
Politics of the Tanzania-Zambia railway project : a study of Tanzania-China-Zambia relations / kasuka S. Mutukwa

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... Chinese policy in Africa is driven by economic diplomacy and a businesslike relationship with minimal political interference, allowing the pursuit of arrangements aimed at producing mutual benefits (Alves in Alden et al, 2008;Moyo, 2009). Additionally, Chinese engagement in Africa has been marked by a significant investment in infrastructure in African states (Mutukwa, 1977;Alden, 2007). Increases in the amount and quality of infrastructure have been linked to positive economic growth and reduction in income inequality; Calderon and Serven go so far as to argue for the development of infrastructure as an effective method for ameliorating poverty (2004). ...
... African states and are increasingly recognized for their efforts in the development of infrastructure (Mutukwa, 1977;Alden, 2007). Theoretically speaking, these activities could result in economic growth, increased standards of living, and poverty amelioration, which run counter to expected indicators of underdevelopment or dependency (Calderon and Serven, 2004 ...
... Chinese industry fails to meet domestic consumer demands. This evidence of this strategy is apparent in China's significant investment in infrastructure in African states (Mutukwa, 1977;Alden, 2007). International regimes are useful for reducing uncertainty, minimizing transaction costs and preventing market failures (Keohane, 1984). ...
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African states are increasingly engaging with China--politically, socially and economically--especially through the machinations of the Forum for China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). This dissertation asserts that Africans are willing partners of the Chinese, motivated by their state-centric belief that engagement with China is in their national interest. This assertion contradicts the assumption of most literature to date that appears to borrow from the logic of dependency theory and presents African nations as pawns, subject to the demands of a dominant and exploitative China, who is benefiting at Africa’s expense. Economic trends from the decade before the launch of the FOCAC and the 10 years following indicate that increasing engagement with China has not been detrimental to African economic development. Following the establishment of the FOCAC in 2002, Africa as a region is reporting significantly higher GDP growth rates, increased GNI, and GDP per capita. Additionally, African states and China have on the whole experienced a balanced trade flow with few exceptions of uneven balances not always in favor of China. Clearly African states are benefiting from their relationship with China. A case study of Nigeria in 2011 revealed that Nigerians are willing to experience a continued trade deficit with China in order to achieve other important objectives. Nigerians are looking to learn from China’s industrialization process and the economic policies that have resulted in higher growth rates and amelioration of poverty. Chinese investments in Nigerian and African infrastructure development are considered significant and relevant for economic and social development. The influx of affordable Chinese goods has increased the spending power of the average Nigerian and increased the profit margins for Nigerian retailers. Nigerians are engaging with China because it is in their best interest and as this relationship continues to grow, it will need to be managed in order to maximize the benefit to Nigeria. Adviser: Patrice McMahon
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