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Abstract and Figures

Modern poultry production is based on manipulation of genetics and environmental factors that affect intensively farmed poultry. This includes feeding well balanced and hygienically produced feeds to highly productive lines of birds. Feed formulation involves combining different ingredients in proportions necessary to provide the animal with proper amount of nutrients needed at a particular production stage. Green leafy vegetables are rich sources of essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and the cheapest in terms of affordability and most abundant source of proteins. Therefore, this study was aimed at investigating the effect of vegetablebased feed on the nutritive quality of broiler meat. Fifty-day old broiler chicks were randomly distributed into two groups (25 chicks per group). One group was administered with experimental (vegetable-based) diet and the other group with standard (commercial broiler starters) diet. The experimental diet was formulated to contain the same composition with control diet substituting pumpkin leaves, pawpaw and banana in place of lysine, methionine and vitamin pre-mix. The trial-and-error method of feed formulation was adopted during preparation of experimental feed. Results from proximate analysis revealed a significant (P<0.05) higher crude protein (15.75 ± 0.14%) and moisture content (23.3± 2.36%) in vegetable-based formulated feed than the crude protein (9.63 ± 0.13%) and moisture content (16.7 ± 2.23%) of the control feed. The ash (10.0 ± 4.08%) and fat (2.5 ± 0.78%) composition of both the standard and vegetable-based feeds were found to be similar. At the end of 6-week treatment, there was no significant difference in the mean weight of birds’ organs (head, gizzard, heart, lung, small intestine, large intestine, upper limbs) examined. However, the weight of limb and lung of the experimental group were lower compared to the control group. The total serum cholesterol and mean fat content of heart, gizzard and muscles of the vegetable fed birds were found to be significantly lower (P<0.05). There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in plasma-protein and muscle protein content between the treatment groups. Nevertheless, birds fed with vegetable formulated feed exhibited higher rate of feed conversion expressed as muscle protein weight (118.2 ± 16.34 g) and body weight gained (7.1 ± 1.74 g) than control group muscle protein weight (90.3 ± 23.18 g) and body weight gained (4.99 ± 1.66 g). This study, therefore, indicates that low fat and high protein meat can be obtained from birds fed with the experimental vegetable formulated feeds.
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Volume 10 No. 1
January 2010
Omenka RO1 and Anyasor GN*1
Richard Omenka
Godswill Anyasor
*Corresponding author e-mail:
1 Department of Chemical and Environmental Sciences, School of Science and
Technology, Babcock University. P.M.B. 21244, Ikeja, Lagos 100 000, Nigeria.
Volume 10 No. 1
January 2010
Modern poultry production is based on manipulation of genetics and environmental
factors that affect intensively farmed poultry. This includes feeding well balanced and
hygienically produced feeds to highly productive lines of birds. Feed formulation
involves combining different ingredients in proportions necessary to provide the
animal with proper amount of nutrients needed at a particular production stage. Green
leafy vegetables are rich sources of essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals and
antioxidants and the cheapest in terms of affordability and most abundant source of
proteins. Therefore, this study was aimed at investigating the effect of vegetable-
based feed on the nutritive quality of broiler meat. Fifty-day old broiler chicks were
randomly distributed into two groups (25 chicks per group). One group was
administered with experimental (vegetable-based) diet and the other group with
standard (commercial broiler starters) diet. The experimental diet was formulated to
contain the same composition with control diet substituting pumpkin leaves, pawpaw
and banana in place of lysine, methionine and vitamin pre-mix. The trial-and-error
method of feed formulation was adopted during preparation of experimental feed.
Results from proximate analysis revealed a significant (P<0.05) higher crude protein
(15.75 ± 0.14%) and moisture content (23.3± 2.36%) in vegetable-based formulated
feed than the crude protein (9.63 ± 0.13%) and moisture content (16.7 ± 2.23%) of the
control feed. The ash (10.0 ± 4.08%) and fat (2.5 ± 0.78%) composition of both the
standard and vegetable-based feeds were found to be similar. At the end of 6-week
treatment, there was no significant difference in the mean weight of birds’ organs
(head, gizzard, heart, lung, small intestine, large intestine, upper limbs) examined.
However, the weight of limb and lung of the experimental group were lower
compared to the control group. The total serum cholesterol and mean fat content of
heart, gizzard and muscles of the vegetable fed birds were found to be significantly
lower (P<0.05). There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in plasma-protein and
muscle protein content between the treatment groups. Nevertheless, birds fed with
vegetable formulated feed exhibited higher rate of feed conversion expressed as
muscle protein weight (118.2 ± 16.34 g) and body weight gained (7.1 ± 1.74 g) than
control group muscle protein weight (90.3 ± 23.18 g) and body weight gained (4.99 ±
1.66 g). This study, therefore, indicates that low fat and high protein meat can be
obtained from birds fed with the experimental vegetable formulated feeds.
Key words: Poultry, feed, broiler, lipid, protein
Volume 10 No. 1
January 2010
Livestock production plays an important role in the agricultural sector of every nation
particularly in the West African sub-region. The satisfactory outcomes of agricultural
activities depend, to a large extent, on the use of feeds that are safe and of high
quality. Livestock industries usually formulate feeds from materials that are either
edible or inedible by man. These feeds, when ingested by the animals, enhance the
animal productivity in terms of number and nutrient quality, to meet most of the
immediate nutrient requirements of man [1].
World feed resources are on the verge of rapid decline, caused probably by increase in
the number of humans and human activities. Hence, it is inevitable that conventional
animal feeds should become increasingly more expensive. This has led to a search for
new, often unconventional feeds, and effective methods of processing presently
inedible roughages into more acceptable and nutritious feeds [1].
Agricultural practice in West Africa, and indeed most developing countries, consists
of small- scale farming. The farmers in this sub-region have, in general, low level of
agricultural education and at the same time are handicapped by insufficient capital.
According to Payne and Wilson [1], the unavailability of capital and increasing
worldwide cost of energy, purchased feeds, equipment and pharmaceuticals may in
the long run delay or even halt the complete industrialization and urbanization of
poultry production in tropical countries. Under such circumstances, subsistence and
small-scale production methods with additional improvements may become relatively
attractive to this sector of the population [1, 2].
Feed ration (formulation) involves combining different ingredients in proportions
necessary to provide the animal with proper amounts of nutrients needed at a
particular growth stage. The ration should be palatable to the animals and not cause
any serious digestive disturbances. [2]. Different species of animals have different
requirements for energy (carbohydrate and fat), proteins, minerals and vitamins in
order to maintain functions like homeostasis, reproduction, egg production, lactation
and growth [3]. Feed formulation does not merely involve mathematical calculations
but factors such as cost, presence of anti-nutritional factors, texture, moisture,
processing, digestibility and acceptability to the animal [2]. One of the most important
roles of animal production is to provide high quality protein for human consumption;
to achieve this, animals should be fed correct proportions of high quality protein [4].
Broilers are fast growing birds, which mature at 8 to 10 weeks; they are tender-meated
with soft, pliable and smooth textured skin depending on feed type and management
[5, 6]. A targeted live weight of 1.8 kg is attained at 12 weeks. There are two types of
broiler rations, namely, the broiler starter mash fed from day one to fourth or fifth
week and the broiler finisher mash, fed from week 4 or 5 until slaughter.
Today, poultry industries are highly commercial and nutrition is by far the most
important single factor accounting for 65-75% of the inputs in the industry. Currently,
Volume 10 No. 1
January 2010
most poultry are given fat-rich meals which impact negatively on the quality of
products and in turn affect humans after consumption. However, poultry farmers have
been trying several alternatives of feed formulation to enhance feed quality on meat
and egg production [3, 7]. One of the major problems encountered in the tropics
especially by small-scale farmers who wish (or are forced by lack of funds) to
formulate their own rations is inadequate knowledge of poultry nutrition. When
poultry diets are designed using conventional foodstuffs, they follow a fairly
predictable pattern and approximate quantities of the various ingredients. Another
handicap for these local small poultry farmers is the inaccessibility of the vitamin and
mineral premix and lack of data on the average nutrient content of the many local
foodstuffs in the ration [8]. Vegetable-based feeds are a rich source of essential plant
amino acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Further to the rich contents
mentioned, it has been established that green vegetable leaves are the cheapest and
most abundant source of proteins because of their ability to synthesize amino acids
from a wide range of available primary materials such as water, carbon dioxide and
atmospheric nitrogen [9]. This study, therefore, investigated the effect of vegetable
substitute for vitamin pre-mix, lysine and methionine in commercial broiler starters
mash on the fat and protein content of meat production.
The experiment was carried out at the poultry unit of the Department of Agriculture,
Babcock University, Ogun State, Nigeria. Fifty day-old chicks were purchased from
Joy Veterinary Services and randomly distributed into two groups: control and
experimental groups. The two groups were fed and given water ad libitum throughout
the experiment. The control groups were fed commercial broiler starters’ mash while
the experimental groups were fed vegetable-based formulated feed. Slurry of 10kg of
pawpaw and 10kg of banana was made by blending them into pulp of uniform
mixture. The slurry was mixed with grounded maize, soya bean cake, groundnut cake,
fish meal, palm kernel cake, bone meal, oyster shell and salt (NaCl). The mixture was
sun- dried for 48 h. Ten kg of pumpkin leaves were also sun-dried for 48 h and milled
together with the dried slurry mixture to form the experimental diet.
It is important to note that there are several methods of feed formulations including
the square method, simultaneous equation method, two- by- two-matrix-method, trial-
and- error method and linear programming method. For this study, trial-and-error
method of feed formulation was adopted. Birds that were cared for 6 weeks were
administered glucose, vitamins and antibiotics on the first day of experiment.
Gumboro vaccine was administered on the 7th day while from the 19th to the 20th day
of the experiment, the birds were given coccidiostat. Water was given twice daily to
the birds only for the last 6 days prior to slaughtering. Six (6) birds were randomly
selected from each group and slaughtered. The protein concentration was determined
according to Lowry et al. [10] using bovine serum albumin (BSA) as standard, while
the percentage crude protein, moisture and ash content of organs including the head,
gizzard, heart, lung, small intestine, large intestine, upper limbs, lower limbs and liver
Volume 10 No. 1
January 2010
were determined according to Pearson’s Chemical Analysis of Foods [11]. Live
performance of broilers in terms of muscle protein weight and body weight gain was
assessed according to Baker and Chung [12] and Degussa [13].
All data obtained from determinations of percentage crude protein, moisture ash and
fat content in vegetable and standard formulated feeds as well as plasma and muscle
protein, weight of organs and fat contents of experimental and control birds were
subjected to SPSS for Windows version 15.0 statistical package. Comparison of
means was done using paired sample t test. P value less than 0.05 was considered to
be significant. Data were reported as mean± standard deviation.
The results in Table 2 show that vegetable-based feed formula contained a
significantly (P<0.05) higher crude protein (15.75 ± 0.14%) and moisture content
(23.3 ± 2.36%) than those of standard commercial feed formula crude protein (9.63 ±
0.13%) and moisture content (16.7 ± 2.23%).The ash content (10.0 ± 4.08%) and fat
composition (2.5 ± 0.78%) were the same in both feed formula (Table 2). There was
no statistically significant difference (P>0.05) in organ weights (head, gizzard, liver,
heart, lungs, small intestine, large intestine, upper limbs and lower limbs) between
experimental and control groups. Fat analysis indicated a significant (P<0.05)
decrease in the serum total cholesterol and mean fat composition in the serum, heart,
gizzard and muscles of the experimental groups than the control group (Table 3).
There were, also, no significant differences (P>0.05) in the plasma protein and muscle
protein contents between experimental and control groups. However, the vegetable-
based fed birds had a higher muscle protein weight and body weight gain than
commercial starter fed bird (Table 3).
The present study aimed to determine the possibility of vegetable-based feed formula
in enhancing the quality of poultry meat produced by broilers in terms of the protein-
lipid ratio. Trial- and- error method was used in the process of compounding an
experimental feed that included banana and pawpaw and vegetables such as pumpkin
leaves to the well known commercial broiler starter feed formula as shown in table 1.
Previous studies [9] show that vegetable-based feeds are rich sources of essential
plant amino acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. In addition to the
bioavailability of these essential nutrients, the green vegetables are the cheapest and
most abundant source of proteins because of their ability to synthesize amino acids
from a wide range of virtually available primary materials such as water, carbon
dioxide, and atmospheric nitrogen [9]. The proximate analysis of both experimental
and standard feed formula revealed a higher crude protein and moisture content in
experimental feed than commercial feed, while their ash contents were estimated to be
Volume 10 No. 1
January 2010
the similar. These could be deduced from the presence of the leafy vegetables in the
experimental formulated diet. There was no significant difference in the average
weight of both the experimental and control groups head, gizzard, liver, heart, small
and large intestines. However, the weight of the experimental birds’ lungs and limbs
were lower compared to those of the control group. These might have resulted from
high fat deposit in the body of control birds [14]. Fat content analysis indicated a
significant decrease in the serum total cholesterol and mean fat composition in heart,
gizzard and muscles of the experimental group compared to the control group. This is
in agreement with previous reports that vegetables and fruits decrease fat deposit in
the body [14, 15]. Furthermore, no significant differences were found between the
plasma-protein and muscle- protein contents of the experimental and control groups.
Nevertheless, the vegetable-fed birds had higher muscle- protein weight and body
weight gain compared to commercial starter mash fed birds. This indicates a better
live performance and feed muscle conversion rate [13, 14]. Feed quality is a major
player in the production performance of the animal. It is also the beginning of the
animal protein production chain, hence, the need to address consumption concerns
over food safety. Thus, the present study tends to support the view that vegetable-
based broiler feed formulation will enhance the quality of poultry produce in terms of
meat production.
The study indicated that low fat and high protein meat can be obtained from birds fed
with experimental vegetable feed than those fed with commercial broiler’s starter
mash. Therefore, the vegetable-based products serve as a source of the essential
ingredients required by poultry farmers during the formulation of broilers’ feed. The
vegetable feed formula may enhance the poultry meat products in terms of nutritive
value that would in the long run be beneficial to the health of meat consumer’s and
possibly serve as a source of economic value to the poultry farmers.
It is recommended that the addition of vegetable-based products in poultry feed
formula would serve as a cheap source of amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins and
bioactive metabolites, that are necessary for the growth and development of broiler
birds. The production of such birds could in turn improve the health status of meat-
eaters by boosting their immunity. This would contribute greatly towards the
prevention and reduction of neurodegenerative diseases associated with lipid-rich diet.
Hence, the adoption of green vegetables and vegetable pulp substitutes for pre-mixed
vitamins during feed formulation in West Africa and other developing nations, would
serve as a cheap and natural source of ingredient in poultry feed formulation for small
scale farmers.
Volume 10 No. 1
January 2010
We thank Mr. Gibson O. Chioma, the Head of Poultry Unit, Department of
Agriculture and Industrial Technology, Babcock University for his invaluable
assistance and provision of working facilities. Our gratitude goes to Asaolu O.
Ikeoluwapo for her active participation during the course of the research.
Volume 10 No. 1
January 2010
Table 1: Feed formulation for control and experimental diet
Control (kg) Percentage
composition Experimental diet
(Kg) Percentage
Soya bean cake
Groundnut cake
Fish meal
Wheat offal
Palm kernel cake
Bone meal
Oyster shell
Vitamin pre-mix
Pumpkin leaves
Table 2: Percentage crude protein, moisture, ash and fat content feeds
Feed Percentage
protein Moisture Ash Fat
9.63 ± 0.13*
16.7 ± 2.23
10.0 ± 4.08
2.5 ± 0.78
15.75± 0.14
23.3 ± 2.36
10.0 ± 4.08
2.5 ± 0.78
* indicates mean ± standard deviation significant at P< 0.05
Volume 10 No. 1
January 2010
Table 3: Weight and fat contents from vegetable fed and starter fed (control)
Organs weight (g) Experimental birds
Control birds
Small Intestine
Large Intestine
Upper Limbs
Lower limbs
41.2 ± 9.49
33.8 ± 4.88
15.5 ± 2.58
3.1 ± 0.39
3.5 ± 0.56
18.2 ± 2.29
28.9 ± 7.13
37.2 ± 15.2
83.3 ± 11.49
54.5 ± 9.16
37.2 ± 6.09
16.7 ± 4.25
3.2 ± 0.88
5.4 ± 0.87
18.1 ± 4.11
30.9 ± 1.33
52.2 ± 8.79
145.0 ± 27.23
Fat content (mg/dl)
Total Serum Cholesterol
0.6 ± 0.17
1.6 ± 0.30
38.7 ± 8.10
42.3 ± 30.02
1.2 ± 0.30
2.6 ± 0.30
78.3 ± 10.76
237.4 ± 173.5
Tissue protein (mg/ml)
Plasma protein
Muscle protein 0.5 ±0.12
12.0 ± 3.00 0.5 ± 0.14
10.6 ± 2.95
Live performance (g)
118.2 ± 16.34
7.1 ± 1.74
90.3 ± 23.18
4.99 ± 1.66
Muscle protein weight
Body weight gained
* indicates mean ± standard deviation significant at P<0.05
Volume 10 No. 1
January 2010
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Volume 10 No. 1
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... The current results regarding the significant enhancement of BWG and FCR for growing rabbits fed a basal diet supplied with different levels of PKSP are in accordance with the findings of Nworgu et al. (2007a) who established that addition of pumpkin leaf extracts improved BWG of broiler chickens. Furthermore, Nworgu et al. (2007b) and Omenka and Anyasor (2010) observed that addition of pumpkin leaf meal to broiler diet improved BWG and FCR. Additionally, Martínez et al. (2010) reported that the 10% implication of PKS meal in broiler chicken rations served as an appropriate replacement for soyabean meal as it improved production performance. ...
... The significant influence of reducing serum harmful lipid levels of rabbits such as triglycerides, cholesterol, LDL and VLDL besides increasing the beneficial lipid levels due to dietary addition of 0.1 and 0.2% of PKSP are keeping with the previous researches. Omenka and Anyasor (2010) showed a decrease in total serum cholesterol when pumpkin vegetables were fed to broilers. Moreover, Hajati et al. (2011) found that dietary PKS oil significantly decreased cholesterol and triglyceride values in blood plasma of broiler chickens. ...
... Martínez et al. (2010) reported that the implication of 10% PKS in broiler chicken rations resulted in significant reduction in abdominal fat, and no statistical changes were noted in the sensorial quality of the chicken breast and thigh portions. Similarly, Omenka and Anyasor (2010) found a reduction in mean fat content of heart, gizzard and muscles when pumpkin vegetables were fed to broiler chickens. Also, Aguilar et al. (2011) showed that the implication of dietary PKS meal by 3.3, 6.6 and 10% partly displacing soyabean meal and vegetable oil improved edible portions yield and reduced abdominal fat. ...
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This research was performed to determine the influence of dietary addition of pumpkin seed powder (PKSP) comparable to zinc oxide (ZnO) on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, caecal bacterial count, some blood metabolites and slaughter traits of growing V-line rabbits during 35-91 days of age. A total of one hundred V-line rabbits aged 35 days were randomly divided into five homogeneous groups of five replicates with four rabbits per each (20 rabbits/group). The first group was fed a basal diet without any additives and assigned as a control group. The rabbits of second group were fed a basal diet supplied with zinc oxide (ZnO, 100 mg/kg diet), while the 3 rd , 4 th , and 5 th groups were fed a basal diet enhanced with varying levels of PKSP (0.05, 0.1, and 0.2%), respectively. Results indicated that growing rabbits fed basal diet with 0.1% PKSP had significant improvements in final body weight, body weight gain, fed conversion ratio, performance index and economic efficiency compared with those for the rest groups. Digestibility coefficient of crude protein and crude fiber and digestible crude protein for growing rabbits fed basal diet supplied with 0.1% PKSP or ZnO were significantly improved compared with other treated groups. Moreover, rabbits fed basal diet with 0.1 and 0.2% PKSP showed a significant diminish in caecal Escherichia coli counts and a significant rise in lactobacillus sp. counts compared with the rest groups. Red blood cell count, haemoglobin, blood packed cell volume and lymphocyte percent for rabbits fed basal diet with 0.1 and 0.2% PKSP or ZnO were substantially increased compared with the control group. In addition, growing rabbits fed diets with 0.2% PKSP or ZnO had a significant diminish in serum total lipids, triglycerides and cholesterol values compared with control. Furthermore, supplied diets with studied agents significantly decreased serum levels of LDL, AST, ALT, urea, creatinine and MDA, whereas HDL and TAC levels were statistically increased compared with control. Dressing percent, hot carcass weight and total edible parts for growing rabbits fed diets with 0.1% PKSP were substantially improved compared with the rest groups. In conclusion, supplementing the diet of growing rabbits with 0.1% PKSP could be a good tool for optimizing growth performance, nutrient digestibility, caecal bacterial count and slaughtering traits, with the best record of economic efficiency.
... Sensory evaluation of chicken meats was determined after 14 days of storage. Results: The result revealed low (3.4x 10 5 -8x10 5 ) microbial and fungi (2.1 x10 5 -7 x10 5 ...
... Sensory evaluation of chicken meats was determined after 14 days of storage. Results: The result revealed low (3.4x 10 5 -8x10 5 ) microbial and fungi (2.1 x10 5 -7 x10 5 ...
... Leaf meal supplementation has been included in the diet of poultry as means of reducing the high cost of conventional protein source and improving profit margin [3,4]. As reported by Omenka and Anyasor [5], vegetables are rich nutrient sources, potentially good for supplying essential amino acids, minerals and antioxidants to birds, comparatively inexpensive, easily available, easy to process and pose less risk of disease contamination. Beyond making a profit, the storage and acceptability of chicken meat produced with unconventional composite feed materials are very paramount, to ascertain the full potential (safety and sensory quality) of producing chicken with unconventional feed ingredients. ...
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Aim: The present study investigated the effect of unconventional (Carica papaya, Manihot esculenta leaf and Brassica oleracea var. capitata leaves) Composite Feed Ingredients on storage and sensory attributes of chicken meat. Study Design: Quasi Experimental Place and Duration of Study: Department of Animal Production and Health Technology, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics and Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Imo State Polytechnic Umuagwo-Ohaji, June 2020-April, 2021. Methodology: Arbor Acres broiler reared with unconventional composite feed ingredients, consisting of 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% proportions of Homogenized Vegetable Meal (HVM) was used. After six weeks, the broilers were slaughtered, cleaned and stored in the freezer at the temperature of 30C. Nutrient Agar (NA), Mac Conkey Agar (MCA) and Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) were the media used for the determination of bacterial and fungi growth on chicken meats during storage. Sensory evaluation of chicken meats was determined after 14 days of storage. Results: The result revealed low (3.4x 105-8x105) microbial and fungi (2.1 x105-7 x105) growth on the chicken meat samples. There was no significant difference (P=0.05) in the sensory attributes (taste, colour, aroma and general acceptability) tested. The chicken meats were generally (7.6 -7.8) acceptable by the taste panel members after 14 days of storage. Conclusion: The inclusion of unconventional (leave) ingredients in broiler feed did not affect the storage of chicken meat, rather some sensory attributes (aroma and colour) of chicken meat were improved.
... Consequently, appropriate and organized handlings of food waste (FW) not only produce useful and energetic products but also minimize the crush on the environment [7]. Vegetable wastes are easy to access, found everywhere, and also have high source of nutrients for the broilers to increase body weight, have good meat quality, and provide antioxidant stress to broilers [8]. The broilers which feed on vegetables produce juicy, cholesterol-free, and tenderness meat have highly demanding properties [8]. ...
... Vegetable wastes are easy to access, found everywhere, and also have high source of nutrients for the broilers to increase body weight, have good meat quality, and provide antioxidant stress to broilers [8]. The broilers which feed on vegetables produce juicy, cholesterol-free, and tenderness meat have highly demanding properties [8]. ...
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Vegetable waste (spinach, potato, and cauliflower) is a rich and natural source of nutrients, potentially good for supplying minerals, essential amino acids, and antioxidants to the birds. Relatively, its cost very low, easily to accessible, easily process & pose little risk of illness. The aim of present study was to evaluate the effect of vegetable waste (VW) as feed supplement on growth performance and hematology of broiler chicks. For this purpose, a total of 200 (4 days old) vaccinated chicks were acquired from a commercial hatchery Multan which was acclimated for three weeks (21 days) on basal starter feed after that 25-day-old chicks with uniform body weight were allocated according to a CRD (completely randomized design) into four dietary treatments with three replicates of each contained 15 chicks in 12 pens. In dietary treatments, chicks were feed with basal feed (BF) and supplemented feed with vegetable waste (VW) of spinach, potato, and cauliflower. For this purpose, the dietary treatments included control treatment (T1) (100% BF+0% VW) and other dietary treatments (T2) (75% BF+25% VW), (T3) (50% BF+50% VW), and (T4) (25% BF+75% VW). The body weight, feed intake, food conversion ratio (FCR), and mortality were checked on weekly and daily basis. For hematology analysis, after the 1st experimental week (25-day-old chicks) and the last 5th experimental week (56-day-old chicks), the samples of blood were gathered from the wing’s veins of two birds from each treatment in random way. At the end of five weeks (35 days), birds with uniform average body weight were selected per treatment with three replicates (2 bird/replicate) and then were manually slaughtered according to the Halal method to analyze the weight of internal body organs of broilers by physical and statistical analysis (ANOVA). There was no significant effect (P>0.05) on feed intake and FCR among all the dietary treatments. But in average, body weight and BWG were higher in treatment (T2) (P
... The reduced total cholesterol and LDL content may reflect the hypocholesterolemia properties attributed to the defatted part of the leaves, which are rich in fibrous content and may block intestinal cholesterol absorption. The study (31) revealed that rosemary extract caused a numerical decrease in serum cholesterol, LDLcholesterol, and lipid concentration levels and increased triglyceride levels. Moreover, (29) concluded that rosemary extract numerically decreases serum cholesterol levels of triglycerides and HDL and LDL cholesterol. ...
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This study evaluated the effects of rosemary and onion extracts on leave performances and some hematological and serum biochemical parameters of White Leghorn layers at Haramaya University Poultry Farm. One hundred twenty (120) White Leghorn layers at thirty-two weeks of age were randomly allocated to four treatments, each replicated three times with ten layers and one cock per replication and managed on a deep litter system for 70 days. The treatments were T1 (control group without any addition of feed additives), T2 (water with 4 milliliters of onion extract), T3 (water with 4 milliliters of rosemary extract), and T4 (water with 4 milliliters of onion and rosemary extract mixture). Body weight was taken at the beginning and end of the experiment to determine body weight change. Feed intake was determined as the difference between the feed offered and refused divided by the total number of layers in the replication. Data were subjected to be analyzed by SAS software version 9.4 (SAS, 2019), and the significance in treatment mean was determined by the least significance difference (LSD) for all parameters considered. The daily feed intake of chickens in T2 (97.59±0.72g) was significantly (p<0.01) higher than the feed intake of chickens in T1, T3, and T4. There was no significant difference in PCV percentage, but there is a significant (p<0.05) difference in lowering total serum cholesterol from T1 to T4 but higher in HDL cholesterol. Layers using the blended use of spices with drinking water (T4) had lowered total cholesterol levels in the blood compared to other treatments.
... It is also high in antioxidant including flavonoids, zeaxanthin, lutein, choline, and beta-carotene". [14] "Vegetables are rich nutrient sources, potentially good for supplying essential amino acids, minerals and antioxidants to the birds, comparatively inexpensive, easily available and easy to process and pose less risk of disease contamination" [15]. "Consumers prefer the meat of broilers exclusively fed with vegetable sources as they feel it is more tasty, juicy, and tender". ...
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A feeding trial was undertaken to investigate the effects of unconventional homogenized (HVM) feed ingredients on skin pigmentation and weight gain of broiler chickens. A total of one hundred and twenty (120) Arbor Acres day – old- chicks (DOCs) of straight – run were used for this study. They were reared to one week of age following standard procedures and strict bio-security measures, using commercial feed before placing them on experimental diets. Birds were randomly assigned to five treatments with twenty-four (24) birds per treatment in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Each treatment was further replicated four times with six birds per replicate. Eachreplicate was housed in a 2 x 3 m pen on a deep litter. The birds received water and feed ad libitum starting from 7.00 am daily for 56 days of feeding trial. The treatment groups were assigned to the different treatment diets so that the control group received a diet containing zero HVM, while others received the corresponding HVM inclusion levels consisting of 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10% proportions. The result of broiler birds fed homogenized unconventional feed ingredients (HVM) on the shank (skin) pigmentation score recorded no significant difference (P>.05) between treatment T1 and T2 (HVM=0% and HVM= 2.5%). However, differences among treatments T3, T4 and T5 (HVM= 5%, HVM=7.5% and HVM=10%) were significantly better (P=.05) than birds on T1 and T2. The result equally shows no significant difference (P>.05) on the mean change in life weight of birds across all treatments. However, the mean weight gain increases as the inclusion of HVM increases across the treatments, except in treatment 3. Results of feed intake and feed conversion ratio (FCR) showed no significant difference (P>.05) across all treatment. This finding indicates that the increase in the inclusion rate of HVM increases the weight gain.
... Lately, one of the poultry industry's risks is the continuous rise in the price of their feed ingredients around the world and/or a lack of feed ingredients. This has led nutritionists to find suitable alternatives to replace traditional feed ingredients, which may reduce the competition between humans and animals for these sources (Omenka and Anyasor, 2010), especially in Egypt. Traditional raw materials, such as corn meal and soybean, represent about 60-70% of the production cost of most poultry products (Mallick et al., 2020). ...
This study was carried out to investigate the haematological and serum biochemical parameters of weaned pigs fed maize cob-cassava peel mixture as partial replacement for maize. A total of 36 crossbreed male piglets with initial body weight (6.07±0.02 kg) of about 7-8 weeks’ old were randomly distributed into four groups of nine animals per treatment. Each treatment was further divided into three replicates consisting of three pigs in a completely randomized design. Pigs in treatment 1 were fed 0 % maize cob-cassava peel mixture (CPMCM) while CPMCM was used to replace maize at 10 % (T2), 20 % (T3) and 30 % (T3). Phytochemical evaluation of CPMCM revealed the presence of alkaloids (19.10 mg/kg), tannins (8.17 mg/kg), saponins (9.11 mg/kg), cyanide (16.50 mg/kg), flavonoids (12.86 mg/kg) and phenol (7.72 mg/kg). All the haematological parameters: red blood cell, pack cell volume, haemoglobin, mean corpuscular haemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration, white blood cell, monocytes, basophils and lymphocytes were significantly (P<0.05) influenced by the treatment except for platelet values (P>0.05). Similarly, total protein, total bilirubin and gluscose levels were significantly different (P<0.05) among the treatments except for cholesterol, urea, creatinine, activities of alkaline phosphatase, alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase were not influenced by the treatment (P>0.05). However, values were within the normal range for heathy weaner pigs. It was concluded that CPMCM can be used to partially replace maize up to 30 % without having any negative effect on the health status of pigs.
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This study was carried out to investigate the hematological and serum biochemical parameters of weaned pigs fed maize cob-cassava peel mixture as partial replacement for maize. A total of36crossbreed male piglets with initial body weight (6.07±0.02 kg) of about 7-8 weeks' old were randomly distributed into four groups of nine animals per treatment. Each treatment was further divided into three replicates consisting of three pigs in a completely randomized design. Pigs in treatment 1 were fed 0 % maize cob-cassava peel mixture (CPMCM) while CPMCM was used to replace maize at 10 % (T2), 20 % (T3) and 30 % (T3). Phytochemical evaluation of CPMCM revealed the presence of alkaloids (19.10 mg/kg), tannins (8.17 mg/kg), saponins (9.11 mg/kg), cyanide (16.50 mg/kg), flavonoids (12.86 mg/kg) and phenol (7.72 mg/kg). All the hematological parameters: red blood cell, pack cell volume, haemoglobin, mean corpuscular haemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration, white blood cell, monocytes, basophils and lymphocytes were significantly (P<0.05) influenced by the treatment except for platelet values (P>0.05). Similarly, total protein, total bilirubin and gluscose levels were significantly different (P<0.05) among the treatmentsexcept for cholesterol, urea, creatinine, activities of alkaline phosphatase, alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase were not influenced by the treatment (P>0.05). However, values were within the normal range for heathy weaner pigs. It was concluded that CPMCM can be used to partially replace maize up to 30 % without having any negative effect on the health status of pigs.
This study was carried out to investigate the haematological and serum biochemical parameters of weaned pigs fed maize cob-cassava peel mixture as partial replacement for maize. A total of 36 crossbreed male piglets with initial body weight (6.07±0.02 kg) of about 7-8 weeks’ old were randomly distributed into four groups of nine animals per treatment. Each treatment was further divided into three replicates consisting of three pigs in a completely randomized design. Pigs in treatment 1 were fed 0 % maize cob-cassava peel mixture (CPMCM) while CPMCM was used to replace maize at 10 % (T2), 20 % (T3) and 30 % (T3). Phytochemical evaluation of CPMCM revealed the presence of alkaloids (19.10 mg/kg), tannins (8.17 mg/kg), saponins (9.11 mg/kg), cyanide (16.50 mg/kg), flavonoids (12.86 mg/kg) and phenol (7.72 mg/kg). All the haematological parameters: red blood cell, pack cell volume, haemoglobin, mean corpuscular haemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration, white blood cell, monocytes, basophils and lymphocytes were significantly (P<0.05) influenced by the treatment except for platelet values (P>0.05). Similarly, total protein, total bilirubin and gluscose levels were significantly different (P<0.05) among the treatments except for cholesterol, urea, creatinine, activities of alkaline phosphatase, alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase were not influenced by the treatment (P>0.05). However, values were within the normal range for heathy weaner pigs. It was concluded that CPMCM can be used to partially replace maize up to 30 % without having any negative effect on the health status of pigs.
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The exponential growth of population and the consistent food demand has compelled humanity to seek alternatives to traditional farming and innovative technologies to increase production. Exploring offshore for natural resources and alleviating pressure on land has been an ongoing research field, especially in the energy and aquaculture sector. However, the idea of floating farming is still in its infancy and requires significant innovations. The work presented here shed further light on this area by proposing a comprehensive model of ‘Integrated, multicultural, Multileveled Floating Farm (MFF).’ Various aspects of planning, design, constructions and operations of such MFF are discussed. An integrated waste management system is proposed to improve sustainability. The conceptual design and associated financial analysis demonstrated that such integration of various modes of farming could be profitable and sustainable at the same time. The cost estimation and profit analysis are presented in the context of Singapore, and a conservative approach is followed for the calculation. However, the model can easily be extended for application in other countries.
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Mail Address ABSTRACT An experiment was carried out to evaluate different formulated feeds for broilers from 43 to 49 days of age. Six hundred male Cobb broilers were distributed in a completely at random experimental design with 3 treatments (3 different criteria of feed formulation) and 4 repetitions per treatment, with 50 birds each. Diets were formulated with different criteria of digestible amino acid inclusion (methionine, methionine+cystine, lysine and threonine), according to the profiles recommended by Baker and Chung (1992), Degussa (1997) and Rostagno (2000) Live performance and carcass yield were evaluated in birds fed the different diets from 43 to 49 days of age). The profile established by Degussa (1997) resulted in best live performance. All profiles supplied the nutritional requirements of the birds for adequate carcass yield, but Degussa (1997) profile resulted in highest breast yield.
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The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of CLA association with two vegetable oil sources on the body fat of broiler chickens. Broilers were distributed in a completely randomized factorial design 2 x 5 (two oil sources, i.e. soybean or canola oil and five levels of CLA supplementation, i.e. 0.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0 g/kg). For both sexes, supplementation with canola oil resulted in heavier birds (P< 0.05) when compared to soybean oil. The effect of CLA supplementation on final body weight of female birds was significant and explained by a linear response (P< 0.05). A linear reduction in abdominal fat pad content was observed on females receiving canola oil and CLA (P< 0.05). Canola oil fed male and female birds had a reduction in relative liver weight (P< 0.05) when compared to soybean oil fed birds. The supplementation of CLA resulted in lower relative liver weight in females birds fed canola oil when compared to that of females receiving soybean oil diets. Total serum cholesterol was lower (P< 0.05) in females fed canola oil when compared to that of females fed soybean oil. Birds fed soybean oil had a higher (P< 0.05) fat liver content than those birds receiving canola oil. These results confirm the observation of heavier (P< 0.05) livers for birds receiving soybean oil in comparison with those receiving canola oil.
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A study was conducted to compare live performance and digestive metabolism of broiler chickens fed an all vegetable diet compared to a regular diet having a mix of animal by-products. The all vegetable diet was formulated with corn and soybean meal as major ingredients, whereas the feed with animal by-products had inclusions of 3.0% pork by-product, 2.5% poultry by-product, and 1.5% feather meal. One day old chicks were allocated to battery cages in a temperature controlled room. Feed and water intake, and total excreta produced were measured daily from 21 to 35 days of age. Live performance was similar between groups of birds receiving the different diets in both studies. However, birds fed the all vegetable diet had increased water intake and produced greater amounts of excreta, which were also higher in moisture. Digestibility of the all vegetable diet was poorer when compared to the regular diet. Results of this study indicate that broilers fed all vegetable diets based on corn and soybean meal may express similar live performance responses as long as feed formulation is done with a correct nutrient profile for the ingredients used. However, these type of feeds lead to a greater amount of excreta due to a higher water intake and also to the higher proportion of indigestible components.
Three tropical vegetable species (Talium triangulare, Amaranthus cruentus and Telfairia occidentalis) were selected based on their availability and agronomic desirability. The freshly harvested vegetable leaves were subjected to 2 processing techniques (shredding and sundrying) before milling into the vegetable leaf meals (VLMs). The crude protein ranged from 19.9+1.8 to 35.1+1.7. The crude fibre ranged from 8.8+3.1 to 12.7+4.2. Ether extract (fat) had a wide range of 5.4+3.2 to 29.2+2.1. Ash contents had a range of 10.9+6.2 to 19.4+3.0. The nitrogen free extract ranged from 19.7+0.3 to as high as 43.5+0.7. Gross energy values had a range of 251.5MJKg-1 to 383.2MJKg-1. The mineral contents of the air-dried VLMs indicated that Ca, Mg, Na, K are the most abundant minerals with values as high as 2.0, 2.5, 7.1 and 4.8gkg-1DM for Ca, Mg, Na and K respectively in some samples analysed. The amino acid profiles of the VLMs indicated favourable nutritional balance except for lysine and methinone which appear marginal. The Water Absorption Capacity (WAC), Fat Absorption Capacity (FAC), Fat Emulsion Capacity (FEC) and Emulsion Stability (ES) were similar for the 3 VLMs. The values obtained for Foaming Capacity, Least Gelation Concentration and Foaming Stability after 30 minutes for the 3 VLMs were also similar. The protein solubility curves of all VLMs were similar at both alkaline and acid media with minimum solubility (isoelectric point) at between pH 4 and 5 for the VLMs.
Acid Recommendation for Poultry. Feed Formulation Guide
  • A G Degussa
  • Amino
Degussa AG Amino Acid Recommendation for Poultry. Feed Formulation Guide. Hanau. 1997.
Ideal Protein for Swine and Poultry
  • Baker
  • Chung
Baker DH and TK Chung Ideal Protein for Swine and Poultry. Biokyowa Publishing Co., St. Louis. 199: 1-17.