
Building Sustainable Capacity in the Public Sector: What Can Be Done?

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The authors' studies, in six developing countries, indicate designing interventions that most constructively address sources of poor performance must follow from an assessment of a relatively broad set of variables, including the action environment in which all such activities take place. Effective public sector performance is more often driven by strong organizational cultures, good management practices, and effective communication networks than it is by rules and regulations or procedures and pay scales. A framework or conceptual map is described that emphasizes that training activities, organizational performance and administrative structures are embedded within complex environments that significantly constrain their success and that often account for training or organizational failure. When it was applied in the six case study countries, the framework proved useful in identifying capacity gaps and providing a tool for the strategic design of interventions that are sensitive to the roots of performance deficits. -from Authors

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... La capacidad institucional (CI) es un tema clásico de la gestión pública que ha ganado espacio en los estudios del desarrollo después de la década de 1990, cuando a decir de Rosas Huerta (2008) toma relevancia gracias al consenso sobre su efecto posibilitante o condicionador sobre los resultados de la acción gubernamental (ASF, 2015;Completa, 2017;Fiszbein, 1997;Grindle, 2007;Moreno Jaimes, 2007;OECD, 2020;Pearson, 2016;PNUD, 2019;Pulfer, 2011;SEFIPLAN, 2019;UNDP, 2008UNDP, , 2010USAID CITIES, 2017) y por ende, de su impacto sobre el desarrollo. Completa (2017) y Rosas Huerta (2008Huerta ( , 2019 sostienen que el concepto de CI se ha resignificado de acuerdo con el contexto histórico-temporal y el paradigma (Completa, 2017); diferentes estudios incluso han comprobado variaciones considerables de la CI en función del contexto local (Grindle y Hilderbrand, 1995;Montañez Gómez y Delgado Mahecha, 1998;Nohlen y Sturm, 1982;Pearson, 2016;Wallis y Dollery, 2002). Con base en lo anterior, sostenemos que la comprensión nacional y subnacional de la CI (su estado, sus limitantes y sus brechas) y la formulación de estrategias de intervención para su fortalecimiento deben ser consideradas imprescindibles y prioritarias en los estudios del desarrollo que se realicen desde el paradigma de modelo de desarrollo dominante con enfoque centro-periferia, así como en la política de desarrollo nacional y subnacional, siendo su omisión negligente por indiferencia al supuesto teórico posibilitante de la CI y a la evidencia empírica de su variación en función del contexto local. ...
... Respecto al estado del conocimiento de la CI, se encontraron pocos estudios (especialmente de alcance subnacional) enfocados sobre todo en explicar sus determinantes, ya sea desde una perspectiva teórica (Cohen, 1995;Completa, 2016;Gargantini y Pedrotti, 2018a;Rosas Huerta, 2008;UNDP, 2008UNDP, , 2010 o empírica (Grindle y Hilderbrand, 1995;Moreno Jaimes, 2008;OECD, 2020;Pearson, 2016;Pribble, 2015). Los estudios latinoamericanos (González Pérez et al., 2019;Palacios Rojas, 2018;Peña Mcguire, 2018;Santos Assan y Gallardo Milanés, 2017;Valencia Pozo, 2017;Vare Polo, 2017;Vera Lara, 2017) de evaluación de resultados del desarrollo de gobiernos locales en función de sus capacidades institucionales también son de interés reciente. ...
... La primera fase, Evaluación del desempeño de las metodologías de diagnóstico, tiene por objetivo conocer las técnicas de cálculo de CIM que ofrecen datos de la RdE y seleccionar la que ofrezca información de mayor calidad para realizar estudios de ASN. Se examinaron las metodologías encontradas y se analizó su conformidad teórica con los componentes de capacidad definidos por Grindle y Hilderbrand (1995); la conformidad de sus bases de datos con los criterios prácticos para realizar ASN propuestos por Harbers e Ingram (2019), actualizando el ejercicio realizado en Lagunes-Gómez et al. (2022); y la conformidad entre categorías teóricas y técnicas empleadas para tratar el problema (Cortés y Rubalcava, 1984;Palacios González y Callejón Céspedes, 2004;Schuschny y Soto de la Rosa, 2009), en el caso que nos ocupa, la conformidad entre el supuesto teórico de "las capacidades institucionales son posibilitantes del desarrollo" (Completa, 2017;Fiszbein, 1997;Moreno Jaimes, 2007) y las metodologías de monitoreo de CIM. ...
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El Programa Interinstitucional de Especialidad en Soberanías Alimentarias y Gestión de Incidencia Local Estratégica (PIES AGILES), tiene como objetivo impulsar la ciencia horizontal y de incidencia en los territorios mexicanos, ya que surge como parte de las estrategias ante el decreto presidencial para prescindir de forma gradual del uso, adquisición, distribución, promoción e importación de glifosato y maíz transgénico. En PIES AGILES, la Investigación Acción Participativa (IAP) y la Creación y Fortalecimiento de Comunidades de Aprendizaje (COAs), busca crear soluciones a problemáticas locales, las cuales son reflejo de la policrisis global
... La capacidad institucional (CI) es un tema clásico de la gestión pública que ha ganado espacio en los estudios del desarrollo después de la década de 1990, cuando a decir de Rosas Huerta (2008) toma relevancia gracias al consenso sobre su efecto posibilitante o condicionador sobre los resultados de la acción gubernamental (ASF, 2015;Completa, 2017;Fiszbein, 1997;Grindle, 2007;Moreno Jaimes, 2007;OECD, 2020;Pearson, 2016;PNUD, 2019;Pulfer, 2011;SEFIPLAN, 2019;UNDP, 2008UNDP, , 2010USAID CITIES, 2017) y por ende, de su impacto sobre el desarrollo. Completa (2017) y Rosas Huerta (2008Huerta ( , 2019 sostienen que el concepto de CI se ha resignificado de acuerdo con el contexto histórico-temporal y el paradigma (Completa, 2017); diferentes estudios incluso han comprobado variaciones considerables de la CI en función del contexto local (Grindle y Hilderbrand, 1995;Montañez Gómez y Delgado Mahecha, 1998;Nohlen y Sturm, 1982;Pearson, 2016;Wallis y Dollery, 2002). ...
... Respecto al estado del conocimiento de la CI, se encontraron pocos estudios (especialmente de alcance subnacional) enfocados sobre todo en explicar sus determinantes, ya sea desde una perspectiva teórica (Cohen, 1995;Completa, 2016;Gargantini y Pedrotti, 2018a;Rosas Huerta, 2008;UNDP, 2008UNDP, , 2010 o empírica (Grindle y Hilderbrand, 1995;Moreno Jaimes, 2008;OECD, 2020;Pearson, 2016;Pribble, 2015). Los estudios latinoamericanos (González Pérez et al., 2019;Palacios Rojas, 2018;Peña Mcguire, 2018;Santos Assan y Gallardo Milanés, 2017;Valencia Pozo, 2017;Vare Polo, 2017;Vera Lara, 2017) de evaluación de resultados del desarrollo de gobiernos locales en función de sus capacidades institucionales también son de interés reciente. ...
... La primera fase, Evaluación del desempeño de las metodologías de diagnóstico, tiene por objetivo conocer las técnicas de cálculo de CIM que ofrecen datos de la RdE y seleccionar la que ofrezca información de mayor calidad para realizar estudios de ASN. Se examinaron las metodologías encontradas y se analizó su conformidad teórica con los componentes de capacidad definidos por Grindle y Hilderbrand (1995); la conformidad de sus bases de datos con los criterios prácticos para realizar ASN propuestos por Harbers e Ingram (2019), actualizando el ejercicio realizado en Lagunes-Gómez et al. (2022); y la conformidad entre categorías teóricas y técnicas empleadas para tratar el problema (Cortés y Rubalcava, 1984;Palacios González y Callejón Céspedes, 2004; Schuschny y Soto de la Rosa, 2009), en el caso que nos ocupa, la conformidad entre el supuesto teórico de "las capacidades institucionales son posibilitantes del desarrollo" (Completa, 2017;Fiszbein, 1997;Moreno Jaimes, 2007) y las metodologías de monitoreo de CIM. ...
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Actualmente, el carácter posibilitante de la Capacidad Institucional (CI) gubernamental sobre el desarrollo se reconoce por la administración pública federal y local de México, la academia y las agencias internacionales promotoras del desarrollo; no obstante, existen pocos estudios de CI de alcance subnacional. Esta investigación contribuye a la atención de este vacío de conocimiento. Su objetivo es analizar la CI de los municipios del estado de Veracruz, México e identificar Déficits de Capacidad Institucional (DCI) y, a partir de los hallazgos ofrecer información útil para la formulación de rectificaciones o ajustes instrumentales basados en evidencias (evidence-based policy) en la región es estudio. El enfoque de investigación es mixto, el método Análisis Subnacional (ASN) y el diseño de investigación es secuencial de cuatro fases. Se emplearon como técnicas de investigación: análisis de contenido, observación estructurada, estadística descriptiva e inferencial, análisis exploratorio de datos espaciales (AEDE) y pruebas de correlación. En la primera fase se identifican y describen las metodologías de medición de CI con datos de municipios de la región de estudio y se evalúa su desempeño teórico, empírico y técnico a fin de determinar la metodología con mejor ajuste; en la segunda, se analiza el comportamiento espacial de la CI; en la tercera, se identifican DCI; y en la cuarta, se ofrecen conclusiones y recomendaciones.
... According to Chinowsky et al. (2007), the public sector ought to be an organisation that is ever learning to ensure that its knowledge is continuously enhanced and its processes are ever improving. Grindle and Hilderbrand (1995) in an overview on building sustainable capabilities in the public sector of developing countries identified practices that enhance the capabilities of the public sector to include establishment of standard for good performance, clear job description and competitive payment scale to attract highly qualified personnel, good system of reporting, power to hire and fire workforce, high degree of status as major factors. According to Jones et al. (2004), observance of best practice principles involving standards development, training of staff and proper coordination are capability improvement measures that the public sector can adopt. ...
... The summary of these capability improvement measures is as presented in Table 2.3. Recruitment of highly skilled workers Tilley et al., 2015 3 Education and training of staff Dewan et al., 2004;Zahrizan et al., 2013 4 Clear job description Grindle & Hilderbrand,1995;Gill & Delahaye, 2004 5 Adequate reward system for performance Ticha, 2010 6 Greater autonomy to hire and fire Grindle & Hilderbrand, 1995 7 Set standard for good performance Grindle & Hilderbrand, 1995;Gill & Delahaye, 2004;Olugboyega and Aina, 2016 8 Attractive salaries/pay scale Grindle & Hilderbrand, 1995;Jones et al., 2004 9 Acquisition of software ...
... The summary of these capability improvement measures is as presented in Table 2.3. Recruitment of highly skilled workers Tilley et al., 2015 3 Education and training of staff Dewan et al., 2004;Zahrizan et al., 2013 4 Clear job description Grindle & Hilderbrand,1995;Gill & Delahaye, 2004 5 Adequate reward system for performance Ticha, 2010 6 Greater autonomy to hire and fire Grindle & Hilderbrand, 1995 7 Set standard for good performance Grindle & Hilderbrand, 1995;Gill & Delahaye, 2004;Olugboyega and Aina, 2016 8 Attractive salaries/pay scale Grindle & Hilderbrand, 1995;Jones et al., 2004 9 Acquisition of software ...
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This study assessed the organisational capability attributes of the public sector for Building Information Modelling (BIM) implementation; determined the maturity level of capability attributes of the public sector in relation to BIM implementation; assessed the factors influencing the organisational capabilities of the public sector for BIM implementation and investigated the capability improvement measures required by the public sector for BIM implementation. These were with a view to providing information that could enhance the performance of public sector projects in Lagos, Nigeria.Primary data were used for this study. The data were collected through copies of structured questionnaire. Random sampling technique was used to administered the questionnaire on one hundred and ninety-eight (198) construction professionals of Lagos State Public Service. Data were collected on the organisational capability attributes of the public sector for BIM implementation, the maturity level of capability attributes of the public sector in relation to BIM implementation, factors influencing the organisational capabilities of the public sector for BIM implementation and capabilities improvement measures required by the public sector. The data collected were analysed using mean score, factor analysis and Kruskal-Wallis test.The results showed that adequate power supply with level of availability (LAv) = 76.00%, speedy internet connection (LAv = 70.20%), change from traditional workflow (LAv = 69.8%) and adequate work environment (LAv = 69.60%) were the organisational capability attributes of the public sector rated with high level of availability. The results also showed that these four organisational capability attributes were also rated with high level of adequacy (LAq), with LAq = 75.80%, 69.80%, 64.60%, and 64.40% respectively. The organisational capability attributes with high maturity levels were adequate power supply (ML = 75.60%), speedy internet connection (ML = 69.40%), data sharing skills (ML = 63.80%), adequate work environment for workers and continuous on the job training (ML = 63.20%). Further results of the analysis showed that bureaucratic culture (MS = 3.37), structural complexity (MS = 3.17), lack of skilled and trained staff (MS = 3.12), personnel stability (MS = 3.11), staff cooperation (MS = 3.09), and political constraint (MS = 3.07) were the most significant factors influencing the capability attributes of the public sector. The result of this study also showed that team-based structure and adequate number of staff (MS = 3.66), government support and involvement (MS = 3.60) were the most frequently used capability improvement measures. Reward system for performance (MS = 3.81), government policies (MS = 3.74), education and training of staff (MS = 3.74), government support and involvement (MS = 3.73) were identified as the most efficient capability improvement measures used by the public sector. The study concluded that the overall maturity level of organisational capability attributes of the public sector in relation to BIM implementation is on the average and these capability attributes are significantly influenced by organisational framework, government support and involvement; as such reward system based on employees’ performance, government policies and the culture of investment in employees will improve the capabilities of the public sector for BIM implementation to enhance public project delivery.
... An overview of sustainable capabilities aimed at enhancing the capabilities of the public sector identified measures, such as establishment of standard for good performance, clear job description and competitive payment scale to attract highly qualified personnel, good system of reporting, power to hire and fire workforce, and high degree of status, as the major factors (Grindle and Hilderbrand 1995;El-Taliawi and Van Der Wal (2019). According to Jones et al. (2004) and Palm (2020), observance of best practice principles involving development of standards, training of staff, and proper coordination are capability improvement measures that the public sector can adopt. ...
... El-Taliawi and Van Der Wal (2019) stressed that with regard to enhancing the capabilities of the public sector, governments should realize that optimal or ideal systems or end states do not exist, but that systems need to be continuously upgraded. The capabilities of the public sector can be improved by decentralization, judicial independence, competitive service delivery, responsive feedback mechanisms, better management controls (or risk management tools and practices), more integrated and collaborative structures and arrangements, conventional practices, training and development, human capital enhancement, and government-aided intervention ( Clear job description Grindle and Hilderbrand (1995); Gill and Delahaye (2004) 5 ...
... Adequate reward system for performance Ticha (2010) 6 Greater autonomy to hire and fire Grindle and Hilderbrand (1995) 7 Set standard for good performance Grindle and Hilderbrand (1995); Gill and Delahaye (2004) Structured reporting system and relationship Grindle and Hilderbrand (1995) 12 ...
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This study examines the capability improvement measures of the public sector client for enhancing the implementation of building information modeling (BIM) in construction project delivery. The study adopted a quantitative descriptive analysis based on primary data obtained through a structured questionnaire. A total of 198 valid questionnaires obtained from construction professionals within public sector organizations in Lagos State, Nigeria, provided primary quantitative data for the assessment. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings indicated the measures to enhance the capacity of the public sector for BIM implementation including the following: team-based structure and recruitment of adequate number of staff (with mean score [MS] = 3.66), government support and involvement (MS = 3.64), government policies, adoption of process open to innovation, and investment in equipment and technology (MS = 3.60) had been considerably entrenched. However, measures that resulted in improved efficiency were limited to the following: reward system for performance (MS = 3.81), government policies, and education and training of staff (MS = 3.74), government support and involvement (MS = 3.73), and clear job description (MS = 3.71). Most of the measures with high level of impact were not necessarily those that are frequently used. On this basis, the public sector needs to differ from the status quo by adopting improvement measures that are appropriate for enhancing its capabilities for BIM in project delivery. The findings indicate implications that could enable the public sector to adjust and make necessary policies in a bid to improve BIM implementation in project delivery.
... Pembahasan dari para cendekiawan di atas sebenarnya juga jumbuh dengan konteks kapasitas kelembagaan yang disampaikan oleh Grindle & Hilberbrand (1995) tentang kapasitas kelembagaan yang di dalamnya terdapat dimensi lingkungan tindakan, di mana peraturan hukum dan kondisi sosial menjadi bagian di dalamnya, yang berpotensi menjadi daya dukung (Purwaka, 2010). Lebih lanjut, terkait dengan kemampuan sumber daya baik materiil maupun imaterial serta kemampuan sumber daya manusia baik jumlah maupun kemampuannya. ...
... Terlebih dalam penanganan konflik Ormas dibutuhkan tidak hanya satu institusi, namun lebih kepada menghubungkan berbagai institusi dan partisipasi berbagai stakeholders termasuk masyarakat, seperti yang tersirat dalam pembahasan yang disampaikan oleh Sintaresmi, dkk (2021) dan Tengah, dkk (2021). Sedangkan dalam bahasan keterkaitan dan hubungan partisipatif antar stakeholders (baik lembaga maupun individu) secara detail dan mendalam dibahas dalam konteks kapasitas kelembagaan, yakni dalam dimensi jaringan tugas dan konteks kelembagaan yang dikonsepsikan oleh Grindle & Hilberbrand (1995) yang jumbuh dengan kolaborasi yang dinamis dari Emerson & Gerlak (2014). ...
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Kapasitas kelembagaan saat ini mengalami perkembangan. Secara struktural kapasitas ini terbagi atas potensi, daya dukung dan daya tampung, sedangkan secara fungsional sumber daya yang dimiliki dapat dikonversikan menjadi kapasitas yang mampu mengatasi suatu permasalahan. Maraknya fenomena konflik antar Organisasi Kemasyarakatan (Ormas) menuntut institusi penegakan hukum mempunyai kapasitas yang mampu mengatasi persoalan tersebut serta pentingnya pelaksanaan diselenggarakan secara kolaboratif guna terwujudnya ketahanan nasional. Penulis melakukan literatur review kepada penelitian dengan bahasan terkait Ormas, penegakan hukum, dan peran institusi penegak hukum secara meta-analisis. Hasil akhir menunjukkan bahwa keseluruhan kajian tidak mengkaji tentang kemampuan kapasitas secara detail, terutama pada potensi, daya dukung dan daya tampung institusional. Temuan lain menunjukkan bahwa penelitian ini masih jarang dilakukan mengingat keterbatasan dan fokus permasalahan, pendekatan teoritis yang digunakan, serta urgensi terhadap pentingnya tata kelola kolaboratif di dalam kelembagaan. Hal ini menjadi celah dilakukannya penelitian lanjutan yang berbeda, di mana penelitian terdahulu yang ada belum secara spesifik membahas tema ini
... La importancia de hablar sobre "capacidades estatales" es su función como herramienta analítica, ya que sirve para explicar las diversas capacidades que poseen o que deben construir los actores estatales para poner en práctica sus políticas y acciones [5]. Los autores de la referencia [6] consideran a la capacidad estatal como la habilidad por parte de las agencias estatales para realizar tareas con efectividad, eficiencia y sustentabilidad. A los fines de este artículo que forma parte de una investigación mayor, se utiliza el concepto de "capacidades institucionales" para analizar cómo la universidad "genera" políticas de vinculación. ...
... En la dimensión relacional, se incorpora la variable contextual o contexto de acción propuesta por [6]. Entre los factores que se toman en cuenta para operacionalizar este entorno se incluyen, entre otros: los económicos, los políticos y los sociales (nivel de desarrollo de recursos humanos, alcance de la movilización social y sus necesidades). ...
... Una vez definido que la integración regional como sistema de reglas de interacción puede incidir en el desarrollo institucional de los países, es necesario definir ampliamente el concepto de capacidades institucionales y relacionarlo con la integración regional. Las capacidades institucionales pueden conceptualizarse como habilidades existentes para que los Estados y sus instituciones desempeñen sus funciones asignadas con eficiencia, eficacia y permanencia (Grindle y Hilderbrand, 1995). Al respecto, Grindle (2012) apoya el argumento de que las capacidades institucionales se reflejan en la autonomía de las instituciones para formular las políticas públicas y la formación de la burocracia o del servicio público, en línea con la concepción de la necesidad de una capacidad política y técnica para ejecutar el gobierno (Peters, 2003;Kaufmann …[et al], 2011). ...
... La literatura en economía y gestión pública que aborda el problema de las capacidades institucionales identifica, al menos, cuatro factores que le atañen: político, institucional, técnico y administrativo. Estos factores se corresponden con las dimensiones internas y externas de las instituciones y organizaciones públicas (Grindle y Hilderbrand, 1995;Gomide, Pereira y Machado, 2018). En este sentido, las capacidades institucionales se enmarcan en los diferentes grados de habilidades y conocimientos que permiten a los Estados dar respuesta a los desafíos que enfrentan diariamente al diseñar, formular y evaluar políticas públicas, proveer bienes y servicios, gestionar programas, tomar decisiones estratégicas y construir inteligencia organizacional. ...
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Central American integration is a process that has brought benefits to its members in various areas. An expected product of this process is the strengthening of the institutional capacities of its participants and their consequent economic and institutional development. However, although the members of the Central American Integration System, especially Costa Rica, have shown progress in different areas of the concept of institutional capacities, the evidence points to divergences. Based on the operationalization of the concept of institutional capabilities -with some indicators of interest and secondary sources of information-, this paper argues that a possible process of clustering of institutional development and, therefore, of human development in the region has been avoided, differentiating between the countries of the Northern Triangle, those that do not belong to this zone and those that are outside the Isthmus. As a consequence, the importance of integration as a provider of anchors for institutional development and how the process in Central America can help member countries to improve their institutional capacities and their prospects for human development is discussed.
... While collaboration literature emphasis on governance which stated that collaboration is delivered by the public institution officials [16]. Collaborative administration is one of dimension of the collaboration, in which "partner organizations rely on administrators/managers to collaborate, mitigate conflicts, establish formal communication channels, agree on mutual goals in the collaboration activities" [17]. ...
... The analysis showed that the three-factor model demonstrated a good fit with the data (χ2 = 815. 16 Table 2). The greatest emergent component explained 32% of variation, below Harman's single-factor statistical threshold of 40% [123]. ...
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Background This research depicts the linkage of public leadership on public health delivery (PHD) and collaborative administration. The research is also focused to examine the effect of public leadership on public health delivery through the intervening variable of collaborative administration by using both social information processing theory and collaboration theory. Methods This research is based on quantitative method. Data was collected from 464 public hospital administration in the context of Pakistan. This study evaluated data using SPSS, AMOS, and PROCESS Macro. Results Public leadership has a positive profound effect on public health delivery and collaborative administration, and that collaborative administration significantly promotes public health delivery. The outcomes also exposed that public leadership has substantial influence on public health delivery through intervening collaborative administration. Conclusions Whilst public leadership demonstrated positive outcomes on public health delivery and collaborative administration, there is a need for more rigor studies on collaborative governance leadership, collaborative ethics and collaborative norms in the public health service.
... A linha de pesquisa adotada no trabalho também mantém estreita correlação com alguns estudos recentes acerca de países em desenvolvimento e do desempenho do setor público. Entre eles, salienta-se o artigo de GRINDLE & HILDERBRAND (1995), no qual as autoras enfatizam que os melhores resultados se encontram em entidades detentoras de fortes culturas organizacionais, boas práticas gerenciais e efetivas redes de comunicação com o ambiente externo. O trabalho buscou investigar as lacunas na capacidade executiva de algumas organizações públicas em países do Terceiro Mundo, com o objetivo de propor estratégias corretivas de intervenção. ...
... O trabalho buscou investigar as lacunas na capacidade executiva de algumas organizações públicas em países do Terceiro Mundo, com o objetivo de propor estratégias corretivas de intervenção. Grindle e Hilderbrand (1995) operam com cinco dimensões interativas e dinâmicas relativas à capacidade organizacional de agências públicas, para executar políticas públicas efetivas, a que correspondem igua lmente, determinados níveis de análise, segundo um conjunto de fatores que afetam sua eficiência, eficácia e efetividade. Assim, f oram feitas algumas aproximações com tal abordagem considerando sua consistente contribuição ao esquema de avaliação dos impactos setoriais e regionais gerados pela CHESF mediante a análise de seus ciclos de vida: os fatores ambientais (econômicos, políticos e sociais) focalizados; a forma de especificação do contexto institucional do setor público; a descrição organizacional, suas idiossincrasias estruturais, comportamentais e culturais; e a conexão entre o desempenho alcançado e os recursos humanos, nesses salientando-se os aspectos relativos à sua origem, educação e forma de atração para carreiras no setor público, assim como a ênfase nos talentos gerencial, técnico e profissional necessários ao exercício de suas tarefas. ...
Analisa os impactos político- institucionais e organizacionais produzidos pela atuação da CHESF, segundo os eventos mais relevantes delineados em diferentes momentos de sua trajetória de agente desenvolvimentista. Como método, usa a pesquisa descritivoqualitativa realizada em dois planos de análise. No nível de análise político- institucional, focaliza-se o papel do Estado, suas escolhas estratégicas e insulamento burocrático; No segundo nível, de acordo com os ciclos de vida, estudada a atuação de dirigentes e grupos técnicos-profissionais da empresa. Conclui que, em sua trajetória, a CHESF estimulou o surgimento de pólos dinâmicos e dir ecionados para a expansão econômica do Nordeste, graças ao eficiente aproveitamento do seu potencial hidrelétrico, que privilegiou mais as áreas urbano- industriais em detrimento daquelas mais desfavorecidas, não atingidas pelas grandes transformações imprimidas por seu estilo empreendedor, evidenciado segundo a análise de seu modelo de gestão, estabilidade burocrática, eficácia organizacional, bem como de sua articulação políticoinstitucional e ação coletiva de dir igentes e grupos técnicos-profissionais.
... An organization is structured with various parties with different tasks and expertise. Grindle (1995) emphasized that factors beyond institutional control often influence the success or failure of organizational performance. However, Grindle's research shows that institutional performance is strongly related to cultural orientation and problem-solving abilities within institutions, as well as the dynamic interactions between human resources and how those resources are oriented, deployed, and valued. ...
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This research discusses implementing tourism development policies in Merauke Regency, explicitly focusing on Wasur National Park. This study identifies strategies and efforts made by the local government in developing natural tourism attractions in the Wasur National Park area to improve the welfare of local communities and expand the tourism sector's contribution to Regional Original Revenue (PAD). The analysis includes public policy dimensions, organizational structure, and the roles of actors and stakeholders involved in policy implementation. Combining primary and secondary data, this article provides in-depth insights into the challenges, successes, and impacts of tourism development policies in Wasur National Park, highlighting the importance of inter-agency coordination and community participation in achieving regional development goals through the tourism sector.
... As mentioned by Halim in (Zakaria et al, (2022) namely that a region can be considered to have fiscal independence when it has the capacity and authority to identify, manage and use its own financial resources to finance the operations of its local government. Grindle & Hilderbrand (1995) define capacity as the ability to execute tasks effectively, efficiently and sustainably. Leaders and managers of public and nonprofit organizations need to develop effective strategies to deal with changing circumstances, and they also need to build the capacity of their organizations to respond to major challenges in the future (Bryson, 2017). ...
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This research aims to evaluate the capacity of the Tegal Regency Regional Revenue Agency as a regional tax management organisation based on the two OECD pillars, namely human resource management, and organisational management, to assist the Tegal district government's efforts to increase fiscal independence. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. Primary data sources are interviews with seven respondents at the Regional Revenue Management Agency of Tegal Regency and secondary data in the form of documents related to the research topic. The results of the research show that the condition of human resource management capacity and organisational management of the Tegal Regency Bapenda still requires further capacity development, especially capacity in the medium and significant categories. Some of the problems that still need further capacity development include those related to the competence of employees at Bapenda who do not fully fulfil tax administration functions, the division of tasks and authority that is still not effective. Also, there are still policies that have not been evaluated and updated regularly. This research is expected to provide an overview of the condition of human resource management capacity and the Tegal Regency Bapenda organisation's management of regional taxes so that it can be used as a reference in planning organisational capacity development in an effort to achieve regional fiscal independence.
... Pentingnya pengawasan ini telah diakui oleh berbagai penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa tata kelola yang baik dapat meningkatkan efektivitas implementasi kebijakan K3 (Grindle & Hilderbrand, 1995;Emerson & Gerlak, 2014). Namun demikian, masih banyak tantangan yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaannya, seperti kurangnya kesadaran tentang pentingnya K3 dan rendahnya pemahaman tentang hak asasi manusia terkait K3 (Kemenaker RI, 2022). ...
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The issue of implementing national K3 labor inspection includes two main aspects, namely governance and capacity building. The two main issues relate to weak awareness of the importance of implementing OSHMS in the workplace, weak understanding of K3 as part of human rights, weak criminal sanctions related to K3, relatively low coverage of K3 supervision, overlapping technical K3 regulations between institutions, weak quality, quantity and competence of K3, as well as the lack of synergy and integration of the operational supervision system between the central and regional governments. The author analyzes empirical data and reviews previous research using a systematic flow prism framework, and juxtaposes it with the fundamental theoretical concepts of governance, capacity building and labor inspection. The results of the analysis produce a hypothetical framework for building capacity for labor inspection governance in the K3 sector. This requires strategic intervention in human resource capacity, organizations and institutions, as well as governance that needs to be jointly constructed on the basis of an agreement on the principle of joint involvement. So, during the management and implementation process, each stakeholder/actor can be adaptive, the system and implementation of supervision can be more effective and efficient, where continuity and feedback from the accumulated process can reduce the impact and influence of uncertainty and the dynamics of a dynamic workforce environment.
... Según la sociología política, las capacidades estatales son, sintéticamente, las habilidades que tiene el sector público para lograr un propósito político con efectividad, eficiencia y estabilidad. Las principales dimensiones que pueden afectar las capacidades estatales son los recursos humanos dentro de la organización, la organización de las instituciones, el conjunto de otras organizaciones con las cuales se relaciona, el contexto institucional del sector público y el entorno inmediato; es decir, la referencia territorial concreta en la cual se deben implementar medidas (Hildebrand y Grindle, 1997) Los alcances de un Estado se evidencian en el delineamiento y la implementación de políticas públicas, para lo cual necesitan de un conjunto de instrumentos (normativos y de gestión) para materializar la intervención estatal, así como también de una serie de procesos en la formulación de políticas públicas. Según el politólogo Harold Laswell, la formulación de las políticas públicas presentan cinco partes analíticamente separables: la identificación de un problema que requiera acción pública, la formulación de posibles soluciones, la adopción de decisiones por parte de la autoridad legitimada, la ejecución de la política pública y la evaluación de los resultados (Laswell, 1963). ...
El tráfico ilícito de drogas, comúnmente llamado narcotráfico, es un fenómeno con múltiples aristas, que aglutina a diferentes sectores económicos, diversos actores y genera efectos colaterales; es “una actividad económica [ilícita] que busca acumular ganancias a través del control de determinadas áreas del mercado de drogas” (Santana, 2004:19). Esta actividad se desarrolla mediante una división de actividades que implican eslabones con tareas y actores específicos. De esta manera, el narcotráfico impacta social, ambiental, política y económicamente a la sociedad en la cual se desenvuelve, teniendo como campo de acción territorios en los cuales el alcance y densidad del Estado son mínimas.
... Decentralization and pluralism in extension services, involving multiple service providers, can enhance responsiveness and effectiveness. Political instability and governance issues can also disrupt the delivery of extension services, making it essential to ensure stable and effective governance structures [57]. ...
Agricultural extension services are important for enhancing agricultural productivity, food security, and rural development. Examination of future and research needs highlights the significance of innovative approaches and emerging technologies, such as digital agriculture, precision farming, artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, and biotechnology, in transforming extension services. These technologies offer the potential to optimize resource use, increase yields, and improve supply chain transparency. Comprehensive impact assessments, including randomized controlled trials and mixed-methods approaches, are essential for evaluating the effectiveness of extension programs and understanding their long-term impacts on productivity, food security, and livelihoods. Supportive policy development and advocacy efforts are crucial for creating an enabling environment that promotes innovation, collaboration, and sustainable practices. This includes establishing regulatory frameworks, providing financial incentives, and integrating extension services into national development plans. Cross-disciplinary research and international collaboration are key to addressing the complex challenges facing agriculture, fostering the exchange of knowledge and best practices, and enhancing the capacity of national extension systems. Interdisciplinary research teams and systems thinking approaches can provide comprehensive solutions to agricultural challenges, while international research networks and development assistance programs can facilitate the transfer of appropriate technologies and practices. South-South cooperation offers additional opportunities for knowledge exchange and technology transfer between developing countries. By addressing these future directions and research needs, agricultural extension services can effectively contribute to sustainable agricultural development, improved livelihoods for farmers, and greater resilience to climate change. This approach will ensure that extension services remain responsive to the evolving challenges and opportunities in the agricultural sector, ultimately promoting global food security and economic growth.
... Diversos autores se han dedicado a estudiar el concepto de capacidades estatales (Smith, 1993;Hilderbrand y Grindle, 1994;Alonso, 2007;Repetto, 2007;Rodriguez Gustá, 2007;Calvento, 2012;Bertranou, 2013), sobre la base de las cuales se retoman tres dimensiones. ...
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El artículo analiza el diseño e implementación de políticas migratorias locales en la provincia de Buenos Aires durante 2019-2023. Se interroga sobre cuáles son los municipios que avanzan en este campo de actuación,las características de sus intervenciones, y los condicionantes que afectan las distintas modalidades con que incorporan y dan tratamiento al tema en sus agendas. La originalidad de la contribución radica en atender unatemáticade escaso desarrollo relativo en el campo de los estudios sobre movilidad humana,como es el de las políticas migratoriasde nivel subnacional; y en proporcionar un marco analítico para avanzar en futuros estudios comparativos intermunicipales sobre tales políticas.
... The utilization of digital strategies provides construction companies with the opportunity to expand their target market, improve the recognition of their brand, and interact with customers in real time (Piñeiro-Otero et al., 2016;Chaffey et al., 2019;Saura et al., 2019;Bagchi et al., 2020). Despite the clear global trend towards digital marketing in the construction industry, there is a significant gap in research regarding the specific application of these strategies within the construction sector of Sri Lanka (Grindle, 1995;Beddewela et al., 2016;Senaratne et al., 2016;Yapa, 2017;Tembo et al., 2021). The utilization and efficacy of digital marketing in the Sri Lankan context necessitate further examination despite its acknowledged potential to bolster brand visibility and facilitate consumer interaction (Lakshmee, 2021;Ahsan et al., 2023). ...
Conference Paper
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This comprehensive review looks into the transformative effects of digital marketing practices on the construction industry in Sri Lanka. It provides insights into strategies, benefits, challenges, and potential future directions. This review synthesizes a wide array of research studies, case studies, and industry trends to offer a comprehensive comprehension of the digital marketing landscape in the construction sector of Sri Lanka. The marketing practices within the construction industry in Sri Lanka have undergone a significant transformation, characterized by the increasing utilization of digital marketing strategies. These strategies include content marketing, social media engagement, search engine optimization (SEO), and email marketing, which have gained considerable prominence. The successful incorporation of traditional marketing approaches into integration strategies has increased brand visibility, improved lead generation, enhanced cost-effectiveness, and enriched customer engagement. Adopting digital marketing is imperative for construction firms operating in Sri Lanka to attain a competitive advantage within a highly competitive market. The approach above facilitates a focus on consumer needs, highlights the importance of sustainability and innovation, and cultivates the ability to adjust to the ever-changing digital environment. Incorporating digital marketing is not merely a fad but a crucial strategic necessity for achieving long-term growth and maintaining a competitive edge in the ever-changing market environment. By acknowledging the importance of digital marketing and maintaining a leading position in the field, construction firms in Sri Lanka can strategically position themselves for success in the ever-changing and technology-driven future.
... Regarding the discussions on non-state actors, researchers investigated the government's partnerships and relations with non-state actors (Batley, 2006), such as nonprofits (Brinkerhoff, 2002;Brinkerhoff & Brinkerhoff, 2002), citizens (Devas & Grant, 2003;Knox, 2009), and the private sector (Awortwi, 2004;Spielman et al., 2010). Others investigated specific non-state actors, such as NGOs (Avina, 1993;Gugerty, 2008;Ossewaarde et al., 2008), think tanks (Zhu & Xue, 2007), and state-owned enterprises (Thynne, 1998), as well as capacity building (Brinkerhoff & Morgan, 2010;Grindle & Hilderbrand, 1995), and evaluation, measurement, assessment, and accountability (Gasper, 2000;Torres, 2004). ...
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Since 1949, the journal Public Administration and Development has gone through changes in name and scope, in author demographics and background, and in readership and the topics covered. The professional‐oriented articles in the first years of the journal have evolved to become more academic theory‐oriented articles in recent years. Drawing on mixed methods, the authors conducted in‐depth analyses using data from the journal to highlight changes in research themes and geographic foci. The study provides insights into the historical development of public administration in developing contexts, the journal's contributions to the field, and maps out potential future research trends.
... Regarding the discussions on non-state actors, researchers investigated the government's partnerships and relations with non-state actors (Batley, 2006), such as nonprofits (Brinkerhoff, 2002;Brinkerhoff & Brinkerhoff, 2002), citizens (Devas & Grant, 2003;Knox, 2009), and the private sector (Awortwi, 2004;Spielman et al., 2010). Others investigated specific non-state actors, such as NGOs (Avina, 1993;Gugerty, 2008;Ossewaarde et al., 2008), think tanks (Zhu & Xue, 2007), and state-owned enterprises (Thynne, 1998), as well as capacity building (Brinkerhoff & Morgan, 2010;Grindle & Hilderbrand, 1995), and evaluation, measurement, assessment, and accountability (Gasper, 2000;Torres, 2004). ...
... State capacity is defined as the ability of a state to perform appropriate tasks/functions efficiently, effectively, and sustainably. There are four types of state capacity: institutional capacity, technical capacity, administrative capacity, and political capacity (Grindle and Hilderbrand, 1995). Institutional capacity is the state's ability to establish and enforce a broad set of rules governing economic and political interactions to deliver public service (Wallis and Dollery, 2001). ...
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Collaborative governance has received attention among scholars and practitioners for resolving governance issues across the globe. The government of Pakistan emphasizes local collaborative governance practices for resolving complex local problems through efficient public service delivery. This research is planned to examine the impact of local collaborative governance on public service delivery, institutional capacity building and how local colla-borative governance influences public service delivery through the mediating mechanism of institutional capacity building. Using collaborative governance theory and collecting data from multisector organizations in the context of Pakistan, the results of this study revealed that local collaborative governance is significantly related to the dimensions of public service delivery and institutional capacity building. This research findings revealed that local colla-borative governance engenders public service delivery through the dimensions of institutional capacity building including service capacity, evaluative capacity, and M&O capacity.
... Tahapan ini menjadi awal apakah pelatihan yang diadakan dapat mencapai tujuannya atau tidak. Ada berbagai hal yang perlu dirancang pada tahap ini mulai dari menentukan tujuan apa yang ingin dicapai melalui pelatihan, menyusun materi apa yang ingin disampaikan, pemilihan metode pelatihan, siapa pelatih serta bagaimana pelatihan akan dievaluasi nantinya (Grindle & Hilderbrand, 1995 ...
Berbagai upaya dilakukan pemerintah untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di Indonesia. Salah satnya ialah dengan mengeluarkan kurikulum yang sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman. Saat ini Indonesia akan menggunakan Kurikulum Merdeka sebagai kurikulum nasional, namun saat ini penggunaan kurikulum dilaksanakan secara bertahap. Salah satu sekolah yang menggunakan Kurikulum Merdeka ialah SMA N 1 Kecamatan Guguak. Sehingga guru-guru yang akan menggunakan kurikulum ini harus mengikuti pelatihan tentang Kurikulum Merdeka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana pelatihan Kurikulum Merdeka dilaksanakan. Metode yang digunakan ialah metode kualitatif deskripsi dengan menggunakan pedoman wawancara sebagai instrumen pendukung pelatihan. Hasil penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pelatihan tentang Kurikulum Merdeka belum berjalan dengan baik seperti tidak dilibatkannya sasaran pelatihan dalam analisis kebutuhan pelatihan serta perencanaan pelatihan. Sehingga pelatihan yang diberikan masih belum sesuai dengan harapan peserta pelatihan. Selain itu pelatihan juga tidak memiliki evaluasi. Sehingga tidak diketahui ketercapaian tujuan pelatihan ini dilakukan. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelatihan tentang Kurikulum Merdeka di SMA N 1 Kecamatan Guguak masih belum baik. Various efforts have been made by the government to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. One of them is to issue a curriculum that is in accordance with the times. Currently Indonesia will use the Merdeka Curriculum as the national curriculum, but currently the use of the curriculum is implemented gradually. One of the schools that uses the Merdeka Curriculum is SMA N 1 Guguak District. So that teachers who will use this curriculum must attend training of the Independent Curriculum. This study aims to describe how the Independent Curriculum training is carried out. The method used is a qualitative method of description using interview guidelines as a training support instrument. The results of this study show that the implementation of training on the Independent Curriculum has not run well such as the non-involvement of training targets in training needs analysis and training planning. So that the training provided is still not in accordance with the expectations of the trainees. In addition, training also has no evaluation. So it is not known the achievement of the purpose of this training. So it can be concluded that the training of the Independent Curriculum at SMA N 1 Guguak District is still not good.
... Indeed, core managerial functions that are well known in every sub-unit of an Outside the boundaries of the organisation, structural and institutional factors will influence it, as will the actions of other agents. Looking out from the inside, we simply divide the context of the organisation into two parts -a familiar aspect of approaches to stakeholder analyses (Honadle and Cooper, 1989;Grindle and Hilderbrand, 1994;Danida, 1996). One part of the context is labelled "influenceable." ...
Technical Report
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This paper deals with public-sector capacity development (CD) in poor countries. It addresses two central questions. What capacity improvements (small or large) may be possible under present and foreseeable conditions in poor countries? Moreover, if opportunities for capacity development exist, what can outsiders such as donors do to support and encourage them? There are several reasons for this particular focus. The ambitions and aspirations of the populations and governments of poor coun-tries for development cannot be met without significant and broad-based enhance-ments of the capacities of the public sector, the private sector and civil society alike. Capacity enhancements in the public sector – the focus of this paper – are often regarded as being crucial for achieving these aspirations.
... Capacity building is the development of organizational skills, such as leadership ability, cooperation, and coordination, management, performance evaluation, to enhance organizational effectiveness and efficiency (Campobasso, L., & Davis, D., 2001). Furthermore, capacity was defined as "the ability to perform essential duties and functions effectively, efficiently, and sustainably (Hilderbrand, M. and M. Grindle, 1994). ...
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The human resource capacity-building strategies and their effects on organizational performance have been crucial issues in organizational studies for decades. The key objective of this academic study is to examine the leading role of capacity-building strategies on organizational performance in Myanmar, using the Ministry of Union Government as a study population. The study adequately discusses the leading theories in terms of adult learning theory (andragogy), and other related theories. Online survey data were collected by conducting survey questionnaires to (530) respondents of that agency and interviewing three government employees. Mainly descriptive statistics were properly used to summarize data by using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, as well as multiple regression and structural equation models were conducted to test the hypotheses. This study showed that innovative, traditional learning development and traditional training development had significant and direct effects on organizational performance and job satisfaction. The findings also revealed that job satisfaction significantly impacts performance and mediates the relationship between capacity-building strategies and organizational performance. Therefore, this study assists the policymakers to convince of the importance of capacity building strategies for employees, especially innovative learning (e-learning) strategies with innovation and technological development that can enhance organizational performance. Furthermore, it recommends that learning development strategies can be applied not only in public institutions but also in developing the human capital of the nation.
... In 1995 and 1996, the keywords productivity and visioneering were prominent, underscoring the significance of organizational culture and teamwork. Organizations were recognized as ideal settings for fostering organizational creation, capacity building, and performance interventions, which in turn highlighted the establishment of market-oriented economies [57]. Successful organizational functioning relies on well-defined structures, control mechanisms, and an understanding of group dynamics, all of which contribute to achieving excellence [58]. ...
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Research on organizational culture and teamwork is progressing substantially, and the interest in understanding culture as an organizational phenomenon and its links with other variables of organizations are perspectives that need to be considered to obtain a better understanding and knowledge of achieving organizational aims. The objective of this study was to analyze the research and its contributions to organizational culture and teamwork through indicators of quantity, quality and structure. The information was obtained from the Scopus and Web of Science databases through structured search equations. The bibliographic data were merged and processed using Microsoft Excel, and by applying and using the PRISMA 2020 statement, 836 records were obtained. VOSviewer software was used to map networks, overlay displays and analyze keyword densities. The findings revealed that organizational culture and teamwork are constantly expanding and being researched in different organizations, with studies relating organizational culture and teamwork to knowledge management, patient safety culture, knowledge exchange, interprofessional collaboration and innovation. The maximum number of publications on the topic occurred in 2019. As indicated by VOSviewer, the keyword communication was associated with three of the identified clusters, and the research agenda proposed the expanding of themes related to leadership, knowledge exchange, knowledge management, interprofessional collaboration and safety climate.
... This question of 'organizational culture' looms large in the PoE literature. For McDonnell (2017McDonnell ( , 2020, it is the presence of a 'bureaucratic ethos' that defines PoEs and Grindle and Hilderbrand (1995) and Grindle (1997) argue that a sense of organizational mission is more important for good performance than rules, regulations, and even remuneration. It is less clear where this ethos comes from. ...
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This collection explores the critical role of the state and processes of state-building in delivering development through a focus on high-performing state agencies in Africa. It offers the most systematic investigation into the phenomenon of ‘pockets of effectiveness’ (PoEs) to date, with a particular focus on examining the political, organizational, and international factors that shape state capacity and state performance. A new ‘power domains’ framework, which combines political settlements and policy domains analysis, is applied to fifteen organizational case studies drawn from the realm of economic governance in Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, and Zambia. A mixture of within-case process tracing and between-case comparisons helps identify two main pathways through which PoEs emerge and retain their effectiveness over time, depending on the type of political settlement. This has important implications for the future of both political and economic development in Africa, as shaped by the often-tense relationships between state-building, democratization, and the politics of survival. The book also explores the powerful influence of international development in shaping the pattern of state capacity and performance in Africa and argues for a shift away from investments in the ‘agents of restraint’ associated with neoliberal governance towards building the capabilities required to achieve structural transformation. The volume closes with two critical commentaries from leading experts in the field, each of which appraises the book’s contribution before suggesting ways forward for the wider field of studies into PoEs and state-building in the Global South.
... Multi-actor participation. Collective actions emphasize the importance of cultivating collaboration among stakeholders at different levels of public actions, broadening multiactor participation beyond traditional power elites [70]. This attitude entails recognizing various types of local knowledge and developing social networks as a source of collaboration through which new initiatives can be launched legitimately [71,72]. ...
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Institutional collective actions (ICAs) provide a fascinating framework for comprehending collaborative urban initiatives. We defined ICAs as groups of people and organizations working together to promote a shared goal they could not pursue on their own. This study provides an empirical justification of why particular characteristics support the success of ICAs and why others fail. We restrict our analysis to culture-and-heritage-led urban regeneration initiatives and analyze the combinations of conditions under which these initiatives achieve their objectives. Adopting an integrated strategy, we studied prerequisites and critical elements that affect the success of collaborative actions, such as entrepreneurship, the enabling role of institutional capacity, multi-stakeholder involvement, and co-governance. Therefore, we compared sixteen culture-and-heritage-led urban regeneration initiatives in Europe as examples of ICAs in the urban context. We utilized fsQCA, fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis, as a method that enabled us to define the configurations (combinations of factors) that determine the performances of urban regeneration actions. The results demonstrate that a variety of elements are necessary for developing collaborative initiatives and that three different recipes can be developed. In addition, this study contributes to the body of knowledge on institutional collective actions in two ways: (1) by providing empirical evidence of why specific conditions need to be considered when developing collective actions and (2) by showing how specific conditions interact and explain the performance of ICAs.
... Capacity building has various definitions. Grindle & Hilderbrand (1995) define a capacity building as improvements in the ability of public organizations, either single or cooperation with other organizations, to perform appropriate tasks. In other words, capacity building is an increase in the ability of public organizations to achieve specific goals independently and in collaboration with other organizations. ...
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The Regional Government of South Central Timor Regency is fully aware of and knows what the SDGs are. Some OPD leaders and officials know the SDGs are only an extension of the MDGs, but do not know the substance of the agenda. The method used in this study is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach, then the primary data and secondary data collected are analyzed using data analysis techniques from Creswell (2016). Capacity building in order to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs) in reducing maternal and infant mortality within the scope of the South Central Timor Regency Regional Apparatus Organization uses the opinion of Thompson (2003: 60) which develops the concept created by Parsons (1960 with research results namely on ;( a) at the technical level it was found that the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) in TTS Regency did not yet have a comprehensive understanding of the SDGs with indicators of maternal and infant mortality so that they were still limited to the problem of stunting alone and still had problems integrating databases in each agency.(b) level managerially it was found that there was no synchronization of personnel allocation for each unit and function in carrying out SDG's goals (c) at the institutional level it was known that local governments had not developed effective policies regarding the implementation of SDGs in regional development plans.
... This capacity can be obtained when there is interaction between local government and the poor to: acknowledge the everyday realities and work with them to identify priorities for transformative change, support sustainable intermediaries, create an enabling environment for innovation, and involve a variety of parties to experiment with planning and development practices. Grindle and Hilderbrand (1995) argue that increasing the capacity of government institutions depends on five dimensions, namely, the action environment, the institutional context of the public sector, task networks, organization, and human resources. The action environment refers to the social stability, political condition, and economic soundness facilitating the ability of the government to perform its functions. ...
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This study aims to analyze the growth trajectory of global scientific output on the “inclusive governance” concept, and governance principles that have received the most attention. The bibliometric review was used in this study on the Scopus database. The data were analyzed using VOSviewer 1.6.16 version and Microsoft Excel. This review found that the term “inclusive governance” was first used in 2000 and has continued to increase significantly since 2013. This review found that the authors of inclusive governance emphasized more on principles: participation, power, accessibility, structure, accountability, empowerment, fairness, collaboration, capacity, and decision-making. This review provides a new and beneficial way to reveal the history of the inception of inclusive governance thinking as a derivative of the grand paradigm of governance, along with the principles that were emphasized by previous authors.
... Hay muchas definiciones de capacidad estatal, pero casi siempre coinciden en referirse a la aptitud del Estado para implementar eficientemente sus objetivos (Sikkink, 1993, p. 544;Grindle y Hilderbrand, 1995;Bertranou, 2015, p. 39). Sobre las dimensiones que conforman la capacidad estatal, la clasificación de Grindle (1997) parece ser su piedra angular. ...
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El objetivo de esta investigación es explicar el papel de las organizaciones sociales en la construcción de la capacidad estatal de la segunda mitad del siglo XX mexicano, particularmente en el oriente de la Zona Metropolitana de la Ciudad de México y en Zapotitlán Salinas, Puebla. En estas zonas la capacidad de provisión de bienes y servicios públicos era limitada o nula, y fue la acción de organizaciones como el Movimiento Urbano Popular y la Unión de Zapotitecos radicados en México “Renovación” lo que hizo posible que la capacidad estatal se ampliara hasta esas áreas. En este sentido, las organizaciones no compitieron contra el Estado ni presentaron lógicas de provisión distintas o ajenas a él, ni este, por su parte, compitió, colaboró, erradicó o cooptó a dichas agrupaciones. Para el análisis se realizó, en el primer caso, una revisión documental y, para el segundo, de archivo y entrevistas de los integrantes de la unión.
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En el artículo se desarrolla el concepto de capacidad institucional integrando los aportes de la Ciencia Política y de la Administración. Se examina el contexto que motiva la revisión de este concepto, considerando los cambios sociales y los fenómenos políticos surgidos desde la década del 2000, así como los avances científico-tecnológicos. Tras un exhaustivo análisis de la literatura, se describe la evolución del concepto y se propone una definición general de capacidad institucional, adaptable a las características de cada organización pública, destacando los diversos enfoques utilizados en torno a este tema. Un aspecto fundamental del artículo es el desarrollo de los componentes de la capacidad institucional y la presentación de conceptos clave para facilitar su análisis de acuerdo con tres niveles: la persona, la organización y el entorno. Cada nivel se desarrolla operativamente y se complementa con el análisis de las siguientes capacidades transversales: coordinación, cooperación y comunicación.
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This study explored the effectiveness of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) practices in renewable energy projects and their impact on sustainable development in Kenya's marginalized regions. Employing a mixed-methods approach, quantitative data were collected from 133 respondents using structured questionnaires, achieving an 89% response rate. Qualitative insights were obtained through semi-structured interviews with project managers, M&E officers, and beneficiaries. The findings revealed that while M&E practices are recognized as essential for project success, several challenges hinder their effectiveness, including financial constraints, inadequate training, and limited stakeholder engagement. Statistical analysis indicated a significant positive relationship between the effectiveness of M&E practices and the sustainability of renewable energy projects. The study concluded that enhancing M&E practices is vital for improving project outcomes, emphasizing the need for comprehensive training, greater community involvement, and adequate resource allocation. Recommendations for policymakers and practitioners aimed at strengthening M&E frameworks in renewable energy projects were provided to ensure sustainable development in marginalized communities
Talent management is essential for organisations to attract, develop, and retain professional and highly skilled employees. In the context of the Nigerian public sector, attracting, identifying, developing and retaining a motivated, productive and exceptional workforce is critical to building a high-performance sector where service delivery is significantly impacted and national development is effectively realised as a result. This article explores the antecedents and consequences of talent management practices in Nigeria's public sector. Drawing on existing literature and empirical evidence, the factors that influence TM practices within the sector, their impact on competitiveness and service provision and the relevance of talent identification and retention to the sector are highlighted to make a case for effective public sector TM practices in today's Nigeria where her sector organisations are looking to compete with the rest of the world.
The public management literature suggests that organizational capacity, collaboration, and public service motivation positively impact organizational resilience. However, in times of emergencies/crises, when public administrators have limited time to plan and react, it is unclear what factors are more relevant for service delivery continuity. The present study focuses on organizational resiliency during crises and examines the predictors of service delivery continuity among county governments during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results suggest that in times of crises, the capacity of local governments is a significant predictor of organizational resilience as opposed to public service motivation, which did not contribute to organizational resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Collaboration, on the other hand, had mixed results. These results suggest that governments should focus on strengthening their capacities to withstand shocks from crises.
Conference Paper
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Penelitian ini adalah penelitian yang melihat dan mengukur pengaruh nilai SMA, nilai TPA, dan jenis kelamin terhadap nilai IPK pada mahasiswa PKN Stan lulusan tahun 2015-2017. Populasinya berasal dari semua lulusan Diploma (DI) tahun 2015-2017 sebanyak 5.479 mahasiswa dan lulusan Diploma III (DIII) tahun 2017 sebanyak 2.222 mahasiswa. Data diolah dan dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa nilai SMA, nilai TPA, dan jenis kelamin berpengaruh signifikan terhadap nilai IPK untuk tingkat signifikansi 0,05. Meskipun demikian, besarnya pengaruh ketiga variabel tersebut masih tergolong rendah yaitu 11,25% - 20,05%. Kontribusi masing-masing variabel yaitu sebesar 6,13% - 15,55% untuk variabel jenis kelamin, 0,97% - 1,25% untuk variabel nilai SMA, dan 0,05% - 0,12% untuk variabel nilai TPA. Dari ketiga variabel tersebut, yang memiliki kontribusi terbesar adalah variabel jenis kelamin yang mana jenis kelamin perempuan menunjukkan prestasi akademik yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan jenis kelamin laki-laki.
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan kajian pada penelitian-penelitian primer terdahulu mengenai capacity building dalam pendidikan. Penelitian ini penting untuk dilakukan sebab meningkat dan bergesernya kebutuhan masyarakat akan perbaikan dalam dunia pendidikan seiring dengan perkembangan zaman. Pihak internal dalam sekolah perlu menyelaraskan kebutuhan pendidikan dengan kebutuhan masyarakat. Seluruh unsur pendidikan perlu melakukan capacity building dengan harapan meningkatkan kompetensi dan meningkatkan kualitas pemberian layanan pada peserta didik. Referensi terkait capacity building dalam pendidikan belum tersedia secara sistematis, sehingga diperlukan upaya untuk merangkum literatur menjadi satu bahan kajian komprehensif. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah dengan menggunakan systematic literature review desain Kitchenham (2004). Tiga langkah utama dilakukan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu: planning the review, conducting the review, dan reporting the review. Penelitian ini melibatkan 19 sumber referensi primer yang diperoleh dari artikel, jurnal, dan konferensi prosiding nasional dan internasional. Seluruh referensi dikumpulkan sesuai dengan karakteristik systematic literature review. Semua referensi tersebut digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian yang telah ditetapkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bagaimana urgensi, prosedur, kriteria, dan hasil aplikasi capacity building dalam pendidikan. Penelitian ini perlu ditindaklanjuti dengan melakukan penelitian-penelitian berikutnya. Rekomendasi penelitian yang perlu dilakukan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan panduan capacity building untuk unsur-unsur pendidikan, eksperimen tentang capacity building dalam pendidikan, dan riset evaluatif tentang capacity building dalam pendidikan.
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Desa Pasar Terusan merupakan salah satu desa yang ada di Kecamatan Muara Bulian Kabupaten Batanghari dengan umlah penduduk yang cukup besar, sehingga berpotensi menjadi pendorong dalam pembangunan, khususnya pembangunan di Desa Pasar Terusan. Desa Pasar Terusan merupakan daerah yang berada di dataran rendah dengan lahan persawahan dan perkebunan yang cukup luas, sehingga mempengaruhi pola perekonomian penduduk setempat. Luas areal persawahan ± 650 ha dan merupakan lahan yang paling luas yang dimiliki oleh di daerah kecamatan Muara Bulian. Desa Pasar Terusan merupakan desa pemekaran dari Desa Terusan dan pernah menjadi penopang ekonomi desa dengan di bangunnya pasar di pinggir Sungai Batanghari. Masyarakat Desa Pasar Terusan sendiri, selain bermata pencaharian sebagai petani sawah juga ada yang bermata pencaharian sebagai petani kebun, baik itu perkebunan sawit maupun perkebunan karet. Tantangan bagi pengurus Bumdes untuk dapat mengembangkan kapasitas dan kreativitasnya mengelola segala potensi yang dimiliki tersebut, tentu memberikan peluang yang besar kepada Bumdes untuk mengembangkan usahanya dalam rangka meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat dan menambah nilai PAD Desa.
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Modupe Obi teaches is a teacher in social studies, youth engagement and education. ABSTRACT While many scholarly works have been dedicated to the study of elections in Nigeria, the preparations for and outcome of the 2023 elections have not received adequate attention. This article seeks to address that gap with an assessment of the preparations of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and the outcome of the 2023 general elections. Despite earlier concerns about the conduct of Nigeria's 2023 general elections, assurances from the electoral umpire calmed this anxiety and raised some hopes. However, the outcome of the election betrayed the hopes of not only most of the electorate but also local and international observers. The article argues that the outcome should not be a surprise because of the failure to reckon with endemic problems. These include the nature of Nigeria's politics, its elite, a lack of political will, lack of rule of law and constitutionalism, unpopular government policies, and a distrust of the system, particularly INEC and the judiciary.
El presente trabajo es un análisis y reflexión de los resultados del proyecto “Capacidades estatales para una Agenda Municipal Post Pandemia”, de la convocatoria Pisac Covid 19. La sociedad argentina en la post pandemia; impulsado por la Agencia Nacional de Promoción de la Investigación, el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación (Agencia I+D+i) de la República Argentina. El artículo se nutre de los avances y desarrollos efectuados por los equipos de investigación del Proyecto y avanza en algunas líneas de trabajo para el diseño de políticas públicas nacionales para los GL. Este escrito expone, en primer lugar, las hipótesis y metodología del proyecto de investigación. Luego delinea las características de la situación actual de las ciudades, sus desafíos y capacidades en un contexto global de transformaciones aceleradas y profundizadas por la pandemia y en el apartado posterior se señalan las características principales de los gobiernos locales argentina. Posteriormente se presentan los resultados del estudio en relación con las diversas dimensiones de los gobiernos locales en estudio y los perfiles que se identifican. Finalmente se proponen modelos de gobiernos locales, resultantes del análisis y combinación de los perfiles identificados previamente para el diseño de estrategias de fortalecimiento de estas capacidades en el presente contexto.
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Participatory budgeting as a means of achieving fiscal decentralisation is to facilitate IGFs generation and equitable utilisation of resources for public services delivery; however, LGs are unable to generate enough IGFs to fund public services and still rely on CG transfers (DACF) though this budgeting mechanism is instituted in LGs governance system in Ghana. The main objective of the study was to assess fiscal decentralisation and public service delivery in Cape Coast metropolis. Research design was case study with survey as the method of data collection for the study. Sample of 270 household respondents and 5 CCMA Officials were interviewed. It was found that funds are made available to LGs for capital projects at the local level but the spending of these funds are highly centralised. DACF is the main income for CCMA for financing their budget. CG is delivering and financing almost all the local services in CCMA except waste management services which are in the hands of CCMA. Revenue administration capacity of CCMA in general is considered weak. The survey data show that residents feel they get little in return for paying taxes. It was recommended that LGs put in place innovative strategies to mobilise enough IGRs to avoid soft budget constraints. CG’s role should be monitoring of fiscal decentralisation at LGs. The MoFEP should transfer DACF funds directly into the bank accounts of the LGs. The MLGRD should embark on random expenditure tracking studies on LGs in order to ensure that DACF funds are used for local services intended. Finally, LGs should provide some form of local services as a means of justifying for the payment of taxes at the metropolis.
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Di Provinsi NTT,, jumlah kasus stunting mencapai 42,62% atau very high prevelance stunting sehingga perlu adanya proses tata kelola kolaborasi (collaborative governance) antar lembaga dalam proses penanganan stunting khususnya di Kabupaten TTS Provinsi NTT sehingga penulis menggunakan model teoritis collaboration processes: inside the black box dari Thomson dan Perry (2006) sebagai suatu kajian teoritis yang mampu menjawab permasalahan tingginya angka prevalensi stunting di Provinsi NTT. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan total jumlah berjumlah 76 orang yang ditetapkan secara purposive kemudian data primer dan data sekunder yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis data dari Creswell (2016). Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa collaborative governance dalam upaya penurunan angka stunting di Kabupaten TTS Provinsi NTT dianalisis menggunakan pendapat Thomson dan Perry (2006:24-28) dengan hasil temuan sebagai berikut; (1) pada dimensi tata pemerintahan ditemukan bahwa pengambilan keputusan bersama untuk penurunan angka stunting belum dilakukan (2) pada dimensi administrasi masih terbatas pada persoalan integrasi basis data dari tiap-tiap indikator dalam setiap tujuan yang belum lengkap, valid, dan reliabel, (3) pada dimensi otonomi ditemukan bahwa belum ada pemahaman komperhensif mengenai indikator angka stunting oleh pihak-pihak yang berkolaborasi (4) dimensi mutualitas belum efektif karena minimnya saling ketergantungan antar aktor secara kelembagaan serta (5) proses membangun norma sosial ditemukan bahwa belum terdapat kepercayaan dan timbal balik dalam koordinasi penurunan angka stunting di Kabupaten TSS Provinsi NTT. ? ? To: Afrikaans Albanian Amharic Arabic Armenian Assamese Azerbaijani Bangla Bashkir Basque Bosnian Bulgarian Cantonese (Traditional) Catalan Chinese (Literary) Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Croatian Czech Danish Dari Divehi Dutch English Estonian Faroese Fijian Filipino Finnish French French (Canada) Galician Ganda Georgian German Greek Gujarati Haitian Creole Hausa Hebrew Hindi Hmong Daw Hungarian Icelandic Igbo Indonesian Inuinnaqtun Inuktitut Inuktitut (Latin) Irish Italian Japanese Kannada Kazakh Khmer Kinyarwanda Konkani Korean Kurdish (Central) Kurdish (Northern) Kyrgyz Lao Latvian Lingala Lithuanian Lower Sorbian Macedonian Maithili Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese M?ori Marathi Mongolian (Cyrillic) Mongolian (Traditional) Myanmar (Burmese) Nepali Norwegian Nyanja Odia Pashto Persian Polish Portuguese (Brazil) Portuguese (Portugal) Punjabi Querétaro Otomi Romanian Rundi Russian Samoan Serbian (Cyrillic) Serbian (Latin) Sesotho Sesotho sa Leboa Setswana Shona Sindhi Sinhala Slovak Slovenian Somali Spanish Swahili Swedish Tahitian Tamil Tatar Telugu Thai Tibetan Tigrinya Tongan Turkish Turkmen Ukrainian Upper Sorbian Urdu Uyghur Uzbek (Latin) Vietnamese Welsh Xhosa Yoruba Yucatec Maya Zulu In NTT Province, the number of stunting cases reached 42.62% or very high prevalence of stunting so that there is a need for a collaborative governance process between institutions in the process of handling stunting, especially in TTS District, NTT Province, so the author uses the theoretical model of collaboration processes: inside the black box from Thomson and Perry (2006) as a theoretical study that is able to answer the problem of high stunting prevalence in NTT Province. The method used in this study is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach with a total of 76 people determined purposively then the primary data and secondary data collected were analyzed using data analysis techniques from Creswell (2016). The results of the study found that collaborative governance in an effort to reduce stunting rates in TTS District, NTT Province, was analyzed using the opinions of Thomson and Perry (2006: 24-28) with the following findings; (1) in the governance dimension, it was found that joint decision making to reduce stunting rates had not been carried out, (2) in the administrative dimension it was still limited to the problem of database integration of each indicator in each goal that was not complete, valid, and reliable, (3) in the autonomy dimension, it was found that there was no comprehensive understanding of stunting rate indicators by collaborating parties, (4) the mutuality dimension was not effective due to the lack of mutual dependence between actors institutionally and (5) the process of building social norms found that there has been no trust and reciprocity in coordinating the reduction of stunting rates in TSS District, NTT Province.
Administrative capacity depends on organisational and human factors that can enhance or diminish the performance of local governments. To analyse the effect of these factors, efficiency scores of municipal governments were calculated and regressed against organisational and staff characteristics, using double bootstrap data envelopment analysis, on a sample of 1470 Mexican municipalities. Of the variables related to staff characteristics, the proportion of employees with college education, and remunerations, have a positive and statistically significant effect on efficiency. Of the organisational characteristics of local governments, the number of computers per employee was the main variable explaining the efficiency of municipal governments.
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El presente artículo obedece a una investigación que tiene como objetivo mostrar que el Perú, en su zona Sur, cuenta con ingentes cantidades de Radiación Solar, la misma que pertenece a las Energías Renovables, lo que nos permite ver el futuro inmediato con optimismo, para la generación de riqueza, iniciar el cambio de la Matriz Energética Nacional y la reducción de la pobreza priorizando las atenciones de la Política Nacional de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social, en su eje estratégico “Pensión 65”, el mismo que se vería favorecido con una Renta Básica que será producto de un porcentaje de la generación de esta fuente inagotable, diaria y permanente. Haremos un análisis rápido, de la Renta básica, de los modelos aplicados en el mundo y sus resultados y veremos así un nuevo modelo, una nueva Política, la que denominamos, la “Primera EcoPolítica de la Aldea Global”.
El presente artículo se abordan los recursos de la Autoridad Marítima Nacional contra el tráfico ilícito de drogas por medio marítimo en el puerto del Callao, se planteó como objetivo determinar de qué manera los recursos de la Autoridad Marítima Nacional resultan eficaces para la lucha contra el tráfico ilícito de drogas en el puerto del Callao. La metodología de investigación se enmarcó en el enfoque cualitativo, empleando técnicas para el recojo de información como la observación, entrevistas y el análisis documental y para el análisis de los resultados obtenidos se realizó mediante una descripción narrativa de los datos obtenidos, la triangulación de datos por cada técnica, para concluir con una matriz de triangulación de resultados integral, la que permitió concluir que se pudo determinar que hace necesario dar un mayor poder de acción, brindando los recursos económicos necesarios, debiendo para ello incluirse en la Estrategia Nacional de Lucha contra las Drogas del 2022-2026, el otorgamiento de un proyecto presupuestal para el control permanente de la salida de droga hacia el exterior, con lo cual también se reforzaría las labores de patrullaje marítimo de manera reiterativa, la adquisición y uso de radares y equipos de alta tecnología, así como el reforzamiento de la Dirección de Inteligencia para un trabajo coordinado entre las diversas capitanías de puerto nacionales como internacionales.
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Practice and research describe the public sector in general and public administration in particular as highly resistant to change. However, the current crisis triggered by the coronavirus and its inevitable repercussions on the economic, social and behavioral field, have triggered and continue to trigger structural and functional changes across public administration organizations. The article proposed aims, on the one hand, to highlight the structural and functional changes in the organizations mentioned, mainly due to the so-called principle of "social distancing" and, on the other hand, determining and substantiating strategic principles designed to strengthen administrative capacity in emergency or risk situations. The research methodology has included both an in-depth desk research and socio-empirical investigations carried out in Romania and in other Eastern European countries. The bibliographic research will insist on the complex and specific reality of public administration in the SouthEastern European states, their relatively low level of institutional robustness compared to western European public administrations. At the same time, socio-empirical investigations will have as central topics the need to open the public sector, in general, and public administration, in particular, to change, to trust in government and public authorities, understanding and addressing emergencies, management culture under conditions of risk and uncertainty. Subsequent topics will address telework in public administration, participation in the public decision of the citizen and decision-making transparency. The changes identified were generated by a special, unique situation, such as we are unable to estimate their sustainability and the extent to which the end of the health crisis will lead to their preservation. The study is offering proof of the degree of change within public organizations, change generated by a pandemic crisis. In addition, it places these changes in a recognized theoretical model.
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Romanian Journal of Public Affairs (RJPA) is aiming to promote interdisciplinary research in governance, public administration, public affairs, public policy, law, economics and finance, following the philosophy of international interdisciplinary journals. RJPA is an open-acces journal and under the Creative Commons options. The general topic covered by the articles in the Journal is administrative science. The Romanian Journal of Public Affairs seeks to: - explore and develop the field of governance; - analyze, at theoretical and practical level, the issue of public policy development and implementation; - encourage the work which presents new empirical knowledge about public affairs; question the pattern of present public sector organization and functioning;
In this article, I will focus on the role of the state in economic development. Recent research suggests that it needs some re-evaluation. I will begin with a discussion of the crowning achievement of neoclassical economics, namely, the two fundamental theorems of welfare economics to set the stage for an analysis of the role of the state. Then, I will describe and summarize briefly the dominant strands of recent research on this issue and their implications. Drawing on some of my own work with Jagdish Bhagwati and Richard Brecher, I will comment in some detail on the implications of one of these strands for the pure theory of international trade and policy. Finally, I will explore some of the implications of the theory for development policy, in particular, for trade liberalization, and relate them to the experience of India in more than three decades of development planning.
The article argues that the essence of economic policy reform programmes—both their substance and their pace—runs counter to the central notions of sound institutional development. Attention is first given to some fundamental concerns about the relationship between the two processes, in particular focusing on questions of culture, speed of change and the political environment. The article then provides some illustrations from Malawi, looking in turn at collateral institutional damage, the new generation of semiautonomous organizations, confusing incentives systems in the areas of salaries, housing and training, and lack of serious concern for the sustainability of the reforms. The conclusion calls for returning ‘part-ownership’ of the reform programme to the local officials, and trying to reduce some of the institutional unreality, which seems to adhere to the implementation of the reforms.
This article examines issues of technical cooperation and training in management and institutional development during the 1990s. It looks at important trends, analyzes their implications and offers some recommendations to improve effectiveness in the future. The trends concern increased global complexity and interdependence, growth of technical competencies in developing countries, diffusion of the East-West power axis, technology leapfrogging, attention to foreign aid accountability, and the search for new cooperative mechanisms. This implies among other things an emphasis on sustainability, differentiation by type of country, higher skill levels for technical cooperation, the establishment of long-term cooperative relationships, and expansion of indigenous sources of expertise.
The problems of poor performance by African civil services would be partially alleviated through an increase in professionalism, which would assure both higher standards and greater attention to collective goods in public policy. Such professionalism can be enhanced through increased attention to African professional associations and the integration of their members into international professional networks. A preliminary proposal is advanced for the creation of several international professional ‘grand corps’ of African administrators so as to meet the structural requirements for high performance in the service of African states.
Approximately 100,000 foreign advisors work in the public sectors of Sub-Saharan African countries at an annual cost of more than $4 billion. The numbers, range of services, and costs of such advisors increased during the 1980s while at the same time donors launched new efforts to build professional capacity in the African civil service. Based on a study of advisors and their counterpart economists in Kenya's Ministry of Planning and National Development, this article addresses three important questions: what are the functions carried out by advisors in the development ministries?; why is it so difficult to retain skilled professionals in the civil service?; and how does the provision of advisors affect the retention of skilled government officers?
First published in 1973, this is a radical interpretation, offering a unified explanation for the growth of Western Europe between 900 A. D. and 1700, providing a general theoretical framework for institutional change geared to the general reader.
Based on a study of 11 successful development organizations in five Asian countries, this paper summarizes their key organization design and management practices, which together seem to suggest an agenda for successfully managing development programs. A major concern of management in these organizations was the operating performance of large number of beneficiary members and field staff, which determined program success. Many policies in these organizations were different from or contrary to popular recommendations made in earlier studies regarding participation of people, role of local leaders, autonomy of local organizations, and debureaucratization. The paper identifies some other key management concerns and aims to energize the debate and provide clarity regarding the management of development programs.
This article draws lessons from a set of innovative programs carried out by a state government in Brazil, now widely acclaimed for excellence in public management. Key to the high performance was strong worker commitment to the job, and what the state did to elicit — a topic of little note in the development literature but of central importance in the literature of industrial performance and workplace transformation in the industrialized countries. The state created an unusual sense of “calling” among the program's workers, new prestige in the communities where they worked, and an informed citizenry that both monitored the workers and trusted them.
Real basic salaries of civil servants in many developing countries have fallen during the past 15 years. Little is known, however, as to how the civil service personnel structure and pay system have responded to the salary cuts. Civil service basic salaries fell drastically in Uganda during 1975–1988. The adaptive responses of the civil service are identified. Allowances have not increased to cushion the salary cuts, as is alleged to have happened in many developing countries. The adaptive responses have had negative effects on efficiency and equity within the civil service. They have reversed the decline in the public wage bill, the raison d'être for deep salary slashes in the first place.
Institutional weakness is a critical constraint to economic development. The goal of this paper is to review the design of recent Bank projects to assess the quality of their institutional development (ID) components and the factors that may affect that quality. A major focus is Bank staffing and organization, and the following issues are addressed: (a) the quality of institutional analysis and ID components in the design of current Bank project; (b) the ID work that is being done in Bank projects; (c) qualifications needed for effective ID work; (d) the impact the Bank's organizational structure has on ID work; and (e) suggestions that can be made to broaden and strengthen the ID work in Bank projects.
This paper focuses on the implementation of a long-term capacity building approach to civil service reform. It starts with a review of past World Bank support to civil service reform and confirms that the cost containment approach achieved neither fiscal stabilization nor efficiency objectives despite heavy political and social costs. The rather disappointing results are traced to the patrimonial character of the state whose features in the civil service context are: recruitment based on subjective and ascriptive criteria; public employment managed as a welfare system; pay levels that are unrelated to productivity; loyalty of officials to the person of the ruler rather than to the state; and formalism of administrative rules and procedures rather than the substance. The paper argues that the direction of improvement lies in improved governance; a broader approach to civil service reform. Improving governance would begin with an assessment of the institutional environment which determines the patrimonial profile of the country: high when all of these factors are absent, low when they are present. This would be followed by the adoption of a strategy for reform that could be a comprehensive approach, an enclave approach or a hybrid approach, depending on whether the country's patrimonial profile is high, low or average, respectively.
Institutional economics can make a positive contribution when applied to such classic development problems as markets that regularly fail the poor, corrupt and inefficient government agencies, and how to take account of indigenous institutions. Well-functioning markets often depend on well-functioning states. In order to improve how well government institutions are functioning, one must understand the reasons for poor performance - corruption, poor incentives, and, often, overcentralization. The paper proposes an approach for overcoming constraints to incentive reforms and provides a model economic framework for resolving the incentive problem. It recommends a therapeutic approach for addressing the issue of corruption. The paper also advocates that development institutions not only adjust government agencies, but adjust to them. This means giving the institutions resources and respect, empowering stakeholders, and working with them. Outside institutions can sometimes help government officials address sensitive issues and make credible commitments. The World Bank can play a catalytic role in this regard. The paper suggests that the aid relationship is itself in need of adjustment, and that international development institutions may themselves benefit from the types of measures being proposed. -Author
Clusters, as spatial concentrations of economic activity, constitute an important form of coordination with significant repercussions in the configuration of firm and territorial strategies. They are recognized, both by academics and policymakers, as a territorial pattern of economy yielding critical issues in terms of competitive advantage, innovation, and economic growth. Despite that, a rigorous and clear-cut definition of cluster is still far from being reached. In the present paper, resorting to a critical synthesis of the literature on networks and clusters, we propose a unified, encompassing, and less blurred definition of cluster.
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Development for the people and the environment
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