Content uploaded by Alfonso Balmori
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Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 29: 31–35, 2010
Copyright &Informa UK Ltd.
ISSN: 1536-8378 print/1536-8386 online
DOI: 10.3109/15368371003685363
Mobile Phone Mast Effects on Common Frog
(Rana temporaria) Tadpoles: The City Turned
into a Laboratory
C/Navarra, Valladolid, Spain
An experiment has been made exposing eggs and tadpoles of the common frog (Rana
temporaria) to electromagnetic radiation from several mobile (cell) phone antennae
located at a distance of 140 meters. The experiment lasted two months, from the egg
phase until an advanced phase of tadpole prior to metamorphosis. Measurements of
electric field intensity (radiofrequencies and microwaves) in V/m obtained with three
different devices were 1.8 to 3.5 V/m. In the exposed group (n¼70), low coordination
of movements, an asynchronous growth, resulting in both big and small tadpoles, and a
high mortality (90%) was observed. Regarding the control group (n¼70) under the
same conditions but inside a Faraday cage, the coordination of movements was normal,
the development was synchronous, and a mortality of 4.2% was obtained. These results
indicate that radiation emitted by phone masts in a real situation may affect the
development and may cause an increase in mortality of exposed tadpoles. This research
may have huge implications for the natural world, which is now exposed to high
microwave radiation levels from a multitude of phone masts.
Keywords Electromagnetic pollution; Microwaves; Phone masts; Rana temporaria;
In recent years, a large number of mobile phone antennae have been installed,
especially in urban areas. The scientific literature review shows that pulsed telephony
microwave radiation may produce effects, especially on nervous, cardiovascular,
immune, and reproductive systems (Balmori, 2009), but few studies on effects from
phone masts on wildlife in the cities have been conducted (Balmori, 2005; Balmori
and Hallberg, 2007; Everaert and Bauwens, 2007).
Concerning the effects of electromagnetic radiation on amphibians, several
investigations in the laboratory have been conducted (Levengood, 1969; Landesman
and Douglas, 1990; Grefner et al., 1998), but as far as we know there have not been
any published studies on effects from phone antennae on amphibian populations in
their natural habitat.
Address correspondence to Alfonso Balmori, Junta de Castilla y Leon, C/Rigoberto
Cortejoso, 14, Valladolid 47071, Spain; E-mail:
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Balmori (2006) suggested that microwaves from phone masts might be
responsible along with other factors in the decline of some populations of
The objective of this research was to investigate the possible effects of phone
mast radiation on exposed tadpoles (Rana temporaria) in a real situation.
Materials and Methods
The experiment has been made in Valladolid (Spain) exposing eggs and tadpoles of
the common frog (Rana temporaria) obtained from an anonymous supplier to
several mobile (cell) phone antennae.
The tadpoles were placed in two tanks with oxygen and food every day, which
were set out in the fifth floor terrace at a distance of 140 meters from four base
stations located opposite. The base stations are on the roof of an eight story high
building (see the picture at
php?id ¼frogs).
In both experimental and control groups (n¼70 in each) the experiment lasted
two months, from the egg phase until an advanced phase of tadpole prior to
metamorphosis. The control group was inside a Faraday cage (metallic shielding
component: EMC-reinforcement fabrics 97442 Marburg Technic).
According to official database (Ministerio de Industria Turismo y Comercio, 2009),
the type and frequency range of emissions was:
Vodafone: GSM 948.0–959.8 MHz.
Vodafone: DCS 1,830.2–1,854.8 MHz.
Vodafone: UMTS 1,905–1,910; 1,950–1,965; 2,140–2,155 MHz.
Amena (Orange): DCS 1,855.2–1,879.8 MHz.
However, as we shall see later, in reality there exist more frequencies than this,
which do not correspond with the frequencies contained in the database official.
The measurements of electric field intensity (radiofrequencies and microwaves in
V/m) in the two tanks containing the tadpoles were made with the following meters:
Nuova Elettronica device Model LX 1435 with 10% sensitivity, with
unidirectional probe (range: 1 MHz–3 GHz).
PCE–EM 29 device with an isotropic probe and calibration certificate (range:
50 MHz–3.5 GHz). Resolution: 0.1 mV/m. Absolute error: 71.0 dB.
Spectrum analyzer Advantest R-3272 (range: 9 KHz–26 GHz), probe Rhode &
Schwarz HE-200 (Official measurements of the Ministry of Science and
Technology from Spain).
The results of electric field intensity to which the tadpoles were exposed with the
different devices were:
LX 1435: Electromagnetic field intensity 2.5–3.5 V/m.
PCE–EM 29: Electromagnetic field intensity 1,847–2,254 V/m.
Advantest R-3272: Results in decibels (Table 1).
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Some observations on the tadpoles were as follows (Balmori, 2008; see the video
clips at
Experimental group (n¼70).
Low coordination of movements, an asynchronous growth, resulting in both big
and small tadpoles, and a high mortality (90%) was observed. Most of the deaths
occurred after six weeks of continuous exposure.
The tadpoles’ tails waved only slowly. Only about half of them reacted to
a sudden stimulus in the form of a stroke on the wall of the aquarium. Some
remained sideways or tilted and swam describing closed circles (Balmori, 2008; Generally, their move-
ments were uncoordinated. They showed low interest and few tadpoles reacted to the
food. For lack of resources, we could not investigate the anatomical or physiological
reasons for the problems observed.
Control group (n¼70, under the same conditions but inside a Faraday cage).
The coordination of movements was normal, the development was synchronous,
and a mortality of 4.2% was obtained. No deaths occurred at a particular time.
The tail moved fast and they reacted quickly to a sudden stimulus (a stroke on
the wall of the aquarium). No tadpoles remained sideways or tilted and the direction
of swimming was correct. Their movements were coordinated. When food was
supplied most of them reacted quickly.
The literature contains much data hinting at an important role for bioelectromagnetic
phenomena as a mediator of morphogenetic information in many contexts relevant
to embryonic development (Levin, 2003). The underlying mechanism by which an
Table 1
Results of spectrum analyzer advantest R-3272 (official measurements of the
ministry of science and technology from Spain)
(MHz) Decibels
(MHz) Decibels
(MHz) Decibels
88,5 69 93,1 67 98,1 67
104,5 64 487,25 43 671,25 43,9
727,25 37 751,25 37 949,2 81
953,8 77 957,2 76 958,8 57
935 57 1875,4 63 1875,6 61
1873,6 60 1871,2 62 1869 61
Note: The frequencies that exist in reality are several more and do not correspond with the
frequencies contained in the database official.
33Mobile Phone Mast Effects on Tadpoles
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endogenous electrical field may exert an influence on development remains to be
discovered. Most prevailing hypotheses suggest that a field acts to directionally guide
the growth and migration of some embryonic cells (Hotary and Robinson, 1992).
Strong magnetic fields (1.74–16.7 T) disrupt cell division of exposed frog eggs
(Xenopus laevis) (Denegre et al., 1998). Valles (2002) proposed a model to explain
their influence.
Several studies on effects of electromagnetic fields on amphibians have been
conducted in laboratories. When amphibian eggs and embryos of Ambystoma
maculatum and Rana sylvatica were exposed to high magnetic fields (6.3 10
G), a
brief treatment of early embryos produced several types of abnormalities, incuding
microcephaly, retarded (abnormal) growth, edema, and scoliosis (Levengood, 1969).
Adult newts (Notophthalmus viridescens) exposed to a pulsed electromagnetic
field (1 T and 0.15 V/m, approx.) for the first 30 days post forelimbs were amputated
and produced more abnormalities in their skeletal patterns than the native limbs or
the normal regenerates. Twelve percent exhibited unique abnormalities not observed
in either the native or regenerate limb population. These forelimbs demonstrated one
or more of the following gross defects: acheiria (lack of carpus and digits),
aphalangia, or oligodactylia (loss of digits) as well as carpal bone and long bone
(radius and ulna) abnormalities (Landesman and Douglas, 1990).
Exposed frog tadpoles (Rana temporaria) developed under electromagnetic field
(50 Hz, 260 A/m) show an increase in mortality. Exposed tadpoles developed more
slowly and less synchronously than control tadpoles and remained at the early stages
for longer. Tadpoles developed allergies and EMF caused changes in their blood counts
(Grefner et al., 1998). These results are consistent with the observations of this work.
Deformities and disappearance of amphibians and other organisms is part of the
global biodiversity crisis (Blaustein and Johnson, 2003). Some authors consider that the
electromagnetic pollution is destroying nature (Warnke, 2007; Firstenberg, 1997).
Balmori (2006) proposed that electromagnetic pollution (in the microwave and
radiofrequency range) along with other environmental factors is a possible cause for
decline and deformations of some wild amphibian populations exposed. The results of
this experiment conducted in a real situation in the city of Valladolid (Spain) indicate
that the tadpoles that live near such facilities, exposed to relatively low levels of
environmental electromagnetic fields (1.8–3.5 V/m) may suffer adverse effects (low
coordination of movements, asynchronous growth, and high mortality), and this may be
a cause (together with other environmental factors) of decline of amphibian populations.
The author is grateful to Sarah Wright and Denise Ward.
Declaration of Interest: The author report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone
are responsible for the content and writing of the paper.
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Pathophysiology 16:191–199. DOI 10.1016/j.pathophys.2009.01.007
Balmori, A. (2008). Amphibians: eggs and tadpoles of common frog. Retrieved 12 May 2010
Electromagn Biol Med Downloaded from by IBI Circulation - Ashley Publications Ltd on 06/30/10
For personal use only.
Balmori, A. (2006). The incidence of electromagnetic pollution on the amphibian decline:
Is this an important piece of the puzzle? Toxicol. & Environ. Chem. 88:287–299.
Balmori, A. (2005). Possible effects of electromagnetic fields from phone masts on a
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Balmori, A., Hallberg, O
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Blaustein, A. R., Johnson, P. T. J. (2003). Explaining frog deformities. Sci. Am. 288:60–65.
Denegre, J. M., Valles, J. M., Lin, K., Jordan, W. B., Mowry, K. L. (1998). Cleavage planes in
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Everaert, J., Bauwens, D. (2007). A possible effect of electromagnetic radiation from mobile
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Electromag. Biol. Med. 26:63–72.
Firstenberg, A. (1997). Microwaving Our Planet: The Environmental Impact of the Wireless
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Grefner, N. M., Yakovleva, T. L., Boreysha, I. K. (1998). Effects of electromagnetic radiation
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Hotary, K. B., Robinson, K. R. (1992). Evidence of a role for endogenous electrical fields in
chick embryo development. Development 114:985–996.
Landesman, R. H., Douglas, W. S. (1990). Abnormal limb regeneration in adult newts
exposed to a pulsed electromagnetic field. Teratology 42:137–145.
Levengood, W. C. (1969). A new teratogenic agent applied to amphibian embryos. J. Embryol.
Exp. Morphol. 21:23–31.
Levin, M. (2003). Bioelectromagnetics in morphogenesis. Bioelectromagnetics 24:295–315.
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Valles, J. M. (2002). Model of magnetic field-induced mitotic apparatus reorientation in frog
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Warnke, U. (2007). Bees, birds and mankind. Destroying nature by ‘‘electrosmog.’’
Competence Initiative, 46 pp.
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