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A Survey on Andragogy Principles for Web Based Instruction in Malaysia Higher Education


Abstract and Figures

University’s lecturers need to focus on learning theory in the design of instruction so that they can create lessons that are not only technology effectiveness but also are meaningful from the learner’s perspectives. The appropriate learning theory that web-based developers should consider in designing web-based learning for university’s students is Andragogy since it describes the approach based on selfdirected learning theory. This research reports on a research project that investigated the andragogical assumptions preferred by pre-service teachers in Malaysia for online learning. Andragogical assumptions by Knowles (1984) are based on six aspects, which are Learners need to know, Learners self concept, Role of learners' experience, Readiness to learn, Learning Orientation, and Motivation to learn. To gather the data, questionnaires were distributed among 432 pre-service teachers in three educational institutions in Malaysia and descriptive analyses have been conducted. Samples of this study were selected using cluster randomized sampling technique. The findings showed that majority of the pre-service teachers in this study agreed on four Andragogical Assumptions, which were Learners need to know, Readiness to learn, Learning Orientation, and Motivation to learn. However, they were somewhat agreed on the other two assumptions; Learners self concept and Role of learners' experience. In terms of web-based design elements, most of the respondents agreed on the principles of information and interaction design. Though they somewhat agreed on the interface design of web-based instruction. The findings have implications for educators involved in designing online learning applications. They have to consider such student preference when planning teaching and learning activities.
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Proceedings ascilite Melbourne 2008: Full paper: Tasir, Md Noor, Harun, Ismail 1022
A survey on online teaching preference among pre-
service teachers in Malaysia : Andragogy vs pedagogy
Zaidatun Tasir, Norah Md Noor,
Jamalludin Harun, and Nurul Syazwani Ismail
Faculty of Education, University of Technology Malaysia
This paper reports on a research project that investigated the pedagogical and/or
andragogical orientation preferred by pre-service teachers in Malaysia for online learning..
To gather the data, questionnaires were distributed among 433 pre-service teachers in three
educational institutions in Malaysia and descriptive analyses have been conducted. The
findings showed that majority of the pre-service teachers in this study stay under Stage 2 in
the four stages of learning development. This means that the respondents had high
preference for pedagogical as well as andragogical learning orientations. The findings have
implications for educators involved in designing online learning applications. They have to
consider such student preference when planning teaching and learning activities.
Internet or the “web” (world wide web) has been widely used as a source of information and increasingly
used as a learning tool to support formal programmes. Currently, it has becoming increasingly popular in
higher education including Malaysia. as a means of delivering online learning programmes or Web-based
learning (WBL). Both students and instructors gain significant benefits from Web-based learning because
of its potential that offers huge opportunities for learning and access to a vast amount of knowledge and
The first step in designing a web based course is to identify learners’ needs and whether the learners are
to be considered as part of a group or as individual learners. The web can be a useful tool for bringing
isolated learners together in “virtual” groups—for example, through a discussion forum (Judy McKimm
et. al, 2003).
Even though the World Wide Web provides new opportunities to deliver instruction over the Internet
among university students, some researchers have expressed concerns about its effectiveness. Some
educators attempt to create Web pages from texts and lecture notes. Although the presentation will be
interesting with the incorporation of sound, graphics, animation and video (multimedia elements), the
students are not given sufficient instruction on how to think critically about the presented content.
Newer technologies such as computers and video conferencing are not necessarily better (or
worse) for teaching or learning than older technologies . . . they are just different . . . The
choice of technology should be driven by the needs of the learners and the context in which
we are working, not by its novelty. (Bates AW, 1995)
Moreover, the situation becomes more difficult when appropriate teaching approaches suitable for
university students are absent. According to Fidishun (2000), university lecturers need to focus on
learning theory in the design of instructional technology so that they can construct lessons that are not
only technology-effective but that are significant from the learner’s perspective.
Learning orientation which considers the impact of emotions, intentions, will to success, and social
factors on learning are considered useful when working with online students. This is because, each
individual learn differently (Diane, 2006).
The learning orientation that web-based developers might consider in designing web-based learning for
university students is Andragogy. It is the art and science of helping adults to learn (Knowles et. al, 1998)
including university’s students where Knowles (1980) defined adulthood as “the point at which
individuals perceive themselves to be essentially self-directing”.
Proceedings ascilite Melbourne 2008: Full paper: Tasir, Md Noor, Harun, Ismail 1023
In an andragogical orientation, learners freely choose their learning goals and make independent decisions
about what, how and when they want to learn. It is based on assumptions that learners are self-directed,
have the capacity to make decisions for them, and have a range of life experiences that impact on their
learning (Knowles, 1990; Choy & Delahaye, 2003).
Most Malaysian university students are 18 years old and above. Student Teachers in Malaysia’s
Educational Institution mostly enter directly from high school. However, there are some who already
gained a certificate or diploma in various fields but wish to further their study by gaining a teacher’s
certificate. These create a range of ages in the educational institution from 18 to more than 40 years old.
Furthermore, the final year Student Teachers will be at least 22 years old which can be considered as
adult (Ibrahim, 1997).
Therefore, an appropriate learning approach such as Andragogy should be considered in their teaching
and learning, including web-based instruction (Gibbons & Wentworth, 2001). Andragogy describes the
instructional approach based on self-directed learning theory while Pedagogy describes the traditional
instructional approach based on teacher-directed learning theory (Knowles, 1980). The sixth learner’s
assumptive differences between Pedagogy and Andragogy can be seen as follows. (See Table 1).
Table 1: Differences between Andragogical and Pedagogical Assumptions
Pedagogical Model
Andragogical Model
Learners Need to know
Learners need to know what the
teacher tells them.
Learner need to know why something is
important prior to learning it.
Learner’s self concept
Learner has a dependent personality.
Learners are responsible for their own
decisions. (Increasingly self-directed)
Role of the learner’s
The learner’s experience is of little
worth. (To be built on more than used
as a resource)
The learner’s experience has great
Readiness to learn.
Learners become ready to learn what
the teacher requires. (Uniform by age-
level & curriculum)
Learners become ready to learn when they
see content as relevant to their lives.
Orientation to learning
Learners expect subject centered
Learners expect life centered content (Task-
or problem-centered)
Learners are motivated by external
rewards and punishment
Learners are motivated primarily by internal
forces (incentives curiosity)
Source: Knowles, M.S. (1998) The Adult Learner,Houston: Gulf Publishing& Knowles, M.S. (1992). Applying
principles of adult learning in conference presentations. Adult Learning, 4(1), p. 12.
However, research conducted by Delahaye, Limerick, and Hearn (1994) found that learners could be two
dimensional, utilizing both pedagogical and andragogical principles at the same time. Delahaye,
Limerick, and Hearn (1994) had injected the finding of the orthogonal association between andragogy and
pedagogy of their research into the work of Stuart and Holmes (1982). They formed a model of four
stages of learning as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Four stages of learning (Source: Delahaye, Limerick, and Hearn, 1994)
Proceedings ascilite Melbourne 2008: Full paper: Tasir, Md Noor, Harun, Ismail 1024
Stage 1 in the learning model represents the interpretation of pedagogy orientation model while Stage 3
describes that of andragogy learning orientation. Stages 2 may be visualized as a partial stage where
student prefer pedagogical as well as andragogical orientations to study. Stage 4 may be best visualized as
only involving the learner without the assistance of a teacher or facilitator (Choy and Delahaye , 2003)
The orthogonal relationship of pedagogy and andragogy grants an opportunity for new learning
orientations and instructional strategies, especially in the online learning area. Research done by Choy
and Delahaye (2002) among 266 young people aged 17 -24 years and enrolled in VET programs indicated
that youth preferred pedagogical as well as andragogical practices. Choy and Delahaye (2003) also found
that youths (aged 18 to 24) were surface learners with low readiness for self-directed learning but prefer a
combination of structured and unstructured learning. They suggest youth learners are at Stage 2 in the
four stages of learning development.
Consistent with the above statements, this article aimed to identify the andragogy or pedagogy orientation
based on the Knowles (1998) six learners assumptions (Learners need to know, Learners Self Concept,
Readiness to learn, Role of learners' experience, Learning Orientation and Motivation to learn) that suit
pre-service teachers in Malaysian Educational Institutions.
Participants were 433 pre-service teachers in their final year of studies in the academic year 2007-2008 in
three educational institutions in Malaysia. Samples were chosen randomly by using the cluster sampling
method. The size of each sample was determined using the Krejcie and Morgan (1970) sample size
determination table. The majority of participants (68.5%) were female which reflected the demographic
of the entire cohort of final-year pre-service teachers in Malaysia. Most participants were 21 to 25 years
old (48.4%) followed by 25 – 30 years (38.4%) since most Malaysian students enter university by the age
of 18 years and usually at the final year they will be at least 22 years old.
A survey using a 5 point scale (1= Strongly disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3= Medium Agreement, 4 = Agree, 5
= Strongly Agree) was used to collect data for this research. The instrument consists of 30 items to
investigate the orientation of pedagogy or andragogy preferred by the pre-service teacher.
Of the 30 items in the survey, 15 are andragogically oriented and 15 have a pedagogical orientation based
on the six learner’s assumptions by Knowles (1998); Learners need to know, Learners Self Concept,
Readiness to learn, Role of learners' experience, Learning Orientation and Motivation to learn. The
Cronbach Alpha for this instrument was 0.865. Refer Table 2 and 3 for the sample of items in the survey
Table 2: Some of the items under andragogical orientation
Item Number
I can draft the implementation process to produce a better assignment
without waiting to be told how to do it
I prefer teaching and learning process that connect with my own prior
Table 3: Some of the items under the pedagogical orientation
Item Number
Proceedings ascilite Melbourne 2008: Full paper: Tasir, Md Noor, Harun, Ismail 1025
All questionnaires were collected directly by the researcher to ensure confidentiality. Data were then
analyzed systematically by using SPSS software (Statistical Packages for Social Science) version 12.0.
Pre-service Teacher preferences for each andragogy or pedagogy assumption were determined according
to the Table 4 below:
Table 4: Categorization of pre-service teacher preference level according to mean score
Total Score
Pre-services teacher preference level
1.00 – 3.99
4.00 – 5.00
1. Pedagogy aspect
The finding among the final year pre-services teachers shows that the means of five assumptions on their
pedagogical principles are high (more than 4.00). The overall mean for the pedagogical aspect of the pre-
service teacher preference was also high (mean = 4.3). The only assumption that gained a mean value of
less than 4.00 was Learners Self Concept (mean = 3.7). Refer Table 5.
Table 5: Descriptive statistics: Pedagogy aspect
Learners Need to Know – what to learn
Learners Self Concept – Dependent
Learners Experience – Built up during learning
Readiness to Learn – set by educators
Learning Orientation – Subject oriented
Extrinsic Motivation
Overall Mean
Self concept assumption for student under the pedagogical orientation state that student is dependent
learners. However, the finding shows that the Pedagogical Self Concept among the final year pre-service
teachers is low. This means that their self concept had progressed to become self-directed learners.
Other Pedagogical assumptions based on these findings are high. These mean that the final year pre-
services teacher still believe that their lecturers knew best which knowledge should be acquired. They
need to gain a new experience, learning is a priority, the assessment set by the lecturers should just
involve what has been learned and high grades will assure them of a secure job.
2. Andragogy aspect
The finding among the final year pre-services teachers’ shows that the means of all five assumptions on
their andragogical principles are also high with mean more than 4.00. Learners Self Concept is the only
assumption that gained a mean value of less than 4.00 (mean = 3.73). The overall mean for the
andragogical aspect of the pre-service teacher preferences was 4.21. Refer Table 4.
Table 4 : Descriptive statistics: Andragogy aspect
Learners Need to Know – why learning
Learners Self Concept – Independent
Learners Experience – Source of Learning
Readiness to Learn – own interest
Learning Orientation – Task Oriented
Intrinsic Motivation
Overall Mean
Proceedings ascilite Melbourne 2008: Full paper: Tasir, Md Noor, Harun, Ismail 1026
This shows that the final year pre-service teachers self concept for self-directed learning are still low.
However, they show a high preference to understand why they need to learn any knowledge. They want
their prior experience to be acknowledged and become a source for the learning activities. Learning is
focused on their real life situations, and they are intrinsically motivated to learn.
3. Pedagogy or andragogy
The findings from the final year pre-service teachers shows that majority of the pre-service teachers were
in Stage 2 (71.4%) based on the model of four stages of learning development by Delahaye, Limerick,
and Hearn (1994)
Table 5 : Descriptive statistics: Four stages of learning development among pre-services teacher
Percent (%)
High Pedagogy / Low Andragogy
High Pedagogy / High Andragogy
Low Pedagogy / High Andragogy
Low Pedagogy / Low Andragogy
Findings in Table 5 shows that majority of the final year pre-service teachers in this study had left Stage 1
and entered Stage 2. This finding is similar with Choy and Delahaye (2003) even though their age range
is different. It shows that age is not the factor for the student to progress from pedagogy to andragogy.
Stuart and Holmes (1982) argued that maturity was a significant factor that influenced preferences for
pedagogical and/or andragogical orientations. He proposed that certain elements of maturity like learner’s
prior knowledge, past learning experiences, expectation, and attitudes to the future learning events could
be said to be deficient in young people, preventing them from fully appreciating an andragogical
In fact, student learning development stage might based on the amount of knowledge the learner already
has in the subject area, the level of interest in and need to acquire the learning and the degree to which the
learner is willing to accept the responsibility to learn as stated by Smith and Delahaye (1987). However,
such considerations should be the focus of future research.
As a conclusion, andragogical assumptions should be utilized in moderation based on the student
preference. Some student preferred learning based on the pedagogical principals orientation while the
others do not. Majority pre-service teachers as found in this research preferred a combination of
pedagogical and andragogical orientation on their learning process.
As we know, nowadays learning in higher institutions requires independency among students especially
for e-learning. However, finding from this research has shown that final year pre-services teacher can
work independently since that their self-concept had progressed to the self-directed learning practice.
However, they still need guidance from their lecturers. They also not yet prepared to accept the full
responsibility of planning their own learning process. Therefore the integration of both learning
orientation preferences should be considered in designing and developing an online learning application.
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Authors: Associate Professor Dr Zaidatun Tasir. Email:
Mrs Norah Md Noor, Email:
Dr Jamalludin Harun, Email:
Miss Nurul Syazwani Ismail, Email :
Faculty of Education, University Technology Malaysia, 81310 Skudai Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.
Please cite as: Tasir, Z., Md. Noor, N., Harun, J. & Ismail, N.S. (2008). A survey on online teaching
preference among pre-service teachers in Malaysia: Andragogy vs pedagogy. In Hello! Where are you
in the landscape of educational technology? Proceedings ascilite Melbourne 2008.
Copyright 2008 Zaidatun Tasir, Norah Md Noor, Jamalludin Harun, and Nurul Syazwani Ismail
The authors assign to ascilite and educational non-profit institutions a non-exclusive licence to use this
document for personal use and in courses of instruction provided that the article is used in full and this
copyright statement is reproduced. The authors also grant a non-exclusive licence to ascilite to publish this
document on the ascilite web site and in other formats for Proceedings ascilite Melbourne 2008. Any
other use is prohibited without the express permission of the authors.
... The study by Tasir et al. (2009) to ascertain the principles of adult learning that fulfil the needs and are appropriate to learners and pre-service teachers in Malaysia in online learning found that respondents involved were giving high agreement to the four principles of adult learning namely the need to know why one must learn a certain topic; readiness for learning; orientation to learning; and motivation for learning. The findings of this study also bring implications to the parties involved in designing online learning applications such that they consider learners' needs especially adult learner needs before planning any teaching and learning activity. ...
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This study was carried out in order to investigate the Knowles (1980) adult learning principles preferred by adult learners using collaborative tool in teaching and learning process. The theoretical foundation for this study is the andragogy theory by Knowles (1980) that holds a set of adult learning principles such as learners' self-concept; motivation to learn, readiness to learn, role of learners' experience, learners' need to know and learning orientation. Five adult learners from the postgraduate program in University of Malaya were selected and interviewed. Data were collected and coded to summarize the main themes. The study findings show that in identifying the principles of adult learning introduced by Knowles (1980) with the use of Wiggio, the opinion of all respondents are positive toward application of collaboration tools in line with the adult learning principles. This means usage of Wiggio is suited to the principles of adult learning introduced by Knowles (1980). The findings have implications for educators especially for those involved in adult education field as they need to consider adult learners preferences when planning teaching and learning activities with the usage of technology. INTRODUCTION According to Slentz (2009), adult learners have returned to learning institutions to get greater opportunities for learning to improve their livelihood and obtain better job opportunities. Among the factors affecting adult learners are the differences in the strategies adopted by the learners, activities in planning and the motivation of the learners themselvves (Hisham Dzakiria & Rob Walker, 2003). Knowles (1980) defined the term adult from various aspects namely from the aspect of biology, law, social and psychology. From the biology aspect, an individual is defined as an adult when he or she has reached a certain age level and is capable of producing children. From the legal aspect, those defined as adults are qualified to vote and obtain a driving licence. From the social aspect, the term adult is seen when the individual plays a role as a mature person, with a career and family. From the psychological aspect, the individuals are regarded as adults when having achieved a level of capability to manage their own lives by themselves. Among the things to be understood in adult learning are from the aspect of the learner's own needs, the chracteristics or nature of the learner as well as the background of the learner. Adult learners are an active group of learners who need knowledge to solve the problems they face and need a teaching and learning (T&L) process that can meet their interests and needs (Mazanah Muhamad & Carter, 2002). Clearly, adult learners have wide experience in the fields they undertake.
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Knowles (1970) defined andragogy as the art and science of facilitating adult learning. The assumptions about how adults learn form the foundations of andragogy. Andragogy is most evident in the implementation of the theories and principles of adult learning and a common practice in Vocational Education and Training (VET) within Australia. The research reported in this paper investigated learners’ perspectives on the practice of andragogy. A survey using the Student Orientation Questionnaire (SOQ) was conducted with 266 youths aged 17-24 years, and enrolled in Vocational Education and Training programs. The results of the survey showed that youth preferred pedagogical as well as andragogical practices. To gain an understanding of specific aspects of pedagogy and andragogy that they preferred, the response patterns to the SOQ were analysed. The results of the survey were also presented to focus group participants, who had responded to the questionnaire, and asked to explain their perspective on andragogical practices. The findings show that youth learners prefer only the ‘feel good’ aspects of andragogy, and are not willing to assume learner responsibilities associated with andragogy. The findings have implications for effective delivery by facilitators of VET programs.
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This paper reports on a major research project that investigated youth learning. Specific parts of the project have been published in other literature (Choy 2000, Choy and Delahaye 2000 and Choy and Delahaye 2001), and this paper provides an overview of the findings. The Study Process Questionnaire, the Student Orientation Questionnaire and the Learning Preference Assessment were completed by 448 youths (aged 18 to 24 years) from TAFE 59% and university (41%). Fifty three youths participated in five follow-up focus groups. Generally, youths studied in this project were found to be surface learners with low level of readiness for self-directed learning but, surprisingly, they showed a high preference for a combination of structured and unstructured learning. Youth comments on formal learning, the learning institutions and role conflicts are discussed. Finally, the paper suggests that learners progress through a four stage development sequence and that youth learners are at Stage 2.
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Many of us use the internet or the “web” (world wide web) as a source of information. In medical education, the web is increasingly used both as a learning tool to support formal programmes and as a means of delivering online learning programmes. What can educators do to ensure that the potential of the web is used effectively to support both their own learning and that of their students? The technology Much of the literature on web based learning shows that one of the main barriers to the effective use of teaching materials is the technology (for example, poor access, slow downloading) rather than the design of the learning materials themselves. Some of these issues are discussed later in the article, but it is vital that teachers take on expert help with technical issues in the planning, design, and delivery of web based learning programmes. Through programming and the use of “plug-ins” (programs that can be downloaded from the internet), designers can produce interactive course materials containing online activities (such as self assessments), animations, and simulations. These can improve learning and are often more enjoyable and meaningful for learners. Glossary E-conferencing—Use of online presentations and discussion forums (in real time or stored as downloadable files on a website) to avoid the need for participants to travel E-learning—Learning through electronic means, such as via the web (see world wide web), an intranet, or other multimedia materials HTML (hypertext markup language)—The language used to create web pages. HTML files can also contain links to other types of files including wordprocessed files, spreadsheets, presentation slides, and other web pages Hyperlinks—Links in web pages that enable the user to access another web page (either on the same or a different site) with just one mouse click Internet—A global network of computers divided …
Introducing technology into the curriculum means more than just "making it work." The principles of adult learning theory can be used in the design of technology- based instruction to make it more effective. Malcolm Knowles' theory of andragogy allows teacher/facilitators to structure lessons which are part of a relevant learning environment for adults students.
Current literature suggests that the relationship between andragogy and pedagogy is based on a continuum. This study found that the relationship of andragogical and pedagogical orientations, measured by the Student's Orientation Questionnaire, is more correctly represented as being oithogonalorat right angles to each other. Such an orthogonal relationship reflects the complexities involved in adult learning. The paper discusses implications for both the learning process and for future research.
Knowles' foundational principles of adult learning in making presentations are that (1) the audience should be active participants in a process of inquiry and (2) the process should build on the background, needs, interests, problems, and concerns of the audience. (SK)