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Dietary Aloe Vera Supplementation Improves Facial Wrinkles and Elasticity and It Increases the Type I Procollagen Gene Expression in Human Skin in vivo


Abstract and Figures

No studies have yet been undertaken to determine the effect of aloe gel on the clinical signs and biochemical changes of aging skin. We wanted to determine whether dietary aloe vera gel has anti-aging properties on the skin. Thirty healthy female subjects over the age of 45 were recruited and they received 2 different doses (low-dose: 1,200 mg/d, high-dose: 3,600 mg/d) of aloe vera gel supplementation for 90 days. Their baseline status was used as a control. At baseline and at completion of the study, facial wrinkles were measured using a skin replica, and facial elasticity was measured by an in vivo suction skin elasticity meter. Skin samples were taken before and after aloe intake to compare the type I procollagen and matrix metalloproteinase 1 (MMP-1) mRNA levels by performing real-time RT-PCR. After aloe gel intake, the facial wrinkles improved significantly (p<0.05) in both groups, and facial elasticity improved in the lower-dose group. In the photoprotected skin, the type I procollagen mRNA levels were increased in both groups, albeit without significance; the MMP-1 mRNA levels were significantly decreased in the higher-dose group. Type I procollagen immunostaining was substantially increased throughout the dermis in both groups. Aloe gel significantly improves wrinkles and elasticity in photoaged human skin, with an increase in collagen production in the photoprotected skin and a decrease in the collagen-degrading MMP-1 gene expression. However, no dose-response relationship was found between the low-dose and high-dose groups.
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6Ann Dermatol (Seoul)
Received April 21, 2008, Accepted for publication July 20, 2008
*A grant by Korea Food and Drug Administration (20042005).
Reprint request to: Jin Ho Chung, M.D., Department of Dermatology,
Seoul National University Hospital, 28, Yeongeon-dong, Jongno-gu,
Seoul 110-744, Korea. Tel: 82-2-2072-2414, Fax: 82-2-742-7344, E-mail:
Ann Dermatol (Seoul) Vol. 21, No. 1, 2009
Dietary Aloe Vera Supplementation Improves Facial
Wrinkles and Elasticity and It Increases the Type I
Procollagen Gene Expression in Human Skin in vivo
Soyun Cho, M.D., Ph.D.1,2,4, Serah Lee, M.S.3,4, Min-Jung Lee, M.S.3,4, Dong Hun Lee, M.D.2,
Chong-Hyun Won, M.D., Ph.D.1,4, Sang Min Kim, Ph.D.3,4, Jin Ho Chung, M.D., Ph.D.2,3,4
Department of Dermatology, 1Seoul National University Boramae Hospital, 2Seoul National University College of Medicine, 3Laboratory
of Cutaneous Aging Research, Clinical Research Institute, Seoul National University Hospital, 4Institute of Dermatological Science,
Medical Research Center, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Background: No studies have yet been undertaken to
determine the effect of aloe gel on the clinical signs and
biochemical changes of aging skin. Objective: We wanted to
determine whether dietary aloe vera gel has anti-aging
properties on the skin. Methods: Thirty healthy female
subjects over the age of 45 were recruited and they received
2 different doses (low-dose: 1,200 mg/d, high-dose: 3,600
mg/d) of aloe vera gel supplementation for 90 days. Their
baseline status was used as a control. At baseline and at
completion of the study, facial wrinkles were measured
using a skin replica, and facial elasticity was measured by an
in vivo suction skin elasticity meter. Skin samples were taken
before and after aloe intake to compare the type I procollagen
and matrix metalloproteinase 1 (MMP-1) mRNA levels by
performing real-time RT-PCR. Results: After aloe gel intake,
the facial wrinkles improved significantly (p0.05) in both
groups, and facial elasticity improved in the lower-dose
group. In the photoprotected skin, the type I procollagen
mRNA levels were increased in both groups, albeit without
significance; the MMP-1 mRNA levels were significantly
decreased in the higher-dose group. Type I procollagen
immunostaining was substantially increased throughout the
dermis in both groups. Conclusion: Aloe gel significantly
improves wrinkles and elasticity in photoaged human skin,
with an increase in collagen production in the photopro-
tected skin and a decrease in the collagen- degrading MMP-1
gene expression. However, no dose- response relationship
was found between the low-dose and high-dose groups.
(Ann Dermatol (Seoul) 21(1) 611, 2009)
Aging, Aloe vera, Matrix metalloproteinase, Procollagen,
Skin aging is attributed to intrinsic (chronological) aging
and photoaging (extrinsic aging). Photoaging and intrinsic
aging are induced by damage to human skin by repeated
exposure to ultraviolet (UV) irradiation and the damage
due to the passage of time, respectively. An alteration in
collagen, which is the major structural component of skin,
has been considered to be a cause of skin aging in
naturally aged and photoaged skin. With increasing age,
there is a sustained reduction of collagen and an elevated
secretion of matrix-degrading enzymes called matrix
metalloproteinases (MMP) in old skin as compared with
young skin1. UV causes photoaging by generating reactive
oxygen species, and this subsequently triggers a cascade
of signaling mechanisms and this eventually causes a
decrease of collagen, and an increase of MMP, inflam-
mation, epidermal DNA damage and apoptosis. During
this process, activator protein 1 (AP-1) is activated by UV
irradiation and so AP-1-driven MMPs such as MMP-1 and
MMP-9 are induced. The UV-induced MMPs can degrade
collagen, which results in a collagen deficiency in pho-
todamaged skin and eventually skin wrinkling2.
Aloe Supplementation for Aging Skin
Vol. 21, No. 1, 2009 7
The discovery or development of a novel agent that can
delay the appearance of wrinkles and other features of
cutaneous aging has been the quest of the pharmaceutical
and cosmeceutical industries. Aloe barbadensis is com-
mercially known as aloe vera, and it is a substance for
which claims have been made about its anti-inflammatory,
healing, moisturizing, antibacterial, antifungal and anti-
viral properties3-5. The gel is obtained from the pulp of
aloe vera, a tropical cactus that belongs to the lily family,
and aloe has been used as folk remedy since Roman times
and it is now a familiar ingredient in a wide range of
healthcare and cosmetic products. The gel comprises the
inner, colorless part of the aloe vera leaf, and the exudate
from the outer layers is also used for therapeutic purposes.
Different gel constituents, including salicylates4, mag-
nesium lactate3, bradykinin or thromboxane6, and poly-
saccharides7,8 have been presented as the reasons for aloe
gel's efficacy. However, the biochemical basis for its
action or influence on tissue repair is just beginning to be
The reports concerned with the wound-healing effect of
aloe in experimental animals or humans have been
contradictory. In one such study, the incision wounds in
rats were rapidly healed by aloe gel and the effect was
attributed to more rapid maturation of collagen5. Other
researchers have suggested that aloe increases the oxygen
access of tissues as a result of an increased blood supply9
and others have suggested that aloe stimulates fibroblast
activity and collagen proliferation10. Mannose-6-phosphate
was identified as a cause of significant wound healing by
aloe11, and the healing by aloe was found to be accom-
panied by higher levels of hyaluronic acid and dermatan
sulfate, which were suggested to stimulate collagen
synthesis and fibroblast activity12. On the other hand,
controlled clinical trials in humans demonstrated no
benefit when aloe vera was incorporated into topical
therapy13, and one study demonstrated delayed wound
healing when aloe vera was incorporated14. Many of the
inconsistent clinical results obtained for the therapeutic
efficacy of aloe gel might have been caused by the history
of the sample after removal from the leaf, or even the
growing conditions of the plant15. No studies have yet
been undertaken to determine the effect of aloe gel on the
clinical signs and biochemical changes of cutaneous aging
and photoaging.
In this study, we investigated whether dietary aloe vera gel
supplementation affects facial wrinkles, elasticity and the
mRNA levels of type I procollagen and MMP-1 in human
skin in vivo, and we used a skin surface analyzing system
and biochemical methods to determine this.
A total of 30 healthy female subjects over the age of 45
and who passed a screening exam were randomized to
receive a low dose or a high dose of aloe. The exclusion
criteria included topical corticosteroid or retinoid use 2
weeks prior to study entry and use of systemic steroid,
vitamins or phototherapy 1 month prior to the study. The
subjects were not allowed to use anti-wrinkle/whitening
cosmetics, topical retinoids or chemical peels, or to take
any other functional food or vitamins during the study.
They were allowed to use sunscreen lotion with a Sun
Protection Factor of 30 or higher.
Aloe vera gel intake
The aloe vera gel liquid we used (manufacturer: Univera
Company, Seoul, Korea) is obtained by dissolving con-
centrated aloe vera gel powder in distilled water with
flavors. Two different concentrations of liquid were made
from the aloe vera gel powder (lower-dose: 1%, higher-
dose: 3%). The lower-dose group received 120 ml of 1%
aloe vera liquid, which is equivalent to 1,200 mg of aloe
vera gel/day; the higher-dose group received 120 ml of
3% aloe vera liquid, which translates to 3,600 mg of aloe
vera gel/day.
A complete blood count (CBC), liver function tests (LFT)
and urinalyses were conducted at baseline and at 90 days
after beginning the study. The subjects were instructed to
report any cutaneous or systemic adverse events after the
initiation of the study. For the subjects who agreed to
biopsies, skin samples were taken from the buttock skin
before and after aloe intake. The specimens for RT-PCR
analysis were snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen, and the
specimens for immunohistochemical staining were oriented
immediately in a cryomatrix (Shandon, Pittsburgh, PA,
USA) and then this was stored at 70oC.
This study was conducted according to the principles of
the Declaration of Helsinki. This study was approved by
the Institutional Review Board at Seoul National Uni-
versity Hospital, and all the subjects gave their written
informed consent.
Wrinkle and elasticity measurements
At baseline and after 90 days, facial wrinkles were mea-
sured in the crow's feet area using a skin replica and a
Visiometer SV 600 (CourageKhazaka Electronic, Köln,
Germany). The Visiometer is a computerized instrument
that makes a skin microrelief map from the replica using a
light transmission method. It has 5 roughness parameters:
depth of roughness (R1), mean depth of roughness (R2),
SY Cho, et al
8Ann Dermatol (Seoul)
maximum roughness (R3), depth of smoothness (R4) and
arithmetic average roughness (R5).
Facial elasticity was measured with a non-invasive, in vivo
suction skin elasticity meter Cutometer MPA 580 (Courage
Khazaka Electronic, Köln, Germany). The Cutometer
takes measurements based on the principle of suction
elongation, using an optical measuring unit. Of the mea-
sured and calculated R-parameters taken with the Cuto-
meter, certain ratios of the parameters are biologically
meaningful and these do not depend on skin thickness,
and so they can be compared between different skin sites
and subjects. In particular, R2 (gross elasticity), R5 (net
elasticity) and R7 (elasticity/complete curve) are known to
be indicators of skin elasticity, and the closer each value is
to 1, the more elastic the skin is.
All the measurements were performed in a controlled
environment room, with a constant room temperature
between 20 and 25oC and the humidity was between 45
and 55%, at the Clinical Research Institute, Seoul National
University Hospital.
Quantitative real-time RT-PCR
The total RNA was extracted from tissues using TRIZOL
reagent (Invitrogen Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA, USA),
and 1μg of the total RNA was converted to cDNA using a
First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (Roche Applied Science,
Indianapolis, IN, USA). Quantitation of the procollagen α1
(I), the MMP-1 cDNA and the endogeneous reference
GAPDH cDNA was performed using a fluorescence de-
tection method (ABI PRISM 7000 Sequence Detection
System, Perkin Elmer Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA,
USA). The sequence-specific PCR primer sets and a
TaqMan MGB probe (FAMTM dye-labeled) were purchased
from Applied Biosystems. The cycling conditions were
50oC for 2 min, 95oC for 10 min, followed by 40 cycles at
95oC for 15 sec and 60oC for 1 min. To quantify the
relative changes in the gene expression between each
sample, we used the comparative CT method, as was
previously described16. In the comparative CT method, the
ΔCT mean value obtained in the control sample is 0 and
the fold difference is 1.
Immunohistochemical staining
The samples were sectioned 4μm thick and fixed in
acetone (5 min at 20oC). The sections were blocked
with blocking solution (85-9043, Zymed, San Francisco,
CA, USA) for 30 min and then they were incubated in a
humidified chamber at 4oC for 18 hours with monoclonal
anti-human PIP antibody, which detects procollagen type I
C-terminal peptide (M011, 11,000, Takara, Shiga, Japan).
After washing in PBS, the sections were incubated with
biotinylated secondary antibody (85-9043, Zymed) for 15
min. The sections were incubated with streptavidin
(85-9043, Zymed) for 15 min, and the color reaction was
performed with AEC (3-amino-9-ethylcarbazole; 00-2007,
Zymed) developing solution for 5 to 10 min. The cell
nuclei were then counterstained with Mayer's hema-
toxylin (S3309, Dako), and the samples were mounted
using Faramount Aqueous Mounting Medium (S3025,
Dako, USA).
Statistical analysis
The significance of differences between the higher and
lower dose groups was analyzed by using the Mann-
Whitney U-test for comparison of the baseline values
between the two groups; Wilcoxon's signed rank test was
used for comparison of the before- and after-aloe vera gel
intake values in each group. For all the tests, a p value
0.05 was considered significant.
All 30 subjects completed the trial without any adverse
events. The ages of the 30 subjects ranged from 49 to 74
years (average age: 56.2 yrs), and their body weights
ranged from 47 to 75 kg (average weight: 58.8 kg). In the
lower-dose group (n=15), the average age was 57.8±7.1
years and the average weight was 55.9±5.8 kg; in the
higher-dose group (n=15), the average age was 54.5±6.3
years and the average weight was 61.8±8.8 kg. By the
Mann-Whitney test, there was no significant difference in
the ages and body weights between the 2 groups, and so
the selection of subjects was deemed appropriate. No
subjective adverse events were reported. The laboratory
evaluations revealed no significant abnormalities in the
CBC, the LFTs and the urinalysis.
Aloe improves facial wrinkles and elasticity in pho-
toaged human skin in vivo
Comparison of the facial wrinkles before and after aloe gel
intake, as measured by the skin replica and the Visio-
meter, is shown in Table 1. The Visiometer R values R1
thru R5 decrease as the wrinkles diminish, that is, the skin
surface roughness decreases. Hence, the facial wrinkles in
both groups were shown to have significantly decreased
after 3 months of aloe vera supplementation, with the
Visiometer R1 thru R4 values being decreased (p0.05,
Wilcoxon's signed rank test) in the lower-dose group, and
the R1, R3-R5 values were significantly decreased in the
higher-dose group.
The Cutometer was used to measure changes in skin
elasticity. The closer the value is to 1, the more elastic the
Aloe Supplementation for Aging Skin
Vol. 21, No. 1, 2009 9
Table 2. Changes in the skin elasticity as measured by the Cuto
meter in each treatment group
Group R
values* Baseline
After aloe vera
gel intake
(90 days)
*The closer the value is to 1, the more elastic the skin is.
Fig. 1. The type I procollagen mRNA levels measured by real-time RT-PCR before and after aloe vera gel intake in the lower-dose
group (n=6) and the higher-dose group (n=6). Wilcoxon’s signed rank test was used for statistical analysis.
Fig. 2. The collagen-degrading MMP-1 mRNA levels before and after aloe vera gel intake in the lower-dose group (n=6) and the
higher-dose group (n=6). Statistical significance was tested by Wilcoxon’s signed rank test.
Table 1. Changes in facial wrinkles as measured by the Visio-
meter in each treatment group
Group R
values* Baseline
After aloe vera
gel intake
(90 days)
*Visiometer R values R1 thru R5 decrease as the wrinkles
skin is. After 90 days of aloe vera supplementation, the R5
and R7 values were increased significantly in the lower-
dose group (Table 2), indicating increased cutaneous
elasticity. In the higher-dose group, the Cutometer R
values all increased, but this was without statistical
Aloe increases the type I procollagen gene expression
in photoprotected human skin in vivo
The type I procollagen and collagen-degrading MMP-1
SY Cho, et al
10 Ann Dermatol (Seoul)
Fig. 3. Type I procollagen (Takara) immunostaining in the buttoc
skin before and after aloe vera intake (original magnification
×200). The results are representative of 6 biopsied subjects in
each group.
gene expressions were compared by performing real-time
RT-PCR. In the lower-dose group (n=6), the type I pro-
collagen mRNA levels increased to 4.74±1.25 times the
baseline level (p0.05); in the higher-dose group (n=6),
these levels increased 1.75±0.41 fold (p0.05) (Fig. 1).
The MMP-1 mRNA levels were nearly unchanged in the
lower-dose group, with a 1.41±0.31 fold increase after
aloe intake (n=6); however, in the higher-dose group, the
MMP-1 mRNA transcripts were significantly (p0.05, n=
6) decreased to 0.51±0.13 times the baseline level (Fig. 2).
Type I procollagen immunostaining with anti-PIP antibody
demonstrated substantially increased intracellular and
extracellular procollagen expressions throughout the
dermis after aloe vera gel intake in both treatment groups
(Fig. 3).
This is the first clinical research to determine the effects of
dietary aloe supplementation on facial wrinkles/elasticity
and the type I procollagen and MMP-1 gene levels in aged
human skin. In this study, we found that aloe vera gel
supplementation clinically improved facial wrinkles and
elasticity, while it increased type I procollagen and it
decreased the MMP-1 gene expressions in the photo-
protected skin.
In this study, the degree of clinical wrinkles was ob-
jectively measured by using a device (the Visiometer) that
converts the skin surface roughness to numerical values.
The facial wrinkles decreased in both the lower-dose and
higher-dose groups; however, no dose-response relation-
ship was seen in this study. This may be partially
attributed to the small number of subjects in this study and
a relatively short time period of aloe gel supplementation.
The decrease in facial wrinkles as measured by the
Visiometer reflects increased type I procollagen in both
dosing groups. At the gene level, lower-dose aloe was
shown to increase type I procollagen mRNA in the
photo-protected buttock skin, albeit without statistical
significance, whereas no change was seen in the MMP-1
mRNA levels. In the higher-dose group, while aloe gel
had little effect on the type I procollagen mRNA levels, it
caused a significant decrease in the MMP-1 mRNA levels.
As a result, both dosing groups would have a net gain of
procollagen that would correlate clinically with the
improvement of wrinkles, as measured by the Visiometer.
Type I procollagen immunostaining also demonstrated an
upregulated protein expression in both groups.
The mechanism by which aloe exerts its anti-aging effects
is unknown. The therapeutic action of aloe has been
studied mostly for wound healing. When wounded
diabetic rats were treated orally and topically with aloe
gel, increased collagen formation was later demonstrated17,
and the collagen formed had a higher degree of cross-
linking, indicating enhanced levels of type III collagen18.
According to the literature on the therapeutic effect of
aloe, immunostimulation frequently appears as a con-
tributory factor. Aloe gel extracts, when applied after UV
exposure, were found to prevent suppression of local and
systemic immunity to haptens and delayed type hypersen-
sitivity responses to Candida albicans and alloantigens8,19.
This was attributed to the presence of polysaccharides in
the aloe vera gel. They have no significant anti-oxidant
activity; the immune-protective action of aloe polysac-
charides takes place at a step downstream from DNA
damage and repair, possibly by modulating the DNA-
damage-activated signal transduction pathways20. These
compounds may act by novel mechanisms to block the
signal transduction pathways and the production of
immunosuppressive cytokines. An acetylated glucoman-
nan in aloe was found to be the biologically active,
dominant polysaccharide, so much so that it was named
acemannan5. Acemannan from aloe was shown to
increase collagen biosynthesis, and perhaps this occurred
through macrophage stimulation21. In addition, active
glycoproteins have been demonstrated in aloe gel and
they may well play some part in aloe's therapeutic
activity, either immunologically as lectins or as proteases
such as anti-bradykinins. Superoxide dismutase activities
have also been reported from Aloe vera gel22.
There are 3 cases of oral aloe vera-induced hepatitis in the
medical literature23-25. In this study, no toxicity was
observed in association with oral aloe intake. The doses
used in the study were determined arbitrarily based on the
Aloe Supplementation for Aging Skin
Vol. 21, No. 1, 2009 11
daily recommended dosage of aloe by the manufacturer of
the study material. From the two doses used in this study,
no dose-response relationship could be demonstrated
clinically (wrinkles and the elasticity measures), biochemi-
cally (procollagen and the MMP-1 gene levels) or micro-
scopically (procollagen staining). Our results indicate no
added advantage of high-dose aloe vera gel ingestion for
cutaneous anti-aging purposes. The limitations of the
study include the lack of a control group. In addition,
daily sunblock use may have added to the protective
effects of aloe; however, sunblock alone does not actively
increase procollagen production or reduce the MMP-1
gene expression. It only renders skin less susceptible to
further photodamage that would occur with the passage of
time. Therefore, the role of sunblock as an active anti-
aging substance could be excluded. For determining the
optimal effective daily dosage of aloe, a placebo-con-
trolled study with a larger number of subjects and a longer
study period is warranted.
Since aloe significantly decreased wrinkles and it
increased elasticity in photoaged human skin in vivo with
an increase of the net procollagen, oral aloe gel sup-
plementation may be a novel anti-aging strategy that
prevents and repairs cutaneous photoaging. A future
challenge will be to determine the mechanism of action of
aloe gel in preventing cutaneous aging.
The authors are indebted to Ae-Kyong Woo and Joo-Mi
Shim for coordinating the study and procuring the cu-
taneous tissues. This research was supported by a grant
from the Korean Food and Drug Administration.
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... Recent studies have indicated that regular consumption of almonds by postmenopausal women significantly reduces facial wrinkles (Foolad et al. 2019). Additionally, aloe vera extract has been reported to enhance skin elasticity and reduce facial wrinkles by suppressing collagen degradation via downregulation of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) expression (Cho et al. 2009). ...
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Recent studies underscore the beneficial impacts of oral natural plant extracts on human skin health, though clinical evidence of their efficacy and safety is limited. This study evaluates the skin health effects of a novel oral supplement containing Rosa roxburghii, Punica granatum, and rose extracts (RPR) 0.70 healthy female participants were randomly assigned to either a control group or an RPR group, with the latter ingesting 20 mL of the RPR supplement daily on an empty stomach over 8 weeks. After 8 weeks, the RPR group exhibited significant enhancements (p < 0.001) in skin hydration, glossiness, elasticity, and skin tone, with increases of 69.02%, 30.48%, 25.97%, and 7.52%, respectively. Concurrently, decreases in skin firmness and melanin levels were observed at 21.17% (p = 0.007) and 25.06% (p < 0.001), respectively. Statistical analysis confirmed that these changes were significantly greater than those in the control group. Image analysis indicated no significant changes in mean optical density of hyperpigmented spots within the RPR group (p = 0.367), but a significant reduction in the areas of hyperpigmented spots, under‐eye fine lines, and crow's feet by 41.50%, 37.55%, and 29.36%, respectively (p < 0.001), whereas no significant changes were detected in the control group. Importantly, no adverse effects were observed. These findings suggest that the combined intake of Rosa roxburghii, Punica granatum, and rose extracts can improve skin health, offering a promising natural alternative for dermatological care.
... Cho et al. 4 This study's strength was the use of double-blind, vehicle-controlled, and randomized controlled design (Level IIb Evidence). ...
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Background Photoaging is a process of the architecture of normal skin damaged by ultraviolet radiation. Topical cosmeceuticals have been used to treat this condition. The authors aimed to understand the mechanism and level of evidence of different commonly used cosmeceuticals used to treat photodamaged skin. Objective A range of commonly used topical cosmeceuticals (botanicals, peptides, and hydroquinone) has been used in cosmetic medicine for many years to treat photodamaged skin. This review article compares their efficacy and level of evidence. Material and methods This study was a systematic review to evaluate the efficacy of different topical cosmeceuticals. Keywords including “Photoaging,” “Azelaic acid,” “Soy,” “Green Tea,” “Chamomile,” “Ginkgo,” “Tea Tree Oil,” “Resveratrol,” “Cucumber,” “Ginseng,” “Centella asiatica,” “Licorice Root,” “Aloe Vera,” “Peptides,” “Argireline,” “Hydroquinone,” were typed on OVID, PUBMED, MEDLINE for relevant studies published on photoaging treatment. Results Most of the evidence behind cosmeceuticals is of high‐quality ranging from Level I to Level II. In particular, the evidence base behind peptides is the strongest with most studies achieving Level Ib status in the evidence hierarchy. Conclusion Topical cosmeceuticals like botanicals, peptides and hydroquinone can effectively treat photodamaged skin
... In general, clinical studies that observe improvements in skin elasticity and firmness with oral supplementation require longer observation periods, as these improvements are related to the regeneration cycle of collagen in the dermis. A 90-day clinical study demonstrated that oral ingestion of aloe vera significantly improved wrinkling and elasticity in photoaged skin, increased collagen synthesis, and reduced the expression of the matrix metalloproteinase MMP-1 (Cho et al., 2009). ...
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Sleep is crucial for preserving both physical and mental health, including skin health. Presently, there is a burgeoning interest in the use of herbal and natural ingredients to mitigate the adverse effects of sleep disorders. In this 4‐week, randomized, double‐blind, controlled trial, 70 subjects with sleep disorders were randomly assigned to receive either a placebo or a Poria cocos, Ziziphus spinose, and GABA (PZG) supplement (10 mL per day). Total sleep duration was detected by wrist actigraphy, and sleep quality was assessed by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Skin conditions were evaluated based on assessments of skin hydration, glossiness elasticity, color, severity of wrinkles, and skin roughness. After 4 weeks, the total sleep duration significantly increased by 12.96% (p = .006) and the PSQI score notably decreased by 59.94% (p = .000) compared to the baseline. Notably, compared to the baseline conditions, skin hydration, radiance, elasticity, firmness, wrinkle severity, and roughness were significantly improved in the PZG group. In addition, the PZG group demonstrated significantly greater improvements than the placebo group in terms of changes from baseline in total sleep duration, PSQI score, skin hydration, wrinkle severity, and skin roughness. The present results demonstrated that the combined intake of herbs and GABA can improve sleep quality and enhance skin health without adverse effects.
... The 1% group demonstrated increased cutaneous elasticity compared to the 3% treatment group. This study showed how dietary aloe supplementation improved elasticity and clinical improvement of facial wrinkles [32]. ...
Dietary supplements have become increasingly popular to improve facial appearance and optimize skin health. With countless supplements available online and in stores, there are unlimited options for patients to choose from. Federal law does not require the Food and Drug Administration to assess each product's efficacy before its appearance on the market. Therefore, evidence-based medicine is vital for dermatologists to provide adequate recommendations regarding the safety and efficacy of various dietary supplements. The goal of this review is to evaluate plant-derived, antioxidant oral supplements and their effects on wrinkle appearance, skin hydration, skin elasticity, and photoprotection.
... Aloe vera also increases fibroblast cells in the skin. This suggests that aloe vera may be a more preferable source of collagenase than many cosmetics [22]. ...
Aging is a natural process in humans that causes changes in the immune response, increasedfrailty and malignancy, and reduced skin elasticity. The ever-increasing global average age significantlyaffects the economic structure of countries by increasing expenditures on health and other social activitiesto ensure individual welfare. Therefore, it is important to determine the mechanisms of action ofenvironmental factors that cause health problems that have negative effects on quality of life at themolecular level in order to determine effective treatment and prevention strategies. Interest in the use ofnatural products in the battle against age-related neurological and dermatological asthma has recentlyincreased. Polyphenols are natural products that show many beneficial biological activities when taken intothe body in appropriate amounts. Regular intake of polyphenols from food and beverages showsantioxidant, anticarcinogenic, antimutagenic, antitumor, antiobesogenic, antimicrobial, neuroprotective,and cardioprotective effects. At the same time, polyphenols have a high potential for the prevention of agerelated dermatological problems, and therefore further studies on dietary polyphenols are important to betterunderstand these protective effects.
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Aging is the result of the accumulation of a wide variety of molecular and cellular damages over time, meaning that “the more damage we accumulate, the higher the possibility to develop age-related diseases”. Therefore, to reduce the incidence of such diseases and improve human health, it becomes important to find ways to combat such damage. In this sense, geroprotectors have been suggested as molecules that could slow down or prevent age-related diseases. On the other hand, nutraceuticals are another set of compounds that align with the need to prevent diseases and promote health since they are biologically active molecules (occurring naturally in food) that, apart from having a nutritional role, have preventive properties, such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antitumoral, just to mention a few. Therefore, in the present review using the specialized databases Scopus and PubMed we collected information from articles published from 2010 to 2023 in order to describe the role of nutraceuticals during the aging process and, given their role in targeting the hallmarks of aging, we suggest that they are potential geroprotectors that could be consumed as part of our regular diet or administered additionally as nutritional supplements.
Aging is a progressive process in the body where wrinkling, fine lines of the skin, graying and thinning of hair, brittle and pale nails, and fragility in bones are obvious due to the breakdown of collagens, elastin, reduced production of melanin, and hormonal changes. DNA damage, telomerase shortening, alteration in specific genes, increase in the reactive oxygen species level, and mitochondrial dysfunction are the leading causes of aging. These internal factors are aggravated by some external factors like chronic sun exposure specifically UVA and UVB, smoking, alcohol consumption, radiation, pollution, exposure to metal ions and toxic chemicals, and nutrient deficiencies. To correct these signs of aging, antioxidants are widely used to treat and prevent the early signs of aging. Many medicinal plants, which have been used for thousands of years, are found in Rasayana category, a category of the Indian traditional health care system (Ayurveda) advocated for its intriguing antioxidant effects. Some of the medicinal plants utilized in Ayurveda as Rasayana for their therapeutic activity have been well-researched for its antiaging properties. This chapter focuses on some important plant material and isolated compounds that are reported to have ability to slow down the rate of aging and used worldwide. Majority of them exhibited anti-aging effects through their antioxidants potential.
The use of herbal drugs as alternative and complementary medicine has increased in popularity, raising concerns about their safety profile. Aloe vera, a plant with diverse therapeutic properties, has been extensively used for centuries. This review aims to assess the therapeutic activity and safety profile of Aloe vera. A comprehensive literature search was conducted to gather relevant information from various biomedical databases. The chemical composition, mechanism of action, and therapeutic activities of Aloe vera were analyzed. Aloe vera contains numerous active components such as vitamins, enzymes, minerals, sugars, lignin, saponins, and anthraquinones. Its mechanisms of action involve collagen synthesis, anti-inflammatory effects, immune modulation, laxative properties, and antiviral activity. Aloe vera has demonstrated potential therapeutic benefits in wound healing, diabetes management, liver and kidney protection, and glycemic control. However, it is essential to consider potential side effects, such as skin irritation and allergic reactions. This review provides evidence-based information to improve patient safety and promote informed decisions regarding the use of Aloe vera as a therapeutic agent.
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–Afet yönetimi; genel olarak afet öncesinde ve sonrasında yapılabilecek olan her türlü yönetim ve organizasyonu kapsayan koordinasyon ve bu koordinasyonun yönetilmesi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Son yıllarda afet öncesi ve sonrasına afet sırasında kavramı da eklenerek kavram genişletilmiştir. Afet yönetimi afet oluşmadan önce yapılması gereken planlamaların en önemlisidir. Böylece afet gerçekleşmeden afete karşı alınabilecek önlemler, afet sırasında yaşanabilecek sorunlara karşı çözümler ve afet sonrası normalleşme süreci için atılacak adımlar yönetim ve organizasyonu planlanmış olacaktır. Türkiye’nin afet geçmişine bakıldığında, ülkemizin deprem kuşağında olması nedeniyle yaklaşık olarak %61 oranın da depremlerin olduğu geri kalan afetlerin ise %15 heyelan %14 sel %5 kaya düşmesi ve %1 lik kısımın ise çığ, fırtına, kar, yağmur kaynaklı olduğu görülmektedir. Bir toplum için afet sayılabilecek bir durum, başka bir toplum için ise afet olarak nitelendirilmeyebilir. Bu, genellikle toplumların gelişmişlik durumlarıyla doğru orantılıdır. Bu duruma en belirgin örnek Japonya’da gerçekleşen depremler verilebilir. Japonya gibi ülkelerde depremle yaşam günlük rutin olarak görüldüğünden deprem genel manada bu tip ülkeler için afet olarak görülmez çünkü yapıların dayanıklı olmasının yanı sıra halk bilinçlendirilmiştir. Fakat ülkemizde depremin büyüklüğü ve şiddeti farketmeksizin doğal afet olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu problemden yola çıkarak çalışmamızda 6 Şubat 2023 Büyük Anadolu Depremleri öncesi ve sonrası Türkiye’nin Afet Yönetim Politikaları ele alınmaktadır. Yaşanan afet öncesindeki politikalar ile afet sonrası ortaya konan politikalar değerlendirilerek Türkiye’nin yaşanan afet karşısındaki durumu değerlendirilmiştir.
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Disaster management; It is generally defined as the coordination covering all kinds of management and organization that can be done before and after the disaster and the management of this coordination. In recent years, the concept has been expanded by adding the concept before and after the disaster during the disaster. Disaster management is the most important planning that should be done before a disaster occurs. Thus, the management and organization of the measures to be taken before the disaster occurs, solutions to the problems that may be experienced during the disaster and the steps to be taken for the post-disaster normalization process will be planned. When we look at the disaster history of Turkey, it is seen that approximately 61% of earthquakes occur due to the fact that our country is in the earthquake zone, while the remaining disasters are caused by 15% landslides, 14% floods, 5% rockfall and 1% avalanche, storm, snow, rain. . What may be considered a disaster for one society may not be considered a disaster for another society.This is generally directly proportional to the development status of societies. The most obvious example of this situation is the earthquakes in Japan. Since life with earthquakes is seen as a daily routine in countries such as Japan, earthquakes are not generally seen as a disaster for such countries because the public awareness has been raised in addition to the durability of the structures. However, in our country, regardless of the magnitude and severity of the earthquake, it is defined as a natural disaster. Based on this problem, our study deals with Turkey's Disaster Management Policies before and after the 6 February 2023 Great Anatolian Earthquakes. Turkey's situation in the face of the disaster was evaluated by evaluating the policies before the disaster and the policies put forward after the disaster.
The two most commonly used methods to analyze data from real-time, quantitative PCR experiments are absolute quantification and relative quantification. Absolute quantification determines the input copy number, usually by relating the PCR signal to a standard curve. Relative quantification relates the PCR signal of the target transcript in a treatment group to that of another sample such as an untreated control. The 2(-DeltaDeltaCr) method is a convenient way to analyze the relative changes in gene expression from real-time quantitative PCR experiments. The purpose of this report is to present the derivation, assumptions, and applications of the 2(-DeltaDeltaCr) method. In addition, we present the derivation and applications of two variations of the 2(-DeltaDeltaCr) method that may be useful in the analysis of real-time, quantitative PCR data. (C) 2001 Elsevier science.
Damage to human skin due to ultraviolet light from the sun (photoaging) and damage occurring as a consequence of the passage of time (chronologic or natural aging) are considered to be distinct entities. Photoaging is caused in part by damage to skin connective tissue by increased elaboration of collagen-degrading matrix metalloproteinases, and by reduced collagen synthesis. As matrix metalloproteinase levels are known to rise in fibroblasts as a function of age, and as oxidant stress is believed to underlie changes associated with both photoaging and natural aging, we determined whether natural skin aging, like photoaging, gives rise to increased matrix metalloproteinases and reduced collagen synthesis. In addition, we determined whether topical vitamin A (retinol) could stimulate new collagen deposition in sun-protected aged skin, as it does in photoaged skin. Sun-protected skin samples were obtained from 72 individuals in four age groups: 18-29 y, 30-59 y, 60-79 y, and 80+ y. Histologic and cellular markers of connective tissue abnormalities were significantly elevated in the 60-79 y and 80+ y groups, compared with the two younger age groups. Increased matrix metalloproteinase levels and decreased collagen synthesis/expression were associated with this connective tissue damage. In a separate group of 53 individuals (80+ y of age), topical application of 1% vitamin A for 7 d increased fibroblast growth and collagen synthesis, and concomitantly reduced the levels of matrix-degrading matrix metalloproteinases. Our findings indicate that naturally aged, sun-protected skin and photoaged skin share important molecular features including connective tissue damage, elevated matrix metalloproteinase levels, and reduced collagen production. In addition, vitamin A treatment reduces matrix metalloproteinase expression and stimulates collagen synthesis in naturally aged, sun-protected skin, as it does in photoaged skin.
The polysaccharides present in Aloe vera gel are presumed to play a key role in the clinical activity of the gel. While clinical studies generally confirm the contribution of the gel to a reduction in inflammation and an acceleration of healing, in some cases the expected therapeutic activity is not observed. This variability could perhaps be attributed to differences in the source of the gel, horticultural conditions and/or post-harvest treatments. Accordingly, polysaccharide content and composition and gel consistency were studied as a function of growth conditions in gels obtained from shrubs of Aloe barbadensis Miller grown in the Negev region of Israel. Autodegradation of the polysaccharides in the freshly produced gel was also characterized, and a method was developed for retarding this process. The polysaccharides were found to consist of glucomannans. Polysaccharides constituted 0.2–0.3% of the fresh gel and 0.8–1.2% of the dry matter content. Irrigation had a greater influence on gel composition than leaf age or season. The fresh gel showed pseudoplastic behaviour, which became Newtonian as a result of post-production autodegradation. The polysaccharides remaining after degradation were mainly mannans. Addition of a natural polysaccharide extracted from a species of red microalgae produced a soft pseudoplastic gel with synergistic rheological properties. The addition of the algal polysaccharide preserved the physical properties of the natural aloe polysaccharides. Chemical means were used to retard microbial degradation.
The positive influence of Aloe vera, a tropical cactus, on the healing of full-thickness wounds in diabetic rats is reported. Full-thickness excision/incision wounds were created on the back of rats, and treated either by topical application on the wound surface or by oral administration of the Aloe vera gel to the rat. Wound granulation tissues were removed on various days and the collagen, hexosamine, total protein and DNA contents were determined, in addition to the rates of wound contraction and period of epithelialization. Measurements of tensile strength were made on treated/untreated incision wounds. The results indicated that Aloe vera treatment of wounds in diabetic rats may enhance the process of wound healing by influencing phases such as inflammation, fibroplasia, collagen synthesis and maturation, and wound contraction. These effects may be due to the reported hypoglycemic effects of the aloe gel.
The influence of Aloe vera (L.) Burman f. on the glycosaminoglycan (GAG) components of the matrix in a healing wound was studied. Wound healing is a dynamic and complex sequence of events of which the major one is the synthesis of extracellular matrix components. The early stage of wound healing is characterized by the laying down of a provisional matrix, which is then followed by the formation of granulation tissue and synthesis of collagen and elastin. The provisional matrix or the ground substance consists of GAGs and proteoglycans (PGs), which are protein GAG conjugates. In the present work, we have studied the influence of Aloe vera on the content of GAG and its types in the granulation tissue of healing wounds. We have also reported the levels of a few enzymes involved in matrix metabolism. The amount of ground substance synthesized was found to be higher in the treated wounds, and in particular, hyaluronic acid and dermatan sulphate levels were increased. The levels of the reported glycohydrolases were elevated on treatment with Aloe vera, indicating increased turnover of the matrix. Both topical and oral treatments with Aloe vera were found to have a positive influence on the synthesis of GAGs and thereby beneficially modulate wound healing.
We evaluated the time interval required for wound healing using a standard wound management protocol with and without aloe vera gel. Twenty-one women were studied who had wound complications requiring healing by second intention after cesarean delivery or laparotomy for gynecologic surgery. Wounds treated with standard management healed in a mean (+/- SD) time interval of 53 +/- 24 days, whereas those treated with aloe vera gel required 83 +/- 28 days (P = .003). The use of aloe vera dermal wound gel was associated with a significant delay in wound healing compared with treatment with an otherwise identical regimen that did not include aloe vera.
Aloe vera preparations were evaluated for topical anti-inflammatory activity using the croton oil-induced edema assay. The results show that small amounts of A. vera given topically will inhibit inflammation induced by a moderate amount of irritant. In general, the decolorized Aloe was more effective than the colorized Aloe (with anthraquinone). A 47.1% inhibition of inflammation was obtained by 5% decolorized irradiated Aloe. These results may be used as a baseline to assess the biologic activity of A. vera in the treatment of inflammation by podiatric physicians.
We review the scientific literature regarding the aloe vera plant and its products. Aloe vera is known to contain several pharmacologically active ingredients, including a carboxypeptidase that inactivates bradykinin in vitro, salicylates, and a substance(s) that inhibits thromboxane formation in vivo. Scientific studies exist that support an antibacterial and antifungal effect for substance(s) in aloe vera. Studies and case reports provide support for the use of aloe vera in the treatment of radiation ulcers and stasis ulcers in man and burn and frostbite injuries in animals. The evidence for a potential beneficial effect associated with the use of aloe vera is sufficient to warrant the design and implementation of well-controlled clinical trials.