 29-39, enero-junio 2010. ISSN: 0211-1322. doi: 10.3989/ajbm. 2219
Coll.# Colour Others cultivars DNA Average St. dev Chrom. # Origin Parents
in pg
B24 1YYd N. ‘Eystettensis’ 23,8 double flowers pseudon(niet × triandrus)
6YY N. ‘Februari Gold’ 37,8 3x= 21 ex commerce Golden Spur × cycl.
11WYs N. ‘Frileuse’ 36,4 3x= 21 ex commerce split crown
8WO N. Geranium 27,4 ex C. Breed
L19 8WO N. ‘Glorious’ 29,9 2x= 17 H. Bulborum Limmen,NL poeticus × tazetta
2lim23 8WY N. ‘Gran Primo Citronieri’ 47,0 2n= 32 H. Bulborum Limmen,NL
5YY N. ‘Hawera’ 24,3 2x= 14 ex commerce jonquilla × triandrus
2WY N. ‘Ice Follies’ 48,8 4x= 28 ex commerce
4YYd N. ‘Inglescombe’ 24,9 ex C. Breed
4WOd N. ‘Insulinde’ 37,2 ex C. Breed
6WY N. ‘Jack Snipe’ 39,0 3x= 21 ex commerce x cyclamineus
6YO N. ‘Jetfire’ 37,4 3x= 21 ex commerce x cyclamineus
L18 N. ‘Jumage’ 72,4 H. Bulborum Limmen,NL x tazetta
2YO N. ‘Killigrew’ 48,9 ex C. Breed
2lim5 2WO N. ‘Kilworth’ 49,9 H. Bulborum Limmen,NL
7YY N. ‘Kokopelli’ 41,7 ex H.Meeuwissen Sundial × fern.
L20 7YO N. ‘Lanarth’ 41,0 3x= 21 H. Bulborum Limmen,NL x jonquilla
L09 8WY N. ‘Laurens Koster’ 28,3 2x= 17 H. Bulborum Limmen,NL poeticus × tazetta
B5 6YY N. ‘Minicycla’ 23,8 ex C. Breed cyclamineus × astur.
H5 8WY N. ‘Minnow’ 28,0 ex Hortus Bot. leiden x tazetta
L05 13yy N. ‘Mite’ 24,5 H. Bulborum Limmen,NL obvallaris × cyclam.
J4 N. ‘Monarch × Northland’ 49,6 ex L. de Jager
H13 1WW N. ‘Mount Hood’ 49,3 4x= 28 ex Hortus Bot. Leiden
4WO N. ‘Orange Phoenix’ 24,8 ex C. Breed
11YYs N. ‘Pampaluna’ 48,5 ex C. Breed y,y split
6YY N. ‘Peeping Tom’ 37,1 3x= 21 ex commerce cycl × pseudonarc. 4x
N. ‘Pipit’ 42,8 ex commerce Binkie × jonquilla
5YY N. ‘Queen of Spain’ 33,5 ex C. Breed
3WY N. ‘Queen of the North’ 36,1 ex C. Breed
4YYd N. ‘Rip van Winkel’ 22,8 ex H.Meeuwissen
2WO N. ‘Royal Orange’ 49,6 H. Meeuwissen
Table 2. (Continuación).
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Origin of Narcissus bujei and trumpet daffodils
these and other related species are here presented
(Table 1). Species of other sections can be excluded as
these have mainly short trumpets and/or result (with
exception of N. poeticus) in sterile offspring. For com-
parison the results for 61 other cultivars are also given.
The establishment of N. hispanicus as a species
In 2008 I found a Narcissus in fair numbers in the
Parc Natural Los Quejigales in the Sierra de las
Nieves amidst Abies pinsapo Boiss. forests that turned
out to have a 2C-value of 25.8 pg. Other accessions
from the same area have similar 2C-values (Table
1). An exception was a plant found 10 km west of
Los Quejigales that with 39.3 pg clearly is a triploid.
Meadows (1972) found N. hispanicus in a remote just
opened spot in the Pyrenees, Val Cardos, Pleta de
Tornapigol, but this was not available for study. This
amount of on average 25.8 pg of nuclear DNA is clear-
ly different from the 23.8 pg for N. pseudonarcissus.
The plants from Los Quejigales conform with N. his-
panicus as described by Gouan (1773).It is character-
ized by big bright yellow colored flowers with spiraled
tepals, an ascending posture and a minute black spot
on the anthers. In 1788 Curtis described the same
species as N. major. Baker (1888) included it as a sub-
species of N. pseudonarcissus. The term ‘Major’ or
‘Maximus’ was later used for (m)any large yellow daf-
fodils. N. ‘Hispanicus Maximus’ in culture turns out
to be a triploid (Table 1). Narcissus hispanicus ‘Pineto-
rum’ PB436 with 25.8 pg was found by P. Bird in Sier-
ra de las Nieves and via M. Salmon grown by J. de
Groot from seed. It is presumably the same plant as
described by Smythies (1973) from the Sierra de las
Nieves in southern Spain as growing amidst Abies pin-
sapo. According to Smythies (1973) Willkomm col-
lected this species in 1861 in the Sierra de Yunquera
(now Sierra de las Nieves) at 1350 m and considered
them to be N. major. Webb (1980) considered N. his-
panicus as a form of N. pseudonarcissus ssp. major.
However Pugsley (1933), Fernandes (1968) and Fer-
nandes Casas (1986) regarded N. hispanicus as a good
species. Moreover, Graham & Barrett (2004) could
separate N. hispanicus from N. pseudonarcissus in
their phylogeny of Narcissus based on DNA se-
quences of two chloroplast genes. The arguments pre-
sented above supports species rank of N. hispanicus.
Its origin seems to be the Pyrenees, Southern France
(rare nowadays in both cases) and the Sierra de las
Nieves in southern Spain.
Species incorrectly thought to be N. hispanicus
Plants from Zezere Portugal described by Fernan-
des as N. hispanicus, N. confusus Pugsley from Sie-
Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 67(1): 29-39, enero-junio 2010. ISSN: 0211-1322. doi: 10.3989/ajbm. 2219
Coll.# Colour Others cultivars DNA Average St. dev Chrom. # Origin Parents
in pg
BZ 3WY N. ‘Segovia’ 26,9 ex commerce rup watieri? × ?
2YY N. ‘Sir Watkin’ 36,3 ex C. Breed
N. ‘Snow Tube’ ? 48,2 KABV
H14 7YY N. ‘Sun Disc’ 25,9 2x= 14 ex Hortus Bot. Leiden rupicola × ( poeticus?)
7YY N. ‘Sundial’ 26,2 ex C. Breed poeticus × rupicola
2WY N. ‘Sweet Harmony’ 50,2 H. Meeuwissen
G16 YYd N. ‘Telemonius Plenus’ 24,3 2x= 14 ex J. Grimshaw = ’Van Sion’
12YY N. ‘Tete-a-Tete’ 39,7 3x= 24 ex commerce (CyclxSoleildÖr)nonredOP
3WO N. ‘The Star’ 25,2 ex C. Breed
3YO N. ‘Twinkle’ 36,4 ex C. Breed
1YYd N. ‘Wavertree’=’Giant’ 23,3 ex C. Breed coll. asturiensis
2WO N. ‘Will Scarlet’ 26,2 ex C van der Veek absc xpoet poetarum
YY N. × jonquilla 34,9 KABV
3WW N. ‘Xit’ 25,6 ex C. Breed
B34 4YYd N. ‘Yellow Cheerfulness’ 40,9 3x= 24 ex C. Breed Elvira’ ->’Y. Cheerfulness’
Table 2. (Continuación).
2219 narcissus:Maquetación 1 18/06/2010 16:47 Página 35
rra de Gredos, and from Embalse de Abraham, Sierra
Higuera, described by Fernández Casas as allied to
N. obvallaris (Henon) Pugsley are just plain N. pseu -
do narcissus with 23.8 pg (Zonneveld, 2008). Narcissus
obvallaris Salisb. and N. gayi Salisb., both of doubtful
origin, have an amount of nuclear DNA similar to
N. pseudonarcissus. However they have a black spot
on the anthers (Blanchard 1990; 1998). So it could be
suggested that occasionally N. pseudonarcissus has a
black spot. More likely, they show the influence of
N. hispanicus, although their amount of DNA does
not reflect that anymore.
The origin of N. bujei (Fern. Casas) Fern. Casas
Section Nevadensis Zonn. was separated from sec-
tion Pseudonarcissi based on its much higher amount
B.J.M. Zonneveld
of DNA of 36-38 pg (Zonneveld, 2008). At first, based
on 50% more DNA, they seemed triploids of N.
pseudonarcissus. However, they have as far as they
were counted 2n= 14 chromosomes (Sanudo, 1984)
and fully fertile pollen. So N. nevadensis Pugsley
(1933) with 38 pg and N. longispathus and its three
subspecies (Rois-Ruiz & al., 1998; Zonneveld, 2008)
with 36 pg are clearly separated from N. pseudonar-
The N. bujei with 30.2 pg is described from the Ser-
rania de Ronda, southern Spain. It is clearly separate
in nuclear DNA content but hardly morphologically
from both N. pseudonarcissus and N. longispathus or
N. nevadensis. However, the latter two are character-
ized by having usually more than one flower to a stem.
Narcissus bujei was first described as a variety of
N. longispathus (N. longispathus var. bujei Fern. Casas:
“amicissimo Eugenio Domínguez Vilches, familia-
riter nobis ‘Buje’, ex animo dicata”, the orthography
therefore is with an “j”, not a “g”), later as a variety of
N. hispanicus and then as a species all by the same au-
thor (Fernández Casas, 1986, “bugei”), who in 2000
changed his mind again and made it a subspecies of N.
hispanicus. Both N. bujei and N. hispanicus are de-
scribed as having bright yellow flowers, with spirally
twisted tepals and leaves and a black spot on the
anthers. These data fit with the (ancient) hybrid origin
for N. bujei (30.2 pg) between N. longispathus (36 pg)
and N. hispanicus (25.8 pg).
The origin of cultivated trumpet daffodils
In the most recent taxonomical treatment of Nar-
cissus (Zonneveld, 2008) seven species are attributed
to the section Pseudonarcissi DC. with a 2C-value of
about 23.8 pg for all subspecies of N. pseudonarcissus.
The calculations in Table 3 show that plain tetraploids
from N. pseusonarcissus (23.8 pg) will have a 2C-value
of 47.6 pg. The nuclear DNA content of the large
trumpet daffodils have higher values (Table 2). This
suggests that a species of trumpet daffodil with a
higher amount of nuclear DNA is also involved in the
formation of the trumpet daffodils that are grown
nowadays. Three morphological similar species of
trumpet daffodils of section Pseudonarcissi have a
2C-value of about 26 pg: N. abscissus Schult. f., N. mo -
leroi Fern. Casas and N. hispanicus Gouan. N. abscis-
sus has a cut-off corona, a character rarely encoun-
tered in today’s daffodils, whereas the rare N. moleroi
has pale colored flowers. So both seem hardly in-
volved in today’s breeding. Although N. cyclamineus
DC. and N. poeticus L. from section Narcissus (Zonn-
eveld, 2008) have a similar genome size of about 26
pg, they differ too much in flower morphology to con-
Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 67(1): 29-39, enero-junio 2010. ISSN: 0211-1322. doi: 10.3989/ajbm. 2219
Diploids Genome size (2C)
calculated, in pg
N. pseudonarcissus (measured) 23,8
N. hispanicus (measured) 25,8
N. pseudo × hisp 24,8
N. pseudo × pseudo × pseudo 35,7
N. (pseudo × hisp ) × pseudo 36,7
N. (pseudo × hisp ) × hisp 37,7
N. hisp × hisp × hisp 38,7
N. pseudo × pseudo × pseudo 47,6
× pseudo
N. pseudo × pseudo × pseudo × hisp 48,6
N. pseudo × hisp × pseudo × hisp 49,6
N. pseudo × hisp × hisp × hisp 50,6
N. hisp × hisp × hisp × hisp 51,6
N. hispanicus 'Maximus'.Hort. 36,3
N. 'Emperor' 37,8
N. 'Empress' 38,9
N. 'King Alfred' 49,0
N. Yellow, Yellow Corona (Table 2) 48,1
N. White, Yellow Corona (Table 2) 49,6
N. White, Pink Corona (Table 2) 49,4
Table 3. Calculated genome sizes of Narcissus species, hybrids
and cultivars compared with the actual measurements.
2219 narcissus:Maquetación 1 18/06/2010 16:47 Página 36
sider them as being involved with the origin of the yel-
low trumpet daffodils. This leaves us with N. hispani-
cus. N. hispanicus is characterized by big bright yellow
colored flowers with spiraled tepals, an ascending
posture and minute black spots on the anthers. Apart
from the spiraled tepals these characters can be found
back in today’s cultivars. A plain tetraploid N. hispan-
icus (25.8 pg) will have a 2C-value of 51.6 pg, higher
than any of the cultivated trumpet daffodils. This sug-
gests that both N. hispanicus and N. pseudonarcissus
are involved. The diploid plant from Sierra de las
Nieves has a 2C-value of about 26 pg. The following
can be envisioned: this mountain range is one of the
few remaining places were N. hispanicus survived. N.
hispanicus has been imported repeatedly in the old
days. This might be due to the fact that it is not very
well adapted to culture in N. Europe and it might re-
sent the summer wetness and winter frosts. Despite
that and also despite its spiraled tepals, N. hispanicus
has several characters worthwhile to introduce. First
it has big bright yellow colored flowers, whereas those
of N. pseudonarcissus are usually whitish to pale yel-
low. Further, contrary to N. pseudonarcissus that usu-
ally has drooping flowers, the flowers have an ascend-
ing posture. The main character contributed by N.
pseudonarcissus maybe its hardiness and non-spiraled
tepals. The hybrid seedlings with spiraled tepals
where said to have “mill wings” and vehemently se-
lected against (W. Lemmers, pers. comm.). Moreover
the hybrid might have shown hybrid vigour. The
diploid plant here described under N. hispanicus has
been crossed in culture with N. pseudonarcissus. The
hybrid might have been partly fertile and, as is often
the case with partly sterile hybrids, might have formed
non-reduced ovules. These have given rise to the
triploid N. ‘Hispanicus Maximus’. The plant in cultu -
re as N. “hispanicus” turns out to be this triploid. The
2C-value of 36.3 pg leads to envision a non-reduced
diploid gamete of N. pseudonarcissus × N. hispanicus
with a haploid gamete of N. pseudonarcissus or N. his-
panicus. Around 1860 three English breeders found
triploid daffodils. They were bought by Barr who
brought them in circulation in 1875 (Wylie, 1952).
The varieties N. ‘Emperor’ and N. ‘Empress’ were
also triploid. In 1890 tetraploids arose from them like
N. ‘King Alfred’, that is supposed to be a hybrid of
N. ‘Empress’ with N. hispanicus (Williams, 1929), and
in The Netherlands the triploid N. ‘Golden Spur’ was
followed by the tetraploid N. ‘van Waverens Giant’.
However, the plant in culture as N. ‘Golden Spur’
turned out to be diploid (Table 2). In these cases the
involvement of N. hispanicus was already suggested at
the time when they appeared on the market.
Origin of Narcissus bujei and trumpet daffodils
The cultivars mainly from Hortus Bulborum, Lim-
men, The Netherlands with 48.1 pg and with yellow
tepals and trumpets most conveniently can be ex-
plained as being allotetraploids of N. pseudonarcissus
and N. hispanicus. Autotetraploid N. pseudonarcissus
would have a 2C-value of 47.6 pg and autotetraploid
N. hispanicus would have a 2C-value of 51.6 pg.
Counts of Melissa Reading and Boyce Tankersley in
the USA and myself in the Hortus Bulborum of
Limmen (NL) have shown that up to 15 % of the
narcissi with large trumpets (division 1 and 2) have
black spots at the tip of the anthers. These black spots,
the bright yellow colors and upright posture shows
the influence of N. hispanicus in today’s daffodil
Daffodils with white tepals
and with yellow trumpets
These have a 2C-value of 49.6 pg (Table 2) and have
likely been derived from crosses between hexaploid
N. pseudonarcissus ssp. bicolor from the Pyrenees and
Southern France and/or ssp. leonensis (Pugsley) Ferd.
Casas & Laínz from Northern Spain and a diploid
species, giving a tetraploid in the first generation.
Both wild hexaploid daffodils have white tepals and
large yellow trumpets.
Daffodils with pink or orange to red corona’s
All tetraploid cultivars around with orange to pink
corona’s are derived from N. poeticus and especially
from the tetraploid form N. poeticus ‘Actaea’. Tetra -
ploids with white tepals and pink trumpets with large
corona’s have on average a 2C-value of 49.4 pg. These
are clearly derived from N. poeticus with a 2C-value of
26 pg or its tetraploid cultivar ‘Actaea’ with 52 pg and
N. pseudonarcissus. Fernandes (1968a; 1968b) re-
marks on the similarity of the karyotypes of N. poeti-
cus of section Narcissus and section Pseudonarcissi. As
the hybrid between these two seems to be the only fer-
tile intersectional hybrid one may wonder whether or
not these two sections should be united. This is also
indicated by the results of Graham & Barrett (2006).
The red or pink color in today’s daffodil corona’s that
is exclusively derived from N. poeticus and the black
spot on the anthers are both unique characters.How-
ever in the first case there was and still is a very strong
selection for the red color. It is very unlikely anyone
has given any attention to the minute black spot on
the anthers. The black spots are absent from the in-
vestigated cultivars that show the red color of N. poet-
icus or the white tepals and yellow corona’s derived
from N. pseudonarcissus ssp. bicolor.
Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 67(1): 29-39, enero-junio 2010. ISSN: 0211-1322. doi: 10.3989/ajbm. 2219
2219 narcissus:Maquetación 1 18/06/2010 16:47 Página 37
In Table 3 2C-values of different combinations of
species are calculated. If these are compared with the
actual data found (Tables 1, 3) and also taking the
flower colors into account, it is clear that N. hispanicus
played a role in the tetraploid yellow cultivars, N. poe -
ticus in the cultivars with red or pink corona’s and N.
pseudonarcissus ssp. bicolor in the tetraploids with
white tepals and yellow corona’s.
This is the first time that the difference in nuclear
DNA content is shown between N. hispanicus and
N. pseudonarcissus and is used to explain the origin
of N. bujei and the yellow tetraploid cultivars. Also
the DNA hexaploidy of N. pseudonarcissus ssp. bico-
lor and its use in obtaining tetraploid bicolored trum-
pet daffodils was not recorded earlier. These data al-
lowed giving a firm footing to the supposed involve-
ment of these species in the origin of the trumpet daf-
I like to thank for the contribution of plant material by the
donors listed above. Special thanks go to John Blanchard and
Derrick Donnison-Morgan who both provided most of the plant
material for the species and C. Breed, C. van der Veek, H.
Meeuwissen, and J. Zonneveld (Hortus Bulborum Limmen, NL)
who provided most of the cultivars. Moreover based on their ex-
tensive knowledge on the subject they were always willing to dis-
cuss Narcissus matters with me. Dr. J.F. Veldkamp, NCB Na-
turalis, Leiden, The Netherlands, critically read a draft of the
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Rois-Ruiz, S., Rivera-Núñez, D., Algaraz-Ariza, F. & Obón de Cas-
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Associate Editor: P. Vargas
Received: 9-II-2009
Accepted: 17-XI-2009
Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 67(1): 29-39, enero-junio 2010. ISSN: 0211-1322. doi: 10.3989/ajbm. 2219
2219 narcissus:Maquetación 1 18/06/2010 16:47 Página 39
... The total number of Narcissus species is estimated from 27 according to Flora Europea [10], 36 [11] to 41 [12]. Chromosome number in the Narcissus species and cultivars was first assessed almost 100 years ago [13], but much of the pioneering cytogenetic research was carried out by Fernandes starting in 1934 [7,14]. ...
... Then, in the 1980s and 1990s, the chromosome number was known in more than 1000 genotypes, species, and cultivars of Narcissus [15,16]. This genus has been the subject of numerous cytological and cytometric studies which have shown enormous variation in terms of genome size, ploidy level, and even their basic chromosome number [9,11,[16][17][18][19]. In the majority of species, the basic chromosome number is 7 (x = 7) including, e.g., N. poeticus L. and N. hispanicus Gouan, but 10, 11 and 12 have been also recorded in other species [9,16,19]. ...
... According to the Kew Database [12], in diploid species, the most common chromosome number is 14 (N. pseudonarcissus L. [17], N. poeticus [21], N. hispanicus, N. cyclamineus DC. [11]), but there are also 20 in (N. tazetta), 22 (N. ...
Full-text available
The genus Narcissus belongs to the family Amaryllidaceae. This genus has been the subject of numerous cytological and cytometric studies and have shown enormous variation in terms of genome size, ploidy level, and even the basic chromosome number. The basic chromosome numbers are 5 or 7, but 10, 11, and 12 have been recorded as well. Most narcissus cultivars are euploid tetraploids. There are also numerous triploids. Some cultivars are aneuploid such as tetraploids or triploids, with missing chromosomes or possessing additional chromosomes. Due to their very complex parentage, cultivars have various numbers of chromosomes not found in the species. In this publication, we present a study on the genome size and assessment of the likely ploidy level of 38 cultivars and breeding clones of Narcissus in relation to their selected morphological traits and information on their parental forms. For the first time, 12 Polish cultivars and breeding clones of narcissus were the subject of such an evaluation. Perianth diameter, leaf length, and width were evaluated and rated with notes according to the descriptor of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants. Stomatal density and stomata length were measured using light microscopy. Analysis of genome size was carried out using flow cytometry. For three selected genotypes, the chromosome number was counted. Our results lead to the general conclusion that the morphological traits studied and nuclear DNA content can be useful for determining the possible ploidy level of narcissi. The information on the origin and parental forms of narcissi can be helpful in determining the ploidy level of narcissi. However, clear confirmation of ploidy level requires verification of chromosome number and preferably karyotyping. The results obtained are a prelude to further studies.
... The genus Narcissus is also a remarkable example of Mediterranean lineage with a complex evolutionary history (Graham and Barrett 2004;Santos-Gally et al. 2012). The taxonomy of Narcissus is unsettled and problematic (Webb 1980;Blanchard 1990;Mathew 2002;Zonneveld 2008;Aedo, forthcoming); in particular, the trumpet daffodils (section Pseudonarcissi) are one of the most controversial groups of the genus and are a clear example of the confounding views on both the discrimination of taxa and the assignment of rank (see below). In fact, the reasons for this wide discrepancy among studies may reflect, among other processes, recent phylogenetic divergence, ongoing differentiation, high phenotypic plasticity, hybridization, or some complex combination of these (Pérez- Barrales et al. 2006;Díaz-Lifante and Andrés-Camacho 2007;Hodgins and Barrett 2007;Díaz-Lifante et al. 2009). ...
... Casas) Fern. Casas (the specific epithet is sometimes spelled bugei; Blanca et al. 1999;Navarro 2011), Narcissus nevadensis Pugsley, and Narcissus longispathus Pugsley (although the assignment of species rank has not always been maintained; Ferná ndez-Casas 1986;Mathew 2002;Zonneveld 2008). This taxonomic treatment was adopted in the recent revision of Narcissus species occurring in eastern Andalucía (Navarro 2011). ...
... However, their distinction was based on even more tenuous morphological differences, and all are exclusively restricted to one or a few sparse localities on the northeastern edge of the Baetic Ranges (Sierras de Alcaraz and Segura and Sierra de Villafuerte). The validity of these additional taxa was not upheld by subsequent molecular (Medrano and Herrera 2008;Zonneveld 2008;Jiménez et al. 2009) and taxonomic (Navarro 2011;Aedo, forthcoming) work. ...
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Premise of research. Determination of species boundaries is essential for understanding and preserving biological diversity, yet it remains a difficult task for many plant lineages. Population genetics approaches explicitly taking into account the geographic context of processes driving population divergence and speciation may help to identify species boundaries in complex groups. Here, we adopt this approach to investigate genetic boundaries in an endemic group of trumpet daffodils (Narcissus, section Pseudonarcissi) whose taxonomic distinctiveness remains controversial. Methodology. We analyzed amplified fragment length polymorphism markers from a total of 36 populations (526 individuals) spanning the group’s entire distribution range in the southern Iberian Peninsula. To identify the most likely number of distinct genetic groups, model- and nonmodel-based methods (Bayesian, principal coordinates, and neighbor-joining classification) were applied. Effects of long-term historical divergence were dissected from more recent or local differentiation processes using simple and partial Mantel tests. Pivotal results. A major genetic split, consistently supported by the three analytical methods used, differentiated all populations generally ascribed to Narcissus bujei in traditional taxonomic treatments from the rest, which included all populations generally designated as Narcissus longispathus and Narcissus nevadensis. The two groups exhibited contrasting levels of within-population genetic diversity and rarity. Comparative analyses of the relationship between genetic differentiation and geographic distance in these two main genetic lineages suggested that they have remained isolated through a long time period. Separate analyses of genetic and geographic patterns within each major lineage suggested contrasting evolutionary histories. Conclusions. Genetically, geographically, and ecologically well-defined lineages of the Pseudonarcissi section occur throughout the southern mountains of the Iberian Peninsula, generally supporting the traditional taxonomical delimitation of this lineage and qualifying as separate units of conservation. Our findings emphasize the usefulness of molecular data and population genetics approaches in a geographic context to delineate morphologically cryptic species in complex lineages.
... And this species was reported to have larger genome compared to other diploid species (Arumuganathan, Earle, 1991;Dickson et al., 1992). Such differences in nuclear DNA contents between cultivars or species possessing the same chromosome number and belonging to the same genus are widely known in other genera, e.g., Lilium (Van Tuyl, Boon, 1997), Malus (Korban et al., 2009;Podwyszyńska et al., 2016); Tulipa (Zonneveld, 2009) and Narcissus (Zonneveld, 2010). The nuclear 2C DNA content is therefore considered as one of the taxa descriptors. ...
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The ploidy level can be useful in evaluating reproductive and somatic compatibility, an important parameter in scion and rootstock breeding programs. Evaluation of nuclear DNA content was performed in order to determine ploidy level of 31 rootstocks of genus Prunus for plum, sour cherry and sweet cherry. In the first stage of the research, the conditions of flow cytometry analysis with application of propidium iodide for DNA staining were optimized. Repeatable results and relatively good-quality histograms were obtained using Partec extraction buffer with 1% PVP (polyvinylpyrrolidone) addition, with incubation time from 50 to 90 min. The best internal standard for flow cytometry analysis proved to be tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) 2C = 1.96 pg for rootstocks with a nuclear DNA content from 0.55 to 1.64 pg, and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) 2.50 pg for rootstocks with a larger nuclear DNA contents from 1.8 to 2.3 pg. In five plum rootstocks, 2C values ranged from 0.61 to 0.67 pg indicating their diploid chromosome number. One rootstock was identified as tetraploid (2C = 1.34 pg), and four rootstocks as hexaploids owing to their DNA contents from 2.07 to 2.23 pg. One rootstock was considered a pentaploid due to its 2C value of 1.64 pg which was approximately two and a half times more than in diploid Prunus sp. In nine cherry rootstocks, 2C DNA values ranged from 0.74 to 0.86 pg indicating their diploid chromosome number. Nine cherry rootstocks were identified as triploids with their 2C DNA contents from 1.03 to 1.24 pg. Two cherry rootstocks were considered as tetraploids having 2C DNA of 1.39 pg. The ploidy level of cherry and plum rootstocks was evaluated in relation to morphological and agronomic traits. The tendency to increase the size of stomata and leaves along with an increase in the ploidy level was observed within Prunus rootstock genotypes; however, the correlations between these traits were not so evident. Therefore, stomata and leaf size cannot be considered as a morphological marker indicating ploidy level. The evaluated nuclear DNA contents / ploidy levels as well as stomata and leaf size are the additional descriptors of Prunus rootstocks that can be useful for identifying genotypes. Key words: flow cytometry, hexaploids, pentaploids, ploidy level, plum, cherry rootstocks, tetraploids, triploids.
... It is known that within one genera, the species of plants and even their varieties can differ in terms of nuclear DNA content in spite of an equal number of chromosomes (Korban et al., 2009;Zonneveld, 2009Zonneveld, , 2010Höfer and Meister, 2010). It is recognized that the nuclear DNA content is a specific feature and its flow cytometric evaluation can be one of the methods helpful in differentiating taxa. ...
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Apple species and cultivars differ in nuclear (2C) DNA content and ploidy level. The majority of these genotypes are diploids, but there are some triploids and a few tetraploids. Nuclear DNA content is a specific feature and its flow cytometric evaluation can be helpful in differentiating taxa. For many apple genotypes – including all the Polish ones, these characteristics are not known. 2C DNA was evaluated in relation to leaf, flower, fruit, pollen grain and stomata sizes as well as to the flowering time for seventy genotypes (including 46 Polish cultivars) gathered in the gene bank of the Research Institute of Horticulture, Skierniewice, Poland. For standard cultivars with the known chromosome number, 2C value was 1.71 pg for diploid cultivar ‘Alwa’ (2n=2x=34), 2.55 pg for triploid ‘Boskoop’ (3x=51), and 3.37 pg for tetraploid genome (4x=68) of mixoploid ‘McIntosh 2x+4x’. In 61 cultivars (including 41 Polish ones), the nuclear DNA content ranged from 1.58 to 1.78 pg indicating their diploid chromo-some number. Five cultivars were identified as triploids (‘Bursztówka Polska’, ‘Pagacz’, ‘Rapa Zielona’, ‘Rarytas Śląski’ and ‘Witos’) owing to their nuclear DNA amount ranging between 2.42 and 2.58 pg. Leaf, flower, fruit, stomata and pollen grain sizes were on average significantly larger in triploids. Thus, in 3x plants the mean leaf surface was 49.1 cm
... In some cases, applications of CRISPR/ Cas have resulted in the successful mutation of both copies of the gene (Oriza sativa and Populus tomentosa), mutations in close paralogues, or multiplexing of mutations for multiple genes (Zhang et al. 2014;Xie et al. 2015). The ability to target paralogues and potentially get homozygous mutations in one mutagenesis without subsequent breeding would be of particular interest when working on the Amaryllidaceae because some commercial cultivars are polypoid, sterile, and/or have a 3-7 year seed-toseed generation time (Zonneveld 2010). The CRISPR/ Cas system has been applied to Nicotiana benthamiana, Oryza sativa, Arabidopsis thaliana, Sorghum bicolor, Citrus sinensis var. ...
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Amaryllidaceae alkaloids are an example of the vast diversity of secondary metabolites with great therapeutic promise. The identification of novel compounds in this group with over 300 known structures continues to be an area of active study. The recent identification of norbelladine 4′-O-methyltransferase (N4OMT), an Amaryllidaceae alkaloid biosynthetic enzyme, and the assembly of transcriptomes for Narcissus sp. aff. pseudonarcissus and Lycoris aurea highlight the potential for discovery of Amaryllidaceae alkaloid biosynthetic genes with new technologies. Recent technical advances of interest include those in enzymology, next generation sequencing, genetic modification, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry.
... Due to the twotoned yellow flower color, single flower and size, the daffodil variety used in this study is likely Carlton. Based on genome size estimates, Carlton is thought to be a domesticated form of Narcissus pseudonarcissus with a genome duplication event that resulted in a tetraploid [45]. A high number of paralogs is, therefore, expected. ...
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Galanthamine is an Amaryllidaceae alkaloid used to treat the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. This compound is primarily isolated from daffodil (Narcissus spp.), snowdrop (Galanthus spp.), and summer snowflake (Leucojum aestivum). Despite its importance as a medicine, no genes involved in the biosynthetic pathway of galanthamine have been identified. This absence of genetic information on biosynthetic pathways is a limiting factor in the development of synthetic biology platforms for many important botanical medicines. The paucity of information is largely due to the limitations of traditional methods for finding biochemical pathway enzymes and genes in non-model organisms. A new bioinformatic approach using several recent technological improvements was applied to search for genes in the proposed galanthamine biosynthetic pathway, first targeting methyltransferases due to strong signature amino acid sequences in the proteins. Using Illumina sequencing, a de novo transcriptome assembly was constructed for daffodil. BLAST was used to identify sequences that contain signatures for plant O-methyltransferases in this transcriptome. The program HAYSTACK was then used to identify methyltransferases that fit a model for galanthamine biosynthesis in leaf, bulb and inflorescence tissues. One candidate gene for the methylation of norbelladine to 4'-O-methylnorbelladine in the proposed galanthamine biosynthetic pathway was identified. This methyltransferase cDNA was expressed in E. coli and the protein purified by affinity chromatography. The resulting protein was found to be a norbelladine 4'-O-methyltransferase (NpN4OMT) of the proposed galanthamine biosynthetic pathway.
Sixteen Narcissus cultivars were analyzed for their loci of 45S rDNA and 5S rDNA on mitotic metaphase chromosomes using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), their male fertility by testing their pollen germination and female fertility based on their crossability. The results and analysis showed that thirteen cultivars, including ‘Queen's Day’, ‘Pink Charm’, ‘Stadium’, ‘Mount Hood’, ‘Eline’, ‘Accent’, ‘Dutch Master’, ‘Flower Parade’, ‘Replete’, ‘Las Vegas’, ‘Flower Surprise’, ‘Ice Follies’ and ‘Easter Born’, were autotetrapliod (2n = 4x = 28 = EEEE) and they were obtained from chromosome doubling, because they had similar FISH karyotypes and their male and female fertility match with autotetraploid; For similar reasons, Chinese Narcissus ‘Jinzhanyintai’ was autotriploid (2n = 3x = 30 = AAA) caused by unilateral sexual polyploidization, ‘Pink Parasol’ was identified as allotetraploid (2n = 4x = 30 = CCDD), and ‘Bridal Crown’ had one A genome and one B genome, meaning it was selected from interspecific hybridization (2n = 2x = 17 = A + B). It was concluded that FISH with rDNA probes was powerful tool to analyze Narcissus genomes. The results would be valuable to guide breeding in Narcissus.
Besides being one of the most popular ornamental bulbs in western horticulture, the Mediterranean genus Narcissus has been the subject of numerous studies focusing on a wide scope of topics, including cytogenetics, hybridization and the evolution of polymorphic sexual systems. Phylogenetic hypotheses based on chloroplast data have provided a backbone for the genus but a detailed phylogenetic framework is still lacking. To fill this gap, we present a phylogenetic study of the genus using five markers from three genomes: ndhF and matK (chloroplast DNA), cob and atpA (mitochondrial DNA), and ITS (nuclear ribosomal DNA). In addition, we use chromosome counts from 89 populations representing 69 taxa. All analyses confirm that Narcissus is monophyletic with two main lineages largely corresponding to subg. Hermione and subg. Narcissus, but with incongruences between organellar and nuclear ribosomal phylogenies. At the infrageneric levels, our phylogenetic results challenge well-established taxonomic groups, such as sect. Jonquillae, sect. Bulbocodii and sect. Pseudonarcissi, each of which contains at least two distinct lineages that do not constitute monophyletic groups, and highlight the influence of allopolyploid species in the monophyly of sections within subg. Hermione. The type of the genus and its section is also nested within sect. Pseudonarcissi supporting new nomenclatural changes. Our results also confirm the intersubgeneric hybrid nature of several hybrids including allopolyploids (e.g., N. dubius, N. tortifolius, N. miniatus). Morphological and cytogenetic evidence independently support the hypothesis that some of the incongruence can be attributed to hybridization, such as the splits of sect. Bulbocodii and sect. Pseudonarcissi or the disparate phylogenetic placements of sect. Aurelia and sect. Ganymedes. Together, this indicates a significant role for reticulate evolution in shaping the diversity of this genus. A Bayesian divergence time analysis suggests that the major diversification events took place during the Neogene and provides younger estimates for the main nodes than previous studies, which fit paleoclimatic and paleotectonic reconstructions of the western Mediterranean during this period.
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The cytology of nine W. Himalayan species belonging to three genera Arisaema, Sauromatum and Typhonium has been studied. There is considerable variation in chromosome size in the genus Arisaema. Diploid taxon of A. concinnum (2n=28) has been found to occur in the Kumaon hills. Bowden had earlier reported this species to be tetraploid with 2n=56. A. curvatum was found to possess 2n=28. Malik had earlier observed 2n=26 in this species. Previously only the diploid form of A. jacquemontii was known to occur (Malik 1961). Present investigations have revealed the existence of tetraploids based on x=13 in the Simla hills. Sauromatum venosum has 2n=26 and possesses a symmetrical karyotype. The base number x=13 is suggested for the genus.
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The taxonomy of all species of Narcissus (Amaryllidaceae), an important horticultural crop, has not been investigated recently. As a new approach, genome size was determined by flow cytometry with propidium iodide from 375 accessions. The somatic nuclear DNA contents (2C) were shown to range from 14 to 38pg for the diploids. Narcissus assoanus and N. gaditanus are, based on their nuclear DNA content, removed from section Apodanthi and placed in a new section Juncifolii. The different ploidy levels and species involved were entangled for N . “fernandesii” s.l. and a new allotetraploid form is named here. Section Pseudonarcissus was much more heterogeneous in nuclear DNA content than expected. Sixty-five accessions of N. pseudonarcissus possessed, with 23.7pg, similar amounts of DNA. However, several species from this section were clearly distinctive in nuclear DNA content. It runs from the diploid N. primigenius with 21.7pg to the also diploid N. nevadensis with 38.2pg. Also N. abscissus and N. moleroi are with about 26pg clearly different from N. pseudonarcissus. For the first time, in 11 accessions, hexaploidy was found in N. pseudonarcissus ssp. bicolor. A new section Nevadensis with 30–39pg of nuclear DNA was split off from the section Pseudonarcissus with now 21–27pg. A nonoploid N. dubius with 96.3pg has by far the highest amount of nuclear DNA and can be calculated to have the highest ploidy ever reported in Narcisssus. The total number of Narcissus species was determined as 36, nine more than in Flora Europaea and they were divided up in two subgenera and 11 sections. Flow cytometry is shown to produce easily obtainable and original systematic data that lead to new insights. Genome size or C-value turns out to be one of the most salient features to define the status of the species in the genus Narcissus.
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Nuclear DNA content (2C) and pollen vitality and colour are used as new criteria to investigate all species of the genus Agapanthus LHritier. The species have the same chromosome number (2n=2x=30), with exception of four triploid plants found. The nuclear DNA content of the diploids, as measured by flow cytometry with propidium iodide, is demonstrated to range from 22.1–31.6 pg. This implies that the largest genome contains roughly 1010 more base pairs than the smallest. The species could be divided in two groups based on pollen colour and DNA content: a group with lilac pollen and a DNA content between 22.3 and 24.1 pg containing the species A. campanulatus Leighton, A. caulescens Sprenger and the rarer A. coddii Leighton, and a group with yellow/brownish pollen and a DNA content from 25.2–31.6 pg containing the species A. praecox Willd., A. inapertus Beauv. and A. africanus (L.) Hoffmanns. Four other taxa, recognized by Leighton (1965) are treated as follows: A. comptonii Leighton, has a nuclear DNA content similar to A. praecox and is considered to be a synonym of A. praecox subsp. minimus Leighton. A. walshii L. Bol., has with 31.6 pg the same high amount of DNA as A. africanus from the same area and is therefore renamed as a subspecies (A. africanus subsp. walshii (Leighton) Zonn. & Duncan comb. nov.). The nuclear DNA amounts of A. dyeri Leighton, including the geographically isolated plants from Mozambique, are shown to be identical to A. inapertus. Therefore A. dyeri is considered synonymous with A. inapertus subsp. intermedius Leighton. A. nutans Leighton is identical in DNA content to A. caulescens and is considered to be synonymous with that species. Concluding there are six species: A. campanulatus Leighton, A. caulescens Sprenger, A. coddii Leighton, A. praecox Willd., A. inapertus Beauv. and A. africanus (L.) Hoffmanns. Nuclear DNA content as measured by flow cytometry and pollen colour are shown to be relevant traits to throw light on the relationships between Agapanthus species.
The Himalayas inhabit a fairly large number of representatives of the various monocotyledonous families, its eastern wing being comparatively much richer than the western (cf. Hooker 1894). Our previous communications in this journal provided cytological information on some W. Himalayan monocots (Mehra and Sachdeva 1975a,b; 1976a-e). The present paper deals with 21 taxa belonging to 18 species from the eastern part. Twenty one taxa belonging to 18 species of monocots are studied. Four species i.e. Alocasia acuminata (2n = 28), Cautleya lutea (n= 12, 13), Carex insignis (n=24) and C. longipes (n=21) are investigated for the first time. New chromosome numbers are reported for another three species, namely, Globba hookeri (n=12), Carex filicina (n=21) and Fimbristylis complanata (n=10). Heteromorphic chromosome pairs are noticed in Paris polyphylla (2n=20). © 1979, Japan Mendel Society, International Society of Cytology. All rights reserved.
Chromosome counts are reported for 46 taxa, 8 F1 hybrids and 230 cultivated varieties of Narcissus L. and the percentage pollen viability is given for most of them. B chromosomes were found in several species and cultivars. Chromosome numbers rise to the hexaploid level (2n = 42, 43) in species of the subgenus Narcissus, but the diploid (2n = 14) is the most commonly-occurring level of ploidy. In the subgenus Hermione diploid chromosome counts of 2n = 20 and 22 were obtained (x = 10, 11), in confirmation of reports by previous workers. In cultivars solely derived from the subgenus Narcissus eu- and aneu-tetraploids (2n=28±2)(2n = 28 \pm 2) greatly exceed diploids in frequency. Cultivars with complex ancestry involving x = 7 and x = 10 or 11 plants display a wide range of chromosome numbers, and the probable derivation of the chromosome complements of these cultivars and of other real and apparent aneuploids, together with those of some of the more interesting euploids, are given in the light of current knowledge. The levels of ploidy extant in Narcissus cultivars are compared and contrasted with those of a range of other genera in which many ornamental cultivars have also been produced.
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Genome size (C values) and pollen viability staining were applied as new criteria to investigate the taxonomy of the genus Hosta Tratt. (Hostaceae). Nearly all species of the genus Hosta have the same basic chromosome number (2n = 2x = 60). However, the nuclear DNA contents, as measured by flow cytometry with propidium iodide, could be demonstrated to range between 17.2 to 26.6 pg. This implies that the largest genome contains roughly 1010 more base pairs than the smallest. Therefore, nuclear DNA content is a very relevant taxonomic trait that can be measured simply by flow cytometry. In addition, differences in overall DNA composition were demonstrated by comparing to DAPI fluorescence. In general, genome size data confirmed the division into three subgenera. The geographical distribution of genome sizes indicates the migration pattern of Hosta throughout East Asia. The species belonging to the mainly Korean subgenus Bryocles, with a low nuclear DNA content (17.2 - 19.3 pg), can now largely be distinguished from the mainly Japanese species of the subgenus Giboshi (21.3 - 26.5 pg). The exception is H. longissima, that with only 19.6 pg provides a nice example of a decrease in DNA content. On the mainland, as well as on Honshu, species with increased and decreased DNA content have evolved independently. The usefulness of pollen viability to detect hybrids in Hosta was demonstrated in a large series of artificial crosses between bona fide species. Consequently, pollen viability was measured in all available Hosta described as species. Several had low pollen viability and were concluded to be hybrids. Morphology and DNA content confirmed this in most cases. The resulting 23 species approximate the number of Hosta species that follows from the combined studies by Fujita (197618) on the Japanese species and Chung (1991 a11) on the Korean species.
This paper provides descriptions of three new Narissus species—Narcissus segurensis sp. nov., Nalcaracensis sp. nov. and N. yepesii sp. nov.—that are endemic to the mountains of south-east Spain (Sierras de Alcaraz and Segura) and grow in meadows or deciduous oak forests. Characters, both vegetative and floral, used for determining resemblances and differences with other known taxa are discussed.