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Background Many sophisticated dressings are available to the wound care practitioner in the developed countries. These materials are made from a wide range of products like polyurethane, salts of alginic acid and other gelable polysaccharides. The situation is different in the developing countries where what is commonly available to wound care provider are traditional agents such as sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen-peroxide, cetrimide solution, chlorhexidine and others. The aim of this study is to reappraise the problem of limitation of wound dressing selection in the developing countries and to sensitize the wound care practitioner on the use of the commonly available products based on the needs of a different wound or even the same wound throughout its healing course. Patients and methods Patients attending the General Outpatient Department (GOPD) of our hospital for wound dressing were used for the study. Five surgeons who are familiar with wound care management visited the dressing unit of the GOPD daily for one week in October 2005. A proforma was designed where information on each of the patient was recorded. Results Fifty-three patients attended the dressing unit of our GOPD during the study period. Twenty-six patients (49.1%) had their wounds dressed with hypochlorite solution (Eusol), seventeen patients (32.1%) had their wounds dressed with honey and two patients, wound were being dressed with hydrogen peroxide. Conclusion While we are still awaiting the availability of the newer products in the developing countries, we should make use of the traditional products that are readily available to us according to the need of a particular wound, by this, our choice of wound dressing will not be arbitrary, ineffective and wasteful both in terms of time and physical resources.
Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research
Vol 8 No 3 – 4 ,2006 ; 151- 154
Original Article
Wound dressing where there is limitation of choice
1G. A. Rahman, 2I. A. Adigun, 1I. F. Yusuf, and1 C. K. P. Ofoegbu
1Division Of General Surgery Division Of 2Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery, Department Of Surgery,
University Of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin
Request for Reprints G A Rahman, Department of surgery University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital P.M.B 1459,
Ilorin, Kwara State Nigeria
Background Many sophisticated dressings are available to the wound care practitioner in the developed
countries. These materials are made from a wide range of products like polyurethane, salts of alginic acid
and other gelable polysaccharides. The situation is different in the developing countries where what is
commonly available to wound care provider are traditional agents such as sodium hypochlorite,
hydrogen-peroxide, cetrimide solution, chlorhexidine and others. The aim of this study is to reappraise
the problem of limitation of wound dressing selection in the developing countries and to sensitize the
wound care practitioner on the use of the commonly available products based on the needs of a different
wound or even the same wound throughout its healing course.
Patients and methods Patients attending the General Outpatient Department (GOPD) of our hospital for
wound dressing were used for the study. Five surgeons who are familiar with wound care management
visited the dressing unit of the GOPD daily for one week in October 2005. A proforma was designed
where information on each of the patient was recorded.
Results Fifty-three patients attended the dressing unit of our GOPD during the study period. Twenty-six
patients (49.1%) had their wounds dressed with hypochlorite solution (Eusol), seventeen patients
(32.1%) had their wounds dressed with honey and two patients, wound were being dressed with
hydrogen peroxide.
Conclusion While we are still awaiting the availability of the newer products in the developing
countries, we should make use of the traditional products that are readily available to us according to the
need of a particular wound, by this, our choice of wound dressing will not be arbitrary,
ineffective and wasteful both in terms of time and physical resources.
Key words: wound, dressing, types, developing countries.
No one dressing agent is suitable for the management
of all types of wounds, and few are ideally suited for
the treatment of a single wound during all stages of
the healing cycle. Successful wound management
therefore depends upon a flexible approach to the
selection and use of products based upon an
understanding of the healing process combined with
knowledge of the properties of the various dressings
available. The process of dressing selection is
determined by a number of factors which includes the
nature and location of the wound, and the range of
materials available. In most situations the cost of
treatment is also a major factor1. In the developed
countries, many sophisticated dressings are available
to the wound care practitioner which are made from a
wide range of materials including polyurethane, salts
of alginic acid and other gelable polysaccharides such
as starch and carboxymethylcellulose. These materials
are combined to form products as diverse as films,
foams, fibrous products, beads, hydro gels and
hydrocolloid dressings2.
152 wound dressing Rahman GA et al
The situation is totally different in the developing
countries like ours where what is still commonly
available to wound care provider are traditional agents
such as sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide,
cetrimide solution, chlorhexidine and others. These
agents have been proven to be of limited efficacy and
may also have an adverse effect upon the healing
process3and therefore get out of favour4. Wound
healing is a dynamic process and the performance
requirement of a dressing can change as the wound
progresses towards healing. The aim of this study is to
re-appraise the problem of limitation of wound
dressing selection in the developing countries. This is
with the aim of sensitizing the wound care practitioner
on the use of the commonly little available products
based on the needs of a different wound or even the
same wound throughout its healing course.
This study took place in a tertiary health institution
located in the North Central Zone of Nigeria. Patients
attending the General Outpatient Department (GOPD)
of the hospital for wound dressing of different
aetiologies were used for the study. The authors who
are surgeons familiar with wound care management
visited the dressing unit of the GOPD daily for a
whole week in October 2005. A proforma was
designed where information on each of the patient
was recorded. Information collected included: the age,
sex, occupation, type of wounds, frequency of
dressing, type of dressing, cost of care, and the cost
bearer among others. The data were entered into the
SPSS 11.0 software for analysis.
Fifty-three patients attended the dressing unit of our
GOPD during the six days of study. The age range
was between 1 year and 84 years The mean age was
38.7 years (SD-23.0). There were thirty-four males
and nineteen females with a male to female ratio of
1.8:1. Sixteen patients (30.2%) were traders, twelve
patients (22.6%) were students, eleven patients
(20.8%) were farmers and nine patients (17.0%) were
civil servants. For the purpose of this study, wound
managed were classified into six types as shown in
Fig. 1. Nineteen patients (35.8%) had surgical wounds
(from surgical operations) of different etiology while
thirteen patients (24.5%) were being managed for
traumatic wounds resulting from poorly managed
traumatic injuries. There were twelve patients (22.6%)
with chronic leg ulcer while only one patient (1.9%)
was being dressed for pressure sore. Fig. 2 shows
various dressing agents available for use in our centre.
The result showed that twenty-six patients (49.1%)
had their wounds dressed with hypochlorite solution
(Eusol), seventeen patients (32.1%) had their wounds
dressed with honey, two patients’ wound were being
dressed with hydrogen peroxide, two patients also had
sufratulle gauze dressing. The remaining six patients
(11.3%) had other agents such as cetrimide and
chorhexidine solution used for their dressing. The
frequency of wound dressing shows that of these fifty-
three patients; Twenty-three patients (43.4%) had a
daily wound dressing while twenty-eight patients
(52.8%) had an alternate day dressing of their
The cost of care of these patients’ wound dressing per
week excluding transportation to hospital, showed
that twenty patients (37.7%) spent an average of five-
hundred Naira (N500.00) per week while thirty-one
patients (58.5%) spent an average of six hundred
Naira (N600.00) per week. The remaining two
patients were being exempted from payment
Fig i Fig ii
type of wound
6.00 / 11.3%
13.00 / 24. 5%
2.00 / 3.8%
12.00 / 22.6%
1.00 / 1. 9%
19.00 / 35.8%
traumatic ulcer
malignant ulcer
chronic leg ul cer
pressure sor e
surgical wound
type of dressing
hydrogen peroxide
Effective wound management requires an
understanding of the process of tissue repair and a
knowledge of the properties of the dressing materials
available. It is when these factors are considered that
the process of choice of wound dressing can be
undertaken in a logical and informed fashion. A single
dressing cannot address or correct the underlying
pathology of a wound, rather, it should be selected
based on the needs of the wound. This can be
achieved by thorough assessment of the wound in
terms of its dimension, the type of tissue present in
the wound bed, the quality and quantity of exudates,
condition of the surrounding skin and the microbial
status. This assessment should be performed on all
wounds before they are dressed. This study shows that
we are still using the traditional wound dressing
agents for dressing. Twenty-six patients (49.1%) had
their wounds dressed with Eusol, while 3.8% were
dressed with hydrogen peroxide. Seventeen patients
(32.1%) were dressed with honey .In 23 (43.4%)
patients wounds were dressed daily which can be
regarded as high frequency dressing. High frequency
dressing is expensive, uncomfortable to the patients
Wound dressing Rahman et al 153
and stressful to manpower. It is safer to choose
dressings that require changing less frequently,
thereby reducing risk of nosocomial infection, cost of
care, further tissue damage and patient discomfort 5 .
Majority of our patients spent between five-hundred
Naira (N500.00)($4 USD) and six-hundred Naira
(N600.00)($5 USD) per week on wound dressing. The
unavailability of varieties of wound dressing in our
environment has led those who must care for wounds
to resort to the use of traditional agents such as
sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide, cetrimide
,chlorhexidine and honey. Usually there may be no
room for choice of agent depends and the most
readily available agent is used . In the developed
countries, several modern wound dressing materials
are available to the practitioners and the choice of
dressing materials take into consideration the needs of
the wound at a particular stage in the healing process1.
These dressing materials are grouped according to
their performance. Some of these agents include
hydrocolloid, hydrogel, alginate, and polyurethane
foam. They are indicated for selected wounds or the
same wound for different roles at different phases of
wound healing. Some characteristics that distinguish
these recent products are fluid status, conformability,
nice scent, absorbing characteristics, handling and
adhesive properties, and the presence of antibacterial
and haemostatic activity . Others include the ease of
application and removal and the interval between
dress changes6. Before a clinician chooses a wound
agent it is necessary to identify the purpose or
principal aim of that particular treatment. In most
cases, it will be to facilitate cosmetically acceptable
healing in the shortest possible time. Occasionally,
however, priorities can change and the speed and
quality of healing may not be of primary importance.
For example, a patient with a large malignant wound,
it may be more important to concentrate on removal
or containment of both the odor and the copious
exudates produced by the discharging lesion. This will
improve the patient’s quality of life remakably7, 8.
Dressing agents may be chosen for 4 purposes.
Remove sloughy necrotic tissue, promote granulation
and epitheliasition of the wound, Bring about
autolytic debridement of dead skin over some
wounds. In our environment, we commonly use gauze
pads soaked in saline or other solutions such as
sodium hypochlorite (Eusol) or hydrogen peroxide
which may be time consuming. Honey is another
agent that is readily available to us in the developing
countries. It is a good debriding agent and it is
commonly used by clinicians in necrotic wounds9, but
the problem of frequent dressing and pain associated
with its use is a major disadvantage. The use of
hydrogel and hydrocolloid are advances in developed
would. A dressing such as Intrasite Gel, Granugel and
Sterigel where available is more attractive and very
convenient. The gel is simply placed on the wound
and covered with gauze till the next dressing.
Hydrocolloids high absorptive capacity that greatly
limits the rate of frequency of change of dressing.
When the necrotic covering eventually separates, it
frequently leaves behind a wound containing yellow,
partially liquefied material called slough such as in
,pressure sores , diabetic foot ulcers burns and
chronic leg ulcers . It has been shown experimentally
that slough and devitalized tissue will predispose a
wound to infection by acting as a bacteriological
culture medium and inhibiting the action of
leucocytes in the wound10, 11. For good healing rate,
such wounds should be properly cleansed or debrided.
This can be done with some of the recent agents such
as Debrisan. Debrisan are polysaccharide beads for
dressing was one of the first modern dressings used
for wound cleansing. When used on sloughy wounds,
the beads absorb fluid and progressively remove
bacterial and cellular debris away from the surface of
the wound12. Sloughy wounds which also produce a
degree of exudates may be dressed with alginate
dressings. Other materials which are sometimes used
to debride sloughy wounds include enzymatic agents
such as Varidase, crab collagenese and krill13.
Polysaccharides such as honey and sucrose have also
been used to facilitate wound cleansing. Granulated or
icing sugar has been used successfully14, 15 interest has
just been focused on the use of a sugar paste
containing polyethylene glycol 400 and hydrogen
peroxide16, 17, 18. A significant development of
dressing sloughy wounds is the use of larva therapy
(maggots) for the rapid removal of slough and
necrotic tissue from wounds such as leg ulcers,
pressure sores, and diabetic foot ulcer19. It has been
reported that larvae are of value in burns20 and plastic
surgery for cleansing wounds prior to grafting21. In a
granulating wound there is no single dressing that is
suitable for use in all situations. In the developing
countries, where there is limitation of materials for
wound dressing, these wounds are usually packed
with gauze soaked in saline, hypochlorite or
proflavine. In some studies, honey is used
continuously for dressing in this phase of wound
healing thus causing hyper granulation, This may
usually slows down the process of epithelisation. In
the developed countries such wounds will be dressed
with alginate fibre or hydrocolloid dressing if exudate
production is not a problem. The production of
granulation tissue continues until the base of the
original cavity is level with the surrounding skin. At
this stage, the process of epithelisation begins around
the wound margin. Except on few occasions,
superficial or epithelising wounds tend not to produce
large quantities of exudates. Traditionally, these
wounds have been dressed with paraffin gauze
covered with a layer of Gauze and Cotton tissue
(“Gamgee”) which is readily available in most centers
in developing countries but some centers have
reported that the use of both alginates22,23 and
hydrocolloids dressings24 offer significant advantages
in these situations. The later reducing the time to
healing of donor site to about 7 days compared to 10-
14 days for comparable wounds dressed with
conventional fabric dressings. Wound related factors
154 wound dressing Rahman GA et al
takes priority when considering choice of dressing for
a particular wound. Therefore, we should always ask
ourself, what type of wound are we dealing with? Is it
a superficial, full thickness or cavity wound? Is the
wound necrotic, sloughy, and granulating or
epithelising? What about its characteristics, is it dry,
moist, heavily exuding, malodorous, excessively
painful or liable to bleed? What about the bacterial
profile, is it sterile, colonized or infected? For
example, a superficial, granulating or epithelising
wound with minimal exudate should not be dressed
with agents like hypochlorite solution or hydrogen
peroxide. Rather, such wound may be dressed with
sofra-tulle covered with saline soaked gauze or even
dry gauze. In clinical practice, when considering
dressings for an acute wound, the emphasis should be
on prevention of infection and promotion of healing5
whereas in chronic wound-healing, the control of
wound infection is more important25
Conclusion while we are still hoping to acquire
newer agents for wound dressing, in the developing
countries, we have made an effort to discuss some
characteristics needed to make us choose wisely from
the limited variety of dressing materials to meet the
needs of our wounds for efficient wound care.
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Wound dressing Rahman et al 155
... The participants also concluded that most medical devices are necessary for maintaining the patients' health, and even life. In developed countries such as Singapore, medical devices are commonly used (Rahman, Adigun, Yusuf, & Ofoegbu, 2006). This unquestioning dependence on medical technology grows with the perceived higher social standing of medical practitioners among educated South East ...
... Asian patients (Claramita, Nugraheni, van Dalen, & van der Vleuten, 2013). Healthcare professionals also freely acknowledge the benefits brought by medical devices in developed countries, normalising its use (Rahman et al., 2006). Thus, many participants rationalised that medical devices are indispensable to patient recovery, restricting their efforts in MDRPI prevention. ...
Aims and objectives This study aims to explore nurses' perceptions and experiences regarding pressure injuries caused by medical devices, and to understand the perceived challenges and barriers nurses face to preventing medical device‐related pressure injuries. Background Nurses have a responsibility to prevent pressure injuries, and play a major role in their prevention. As there has been a lack of research on medical device‐related pressure injuries, not much is known about nurses’ perceptions and experiences. This therefore hinders the establishment of effective and efficient interventions in nurses’ education and in the practical environment. Design A descriptive qualitative design was adopted, and the COREQ‐checklist was employed to report on the current study. Methods The study was conducted at an acute‐care hospital in Singapore. Purposive sampling was used, and a total of 21 enrolled and registered nurses who had recent experiences with medical device‐related pressure injuries were recruited between August and December 2018. Face‐to‐face interviews were conducted using a semi‐structured interview guide. A thematic analysis was performed to analyse the qualitative data. Results Five themes emerged regarding pressure injuries: (1) preventable yet unavoidable, (2) everyone’s responsibility, (3) harmonising theory with practice reality, (4) pre‐existing conditions may limit injury prevention and management; and (5) nurses expressed a need for experiential training. Conclusions The study’s findings could be used to develop improvements in nursing practice and policy at acute‐care hospitals, as well as to improve awareness of medical device‐related pressure injuries among healthcare professionals. Moreover, the findings can also inform future research studies to develop effective evidence‐based practices and improve patient outcomes. Relevance to the clinical practice This study reveals the unique challenges and dilemmas that nurses face, and will help to inform healthcare institutions and management in developing programmes and improving protocols to reduce the incidence rate of pressure injuries caused by medical device.
... Also work culture or workplace climate has been reported to influence sex disparity in injury risk [15]. Majority of the participants in this survey were involved in trading, office, industrial and driving, this similar range of occupation was observed in the study in a similar clinical setting [ 20 ] in which the major respondents were traders. ...
... This conforms to study conducted in a similar teaching hospital where young adult males account for the majority of wounds located on the upper extremities, head and neck region [16]. Almost all the respondents were admitted to the surgical department of this hospital as a result of automobile accident similar to previous studies in low and middle income countries [1,16,20]. ...
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Abstract: Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify, quantify the demographic, wound characteristics and treatment objectives of patients admitted in the surgical department of this tertiary hospital. Study design: A pre-prepared questionnaire was used for data collection. The questions were related to patient socio-demographic characteristics and their knowledge and attitude towards the wound management. The data collection took place from October 1st to December 31st 2016. Result: Data from 67 patients (59.7% male; 40.3% female) were collected. 29.9% were between 20-30years of age, 19.4% were alcoholics and 28.4% were traders. Majority of the wounds were caused by automobile accident (46.3%), mostly located on the legs (31.3%), majorly close wounds (85.1%) with duration of 7 days. Almost all the patients experienced wound pain (95.5%) located on the wound area (52.2%), 23.9% found itdifficult to sleep and 85.1% were prescribed drugs. 86.6% had dressing changes and this was done twice weekly (32.8%). Conclusion: There is need to improve outcomes, reduce the burden of wounds and improve health related quality of life. Keywords: Patients, Wound Care, Clinical Setting, Characteristics, Surgical Department
... Examples of these materials are HemCon Bandage, QuikClot, ActCel Hemostatic Gauze, and UrgentQR (Quick Relief) [10][11][12]. These materials have challenges ranging from potential allergic reaction, high cost, short shelf life and non-availability [14][15][16][17]. In developing countries such as Ghana, sterilized gauze is commonly used in wound dressing [17]. ...
... These materials have challenges ranging from potential allergic reaction, high cost, short shelf life and non-availability [14][15][16][17]. In developing countries such as Ghana, sterilized gauze is commonly used in wound dressing [17]. Use of this material poses challenges such as traumatic removal, lateral bacterial migration and scar formation [18]. ...
Wound dressing is the application of a sterile pad to protect a wound from further harm and promote healing. Over the past decades, various materials including calcium alginate, hydrogel, hydrocolloid and gauze based wound dressing materials have been developed. Unfortunately, shortcomings such as potential allergic reaction, high cost, short shelf life and scarcity have been associated with their use. In developing countries such as Ghana, sterilized gauze is commonly used in wound dressing but it causes scar formation and traumatic pain during removal. In addressing the issues of cost and availability, there may be local materials like cassava (Manihot esculenta) with the ability to aid in wound healing. Cassava is a cheap staple crop grown in Africa which is rich in carbohydrate, fibre and minerals. This research characterized three genotypes of cassava (IITA-TMS-GAEC-160006 (IT6), IITA-TMS-GAEC-160004 (IT4) and Afisiafi (Afi)). These genotypes have been studied in terms of their fibre content, fluid absorption capacity, hemolytic ability and their ability to promote rapid blood coagulation (coagulation time). Fibre samples were soaked in deionized (DI) water and PBS (Phosphate buffered saline) and at different time intervals the swollen samples were weighed. Fibre samples were also brought into contact with human blood and toxicity of samples determined. The results reveal that the rate of absorption of fluid by fibres in both DI water and PBS ranges between 0.66-0.93 g/min and fibres are generally non-toxic to blood cells. The fibre properties were compared with gauze and from these, some genotypes of cassava fibre were recommended for further research towards the design of a wound dressing material.
... Examples of these materials are HemCon Bandage, QuikClot, ActCel Hemostatic Gauze, and UrgentQR (Quick Relief) [10][11][12]. These materials have challenges ranging from potential allergic reaction, high cost, short shelf life and non-availability [14][15][16][17]. In developing countries such as Ghana, sterilized gauze is commonly used in wound dressing [17]. ...
... These materials have challenges ranging from potential allergic reaction, high cost, short shelf life and non-availability [14][15][16][17]. In developing countries such as Ghana, sterilized gauze is commonly used in wound dressing [17]. Use of this material poses challenges such as traumatic removal, lateral bacterial migration and scar formation [18]. ...
Wound dressing is the application of a sterile pad to protect a wound from further harm and promote healing. Over the past decades, various materials including calcium alginate, hydrogel, hydrocolloid and gauze based wound dressing materials have been developed. Unfortunately, shortcomings such as potential allergic reaction, high cost, short shelf life and scarcity have been associated with their use. In developing countries such as Ghana, sterilized gauze is commonly used in wound dressing but it causes scar formation and traumatic pain during removal. In addressing the issues of cost and availability, there may be local materials like cassava (Manihot esculenta) with the ability to aid in wound healing. Cassava is a cheap staple crop grown in Africa which is rich in carbohydrate, fibre and minerals. This research characterized three genotypes of cassava (IITA�TMS-GAEC-160006 (IT6), IITA-TMS-GAEC-160004 (IT4) and Afisiafi (Afi)). These genotypes have been studied in terms of their fibre content, fluid absorption capacity, hemolytic ability and their ability to promote rapid blood coagulation (coagulation time). Fibre samples were soaked in deionized (DI) water and PBS (Phosphate buffered saline) and at different time intervals the swollen samples were weighed. Fibre samples were also brought into contact with human blood and toxicity of samples determined. The results reveal that the rate of absorption of fluid by fibres in both DI water and PBS ranges between 0.66-0.93 g/min and fibres are generally non-toxic to blood cells. The fibre properties were compared with gauze and from these, some genotypes of cassava fibre were recommended for further research towards the design of a wound dressing material.
... Rather, such wound may be dressed with sofra-tulle covered with saline soaked gauze or even dry gauze. In clinical practice, when considering dressings for an acute wound, the emphasis should be on prevention of infection and promotion of healing [17] whereas in chronic wound-healing, the control of wound infection is more important [18]. The aim of this study is to re-appraise the problem of limitation of wound dressing selection in the developing countries. ...
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New ideas on controlling the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, non specific toxicity, immunogenicity, biorecognition and efficiency of drugs have generated new strategies, often called as the drug delivery system. Evolution of an existing drug molecule from a conventional form to a novel delivery system can significantly improve its performance in terms of patient compliance, safety, and efficacy. Over the past several years, great advances have been made on development of novel drug delivery systems (NDDS) from synthetic and natural bioactives such as polymeric nanoparticles, nanocapsules, liposomes, phytosomes, nanoemulsions, microsphere, transferosomes, and ethosomes have been reported. The variety of dressings based on types of wounds and novel polymers used for the delivery of drugs to acute and chronic wound has resulted in a wide range of new products frequently introduced to target different aspects of the wound healing process. These include hydrocolloids, alginates, hydrogels, polyurethane, collagen, chitosan, pectin and hyaluronic acid. Nevertheless, nanofibers with their physicochemical properties and nanotopography display improvements in the fields of tissue engineering, wound therapy and drug delivery systems. At present, there are so many existing drug delivery technologies that a total compilation is not within the scope of this article. Yet an attempt is being made to compile some of the most successfully marketed drug delivery technologies. This review extends the information and hopes to give insight into past, present and future strategies and approaches for wound healing managements.
... absorption, remove exudates, be biodegradable, prevent bacterial infection and enhance the healing process [4][5][6]. The authors, [7] explicitly corroborated that wound dressings currently available in the Western Nigerian market do not fully address all the physiological issues associated with chronic wounds. The study primarily focused on bacterial clearance, leaving other factors inhibiting wound bed re-epithelization and wound closure unattended. ...
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Conventional wound material allows bacterial invasions, trauma and discomfort associated with the changing of the dressing material, and the accumulation of body fluid for wounds with high exudate. However, there is a shift from conventional wound dressing materials to polymeric nanofibers due to their high surface area to volume ratio, high porosity, good pore size distribution, which allows for cell adhesion and proliferation. There is an urgent need to synthesis a biodegradable composite that is resistant to bacterial infection. In this study, an electrospun polylactide (PLA) composite suitable for wound dressing, with enhanced antimicrobial and mechanical properties, was produced. The neat PLA, PLA/CH (10 wt.%), PLA/CH (5 wt.%), PLA/CHS (10 wt.%), PLA/CHS (5 wt.%), PLA/CH (2.5 wt.%) /CHS (2.5 wt.%) and PLA/CH (5 wt.%)/CHS (5 wt.%), were electrospun using 0.14 g/ml solution. Results show that crystallinity (67.6%) of neat PLA declined by 3.8% on the addition of 2.5 wt.% chitin/chitosan with improved hydrophilicity of the composite. The tensile strength of neat PLA (0.3 MPa) increased (0.6 MPa) with 2.5 wt.% chitin/chitosan addition. The slight increase in the glass transition temperature from 75°C for neat PLA to 78°C of the composite fibre, showed improved ductility. The fibres showed little beads, hence suitable for wound dressing. The electrospun mats have good water absorption capacity and strong resistance against Staphylococcus aureus. Good performance was attained at 5 wt.% of chitin, chitosan and hybrid reinforcements. Therefore, a PLA/chitin/chitosan composite is recommended as a wound dressing material.
... Proflavine has a long history of safe clinical use. 17,18 A retrospective case-control analysis of screen-positive women previously exposed to proflavine during HRME found no significant differences in disease progression between the proflavine exposed and control groups. 19 The HRME morphologic image analysis software allows clinicians to acquire and automatically analyze images to assess the likelihood that a cervical site has high-grade abnormalities. ...
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We conducted a prospective evaluation of the diagnostic performance of high‐resolution microendoscopy (HRME) to detect cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) in women with abnormal screening tests. Study participants underwent colposcopy, HRME and cervical biopsy. The prospective diagnostic performance of HRME using an automated morphologic image analysis algorithm was compared to that of colposcopy using histopathologic detection of CIN as the gold standard. To assess the potential to further improve performance of HRME image analysis, we also conducted a retrospective analysis assessing performance of a multi‐task convolutional neural network to segment and classify HRME images. One thousand four hundred eighty‐six subjects completed the study; 435 (29%) subjects had CIN Grade 2 or more severe (CIN2+) diagnosis. HRME with morphologic image analysis for detection of CIN Grade 3 or more severe diagnoses (CIN3+) was similarly sensitive (95.6% vs 96.2%, P = .81) and specific (56.6% vs 58.7%, P = .18) as colposcopy. HRME with morphologic image analysis for detection of CIN2+ was slightly less sensitive (91.7% vs 95.6%, P < .01) and specific (59.7% vs 63.4%, P = .02) than colposcopy. Images from 870 subjects were used to train a multi‐task convolutional neural network‐based algorithm and images from the remaining 616 were used to validate its performance. There were no significant differences in the sensitivity and specificity of HRME with neural network analysis vs colposcopy for detection of CIN2+ or CIN3+. Using a neural network‐based algorithm, HRME has comparable sensitivity and specificity to colposcopy for detection of CIN2+. HRME could provide a low‐cost, point‐of‐care alternative to colposcopy and biopsy in the prevention of cervical cancer.
... In the past, oxygenated water was used to dress up infectious wounds due to its antiseptic properties, but today it is no longer used in dressings due to its damage to adjacent tissues and is only occasionally used to disinfect equipment or surfaces [45][46]. Because it sometimes used both disinfectant and antiseptic properties. ...
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Coronavirus refers to a group of widespread viruses. The name refers to the specific morphology of these viruses because their spikes look like a crown under an electron microscope. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered crown-shaped virus. Human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus is through coughing, sneezing, discharge from the nose and mouth. The virus can be transmitted from 1 to 2 meters through coughing or sneezing. Another way of transmission is by hand contact with the environment and virus-infected surfaces. Various substances are used to disinfect the body and surfaces. However, improper and unsafe use of these disinfectants can lead to other toxic effects in people that can be far more dangerous than the virus itself.
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A hydrocellular functional material as a wound dressing is developed and it is found to be superior in its efficacy as compared to some of the comparator controls in diabetic wound healing studies. A study on wound contraction and Histopathological analysis is done in rats. The efficacy of the dressing is comparable to the established wound dressings like Carboxymethyl cellulose alginate dressings and autolytic enzyme based hydrogel. It is found to be superior to Polyhexamethylene biguanide dressing used as reference controls in this study. The reason for good wound healing performance of the dressing can be attributed to a combined property of effective exudates management and broad spectrum antimicrobial effect. The concept of functional hydro cellular material has shown good results due to the excellent balance of exudates pickup and drying it out. This ensures moist wound healing conditions on the wound. Because of its porous nature it allows good air flow and gaseous exchange in the structure. The cationic sites created on the surface of the dressing ensure a good antimicrobial action on the exudates in the dressing. It reduces the infection load on the wound. The nonleaching property of the dressing also helps in preventing the generation of more resistant and mutant strains of the microbes. The developed dressing can be used as a relatively durable long lasting dressing for wound management in diabetic wounds. The need of repetitive wound dressing changes can be brought down with this concept of dressing. It is not only cost effective in terms of its material cost but also is a cost effective solution when entire wound management cost is considered. Such novel wound dressing material can change the quality of life of diabetic wound patients especially in developing world, where access to functional advanced wound care dressings is limited.
Wound healing is a physiological process and there are various supportive aids to speedy healing. Acharya Susruta has given due importance to explain about the proper care of a wounded patient irrespective of the cause of wound either surgery or trauma. Injury is a public health problem of enormous magnitude and surgery is another common cause creating the burden of wounds. Statistical data regarding the complications of wound healing and infections of wound is so alarming that there arises a need for retrospection into the conventional concepts of care of a wounded person. Optimal management of the wounded patient is essential as a prophylaxis to surgical site infections and post traumatic complications. The general practitioners with expertise and experience who are an integral part of providing the essential care should appreciate the integrity of a science like Ayurveda and also promote the ideas incorporated in the age old compendiums. Careful management of the wound post traumatically or post operatively is an important part of post wound recovery of the patient. Current care of wounded must be appraised and reassessed for appropriateness and effectiveness. Nutritional status, psychological well-being, environmental and personal hygiene has been long ago recognised as essential in improving the quality of life of the wounded. This article is an attempt to collect and validate these concepts mentioned in Vranitopasaneeya Adhyaya of Susruta.Â
A literature review exploring the advice available to practitioners on treating necrotic and sloughy wounds with hypochlorites, with a guide to decision-making based on the standard of liability in English civil law
When dry porous hydrophilic beads, formed by a three dimensional network of dextran polymers, are placed on a discharging wound, they absorb the exudate and swell to form of a gelatinous layer. Within this gelatinous layer a separation of substances occurs according to their molecular weights, with the smaller (MW less than 1000) freely penetrating the pores of the beads and the larger (MW greater than 5 000) remaining in the interspaces. Since proteins are removed from the wound surface with the fluid, crustformation on the wound is prevented. Clotting within the gel layer does not occur, since, as shown in another study (Aberg, Hedner, Jacobsson & Rothman 1976), wound exudate contains a high amount of fibrin-fibrinogen split products and no coagulable fibrinogen. Therefore as long as dry beads are available, exudate can be sucked up. With the wound exudate bacteria, degradation products and toxins are removed from the wound surface. A substance with the above described properties Debrisan (Pharmacia AB, Sweden) was used to treat various types of wounds. The treatment was most effective for profusely discharging infected wounds. Within a few days inflammation subsided, exudate decreased and granulation tissue appeared. So far no side effects are observed and even patients, who during years of treatment of leg ulcers had become sensitized to most dressings and local antibiotics could be treated. The new technique for sampling of wound fluid also offers a model for studies on inflammatory mediators and protein loss.
An established wound model in the pig has been modified using a Stomahesive ring to enable study of the effects of fluids used in wound care. Full thickness wounds (up to 9 mm deep) were treated with the substances under test. Each application was held in place with a Stomahesive flange, the inner part of which had been excised as far as the hard plastic ring. All dressings were then covered with OpSite which allowed gaseous exchange whilst retaining treatment fluids and secretions. Wounds were treated immediately and at 2 and 4 days. The experiment was terminated after 7 days and the whole wound, with dressing, was excised for histological examination. The wounds covered with OpSite alone and those treated with sugar paste under Opsite were found to be infilled with granulation tissue over which epidermal migration was taking place. Those wounds which had been packed with gauze, to which had been added one of the following: chlorhexidine gluconate 0.2%, Irgasan 0.2%, povidone iodine 0.8% or EUSOL half-strength, showed delayed healing in that less infilling had taken place over the same time period. This delay could be attributed to the nature of the chemicals used and/or the influence of gauze packing. This delay in the healing of wounds treated with chemical agents was least with EUSOL half-strength and greatest with chlorhexidine. No toxic effects were observed with sugar paste which may be preferable to antiseptics for the management of dirty or infected wounds.
An alginate fibre dressing has been used to reduce blood loss from skin graft donor sites. Significant haemostasis has been achieved in the immediate post surgery phase and no adverse reactions observed.
Over a 56-month period (January 1976 to August 1980), we treated 605 patients for wounds, burns, and ulcers with granulated sugar and povidone-iodine. Rapid healing ensued, due to a reduction in bacterial contamination, rapid debridement of eschar, probable nourishment of surface cells, filling of defects with granulation tissue, and covering of granulation tissue with epithelium. The requirements for skin grafting and antibiotics were greatly reduced, as were hospital costs for wound, burn, and ulcer care.