
Le rôle de la socialisation dans la gestion des risques : le cas des agents des services de prévention des risques

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This paper highlights the role of socialization of the officers within the prevention of risks: its ways of expression, the factors which contribute too its elaboration and its function regarding too the formal missions of advice and control of this staff. The analysis of the role of socialization presents the particular goals which are purchased by the radiation protection staff. These aims are different and additional too their formal objectives: the appropriation practices and the development of a radiation protection culture in addition too the respect of expectations and formal rules by the subcontracting workers. Cet article met en lumière le rôle de socialisation des agents des services de radioprotection : ses formes d’expression, les facteurs participant à son élaboration et sa fonction au regard des missions formelles d’appui et de contrôle. L’examen du rôle de socialisation des agents permet de mettre en évidence des objectifs de métier différents et complémentaires de leurs missions formelles : l’appropriation des règles de radioprotection, et non pas seulement le respect des règles, l’élaboration d’une culture et non pas seulement la conformité à des exigences par les intervenants prestataires.

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There is a great need for health and safety advisers/managers to act as agents of change, both in respect to the technology of the company and the design of its workplaces, and in the organisation of the company health and safety management system. This article reports on the development of training to meet these increasing needs. The postgraduate masters course ‘Management of Safety, Health and Environment’ of the Delft University of Technology has now introduced a course-module of 1 week, addressing the issue of the learning organisation and the specific role of the safety adviser/manager. The course-module starts from the assumption that for a health and safety adviser/manager his or her personal effectiveness and ability to influence and stimulate others are qualities as important to a company as the quality of a safety and health management system. This paper will describe the development in the role of the safety adviser/manager and the mainstream thinking on change management and training. The consequence for the content and programme features of the course-module is presented as well as the results of the evaluation of its effectiveness.
Attitude and opinion data provide a basis for inferring the meaning of opinions held by individuals and groups and also for predictions about their future behavior. Such inferences and predictions, if they are to be made effectively, require a theoretical foundation which explains the processes by which people adopt and express particular opinions. Here is a theory of three processes by which persons respond to social influence.
Occupational health specialists were sensitized to communication skills and interpersonal relationships through a didactic and experiential course emphasizing the specialist-client interaction as well as communication aspects incumbent in interactions with team members, colleagues and nonprofessionals in the work setting. While there were no significant changes in psychological abilities and awareness, small differences were found in social support before and after the course. Course assessment after the course revealed general satisfaction with the course relating to teaching style, group involvement and course organization. Implications of the findings are discussed.
Attitude and opinion data provide a basis for inferring the meaning of opinions held by individuals and groups and also for predictions about their future behavior. Such inferences and predictions, if they are to be made effectively, require a theoretical foundation which explains the processes by which people adopt and express particular opinions. Here is a theory of three processes by which persons respond to social influence.
This paper comments on the slow and uneven occupational development of safety specialists in British industry. It provides an analysis of possible strategies for safety specialists by identifying three main areas of activity: processing and generating information, giving advice and participating in problem-solving, and taking direct action. These may be practised at each of the following five stages involved in the technical control of hazards: identification of hazards, assessment of risk, development of controls, implementation of controls and longer-term monitoring and adaptation. Hie position of specialists encountered in eight case studies in the chemical and related industries is then described. The third section advocates the role of the specialist as adviser and discusses the importance of line management assuming direct executive responsibility for the health and safety of those for whom they are directly responsible. The paper acknowledges some of the obstacles facing specialists who wish to develop a strong advisory and problem-solving function. It considers the specialists' access to the following sources of power and influence: managerial dependence on their expertise, patronage within the hierarchy, a direct controlling function, internal coalitions formed with representatives of the workforce, external coalition formed with the factory inspectorate, formal organizational position and their personal qualities of charm and leadership. Comments are made on how aspects of the organizational context and climate of opinion affect the specialists' access to these power sources and the final section of the paper considers the effect of different recruitment and career paths of the specialists themselves.
Different professional strategies within the Danish Occupational Health Service (OHS) have emerged during the last two decades, all aiming to comply with the prevention objective of the OHS. This development can be described by four successive approaches to professional occupational health and safety work: the medical approach, the technical prevention approach, the change agent approach, and the management strategy approach.For each of these approaches related training strategies have been developed. Experience shows that education and training within the traditional disciplines of OHS work have to be supplemented with a range of other qualifications that improves the consultative skills of the OHS professionals. Since these qualifications are relevant to all fields of specialization, multidisciplinary education and training proves to be part of OHS training programmes.A basic training programme of five weeks that aims to focus upon relevant multidisciplinary topics within all four approaches is offered to the Danish OHS personnel.
Sumario: What culture is and does -- The dimensions of culture -- How to study and interpret culture -- The role leadership in building culture -- The evolution of culture and leadership -- Learning cultures and learning leaders
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