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Supply Chain Management in a Dairy Industry - A Case Study

  • Government Polytechnic, Amadalavalasa Srikakulum dist


Supply chain management is the plan and control of material and information flow among suppliers, facilities, warehouses and customers with the objectives of minimization of cost, maximization of customer services and flexibility. The supply chain of a business process comprises mainly five activities viz., Purchase of materials from suppliers, transportation of materials from suppliers to facilities, production of goods at facilities, transportation of goods from facilitates to ware houses and transportation of goods from ware houses to customers. In this paper, a supply chain model is developed for a dairy industry, located in Andhra Pradesh, India. The supply chain includes four echelons namely raw milk suppliers, plant, warehouse and customers. In this model, emphasis is mainly on production and distribution activities, with a view to find out purchase plan of raw milk, production plan of product mix and transportation plan of the products.
Supply Chain Management in a Dairy
Industry – A Case Study
K. Venkata Subbaiah , Member, IAENG, K. Narayana Rao K. Nookesh babu
ABSTRACT - Supply chain management is the plan and
control of material and information flow among
suppliers, facilities, warehouses and customers with the
objectives of minimization of cost, maximization of
customer services and flexibility. The supply chain of a
business process comprises mainly five activities viz.,
Purchase of materials from suppliers, transportation of
materials from suppliers to facilities, production of
goods at facilities, transportation of goods from
facilitates to ware houses and transportation of goods
from ware houses to customers.
In this paper, a supply chain model is developed for a
dairy industry, located in Andhra Pradesh, India. The
supply chain includes four echelons namely raw milk
suppliers, plant, warehouse and customers. In this
model, emphasis is mainly on production and
distribution activities, with a view to find out purchase
plan of raw milk, production plan of product mix and
transportation plan of the products.
Index Terms- Supply chain management,
Transportation, Production plan, Customer zones.
Supply chain management (SCM) is a
rapidly evolving area of interest to academicians and
business management practitioners alike.
Coordinating the external and internal activities of a
firm is the basic philosophy of supply chain
management. It is about managing the entire process
in a collective and unified fashion.
Most of the manufacturing firms are
organized as networks of manufacturing and
distribution facilities that procure raw materials
transform them into intermediate and finished
K. Venkata Subbaiah is with Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India.
Phone: +91-891-2536486 (R), +91-09848063452 (M)
K. Narayana Rao is with Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Government Polytechnic, Visakhapatnam.
K.Nookesh babu is with Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
products and distribute the finished products to
customers. The simplest network consists of facilities
which perform procurement, manufacturing and
distribution. These networks are called value added
chains or supply chains.
A supply chain consists of all stages involved
directly or indirectly in fulfilling a customer request.
The supply chain not only includes the manufactures
and suppliers but also retailers and customers
themselves with in each organization.
A supply chain is an integrated system
wherein a number of various business entities (i.e.
suppliers, manufacturers, industrial customers,
distributors, retailers) work together to address issues
of both materials flow and information flow. A
reference model - the Supply Chain Operations
Reference model (SCOR), has been developed by the
Supply-Chain Council (SCC) [1]. This process
reference model contains standard description of
management process and a framework of relationships
among the standard processes. Ganeshan [5]
explored the basics of supply chain management from
a conceptual perspective by tracing the roots of the
definition and the origins of the concept from a broad
stream of literature. Pyke and Cohen [6] analyzed the
management of materials in an integrated supply chain
and develop a markov chain model for a three level
production distribution system. Cohen and
Huchzermeier [3] presented a survey of the literature
pertaining to analytic approaches for global supply
chain strategy analysis and planning. The integrated
supply chain network model is developed to capture
the complexities of a multi-product, multi-echelon,
multi-country, multiperiod planning problem for the
optimal choice of facility locations, capacity and
technology used. Sabri and Beamon [4] developed an
integrated supply chain model for use in simultaneous
strategic and operation supply chain planning. .Lee and
Kim [7] proposed a hybrid approach to solve
production and distribution problems in supply chains.
Thomas and Griffin [8] define the categories of
operational co ordination, buyer and vendor,
production and distribution, inventory and distribution.
Arntzen [9] provide the most comprehensive
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2009 Vol I
WCE 2009, July 1 - 3, 2009, London, U.K.
ISBN: 978-988-17012-5-1
WCE 2009
deterministic model for supply chain management
with an objective function containing the cost and
time elements. Even though supply chain
management is relatively new, the idea of co-ordinate
planning is not new. The study of multi-echelon
inventory/distribution systems began as early as 1960
by Clark and Scarf [2]. Since then many researchers
have investigated multi echelon inventory and
distribution systems. Less research has been aimed at
co-ordination of procurements, production and
distribution systems. In this paper an attempt has
been made to develop a coordinated supply chain-
planning model with procurement, production and
distribution systems.
The proposal of the model is to find an optimal
strategic plan for an integrated supply chain model.
MCtvp Cost of material p purchased by
vendor v at time t
PCtfg Production cost of goods g produced
by facility f at time t
VFTCtvp Transportation cost of material p
Transported from vendor v to
facility f at time t
FWTCtfwg Transportation cost of goods g
transported from facility f to ware
house w at time t
WZTCtwcg Transportation cost of goods g
transported from ware house w to
customer location c at time t
FMICtfp Inventory cost of mterial p
of facility f at time t
FGICtfg Inventory cost of goods g
of facility f at time t
WICtwg Inventory cost of goods g of
warehouse w at time t
BOMgp Amount of material p needed for
producing goods g
AVtvp The amount of material p
purchased by vendor v at time t
Rtvfp The amount of material p which
vendor v Transported of facility f at
time t.
AFtfp The inventory of material p in the
facility f at time t
Rtfg Amount of good g which facility f
produced at time t
AFtfg The inventory of goods g at facility
f at time t.
Rtfwg The amount of goods g which
facility f transported to ware house
w at time t.
AWtwg The inventory of good g in the
ware house w at time t.
Rtwcg The amount of good g which ware
house w transported to
customer c at time t.
ACtcg The demand of goods g by
customer c at time t.
1. Capacities of vendors are fixed.
2. Demand is deterministic.
3. Variable cost per unit production is constant
Mathematical model
This model consists of four echelons namely
Suppliers, Plants, Distribution Centers (DCs), and
Customer zones (CZs).
A multi-objective function is formulated to
minimize cost subject to supplies, plant and
distribution capacities, production and distribution
through put limits and customs demand requirements.
Total cost includes fixed costs of production and
distribution, variable costs of production, distribution
and transportation.
Various costs involved in the supply chain are
1. Material Cost = tvp
vpMC *
2. Production cost = tfg
fgPC *
3. Transportation cost =
twcg twcg
tvfp tvfp tfwg tfwg
vfp fwg wcg
∑∑ ∑
4. Inventory cost =
tfp tfg twg
tfp tfg
ft fg wg
∑∑ ∑
The objective function of the model is to minimize the
total cost associated with the supply chain which
includes material, production, transportation and
inventory costs.
Minimize Z=
** *
tfg twg
tvp tvp tfg tfg tvfp tvfp
vsp fg vfp
twcg twcg
tfwg tfwg tfp
fwg wcg ft
fg wg
++ +
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2009 Vol I
WCE 2009, July 1 - 3, 2009, London, U.K.
ISBN: 978-988-17012-5-1
WCE 2009
The above stated problem is solved subjected to the
following constraint set.
1. Upper – Lower bound restrictions
0 Rtvfp Rtvfp _ UPbound
0 Rtfwg Rtfwg _ UPbound
0 Rtwcg Rtwcg _ UPbound
Rtfg _ LPbound Rtfg Rtfg _ UPbound
etvf =1; ettw =1; etvc=1;
2. Flow Conservative restrictions
tvfp tvp
LV t v p=∀
() *
tfp t et vfp gp tfg
(1) ,,
() (1)
fw fwg twcg
twg t et t wg
() ,,
tet wcg tcg
AC t c g
The above developed model is applied to Visakha
Dairy situated in Andhra Pradesh, India. The above
dairy has six vendors located at Vsiahapatnam,
Vizianagaram, Tuni, Ramabadrapuram, Narsipatnam
and Srikakulam. It has two facilities located at
Visakhapatnam and kakinada to meet the customer
demands. Five warehouses are situated at
Visakapatnam, Vizianagaram, Srikakulam Kakinada
and Rajahmundry. Its customer locations are situated
at Visakhapatnam, Vizianagaram, Srikakulam,
Kakinada and Rajamundry.
The input data required for the design of supply chain
for the above stated industry is given below.
Input Data
Material Cost
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 1140 1160 991 1135 872 1056
Vendor to facility transportation cost
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 3.26 26.33 36.24 28.56 84.8 33.35
2 32.98 6.02 66.24 55.56 103.8 3.26
Facility to ware house transportation cost
For facility1
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26
2 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9
3 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6
4 8.9 8.9 8.9 8.9 8.9 8.9
5 7.56 7.56 7.56 7.56 7.56 7.56
For facility 2
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9
2 4.52 4.52 4.52 4.52 4.52 4.52
3 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.26
4 19.8 19.8 19.8 19.8 19.8 19.8
5 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4
Ware House to customer transportation cost
1 2 3 4 5
1 0 11.9 13.16 8.9 7.56
2 13.26 0 1.26 3 4.1
3 9.96 1.3 0 4.26 5.56
4 6.74 3 4.26 0 1.24
5 4.3 4.34 5.36 1.24 0
In the above table the transportation cost for good 1 is
shown and the same table repeats for the remaining
Inventory carrying cost at the facility for the raw
material and goods are considered as Zeros.
Inventory const at warehouse
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.05
2 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.05
3 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.05
4 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.05
5 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.05
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2009 Vol I
WCE 2009, July 1 - 3, 2009, London, U.K.
ISBN: 978-988-17012-5-1
WCE 2009
Capacities of Vendors (in thousands)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 178 43 325 45 22 20
Capacities of facilities for producing different goods
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 25000 11000 7500 4000 4000 32000
2 4000 15000 0 150 4000 30000
Capacities of ware house to hold different products
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 25000 100000 7000 3000 4000 25000
2 1500 5000 0 0 1000 20000
3 1500 4000 0 500 2000 8000
4 1000 3000 0 0 1000 6000
5 0 500 500 500 300 5000
Demands for different goods at different customer
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 23760 10903 7000 3199 3624 23726
2 1072 4624 0 0 304 16684
3 1254 3564 0 106 2076 7352
4 962 3234 0 0 806 6210
5 0 195 0 158 193 4659
The Problem is solved using LINGO student version
The optimal solution for the model is
Table I: Quantities of material to be procured version
different vendors.
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 106565 43000 32500 0 22000 29000
Table II: Quantities of goods transported from vendors
to facilities
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 106565 9850 32500 0 22000 0
2 0 33150 0 0 0 29000
Table III: Amounts of goods produced at both the
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 23048 105920 7000 3313 2003 28631
2 4000 1500 0 150 4000 3000
Table IV: Amounts of goods transported from facilities
to warehouse
From Facility F1
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 23048 105920 7000 3199 3003 23726
2 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 114 0 4905
From Facility F2
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 712 3383 0 0 621 0
2 1072 4819 0 44 497 16684
3 2216 6798 0 106 2882 13316
4 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0
Table V: Amounts of goods to be transported from
ware houses to customer Zones.
From ware house 1
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 23760 109303 7000 3199 3624 23726
2 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2009 Vol I
WCE 2009, July 1 - 3, 2009, London, U.K.
ISBN: 978-988-17012-5-1
WCE 2009
From Ware House 2
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 1072 4624 0 0 304 16684
3 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 195 0 44 193 0
From ware house 3
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 1254 3564 0 106 2076 7352
4 962 3234 0 0 806 5964
5 0 0 0 0 0 0
From ware house 5
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 246
5 0 0 0 114 0 4659
Table I represents the procurement plan which
indicates quantities of raw materials to be procured
from different vendors. As both the material cost and
transportation costs to both the facilities is high from
vendor 4 (i.e., Ramabadrapuram) and the demand for
the raw material can be fulfilled by the remaining
vendors, raw material should not be procured from
the vendor 4. Table III represents the production plan
for the optimal product mix. It gives us the quantities
of material to be produced by both the facilities
considering the demands of the customers and their
transportation cost.
Table II, IV and V represent the transportation plans
for the plant. Table II shows the quantities of material
to be transported from different vendors to both the
facilities. Table IV shows the quantities of different
goods to the shipped to the warehouses from both the
facilities. Table V shows the quantities of different
goods to be transported from different warehouse to
all the customer locations. The Transportation cost to
ware house 4 is very high from both the facilities and
it is also very far away from all the customer zones,
so the warehouse 4 is discarded from the plan. From
the above obtained plans the total cost of the supply
chain is calculated as Rs.27, 41,039/- per one time
period (i.e.12 hours). The obtained value is
Rs.2,02,539/- less than the existing cost.
In this paper supply chain network is
designed for a dairy industry. This network includes
material purchase plan, production plan, inventory
plan and transportation plan. From the results it is
observed that the total cost of the supply chain is 9.8
percent lesser than the existing cost. This model can be
extended to varying demand and costs. This can also
be applied to fast moving consumer goods.
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[2.] Clark, A. J., and Scarf, H., 1960, Optimal
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[3.] Cohen, M. A., and Huchzermeier, A., 1998,
Global Supply Chain Management: A survey
of Research and Applications, Quantitative
Models for Supply Chain Management,
Kulwer academic publishers .
[4.] Ehap H. Sabri and Benita M. Beamon 2000,
A Multi-Objective Approach to Simultaneous
Strategic and Operational Planning in Supply
Chain Design, Omega Vol. 28, NO.5, 581-
[5.] Ganeshan, R , Stephens, P., Jack, E . , and
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Quantitative models for supply chain
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Multi product integrated production
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[7.] T. H. Lee and S.H . Kim. , 2000,optimal
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[9.] Arntzen, B. C., G. C. Brown, T. P. Harrison
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Interfaces: 25, 69-93.
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2009 Vol I
WCE 2009, July 1 - 3, 2009, London, U.K.
ISBN: 978-988-17012-5-1
WCE 2009
... In recent decade, supply chain analysis, growth and development has grown rapidly. Supply chain management (SCM) is a quickly developing sector which has considerable impact on academicians and business management experts (Subbaiah et al., 2009;Ogundana et al., 2017). Planning the external and internal exercises of a firm is the fundamental rationality of supply chain management. ...
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The purpose of this study was to examine the role of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in supply chain management. To achieve this purpose, quantitative research approach was used, and the study preferred cross-sectional research design rather than longitudinal research design. Based on literature, six hypotheses were proposed concerning the relationship between international financial reporting and supply chain management. Data were collected from the employees of the dairy companies in Indonesia through area cluster sampling technique. Only those employees were selected having direct relationship with supply chain and accounting activities. Structural equation modelling was sued to test the hypotheses. The results of the study reveal that international financial reporting had significant association with supply chain management. The elements of supply chain accounting quality, namely; value relevance, earnings management and timely loss recognition had significant positive relationship with supply chain management. A better implementation of international financial reporting is the key to enhance the supply chain management.
... According to Ozturk and Cherix (2013), when a disaster hits, disruption that results ripples through national, regional and global supply chains, causing losses in related industries. A supply chain is a network of organisations that work together and coordinate their actions to deliver or move a product or service from supplier to customer (Subbaiah, Rao & Babu 2009). Because of the inter-linkage of world economies, through global supply chains, nations are sensitive to disasters regardless of geographical locations (Reddy, Singh & Anbumozhi 2016). ...
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Disasters are on the increase globally with accompanying devastating effects on dairy supply chains. The devastating effects, caused by disasters, on economies in various countries such as United Sates of America, Japan, Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique and Zimbabwe call for urgent sustainable mitigating measures in disaster risk reduction. These countries have experienced notable natural and man-made disasters in the past. The disasters negatively impacted the economies of both developed and developing countries, causing misery to people as hunger and poverty drastically increased. Zimbabwe’s dairy industry was not spared from these devastating effects as it was vulnerable to disasters such as droughts and cyclones. Disasters adversely affected supply chains in the country as evidenced by the closure of some dairy firms between the years 2000 and 2014. This article is set against the backdrop of declining output across all agricultural sectors in Zimbabwe, evident particularly in the dairy farming sector which has witnessed inadequate supply of raw milk and dairy products by local producers. The article assesses the impact of dairy organisations’ partnerships with government departments and non-governmental organisations in reducing disaster risks on the dairy supply chain cost efficiency. It also aims to show how partnerships can reduce disaster risks and weighs the benefits of reduced supply chain costs in improving the affordability of milk and milk products to the general public. The study employs a mixed-methods approach comprising structured questionnaires, administered to a sample of 92 respondents out of a randomly sampled population of 122 participants from dairy farming clusters across the country, with an 85% response rate. Key informants in the form of 18 dairy officers were purposively sampled for interviews throughout the dairy farming regions. The research findings will help government in the formulation of public policies for the dairy sector network in reducing disaster risks.
... The delivery schedule change from a five-day to a seven-day has reduced the costs associated with inventories and has increased the freshness of the milk. Subbaiah et al. (2009) developed the four echelon logistics network distribution for dairy supply chains in India. Other researchers studied the dairy supply chain and a traceability system to enhance capability and to integrate and share information along the supply chain (Magliulo et al., 2013). ...
Milk is a high nutrient food source. Its major composition includes water, fat, protein, sugar, vitamin and minerals. In Thailand, milk consumption has been promoted through school dairy projects. There are dairy farms throughout Thailand, of which most are small-sized farms. This leads to an uneven nutrient composition due to different agricultural practices, feed, and environments. Thus, the factors that affect the nutrient composition in raw milk should be studied. The Royal Thai government should encourage farmers to Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) so that the nutrients in raw milk are compliant with national standards. The collecting centre must inspect the nutrient composition to ensure that it meets specifications before it is delivered to milk plants. In addition, the raw milk price depends on the fat content. The collecting centre collects raw milk from farmers twice a day. The results of a survey show that raw milk collected in the morning and afternoon has different nutrient compositions; raw milk in the morning has less fat than milk in the afternoon. After raw milk is delivered to the collecting centre, it is cooled and kept in a storage tank. Then, it must be delivered to the milk plants on a daily basis. Hence, our objective is to formulate a mathematical model to determine how to blend raw milk collected in the morning and afternoon so that the total cost of raw milk is minimised while the nutrient composition specification is satisfied. Then, the model is solved using a spreadsheet, and a decision support system is proposed so that the quality control supervisor can determine how to blend raw milk daily. Finally, the blending model is compared with manual blending using the actual data for ten days. It shows that the average costs of both methods are the same; however, the percentage of passing on total solid is improved from 50% to 70%. In addition, the decision time is reduced from 15 minutes to one minute.
... To summarize the reviewed literature on production and distribution planning research, Mellalieu and Hall (1983), Benseman (1986) and Pooley (1994) are the pioneering research papers that consider the strategic, tactical network models, respectively. In the last decade, the research papers present integrated production and distribution models considering tactical level decisions by using fundamentally LP and MILP methodologies (Kopanos et al., 2012a;Subbaiah et al., 2009;Wouda et al., 2002). The perishability and deterioration issues have been recently taken into account in MILP models in tactical decision level. ...
Process manufacturing is common in the food, beverage, chemical, pharmaceutical and consumer packaged goods industries. There is a continuous stream of input materials and output products. The structural characteristics of the process industry are sequence dependent setup times, high changeover costs, numerous flavored and colored product types with the complicated changeover rules, limited shelf life restricting the storage duration and delivery conditions for each perishable raw material, intermediate and final product. In this environment, efficient planning and scheduling of the supply chain is of vital importance and has become one of the most challenging problems in practice. This dissertation concerns planning and scheduling problems in the process industry. The main goal is to develop mathematical formulations of the supply chain problems. In this thesis, the characteristics of the process industry are analyzed. The major trends and research opportunities are explored from the existing literature. The existing models in the literature do not address many realistic aspects of the planning and scheduling problems in the process industry. Starting from this point of view, a production and distribution problem is studied in the soft drink industry. A mixed-integer linear programming model is introduced and, due to the high complexity in production and distribution structure, a hybrid solution methodology is developed to solve the realistic problems. The operational scheduling represents the realization of tactical planning decisions in operational level. Having created a plan for defining the production tasks has to be sequenced ensures that the planning activities are indeed applicable. The integration of planning and scheduling can be an effective way to make more applicable decisions. Accordingly, a production and distribution problem is studied in the dairy industry. A mixed-integer linear programming formulation is introduced to integrate tactical planning and operational scheduling decisions and, a heuristic approach is proposed to decompose the different time buckets of the decisions. In real life, intermediates are more perishable than final products. The final products can survive for long shelf life periods, but the lifetimes of the intermediates are only restricted with several hours. The perishability should not be only included in inventory level or shelf life of final products, it should also be realized that the perishability limits the intermediate storage and affects run-lengths of production. A scheduling problem is studied in the make-and-pack production process. A stochastic mixed-integer linear programming model is introduced to schedule the production. A simulation of the production process is introduced to evaluate the proposed production schedule in terms of the production waste, mostly caused by the variability in lifetime of intermediates. In summary, the industry specific characteristics, incorporation of the decision levels providing interrelated feedbacks to each other and perishability issues are recent challenges confronted by the process industry. These challenges require specific models to support decision making in supply chain. In response, this thesis develops mathematical models and optimization approaches applicable to different processes industries and can easily be modified for process specific operating conditions.
A large amount of greenhouse gases is emitted from the dairy industry in Canada. Actions must be taken to achieve Canada's environmental goals of decreasing greenhouse gas emissions by 30% below 2005 levels by 2030. Dietary management plays an important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in dairy cattle production for current and future climate change conditions. In this study, a factorial interval chance-constrained diet model has been developed for Saskatchewan's dairy cow farms to control emissions by incorporating factorial analysis, interval programming, and chance-constrained programming. Multiple uncertainties (e.g., the price of the milk, the price of the feed, and the disease of animals) have been considered in this model. The chance-constrained programming method, which is effective to tackle uncertainties, has been first integrated in the animal nutrition optimization model. This model can provide the schemes of feed selection for diet formulation under trade-offs between farm profit and environmental impact. In addition, it could facilitate decision-makers to identify interactive relationships among various nutrient levels and manage methane emissions and nitrogen excretion from dairy cattle in dairy farms under various risks. Results show that canola meal, rolled barley grain, soybean meal, and whey would be contained in all optimized diets; the forage proportion would have the most significant effect on methane emissions; factors of forage and crude protein would have negative effects on methane emissions, while the neutral detergent fiber (NDF) would have a positive effect on methane emissions. Results indicate that reducing the number of cows is still an important strategy to reduce carbon emissions under the condition of meeting the growing milk demand. Overall, this model could manipulate the formula of different types of dairy cattle to maximise the benefits of farm and reduce its environmental impact.
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Objective/Purpose: The research paper attempts to understand the prevailing models of Dairy Supply Chain Management (DSCM) practices and develop a conceptual framework of DSCM with the identification of various constructs of Dairy Supply Chain Management (DSCM) through extensive literature review. Design/Methodology:The paper draws its insights and conclusions from a review of the literature in the field of dairy supply chain management (DSCM), followed by an interaction research approach which helped to refine and validate the theory-derived framework from the perspective of practitioners. Findings: A conceptual model is being proposed under the research study. The model is basically based on understanding developed through extensive literature review. The model illustrates the antecedents of dairy supply chain management practices and marketing orientation as independent variables and organisational performance and customer satisfaction as dependent variable. Originality/Value: This review identifies various conceptual and research methodological characteristics of DSCM. This paper carried out a review of literature in the field of dairy supply chains management in order to understand the current practices, identify gaps and suggest future research agenda.
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Organizational implementing supply chain management (SCM) has obtained improved performance. Cost savings, increased revenues and the reduction of defects in products are some of the main advantages of introducing dairy supply chain management. These are also mentioned as long-term goals of the supply chain. Business profitability is closely associated with market and business shares. Based on the long-term goals of the SCM, the organizational performance measures are identified as financial and market performance and customer satisfaction. In the context of SCM, the financial and market performance factor is operational zed in terms of market share, return of total assets, annuals sales growth (Tan et al, 1999).The research paper attempts to find out the relationship between the dairy supply chain management (DSCM) practices and organizational performance. Various practices of DSCM through extensive literature review is taken into account i.e. Information and Communication Technology Practices, Supplier Relationship Practices, Supply Chain Manufacturing Practices, Inventory management system, Warehousing Management System, Transportation Management System, Customer Relationship Management for establishing the relationship with organizational performance. The aim of this study is to recommend these findings to companies which are still at the infancy stage when it comes to dairy supply chain management and integration with customers and suppliers.
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This study investigated the impact of disaster risks on the performance of Zimbabwe’s dairy supply chains. The study was initiated on the premise that Zimbabwe is at high risk and is highly vulnerable to disasters such as drought, cyclones, floods, animal diseases, and crop pests. This study employed a mixed method approach that involved the use of structured questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and observations. A combined total of 92 dairy farmers and milk processors were sampled from a target population of 122 from major milk producing regions in the country, with a response rate of 85%. Key informants, comprising 18 dairy authorities and 30 retailers were purposively sampled. Chipinge, Mutare, Harare, Gweru, and Bulawayo, were the regions under investigation, covering the greater part of the country. The findings computed through Ordinary Least Square regression analysis, indicated that an overall index of disaster risks impacted negatively on dairy supply chain performance. Major indicators of the disaster impacts were job losses, food insecurity, reduced milk productivity, and the general retarded growth in dairy businesses. The results were also corroborated by outcome of interviews with key informants. This study recommends that both the private sector and the government should invest in disaster reduction strategies, to enhance the effective and sustainable performance of dairy supply chains in Zimbabwe. The findings from the study contribute to literature on disaster risks, which has largely been under-explored in developing countries, will also assist practicing managers, particularly in dairy sector, in dealing with disaster risk issues. Similarly, the study findings will assist policy makers to consider enacting policies, and improve existing ones, to assist communities faced with disaster risks.
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Organizational implementing supply chain management (SCM) has obtained improved performance. Cost savings, increased revenues and the reduction of defects in products are some of the main advantages of introducing dairy supply chain management. These are also mentioned as long-term goals of the supply chain. Business profitability is closely associated with market and business shares. Based on the long-term goals of the SCM, the organizational performance measures are identified as financial and market performance and customer satisfaction. In the context of SCM, the financial and market performance factor is operational zed in terms of market share, return of total assets, annuals sales growth (Tan et al, 1999).The research paper attempts to find out the relationship between the dairy supply chain management (DSCM) practices and organizational performance. Various practices of DSCM through extensive literature review is taken into account i.e. Information and Communication Technology Practices, Supplier Relationship Practices, Supply Chain Manufacturing Practices, Inventory management system, Warehousing Management System, Transportation Management System, Customer Relationship Management for establishing the relationship with organizational performance. The aim of this study is to recommend these findings to companies which are still at the infancy stage when it comes to dairy supply chain management and integration with customers and suppliers.
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In the previous chapters, we focused largely on quantitative approaches to solving Supply Chain Management (SCM) problems including such issues as: inventory management, supply contracts, information flow, product variety, and international operations. In this chapter, we will broaden our focus to include other approaches to
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Digital Equipment Corporation evaluates global supply chain alternatives and determines worldwide manufacturing and distribution strategy, using the Global Supply Chain Model (GSCM) which recommends a production, distribution, and vendor network. GSCM minimizes cost or weighted cumulative production and distribution times or both subject to meeting estimated demand and restrictions on local content, offset trade, and joint capacity for multiple products, echelons, and time periods. Cost factors include fixed and variable production charges, inventory charges, distribution expenses via multiple modes, taxes, duties, and duty drawback. GSCM is a large mixed-integer linear program that incorporates a global, multi-product bill of materials for supply chains with arbitrary echelon structure and a comprehensive model of integrated global manufacturing and distribution decisions. The supply chain restructuring has saved over $100 million (US).
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In the last several years there have been a number of papers discussing optimal policies for the inventory problem. Almost without exception these papers are devoted to the determination of optimal purchasing quantities at a single installation faced with some pattern of demand. It has been customary to make the assumption that when the installation in question requests a shipment of stock, this shipment will be delivered in a fixed or perhaps random length of time, but at any rate with a time lag which is independent of the size of the order placed. There are, however, a number of situations met in practice in which this assumption is not a tenable one. An important example arises when there are several installations, say 1, 2, …, N, with installation 1 receiving stock from 2, with 2 receiving stock from 3, etc. In this example, if an order is placed by installation 1 for stock from installation 2, the length of time for delivery of this stock is determined not only by the natural lead time between these two sites, but also by the availability of stock at the second installation. In this paper we shall consider the problem of determining optimal purchasing quantities in a multi-installation model of this type.
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Production-distribution planning is the most important activity in supply chain management (SCM). To solve this planning problem, either analytic or simulation approaches have been used. However these two approaches have their own demerits in problem solving. In this paper, we propose a hybrid approach which is a specific problem solving procedure combining analytic and simulation methods to solve production-distribution problems in supply chains. The machine capacity and distribution capacity constraints in the analytic model are considered as stochastic factors and are adjusted by the proposed specific process according to the results from an independently developed simulation model which includes general production-distribution characteristics.
Today’s global economic environment is in a state of transition. The principal changes include: 1) worldwide reduction of trade barriers and development of regional, multi-country economic zones, 2) converging consumer expectations for increased product value, variety and availability in all markets, 3) financial obligations to meet new standards for product safety, environmental protection and product recycling that are being adopted internationally, and 4) increased volatility in financial/currency markets. These developments coincide with the adoption of a new competitive strategy by leading multinational companies. This strategy is one of global supply chain management based on enhanced integration of suppliers and customers as well as increased coordination across multiple value-adding processes within the firm (MacCormack et al., 1994; Ohmae, 1995). Such strategies require firms to maintain core competency on a global scale for fundamental processes such as order fulfillment, supply management and new product development, (Majchrzak and Wang, 1995; Womack and Jones, 1996). The global supply chain strategy also requires that the flow of information, cash and material be managed on an international basis, (Porter, 1996; Preiss et al., 1996). As a consequence, the global supply chain strategy involves both operational and financial decisions. Its successful implementation can lead to more effective risk management and the leveraging of both firm-specific and location-specific advantages to yield lower costs and higher revenues.
In this research, an integrated multi-objective supply chain (SC) model is developed for use in simultaneous strategic and operational SC planning. Multi-objective decision analysis is adopted to allow use of a performance measurement system that includes cost, customer service levels (fill rates), and flexibility (volume or delivery). This measurement system provides more comprehensive measurement of supply chain system performance than do traditional, single-measure approaches. Moreover, this model incorporates production, delivery, and demand uncertainty, and provides a multi-objective performance vector for the entire SC network. The model developed here will aid in the: (1) design of efficient, effective, and flexible supply chain systems and (2) evaluation of competing SC networks.
Historically, the three fundamental stages of the supply chain, procurement, production and distribution, have been managed independently, buffered by large inventories. Increasing competitive pressures, and market globalization are forcing firms to develop supply chains that can quickly respond to customer needs. To remain competitive, these firms must reduce operating costs while continuously improving customer service. With recent advances in communications and information technology, as well as a rapidly growing array of logistics options, firms have an opportunity to reduce operating costs by coordinating the planning of these stages. In this paper, we review the literature addressing coordinated planning between two or more stages of the supply chain, placing particular emphasis on models that would lend themselves to a total supply chain model. Finally, we suggest directions for future research.
In many firms the goals of the production staff are in conflict with those of the marketing staff. Often the resolution of the conflicting goals is to require a stockpile of finished goods to hold large amounts of inventory. The two functional areas thus are buffered. It is our opinion that an integrated view of the entire production-distribution system may generate significant savings by trading off the costs associated with the whole, rather than minimizing production and distribution costs separately. In this paper we develop a model of an integrated production-distribution system comprised of a single station model of a factory, a stockpile of finished goods, and a single retailer. The concepts and solution methodology, however, show promise for more complex networks. Multiple products with stochastic, independent demand are produced at the factory, stored at FG, and distributed to the retailer where demand is met or backlogged. In addition, FG may order an expedite batch of a particular product if its stock level decreases to a specified expedite reorder point. Expedite batches have nonpreemptive priority over normal replenishment batches. We approximate the distributions of key random variables to compute costs and service levels for all products across the supply chain. We find that our approximations are often quite accurate. Our limited tests of the performance of the near-optimization algorithm indicate that it provides solutions very close to the optimal. We also provide results that yield insight into the behavior of this integrated system.
  • A J Clark
  • H Scarf
Clark, A. J., and Scarf, H., 1960, Optimal Policies for a MultiiEchelon Inventory Problem, Management Science, Vol. 6,475- 490.
Overview of the SCOR Model V2.0,
  • Supply-Chain
  • Council
  • Inc
Supply-Chain Council, Inc., 1998, Overview of the SCOR Model V2.0,