
Teachers Matter: Attracting, Developing and Retaining Effective Teachers

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... Finding a work-life balance and having sufficient time for family commitments is a priority for many potential teaching candidates (OECD, 2005;Sutcher et al., 2016). However, the demanding nature of a teaching career can dissuade individuals who value flexible schedules. ...
... A typical teacher works an average of 50 hours per week during term time according to OECD reports (OECD, 2005). For those with caregiving responsibilities, such as young children or aging parents, the around-the-clock commitment makes teaching difficult to balance with family life. ...
... Therefore, some education students hesitate to choose education as a future profession (Sutcher et al., 2016). Unless the profession can offer more family-friendly policies like flexible scheduling, parental leave, and alternative work arrangements, it will continue losing talented individuals seeking a better lifestyle integration (OECD, 2005;Sutcher et al., 2016). ...
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This research study aims to explore the factors that influence pre-service teachers' reluctance to pursue teaching careers. The study draws upon insights from existing literature and utilizes a questionnaire to gather quantitative and qualitative data from 75 pre-service teachers enrolled in Teaching Practice I and II subjects in the Faculty of Education - Janzour. The initial findings indicate that a significant portion of participants (over a quarter) exhibit disinterest in teaching, while another 27% consider it only temporarily. The study focuses on the participants who are reluctant to teach long-term or at all and identifies key themes that contribute to their reluctance. These themes include teaching not being their initial career preference, concerns over insufficient school equipment costs, unwillingness to work directly with children/adolescents, perceptions of low salary potential, struggles with classroom management. The study suggests that efforts should be directed towards promoting the intrinsic value and rewards of teaching, addressing financial concerns, improving classroom conditions, and creating a supportive and engaging learning environment to attract and retain passionate individuals in the teaching profession. By addressing these factors, it is possible to cultivate a new generation of motivated and dedicated teachers who can positively contribute to the education system.
... Si la salvación de la educación provenía de la sustitución del cuerpo docente, era necesario intervenir en la selección de los nuevos maestros. Para ello, la OCDE sugirió dos acciones concretas: primero, establecer un examen de oposición para evaluar las habilidades, conocimientos y cualidades de los aspirantes a la docencia; y segundo, sobre los seleccionados, instrumentar programas de inducción eficientes (OCDE, 2005). Para que el gobierno mexicano llevara a cabo esta recomendación era necesario conocer qué habilidades, conocimientos y cualidades atribuidas a la buena práctica profesional, se deberían registrar en los procesos de selección docente. ...
... Para que el gobierno mexicano llevara a cabo esta recomendación era necesario conocer qué habilidades, conocimientos y cualidades atribuidas a la buena práctica profesional, se deberían registrar en los procesos de selección docente. La OCDE extrajo de sus estudios comparativos sobre logro educativo, aquello que categorizó como «buenas prácticas profesionales» y partiendo de estas definió algunas micro-categorías para valorar el desempeño profesional: Trasmisión clara de ideas (didáctica), relaciones productivas con los alumnos (interacción), creatividad y trabajo colaborativo, etc. (OCDE, 2005). Estas micro-categorías, que describían y prescribían el sitio en el que tenía que orientarse la evaluación del magisterio y la intervención de las políticas educativas, situaron a la práctica como punto nodal. ...
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Aun con el predominio de la perspectiva positivista en la investigación de Pedagogía Comparada, existe un debate sobre su estatus de cientificidad y un consenso sobre el carácter instrumental de dicha disciplina en la configuración de reformas educativas. Nuestro trabajo se propuso profundizar en la lógica específica del enfoque positivista que hegemoniza el campo de la educación comparada: Sus objetos, unidades de análisis, métodos y herramientas cognitivas, así como en su productividad en la deliberación de políticas educativas, generación de consensos y consolidación de proyectos educativos hegemónicos. Para conseguir este objetivo, analizamos estudios comparados de organismos nacionales y supranacionales utilizados en México como argumento para diseñar la reforma al Servicio Profesional Docente (2013), identificamos sus elementos, y los hicimos circular por una perspectiva de análisis posfundacional para que, a través de un efecto de contraste, la lógica específica del enfoque positivista y sus efectos políticos pudieran expresarse con mayor claridad. Destacamos en los hallazgos que la Pedagogía Comparada positivista asume como objeto de análisis la inmediatez de los objetivos, problemas, y metas ex-ante establecidos en la agenda política supranacional y nacional, así como en los medios, recursos y reglas que se ponen en acto en su instrumentación. Sus ejes analíticos abordan la coherencia, pertinencia y relevancia de problemas educativos establecidos, así como la efectividad de los medios, recursos y normas dispuestos para el logro de sus propósitos. Emplea regularmente la aritmética política para producir efectos de exterioridad en los hechos que analiza, a fin de situarlos como cosas con autonomía y leyes inherentes, que pueden trasladarse a otros contextos para efectos de comparación. La cosificación y neutralización de la observación, facilita la circulación de referencias, la adunación, los consensos y la uniformidad, útiles políticamente para generar reformas, pero inútiles para potenciar la diversidad y el cambio.
... At a global scale, the issue of teachers' turnover is a complex and complicated phenomena, (Nuraeni et al., 2017). A study done by OECD (2005OECD ( , 2014 shows that teacher shortages and high turnover rates are problems faced by many developed and emerging nations in the worldwide, these issues appear to be less in some developed countries. Studies by Holme, J. J., Jabbar, H., Germain, E., & Dinning, J. (2018) indicate that schools with lesser accountability experience higher rates of teacher turnover. ...
... Teacher turnover is global issue and many nations of the world both developed and developing countries have been getting this challenges as new teachers and experienced teachers decide to attrite and move the school and the profession. A research explored by OECD (2005OECD ( , 2014 shows that while teacher shortages and high turnover rates are problems faced by many developed countries and emerging nations worldwide, these issues appear to be less of an issue in other nations. Thereupon, Today, teachers have been facing challenges in schools include large class sizes, diverse student needs, lack of resources and support, student behavior management, parental involvement, workload pressures, and teacher satisfaction, McCray Jr, H. (2017). ...
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This study investigated the factors effecting teacher turnover in secondary schools of Mogadishu, Somalia. The objectives of this research were to identify the major factors causing teacher turnover, understand how teacher turnover affects student academic performance, examine the working conditions of secondary teachers in Somalia, and propose strategies to increase teacher retention. The methodology employed in this study was quantitative, utilizing a descriptive survey research design. Data were collected from secondary teachers, staff from the Ministry of Education, educational experts, and secondary school principals through structured questionnaires. A total of 80 respondents participated in the study. The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 16.0. The results indicated that 52% of the participants underlined that there is higher teacher turnover in secondary schools of Mogadishu-Somalia. It was that revealed inadequate salaries, unfavorable work environments, lack of support from management, long distances between teachers' homes and schools, challenging student behavior and discipline, security concerns, limited involvement in decision-making processes, societal perception of the teaching profession, and a lack of opportunities for continued professional development were significant factors contributing to teacher turnover. Among these, low salaries and student discipline issues were the most frequently cited reasons for turnover. Additionally, the study found that teacher turnover negatively impacts students' academic performance by disrupting the consistency of learning and reducing the quality of instruction. High turnover rates also adversely affect students' emotional and social well-being by disrupting relationships, stability, trust, and support at school. The conclusion drawn from this study is that addressing teacher turnover requires improving salary scales, enhancing working conditions, providing support from management, offering opportunities for professional development, and involving teachers in decision-making processes. The study recommends that the Ministry of Education and policymakers engage in constructive dialogue with the teaching profession to allocate resources effectively and address these issues to improve teacher retention and, consequently, student academic performance.
... These figures are available for a few countries only, even though many others have also reported a growing population of SCTs, such as the Netherlands (Meijer, 2021), Italy (Bresges et al., 2023), Switzerland (Berger & d'Ascoli, 2012), Australia (Varadharajan, 2014), and the region of Hong Kong (Trent & Gao, 2009). Looking at the 2018 Teaching and Learning International Survey results for what teacher training certificate respondents held, for all participating countries taken together, the proportion of teachers who reported not having followed a traditional teacher training program represented 13.3% of the total sample of teachers (OECD, 2018). This is further evidence of the significant proportion of SCTs in our educational systems. ...
... The two mainstream discourses about teachers do not fit together well: the teacher quality discourse and the teacher shortages discourse. On the one hand, supra-national organizations, such as the OECD, seek insights about teacher quality, as one of the most important factors in the quality of educational systems (OECD, 2005;Paine & Zeichner, 2012). ...
The topic of second-career teachers (SCTs) has gained significant attention among educational researchers and policymakers in recent years. This chapter delves into discussions surrounding the expanded presence of SCTs and the associated challenges. In doing so, the chapter is framed around four main topics of discussion. First, it offers an international perspective on the expanded presence of SCTs and discusses the difficulty of defining this specific population of teachers. Second, the chapter reflects upon two paradoxes associated with this expansion: on the one hand, the effort aiming at tackling teacher shortages by massively recruiting a population of teachers who suffer from a dramatically high attrition rate; on the other, the opening of schools’ doors to “unqualified/quickly qualified” teachers while also strengthening the teacher quality, education, and professional development narrative. Third, this chapter describes how the growth in the proportion of SCTs and the associated challenges contribute to redefining and shaking up the foundations of the contours of the teaching profession. Fourth, it provides reflections on addressing these paradoxes by drawing upon what we can learn from a comparative view of teacher-related policies and scholarship on SCTs.
... The value of teacher education (TE) for teacher quality and student learning outcomes has been thoroughly documented in recent years (Barber & Mourshed, 2007;Hattie, 2009;Madalinska-Michalak, 2023;OECD, 2005). At the education policy level, TE is increasingly conceptualised as a system that includes all phases of a teacher's lifelong learning, spanning from initial teacher education (ITE) to teacher induction and eventually to continuing professional development (CPD) (Darling-Hammond et al., 2017;Hellmann, 2019;Roberts-Hull, Jensen & Cooper, 2015;Symeonidis, 2021). ...
... At the education policy level, TE is increasingly conceptualised as a system that includes all phases of a teacher's lifelong learning, spanning from initial teacher education (ITE) to teacher induction and eventually to continuing professional development (CPD) (Darling-Hammond et al., 2017;Hellmann, 2019;Roberts-Hull, Jensen & Cooper, 2015;Symeonidis, 2021). In the context of the 'knowledge society', as advocated by most international organisations and supranational entities, teacher preparation is not considered complete when prospective teachers graduate from university, even if the role of ITE is acknowledged to be important (European Commission, 2015;OECD, 2005). Teachers are expected to develop their professional competences throughout their whole career. ...
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In the past twenty years, the quality of teacher education has received growing attention in Europe with national governments seeking to reform their teacher education systems with the objective of improving students’ learning outcomes. A central aspect of such reform efforts is the improvement of coherence of teacher education in terms of interlinking phases, actors, contents of teacher education, and professional knowledge domains. The aim of this chapter is to map contemporary policies related to coherence across teacher education systems of different European countries in order to identify convergences and divergences. The study was developed in the context of an EU funded project that involves seven universities from five countries. Data were gathered via two qualitative questionnaires focusing on aspects of governance across the continuum of teacher education and the organisation of initial teacher education (ITE) programmes at universities. Findings reveal an incoherence within and across teacher education systems, particularly regarding the continuum of teacher education. Although the structure and duration of ITE proves coherent, the distribution of knowledge domains and contents differs significantly among countries.
... Worldwide reports on teacher shortages and high attrition rates (Jungert et al. 2014;OECD 2005;Sinclair et al. 2006;Watt et al. 2012), which coincide with the claims about teachers in many national contexts being "underpaid and overworked, often operating in difficult physical and psychological conditions" (Johnston 1997: 682), have led many Englishmajor graduates to diversify their career paths beyond the traditional roles in teaching and translation (Gagalang 2020: 461;Priddis et al. 2013: 16;Sánchez & López 2022: 120;Thao & Thuy 2024: 4). This trend is further amplified by the rapid changes in the labour market (Bright & Pryor 2005: 291;Helmersen et al. 2008: 11;Wu 2019: 13), the growing perception of English proficiency as a competitive advantage across various domains (Gagalang 2020: 461;Johnston 1997: 700) and the already mentioned inherent versatility of the English degree and language skills in general (Sánchez & López 2022: 118;Thao & Thuy 2024: 4). ...
... The global discourse on teacher quality revolves around language, information, and representations emphasizing the primary role of teaching as enhancing student outcomes on standardized test scores (Kennedy, 2015;Singh et al., 2021). This discourse is evident in various international reports, including those by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) such as 'Teachers Matter: Attracting, Developing and Retaining Effective Teachers' (OECD, 2005), Teaching and Learning International Surveys (TALIS, https:// www. oecd. ...
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Teacher quality and teacher education improvement have been central discourses for at least two decades in global education. In Australia, despite the pervasive nature of these discussions, there is a lack of substantial evidence indicating the existence of a problem in this regard. Policies aimed at enhancing the ‘preparedness’ of teacher graduates and elevating the ‘quality’ of ITE programs have nonetheless emerged as prevalent solutions over the past decade. The latest enactment of reforms in the policy chain is the Strong Beginnings report from the Teacher Education Expert Panel. In this paper, we align with Ball’s perspective that policy should be viewed as a dynamic process rather than a presumed, ready-made solution to a problem. We utilise systematic conceptual coding using Leximancer to enable a nuanced exploration of the understandings, practices, and conditions of influence for the policy actors inscribed in the TEEP report. We also analyse concept frequency and collocation in the final Strong Beginnings report, noting two main propositions: first, that there is a problem with quality in ITE; and second, that practice is foregrounded in professionalisation. We highlight the consistencies and contradictions within the discourses of the final report and the submissions from policy actors that contributed to this policy enactment process. We suggest that evidence is used when it suits a policy position, but ignored if it disrupts the platform position. We conclude by arguing that the policy actors in this policy enactment process should be afforded the professional authority to continue a well-established process of continual improvement.
... Consequently, a stable and qualified teaching workforce is essential for maintaining and improving the quality of education. Many countries are grappling with persistent teacher shortages, exacerbated by challenges in recruiting and retaining talented individuals (Ingersoll, 2001;OECD, 2005). Understanding the teaching profession's attractiveness is essential for addressing these shortages and ensuring educational systems have access to committed, capable teachers. ...
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The widespread shortage of teachers highlights the urgent need to examine the factors influencing the attractiveness of the teaching profession. This issue is driven by high rates of early-career attrition, an ageing workforce, and a decline in candidates entering teacher education programs. Understanding the factors that make the profession appealing—or unappealing—has become essential for ensuring educational quality and equity. An integrative literature review was conducted to identify the key themes related to the attractiveness of the teaching profession, synthesizing evidence from multiple studies and highlighting research gaps. Findings reveal that teaching still attracts candidates driven by intrinsic motivations and social utility. However, external factors such as low salaries, challenging working conditions, and limited career progression remain significant deterrents. The social image of teaching, shaped by media and community perceptions, also influences career choices. The intersection of demographic shifts and educational policy changes highlights the complexity of addressing teacher shortages. Despite increased attention from policymakers, significant gaps remain, particularly in relation to interventions that reduce early-career attrition and support teacher retention. Future research should explore targeted strategies to support early-career teachers and examine the socio-economic factors that influence career decisions. Addressing these issues is critical to developing sustainable policies that enhance the attractiveness of the teaching profession and promote educational equity.
... These models were often based on a one-size-fits-all approach to teaching, with little consideration for the diverse and complex challenges faced by teachers in different educational contexts. However, as the demands of education have evolved, so too has the understanding of what constitutes effective teaching (OECD, 2005(OECD, , 2021. ...
Conference Paper
This study introduces the Teacher's Key Competence Balance Circle (TKCBC), a framework designed to evaluate teaching quality through eight key teacher competences, with particular emphasis on the newly conceptualized digital and cultural competence. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, which integrates direct interviews with a balancing circle assessment, the research aims to establish a comprehensive standard for evaluating teachers' effectiveness in critical areas: Key Competence for Learning, Key Communication Competence, Key Personal and Social Competence, Key Competence for Citizenship and Sustainability, Key Competence for Entrepreneurship and Work, Key Competence for Problem Solving, Key Cultural Competence, and Key Digital Competence. The findings highlight the imperative to transition from a rigid, prescriptive teaching model to a more dynamic and adaptive approach. This transition is essential for meeting the complex and evolving demands of contemporary education, particularly in the realms of digital and cultural competence. The study argues that enhancing educational quality requires a focus beyond traditional evaluative metrics, advocating for the development of a supportive, innovative pedagogical environment that fosters continuous professional growth (lifelong learning) and reflective practice. The TKCBC framework not only provides a robust tool for assessing teaching effectiveness but also underscores the critical importance of integrating digital and cultural competencies, aligning with the evolving needs of students and the broader educational landscape.
... Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) program for International Student Assessment (PISA) data involving half a million 15-year-olds across 34 countries revealed the percentage of qualified teachers explained over 40% of performance variation in math and science between schools after accounting for socioeconomic factors (OECD, 2005). Within the sub-Saharan African region, where quality of educational infrastructure and learner outcomes have persistently lagged global standards according to the 2021 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization report on education in developing nations, the World Bank conducted an extensive mixedmethods study exploring relationships between teacher quality indicators and student achievement across three key East African countries. ...
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This study investigates the relationship between teachers' educational qualifications and students' academic performance in selected government-aided secondary schools in Semuto Town Council, Nakaseke District, Uganda. The research aimed to assess how different levels of teacher qualifications affect students' academic outcomes. A sample size of 124 respondents was selected, including head teachers, subject heads, experienced and newly qualified teachers, and students. Quantitative data analysis was conducted using Pearson correlation and regression analysis. The results indicated a strong positive correlation (r = 0.67, p < 0.01) between teachers' educational qualifications and students' academic performance. Teachers with advanced degrees (bachelor's and above) were associated with a 20% improvement in students' examination pass rates compared to those with only diplomas or certificates. Additionally, regression analysis revealed that professional certifications significantly predicted student performance (β = 0.45, p < 0.05), showing that certified teachers contribute to higher student achievement levels. The study concluded that higher educational qualifications significantly contribute to improving teachers' job performance and productivity. This is largely because teachers with advanced degrees possess enhanced subject-matter expertise and are better equipped with effective pedagogical strategies, enabling them to create more engaging and intellectually stimulating learning environments. It was recommended that educational authorities and policymakers should implement initiatives aimed at expanding access to higher education. This could include establishing more satellite campuses, increasing the availability of online degree programs, and providing financial incentives such as scholarships or grants specifically for teachers seeking advanced qualifications. Such measures would help bridge the gap between educational attainment and teaching effectiveness, ensuring that all teachers have the opportunity to further their education regardless of their geographical location.
... Den grundlaeggende ide i de sidste årtiers reformtendenser i grundskolens matematikundervisning er at orientere undervisningen mod fagets processer samtidig med at fastholde fokus på dets produkter (NCTM, 2000). Laereren tildeles, som enkeltperson, den mest centrale rolle som facilitator af elevernes laering (OECD, 2005;Sowder, 2007). Der er forskningsmaessig enighed om, at reformen udfordrer laereren (Skott, Larsen & Østergaard, 2011;Van Zoest & Bohl, 2005), og at "the 'reform' movement […] arguably require teachers to have a greater depth of math content knowledge than was needed for teaching more 'traditional' math" (Turner & Rowland, 2011, p. 195). ...
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Reformtendenserne har generelt svært ved at slå igennem i grundskolens matematikundervisning. Der er derfor behov for metoder, der kan støtte lærerstuderende i at arbejde med tendenserne på måder, der rækker ud over retoriske inddragelser i uddannelsens sædvanlige undervisning. Ved at være baserede på praksisnære, kollektive praksisser (Murata, 2011), er lektionsstudier et eksempel på en sådan metode. Lektionsstudier understøtter et socialt syn på lærerviden, såsom begrebet ”knowing” (Hodgen, 2011). Ud fra analyser af en empirisk case, argumenterer vi for, at sådanne metoder er vigtige i læreruddannelsen, hvis studerende skal udvikle ”knowing” i og om reformorienteret matematikundervisning.
... Developing an instrument for evaluation needs to consider the goals of the evaluation, which is generally improving teaching quality by developing teacher capacity (OECD, 2005). Furthermore, it may contribute to the continuous improvement of schooling (Santiago & Benavides, 2009) and increase the focus on teaching quality and continuous professional learning for teachers (OECD, 2013, p. 276). ...
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The initiative of the Hungarian government to introduce a new teacher appraisal system within the whole-scale teacher assessment made us review the operational teacher career models and teacher appraisal frameworks linked to salary schemes in the world and compare the planned Hungarian model with the Uzbek teacher career model and teacher appraisal framework. The comparison includes the evolution of appraisals, their procedures, criteria, and methodology. Our study proposes some ideas for decision-makers to consider when introducing or modifying teacher assessment frameworks so that they can better contribute to teachers' well-being and to improving the quality of work in education.
... However, due to the multifactorial dynamics and plasticity of individual professional and personal development, it is still not possible to make a reliable prediction of later professional success [23]. Therefore, Ukraine could build on the experience gained in other countries, especially in the last 10 years, when introducing specific instruments. ...
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The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the challenges and reforms in teacher education in Ukraine, drawing comparisons with the Austrian experience, contextualizing the need for reforms in Ukraine's education system within the country's pursuit of European Union membership. Emphasizing the pivotal role of teacher education in driving these reforms, the article analyzes the challenges of teacher education in Ukraine such as inadequate teacher remuneration, outdated pedagogical methods used, and a lack of financial support. Thus, the authors state the urgency of modernizing the teacher education system. To summarize of teacher education in Austria, corresponding solutions are proposed, including individualized approaches and rigorous selection processes with the reference to Austria's experience with aptitude tests. Furthermore, the article outlines education reforms in Ukraine, including the passage of laws aimed at aligning higher education with European standards. It analyzes measures such as interdisciplinary programs, distance learning, and increased university autonomy, designed to enhance student autonomy and the quality of education. By comparing these efforts with Austria's initiatives, such as the implementation of the Bologna Process and attempts to make teacher education more attractive, the researchers offer insights into common challenges faced by education systems globally.
... A large deal of research indicates that school has a great influence in student learning, and a substantial portion of this influence is attributable to teachers (Darling-Hammond, 2000, p. 2). For learning, student's personal ability, cultural norms, values, skills and background experience plays a central role (Snook, O'Neil, Birks, Church and Rawlins, 2013, p. 3) however; teacher quality is a very important factor for student achievement (OECD, 2005;Rivkin, Hanushek and Kain, 2005, p. 449). Developed countries have strict criteria for enrollment of pupils in teacher colleges and have better understanding of importance of selecting the best candidates in to the teaching profession (Lukas and Samardzic, 2015). ...
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Education is one of the most important aspects of human civilization. Education shapes the national and international progress including all round development of every individual. The effectiveness of every educational system depends upon the attitude and satisfaction of teachers while quality of teachers is directly related to academic achievement and intelligence of pupils enrolling in teacher education program. The purpose of this study was to explore the current status of in-service and prospective teachers in India by identifying the attitude of school teachers towards teaching profession, their level of job satisfaction, achievement and intelligence level of students enrolling in teacher education program. This study was conducted on the randomly selected sample of 350, including 175 school teachers and 175 B. Ed. students of seven districts of Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh. Design used for this study was quantitative based on field survey. Almost one-fifth (18.85%) of school teachers' level of job satisfaction is falling under average and below, and one-fourth (25.14%) of teachers have their attitude towards teaching is either neutral or unfavorable. However, the mean of academic achievement is 66.22 (66.22%) but distribution of achievement scores based on z-score is clearly showing that about two-third (65.14%) of students with average or below achievement are enrolling in teacher education that is B. Ed. Program. The condition of students' enrollment in teacher education program also seems poor on the basis of analysis of intelligence scores.; More than half (53.72%) of the students having average or below intelligence level are enrolling in teacher education. Results also show that, at present, females are comparatively more attracting towards teaching profession. This study will help the educational stakeholders and various educational authorities/agencies and implement the related educational policies.
... Teacher appraisal reforms emphasized efficiency and were portrayed to encourage teachers' efforts in promoting students learning (Mathwasa & Duku, 2015). The Teachers Matter publication of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, 2005) exemplified this iteration and helped consolidate teacher appraisal policies among key IOs. The report underscored the necessity of incentivizing good teaching through transparent and systematic evaluations, even when altering work arrangements. ...
... When the attention directed toward teachers and teaching gained momentum in the 1990s and the first decade of the 2000s, global policy discourses tended to embrace human capital theory, market-based and high-stakes accountability, flexibilization, and performance pay for teachers (Sorensen & Robertson, 2020). Especially emblematic and influential outputs of this era include the "Teachers Matter" report (OECD, 2005) and the "first McKinsey report" (Barber & Mourshed, 2007). Since the 2010s, there has been a shift in the understanding and framing of policy issues away from market-based and highstakes accountability, toward an acknowledgment of the importance of teachers' professional autonomy. ...
... Teachers' selection and recruitment processes are reported to be more effective and meaningful with the involvement of school management personnel [1,23,38]. It is the responsibility of the school management personnel to recruit and select the right persons as their school teachers. ...
Issue related to retention in the organization always begins with recruitment. Suitable people with adequate knowledge, skills, and positive values are important to the organization. The hiring criteria provide a foundation for the management to motivate employees to exert the efforts needed to do their jobs effectively and eventually retain them. The purpose of this study is to investigate teacher recruitment criteria based on international school management personnel perspectives to solve teacher retention issues. The study aimed to provide additional literature to the body of knowledge on this research area. At the same time, the study hopes to provide insight to policymakers and practitioners alike to improve teacher recruitment and retention in schools. This study will use a qualitative design to explore school management personnel perceptions of teacher recruitment and retention issue. Purposive sampling will be used to select 20 school management personnel for the semi-structured interview. Each interview session will be recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed thematically with the assistance of NVivo software. This study potentially promotes positive outcomes especially the sufficient manpower in international schools. The results aim to provide a framework for interested parties to develop and improve their current school environment.
... Moreover, according to OECD (2005), motivation features and factors are associated with the capacity to be mentally and cognitively satisfied and have social contributions (Watt & Richardson, 2008). More comprehensive, influencing factors affecting teachers' motivation in teacher education can be professional aspects: professional learning (improvement and relations) (Sinclair, 2008), environmental dimensions (atmosphere and support) (Brookhart & Freeman, 1992), intrinsic benefits (possessing self-evaluation and mental incentives) (Richardson & Watt, 2006), and extrinsic advantage (finance, community, and social support) (Brookhart & Freeman, 1992). ...
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Collaborative reflective practice (CRP) is considered a social, dialogic reflective procedure to promote language teachers' awareness and help them expand their motivational resources during their profession through online collaboration and reflection. Hence, this research probed into how online, technology-aided CRP initiated and sustained eight pre-service (four females and four males) and 12 novice (six females and six males) Iranian English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) teachers' motivation through a qualitative exploratory study. The data from unstructured interviews and discussion groups were analyzed through inductive thematic analysis. The results of inductive data analysis indicated that pre-service and novice EFL teachers gained various social, cognitive, and affective benefits. Socially, the teachers were interactive, collaborative, and supportive to learn from their peers in shared online learning communities. Affectively, they became more engaged, motivated, passionate, and confident. Cognitively, online, technology-aided CRP contributed to the teachers' flexibility and adaptability. The findings suggest that teacher educators implement this mode of inquiry not only to promote pre-service and novice teachers' professional sustainable development but also to maintain their motivation.
... The quality of instructors and their teaching delivery are important factors towards students' learning as stated in OECD (2005) which states that the instructor's efficiency will determine and differentiate between institutions. An instructor must be proficient in delivery of knowledge to guide students' learning process in Competency Based Training (CBT) and able to teach effectively. ...
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This study examines the views of eight instructors and seven management staff, employed by the Ministry of Human Resources (MOHR) and the Ministry of Youth and Sports (MOYS), on the competencies deemed essential for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) instructors, particularly those related to skills programmes.This study is conducted to obtain initial information to develop a skills instructors' competency model. This study aims to determine skills instructors' characteristics at the Malaysian Public Skills Training Institutions (MPSTI) and their perceptions about competencies. Data is collected through semistructured interviews and analysed using thematic analysis. The results reveal the perceptions of TVET instructors regarding competency, emphasizing the importance of technical expertise, namely, knowledge and skills; pedagogical competency consists of pedagogical and classroom management; personal and social competency namely efficacy, creativity in instruction, teamwork, verbal communication, Islamic work ethics, intrinsic motivation; and emotional intelligence.
... This is contrary to the findings by Santiago et al. (2013) in Chile who found that instructional supervisors were provided with standardized lesson planning manuals and guidelines that helped to eliminate variations and contradictions in lesson planning. According to OECD (2005), the standardized lesson planning manual helps both the supervisor and the teacher to have a common understanding of how to prepare and deliver effective lessons. ...
The purpose of this study was to explore the readiness of the Internal School Quality Assurance Teams (ISQATs) to supervise instruction in Tanzanian public secondary schools. The study employed a qualitative approach, and data were collected through semi-structured interviews and documentary reviews. A purposeful sampling technique was used to select 18 participants from the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania. The findings indicate that many Internal School Quality Assurance Officers (ISQAOs) had limited professional profiles despite having adequate teaching qualifications. Their supervisory practices included regular checking of academic records, reminding teachers of their responsibilities, and recommendations on academic matters. It was also found that ISQATs faced challenges such as heavy workloads, poor cooperation from teachers, a lack of supervision guidelines, and different perspectives regarding lesson planning. This study concludes that ISQATs were not fully ready to supervise instructions as professionals, implying that the existing ISQAOs need to receive professional training and that a supervision policy that requires possession of instructional supervision skills as a pre-requisite for teachers’ promotion to an instructional supervision role be implemented.
... Podpora pedagogů při naplňování cíle a vize školy je důležitá, neboť správně nastavené podporující prostředí má dopad na kvalitu práce a výkon učitelů (srov. Saleem et al., 2020;Sarwar et al., 2022;Silay, 2022;Szeto, 2022, Ugwu et al., 2020, Çakmak et al., 2018OECD, 2005). ...
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V této studii se zabývám procesem výběru a přijímáním začínajících učitelů do českých škol. Výsledky vychází z analýzy kvalitativních hloubkových rozhovorů se šesti začínajícími učitel-kami, čtyřmi řediteli a dvěma zástupci, kteří přijali tyto učitelky ve školním roce 2022/2023 do škol. Na základě výpovědí těchto aktérů jsem hledal odpovědět na to, jaké postupy lídři používají při výběru nových zaměstnanců, jaké důvody vedou lídry k výběru vhodného kandidáta, jakou roli v tomto výběru hraje vize školy a jaká očekávání mají od nově přijímaných učitelů. Identifikuji různá pojetí vizí lídrů, kterými se při výběru učitelů řídí. Analýza dat přesto odhalila, že lídři se ve volbě učitelek rozhodovali především podle osobních sympatií a vzájemného souznění během přijímacího rozhovoru. Zároveň analýza ukázala, že očekávání lídrů nebyla učitelkami dostatečně pochopena. Tohle nepochopení postupem času vedlo učitelky k přehodnocení své role a jejich postavení ve škole. Mnohdy je vedlo i k otázkám, zda chtějí ve škole nadále zůstat, či školu opustit.
... I forlaengelse af logikker fra den tekniske didaktik har meget uddannelsesforskning en tendens til at fokusere saerligt på laereren og laereres kompetencer som afgørende for børns laerings-og inklusionsmuligheder (fx Hattie, 2009;Nordenbo, 2008;OECD, 2011). Blandt andet Biesta peger imidlertid på, at en lineaer forståelse af sammenhaenge mellem laereres kompetencer og elevers laering er udtryk for en dekontekstualisering og en instrumentalisering af laereres faglighed og laering (for udfoldet kritik se fx Biesta 2015; Priestley et al 2015;Mardahl-Hansen, 2018a). ...
Ambitionen med denne artikel er at bidrage til forståelser af lærerfaglighed og undervisningspraksis, der adresserer, hvordan lærere arbejder med hverdagslivets kompleksiteter og dynamiske samspil som led i at skabe deltagelsesmuligheder for børn og unge i konkrete undervisningssituationer. Vi vil på den måde bidrage til udviklingen af en ’situeret psykologi’ med begreber, der kan styrke forståelser for lærerfaglighed som samarbejdende og udforskende. Artiklen bygger på et begreb om ’situeret ulighed’, der inviterer til at forstå og analysere ulighed som på en og samme tid knyttet til skolen som en særlig samfundsmæssig praksis, sociale samspil og samarbejdsprocesser og børn og unges personlige erfaringer, engagementer og liv på tværs af steder. Det peger på en sammenhæng mellem børn og unges forskellige muligheder for at deltage og lykkes i skolen og professionelles faglige betingelser for at arbejde med deres deltagelsesmuligheder i skolen. Med afsæt i praksisteori, kritisk psykologiske begreber om blandt andet livsførelse samt Donald Schøns teori om faglighed i praksis bidrager artiklen med trædesten til forståelser af lærerfaglighed som situeret i skolens sociale hverdagsliv, hvor lærere og elever samarbejder om forskelle og fælles opgaver. Formålet er herigennem at styrke forståelser af og betingelser for læreres faglighed i arbejde med børns og unges betingelser for deltagelse i skolens læringsfællesskaber.
... With an increasing shortage of teachers, there has been renewed interest in understanding what motivates people to choose teaching as a career and what motivates them to persist, particularly since training demands have become more complex (OECD, 2005). Richardson and Watt (2008) acknowledged that applicants to teacher education were aware of the demands of the profession. ...
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The shortage of teachers from Black, Asian and minoritised groups is well documented. Over the past decade, a body of research has confirmed that discrimination and inequality is a factor in the recruitment of teachers from Black, Asian and minoritised groups in England. Drawing on findings from the 2017 Runnymede Trust Report, which highlighted Bristol's lack of racial diversity within the teaching community, this paper explores the experiences of a group of pre‐service teachers on university teacher education routes who are minoritised within the general teaching population. The identified lack of diversity in the teacher workforce extends beyond race to other aspects of identity and representation in the classroom and is mirrored in teacher education. A series of focus group interviews were conducted across a 9‐month period. Results are presented as vignettes to capture the voice of minoritised participants. The findings have implications for the recruitment and retention of a diverse teacher workforce, as well as highlighting the need to ensure a sense of belonging for all pre‐service teachers entering the teaching community. This paper proposes a model relating to the analysis of critical incidents, which aims to inform future research into how pre‐service teachers respond to critical incidents regarding their identity. This model seeks to clarify tensions in the diverse lived experiences of pre‐service teachers and helps to explore the importance of context.
... Schools are important contexts for such processes to take place. Thus, there is a growing need for cultural diversity competence in Norwegian schools, i.e., competence of school staff to ensure inclusive educational practices and learning environments and involve their students' ethnic and cultural backgrounds and identities in their teaching to a diverse student population (Darling-Hammond, 2017;OECD, 2005;Schwarzenthal et al., 2017). However, many teachers feel that they are not sufficiently prepared to teach in multicultural classrooms (Barrett, 2018;European Commission, 2017;Fosse & Scheie, 2021;Lehman, 2017;Paine et al., 2017). ...
... Bunun bir yolu, mümkün olan en iyi yeni öğretmenlerin işe alınması ve seçilmesidir (Klassen & Kim, 2021). Çünkü öğretmen kalitesi, öğrenci başarısını etkileyen en önemli okul değişkenidir (OECD, 2005). Araştırmalar (Rivkin, Hanushek & Kain, 2005;Ferraiolo, vd., 2004;Sanders, Wright & Horn, 1997), öğrenci ve okul başarısının öğretmen işgücünün özelliklerinden etkilendiğini göstermektedir. ...
21. yy, özgürlüklerin sürekli olarak ve sınırsız bir şekilde genişlediği bir çağdır. Sağlıktan alışverişe, eğitimden politikaya kadar hayatın hemen her alanında artan bir seçim özgürlüğü söz konusu olmuştur. Bu çalışma, herkes için artan özgürlük bağlamında Türkiye’de resmiyette olmasa da pratik yaşamda izlerine rastladığımız bir özgürlüğü incelemektedir: Öğretmeni seçme özgürlüğü. Velilerin öğretmen özelliklerine yönelik tercihlerinin incelendiği bu çalışmada, üç temel soru ele alınmıştır. Birincisi, öğretmenin mesleki özellikleri velilerin öğretmen tercihinde ne kadar etkilidir? İkincisi, öğretmenin kişisel özellikleri velilerin öğretmen tercihinde ne kadar etkilidir? Üçüncüsü, velilerin ilkokul öğretmeni tercihinde en fazla önem verdikleri üç öğretmen özelliği nedir? Bu soruları ele almak için velilerin öğretmen tercihleri hakkındaki anket bilgileri kullanılmıştır. Anket sonuçları, velilerin öğretmen tercihlerinin heterojenliği hakkında kanıtlar sunmuş; velilerin yaşı, eğitim durumu ve gelir düzeyi arttıkça öğretmeni tercih etme oranlarının yükseldiğini göstermiştir. Ayrıca araştırma bulguları, velilerin büyük çoğunluğunun annelerden oluştuğunu; ancak, öğretmen seçimine ebeveynlerin birlikte karar verdiklerini göstermiştir.
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Alanyazında okulun değişim ve dönüşüm süreçleri ile etkililiğine yönelik okul içi faktörler bağlamında en önemli rolün öğretmenlerde olduğuna dair oldukça önemli sayıda araştırma bulgusu yer almaktadır. Günümüz eğitim anlayışında okul ve öğrenci kapasitesinin geliştirilmesi amacıyla eğitim örgütlerindeki değişim süreçlerinde aktif rol alabilen, inisiyatif kullanabilen, mesleki profesyonelliğe sahip öğretmenlere ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Zira öğretmenler, küreselleşmenin artan bir hızla devam ettiği 21. yüzyılda toplumsal gelişim ve değişimin sürdürülebilirliği bağlamında başat rolü oynayan stratejik aktörler arasında görülmektedir. Bireylerin sahip olması gereken bilgi, beceri ve yeterliklerin sürekli farklılaştığı bu dönemde nitelikli öğretmen yetiştirme uygulamalarının da sürdürülebilir kılınması ve sürekli gelişim odaklı bir yapıya dönüştürülmesi tüm dünyada büyük önem arz etmektedir. Uluslararası literatür incelendiğinde öğretmen yetiştirme uygulamalarına yönelik karşılaştırmalı araştırmaların büyük bir çoğunluğunun yalnızca OECD ülkelerindeki uygulamalara odaklandığı ve Türkistan bölgesinde yer alan Türk devletlerinde öğretmen yetiştirme sistemlerine odaklanan araştırmalar açısından alanyazında önemli bir boşluk bulunduğu görülmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı Türk devletlerinde öğretmen yetiştirme sistemlerinin çeşitli boyutlar bağlamında karşılaştırılarak uygulamalardaki benzerlikler ve farklılıkları belirlemektir. Araştırmanın verileri Türk devletlerinde öğretmen yetiştirme uygulamalarına ilişkin yazılmış lisansüstü tezler, bilimsel makaleler ve örnekleme dâhil edilen ilgili ülkelerin eğitim sistemlerine yönelik olarak hazırlanmış çeşitli resmî belgelerden elde edilmiştir. Amaçlı örnekleme yöntemlerinden ölçüt örnekleme ile belirlenerek veri setine dâhil edilen belgeler, nitel veri analizi tekniklerinden doküman analizi ile incelenmiştir. Araştırmada elde edilen bulgular, Türk devletlerinde öğretmen yetiştirme uygulamaları aday öğretmen seçimi, aday öğretmenlerin hizmet öncesi eğitimi, öğretmenlerin hizmete alınması, öğretmenlerin hizmet içi eğitimleri ve öğretmen kariyer basamakları temaları altında toplanarak karşılaştırılmış, benzer ve farklı uygulamalar ortaya çıkartılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Öğretmen Yetiştirme, Türk Devletleri, Türkistan, Karşılaştırmalı Eğitim, Doküman Analizi A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF TEACHER TRAINING SYSTEMS IN TURKIC STATES Abstract There are a significant number of research findings indicating that teachers play the most important role in the context of in-school factors related to school change and transformation processes and effectiveness in the literature. In today’s understanding of education, there is a need for teachers who can take an active role in the change processes in educational organisations, take initiative and have professionalism in order to improve school and student capacity. In the 21st century, in which globalisation continues at an increasing pace, teachers are seen as strategic actors who play the leading role in the context of social development and sustainability of change. In this period when the knowledge, skills and competences that individuals should have are constantly differentiating, it is of great importance all over the world to make qualified teacher training practices sustainable and to transform them into a structure focused on continuous development. A review of international literature reveals that most comparative studies on teacher training practices primarily focus on OECD countries, leaving a significant gap in research addressing teacher training systems in Turkic states in Turkistan region. The aim of this study is to compare teacher training systems in Turkic states in terms of various dimensions and to determine the similarities and differences in practices. The data of the study were obtained from postgraduate theses, scientific articles and various official documents prepared for the education systems of the relevant countries included in the sample. The documents, which were determined by criterion sampling, one of the purposive sampling methods, and included in the data set, were analysed by document analysis, one of the qualitative data analysis techniques. The findings obtained in the research were analysed and compared under the themes of selection of candidate teachers, pre-service training of candidate teachers, recruitment of teachers, in-service training of teachers and teacher career steps, and similar and different practices were revealed. Keywords: Teacher Training, Turkic States, Turkistan, Comparative Education, Document Analysis
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U radu se povijesnim, teorijsko-komparativnim i hermeneutičkim metodološkim pristupom kritički opisuju, analiziraju, sistematiziraju i rekapituliraju obilježja, aspiracije i razvoj učiteljstva i školstva u kontekstu društvenih okolnosti u Hrvatskoj od donošenja Prvoga školskog zakona 1874. do kraja Prvoga svjetskog rata 1918. godine. Pokazalo se kako su u tom periodu gospodarske, društvene, političke i kulturne okolnosti bile nepogodne za ondašnje hrvatsko društvo, ali i učiteljstvo. Unatoč tomu, ban Ivan Mažuranić progresivno je reformirao pojedine segmente državnog sustava. Posebno se isticao razvoj školstva i učiteljstva za koji su se zalagali napredni učitelji na čelu s Ivanom Filipovićem. Oformljene su učiteljske udruge, a posebno su se isticale: Učiteljska zadruga, Savez hrvatskih učiteljskih društava i Hrvatski pedagoško-književni zbor. Donesen je progresivni školski zakon 1874. godine kojim je unaprijeđeno hrvatsko školstvo i učiteljstvo, ali je već 1888. zamijenjen konzervativnijim školskim zakonom. Osnovani su i prvi učiteljski časopisi te etablirana suradnja s inozemnim učiteljstvom. Moguće je rekapitulirati kako je ondašnje hrvatsko učiteljstvo i školstvo, unatoč znatnim društvenim, političkim i gospodarskim nepogodnostima, bilo organizirano i napredno i u Hrvatskoj i u inozemnim okvirima čemu je i težilo.
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Bu araştırmada eğitim fakültesinde eğitimde ölçme ve değerlendirme dersinde ele alınan konuların algılanan zorluğa göre sıralama yargılarıyla tüm örneklem için, cinsiyete ve üniversite değişkenlerine göre ölçeklenmesi ve bu sıralamalara ilişkin nedenlerin ele alınması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma ölçekleme boyutuyla nicel ve lisans öğrencilerinin zorluk sıralanmasının gerekçesini belirtmesi boyutuyla nitel araştırma yöntemlerine dayandığından karma bir araştırma niteliği taşımaktadır. Araştırma kapsamında Türkiye’deki farklı bölgelerdeki iki üniversitede eğitim gören ve araştırmaya gönüllü katılan öğrencilerden veriler toplanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda tüm veri seti ve veri toplanan bir üniversitedeki öğrenciler için en zorlanılan konuların kolaydan zora sırasıyla ölçmede temel kavramlar, değerlendirme- değerlendirme türleri, hata- hata türleri- korelasyon, güvenirlik- güvenirlik belirleme yöntemleri, ölçme araç ve yöntemleri, geçerlik- geçerlik belirleme yöntemleri ve istatistikler olduğu görülmüştür. Diğer üniversite öğrencileri ve kadın öğrenciler için ise konular kolaydan zora sıralandığında; temel kavramlar, değerlendirme- değerlendirme türleri, hata- hata türleri- korelasyon, güvenirlik- güvenirlik belirleme yöntemleri, geçerlik- geçerlik belirleme yöntemleri, ölçme araç ve yöntemleri ve istatistikler şeklindedir. Erkek öğrenciler ise kolaydan zora konular temel kavramlar, değerlendirme- değerlendirme türleri, hata- hata türleri- korelasyon, ölçme araç ve yöntemleri, güvenirlik- güvenirlik belirleme yöntemleri, geçerlik- geçerlik belirleme ve istatistikler şeklinde sıralanmaktadır. Tüm bu sıralamalar incelendiğinde, farklı değişkenlere göre sıralamalar kısmen değişiklik gösterse bile; her grupta “temel kavramlar” konusu en kolay gelen konu iken, “istatistik” konusu ise en zor konu olma özelliği taşımaktadır. Araştırmada zorlanan konuların sıralanmasında etkili olan faktörler ve nedenleri sorulduğunda genellikle lisede sözel bölümünde okumuş öğrencilerin matematiksel konuları anlamada zorluk yaşadıkları için özellikle istatistik konusunu zor bulduklarını belirttikleri görülmüştür. Öğrencilerden bazıları dersin öğrenci seviyesine uygun olarak etkili bir şekilde ele alınmasının derste yaşanan zorlukların önüne geçtiğini belirtmiştir. Öğretim elemanlarına öğretim ilkelerini gözeterek eğitimde ölçme ve değerlendirme dersinin ele alınması tavsiye edilmektedir. Bu araştırmanın bir sınırlılığı ele alınan konuların belirlenmesinde genel bir çerçeve izlenmesidir. Eğitimde ölçme ve değerlendirme dersinin içeriği incelendiğinde daha çok konunun ele alındığı görülebilir.
There is a god deal of research on basic education but most of this research looks at quantity rather than quality and further existing research is limited because teachers’ role and experiences in contributing to the quality of education is rarely examined. We believe that a central tenet in addressing quality in basic education is to hear teacher’s voices in the field. This chapter provides a brief summary of a research project designed to fills the gaps in existing research on Brazilian basic education. This chapter gives an overview of the findings of a joint research project of several Swiss and Brazilian institutions. We begin by analyzing the national and international context within which basic education in Brazil exists. Next, we explore the use of the notion of quality in education. Finally, we present some of the findings of a field survey of teachers working in public and private schools.
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La educación al igual que la sociedad ha evolucionado a lo largo de la historia; conforme a las necesidades sociales que han surgido, la profesionalización de los docentes ha sido un tema relevante para las instituciones educativas, siendo el principal objeto de estudio de numerosas investigaciones, así mismo diferentes autores e investigadores han dedicado artículos al respecto. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis conceptual del término y como ha ido evolucionando a la par de las necesidades educativas; se ha realizado una investigación documental en diferentes bases de datos indexadas encontrando que el concepto de profesionalización se ha transformado conforme las necesidades educativas de la sociedad.
Les politiques d’éducation prioritaire, ou les politiques publiques équivalentes centrées sur les problèmes d’inégalités scolaires, se sont beaucoup transformées depuis leurs premières formulations et mises en œuvre dans les années soixante. Dans plusieurs pays, on observe le passage d’un modèle de la compensation, à celui de la lutte contre l’exclusion, jusqu’à l’émergence d’un modèle qui fait des thèmes de l’adaptation à la diversité, de la promotion de l’excellence et de la gestion des risques, son credo principal. Cette évolution témoigne des rapports équivoques que ces politiques entretiennent avec les visées sélectives des systèmes d’enseignement. Elle relève moins de choix publiquement débattus qu’elle n’est induite par les modes de définition et de construction sociale des problèmes auxquels ces politiques se proposent de répondre et des catégories de population qu’elles ciblent, ainsi que par la manière dont les sciences sociales pensent la réussite ou l’inégalité scolaire. Pourtant, cette évolution pose de nombreuses questions liées à la dynamique d’effacement de la problématique des inégalités, à la fragmentation des systèmes et des parcours éducatifs, et aux enjeux de savoir et d’émancipation intellectuelle. Ce second ouvrage consacré aux résultats de l’étude comparative EuroPEP vise à mieux comprendre ce qu’il advient de ces politiques dans huit pays européens. Il déploie l’analyse de thématiques transversales qui apparaissent comme autant d’éléments clefs de la constitution et de l’évolution des politiques observées : la construction des formes de ciblage et de désignation de leurs publics bénéficiaires ; leurs modalités d’action pédagogique et de transformations curriculaires ; la production, les usages et les mésusages de leurs évaluations. Il s’attache à contribuer au renouvellement de la réflexion sur les perspectives de justice et d’égalité en matière de scolarité.
The present study seeks to address the pedagogical training of higher education teachers and the implications for the ways of teaching. The study was conducted at a faculty of a Mozambican university, hereinafter referred to by the pseudonym João Luís Cabral University. Thus, our research seeks to understand how the pedagogical training practices of higher education teachers are characterized and what implications are recognized and can be observed in the way they teach. In order to answer our starting question, we chose to conduct our research by means of a case study, since the phenomenon occurs in a context of its own specificity. We also chose to approach the study in light of the interpretative paradigm. This option is due to the fact that it fits in with our concern of seeking to understand the pedagogical training practices of teachers. Given the nature of our study, we selected the following data collection techniques, namely: semi-structured interviews, focus group and classroom observation. Next, in order to answer our questions, we selected not only a number of subjects directly involved in pedagogical training, but also some direct beneficiaries of this training, ie students, teachers, trainers and the director of the University. Pedagogical training was perceived by our interviewees as an essential and indispensable tool to be able to properly guide the teaching-learning process, although their practices express a contrary tendency, as there was a poor application of the feedback method and an excessive predominance of the expository method, making evident the use of a transmissive didactic model more focused on the fulfillment of the teaching program than on learning.
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A política de formação inicial de professores em nível médio em Angola, no período de 2010 a 2022, analisada a partir do seu contexto, atores políticos e implicações para a formação de professores de nível médio se configura em objeto desta pesquisa, partindo da pergunta: Como se configurou a trajetória da política educacional de formação de professores em nível médio em Angola no período de 2010 a 2022, observando os atores políticos e as implicações da política projetadas para a formação de professores de nível médio? Objetivou-se de modo geral analisar a política de formação inicial de professores em nível médio em Angola no período de 2010 a 2022. Especificamente, contextualizaram-se as características sociais, econômicas, políticas e educacionais de Angola; caracterizou-se a trajetória histórica do processo de formação de professores em Angola; identificou-se o quadro normativo-legislativo da formação de professores em Angola; e investigou-se a relação dos atores políticos na regulamentação das normativas de formação de professores em nível médio em Angola, no período de 2010 a 2022. É uma pesquisa qualitativa do campo da política educacional, cuja metodologia está baseada na análise da formulação da política com caráter descritivo e histórico-analítico, fundada na análise documental e bibliográfica. Estrategicamente, realiza-se uma análise da política de formação inicial de professores tendo por base os conceitos, o conteúdo e os discursos presentes nos documentos de atores nacionais e internacionais. A pesquisa revela que, de 2010 a 2022, a política de formação inicial de professores em Angola foi marcada pela aprovação de três principais normativas: o Estatuto do Subsistema de Formação de Professores (2011), o Programa Nacional de Formação e Gestão do Pessoal Docente (2018) e o Regime Jurídico da Formação Inicial de Educadores e Professores (2020). Essas políticas foram formuladas em um contexto de fragilidade governamental, incluindo déficits de governança e dificuldades socioeconômicas, caracterizando o país como um Estado frágil. A dependência de ajuda internacional foi significativa, com a UNICEF, o Banco Mundial e a União Europeia contribuindo financeiramente e com consultoria técnica através do envio de especialistas e agências de consultoria de Portugal e Bélgica, e a UNESCO, enquanto instituição indutora de políticas, influenciando a formulação através de seus relatórios e fóruns mundiais de educação. As normas aprovadas alinharam-se com as diretrizes internacionais, promovendo a responsabilização docente, a pedagogia das competências, valores meritocráticos e uma nova estrutura organizacional, refletindo tendências globais de reforma educacional e regulação supranacional. Palavras-chave: Política de formação docente; Formação de professores em Angola; Regulação supranacional; Organismos internacionais.
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The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the already elevated stress levels among teachers, leading to contemplation of leaving the profession. As educators were compelled to transition to online teacher, they suddenly found themselves immersed in the households of their students, an entirely novel experience. This newfound proximity granted teachers insight into various aspects of the students’ lives, including family dynamics, home environments, levels of household stress, and the accessibility of essential resources. In addition to the teaching duties, educators were tasked with the development of online curricula, the acquisition of online learning resources, and providing support to parents and families during a particularly stressful period. The critical question arises: did these unique experiences influence teachers’ decisions to remain in the profession? The research findings suggest a number of teachers considering leaving the profession.
The monograph titled "Interdisciplinary Research in Teaching and Learning: New Perspectives and Approaches," brings together 37 original scientific articles that explore the multifaceted dimensions of education. The contributions span a wide range of topics including innovative teaching methodologies, the integration of technology in learning, competency development, and educational psychology. Each article provides a unique perspective on how interdisciplinary approaches can enhance educational practices and outcomes. The collection aims to bridge theoretical insights with practical applications, offering valuable information for educators, policymakers, and researchers. By addressing contemporary challenges and proposing solutions, this monograph serves as a comprehensive resource for those seeking to understand and improve the complex landscape of modern education. The diverse viewpoints and rigorous research presented herein underscore the importance of collaborative efforts in advancing teaching and learning across various educational contexts.
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This reflective paper aims to contextualise the notion of leadership and professional learning within the Maltese context and present the challenges that the country faces if it truly wants to improve the level of learning in our schools. It presents the main challenge that the country faces at the conceptual, policy and institutional levels as the country needs to grapple with our understanding of governance and how this has been addressed over the years. It is argued that through such an engagement can we relate to the notion of leadership and being a leader in Maltese schools. The paper will explore the role that leadership and governance have on the way we view reform and the nurturing of professional learning and development in Maltese schools. The position taken is that central to any changes requires exploring the need to nurture trust as a fundamental principle that governs the way we relate at both systems and school level. Unless a change in mindset is adopted few changes will leave an impact where it truly matters, student learning.
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The article examines the notion of merit in educational discourse and its relation to individual emancipation from the perspective of engaged pedagogy (hooks, 1994) and the characteristics of present society. Neoliberal societies are character-ised by deep and growing socioeconomic cultural inequalities and a considerable disparity in opportunities for learning, self-expression and competence development among children and young people. The essay explores the central role played by the rediscovery of the educational value of schools and the ethical position of teachers in nurturing individual abilities and talents. It emphasises the reduction of inequalities within the educational environment as a means to effectively address the problem of educational poverty. Il presente contributo intende inserirsi nell'ampio dibattito circa la questione del merito in ambito educativo, concentrandosi sulla relazione con uno degli obiettivi cardine dell'educazione: l'emancipazione del soggetto. In particolare si intende os-servare tale concetto secondo la prospettiva della pedagogia militante (hooks, 1994) e in un'accezione etica, mettendolo esplicitamente in relazione con la cornice neo-liberista nella quale si situa, caratterizzata da sempre crescenti disuguaglianze socio-economico-culturali e dal profondo divario, in termini di possibilità di apprendere, esprimere se stessi e le proprie competenze, per bambini e ragazzi. Il saggio appro-fondisce in tal senso il ruolo giocato dalla riscoperta del valore educativo della scuola e dal posizionamento etico dell'insegnante, nel promuovere le competenze e i talenti individuali, con una particolare attenzione a ridurre, nell'ambito del con-testo educativo, le disuguaglianze, svolgendo un'azione efficace, in questo senso, nei confronti della povertà educativa.
This chapter introduces the ideas behind the book, the International Teacher Education Research Collective (ITERC), and key concepts that have been central to both ITERC's work and this book. The notion of discontent is integral, as all of the chapters in this volume touch upon notes of discomfort as regards current and hegemonic discourses of education, in particular the efficiency-driven and result-oriented discourses. The book has three primary aims, namely: to illustrate and critique the ethical, epistemological, and political discourses shaping teacher education; identify and unravel the entanglements of politics, knowledge, and ethics in teacher education in a range of international settings; and revitalize teacher education by proposing and exploring alternative modes of thought and practice. With inspiration from Giorgio Agamben's writing on “the contemporary” and the essay as a particular form of writing, this chapter frames the book as an example of collective writing that notes disconcerting developments in several different national contexts. Finally, the different contributions to the book are described shortly and set in relation to the overarching themes of the book.
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Key Messages The project Cha-Ching “Basic Financial Literacy” has been successful in equipping pupils at primary schools with the necessary knowledge and skills for managing money from an early age. Integration of financial literacy into educational curricula at primary schools, ensuring students are equipped with practical financial skills emphasizing the concepts of Earn, Save, Spend, and Donate to prepare for 21st Century Skills before entering adulthood and support to local life skills needed. Training and support for teachers and pre-service teacher to enhance their understanding of financial concepts and effective teaching methodologies, enabling them to deliver high-quality financial education for pupils at primary school in Cambodia. The Provincial Department of Education, Youth and Sport and the District office of Education, Youth and Sport should consider promoting financial literacy to other schools (public and private schools) and continue to work with the target schools throughout the capacity building and follow-up to ensure newly enrolled pupils received the financial education. The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS): 1.) should consider promoting financial literacy by developing a legal framework and guidelines adopting financial literacy into the life-skill curriculum for primary schools. 2.) Consider allocating an annual budget for capacity building and printing of teaching and learning books, and allocating the yearly budget for printing and distributing Cha-Ching’s books for pupils nationwide. The Prudence Foundation or other donors should consider promoting financial literacy and supporting to implementation of the Cha-Ching Money Smart Kids “basic financial literacy” widely at primary schools in Cambodia.
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The demands faced by teachers when dealing with diversity are prompting several countries to reform professional learning (PL) policy to support sustainable learning opportunities for all. As inclusive education (IE) unfolds within a complex dynamic, it is essential to consider how different elements interact during PL deployment in context. There are potential tensions between government policy, the traditional special needs orientation of PL programs, and the fact that IE definition and practice differ from one instance to another. There is currently limited research on how PL is being transferred to the classroom. This article reviews scholarly evidence concerning four domains that have been studied separately but not integrated as a whole in inclusion education inquiry: Inclusive education, inclusive practice, teacher learning and professional learning. The purpose of this review is threefold: (i) to provide an overview of the evolution of the concept of IE and the context of the contemporary reform of Education For All; (ii) to understand how inclusive practice is permeated by developments in IE and their implications; and (iii) to critically examine different research perspectives on PL in IE and illustrate the value of a complexity approach that encompasses macro, micro, and mesoscale elements that combine to describe IE's complex phenomena.
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Purpose This study aims to supplement the international knowledge on factors determining retention in the teaching profession with findings from the Czech Republic. The study aims to answer the question of what factors on the part of schools and teachers are related to teachers’ decision to leave the teaching profession, either temporarily or permanently. It also examines the differences between teachers at the beginning and end of their professional careers. Design/methodology/approach This study presents a secondary analysis of the data collected in a survey of 1,230 Czech secondary school teachers implemented in 2021 in the same schools as the TALIS survey in 2018. The longitudinal design makes it possible to observe the impact of school variables on teachers’ willingness to remain in the profession. Data are analysed through logistic regression. Findings The analysis shows the importance of sufficient financial evaluation, the composition of the student body, instructional leadership, and school innovativeness for the retention of teachers in the profession. The analysis further shows that the factors causing teachers to leave the profession differ for those at the beginning and at the end of their teaching careers. Research limitations/implications The limitations of the study lie in the fact that this is a secondary analysis. The questionnaires were not designed in accordance with the aim of our study, and so the variables were constructed from existing data to best fit our chosen framework. Practical implications The results of our analysis indicate that the Czech education policy should focus not only on general increases in teachers’ salaries, but also on the adjustment of increases over the course of a teacher’s career. The starting salary may be important for retaining young teachers in the profession, while at later stages in their careers their decision to stay may be more influenced by other factors. Our research also showed the importance of leadership. In schools where the principal supports his or her teachers and takes care of their professional development, teachers have a greater tendency to stay in the profession than in schools where the management does not perform this function. Originality/value The study enriched international knowledge about factors affecting teachers' retention in the profession with findings from the Czech educational system characterized by high school autonomy and low teacher salaries.
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This study on the goal orientation and task difficulty toward teachers’ professional learning activities and performance: a moderated mediation analysis was undertaken to determine the extent teachers engage in professional learning activities at work; the perception of the respondents on teacher’s performance; the perception of the respondents on goal orientation of the teachers at work; and the description of the respondents on the level of difficulty of their task in school. Furthermore, this study determined whether the goal orientation of the teachers significantly mediating the relationship between professional learning activities-at-work and their performance and whether the task difficulty significantly moderate the relationship between professional learning activities at work and teachers’ performance. The study employed the descriptive with mediation analysis of research with 188 teachers used as the respondents of the study chosen through random sampling technique. A questionnaire was held with teachers and the collected data were analyzed using standard statistics. The results show that the teacher-respondents always engage in professional activities at work, they have positive perception on their performance, they also have positive perception on their goal orientation at work, and they described that they did not find difficulty in doing their task in school. There is a significant relationship between professional learning activities at work and goal orientation of the teachers. There is a significant relationship between professional learning activities at work and teacher’s performance. Goal orientation of teachers is a significant mediator in the relationship between professional learning activities at work and teacher performance. Constructs of task difficulty significantly moderate the relationship between professional learning activities at work and teacher performance.
Education for sustainable development (ESD) has for decades been a focus internationally and has been embraced in the Japanese curriculum since 2008. Given UNESCO’s emphasis on teacher training for ESD and well-established in-service teacher training programmes in Japan, the aim of this study is to explore whether ESD teacher training could help Japanese in-service teachers to implement ESD in school. Semi-structured individual interviews with 12 in-service teachers from primary to lower secondary schools were conducted via Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It was found that in-service teacher training for ESD had a positive impact on transforming the teachers in both their professional and personal lives. However, challenges remain regarding the promotion of ESD in schools because of lack of common ground with other teaching colleagues and time constrains. The implications of implementing global ESD in schools are discussed.
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