
Human aspects of urban form : towards a man environment approach to urban form and design / Amos Rapoport

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... Building upon this, Rapoport's cultural theory of environmental perception argues that perception is not solely an individual subjective experience but is deeply rooted in social systems. In other words, human perception is profoundly shaped by and reflects the cultural context and social structure suggesting how humans interpret and respond to environmental stimuli (Rapoport, 1977). ...
... Cognitive mapping, as introduced by Tolman (1948), is an essential aspect of this process, where individuals create mental representations of their spatial environments (Tolman, 1948). Scholars like Kevin Lynch (1996) and Amos Rapoport (1977) have contributed significantly to understanding how these cognitive maps are formed and utilized (Lynch, 1996;Rapoport, 1977). Cognitive maps are acknowledged as a basic component for survival and everyday environmental behaviour which individuals must answer two main questions recurrently: where specific valuable items are located and how to reach those items from their current position. ...
... Cognitive mapping, as introduced by Tolman (1948), is an essential aspect of this process, where individuals create mental representations of their spatial environments (Tolman, 1948). Scholars like Kevin Lynch (1996) and Amos Rapoport (1977) have contributed significantly to understanding how these cognitive maps are formed and utilized (Lynch, 1996;Rapoport, 1977). Cognitive maps are acknowledged as a basic component for survival and everyday environmental behaviour which individuals must answer two main questions recurrently: where specific valuable items are located and how to reach those items from their current position. ...
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This study investigates the influence of a fixed path design on the frequency of customer visits within a particular retail environment. By analysing the spatial layout shaped around the fixed path design in a retail store, the study examines the interplay between spatial configuration and customer shopping patterns. Adopting quantitative methods, including space syntax analysis with variables of isovist area, circularity, mean depth, and spatial data such as floor area and the number of entrances, the aim is to identify key factors that affect the frequency of customer and interaction within the store. By correlating these variables with customer frequency data, recorded at regular intervals, the study seeks to determine how these distinct zones, shaped by a fixed path design, affect the distribution of customers throughout the store. The findings emphasise the dual role of spatial configuration in both facilitating and challenging consumer movement, revealing patterns and significant correlations between syntactic data, spatial data, and the frequency of customer behavioural patterns in specific zones of the retail store. Notably, the floor area significantly correlates with the frequency of customers in each zone on weekdays and weekends. On the other hand, there is no significant correlation between the values of mean depth and the frequency of customers. The value of circularity significantly correlates with the frequency of customer on weekdays when traffic is lighter, in contrast, isovist area significantly correlates with the frequency of customer during weekends and peak hours when the foot traffic is higher. The results highlight that different spatial and syntactic factors influence the frequency of customers depending on time and overall foot traffic condition, which can be leveraged to optimise store spatial design for varying crowd dynamics. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of how spatial design can be strategically employed to optimise customer experience and improve retail performance by incorporating space syntax principles.
... Regarding the dimension of communication, the environment influences who, where, and which field a person communicates (Rapoport, 2016). On the other hand, they express and control the nature, density, volume, and direction of communication simultaneously (Rapoport, 2016). ...
... Regarding the dimension of communication, the environment influences who, where, and which field a person communicates (Rapoport, 2016). On the other hand, they express and control the nature, density, volume, and direction of communication simultaneously (Rapoport, 2016). In addition, environments affect the continuity of communication, social interaction, depth of relationships, and the like (Becker & Steele, 1995;Fleming et al., 1985;Latifi & Sajjadzade, 2014;Peponis et al., 2002;Pompei et al., 2024). ...
... In other words, a precondition for a democratic system is a high degree of autonomy in all spheres. Regarding public spaces including urban areas, Rapoport (2016) argues that instead of facilitating movement and access, the limitation of the Islamic system is intended to control behaviors. However, by adopting a liberal-democratic approach, those urban spaces are desirable, which allows a wide range of urban behaviors to occur in a wide range of areas. ...
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Severe climatic conditions are considered as one of the main factors shaping and in some cases limiting urban behaviors. Accordingly, environmental designers seek to make urban spaces usable for a wide range of behaviors during different times by bringing climates closer to the comfort zone. The present study aims to evaluate the effects of climate on behavioral patterns and explore solutions to moderate harsh climatic conditions in architecture and urban planning. This study compared the behavioral patterns of space users in hot and arid (Yazd) and moderate and humid (Fooman) climates. The recording of behavioral patterns was achieved by using the observation method (time-lapse photography) and analysis through the spatial analysis method. Based on the results, climatic characteristics affect both types of urban activities and the time cycles of their occurrence. Severe climatic conditions limit urban behaviors to essential activities and merely transcend space. Such states do not allow for a wide range of optional and social activities. Spatial physical tools such as building density, enclosure, occupancy level, amount of retreat on the ground floor and upper floors, type of building material, and the amount of green space have been used in historical formal-spatial patterns of Iran to moderate the harsh climatic conditions.
... Hershberger (1970) thinks that "the communication function of architecture is necessary". When architects design a building, elements of "space, time, communication, and meaning" are being organised (Rapoport 1977(Rapoport , 1982. Therefore, architecture is multifaceted, involving a specified function and meaning. ...
... The results demonstrate that semiotics is an effective tool in exploring the meaning of a built environment. Rapoport 1977;1982) defines meaning as communication between the environment and its users. When searching for meaning, semiotics is used as an analytical tool to read the built environment and interpret the meaning it transmits (Botwina and Botwina 2012;Goharipour 2019;Guirguis et al. 2017;Liu and Le 2021;Raaphorst et al. 2017;Ramzy 2013;Sani, Shotorbani, and Doratli 2015), positioning semiotics as the prime method of exploring the semantic dimension (Barthes 1997) and different levels of "functionality" (Eco 1997). ...
... During the design process, architects organise "space, time, communication, and meaning" (Rapoport 1977(Rapoport , 1982. Architects encode knowledge, in the form of meaning, in their design that users can decode during the spatial utilisation and architectural communication process. ...
... Matrix (4) Integrating "Sustainable development" matrix (2) and "Quality of life" matrix (3), indicators and attributes, Table 6. ...
... Continuing the drive to the formulation of the framework for the design of "community happiness" and adhering to the methodology followed in the preceding "Methods" section, the delineation of the relational framework for happiness, matrix (1) ( Table 3), combining the selected approaches, components and attributes, and designation to key aspects. This section presents the relational tables; matrices (2) and (3) in the drive, for the two underlying notions of "sustainable development" and "quality of life". Each is presented through selected approaches, related attributes/indicators for each approach; and the designation of the indicators to the adopted six key aspects, presented earlier, and again common to and derived from the selected approaches. ...
... The "proposed framework" is a two-fold tool; on the one hand, framework (1), "happiness development" (Table 9) combines key indicators, action and spatial levels, and presence, quality, and relative strength, allowing field monitoring, and assessment of "community happiness", on the various spatial levels, macro, and micro, including neighborhoods and local areas, by specialists, designers, and developers, as well as by targeted communities. Framework (2) (Table 10); on the other hand, comprises "happiness development" selected attributes, key aspects, and indicators, together with, site planning and design selected elements and criteria, provides a design tool, supporting and complementing, site planning processes, allowing, deployment of its elements and criteria, to secure communities' happiness and satisfaction. "Happiness" is likely to continue as a supreme goal, that individuals and communities strive to achieve, through; "well-being", and "quality of life"; justifying, recalling, and addressing "happiness" as a design goal, and an integral part of site planning, community design, and development, with its clear objectives of securing "quality of life" and "sustainability". ...
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The paper addresses the emerging notion of “happiness” and “community happiness” as means and an objective in site planning and community design highlighting its complexities and illusive nature in terms of scope, aspects, and components to formulate a conceptual “framework” and a design tool for monitoring, enhancing, and developing community happiness, in limited scale urban settings. The research presents and follows the proposition that “happiness” is inherently addressed in site planning and design processes and the closely related notions and drives of “sustainable development” and “quality of life”. The design for the “community happiness” framework is formulated through a sequence of relational matrices, for “happiness”, “sustainable development”, and “quality of life”, each comprising selected international approaches and agendas, related indicators, and key aspects, physical, and non-physical, emphasizing similarities and overlapping. The proposed “framework” and underlying propositions were validated through a pilot questionnaire, targeting a sample of specialists, and practicing academics. The participants generally accepted the research key propositions, adopted the method and the proposed “framework”, and interacted with them, emphasizing the relative weights of the selected “happiness” key indicators and relations to site planning elements, and criteria. The relative importance of the design criteria, the related “happiness” indicators, and the likely products, as well as the cost of achieving “happiness” deserve to be further addressed, in future research.
... The person-environment relationship has received researchers' undivided attention throughout the years, with insights spanning multiple disciplinary fields: from environmental psychology, sociology and geography to urban planning, architecture and neuroscience. Scholars studying the complex body-space interaction regard both components as a system, in which the person is part of the environment [Rapoport 1977;Ingold 2022]. Multiple factors mediate the way humans perceive the environment: physical features and environmental properties, perceptual-cognitive and affective judgements, purposes, preferences, and culture. ...
... Since the 1970s, scholars have been stressing the role of human corporeal movement in environmental perception. Visual perception and sensory experience of space are not static processes [Rapoport 1977]; instead, the human body plays an active role in interpreting reality through movement [Gibson 1979]. The new mobilities paradigm advocates for "the recentering of the corporeal body as an affective vehicle through which we sense place and movement and construct emotional geographies" [Sheller & Urry 2006, p. 216]. ...
... Bir kent silueti, yapılarının, binalarının ve doğasının göründüğü, kentin genel bir yatay görünümü olarak tanımlanabilmektedir (Lim ve Heath, 1994: 164). Bu yönüyle silueti oluşturan mimari bileşenler ve özellikler bir kentin deneyim esnasında ve uzaktan kavranabilen ve bellekte tutulabilen, dolayısıyla kentin okunabilirliğini teşkil eden unsurlar olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır (Rapoport 1977: 174, Lang 1987. Siluet denilince akla ilk gelen en önemli imgelerden biri de İstanbul siluetidir. ...
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ÖZ Bu çalışmanın amacı, kent siluetinin kimliğini ve özgünlüğünü ifade eden yeni bir okuma ve algılama anlayışına göre çalışmak fikri doğrultusunda, Türk edebiyatında önemli bir yere sahip olan seçilmiş şiirlerin analizi ile İstanbul kentinin siluetini okumaktır. Ufuk çizgisi sadece kent çizimleri ve planları görülemez; sanat, edebiyat ve kültür alanındaki okumalar, analizler ve araştırmalarla da ortaya çıkarılabilir. Şiir, kentin perspektifleri ve yerleşimleri hakkında ipuçları verdiği için kent siluetinin özgünlüğünün ve kimliğinin bir kanıtıdır. Bu çalışmada, İstanbul siluetini şiir üzerinden çizme amacına ulaşmak için şiir örnekleri incelenmiştir. Üç şairin (Yahya Kemal Beyatlı, Orhan Veli Kanık, Necip Fazıl Kısakürek) dört farklı şiirinde İstanbul'un siluetini yansıtma biçimi sistematik olarak gösterilmiştir. Araştırma, nitel araştırma tasarımı yaklaşımına göre desenlenmiştir. Araştırma yöntemi olarak bütüncül çoklu durum çalışması seçilmiştir. Veriler, seçilen şiirlere yönelik doküman incelemesi yoluyla toplanmıştır. Toplanan verilere betimsel tematik analiz uygulanmıştır. Seçilen şiirler, şairler için ortak sayılabilecek bazı duyguları ve mimari güzellikleri anlatır. Böylece İstanbul silueti şiirler yoluyla panoramik bir şekilde görülebilir. ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to read the skyline of the city of Istanbul with the analysis of selected poems that have an important place in Turkish literature, in line with the idea of working according to a new understanding of reading and perception that expresses the identity and originality of the city skyline. The skyline cannot be seen only in city drawings and plans, it can also be revealed through readings, analyzes and research in the fields of art, literature and culture. The poem is a testament to the authenticity and identity of the city skyline, as it gives clues about the city's perspectives and settlements. In this study, examples of poetry were examined in order to achieve the aim of drawing the skyline of Istanbul through poetry. The way of reflecting the skyline of Istanbul in four different poems of three poets (Yahya Kemal Beyatlı, Orhan Veli Kanık, Necip Fazıl Kısakürek) was systematically shown. The research was designed according to the qualitative research design approach. Holistic multiple case study was chosen as the research method. Data were collected through document review for selected poems. Descriptive thematic analysis was applied to the collected data. The selected poems describe some feelings and architectural beauties that can be considered common for poets. Thus, the skyline of Istanbul can be seen in a panoramic way through poems. TO CITE: Köseoğlu, Emine & Barut, Aye (2024). Yahya Kemal Beyatlı, Orhan Veli Kanık ve Necip Fazıl Kısakürek Şiirlerinde İstanbul Siluetinin Bileşenleri, Online Journal of Art and Design, 12(3), 251-267, Temmuz 2024.
... The perception word means knowledge or awareness that is one of the activities of the perceiving mind. The external senses are the main and primary source of all human knowledge [24,25]. Perception is what we can be formed and organized as a result of dealing with the external world. ...
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Designing spaces that promote occupant health and well-being is essential to achieve sustainable building practices. This paper considers a sustainable architecture design by investigating quantum energy and perception within architectural space. To this end, the mutual influence between the building and the user through the energy effect of space is investigated. Besides, this paper discusses the energy's role in architecture and the nature of perception in shaping spatial awareness and human engagement within environments. In addition, this paper discuss how quantum and electromagnetic energy can enhance architectural design. We aim to provide information related to the study of the magnetic field effect in architecture design, specifically the effect of the geomagnetic field on occupants. Examples of practical implementation have been presented with the aim to provide effective recommendations for future architectural design. The findings in this research highlight the potential of energy-inspired designs to create built environments that are both more sustainable and adaptive.
... Bunların sistematik biçimde yinelenen ve sürekliliği olan mekansal yansımalarını da ölçekler arası devamlılığı sağlayan ögeler olarak nitelendirir. Kentsel çevreyi de buradan hareketle mekanın, zamanın, anlamın ve iletişimin organizasyonu şeklinde tanımlar (Rapoport, 2016). ...
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Araştırmanın temel amacı; yapılaşmış doku içindeki küçük ölçekli kentsel yüzeylerin ekolojik ve sosyal niteliklerinin yerel veriler üzerinden incelenmesi ve mikro-iklimsel, fiziksel ve kullanım değerlerinin parametreler şeklinde tanımlanarak oluşturulmuş çok katmanlı ve ilişkisel bir optimizasyon model önerisi geliştirmektir. Bu model ile kentsel yüzeylerin performansına dayalı analizler ve farklı mekansal alternatiflerinin simülasyonlarının elde edilmesi hedeflenmiştir.
... This study seeks to examine the meaning of boats within the traditional Kenali dwelling. This is predicated on the notion that human existence in space is invariably imbued with symbolic significance [37], [38], [39]. ...
... Relph, Norberg-Schulz, Seamon, and Cresswell mention that space turns into a place when it has meaning. Rapoport (1977) states that there are two kinds of filters between reality and meaning: the first is the image from the culture that surrounds us, and the second is the image that comes from the person within oneself. In other words, meaningful spaces are created according to our environmental perception after passing through personal and social filters of culture and identity. ...
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The concept of place quality emerged from the social indicators movement, which emphasizes the significance of social issues. Accordingly, place quality encompasses not merely the quality of the physical environment but also the quality of the social environment. However, sets of indicators to measure quality in urban spaces mostly focus on the quality of the physical environment. In this context, the aim of the present study is to create a place quality indicator set, which includes indicators about the relationship of society with the urban space emphasizing the social dimensions of place quality. For this aim, a two-stage process was conducted in the study. In the first stage of the study, a conceptual reading was performed on place to be able to identify the social dimensions of place quality. According to the results of this study, the social dimension of place is associated with the concepts of "experience", "identity" and "belonging". In this context, in order to be able to discuss place quality, it is necessary to talk about the indicators that will promote spatial experience, sustain continuity of identity in space, and ensure spatial belonging. In this scope, in the second stage, in studies which contain quality indicators in the urban space, those regarding the social dimension of place were sought. A systematic literature review was performed in the Web of Science database for the selection of studies to be examined. Sixteen sources with the highest association with the subject were determined among the 209 sources. Content analysis was used in evaluating the sources. As a result of the content analysis conducted by the MAXQDA 2022 software, a total of 30 indicators were created under the themes of "experience", "identity" and "belonging". The value of the study lies in the creation of a set of indicators that assess the quality of place based on the concepts of experience, identity and belonging. Moreover, the indicator set is a valuable contribution to the field as it can be utilized by both research and local government entities and is open to ongoing improvement
... For Rapoport (1990), complexity is related to the quantity of notable differences to which the viewer is exposed per unit of time, that is, the time spent in the location is as relevant as the quantity and quality of the attractions available. Humans feel more comfortable receiving information at a perceptible pace; too little information generates disinterest, too much information generates sensory overload ( Figure 7). ...
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Resumo Este artigo propõe uma possibilidade de leitura do espaço urbano por meio da metodologia apresentada por Ewing e Clement (2013) no livro Measuring urban design. Essa metodologia foi aplicada em um trecho da área central da cidade de Laguna/SC tombada pelo Instituto de Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional nos anos 1980, por sua relevância histórica e cultural, o que determina quais espaços públicos de uma cidade são mais atrativos à presença humana em detrimento de outros, quais são as qualidades perceptíveis desse espaço e como essas qualidades podem ser mensuradas. Os resultados iniciais indicam que a metodologia proposta é adequada para identificar e mensurar as qualidades perceptíveis do ambiente urbano, tanto em áreas urbanas patrimoniais quanto nas demais áreas.
... Therefore, vernacular morphology has sustainable concepts, such as a built environment concerning an environment accepted by their community, and the building cost is affordable [15]. Local wisdom of vernacular morphology emphasizes universal values, such as ecological wisdom [16]. In that sense, having a meek attitude is necessary to learn from the ecology wisdom -architecture. ...
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The increase in urban areas is a natural process caused by urban development, especially caused by contemporary demand. On the contrary, there is a local community’s effort, such as Kampung Adat (Indigenous village) to maintain the area as a vernacular kampong. Therefore, there is a need to revitalize the area to make it compliant with vernacular cultural aspects. Revitalization is an upgrading condition in adaptation to contemporary demands. Meanwhile, vernacular wisdom has a local-oriented morphology, respectful to the harmony of socio-culture and the built environment. Kampung Adat Mahmud in Bandung District, West Java, is named after Eyang Mahmud, who was Bandung’s outstanding ulama (preacher). The Kampong has been revitalized in the spirit of Islamic sustainability, which united contemporary development and Islamic heritage preservation. Such revitalization is helpful to be studied. Therefore, the research aims to get a better understanding of how the vernacular community could implement revitalization in the context of Islamic sustainability, which contains functional (Hasan), good (Thoyib), and aesthetic (Jamil) values. The research methodology is qualitative descriptive, based on observation, and analyzed by the development of morphology kampong, neighborhood, and dwelling house. The result is the revitalization of the Kampong, which has been conducted by an approach that harmonizes the natural environment, vernacular character, and contemporary socio-economy activities.
... In such cases, specific characteristics of stimuli can be important for motivating motor activity. Among these characteristics, scientists from different countries distinguish the following ones: size, location, visibility, contrast against the background of the environment, comfort, lighting, design, symbols, etc. [27][28]. ...
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Background and purposeThe study purpose was to find out how the interior design of sports and health complexes affects the females’ motivation for physical activity. The authors proceeded from the initial hypothesis that a well-planned, modern-looking and attractive interior design of sports and health complexes can significantly affect the number of female visitors and their physical activity. Material and Methods To confirm the initial hypothesis, the authors used following research methods: comparison of modern interiors of sports and health complexes with the interiors of the Soviet period; interviewing employees of sports and health complexes; cluster analysis and survey of female visitors. To ensure the reliability of the survey results, the sample size was determined taking into account the general amount population of Ukraine, thus the sample size comprised 508 respondents from 5 Ukrainian cities – Vinnytsia (98), Lviv (115), Lutsk (102), Ternopil (88), Odesa (105).To confirm or refute the initial hypothesis the authors calculated the value of the criterion χ2 (Chi-square) using the standard program for processing scientific research results (SPSS) based on crosstabulations.ResultsIt has been found out that most of females consider the good planned interior design (aesthetic appeal and comfort) to be a determining factor in choosing a sports and health complex. The impact of this factor depends on the age – the older is a woman, the higher is the influence. The results’ correctness was confirmed based on the use of variance analysis method. With the help of the input data recodifications, the authors calculated the variances to determine the degree of frequency fluctuation for the questions related specifically to the sports and health complexes interiors design.Conclusions Attractive modern design and comfortable conditions in sports and health complexes proved to be significant motivational factors in increasing the motor activity of the adult females. The authors came to the conclusion, that improving the aesthetic image of the sports and health facilities’ interior can motivate more women, especially older ones, to engage in physical activity. Thus, the issue of increase the Ukrainian females’ physical activity level depends greatly on productive cooperation between sports and health complexes management and professional designers.
... Gizlilik, "etkileşimi kontrol edebilme, tercih edebilme ve arzu edilen etkileşimi kazanma yeteneği" ve ilişkileri düzenleyen bir mekanizmadır (Rapoport, 1977). Gizlilik için iç mekânların hiyerarşi içinde düzenlenmeleri hem yalnızlığa hem de toplanmaya olanak tanımaktadır. ...
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The proportion of the elderly population is gradually increasing due to reasons such as decreasing birth rates in the world, improving living standards and increasing average life expectancy with advances in medicine. Fast-paced life in cities, changes in family structure, and individualization of people under the influence of consumer culture cause elderly individuals to become lonely and move away from society. The study aims to reveal the relationship between co-housing, which has become one of the alternative lifestyles with the influence of the increasing consumption phenomenon/culture with changing lifestyles, and the continued coexistence of elderly individuals with society. Within the scope of the quantitative research, five different examples of co-housing built for the elderly, which are expected to stand out in terms of design in the 21st century, were examined specifically in the context of the Ball Model, a new living model for the elderly realized at the TTS (Work Efficiency Institute) Institute, and the structures were examined. Spatial analyzes were made. As a result of the study, by comparing the features of the buildings in line with the findings of the analyses, it was emphasized that such designs would prevent the increasing number of elderly people in the world from becoming isolated and facilitate their participation in society, should be developed and increased in sociological, psychological, architectural and economic terms.
... Gizlilik, "etkileşimi kontrol edebilme, tercih edebilme ve arzu edilen etkileşimi kazanma yeteneği" ve ilişkileri düzenleyen bir mekanizmadır (Rapoport, 1977). Gizlilik için iç mekânların hiyerarşi içinde düzenlenmeleri hem yalnızlığa hem de toplanmaya olanak tanımaktadır. ...
The proportion of the elderly population is gradually increasing due to reasons such as decreasing birth rates in the world, improving living standards and increasing average life expectancy with advances in medicine. Fast-paced life in cities, changes in family structure, and individualization of people under the influence of consumer culture cause elderly individuals to become lonely and move away from society. The study aims to reveal the relationship between co-housing, which has become one of the alternative lifestyles with the influence of the increasing consumption phenomenon/culture with changing lifestyles, and the continued coexistence of elderly individuals with society. Within the scope of the quantitative research, five different examples of co-housing built for the elderly, which are expected to stand out in terms of design in the 21st century, were examined specifically in the context of the Ball Model, a new living model for the elderly realized at the TTS (Work Efficiency Institute) Institute, and the structures were examined. Spatial analyzes were made. As a result of the study, by comparing the features of the buildings in line with the findings of the analyses, it was emphasized that such designs would prevent the increasing number of elderly people in the world from becoming isolated and facilitate their participation in society, should be developed and increased in sociological, psychological, architectural and economic terms.
... There exists a large body of research relating to social activities and urban spaces (Whyte, 1980;Gehl 2011;Rapoport 1977) as well as research linking urban form with social linkages (Dempsey et al 2011, Mouratidis 2018. At the same time however, there exists relatively little research in empirically establishing the relationships between micro-spatial elements (such as raised thresholds, fixed seating alcoves, plinths etc) and social interaction, especially in the complex conditions of Southern urbanism. ...
... Mimari ve fiziksel özellikler ise mekân kimliğini belirleyen diğer önemli faktörlerdir (Rapoport, 1977;Pol, 2002). Bir mekânın mimari tasarımı, sokakları, parkları ve genel fiziksel özellikleri, o mekânın tanınabilirliğini artırmaktadır. ...
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Bu çalışma, merkeziyetçi yönetim paradigmasında yerel yönetimlerin sosyal sorun çözme kapasitesini ve toplumsal katılım süreçlerini sosyolojik bir perspektiften incelemektedir. Yerel yönetimlerin halka yakın olması, yerel düzeydeki sosyal sorunların daha iyi anlaşılması ve çözülmesi için avantaj sağlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda, Şişli Belediyesi'nin 2018 yılında başlattığı Kuştepe Kent Atölyesi, mahalle sakinleri ve yerel liderlerle etkileşim kurarak mahalledeki sosyal sorunları belirlemeyi ve çözümler üretmeyi amaçlamıştır. Araştırmanın temel amacı, Kuştepe Mahallesi'nde mekânın dönüşüm sürecinde yerel yönetimlerin katılım aşamalarını ve bu aşamaların toplumsal katılımcılık düzeylerini sosyolojik bir bağlamda analiz etmektir. Çalışma, mahallede gerçekleştirilen eylem araştırması kapsamında, katılımcıların kendi değerleri ve deneyimleriyle mahalleyi inşa etmelerini, çözüm üretmelerini ve yaşadıkları mekân üzerinde düşünmelerini teşvik etmeyi hedeflemektedir. Bu bağlamda, mimarlar, şehir plancıları, akademisyenler, sosyologlar, antropologlar ve öğrenciler gibi çeşitli meslek gruplarının katılımı sağlanarak karşılıklı deneyimlerin paylaşıldığı bir ortam oluşturulmuştur. Araştırmanın temel veri birimi, Kuştepe Mahallesi'nde gerçekleştirilen Kent Atölyesi etkinlikleridir. Atölye ekibi, Sherry Arnstein'in katılım merdiveni metodunu kullanarak düzenlenen etkinliklerin katılım düzeylerini değerlendirmiştir. Bu metodoloji, topluluk üyelerinin sürece ne kadar etkin bir şekilde dahil olduklarını anlamak için bir çerçeve sunmaktadır. Veriler, saha çalışmaları, katılımcı gözlemler ve atölye etkinliklerinden elde edilmiştir. Saha çalışmaları, mahalle sakinleri ve esnafla yapılan yüz yüze görüşmeleri içerirken, katılımcı gözlemler mahalle etkinlikleri sırasında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu yöntemler, Kuştepe Mahallesi'nde yaşayan bireylerin mekân algılarını, sosyal etkileşimlerini ve katılım süreçlerini mekân sosyolojisi bağlamında derinlemesine anlamayı sağlamıştır. Bu eylem araştırması, mahalledeki sosyal bağları ve topluluk dayanışmasını güçlendirerek mekânsal dönüşüm süreçlerine kültürel ve toplumsal bir perspektiften yaklaşmayı hedeflemektedir.
... Bacon [26] also believes that the urban space helps soften the common emotions of humans and has a human-emotional quality. Rapaport [27] also believes that the urban space facilitates the socialization process of people and is an important field of behavior and the application of social norms and standards. Bahreini [6] also considers the urban space as the stage of life, where the general activities of urban life take place. ...
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Throughout history, urban spaces have always been one of the important elements of the city. While having the social and cultural values of the society, they are a place for carrying out various activities that connect the members of the society with each other. They also provide opportunities for recreation. The more these spaces are built in accordance with the local culture and have a higher environmental quality, the more people tend to attend, be active and spend their free time there, and as a result, the vitality in the society improves. On the other hand, the lack of urban space or the lack of attention to the environmental qualities will reduce the sense of attachment and presence of people in these spaces, which will itself lead to the degradation of social relations. In urban settlements before modernism, public spaces such as squares and bazaars were used as arenas for social communication. In the process of modernization, the role of these places as urban space was diminished and new shopping malls have replaced them today. This research seeks to compare the environmental qualities of urban space in new shopping malls and traditional bazaars. The research is applied in terms of purpose and analytical-descriptive and comparative in terms of method. In order to achieve the goal of the research, the theoretical concepts were first studied and environmental quality factors were extracted. Then, with the technique of observation and photography, the extracted factors were checked in Kourosh mall and Kaffashha traditional bazaar. The results show that although shopping malls are derived from western societies and do not fit with Iranian culture, but due to the facilities they provide to the people, they have a more favorable condition in most of the factors examined in this research and have been more welcomed by people as urban space.
... These activities expose them to a myriad of new sights, sounds, and textures that contribute to their growing understanding of their surroundings. This process enables children to become aware of a larger and more distinctly defined world while simultaneously incorporating the enormous complexity of the neighborhood setting (Rapoport, 1977). As they navigate through these environments, they must make sense of diverse and often intricate elements within their community. ...
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Playgrounds are widely recognized as vital spaces for children's outdoor play and development. However, in Algeria, urban development policies focused primarily on housing quantity have often neglected the quality of outdoor open spaces, particularly playgrounds. This research explores the hypothesis that claims a divergence between the entities of outdoor playgrounds in residential neighborhoods and the children's necessities. Therefore, the central research question of this paper investigates the ways children use their daily outdoor playgrounds. To address this multifaceted inquiry, a combined methodological approach was employed. Qualitative method, including direct observation, was employed to understand the structural composition of play spaces and children's interactions within them in nuanced and contextualized ways. Additionally, the quantitative method elaborated a self-administered questionnaire conducted with children to gather some personal insights and perspectives on the local public play spaces. As a result, initial assessments of the neighborhood playgrounds revealed several significant accessibility and usability challenges that restrict their effectiveness as recreational spaces for children. Moroever, the research paper underscores the necessity for urban design approaches that prioritize children's perspectives, ensuring environments that support their growth and well-being. This study advocates for a child-centered approach to urban planning, emphasizing the importance of designing playgrounds that facilitate children's agency, freedom and creativity in their play activities.
... 1 It is important to highlight that the meanings derived from the built environment can inform our understanding of ancient cultures and civilizations where architecture was not intentionally designed; rather, it was a spontaneous response to the civilization's political, economic, social/ cultural, and religious dimensions. 2 Furthermore, Christian Norberg-Schulz 3 identified four levels of existential space: geographical and landscape, urban, the house, and the thing. He emphasized that a comprehensive understanding of space, regardless of its scale, requires exploring it at different scales and their interconnections, where different social, cultural, and epistemological aspects can be understood. ...
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Religious buildings are representatives of the cultural and ritual dimensions of ancient civilization, contributing to city morphology and systems. Their architecture provides interpretations and information about past societies’ experiences of place, space, and everyday social and cultural practices. Therefore, this paper focuses on the city of Ugarit, the capital city of a Bronze Age civilization that occupied the northwest part of present-day Syria, and explores the relationship between Ugaritic people’s ritual and cultural dimensions and the architecture of their central and local religious building (temples and sanctuaries). Through an in-depth investigation of archeological reports and text excavated in the city, as well as onsite architectural analysis and observation, this article investigates how the architectural forms and planning of large and small religious buildings in Ugarit were informed by Ugaritic people’s religious practices and cults. The work points out that the Ugaritic people carefully planned their religious buildings on both architectural and urban scales. To fulfill their rituals, the Ugaritic people designed the architecture, structure, and form of their religious buildings based on their religious practices and beliefs rather than being influenced by temple design principles shared in the region. This approach resulted in building forms and architectural/interior arrangements that are distinctive from those of surrounding civilizations and regions.
... Seting menurut pendapat Rapoport (1977) Sense of place yang dibentuk oleh aspek seting fisik akan terasa dari pengalaman ruang ketika pengamat berada di tempat tersebut dan merasakan pengalaman ruang yang unik / sensual (sensual experience of place). Pada gambar 6 memperlihatkan Sense of place yang dapat dirasakan berbeda terutama terkait dengan skala (scale) ruang, ketika pengamat berada di atas bangunan sabo dam di ketinggian 3-6 meter dari permukaan jalan dan ketika berada di dasar (floor scape) sungai Kali Gendol yang berada sekitar 6-10 meter di bawah permukaan jalan. ...
Penetapan Kalurahan Argomulyo sebagai Desa Mandiri Budaya berbasiskan kepariwisataan membutuhkan penggalian potensi-potensi yang ada di tempat tersebut agar Kalurahan ini dapat menjadi destinasi wisata unggulan. Kalurahan Argomulyo berada di daerah rawan bencana alam erupsi gunung Merapi, dan kawasan Sabo Dam Kali Gendol Bronggang merupakan salah satu unsur fisik yang keberadaannya cukup mendominasi wilayah Kalurahan ini. Selain memiliki fungsi utama sebagai kawasan mitigasi bencana untuk pengendalian banjir lahar, Sabo Dam ini juga memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai salah satu tempat kegiatan dan atraksi geowisata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap konsep Place kawasan Sabo Dam guna menemukenali keunikan, kekhasan, kekhususan dan daya tarik yang ada di tempat ini. Temuan atas konsep place ini akan menjadi sangat penting bagi arahan dan pedoman pengembangan kepariwisataan di Kalurahan Argomulyo. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif-deskriptif dengan menerapkan metoda penelitian survei. Lokus penelitian adalah kawasan Sabo Dam Kali Gendol Bronggang Kalurahan Argomulyo, Kabupaten Sleman D.I. Yogyakarta.. Hasil penelitian ini telah berhasil menemukan bahwa Sense of Place merupakan konsep Place di kawasan Sabo Dam Kali Gendol Bronggang dimana di dalam konsep tersebut terkandung penjelasan tentang dualisme sense of fear vs sense of secure, dualisme sense of freedom vs sense of inferior, sense of time, dan sense of take advantage.
... In order to improve the quantification of citizens' acceptance in urban planning, researchers have utilized perceived value to depict the human elements in the community environment. In his 1977 book Human Aspects of Urban Form: Towards a Man-Environment Approach to Urban Form and Design, Rapoport argued that the urban environment presents a unique instance of humanenvironment relationships (Rapoport, 2016). Relationships center around a concept called "environmental perception," covering how individuals perceive, understand, and assess the environment. ...
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As urban development shifts from the incremental era to the stock era, urban design is becoming increasingly focused on high-quality living and human needs. However, the opening of traditional communities has been insufficiently examined. This study took Liuyun Community, a typical open community in Guangzhou (China) that has undergone a transformation from residential to commercial use, as its research object. First, more than 300 residents, tourists, and merchants were surveyed via questionnaires administered in field investigations and interviews. Next, the data from the completed questionnaires were used to construct a structural equation model consisting of five dimensions, namely commercial service value, cost value, risk value, perceptual value, and social value. The data were then analyzed to determine the correlations between perceived value and behavioral intention, satisfaction, and other psychological attributes. The following results were obtained: (1) As commercial activities in the community increased, the influence of social value, cost value, and commercial service value on behavioral intention decreased. (2) The open community inevitably had negative impacts on its citizens. However, these negative impacts were
... Urban spaces exist beyond their physical, tangible and objective dimension, being able to acquire their own identity and symbolic value, which is socially constructed (Rapoport, 1977). An evident case is that of LGBTQ + 1 neighbourhoods where people of this community cover fundamental needs for every human being, such as encounter, respect, solidarity, affection and security (Ghaziani, 2014(Ghaziani, , 2021Hanhardt, 2013;Max-Neef et al., 1986), also becoming symbol-spaces in the struggle for rights and the defence of diversity and coexistence. ...
LGBTQ + neighbourhoods and venues in our cities have fulfilled many vital functions for LGBTQ + people and for society as a whole. Generally identified through the concentration of consumption spaces that host meetings between LGBTQ + people, they have a great symbolic value in the fight for their rights and against intolerance. At a time when doubts arise about their future, there are far fewer spatial, quantitative and systematic analyses of these concentration patterns, especially from an international and comparative approach to the phenomenon. The digitisation of our daily lives generates big data that make possible avenues of research that were hitherto impossible, not only in detail and extent, but also in the nature of the questions to answer. In this article, we analyse Foursquare location-based social big data to quantify and spatialise clustering patterns of queer places and symbolic capital in four LGBTQ + neighbourhoods (Castro in San Francisco, Soho in London, Chueca in Madrid and Le Marais in Paris) and take similar spaces with no LGBTQ + identity as a reference. In doing so, the greater accumulation of symbolic capital in LGBTQ + spaces is revealed and measured in these four cities. In future, similar studies could capture trends like the gentrification of these environments, to help policy-makers make data-driven decisions to promote more inclusive and diverse cities.
... Untuk mencapai hal tersebut dibutuhkan setting lingkungan. Beberapa ahli telah meninggalkan pendekatan environmental deterministic yang dianggap memiliki banyak keurangan, kemudian menggantinya dengan pendekatan perilaku dan psikologi dalam desain (Rapoport, 1977). Setelah pendekatan lingkungan dan perilaku dikembangkan, muncul berbagai model yang pada dasarnya melihat proses hubungan antara lingkungan dan perilaku yang timbal balik. ...
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Desa Sangkima yang berada di wilayah administratif Sangatta memiliki kawasan permukiman yang sedang berkembang namun belum difasilitasi ruang terbuka publik yang memadai. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji salah satu lahan di Desa Sangkima yang memiliki potensi untuk dijadikan sebagai taman umum yang dapat dimanfaatkan warga setempat. Metode penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan menganalisis topografi dan kondisi flora dan fauna di lahan tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini adalah lahan Eks. Bumi Perkemahan yang ada di Desa Sangkima sangat relevan dan sesuai untuk didesain ulang (re-development) menjadi taman ekologis dengan menekankan aspek manusia sebagai unsur terkuat dalam perancangan taman tersebut. Salah satu pendekatan konsep untuk mewujudkan desain taman tersebut adalah pendekatan desain biofilik.
... Firstly, this study broadens the understanding of how the built environment influences human health by focusing on PBE, extending beyond psychological perceptions such as perceived safety, which have been the focus of previous research 55 . Secondly, we enhance the body of knowledge on the mediation effect of PBE within a developing context, where urban development patterns, urban form, and socioeconomic characteristics distinctly differ from those in Western countries 10,56 . Finally, our findings highlight a critical mismatch between OBE and PBE, along with their inconsistent effects on physical activity. ...
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Numerous studies have suggested that the perceived built environment is shaped by the objective built environment and influences human physical activity. However, the empirical examination of this pathway remains scant. Addressing this gap, our study investigates whether the built environment affects leisure-time physical activity through its impact on the perceived built environment, utilizing data collected from 760 residents in Fuzhou, China. Structural Equation Modeling results reveal a modest correlation between objective and perceived built environment elements, with the objective built environment being a stronger predictor of leisure-time physical activity. Notably, perceived recreational facilities significantly mediate the relationship between objective recreational facilities and leisure-time physical activity, accounting for 15% of the variance in physical activity due to objective recreational facilities. This mediation effect is consistent across subpopulations, irrespective of residential self-selection biases. These results highlight the imperative for urban planning and policy to extend beyond mere spatial allocation of amenities to enhancing both the actual and perceived accessibility of these facilities, thus underlining the study's profound implications for public health and urban development strategies.
... Pendekatan perilaku pada umumnya dikaji melalui pemahaman pada perilaku manusia dalam hal pemanfaatan ruang. Pendekatan tersebut dilihat dari adanya aspek norma, kultur, dan psikologi pada tiap masyarakat yang memiliki perbedaan yang nantinya juga akan menghasilkan konsep dan wujud ruang yang berbeda (Rapoport, 1977). ...
a name="_Hlk143259237"> Bencana pada umumnya menimbulkan dampak korban jiwa, dampak psikologis, dan kerugian lainnya. Peristiwa yang telah terjadi di hampir seluruh bagian dunia beberapa tahun lalu adalah pandemi C ovid- 19. Pada konteks Indonesia, berdasarkan data statistik Pemerintah Jawa Tengah, terdapat tiga kabupaten /kota yang dinyatakan sebagai daerah dengan penyebaran C ovid- 19 tertinggi pada tahun 2021 , salah satunya adalah Kota Surakarta dengan 36.369 kasus. Berbagai pembatasan sosial bagi masyarakat memberikan pengaruh bagi pergerakan perjalana n penduduk yang terjadi selama ini. Pola perjalanan pada dasarnya terbentuk dari masing-masing wilayah yang memiliki aneka ragam bentuk kegiatan yang ada di tiap zona tersebut dan pada akhirnya akan membentuk suatu matriks asal tujuan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh matriks asal tujuan terhadap sebaran C ovid -19 di Kota Surakarta. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan teknik analisis pemetaan spasial dengan Sistem Informasi Geografis ( SIG ) menggunakan K ernel D ensity. Hasil pada pemetaan matriks menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas masyarakat melakukan perjalanan pada daerah dengan sebaran kasus tinggi, yaitu pergerakan secara internal pada kawasan Kota Surakarta dan berfokus pada tengah kawasan. Hasil penelitian ini juga mengidentifikasi bahwa di perlu kan adanya peningkatan peran dan pemahaman antar pemangku kepentingan agar terdapat sinergi antara berbagai pihak terkait dalam menangani kejadian luar biasa, baik dalam kasus pandemi C ovid -19 maupun bencana lainnya. </em
... This style of participation resonates deeply with some of participatory design's strongest critics, wherein such approaches should have a "central and abiding concern for direct and continuous interaction with those who are the ultimate arbiters of system adequacy; Namely, those who will use the technology in their everyday lives" (Suchman, 2011, p. vii). Continued interaction, investment and intervention with the space and between actors can suggest that they have a greater sense of control over their affairs which, according to Rapoport (1977), fosters an improved sense of community and empowerment. ...
... When a choice is made, the chosen option is the one that the individual most favors (Krider et al., 2010). The process of urbanization, the organization and behavior of cities are partly based on preferences (Rapoport, 1977). Preferences are linked to and shaped by an individual's experiences. ...
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This study develops a valid and reliable scale for the spatial preferences of pedestrians in public spaces. The study was conducted in 2023 and includes the development of a model based on survey results. With the help of random sampling method, the research was carried out with 401 random participants who were currently walking in the urban space. The scale development process started with an initial pool of 34 items determined from the literature on the subject. The data obtained from the applied scale were subjected to total item correlation, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses and reliability analyses. According to the results of the analyses, it was found that the scale consisted of 19 items and 5 factors, the variance rate explaining the whole scale was 62.8%, and the fit index values were acceptable. Cronbach alpha internal consistency reliability coefficient was calculated as 0.813.
... Bu ortaklık kurma çabası, Lang'in (2005) altını çizdiği gibi; "İyi bir bina tasarlayan herkesin iyi bir şehir tasarlayabileceğini düşünmesi" gibi potansiyel riskleri beraberinde getirmektedir. Oysa Rapoport (1977) tasarımda çok disiplinliğe vurgu yaparken, farklı zaman kullanımı ve bağlamlar içerisinde yer alan mekân türlerinin birbiriyle uyumu ve etkileşimine dikkat çekmektedir. Parça bütün ilişkisinde ölçekler arası düşünmek ve bağlantılar kurmak tek bir bakış açısının ürünü olamayacak kadar çeşitlilik barındırır. ...
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Tasarım sürecinde kısa dönemde bugünün ihtiyacına ce vap aramak kadar, yakın, orta ve uzun dönemde yarının değişen bağlamını bilimsel veriye dayanarak öngörmeye ve farklı gelecek senaryolarına göre çözüm üretmeye duyulan ihtiyaç artmaktadır. Özellikle iklim kriziyle birlikte, çözülmesi güç “geleceğin kötücül problemleri” karşısında tasarım düşüncesini harekete geçirme fikri önem kazanmıştır. Buradan yola çıkarak, günümüzün şartlarını iyileştirmenin yanı sıra, yarının şartlarına göre çok yönlü düşünme pratiğini geliştirebilmek ve farklı senaryolara göre geleceği tartışmaya açmak önemli bir adım olarak değerlendirilebilir. Bu tespit ve ihtiyaçlardan yola çıkarak, makalede geleceğin kentsel mekânlarının kurgulanmasını destekleyecek yöntem ve araçlar tartışılmaktadır. Modern dönemden başlayarak günümüze kadar, kentsel sistem, bağlam ve mekân algısı tartışmaya açılarak, mevcut örnekler üzerinden senaryolaştırma yönteminin tasarım sürecine nasıl eklenebileceği incelenmiştir.
... Other studies have discussed cultural changes and home layouts in the Western and Eastern regions [2,12,24,31]. Additionally, Rapoport [36] states that home layouts can be supportive or disruptive of residents' social and cultural needs. Therefore, changes in culture should be considered in housing design, as it is an important determinant of residents' satisfaction [22]. ...
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Home should be a place for social activities that satisfy both physical and social needs. Real estate developers in Jeddah currently show little consideration for cultural and social patterns of users in residential interior layouts. Therefore, this study aims to investigate apartments released by real estate developers in Jeddah from users’ perspectives. Qualitative and quantitative approaches are applied through in-depth interviews with 21 participants. The interviews investigate participants’ satisfaction, desire to make changes, reasons for making changes, and reasons for not making changes. This study finds that the majority of participants want to make changes to the layout of their homes owing to social activities. The SPSS analysis shows that most participants are less satisfied with the home layouts of RED than homes that are self-built, with a statistical significance of P = 0.002. This study recommends that RED companies should consider open spaces when designing apartments for sale so as to allow users to divide the interior layouts of reception and living zones according to their needs. In order to achieve this by RED, the study recommends more study by electrical engineer for electricity switches location, architects for window location, and construction engineers for column arrangement.
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This paper addresses the realm of planning and managing greenery in multifamily residential areas. We uncover parallels between practitioners' approaches, residents' preferences, and the spatial attributes of residential areas that influence the supply of ecosystem services (ES). We focus on cultural ecosystem services (CES), the most directly experienced by urban inhabitants. Employing a multi-method approach encompassing a workshop for practitioners, a discrete choice experiment (DCE)-based survey of urban residents, and mapping of greenery attributes in Poznań (Poland). Our study underscores the importance of shaping conditions that facilitate bundled regulating and cultural ES. Practitioners recognise the role of greenery in the production of ES. This resonates with residents' preferences for predominantly green neighbourhoods, with the dominance of trees and some facilities for active recreation. Mismatches between opting for well-maintained greenery with some benches while neither the level of maintenance nor facilities for passive recreation are crucial for residents. Ultimately, we identify four types of multifamily residential areas reflecting varying degrees of resident preferences. These findings offer valuable information for the future development of multifamily residential areas, helping to design urban green spaces that respond to values and needs and, consequently, to increase the provision of cultural ecosystem services and support the regulating ones.
Place has been central to sociolinguistic research from the beginning. How speakers conceptualize and orient to place can influence linguistic productions. Additionally, places can and do have myriad meanings – some strongly contested. Further, place is not static, as people move and the ideologies regarding certain places evolve over time. This Element probes these themes. It begins by reviewing the existing work on language and place within sociolinguistics according to key themes in the literature – place orientation, gentrification, globalization, and commodification, amongst others. Then it introduces key concepts and frameworks for studying place within allied fields such as geography, sociology, architecture, and psychology. Each author then presents a case study of language and place within their respective field sites: rural Appalachia and Greater New Orleans. The authors end by identifying areas for future development of place theory within sociolinguistics. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.
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Having been subject to various spatial interferences amid rapid urbanization, Karaköy is one of Istanbul’s central neighbourhoods whose identity has significantly transformed in the last years. This paper focuses on Karaköy’s streets which were once the centre of trade, have now been replaced by artistic collective constructs. The study aims to document this transformation, considering various physical and social aspects of urban space, while highlighting a new form of “urban intervention” through virtual spaces. It questions how virtual environments can be considered as a mode of intervention in urban space and delves into the transitions from ordinary commerce places to artistic urban spaces. Validating user-space interaction, the technological interference of social networks with physical space creates virtual centres of attraction, improving the popularity of places. The field research focuses on the environs of Tersane Avenue, Mumhane Avenue and Ali Paşa Değirmeni Street in Karaköy, attending to spaces where commerce once took place –now replaced by artistic collective constructs and articulations. Captured virtual-spatial interventions are operationalized in three stages: First, functional transformations are analysed at the street-scale. This is followed by analyzing images and quantitative data extracted from social network databases. Finally, the up-to-date spatial analyses are constructed, and the intersections of virtual and urban spaces are evaluated. Findings show that the user experience and pleasure-based design elements bear the interaction between virtual and urban space, additionally, the virtual-spatial intervention encompasses the transformation of urban space beyond conventional practices aimed at structural and functional change.
Northeast India is home to several tribes and tribal communities. In a tribal context, architecture and culture are intertwined into the day-to-day activities. Although most traditional structures in Meghalaya use similar locally available materials like bamboo, wood, mud and thatch, they are different from each other. This factor of identity stems from their diverse cultural practices and beliefs. The paper explores the relationship between technology and traditional Khasi architecture in Meghalaya, taking the case example of East Khasi Hills. It further investigates the scenario by analyzing the most important housing typologies of the Khasi traditional houses.
Understanding urban perception is crucial for comprehending the human-environment relationship and developing healthy cities. Research shows the built environment impacts in-motion perception, such as while walking, benefiting mental and physical wellbeing. Insights into this can inform urban policies, enhancing quality of life. Recent research has significantly advanced the quantification of urban visual perception by leveraging artificial intelligence with the Place Pulse 2.0 dataset, providing a cost-effective method to evaluate perception through street view images. Despite its benefits, challenges remain in accurately capturing perceptions, particularly 'in-motion' perceptions influenced by movement direction. This study introduces a new methodology to quantitatively assess pedestrian perception during a five-minute walk using computer vision and machine learning, exploring the relationship between various street environment aspects and in-motion perception. We found that, first, there are differences in perception, even perceived physical features and design qualities, between assessing walking through directional view and panoramic views images. Consequently, perceptions vary substantially under different environmental features, particularly in areas such as intersections compared to street segments. These diversities highlight the intricate nature of human perception, shaped by both spatial and visual contexts. In our sample the relationship between perceived street environment characteristics and perception while in motion, feeling of boredom and depression are positively correlated with sidewalks and complexity, while depression is negatively correlated with buildings and imageability. Additionally, the perception of liveliness is negatively correlated with complexity. Our research underscores the complex interplay between urban characteristics and pedestrian experiences. This highlights the importance of incorporating dynamic urban perception studies into planning and design to enhance urban life quality. Future studies should further validate these methods across diverse urban contexts and refine the quantification of perceptual quality.
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The developmental journey of individuals through their academic years profoundly shapes their character, a progression influenced by various factors, notably their interactions within their environment. According to this belief, one of the important and effective meanings of the relationship between man and the environment from the point of view of designers and psychologists is attachment to place. University libraries, because of their important and decisive role in education and research, are referred by students, faculty members, and staff. The need for solitude in such study spaces has always been the concern of architects and designers. But today, educational research environments, especially universities, have rarely been able to provide suitable places for students' attitudes and behavior and gain success in responding to all their needs. Concerning the acknowledgment of these concepts in the library domain, there has been no exhaustive study conducted utilizing their documents and analysis. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to evaluate the role of solitude in the promotion of place attachment in the library of the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. Based on the available evidence and based on the main research framework, indicators of attachment to place and solitude are presented. Then, utilizing objective observation and tailored user questionnaires, multiple factors influencing students' attachment to the library are explored using qualitative methods to understand the preferred level of solitude in these spaces. The library uses quantitative and qualitative methods to compare the amount of privacy in the library spaces with the users' need for privacy in that space. The questionnaire content was reviewed and SPSS software was utilized for both quantitative and qualitative analysis of the survey. Using the correlation method, the study explored how providing optimal privacy in the library setting can impact students' attachment. The findings revealed that ensuring optimal privacy in the library environment can influence students' attachment. The level of attachment of patrons to different spaces of the library varies from person to person. People choose places based on their needs and preferences and become dependent on them, which is caused by their individual, social, and cultural characteristics. Meanwhile, some people are attracted to active and collective learning environments according to the amount of privacy they want, and others may prefer a calm and quiet study environment with visual privacy. Libraries, as public spaces, may appear ideal for studying, solitude, social interactions, and engaging in dialogue. However, issues and discontent can arise because of constraints on maintaining personal space, privacy, and solitude, leading to reactions against forced social interactions. This research is divided into three parts. In the first part, based on the available evidence and based on the main framework of the research, the indicators of attachment to place and solitude are presented, and then with the help of objective observation and the design of targeted questionnaires by users, various factors are presented on the students. The attachment to the library is presented using a qualitative method. The second part, to investigate the level of privacy in library spaces, compares the level of privacy in library spaces with the users' need for privacy in that space with quantitative and qualitative methods. In the third part, with the correlation method, it has been investigated that the provision of optimal privacy in the library environment can affect the students' attachment. Therefore, in this article, we have tried to answer the following questions. - What are the factors affecting people's attachment to the library and reading in it? - How is the desired solitude achieved in the library environment and what factors does it depend on? - To what extent can the provision of privacy in the library environment affect students' attachment? As mentioned before, the main goal of this research is to find the relationship between the two concepts of attachment to a place and the concept of solitude. To explore the hypothesis, first, assess individuals' attachment levels to different library study spaces and the privacy offered in each area. Next, analyze the connection between these variables. Therefore, in the first stage, the level of people's attachment and the provision of optimal privacy have been measured separately. Based on the available evidence and based on the main framework of the research, the indicators of attachment to the place and solitude have been presented, and then with the help of objective observation and the design of targeted questionnaires from users, various factors have been presented on the attachment of students to the library. To check the desired level of privacy of the spaces, it has been checked with a qualitative method. The library uses quantitative and qualitative methods to compare the amount of privacy in the library spaces with the users' need for privacy in that space. In this way, the content of the questionnaire was checked and SPSS software was used for quantitative and qualitative analysis of the survey. With the correlation method, it was checked that providing optimal privacy in the library environment can affect students' attachment. The results of the research indicate that providing optimal privacy in the library environment can affect students' attachment. If privacy is provided, the basis for the formation of goals such as personal independence, reducing emotions, the possibility of self-evaluation, and controlled communication with others will be provided to the patrons of the central library. The provision of the mentioned items has led to the improvement of the emotional relationship between the person and the environment, which creates the basis for the creation and development of attachment to the place of the library for the person.
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The phenomenon of houses without road access has been happening a lot lately, especially in densely populated settlements. This happens because neighbors block access or are unwilling to provide a road. In contrast to this phenomenon, one of the residents in the densely populated settlement of Leuwigajah Village, Cimahi City allowed part of his land to be used as a road for his neighbors who have houses without access. However, this condition has an impact on territory, privacy and the hijab in the residence. The aim of this research is to examine the application of a house privacy in a densely populated settlement. The research method used is qualitative with a descriptive analytical approach. Primary data was obtained through field observations and interviews, while secondary data was obtained from literature studies. Data is collected, analyzed and summarized to reach conclusions. The results of the research show that the house studied still maintains privacy even though the terrace of the house is used as an area for public access. This is intended as part of the homeowner's tolerance for neighbors who do not have access from the road to their residence
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Özgüner Atak, Ebru, User - Place Interaction in Ground - Independent Spaces: A Case of Caravan FromTurkey, Başkent University, Institute of Social Sciences, Interior Architecture and Environmental Design PhD Program, 2024. This thesis aims to investigate the user-place interaction in ground-independent spaces, with a specific focus on caravans. The study seeks to understand the thoughts, experiences, and preferences of individuals living in caravans, as well as their relationship with the space and the furniture within it. By exploring the semantic, physical, and psychosocial dimensions of this user-place interaction, the research aims to identify the factors that contribute to a sense of freedom and spatial belonging in caravans. Housing is not merely a physical structure but also a social existence that provides shelter and facilitates the establishment and maintenance of one's life. Therefore, it is crucial to examine the user-place interaction in caravans to gain insights into the design elements that foster a positive living experience in these spaces. The study will employ qualitative research methods, including interviews and observations, to gather data from individuals living in caravans. These data will be analyzed using thematic analysis to identify common themes and patterns related to the user-place interaction. The findings will contribute to the existing literature on housing and design, providing insights into the unique challenges and opportunities presented by ground-independent living spaces. The research aims to provide practical recommendations for designers and architects working on caravan designs, as well as insights for individuals considering or currently living in caravans. By understanding the user-place interaction in caravans, it is possible to create living spaces that not only meet the functional needs of the residents but also enhance their overall well-being and sense of belonging. In conclusion, this thesis seeks to explore the user-place interaction in ground-independent spaces, specifically focusing on caravans. By examining the thoughts, experiences, and preferences of individuals living in caravans, as well as their relationship with the space and furniture, the study aims to identify the factors that contribute to a sense of freedom and v spatial belonging. The findings will provide valuable insights for designers, architects, and individuals living in caravans, ultimately contributing to the development of more inclusive and user-centered designs for ground-independent living spaces. Key Words: Caravan, Attachment, User-Place Interaction, Ground-Independence, Spatial Belonging
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Çalışma alanımız olan aynanın geleneksel yöntemlerle nasıl hazırlandığı görsellerle açıklanmıştır
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Wilayah pesisir Kota Makassar menghadapi tantangan seperti pertumbuhan populasi, abrasi lingkungan, konflik penggunaan lahan, permukiman kumuh hingga munculnya permukiman diatas perairan yang berdampak pada mata pencaharian nelayan dan sumber daya laut. Fenomena tersebut menekankan perlunya perancangan arsitektur yang berfokus pada tatanan permukiman nelayan. Lokasi penelitian rancangan penataan kampung nelayan di Pulau Barrang Lompo, Kecamatan Kepulauan Sangkarrang, Kota Makassar RW004 sebagian besar dihuni nelayan Jolloro, lahan seluas 4.14 Ha berpenduduk 213 Jiwa/h sebanyak 216 Kepala Keluarga. Berbagai keragaman potensi yang dimiliki pulau ini menjadi dasar pertimbangan perlunya konsep penataan dengan tema kampung tematik khas nelayan untuk menjaga keunikan dan keberlanjutan Pulau Barrang Lompo. Hasil rancangan konsep penataan kawasan terdiri dari 3 fungsi utama yaitu Hunian, Pusat ekonomi mandiri, dan wisata. Pada konsep penataan site terdapat hunian, ruang terbuka hijau, lapangan, ARSINUM, RESERVOIR, pojok UMKM, dermaga nelayan dan wisata, serta ruang interaksi. Dengan menerapkan konsep Modular Behavior, diharapkan dapat memberikan kemudahan dalam pembangunan dan modifikasi di masa depan, efisiensi energi, dan penggunaan material yang ramah lingkungan. Konsep ini dapat menjadi rujukan konsep revitalisasi kawasan kampung nelayan pada studi kasus RW004 Pulau Barrang Lompo Kota Makassar dan dapat diterapkan pada wilayah pesisir dan pulau kecil di Indonesia dengan kondisi serupa.
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Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza zjawisk i procesów społecznych zachodzących w przestrzeni centrum miasta oraz ukazanie psychologicznych mechanizmów percepcji i waloryzacji miejsc i obiektów zlokalizowanych w centrum miasta. W procesie percepcji i waloryzacji mieszkańcy przypisują poszczególnym fragmentom przestrzeni funkcje, sens i znaczenia. Przestrzeń centralna jest komunikatem, zawierającym liczne znaki, kody i szyfry, które są przez mieszkańców odczytywane, klasyfikowane, porządkowane i oceniane. W pierwszej części artykułu Autor przywołuje teoretyczne analizy i rozważania odnoszące się do centrum miasta, w drugiej skupia uwagę na analizie wyników badań empirycznych uzyskanych na terenie Gdańska.
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