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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 3 – No.4, June 2010
Improved Carry Select Adder with Reduced Area and Low
Power Consumption
Padma Devi
Research Fellow
CDAC, Mohali
Ashima Girdher
Research Fellow
CDAC, Mohali
Balwinder Singh
Design Engineer
CDAC, Mohali
Power dissipation is one of the most important design objectives
in integrated circuits, after speed. As adders are the most widely
used components in such circuits, design of efficient adder is of
much concern for researchers. This paper presents performance
analysis of different Fast Adders. The comparison is done on the
basis of three performance parameters i.e. Area, Speed and
Power consumption. We present a modified carry select adder
designed in different stages. Results obtained from modified
carry select adders are better in area and power consumption.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
VHDL, Behavioural modeling,
General Terms
Carry select adder, multiple stage adder
Adder, Carry select Adder, carry skip adder, VHDL Simulation
Addition usually impacts widely the overall performance of
digital systems and a crucial arithmetic function. In electronic
applications adders are most widely used. Applications where
these are used are multipliers, DSP to execute various algorithms
like FFT, FIR and IIR. Wherever concept of multiplication comes
adders come in to the picture. As we know millions of
instructions per second are performed in microprocessors. So,
speed of operation is the most important constraint to be
considered while designing multipliers. Due to device portability
miniaturization of device should be high and power consumption
should be low. Devices like Mobile, Laptops etc. require more
battery backup. So, a VLSI designer has to optimize these three
parameters in a design. These constraints are very difficult to
achieve so depending on demand or application some
compromise between constraints has to be made. Ripple carry
adders exhibits the most compact design but the slowest in
speed. Whereas carry lookahead is the fastest one but consumes
more area [2]. Carry select adders act as a compromise between
the two adders. In 2002, a new concept of hybrid adders is
presented to speed up addition process by Wang et al. that gives
hybrid carry look-ahead/carry select adders design [7]. In 2008,
low power multipliers based on new hybrid full adders is
presented in [8]. In 2008, Hasan Krad et al provided the
performance analysis for a 32-Bit Multiplier with a Carry look-
ahead Adder and a 32-bit Multiplier with a Ripple Adder using
VHDL and showed that CLA multiplier is almost double in
speed as compared to RCA multiplier [9].
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In section 2, a
brief about ripple carry adder, carry skip and variable carry skip
is given. In the same section carry select adder is introduced
along with partitioning methodology. Also a new architecture
with clock sharing is introduced. Section 3 provides the results
obtained. Section 4 concludes the paper
2.1 Ripple Carry Adder
Concatenating the N full adders forms N bit Ripple carry adder.
In this carry out of previous full adder becomes the input carry
for the next full adder. It calculates sum and carry according to
the following equations. As carry ripples from one full adder to
the other, it traverses longest critical path and exhibits worst-
case delay. Si = Ai xor Bi xor Ci
Ci+1 = Ai Bi + (Ai + Bi) Ci; where i = 0, 1, …, n-1
RCA is the slowest in all adders (O (n) time) but it is very
compact in size (O (n) area). If the ripple carry adder is
implemented by concatenating N full adders, the delay of such an
adder is 2N gate delays from Cin to Cout. The delay of adder
increases linearly with increase in number of bits. Block diagram
of RCA is shown in figure 1.
Figure1: Block diagram of RCA
2.2 Carry Skip Adder (CSKA)
A carry skip divides the words to be added in to groups of equal
size of k-bits. Carry Propagate pi signals may be used within a
group of bits to accelerate the carry propagation. If all the pi
signals within the group are pi=1, carry bypasses the entire
group as shown in figure 2.
P = pi * pi+1 * pi+2 *… pi+k
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 3 – No.4, June 2010
Figure 2: 16-bit Carry skip adder [6]
In this way delay is reduced as compared to ripple carry adder.
The worst-case carry propagation delay in a N-bit carry skip
adder with fixed block width b, assuming that one stage of ripple
has the same delay as one skip, can be derived:
TCSKA = (b -1)+0.5+(N/b-2)+(b -1) = 2b + N/b – 3.5 Stages
Block width tremendously affects the latency of adder.
Latency is directly proportional to block width. More number of
blocks means block width is less, hence more delay. The idea
behind Variable Block Adder (VBA) is to minimize the critical
path delay in the carry chain of a carry skip adder, while
allowing the groups to take different sizes. In case of carry skip
adder, such condition will result in more number of skips
between stages.
Such adder design is called variable block design, which is
tremendously used to fasten the speed of adder. In the variable
block carry skip adder design we divided a 32-bit adder in to 4
blocks or groups. The bit widths of groups are taken as; First
block is of 4 bits, second is of 6 bits, third is 18 bit wide and the
last group consist of most significant 4 bits.
Table 1 shows that the logic utilization of carry skip and
variable carry skip 32-bit adder. The power and delay, which are
obtained also given in the table1. From table it can be observed
that variable block design consumes more area as gate count and
number of LUT’s consumed by variable block design is more
than conventional carry skip adder.
2.3 Carry Select Adder (CSA)
The carry select adder comes in the category of conditional sum
adder. Conditional sum adder works on some condition. Sum and
carry are calculated by assuming input carry as 1 and 0 prior the
input carry comes. When actual carry input arrives, the actual
calculated values of sum and carry are selected using a
multiplexer. The conventional carry select adder consists of k/2
bit adder for the lower half of the bits i.e. least significant bits
and for the upper half i.e. most significant bits (MSB’s) two k/
bit adders. In MSB adders one adder assumes carry input as one
for performing addition and another assumes carry input as zero.
The carry out calculated from the last stage i.e. least significant
bit stage is used to select the actual calculated values of output
carry and sum. The selection is done by using a multiplexer. This
technique of dividing adder in to stages increases the area
utilization but addition operation fastens. The block diagram of
conventional k bit adder is shown in figure 3.
Figure 3: block diagram of k-bit adder [6]
2.4 Variable Stage Carry Select Adder
The idea of iterating the CSA in [10] will reduce the delay of the
adder. The diagram of three-stage carry select adder is shown in
figure 4. For constructing such a k-bit adder it is divided in to m
Figure 4: Three stage CSA [10]
groups where group i, contains Pi bits, such that bit width of the
least significant part is P1 and bit width of the most significant
part is Pm. In part Pm adders will be duplicated or there are two
adders; one computing addition for carry input 1 and another for
carry input 0. Where cs1 is the carry out of P1 bit adder. Cs2 is
the carry propagated from the other part of adder. Cout is the
final carry output of the adder. Similarly we can design for
further 4 stage and 5 stage CSA adders to further reduce the
delay. The main focus is on value of m. Some effort has been
done to improve such adder s[1-4].
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 3 – No.4, June 2010
2.5 Clock Select Adder with Sharing (CSAS)
Instead of using two separate adders in conventional CSA, one
for the Cs1 =1 and another for the Cs1=1 and another for the
Cs1=0 [10]. One adder is used to reduce the area and power
consumption. Each of the two additions is performed in one clock
cycle. The block diagram of CSAS is shown in figure 5. This is a
32-bit adder in which least significant bit (LSB) adder is a ripple
carry adder (RCA) adder, which is 22 bits wide. The upper half
of the adder i.e. most significant part is 10 bits wide. This part
works according to clock. Whenever clock goes high addition for
the carry input one is performed. And when clock goes low then
carry input is assumed as zero and addition is stored in adder
itself. As can be seen from the figure 5 latch is used to store the
sum and carry for Cin=1. Carry out from the previous stage i.e.
least significant bit adder is used as control signal for
multiplexer to select the final output carry and sum of the adder.
If actual carry input is one then for computed sum and carry latch
is accessed and for carry input zero MSB adder is accessed. Cout
is the output carry. Similarly, we can design CSAS adders of
more stages to reduce area and power consumption.
Figure 5: The architecture of CSAS [10]
Figure 6,7,8,9,10 and 11show the simulation results of 32-bit
variable block carry skip adder, carry select adder, 3 stage carry
select adder, 4 stage carry select adder, 2 stage CSAS and 5 stage
CSAS respectively.
Figure 6: Simulation waveform of variable carry skip adder
Figure 7: Simulation waveform of carry select adder
Figure 8: Simulation waveform of 3 stage carry select adder
Figure 9: Simulation waveform of 4 stage carry select adder
Figure 10: Simulation waveform of CSAS
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 3 – No.4, June 2010
Figure 11: Simulation waveform of 5 stage CSAS
Table1 shows the comparison of 32-bit carry skip adder and 32-
bit variable carry skip adder. Table2 represents the comparison
of area, power and delay of ripple carry, carry select, 3 stage and
4 stage carry select adders. Table 3 provides the results obtained
after design and implementation of 2 stage CSAS and 5 stage
Table1. Carry Skip and Variable Block Carry Skip design
comparison for area, delay and power
All the adders designed are 32-bits wide. CSAS 5 stage consists
of 5 stages with each block from LSB block to MSB blocks are
[6-6-5-5-10] bits wide. These adders are faster than ripple carry
adders but slower than carry select adders. All the adders are
designed using VHDL (Very High Speed Integration Hardware
Description Language), Xilinx Project Navigator 9.1i is used as a
synthesis tool and ModelSim XE III 6.2g for simulation. FPGA
Spartan3 is used for implementing the designs.
Gate count reduction is a sign of area reduction. Gate count of
csas 2 stage is 11 less than carry select, 80 less than 3 stage carry
select and 110 than 4 stage carry select adder. For further to
Table 2: Comparison of ripple carry, carry select, 3 stage
and 4 stage carry select adders
Table3. Comparison of CSAS 2 stage and CSAS 5 stage
explore in this work is to design the adder in a way to reduce the
delay as the area and power reduces. Wherever there is need of
smaller area and low power consumption, while some increase in
delay is tolerated, such designs can be used. These adders are
faster than RCA and slower than CSA.
[1] K. Rawwat, T. Darwish, and M. Bayoumi, “.A low power
carry select adder with reduces area”, Proc. Of Midwest
Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 218- 221, 2001.
[2] A. Tyagi, “A reduced area scheme for carry-select adders”,
IEEE Trans. on Computer, vol. 42, pp. 1163- 1170, 1993
[3] W. Jeong and K. Roy, “Robust high-performance low power
adder”, Proc. of the Asia and South Pacific Design
Automation Conference, pp. 503-506, 2003
Carry skip
Variable carry
Bonded IOB’s
Gate Count
Delay (ns)
Dynamic Power
3 stage
4 stage
Gate Count
Delay (ns)
CSAS 2 stage
CSAS 5 stage
Gate Count
Delay (ns)
Dynamic Power
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 3 – No.4, June 2010
[4] Y. Kim and L-S Kim, “64-bit carry-select adder with reduced
area”, Electronics Letters, vol. 37, pp. 614-615, May 2001.
[5] O. Kwon, E. Swartzlander, and K. Nowka, “A fast hybrid
carry-lookahead/carry-select adder design”, Proc. of the 11th
Great Lakes symposium on VLSI, pp.149-152, March 2001.
[6] B. Parhami, Computer Arithmetic, Algorithm and Hardware
Design, Oxford University Press, New York, pp.91-119,
[7] Wang, Y. Pai, C.Song, X., “The design of hybrid carry
lookahead/ carry-select adders”, Circuits and Systems II:
Analog and Digital Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on
Volume 49, pp.16-24, 2002
[8] Z. Abid, H. El-Razouk and D.A. El-Dib, “Low power
multipliers based on new hybrid full adders”, Microelectronics
Journal, Volume 39, Issue 12, Pages 1509-1515, 2008.
[9] Hasan Krad and Aws Yousif Al-Taie, “Performance Analysis
of a 32-Bit Multiplier with a Carry-Look-Ahead Adder and a
32-bit Multiplier with a Ripple Adder using VHDL”, Journal
of Computer Science 4 (4): 305-308, 2008.
[10] Behnam Amelifard, Farzan Fallah, and Massoud Pedram,
"Closing the gap between carry select adder and ripple carry
adder: a new class of low-power high-performance adders",
in Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Quality Electronic
Design (ISQED), 2005.