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Response to Ayurvedic therapy in the treatment of migraine without aura

  • VCP Cancer Research Foundation

Abstract and Figures

Migraine patients who do not respond to conventional therapy, develop unacceptable side-effects, or are reluctant to take medicines resort to complementary and alternative medicines (CAM). Globally, patients have been seeking various non-conventional modes of therapy for the management of their headaches. An Ayurvedic Treatment Protocol (AyTP) comprising five Ayurvedic medicines, namely Narikel Lavan, Sootshekhar Rasa, Sitopaladi Churna, Rason Vati and Godanti Mishran along with regulated diet and lifestyle modifications such as minimum 8 h sleep, 30-60 min morning or evening walk and abstention from smoking/drinking, was tried for migraine treatment. The duration of the therapy was 90 days. Out of 406 migraine patients who were offered this AyTP, 204 patients completed 90 days of treatment. Complete disappearance of headache and associated symptoms at completion of AyTP was observed in 72 (35.2%); mild episode of headache without need of any conventional medicines in 72 (35.2%); low intensity of pain along with conventional medicines in 50 (24.5%); no improvement in seven (3.4%) and worst pain was noted in three (1.4%) patients, respectively. In 144 (70.5%) of patients marked reduction of migraine frequency and pain intensity observed may be because of the AyTP. Though the uncontrolled open-label design of this study does not allow us to draw a definite conclusion, from this observational study we can make a preliminary assessment regarding the effectiveness of this ayurvedic treatment protocol.
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30 International Journal of Ayurveda Research | January-March 2010 | Vol 1 | Issue 1
Response to Ayurvedic therapy in the treatment of
migraine without aura
Prakash Balendu Vaidya, Babu S. R. Vaidya1, Sureshkumar K. Vaidya2
V C P Cancer Research Foundation (SIRO), Turner Road, Clement Town, Dehradun, 1Padaav, 13th Main Lakkasandra Extension, Bangalore,
2Padaav, 180 D, 12th Main, 11th Cross Saraswathipuram, Mysore, India.
Migraine is a widespread, chronic and intermittently disabling
disorder characterized by recurrent headaches with or without
aura.[1] Recent studies estimate the prevalence of migraine at
about 6-8% in men and 12-15% in women. In terms of actual
numbers of attacks, combined gures from prevalence and
incidence studies suggest 3000 migraine attacks occur every
day for each million of the general population.[2] The rate
of migraine varies globally, and although there is a lack of
epidemiological data available in many countries at present,
recent anecdotal evidence suggests higher rates in certain
places like India.[3]
Pharmaceutical treatment of migraine is complex, with no
agreed upon guidelines. Most individuals often need medication
during acute attacks and some prophylactic measure to reduce
attacks.[2] Moreover, the uncertainty regarding treatment and
the need to perhaps trial patients on a variety of drugs adds to
the escalating costs. Some speci c drugs such as Triptans and
ergotamine tartrate are often expensive and not commonly used
in resource-poor countries, resulting in a signi cant amount of
pain and disability.[4] Another problem is the actual overuse of
such medications which causes ‘medication overuse headache’
(MOH), further complicating management strategies.[5]
A large percentage of patients do not respond to pharmacological
interventions for migraine headache, develop unacceptable
side-effects, or are reluctant to take medications[6]. As a
result many patients resort to many complementary and
alternative therapies like acupuncture,[7] biofeedback therapy,[8]
relaxation therapy, herbal remedies and vitamin or mineral
supplementation.[6] Recent studies have demonstrated the
effectiveness of acupuncture[9] and Yoga[10] in the reduction of
migraine headache. The use of complementary and alternative
medicine (CAM) in migraine is a growing phenomenon which,
though increasingly widespread, is poorly understood.[11]
Ayurveda is a traditional medical system used by a majority
of India’s 1.1 billion population.[12] The principal author in his
clinical practice rst observed that a judicious combination of
Migraine patients who do not respond to conventional therapy, develop unacceptable side-effects, or are reluctant to
take medicines resort to complementary and alternative medicines (CAM). Globally, patients have been seeking various
non-conventional modes of therapy for the management of their headaches. An Ayurvedic Treatment Protocol (AyTP)
comprising ve Ayurvedic medicines, namely Narikel Lavan, Sootshekhar Rasa, Sitopaladi Churna, Rason Vati and
Godanti Mishran along with regulated diet and lifestyle modi cations such as minimum 8 h sleep, 30-60 min morning
or evening walk and abstention from smoking/drinking, was tried for migraine treatment. The duration of the therapy
was 90 days. Out of 406 migraine patients who were offered this AyTP, 204 patients completed 90 days of treatment.
Complete disappearance of headache and associated symptoms at completion of AyTP was observed in 72 (35.2%);
mild episode of headache without need of any conventional medicines in 72 (35.2%); low intensity of pain along with
conventional medicines in 50 (24.5%); no improvement in seven (3.4%) and worst pain was noted in three (1.4%)
patients, respectively. In 144 (70.5%) of patients marked reduction of migraine frequency and pain intensity observed
may be because of the AyTP. Though the uncontrolled open-label design of this study does not allow us to draw a
de nite conclusion, from this observational study we can make a preliminary assessment regarding the effectiveness
of this ayurvedic treatment protocol.
Key words: Alternative therapy, Ayurveda, CAM, migraine
Address for correspondence:
Vaidya Balendu Prakash, Ipca Traditional Remedies Pvt. Ltd.,
142-AB Kandivli Industrial Estate, Kandivli (West), Mumbai - 400
067, India. E-mail:
DOI: 10.4103/0974-7788.59941
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International Journal of Ayurveda Research | January-March 2010 | Vol 1 | Issue 1 31
Vaidya, et al.: Ayurvedic therapy for migraine
ve Ayurvedic medicines can markedly reduced the migraine
frequency in some migraine patients. Later, an Ayurvedic
Treatment Protocol (AyTP) comprising these ve ayurvedic
medicines along with regulated diet and lifestyle modi cations
was developed for migraine treatment. This AyTP was tried by
over 600 migraine patients.[13] The background work of this
AyTP was rst carried out in Dhanwamtari Ayurvedic College
and Hospital, Chandigarh from June 2002 to December 2004.
[13] In this series we report the analysis of the observational
prospective clinical study of this AyTP carried on 406 migraine
patients in nine major cities of south India.
Study period
May 2005 to March 2007.
This study was carried out in the clinics of 17 Vaidyas in nine
major cities of South India, the details of which are given in
Table 1.
Treatment Protocol
The treatment protocol was derived from the Ayurvedic
concept of diagnosis of Amla-Pitta a state of acid-alkali
imbalance causing one of the symptoms of Shiro ruja
(headache). A uniform AyTP was developed which comprised
of a combination of ve ayurvedic formulations (Narikel Lavan
(NL), Sootshekhar Rasa (SR), Sitopaladi Churna (SC), Rason
Vati (RV) and Godanti Mishran (GM)[14,15] along with regulated
diet (three meals and three snacks providing adequate calories
and meals devoid of nicotine, caffeine, reheated food, aerated
drink), and lifestyle modi cation included minimum 8 h sleep,
moderate exercise such as morning or evening walk for 30-60
min and abstention from smoking / drinking.
Narikela Lavan
Narikel shell - Cocus nucifera
Saindhava lavana - Rock salt
A fully-ripe coconut is taken, the shell is removed and a hole
is made at the top of the coconut. Powdered rock salt is put
through the hole till the water in the coconut rises to the level
of the hole. The coconut is then covered by clay smeared cloth
in three consecutive layers and dried. This is put into a puta of
10-15 cowdung cakes/ furnace. When cool, the charred coconut
Table 1: Study carried out in the clinics of 17
Vaidyas in nine major cities of South India
Place Name of Vaidya Patients
Aurangabad Vd. N Patil 7
Vd. SS Hiremath, Vd. S Kulkarni, Vd. VM
Bhat Aroor, Vd. Prashanth MV, Vd,
R Babu
Bellary Vd. Shailaja HB, Vd. Hema Desai DN,
Vd. Savitha BP
Dharwad Vd. Sushma RH 10
Hyderabad Vd. Sangamesh Benne, Vd. Vijaysimha R 12
Mysore Vd. Prasanna Venkatesh TS,
Vd. K Suresh Kumar
Shimoga Vd. Chitralekha V Krishna 8
Tumkur Vd. Sunil Kumar K 31
Warangal Vd. Mallikarjun K 6
Table 2: Composition of Sootshekhar Rasa
Traditional name English / scienti c name Proportion
Suddha Parada Processed cinnabar 1 part
Suddha Gandhaka Processed sulphur 1 part
Dalchini Cinnamomum zeylanica 1 part
Chhoti Elachi Elleteria cardamomum 1 part
Tej patta Cinnamomum tamala 1 part
Nagkesar Mesua jerrea 1 part
Shankh Bhasma Turbinella pyrum 1 part
Swarna makshika Bhasma Chalco pyrite 1 part
Ropya Bhasma Argentum 1 part
Tamra Bhasma Cuprum 1 part
Dhatura’s seed Datura metel 1 part
Suhaga Borax sodium borate 1 part
Saunti Zingiber of cinale 1 part
Kali mircha Piper nigrum 1 part
Chhoti pippal Piper longum 1 part
Bhringraj swarasa Eclipta Alba Q.S (for
Table 3: Composition of Sitopaladi Churna
Traditional name English / scienti c name Proportion
Mishri Sugar candy 16 parts
Vanslochan Bambusa arumdimaceo 8 parts
Chhoti Pippali Piper longum 4 parts
Chhoti Elachi Ellettaria cardamomum 2 parts
Dalchini Cinnamomum zeylanica 1 part
Table 4: Composition of Rason Vati
Traditional name English / scienti c name Proportion
Lasuna Allium sativum 1 part
Jiraka Cuminum cyminum 1 part
Saindhava lavana Rock salt 1 part
Gandhaka-suddha Processed sulphur 1 part
Sunthi Zingiber o cinale 1 part
Marica Piper nigrum 1 part
Pippali Piper longum 1 part
Hingu Ferula foetida 1 part
Nimbu rasa Citrus medica juice QS for bhavana
Table 5: Composition of Godanti Mishran
Traditional name English / scienti c name Proportion
Godanti bhasma Gypsum 8 parts
Jahar mohara pisti Serpentine 2 parts
Rasadi vati 2 parts
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32 International Journal of Ayurveda Research | January-March 2010 | Vol 1 | Issue 1
Vaidya, et al.: Ayurvedic therapy for migraine
containing salt is powdered in a khalva.
The composition of other medicines is given in Table 2-5.
Medicine dosage and duration
The daily recommended doses of these combined formulations
were 7.3 g per day (NL 2000 mg, SR 375 mg, SC 1425 mg,
RV 3000 mg, GM 500 mg). The treatment period was for 90
days. During AyTP the patients were not allowed to take any
other alternative medications.
Manufacturing of Medicine
The Ayurvedic medicines were prepared by Bharat Bhaishajaya
Shala Private Limited, Dehradun under the manufacturing
license issued by the Government of Uttarakhand, India. The
medicines are manufactured under the GMP guidelines and
following the stringent procedures as mentioned in the classical
texts of Ayurveda.
Subjects and Diagnosis
A total of 406 migraine patients (M:133; F:273) were offered
this AyTP. All the patients were chronic sufferers and had
earlier consulted a neurologist for their migraine.
Criteria for inclusion were: individuals of either gender, age
10 and above, meeting the International Classi cation of
Headache Disorders (ICHD) criteria [16] for migraine without
aura [Table 6]. Exclusion criteria included marked depression,
anxiety or psychosis; more than two visits/month for mental
healthcare; more than one psychiatric medication; major
medical illness under treatment; pregnancy.
Screening, consent, and enrollment
Interested migraine patients who contacted Vaidyas in their
clinics were rst screened for eligibility. The patients then
underwent a baseline medical assessment, including a complete
medical history and physical examination. The abdomen of
all patients was especially examined. Patients having any
serious health problem or comorbid illness were not selected
for undergoing AyTP. Eligible patients were rst explained
the treatment procedure in detail. Patients who were willing
to follow the set norms of the AyTP were then enrolled for
the study after taking a written consent. Clinical details of the
patients were entered in a clinical record form (CRF), which
was updated after each visit.
Monitoring Progress of Patients
Eligible patients were instructed to maintain a daily headache
diary after the start of AyTP. Subjects had the option of
completing the diary either on paper / postcard and mailing it
to their respective Vaidyas. Alternatively, they could report via
telephone. However, all patients were asked to visit the clinics
at the start of therapy, then at Day 30, 60 and at stoppage of
therapy at Day 90. However, patients were advised to report
to the clinic in case of emergency.
Outcome Measures
The primary outcome variables for this study included
frequency and intensity of headache and self-perceived bene t
of the intervention at Day 30, 60 and 90. Detailed description
of these variables follows:
Headache frequency
Determination from the daily headache diary the total number
of headache frequency the patient had after the start of therapy.
The subjects were also instructed to record the presence and
intensity of their headaches on a daily basis. Additionally,
the subjects were invited to comment on the nature of their
headache, the associated symptoms, and the suspected triggers.
Headache intensity
The visual analogue scale (VAS) and numeric rating scale
(NRS) was used to measure the intensity of pain. VAS from no
pain (= 0) to worst pain imaginable [=10 (or 100)] and the ve-
point categorical verbal rating scale (VRS) i.e., score 0 = none;
1-3 = mild; 4-6 = moderate; 7-8 = severe; 9-10 = worst. Guide
to grading headache intensity was included with each diary.
Headache-related disability: MIDAS
Disability, de ned as the consequences of illness on the
ability to work and function, is measured using the Migraine
Disability Assessment Score (MIDAS).[17] Derived from the
Headache Impact Test, MIDAS is a seven-item questionnaire
that assesses the number of days during the previous three
months that respondents missed work or school, experienced
decreased productivity at work or home, or missed social
engagements because of headaches. The de nition of various
grades is mentioned in Table 7.
Adverse events
Reports of adverse events were obtained from the patients
during their visit to the clinic, self-reports in the headache
diaries or by direct contact with patients via telephone.
Statistical Analysis
Kruskal Wallis test was used to compare the VAS score on day
30, day 60 and day 90 from the base line. Paired t-test was
used to compare the headache days. The level of signi cance
was set at P<0.05. The statistical analysis was performed using
the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 12.0).
The prevalence of migraine was found to be higher in the
age group 20-50 years, with the highest ranging between
>30-<40 years [Figure 1]. Around 90% of the patients were
non-vegetarian and 155 (38%) patients had family history of
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International Journal of Ayurveda Research | January-March 2010 | Vol 1 | Issue 1 33
Vaidya, et al.: Ayurvedic therapy for migraine
headache. Details of the prior treatment of migraine patients
indicated that 231 (57%) patients were totally dependent
on allopathic medicine; 167 (41%) patients had tried both
allopathic and alternative medicine such as Homeopathy,
Unani / Siddha, Ayurveda and Naturopathy etc., and eight (2%)
patients were totally dependent on alternative medicine. It was
found that exertion, lack of sleep and hunger were the three
most important factors for aggravating migraine, and details
of other factors are given in Figure 2. History of headache
of migraine patients ranged from 1 to 60 years [Figure 3].
At the time of enrollment all the patients reported more than
ve attacks in a year from occasional, daily, alternate day
and ve to eight days in a month. The maximum patients
those who were enrolled had migraine attack once a week.
Maximum migraineurs complained of nausea, photo phobia,
phono phobia, and vomiting as associated symptoms [Figure
4]. Nearly 50% reported moderate to extreme fatigue besides
heartburn, belching, blurred vision, atus, constipation etc.
A total of 406 patients were offered this AyTP, however, after
30 days 129 (31.7%) and after 60 days 41(14.8%) patients
dropped out, respectively. A total of 204 (50.2%) patients
completed 90 days of therapy. Complete disappearance of
headache and associated symptoms at completion of AyTP was
observed in 72 (35.2%); mild episode of headache without need
of any conventional medicines in 72 (35.2%); low intensity
of pain along with conventional medicines in 50 (24.5%); no
improvement in seven (3.4%) and worst pain was noted in
three (1.4%) patients, respectively [Figure 5]. There was a
signi cant reduction in the VAS score after the start of AyTP
[Table 8].
Figure 1: Agewise distribution of migraine patients
Figure 2: Various aggravating factors reported by migraine patients
Figure 3: History of headache of migraine patients
Table 6: Eligibility of subjects for observational
clinical study on AyTP for migraine
Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria
Subject > 10 years of age
Either gender
Meet ICHD* criteria for migraine
Headache history > 2 years
Willing to follow the dietary
Willing to complete daily diary
Willing to take the medication
for 90 days
Marked depression, anxiety or
Major medical illness under
Clotting disorders
More than 2 visits/month for
mental healthcar
Use of any other alternative
medication during AyTP study
* International Classi cation of Headache Disorders
Table 7: The de nition of various grades
Grade De nition Score
I Minimal or infrequent disability 0-5
II Mild or infrequent disability 6-10
III Moderate disability 11-20
IV Severe disability 21+
Table 8: Effect of AyTP on VAS score of migraine
VAS score N Mean SD P value
Day 0
3.56 0.72 ----
Day 30 2.15 1.11 <0.001
Day 60 1.40 1.08 <0.001
Day 90 1.0 0.93 <0.001
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34 International Journal of Ayurveda Research | January-March 2010 | Vol 1 | Issue 1
Vaidya, et al.: Ayurvedic therapy for migraine
Figure 4: Various associated symptoms with migraine
Figure 5: Overall response of Ayurvedic treatment protocol on
completion of 90 days of therapy
Figure 6: Impact of AyTP on days of occurrence of headache
To study the impact of the AyTP on headache days 166 patients
were randomly interviewed at the time of enrollment and after
completing 90 days of treatment. It was observed that there
was a highly signi cant reduction in headache days among the
treated migraineurs [Figure 6]. Decrease in MIDAS score was
observed after 90 days of therapy. At the start of therapy the
number of patients assigned various grades of MIDAS were as
follows: Grade I -110 (27.0%); Grade II - 70 (17.2%); Grade
III - 100 (24.6%); Grade IV - 126 (31.0%), which changed after
the completion of therapy viz. Grade I - 171 (83.8%); Grade
II -18 (8.8%); Grade III - nine (4.4%), and Grade IV - four
(1.9%), respectively.
In 45 (11.0%) patients it was observed that the clinical
condition deteriorated after the start of AyTP, hence, the therapy
was stopped immediately. However, patients who responded to
this therapy and completed 90 days of treatment did not show
any noticeable side-effects.
Though Ayurvedic therapy is popular among migraine
sufferers, there are very few reports available on the ef cacy
and toxicity of these therapies. Moreover, classical Vaidyas
treat patients on the basis of presenting symptoms and
hence, there is quite a variation in the selection of Ayurvedic
medicines by different Vaidyas. However, for the present study
a uniform treatment protocol (AyTP) was rst designed and
the same was offered to all migraine patients. Generally, the
patients who visited the clinics for AyTP were not satis ed
with conventional therapy. Many wanted to try the AyTP on
an experimental basis. The rst author in his clinical practice
observed that the combination of ve Ayurvedic therapy can
reduce the migraine frequency and intensity of pain in some
patients and hence further collected suf cient evidence to start
a clinical trial on 131 migraine patients in the Dhanwamtari
Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Chandigarh in 2002.[15]
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International Journal of Ayurveda Research | January-March 2010 | Vol 1 | Issue 1 35
Vaidya, et al.: Ayurvedic therapy for migraine
The results of the trial encouraged us to take up the present
investigation in a planned manner. This AyTP is now being
used by various Vaidyas in various places of India, especially
in the southern parts.
Migraine was distinguished from common headache by Tissot
in 1783 for the rst time who ascribed it to a supra-orbital
neuralgia provoked by re exes from the stomach, gall bladder
or uterus. Later, migraine was classi ed as a neurological
disorder. Our hypothesis is quite similar to Tissot's idea
on the pathogenesis of migraine, viz. that it usually arose
from stomach disturbance.[18] Incidentally, there is a close
correlation between the symptoms of migraine with those of
Amla-pitta (state of acid-alkali imbalance in the body) causing
symptoms such as: brahma (confusion), moorcha (fainting),
aruchi (anorexia), aalasya (fatigue), chardi (vomiting),
prasek (nausea), mukhmadhurya (sweetness in the mouth)
and shiroruja (headache). The correlation between the cause
and symptoms of Amla-pitta match the current diagnosis
criteria of migraine. It may be possible that the combination
of Narikel Lavan, Sootashekhara Rasa, Sitopaladi Churna,
Rason Vati and Godanti Mishran in conjunction with regulated
lifestyle and diet may have restored the acid-alkali balance, and
restored / strengthened the functioning of the gastrointestinal
system. A better acid-alkali balance in the body may have been
responsible for reducing the frequency of migraine.
The herbo-mineral Ayurvedic medicines used for the
migraine treatment contained Bhasma[19] of silver, copper
and mercury and many immunomodulatory medicinal herbs,
namely Alium sativum, Eclipta alba, Cinnmomum zeylanica,
Zingiber of cinalis, Piper longum, Piper nigrum, Bambusa
arumdinaceae, Ellettaria cardamomum and Cinnamomum
cassia, Ferula northrax, Citrus acida etc. Some ingredients
used for medicine preparations are moderate to severely toxic
in the raw form (ashodhit). However, intrigue processing
(shodhan) converts these toxic materials to complex mineral
forms which are nontoxic. However, improper processing/
manufacturing of Ayurvedic medicines may result in
severe toxicity.[20] Hence, the safety pro le of the combined
formulations was rst established in animal models. It was
observed that mice feed four times and rats 10 times more the
daily equivalent human dose did not produce any toxicity .[21]
In this present study it was observed that in 11% of patients
the clinical conditions deteriorated after the start of the AyTP.
We are at this moment unable to explain what was the exact
cause for this; however, the Ayurvedic medicine was well
tolerated by other patients.
During the last few decades, plants have been increasingly
employed as a herbal remedy for migraine treatment and
prophylaxis,[22] examples include Feverfew (Tanacetum
parthenium),[23] Butterbur (Petasites hybridus),[24, etc.
Most surveys agree that herbal remedies are amongst the
most prevalent therapies and that headache/migraine is
one of the most frequent reasons for trying plant-derived
medications.[25] Complimentary and Alternative Medicine
(CAM) is often perceived by the public to be more helpful
than conventional care for the treatment of headache.[26]
Recent studies have indicated that Ayurvedic medicines can
be effective in treatment of tension-type headache.[27]
From this observational study we can make a preliminary
assessment regarding the effectiveness of this Ayurvedic
treatment protocol in migraine treatment. Baring a few, the
Ayurvedic medications were well tolerated by patients. Marked
reduction of migraine frequency and pain intensity observed in
patients with AyTP needs attention. However, to ascertain the
real effectiveness of this AyTP a properly controlled clinical
trial with a larger patient population is required.
The authors like to thank Dr. Sanjoy Kumar Pal, Sr. Scienti c
Manager, Ipca Traditional Remedies Pvt. Ltd. for drafting this
manuscript. Mr. Nitin Chandurkar and Mitesh Sharma from
Ipca Laboratories limited for data management and statistical
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Source of Support: Nil, Con ict of Interest: None declared
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... Ardhavabedhaka is a Tridoshaja Shiroroga characterised by recurrent attacks of headache, which are typically Peer review under responsibility of Transdisciplinary University, Bangalore. unilateral and often associated with Bhrama (feeling dizzy), Aruchi (tastelessness), Prakasha Asahatwa (photophobia), and Shabda Asahatwa (sound intolerance) [8]. ...
... In the case of Amlapitta, patients experience symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, giddiness, headache. Hence, the management line used to treat hyperacidity and the measures for correcting the digestive fire will also aid in managing migraine cases [8]. Overall, effective treatment of migraine cases requires the correct assessment of Dosha status and Vyadhi avastha (stage of disease) and the correct selection of the appropriate medicine at that stage of the disease. ...
... After achieving proper Amapachana, Koshta Shodan (Mrudu Virechana) with Avipattikara churna [16] was carried out to remove Dosha (humours) from the body, especially pitha dosha as the patient had Pitta vruddi Lakshna at that phase and avipattikar choorna is also known for its capacity to increase digestive fire and neutralizing gastric acid. After achieving koshta shuddhi the subsequently administered medication will result in greater efficacy and improved metabolism [8,17]. Further, the constituents of Avipattikar churna have been found to possess antiulcer properties. ...
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Migraine is one of the most prevalent causes of functional disability worldwide. Migraine patients experience headaches of varying degrees, which are related with a higher level of disability and are triggered by psychological and physiological stressors. Migraine is estimated to affect 16.6% of the world's population, with women being three times more likely to experience it than men. Despite considerable advancements in modern and traditional medicine, a complete cure remains uncertain. In Ayurvedic treatises, migraine headache is referred to as Ardhavabedhaka under the classification of Shiroroga (diseases related to the head region). 35-year-old Indian male police inspector, suffering from recurrent right hemi-cranial headaches once in three days for the last three months, presented symptoms of Tridhoshaja Ardhvabhedaka (Migraine) associated with Amlapitta (hyperacidity). After a thorough assessment of the patient, the treatment was meticulously planned based on the patient's Dosha pradhanyatha and Vyadhi avastha(stage of disease). For the proper Samprapti vighatana, Nidana parivarjana (abstinance from the eitiological factors), Deepana, Paachana, Siravyadha, Nasya and Dosha ShamanaChikitsa principles were adopted. Further, the severity of the migraine was assessed by MIDAS and NPR score, which subsequently decreased from 19 to 4, and the NPR scale decreased from 8 to 2 till completion of the therapeutic intervention. This case report unequivocally highlights the pivotal role of the Ayurveda treatment regimen in effectively managing migraine. Overall, effective treatment of migraine cases requires the correct assessment of Dosha status and Vyadhi avastha and the correct selection of the appropriate medicine and procedures like Siravyadha and Nasya at that appropriate stage of the disease.
... Patients with migraine who do not respond to this conventional treatment, who develop unwanted side effects, or who are reluctant to take conventional medicines approach complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) [2]. Akhila S et al. state that Ayurveda, currently classified as a complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), is beneficial in the management of migraine without aura, with no recorded adverse effects or side effects [3]. ...
... Shodhana procedures like Nasya, Virechana, and Shamana procedures in the form of medicated ghee or poly-herbal decoctions have been described for Ardhavabhedaka in the classics [3,4]. Vaidya PB et al. have demonstrated the effectiveness of oral medications in reducing the intensity of migraine headache in 406 patients [2]. The role of AGT and oral medications has already been demonstrated by Soman A [3]. ...
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A 58-year-old non-diabetic, non-hypertensive, non-dyslipidemic, euthyroid lady with a known case of migraine for last 10 years approached our hospital complaining of a severe right-sided throbbing headache in the temple area and behind the right ear for three days. She approached our hospital as she did not get any relief from painkillers. An intensity of 10 was recorded on Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and 8 on the Global Assessment of Migraine Severity (GAMS) Scale. The case was diagnosed to be vatika shirashula on ardhavabhedaka, with no pitta-rakta association. She was posted for Agnikarma therapy [AGT]. Immediately, within 2 min of application of AGT on her right temple, her intense pain reduced, and within 5 min she had no pain [zero on VAS scale and one on GAMS scale]. Samyak mamsa dagdha lakshana was achieved. AGT was tolerable and did not produce any major discomforts. No adverse effects were reported. Patient experienced a mild burning sensation over the AGT, and the blackish discoloration due to AGT faded off within 41 days. AGT could be used as a potent, cheap, fast-acting, adverse effect free emergency treatment for acute attacks of migraine headache.
... The frequency of migraines may have decreased due to an improved acid-alkali balance in the body. [25] • Praval pisthi -According to Ayurveda, migraines are brought on by elevated Pitta and Vata. Pravala pisti can help balance these two doshas extremely effectively. ...
Background: The most frequent neurological condition for which patients seek medical care is headache, which globally causes more disability than any other neurological condition. Migraine, commonly referred to as “Hemicrania,” which means “half of the head,” is the second most frequent primary headache. Vomiting, nausea, and sensitivity to scent, light, or sound are all associated symptoms. Although it is not a fatal condition, it can seriously disrupt the patient’s life, necessitating greater care and attention throughout therapy. Unfortunately, only symptomatic drugs, many of which have significant side effects and can lead to dependence, have been stabilized for migraine prevention to date. Materials and Methods: The information employed in the current analysis came from both primary and secondary sources, specifically literature studies of important ayurvedic scriptures and Samhitas as well as frequently read research articles. Results: Some medication that is mentioned in the ayurvedic classics has been gathered to treat this disease. Discussion: In Ayurvedic texts there are several types of Shiro Rogas (head disorders) described by Acharyas. Amongst them the clinical features of Ardhavabhedaka are very much similar to Migraine. This review demonstrates how effective ayurveda is in treating migraines without a lot of negative effects.
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Zusammenfassung Im Ayurveda werden Kopfschmerzen als ein Ungleichgewicht der Doshas betrachtet. Unter dem Begriff „shiroroga“ werden 11 verschiedene Kopfschmerzformen klassifiziert, für die es differenzierte und z. T. in Studien als wirksam bestätigte therapeutische Möglichkeiten gibt. Bei korrekter Diagnosestellung und sinnvoller Behandlungsstrategie bietet der Ayurveda effiziente und nebenwirkungsfreie Behandlungsmöglichkeiten von Kopfschmerzen. Die Behandlung zielt darauf ab, das Gleichgewicht der Doshas wiederherzustellen. Dies kann durch verschiedene Methoden wie Kräutermedizin, Ernährungsumstellung, Yoga, Meditation und Reinigungsverfahren erreicht werden. Typische ayurvedische Ansätze zur Behandlung von Kopfschmerzen umfassen die Verwendung von Kräutern, die Förderung einer gesunden Ernährung und Lebensweise sowie die Anpassung des individuellen Lebensstils gemäß den ayurvedischen Prinzipien. Ayurvedische Therapien können auch in Kombination mit schulmedizinischen Behandlungen eingesetzt werden.
The discovery and development of medical formulations is presently concentrated on the improvement of therapeutic drugs to be aimed at the targeted location or place to reduce total dissemination in the host. The Mucoadhesive drug delivery system is most potential therapeutic agent. The buccal route is a best route from all dosages form. In this review we study about the Mucoadhesive buccal drug there advantages, characteristics, ideal properties. The various Mucoadhesive buccal formulations. The survey on the polymer used for Mucoadhesive buccal tablets.
The discovery of medicine started years ago with the use of medicinal plant parts for the benefit or improvement of physiological conditions. The traditional uses of medicinal plants grew tremendously with Indian medicine and the Chinese medicine system. Later on, with time, researchers tried to isolate and synthesize the lead molecule of a natural product to increase its potency. The major source of drugs was plants, microorganisms, animals, and marine. With changes in time and environment, the need for quick recovery from a disease condition was felt for many reasons and thus synthetic-based drugs came to market with many regulations. In the initial days, the cost of drug development was a very high and costly process which may go up to 400400-600 million with the investment of 10-12 years of time. With the development of computer programs, some part of the drug discovery process was made easy with different software and programs. Many in-silico methods were developed by many researchers and scientists which boosted the drug design method and reduced the cost and time. The two main approaches of computer-aided drug design i.e., structure-based drug design and ligand-based drug design changed the process of drug discovery completely. Different visualization techniques of the 3D structure of a protein helped the researchers to understand the nature of the protein and the way to inhibit that protein and receptor. Structure-based drug design tools like homology modeling, molecular docking, and de-novo drug design helped in the discovery of drug molecules based on the detailed structure of protein whereas the structure-based drug design tools like pharmacophore mapping and QSAR techniques contributed to the discovery of drug molecules based on the nature of the previously reported drug and lead molecules. The in-silico ADMET properties prediction of a molecule based on the structural basis of the compound with the application of different rules like Lipinski's rule of five, Veber's rule, Ghosh rule, etc helped to develop a drug molecule with better pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties, which resists the easy rejection of a developed molecule in the clinical trials. Later with the advancement of computers, several artificial intelligence approaches were developed such as machine learning and deep learning. These techniques have many applications such as drug-target interactions, drug repurposing, prediction of synthesis and retrosynthesis, etc. Illustration about all these aspects is presented in a systematic way in this chapter.
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The main goal of the book is to describe and reconstruct the themes of experiencing the body in hatha yoga, such as emotions and body, learning through the body, experiencing the movement of the body (asanas), meditation in hatha yoga (experiencing the savasana pose), the concentration of the mind, and yoga as the therapy. There will be a phenomenological and contemplative description and explication of hatha yoga and how practitioners experience it with the help of the language that they have available. The goals of the book are as follows: (1) To describe and analyze the language of experiencing the body in yoga practice. We want to analyze the linguistic formulas used in the descriptions of the body practice (see Chapter 1). (2) To answer the following question when analyzing the autodescription: What are the rules of knowledge transfer in the corporeal practice of hatha yoga? (see Chapter 2) and how the body is experienced in a particular space (see Chapter 3) (3) To analyze how the body, emotions and thoughts are described directly after the physical practice of hatha yoga and how they relate to the self. The emotions are inscribed in the reactions of the body (see Chapters 4 and 5). (4) To reconstruct the themes that describe the essence of experiencing hatha yoga and see the cognitive style of the yoga practice, using Alfred Schütz’s concept of the finite province of meaning (Chapters 6–8).
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The aim of the present review was to critically evaluate the documented evidence regarding the efficacy of biofeedback for the two most prevalent headache conditions--migraine and tension-type headache. Drawing upon two recently published meta-analyses, data from 150 outcome studies, including randomized controlled trials as well as uncontrolled quasi-experimental designs, were screened. Of these, 94 studies were selected for inclusion according to predefined criteria. Meta-analytic integrations were carried out separately for the two conditions of interest. The main results were medium-to-large mean effect sizes for biofeedback in adult migraine and tension-type headache patients. Treatment effects remained stable over an average follow-up period of 14 months, both in completer and intention-to-treat analyses. Headache frequency was the primary outcome variable and showed the largest improvements. Further significant effects were shown for perceived self-efficacy, symptoms of anxiety and depression, and medication consumption. Reduced muscle tension in pain related areas was observed in electromyographic feedback for tension-type headache. Biofeedback was more effective than waiting list and headache monitoring conditions in all cases, while electromyographic feedback for tension-type headache showed additional significant effects over placebo and relaxation therapies. Levels of efficacy (migraine: efficacious, level 4; tension-type headache: efficacious and specific, level 5) and recommendations for future research are provided.
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Traditional medicine use is common in developing countries and increasingly popular in the western world. Despite the popularity of traditional medicines, scientific research on safety and efficacy is limited. However documented fatalities and severe illness due to lead poisoning are increasingly recognized to be associated with traditional medicine use. As society becomes more globalized, it is imperative for pharmacists and health care providers to learn about the safety of traditional medical practices. The information presented educates and alerts pharmacists and health care providers about the potential of traditional medicines to cause lead encephalopathy. Case reports were located through systematic literature searches using MEDLINE, CINAHL, AMED, CISCOM, EMBASE and The Cochrane library from 1966 to the February 2007. Reference lists of identified articles and the authors' own files were also searched. Inclusion criteria were cases of human lead encephalopathy associated with traditional medical practices. There were no restrictions regarding the language of publication. Data were subsequently extracted and summarized in narrative and tabular form. We found 76 cases of lead encephalopathy potentially associated with traditional medicine. Ayurvedic medicines were associated with 5 cases (7%), Middle eastern traditional medicines with 66 cases (87%) and 5 cases (7%) with other traditional medicines. Of the 76 cases, 5% were in adults and 95% were in infants and young children. Of the 4 adult cases, at least one was left with residual neurological impairment. In infants and young children, among 72 cases 8 (11%) were fatal, and at least 15 (21%) had residual neurological deficits. Traditional medicine users should be screened for lead exposure and strongly encouraged to discontinue metal-containing remedies. Therefore, the United States Food and Drug Administration and corresponding agencies in other countries should require and enforce heavy metal testing for all imported traditional medicines and "dietary supplements".
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The MIDAS Questionnaire was developed to assess headache-related disability with the aim of improving migraine care. Headache sufferers answer five questions, scoring the number of days, in the past 3 months, of activity limitations due to migraine. The internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and validity (accuracy) of the questionnaire were assessed in separate population-based studies of migraine sufferers. In addition, the face validity, ease of use, and clinical utility of the questionnaire were evaluated in a group of 49 physicians who independently rated disease severity and need for care in a diverse sample of migraine case histories. The test-retest Pearson correlation coefficient for the total MIDAS score was approximately 0.8. The MIDAS score was valid when compared with a reference diary-based measure of disability; the overall correlation between MIDAS and the diary-based measure was 0.63. The MIDAS score was also correlated with physicians' assessments of need for medical care (r = 0.69). From studies completed to date, the MIDAS Questionnaire has been shown to be internally consistent, highly reliable, valid, and correlates with physicians' clinical judgment. These features support its suitability for use in clinical practice. Use of the MIDAS Questionnaire may improve physician-patient communication about headache-related disability and may favorably influence health-care delivery for migraine patients.
A large percentage of patients do not respond to pharmacological interventions for migraine headaches, develop unacceptable side effects, or are reluctant to take medications. As a result, patients have been seeking nontraditional modes of therapy for the management of headaches. Among the alternative approaches are behavioral treatments (relaxation therapy, biofeedback therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy), acupuncture, and nutritional therapies (herbal remedies and vitamin or mineral supplementation). This article reviews the scientific evidence for the use of magnesium, riboflavin, coenzyme Q10, -lipoic acid, feverfew, and butterbur in the treatment of migraine headaches. Drug Dev Res 68:424–427, 2007. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Lantéri-Minet M. The role of general practitioners in migraine management. Cephalalgia 2008; 28:1–8. London. ISSN 0333-1024 General practitioners (GPs) play a pivotal role in managing migraine and ensuring that patients have a positive first experience when seeking treatment. A large proportion of migraineurs do not consult a GP, preferring to rely on over-the-counter remedies to reduce pain and disability. For those who do consult, receiving a satisfactory outcome at their first consultation is important for ensuring subsequent effective management of their migraine. If patient expectations are not met at their first visit (prescribed treatment is ineffective or GP does not empathize with their suffering), patients may not return for further consultation. There remains a need to improve migraine diagnosis and treatment, and GPs require continuing medical education and neurologist support to ensure that they are providing the best migraine treatments and outcomes. More widespread use of diagnostic tools, standardized management guidelines and individualized treatment regimens will help GPs successfully manage both migraine symptoms and patient expectations.
To determine the prevalence and cost of alternative medicines and alternative practitioner use in an Australian population. We conducted a representative population survey of persons aged 15 or older living in South Australia, which required 3004 personal interviews. We assessed the rates of use and types of alternative medicine and therapists used by this population in 1993, and correlations with other demographic and medical variables. The overall use of at least one non-medically prescribed alternative medicine (excluding calcium, iron and prescribed vitamins) was 48.5%. The users were more likely to be perimenopausal females, better educated, have a higher alcohol intake, be of normal weight and more likely to be employed than non-users. 20.3% of respondents had visited at least one alternative practitioner, most commonly chiropractors (15%). The users of alternative practitioners were more likely to be younger, live in the country and be overweight. Women were more likely to consult naturopaths, iridiologists, and reflexologists than men. Extrapolation of the costs to the Australian population gives a natural expenditure in 1993, for alternative medicines, of 621million(Australiandollars)andforalternativetherapistsof621 million (Australian dollars) and for alternative therapists of AU309 million per annum. This compares to the $AU360 million of patient contributions for all classes of pharmaceutical drugs purchased in Australia in 1992/93. The public health and economic ramifications of these huge costs are questioned in view of the paucity of sound safety and efficacy data for many of the therapies and products of the alternative medicine industry.
Research both in the United States and abroad suggests that significant numbers of people are involved with various forms of alternative medicine. However, the reasons for such use are, at present, poorly understood. To investigate possible predictors of alternative health care use. Three primary hypotheses were tested. People seek out these alternatives because (1) they are dissatisfied in some way with conventional treatment; (2) they see alternative treatments as offering more personal autonomy and control over health care decisions; and (3) the alternatives are seen as more compatible with the patients' values, worldview, or beliefs regarding the nature and meaning of health and illness. Additional predictor variables explored included demographics and health status. A written survey examining use of alternative health care, health status, values, and attitudes toward conventional medicine. Multiple logistic regression analyses were used in an effort to identify predictors of alternative health care use. A total of 1035 individuals randomly selected from a panel who had agreed to participate in mail surveys and who live throughout the United States. Use of alternative medicine within the previous year. The response rate was 69%. The following variables emerged as predictors of alternative health care use: more education (odds ratio [OR], 1.2; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.1-1.3); poorer health status (OR, 1.3; 95% CI, 1.1-1.5); a holistic orientation to health (OR, 1.4; 95% CI, 1.1-1.9); having had a transformational experience that changed the person's worldview (OR, 1 .8; 95% CI, 1 .3-2.5); any of the following health problems: anxiety (OR, 3.1; 95% CI, 1.6-6.0); back problems (OR, 2.3; 95% CI, 1 .7-3.2); chronic pain (OR, 2.0; 95% CI, 1.1 -3.5); urinarytract problems (OR, 2.2; 95% CI, 1.3-3.5); and classification in a cultural group identifiable by their commitment to environmentalism, commitment to feminism, and interest in spirituality and personal growth psychology (OR, 2.0; 95% CI, 1.4-2.7). Dissatisfaction with conventional medicine did not predict use of alternative medicine. Only 4.4% of those surveyed reported relying primarily on alternative therapies. Along with being more educated and reporting poorer health status, the majority of alternative medicine users appear to be doing so not so much as a result of being dissatisfied with conventional medicine but largely because they find these health care alternatives to be more congruent with their own values, beliefs, and philosophical orientations toward health and life.
Feverfew is a popular herbal remedy advocated for the prevention of migraine. The aim of this systematic review was to look at the evidence for or against the clinical effectiveness of feverfew in migraine prevention. Literature searches were performed using the following databases: Medline, Embase, Biosis, CISCOM, and the Cochrane Library (all from their inception to April 1998). Only randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trials were included. All articles were read by two independent reviewers. Data were extracted in a predefined, standardized fashion. The methodological quality of all trials was evaluated using the Jadad score. Five trials met the inclusion/exclusion criteria. The majority favor feverfew over placebo. Yet important caveats exist. The clinical effectiveness of feverfew in the prevention of migraine has not been established beyond reasonable doubt.