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[Association of the mitochondrial transcription factor (TFAM) gene polymorphism with physical performance of athletes]

  • Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Federal Science Center of Physical Culture and Sport (VNIIFK)
  • Institute of Bio-medical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia


The aim of the study was to investigate allelic distribution of the mitochondrial transcription factor gene (TFAM) Ser12Thr polymorphism in athletes (n = 1537) and controls (n = 1113), and to find interrelation between genotypes and aerobic capacity in rowers (n = 90). Genotyping was performed by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Aerobic capacity (maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) and maximal power production capacity (Wmax)) was determined using an incremental test to exhaustion by rower ergometer. The frequency of TFAM 12Thr allele was significantly higher in endurance-oriented athletes (n = 588) than in controls (14.0% vs. 9.1%; p <0.0001), and increased with the growth of skills. Furthermore, TFAM 12Thr allele was associated with high values of aerobic performance (when Wmax and VO2max were measured). Thus, TFAM gene Ser12Thr polymorphism is associated with physical performance of athletes.
ФИЗИОЛОГИЯ ЧЕЛОВЕКА, 2010, том 36, № 2, с. 121–125
Митохондриям принадлежит ведущая роль в
образовании энергии, которая необходима для
выполнения пролонгированных физических
упражнений. Митохондриальный геном человека
кодирует 13 белков – компонентов энзиматиче
ских систем окислительного фосфорилирования,
гены двух рибосомальных и 22 транспортных
РНК [1]. Поддержание оптимального количества
митохондриальной ДНК (мтДНК) и экспрессии
ее генов – необходимое условие для осуществле
ния энергообеспечения мышечной деятельности
аэробным путем.
Ген митохондриального транскрипционного
фактора (
; локализация: 10
21) кодирует
ключевой белок, ответственный за регуляцию ре
пликации и транскрипции ДНК митохондрий и
защищает клетки от оксидативного стресса (что
может иметь большое значение в развитии нейро
дегенеративных заболеваний) [2, 3]. Аэробные
физические нагрузки приводят к увеличению
и количества копий мтДНК [4–
6]. Также установлено, что сверхэкспрессия гена
в кардиомиоцитах крысы сопровождается
более чем двукратным увеличением количества
копий мтДНК и повышением продукции АТФ
[7]. В свою очередь, нокаутированные по
мыши проявляют мышечную слабость в связи с
нарушением накопления ионов кальция сарко
плазматическим ретикулумом [8]. Кроме того,
экспериментальное снижение количества
адипоцитах с помощью РНКинтерференции
приводит к нарушению углеводного обмена, сни
жению базального уровня потребления кислоро
да и продукции АТФ [9]. Экспрессия
лируется такими транскрипционными фактора
ми как
1 и
В 1м экзоне гена
полиморфизм, приводящий к замене серина на
треонин в 12м кодоне митохондриального
транскрипционного фактора (
). Редкий
аллель является протективным в от
ношении развития болезни Альцгеймера [10, 11]
и гипертрофии миокарда левого желудочка у рос
сийских гребцовакадемистов и конькобежцев
[12], а также ассоциируется со способностью к
длительной физической работе дайверов в тесте
на тредмиле [13].
В связи с физиологической ролью митохон
дриального транскрипционного фактора особый
интерес представляет собой выявление взаимо
полиморфизма гена
с физи
ческой работоспособностью спортсменов. Мож
но предположить, что частота
превалирует у спортсменов, тренирующих каче
© 2010 г. И. И. Ахметов*
**, Д. В. Попов*,
С. С. Миссина*, О. Л. Виноградова*, В. А. Рогозкин**
*ГНЦ РФ – Институт медикобиологических проблем РАН, Москва
**СанктПетербургский НИИ физической культуры
Поступила в редакцию 16.06.2009 г.
Цель настоящего исследования заключалась в изучении распределения частоты аллелей по
полиморфизму гена митохондриального транскрипционного фактора (
) у спортсменов (
= 1537) и в контрольной группе (
= 1113), а также в выявлении взаимосвязи генотипов с аэробной
работоспособностью у гребцовакадемистов (
= 90). Генотипирование осуществляли с помощью
анализа полиморфизма длин рестрикционных фрагментов. Аэробную работоспособность (макси
мальное потребление кислорода
МПК и максимальную аэробную мощность
) определяли
в тесте с возрастающей нагрузкой “до отказа” на гребном эргометре. Частота
аллеля в
группе спортсменов, преимущественно развивающих качество выносливости (
= 588), была значи
мо выше, чем в контрольной выборке (14.0% против 9.1%;
< 0.0001), и повышалась по мере роста
спортивной квалификации. Кроме того, выявлена взаимосвязь
аллеля с высокой
аэробной работоспособностью спортсменов (по данным
и МПК). Таким образом,
полиморфизм гена
ассоциируется с физической работоспособностью спортсменов.
Ключевые слова
, физическая работоспособность, ген, полиморфизм.
УДК 575.1, 576.311.347, 612.744.2, 612.76
ство выносливости, а
нотипы ассоциируются с более высокими значе
ниями аэробной работоспособности. Для провер
ки данной гипотезы нами определена частота
аллеля у спортсменов различной спе
циализации и квалификации. В качестве модели
для исследования физической работоспособно
сти выбрана академическая гребля, представляю
щая собой сложную спортивную дисциплину и
требующая от спортсмена в первую очередь про
явления выносливости (прохождение гребцами
академистами дистанции 2000 метров на 70% обес
печивается за счет аэробного метаболизма) [14].
Цель настоящего исследования заключалась в
изучении распределения частоты аллелей гена
у спортсменов и в контрольной группе, а
также в выявлении взаимосвязи генотипов по
с аэробной работоспособностью у гребцов
В исследовании приняли участие 1537 спортс
менов, занимающихся различными видами спор
та (женщины 20.7
0.4 лет,
= 452, мужчины
2.3 лет,
= 1085).
В соответствии с типом энергообеспечения
тренировочной нагрузки мы разделили цикличе
ские виды спорта на 5 групп, в которых физиоло
гические закономерности используемых в трени
ровочном процессе упражнений одинаковы [15].
Помимо признаков, характеризующих развитие
выносливости, быстроты и силы, принимали во
внимание мощность выполняемой на трениров
ках работы, с разделением на максимальную, суб
максимальную, большую, умеренную и перемен
ную, а также цикличность нагрузки с разделени
ем на циклическую и ациклическую работу
На момент получения биологического матери
ала для генотипирования 60 спортсменов явля
лись заслуженными мастерами спорта (ЗМС),
171 – мастерами спорта международного класса
(МСМК), 304 – мастерами спорта (МС), 459 –
кандидатами в мастера спорта (КМС) и
543 спортсмена имели взрослый разряд.
В рамках физиологического обследования
90 гребцамакадемистам (56 мужчин (27 КМС,
29 МС), 34 женщины (13 КМС, 21 МС)) тестиро
вали показатели аэробной и анаэробной работо
способности. Испытуемые были предупреждены
об условиях эксперимента и дали письменное со
глашение на добровольное участие в нем. Экспе
римент был одобрен Физиологической секцией
Российской Национальной комиссии по биоло
гической этике.
Контрольная группа состояла из 1113 человек,
жителей СанктПетербурга, Москвы и Набереж
ных Челнов (женщины 18
0.1 лет,
= 587, муж
чины 17.6
0.1 лет,
= 526). Главным условием
для включения испытуемых в контрольную груп
пу являлось отсутствие стажа регулярных занятий
какимилибо видами спорта (по данным анкети
рования респонденты не указывали на наличие
спортивного разряда).
Для молекулярногенетического анализа ис
пользовали образцы ДНК испытуемых, выделен
ных методом щелочной экстракции [16] или сор
бентным методом, в соответствии с прилагаемой
инструкцией по применению к комплекту “ДНК
сорбА” (Центральный НИИ эпидемиологии МЗ
РФ), в зависимости от способа забора биологиче
ского материала (смыв либо соскоб эпителиаль
ных клеток ротовой полости).
Анализ полиморфизма длин рестрикционных
фрагментов (ПДРФ) проводили следующим обра
зом. Для определения
полиморфизма гена
использовали двухпраймерную систему (пря
мой праймер – 5'
обратный праймер – 5'
3'). Для гидролиза ампликонов длиной
267 пар нуклеотидов (п.н.) применяли фермент
BstDEI (“СибЭнзим”).
12 аллелю соответству
ют фрагменты длиной 184 и 83 п.н., а 12
лю – 267 п.н. Анализ длин рестрикционных фраг
ментов продуктов проводили путем электрофоре
тического разделения в 8% полиакриламидном
геле с последующей окраской бромистым этиди
ем и визуализацией в проходящем ультрафиоле
товом свете при помощи трансиллюминатора
“ETS VilberLourmat” (Франция).
Определение аэробных возможностей в тесте с
нарастающей нагрузкой производили на механи
ческом гребном эргометре PM 3 (Concept II,
США). Начальная нагрузка составила 150 Вт для
мужчин и 100 Вт – для женщин, длительность
ступени 3 мин, время отдыха между ступенями
30 с. Работа выполнялась до отказа (снижение
мощности гребка > 30 Вт от заданной мощности,
дыхательный коэффициент >1.1). Поскольку
спортсмены не всегда могли проработать на по
следней ступени 3 мин полностью, за максималь
ную мощность (
) принималось расчетное
– средняя мощность последней ступени
n –
– средняя мощность предпоследней
ступени (Вт);
– время работы на последней сту
пени (с).
Во время теста постоянно (каждый дыхатель
ный цикл) регистрировали показатели газообме
на и частоту сердечных сокращений (ЧСС,
уд/мин) (газоанализатор MetaMax 3B, Cortex,
Германия и Vmax 229, SensorMedics, США). Мак
Wmax Wn1
Распределение абсолютных и относительных частот генотипов и аллелей по
среди спортсменов различных
групп и в контрольной группе
Гр у пп а В и д с по р та
Генотипы 12
Ser Ser
Thr Thr
I Биатлон 34 24 9 1 16.2 0.076
Лыжные гонки 15–50 км 78 53 24 1 16.7 0.0029*
Спортивная ходьба 24 16 7 1 18.8 0.042*
Марафон 6 6 0 0 0 0.55
Велошоссе 109 80 28 1 13.8 0.033*
Плавание 5–25 км 21 17 4 0 9.5 0.92
Триатлон 29 20 8 1 17.2 0.059
Все 301 216 80 5 15.0 <0.0001*
II Лыжные гонки 5–10 км 64 52 11 1 10.2 0.79
Академическая гребля 193 138 52 3 15.0 0.0004*
Коньки 5–10 км 4 2 2 0 25.0 0.34
Плавание 800–1500 м 26 24 2 0 3.8 0.29
Все 287 216 67 4 13.1 0.0055*
III Гребля на байдарке 35 31 4 0 5.7 0.45
Бег 800–1500 м 14 9 5 0 17.9 0.2
Шорттрек 880000.41
Коньки 1–3 км 9 7 2 0 11.1 0.76
Плавание 200–400 м 27 19 8 0 14.8 0.23
Все 93 74 19 0 10.2 0.69
IV Коньки многоборье 68 59 8 1 7.4 0.59
Горнолыжный спорт 13 12 1 0 3.8 0.56
Спортивная гимнастика 54 43 11 0 10.2 0.83
Баскетбол 33 23 10 0 15.2 0.14
Бокс 36 31 5 0 6.9 0.68
Дайвинг 9 5 3 1 27.8 0.02*
Хоккей с шайбой 16 12 4 0 12.5 0.72
Маунтинбайк 1082010.00.89
Современное пятиборье 19 16 3 0 7.9 0.8
Стрелковый спорт 44 40 4 0 4.5 0.2
Прыжки с трамплина 14 12 2 0 7.1 0.98
Футбол 42 36 5 1 8.3 0.97
Теннис 29 23 5 1 12.1 0.58
Борьба 97 68 27 2 16.0 0.0027*
Все 484 388 90 6 10.5 0.22
V Бодибилдинг 73 57 16 0 11.0 0.54
Прыжки (легкая атлетика) 12 11 1 0 4.2 0.63
Силовое троеборье 2623217.70.92
Бег 100–400 м 122 94 24 4 13.1 0.054
Коньки 500–1000 м 28 21 7 0 12.5 0.52
Плавание 50–100 м 34 30 4 0 5.9 0.49
Метания, толкание ядра 17 16 1 0 2.9 0.35
Тяжелая атлетика 60 47 13 0 10.8 0.63
Все 372 299 68 5 10.5 0.28
Все спортсмены 1537 1193 324 20 11.8 0.0015*
Контрольная группа 1113 919 186 8 9.1 1.00
< 0.05, статистически значимые различия между группами спортсменов и контрольной выборкой.
симальное потребление кислорода (МПК, л/мин)
определяли по значениям усредненных за послед
ние 30 с каждой ступени теста показателей газо
Статистическая обработка данных была вы
полнена с применением компьютерной програм
мы “GraphPad InStat”. Определяли: средние зна
чения (
), стандартную ошибку (
) и сред
нее квадратическое отклонение (
). Значимость
различий в частоте аллелей между сравниваемы
ми выборками определяли с использованием
(для больших выборок) или точного
теста Фишера (для малых выборок). Сравнение
групп по количественному признаку (физиологи
ческие показатели) проводили с помощью непар
ного теста. Различия считались статистически
значимыми при
< 0.05.
1. Анализ распределения частот генотипов и ал
лелей по гену TFAM у спортсменов и в контрольной
При анализе распределения частот гено
типов и аллелей по
полиморфизму гена
в контрольной группе и у спортсменов по
лучены следующие результаты. Частота
аллеля в контрольной группе составляет
9.1%, и при этом она не отличается у женщин
(9.4%) и мужчин (9.0%). Наблюдаемое в кон
трольной выборке распределение генотипов
(16.7%) и
подчиняется равновесию ХардиВайнберга (
= 2,
= 0.96) (таблица).
аллеля в общей группе
спортсменов значимо выше, чем в контрольной
выборке (11.8% против 9.1%;
= 0.0015). Распре
деление генотипов
(21.1%) и
(1.3%) в группе спортсменов
также подчиняется равновесию ХардиВайнберга
= 0.05;
= 2,
= 0.97). В таблице представле
ны данные о распределении генотипов и аллелей
по гену
у спортсменов различных по типу
энергообеспечения специализаций. Как видно,
только в I и II группах, в которые входят виды
спорта, преимущественно развивающие качество
выносливости, частота
аллеля значи
мо выше, чем в контрольной группе (суммарная
аллеля для двух групп: 14.0%;
< 0.0001 по сравнению с контролем). При де
тальном рассмотрении можно отметить, что зна
чимые различия в частоте
аллеля кос
нулись таких спортивных дисциплин, как лыж
ные гонки 15–50 км, спортивная ходьба,
велошоссе, академическая гребля, дайвинг и
При анализе распределения аллелей гена
по половому признаку, как среди всех
спортсменов, так и среди спортсменов I–II групп,
различий обнаружено не было (все спортсмены:
женщины – 11.8%, мужчины – 11.9%; I–II груп
пы: женщины – 14.5%, мужчины – 13.8%).
При оценке распределения частот аллелей в
зависимости от спортивной квалификации обна
ружено, что в группе стайеров (I и II группы
спортсменов) частота
аллеля имеет
тенденцию к повышению по мере роста квалифи
кации: разрядники + КМС (13.2%) МС +
+ МСМК (14.6%) ЗМС (25.0%).
Обнаруженная более высокая частота
аллеля у стайеров по сравнению с кон
трольной группой и ее повышение с ростом спор
тивной квалификации может свидетельствовать о
том, что носительство
аллеля благо
приятствует развитию и проявлению выносливо
2. Выявление взаимосвязи физиологических по
казателей с генотипами по TFAM у спортсменов.
Обнаружение значительных различий в некото
рых физиологических показателях между гребца
миакадемистами разного пола и квалификации
обусловило проведение раздельного анализа вза
имосвязи фенотипов с генотипическими данны
ми. В связи с этим из 90 спортсменов были сфор
мированы 4 подгруппы (мужчины КМС (
= 27),
мужчины МС (
= 29), женщины КМС (
= 13),
женщины МС (
= 21)).
Средние значения
были значимо выше у
мужчинМС, носителей
аллеля по
сравнению с носителями
– 421 (48) Вт,
– 376 (34)
= 0.01). Кроме того,
аллель ассо
циировался с более высокими значениями МПК
у мужчинМС (
– 5.47
(0.7) л/мин,
– 4.95 (0.47) л/мин;
= 0.057).
Полученные результаты согласуются с ранее
опубликованными нами данными, где была пока
зана ассоциация с
аллеля с низким
риском развития гипертрофии миокарда левого
желудочка (фактор, лимитирующий производи
тельность сердечнососудистой системы) у
спортсменов [12] и высокой физической работо
способностью дайверов [13]. Все эти данные поз
воляют отнести
аллель к генетиче
ским маркерам, ассоциированным с предраспо
ложенностью к занятиям видами спорта,
направленными на преимущественное развитие
выносливости. Таких генетических маркеров по
состоянию на 2009 год насчитывается не менее
35 [17].
Функциональная значимость
морфизма гена
не изучена, хотя и предпо
лагается, что замена серина на треонин в 12м по
ложении может привести к изменениям физико
химических свойств белкового продукта, и, сле
довательно, повлиять на транскрипцию регули
генов. Дальнейшие исследования, в
том числе
in vitro
, могут прояснить этот вопрос.
Таким образом,
полиморфизм гена
ассоциируется с физической работоспособ
ностью спортсменов и играет важную роль в спор
тивном отборе. Результаты проведенного исследо
вания могут иметь прикладное значение в плане
подбора оптимальной спортивной специализации
и профессиональной подготовки спортсменов.
Работа получила финансовую поддержку
Минобрнауки России (ГК от 27 апреля 2007 г.
№ 02.522.11.2004).
Anderson S., Bankier A.T., Barrell B.G. et al.
and organization of the human mitochondrial
genome // Nature. 1981. V. 290. P. 457.
Kanki T., Ohgaki K., Gaspari M. et al.
Architectural role
of mitochondrial transcription factor A in maintenance
of human mitochondrial DNA // Mol. Cell. Biol. 2004.
V. 24. P. 9823.
Hayashi Y., Yoshida M., Yamato M. et al.
Reverse of
agedependent memory impairment and mitochondri
al DNA damage in microglia by an overexpression of
human mitochondrial transcription factor a in mice //
J. Neurosci. 2008. V. 28. P. 8624.
Bengtsson J., Gustafsson T., Widegren U. et al.
chondrial transcription factor A and respiratory com
plex IV increase in response to exercise training in hu
mans // Pflugers Arch. 2001. V. 443. P. 61.
Short K.R., Vittone J.L., Bigelow M.L. et al.
Impact of
aerobic exercise training on agerelated changes in in
sulin sensitivity and muscle oxidative capacity // Dia
betes. 2003. V. 52. P. 1888.
Chow L.S., Greenlund L.J., Asmann Y.W. et al.
of endurance training on murine spontaneous activity,
muscle mitochondrial DNA abundance, gene tran
scripts, and function // J. Appl. Physiol. 2007. V. 102.
P. 1 0 7 8 .
Suarez J., Hu Y., Makino A. et al.
Alterations in mito
chondrial function and cytosolic calcium induced by
hyperglycemia are restored by mitochondrial transcrip
tion factor A in cardiomyocytes // Am. J. Physiol. Cell.
Physiol. 2008. V. 295. Р. 1561.
Aydin J., Andersson D.C., Hanninen S.L. et al.
mitochondrial Ca2+ and decreased sarcoplasmic retic
ulum Ca2+ in mitochondrial myopathy // Hum. Mol.
Genet. 2009. V. 18. P. 278.
Shi X., Burkart A., Nicoloro S.M. et al.
Paradoxical ef
fect of mitochondrial respiratory chain impairment on
insulin signaling and glucose transport in adipose
cells // J. Biol. Chem. 2008. V. 283. P. 30658.
nther C., von Hadeln K., M
llerThomsen T. et al.
Possible association of mitochondrial transcription fac
tor A (TFAM) genotype with sporadic Alzheimer dis
ease // Neurosci. Lett. 2004. V. 369. P. 219.
Alvarez V., Corao A.I., AlonsoMontes C. et al.
chondrial Transcription Factor A (TFAM) Gene Varia
tion and Risk of LateOnset Alzheimer’s Disease //
J. Alzheimers Dis. 2008. V. 13. P. 275.
Goriyeva S.B., Ahmetov I.I., Astratenkova I.V., Vinogra
dova O.L.
Polymorphisms of ACE and TFAM genes
and left ventricular remodeling in athletes // Eur. J.
Hum. Genet. 2009. V. 17(Suppl. 1). P. 09.013.
Linde E.V., Ahmetov I.I., Fedotova A.G.,
Hakimullina A.M.
Polymorphisms of genes and physical
performance in divers // Eur. J. Hum. Genet. 2009.
V. 17 (Suppl. 1). P. 09.043.
Hagerman F.C.
Applied physiology of rowing // Sports
Med. 1984. V. 1. P. 303.
Ahmetov I.I., Astratenkova I.V., Rogozkin V.A.
tion of a PPARD polymorphism with human physical
performance // Mol. Biol. 2007. V. 41. P. 776.
Bolla M.K., Haddad L., Humphries S.E. et al.
A method
of determination of hundreds of APOE genotypes uti
lizing highly simplified, optimized protocols and re
striction digestion analysis by microtitre array diagonal
gel electrophoresis (MADGE) // Clin. Chem. 1995.
V. 41. P. 1599.
Ahmetov I.I., Rogozkin V.A.
Genes, athlete status and
training – An overview // Genetics and Sports / Ed.
Collins M. (Med. Sport Sci.) Basel, Karger, 2009. V. 54.
P. 43.
Association of the Mitochondrial Transcription Factor (
) Gene Polymorphism
with Physical Performance of Athletes
I. I. Ahmetov, D. V. Popov, S. S. Missina, O. L. Vinogradova, and V. A. Rogozkin
The aim of the study was to investigate allelic distribution of the mitochondrial transcription factor gene
polymorphism in athletes (
= 1537) and controls (
= 1113), and to find interrelation be
tween genotypes and aerobic capacity in rowers (
= 90). Genotyping was performed by restriction fragment
length polymorphism analysis. Aerobic capacity (maximal oxygen consumption (VO
) and maximal pow
er production capacity (
)) was determined using an incremental test to exhaustion by rower ergometer.
The frequency of
allele was significantly higher in enduranceoriented athletes (
= 588) than
in controls (14.0% vs. 9.1%;
< 0.0001), and increased with the growth of skills. Furthermore,
allele was associated with high values of aerobic performance (when
and VO
were measured). Thus,
polymorphism is associated with physical performance of athletes.
Key words
, physical performance, gene, polymorphism.
... As a result of training, the number of mitochondria in skeletal muscles increases, which increases their energy potential and reduces fatigability. At the same time, the TFAM transcription factor activity is the most important mechanism of mitochondrial biogenesis regulation in myocytes [51]. The protein is expressed in various organs and tissues, including skeletal muscles and heart muscles ( Figure 7b). ...
... The protein is expressed in various organs and tissues, including skeletal muscles and heart muscles ( Figure 7b). supply of muscle activity [51]. 530 Sports activities (aerobic or anaerobic) cause a change in molecular expression in 531 skeletal muscles, which contributes to the adaptation of muscle tissue to the requirements 532 of physical stress [52]. ...
... The human mitochondrial genome encodes 13 proteins-components of enzymatic systems of oxidative phosphorylation, genes of two ribosomal and 22 transport RNAs. Maintaining the optimal amount of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and the expression of its genes is a prerequisite for the aerobic energy supply of muscle activity [51]. ...
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All biological processes associated with high sports performance, including energy metabolism, are influenced by genetics. DNA sequence variations in such genes, single nucleotide variants (SNVs), could confer genetic advantages that can be exploited to achieve optimal athletic performance. Ignorance of these features can create genetic “barriers” that prevent professional athletes from pursuing a career in sports. Predictive Genomic DNA Profiling reveals single nucleotide variations (SNV) that may be associated with better suitability for endurance, strength and speed sports. (1) Background: To conduct a research on candidate genes associated with regulation of skeletal muscle energy metabolism among athletes. (2) Methods: We have searched for articles in SCOPUS, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Clinical keys, PubMed, e-LIBRARY databases for the period of 2010–2020 using keywords and keywords combinations; (4) Conclusions: Identification of genetic markers associated with the regulation of energy metabolism in skeletal muscles can help sports physicians and coaches develop personalized strategies for selecting children, teenagers and young adults for endurance, strength and speed sports (such as jogging, middle or long distance runs). However, the multifactorial aspect of sport performances, including impact of genetics, epigenetics, environment (training and etc.), is important for personalized strategies for selecting of athletes. This approach could improve sports performance and reduce the risk of sports injuries to the musculoskeletal system.
... Whilst some of these markers, such as ACTN3 (Yang et al., 2003;Druzhevskaya et al., 2008), ACE (Gayagay et al., 1998;Jones et al., 2002), and PPARGC1A (Lucia et al., 2005;Maciejewska et al., 2012) are well established and well replicated, others, such as TFAM (rs1937), have yet to be satisfactorily replicated (Ahmetov et al., 2010). Currently, only a few of the genetic markers that likely associate with elite athlete status have been identified, making predictions of future sporting prowess based on such information both difficult and incomplete. ...
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Variation between individuals in response to a stimulus is a well-established phenomenon. This thesis discusses the drivers of this inter-individual response, identifying three major determinants; genetic, environmental, and epigenetic variation between individuals. Focusing on genetic variation, the thesis explores how this information may be useful in elite sport, aiming to answer the question “Is there utility to genetic information in elite sport?” The current literature was critically analysed, with a finding that the majority of exercise genomics research explains what has happened previously, as opposed to assisting practitioners in modifying athlete preparation and enhancing performance. An exploration of the potential ways in which genetic information may be useful in elite sport then follows, including that of inter- individual variation in response to caffeine supplementation, the use of genetic information to assist in reducing hamstring injuries, and whether genetic information may help identify future elite athletes. These themes are then explored via empirical work. In the first study, an internet-based questionnaire assessed the frequency of genetic testing in elite athletes, finding that around 10% had undertaken such a test. The second study determined that a panel of five genetic variants could predict the magnitude of improvements in Yo-Yo test improvements following a standardised training programme in youth soccer players. The third study demonstrated the effectiveness of a panel of seven genetic variants in predicting the magnitude of neuromuscular fatigue in youth soccer players. The fourth and final study recruited five current or former elite athletes, including an Olympic Champion, and created the most comprehensive Total Genotype Score in the published literature to date, to determine whether their scores deviated significantly from a control population of over 500 non-athletes. The genetic panels were unable to adequately discriminate the elite performers from non-athletes, suggesting that, at this time, genetic testing holds no utility in the identification of future elite performers. The wider utilisation of genetic information as a public health tool is discussed, and a framework for the implementation of genetic information in sport is also proposed. In summary, this thesis suggests that there is great potential for the use of genetic information to assist practitioners in the athlete management process in elite sport, and demonstrates the efficacy of some commercially available panels, whilst cautioning against the use of such information as a talent identification tool. The major limitation of the current thesis is the low sample sizes of many of the experimental chapters, a common issue in exercise genetics research. Future work should aim to further explore the implementation of genetic information in elite sporting environments.
... These divergent effects demonstrate that there is not a singular genetic profile that confers sporting success, but that the required genetic profiles are likely specific for characteristics of each sport. Whilst some of these markers, such as the aforementioned ACTN3 rs1815739 [5,7], and to a lesser extent angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) insertion (I)/deletion (D) polymorphism (rs1799752) [5,24], and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha (PPARGC1A or simply PGC1-1α) rs8192678 [25,26] have been replicated in some studies; others, such as transcription factor A, mitochondrial (TFAM) rs1937, have yet to be satisfactorily replicated [27]. Of the 155 genetic variants identified as linked to elite athlete status [16], 31 have been associated with elite athlete status in at least two studies, with 12 replicated in at least three [16]. ...
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Elite athlete status is a partially heritable trait, as are many of the underpinning physiological, anthropometrical, and psychological traits that contribute to elite performance. In recent years, our understanding of the specific genetic variants that contribute to these traits has grown, such that there is considerable interest in attempting to utilise genetic information as a tool to predict future elite athlete status. In this review, we explore the extent of the genetic influence on the making of a sporting champion and we describe issues which, at present, hamper the utility of genetic testing in identifying future elite performers. We build on this by exploring what further knowledge is required to enhance this process, including a reflection on the potential learnings from the use of genetics as a disease prediction tool. Finally, we discuss ways in which genetic information may hold utility within elite sport in the future, including guiding nutritional and training recommendations, and assisting in the prevention of injury. Whilst genetic testing has the potential to assist in the identification of future talented performers, genetic tests should be combined with other tools to obtain an accurate identification of those athletes predisposed to succeed in sport. The use of total genotype scores, composed of a high number of performance-enhancing polymorphisms, will likely be one of the best strategies in the utilisation of genetic information to identify talent in sport.
... These divergent effects demonstrate that there is not a singular genetic profile that confers sporting success, but that the required genetic profiles are likely specific for characteristics of each sport. Whilst some of these markers, such as the aforementioned ACTN3 rs1815739 [5,7], and to a lesser extent angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) insertion (I)/deletion (D) polymorphism (rs1799752) [5,24], and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha (PPARGC1A or simply PGC1-1α) rs8192678 [25,26] have been replicated in some studies; others, such as transcription factor A, mitochondrial (TFAM) rs1937, have yet to be satisfactorily replicated [27]. Of the 155 genetic variants identified as linked to elite athlete status [16], 31 have been associated with elite athlete status in at least two studies, with 12 replicated in at least three [16]. ...
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Elite athlete status is a partially heritable trait, as are many of the underpinning physiological, anthropometrical, and psychological traits that contribute to elite performance. In recent years, our understanding of the specific genetic variants that contribute to these traits has grown, such that there is considerable interest in attempting to utilise genetic information as a tool to predict future elite athlete status. In this review, we explore the extent of the genetic influence on the making of a sporting champion and we describe issues which, at present, hamper the utility of genetic testing in identifying future elite performers. We build on this by exploring what further knowledge is required to enhance this process, including a reflection on the potential learnings from the use of genetics as a disease prediction tool. Finally, we discuss ways in which genetic information may hold utility within elite sport in the future, including guiding nutritional and training recommendations, and assisting in the prevention of injury. Whilst genetic testing has the potential to assist in the identification of future talented performers, genetic tests should be combined with other tools to obtain an accurate identification of those athletes predisposed to succeed in sport. The use of total genotype scores, composed of a high number of performance-enhancing polymorphisms, will likely be one of the best strategies in the utilisation of genetic information to identify talent in sport.
... Çinli elit atletler üzerinde yaptıkları çalışmada, mitokondriyal transkripsiyon faktörü A proteinin kodlayan TFAM genindeki 3 farklı polimorfizm (rs1937, rs2306604 ve rs1049432) ile aerobik egzersiz fenotipleri arasında bir ilişki bulunup bulunmadığını analiz etmiş ve istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı herhangi bir bağlantı bulunmadığını belirtmişlerdir. Aynı gen bölgesini içeren başka bir çalışmada Ahmetov ve ark.(29), TFAM Ser12Thr polimorfizmi ile elit dayanıklılık performansı arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmış, sporcu grubunda 12Thr allelinin kontrol grubuna göre daha yüksek oranda olduğunu belirtmişlerdir.Maruszak ve ark. ...
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La obra colectiva "Ciencia Abierta y Sociedad Moderna: Reflexiones desde el Sur Global" ofrece una exploración reflexiva y diversa de temas que van desde la política pública hasta la salud, pasando por la educación y la igualdad social. Con la participación de destacados académicos y expertos del Sur Global, cada capítulo ofrece una perspectiva única respaldada por evidencia empírica, invitando a los lectores a reflexionar sobre los desafíos contemporáneos que enfrenta nuestra sociedad y las posibles soluciones desde una visión inclusiva y multidisciplinaria.
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La hipertensión es un padecimiento crónico-degenerativo, la cual es definida por la OMS en 2012, como un “trastorno en el que los vasos sanguíneos tienen una tensión persistentemente alta”, el cual ha ido surgiendo con mayor frecuencia en un rango de población, cada vez en poblaciones más jóvenes principalmente en edad productiva de 25 a 45 años a nivel mundial. Existen factores genéticos como el polimorfismo ins/del del gen de convertidora angiotensina influye en la hipertensión arterial y una inserción/deleción puede modificar la condición del paciente hipertenso. Se encuentran en las células endoteliales e influye , tanto en fluidos como el plasma, fluido cerebro espinal, líquido amniótico y líquido seminal. En el estudio se tiene el objetivo de determinar la frecuencia del polimorfismo ins/del del gen ACE y su asociación con la hipertensión en población de Yucatán. En el desarrollo de la investigación se desarrolló un procedimiento de 4 semanas del mes de septiembre a octubre, con la extracción del gen ACE en pruebas de electroforesis y gel de agarosa al 2% para ver verificar la existencia o ausencia de dicho gen.
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Phenotypes of athletic performance and exercise capacity are complex traits influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. This update on the panel of genetic markers (DNA polymorphisms) associated with athlete status summarises recent advances in sports genomics research, including findings from candidate gene and genome-wide association (GWAS) studies, meta-analyses, and findings involving larger-scale initiatives such as the UK Biobank. As of the end of May 2023, a total of 251 DNA polymorphisms have been associated with athlete status, of which 128 genetic markers were positively associated with athlete status in at least two studies (41 endurance-related, 45 power-related, and 42 strength-related). The most promising genetic markers include the AMPD1 rs17602729 C, CDKN1A rs236448 A, HFE rs1799945 G, MYBPC3 rs1052373 G, NFIA-AS2 rs1572312 C, PPARA rs4253778 G, and PPARGC1A rs8192678 G alleles for endurance; ACTN3 rs1815739 C, AMPD1 rs17602729 C, CDKN1A rs236448 C, CPNE5 rs3213537 G, GALNTL6 rs558129 T, IGF2 rs680 G, IGSF3 rs699785 A, NOS3 rs2070744 T, and TRHR rs7832552 T alleles for power; and ACTN3 rs1815739 C, AR ≥21 CAG repeats, LRPPRC rs10186876 A, MMS22L rs9320823 T, PHACTR1 rs6905419 C, and PPARG rs1801282 G alleles for strength. It should be appreciated, however, that elite performance still cannot be predicted well using only genetic testing.
Sports genomics is the scientific discipline that focuses on the organization and function of the genome in elite athletes, and aims to develop molecular methods for talent identification, personalized exercise training, nutritional need and prevention of exercise-related diseases. It postulates that both genetic and environmental factors play a key role in athletic performance and related phenotypes. This update on the panel of genetic markers (DNA polymorphisms) associated with athlete status and soft-tissue injuries covers advances in research reported in recent years, including one whole genome sequencing (WGS) and four genome-wide association (GWAS) studies, as well as findings from collaborative projects and meta-analyses. At end of 2020, the total number of DNA polymorphisms associated with athlete status was 220, of which 97 markers have been found significant in at least two studies (35 endurance-related, 24 power-related, and 38 strength-related). Furthermore, 29 genetic markers have been linked to soft-tissue injuries in at least two studies. The most promising genetic markers include HFE rs1799945, MYBPC3 rs1052373, NFIA-AS2 rs1572312, PPARA rs4253778, and PPARGC1A rs8192678 for endurance; ACTN3 rs1815739, AMPD1 rs17602729, CPNE5 rs3213537, CKM rs8111989, and NOS3 rs2070744 for power; LRPPRC rs10186876, MMS22L rs9320823, PHACTR1 rs6905419, and PPARG rs1801282 for strength; and COL1A1 rs1800012, COL5A1 rs12722, COL12A1 rs970547, MMP1 rs1799750, MMP3 rs679620, and TIMP2 rs4789932 for soft-tissue injuries. It should be appreciated, however, that hundreds and even thousands of DNA polymorphisms are needed for the prediction of athletic performance and injury risk.
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Cyclists in the Tour de France are endurance specialists. Twin and family studies have shown that approximately 50% of the variance in a number of performance-related phenotypes (whether measured at baseline, i.e., natural talent, or in response to training) including those important to cycling can be explained by genetic variation. Research into the specific genetic variants that are responsible has identified over 200 genes containing common genetic variants involved in the genetic predisposition to physical performance. However, typically these explain only a small portion of the variance, perhaps 1–2% and collectively they rarely explain anything approaching the 50% of the variance identified in the twin and family studies. Thus, there is a gap in our understanding of the relationship between heritability and performance. This gap may be bridged by investigation of rare variants or epigenetic variation or by altering study designs through increased collaborations to pool existing cohorts together. Initial findings from such efforts show promising results. This mini-review will touch on the genetics and epigenetics of sporting performance, how they relate to cyclists in the Tour de France and where best future efforts may be directed as well as discuss some preliminary research findings.
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The complete sequence of the 16,569-base pair human mitochondrial genome is presented. The genes for the 12S and 16S rRNAs, 22 tRNAs, cytochrome c oxidase subunits I, II and III, ATPase subunit 6, cytochrome b and eight other predicted protein coding genes have been located. The sequence shows extreme economy in that the genes have none or only a few noncoding bases between them, and in many cases the termination codons are not coded in the DNA but are created post-transcriptionally by polyadenylation of the mRNAs.
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Significant data confirming the influence of genes on human physical performance and elite athlete status have been accumulated in recent years. Research of gene variants that may explain differences in physical capabilities and training-induced effects between subjects is widely carried out. In this review, the findings of genetic studies investigating DNA polymorphisms and their association with elite athlete status and training responses are reported. A literature search revealed that at least 36 genetic markers (located within 20 autosomal genes, mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosome) are linked to elite athlete status and 39 genetic markers (located within 19 genes and mitochondrial DNA) may explain, in part, an interindividual variability of physical performance characteristics in response to endurance/strength training. Although more replication studies are needed, the preliminary data suggest an opportunity to use some of these genetic markers in an individually tailored prescription of lifestyle/exercise for health and sports performance.
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Genetic mutations that affect mitochondrial function often cause skeletal muscle dysfunction. Here, we used mice with skeletal-muscle-specific disruption of the nuclear gene for mitochondrial transcription factor A (Tfam) to study whether changes in cellular Ca(2+) handling is part of the mechanism of muscle dysfunction in mitochondrial myopathy. Force measurements were combined with measurements of cytosolic Ca(2+), mitochondrial Ca(2+) and membrane potential and reactive oxygen species in intact, adult muscle fibres. The results show reduced sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+) storage capacity in Tfam KO muscles due to a decreased expression of calsequestrin-1. This resulted in decreased SR Ca(2+) release during contraction and hence lower force production in Tfam KO than in control muscles. Additionally, there were no signs of oxidative stress in Tfam KO cells, whereas they displayed increased mitochondrial [Ca(2+)] during repeated contractions. Mitochondrial [Ca(2+)] remained elevated long after the end of stimulation in muscle cells from terminally ill Tfam KO mice, and the increase was smaller in the presence of the cyclophilin D-binding inhibitor cyclosporin A. The mitochondrial membrane potential in Tfam KO cells did not decrease during repeated contractions. In conclusion, we suggest that the observed changes in Ca(2+) handling are adaptive responses with long-term detrimental effects. Reduced SR Ca(2+) release likely decreases ATP expenditure, but it also induces muscle weakness. Increased [Ca(2+)](mit) will stimulate mitochondrial metabolism acutely but may also trigger cell damage.
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Adipocyte function is crucial for the control of whole body energy homeostasis. Pathway analysis of differentiating 3T3-L1 adipocytes reveals that major metabolic pathways induced during differentiation involve mitochondrial function. However, it is not clear why differentiated white adipocytes require enhanced respiratory chain activity relative to pre-adipocytes. To address this question, we used small interference RNA to interfere with the induction of the transcription factor Tfam, which is highly induced between days 2 and 4 of differentiation and is crucial for replication of mitochondrial DNA. Interference with Tfam resulted in cells with decreased respiratory chain capacity, reflected by decreased basal oxygen consumption, and decreased mitochondrial ATP synthesis, but no difference in many other adipocyte functions or expression levels of adipose-specific genes. However, insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation to the cell surface and subsequent glucose transport are impaired in Tfam knockdown cells. Paradoxically, insulin-stimulated Akt phosphorylation is significantly enhanced in these cells. These studies reveal independent links between mitochondrial function, insulin signaling, and glucose transport, in which impaired respiratory chain activity enhances insulin signaling to Akt phosphorylation, but impairs GLUT4 translocation. These results indicate that mitochondrial respiratory chain dysfunction in adipocytes can cause impaired insulin responsiveness of GLUT4 translocation by a mechanism downstream of the Akt protein kinase.
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Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is highly susceptible to injury induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS). During aging, mutations of mtDNA accumulate to induce dysfunction of the respiratory chain, resulting in the enhanced ROS production. Therefore, age-dependent memory impairment may result from oxidative stress derived from the respiratory chain. Mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM) is now known to have roles not only in the replication of mtDNA but also its maintenance. We herein report that an overexpression of TFAM in HeLa cells significantly inhibited rotenone-induced mitochondrial ROS generation and the subsequent NF-kappaB (nuclear factor-kappaB) nuclear translocation. Furthermore, TFAM transgenic (TG) mice exhibited a prominent amelioration of an age-dependent accumulation of lipid peroxidation products and a decline in the activities of complexes I and IV in the brain. In the aged TG mice, deficits of the motor learning memory, the working memory, and the hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP) were also significantly improved. The expression level of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) and mtDNA damages, which were predominantly found in microglia, significantly decreased in the aged TG mice. The IL-1beta amount markedly increased in the brain of the TG mice after treatment with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), whereas its mean amount was significantly lower than that of the LPS-treated aged wild-type mice. At the same time, an increased mtDNA damage in microglia and an impaired hippocampal LTP were also observed in the LPS-treated aged TG mice. Together, an overexpression of TFAM is therefore considered to ameliorate age-dependent impairment of the brain functions through the prevention of oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunctions in microglia.
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Insulin resistance increases and muscle oxidative capacity decreases during aging, but lifestyle changes-especially physical activity-may reverse these trends. Here we report the effect of a 16-week aerobic exercise program (n = 65) or control activity (n = 37) performed by men and women aged 21-87 years on insulin sensitivity and muscle mitochondria. Insulin sensitivity, measured by intravenous glucose tolerance test, decreased with age (r = -0.32) and was related to abdominal fat content (r = -0.65). Exercise increased peak oxygen uptake (VO(2peak); 10%), activity of muscle mitochondrial enzymes (citrate synthase and cytochrome c oxidase, 45-76%) and mRNA levels of mitochondrial genes (COX4, ND4, both 66%) and genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis (PGC-1alpha, 55%; NRF-1, 15%; TFAM, 85%). Exercise also increased muscle GLUT4 mRNA and protein (30-52%) and reduced abdominal fat (5%) and plasma triglycerides (25%). None of these changes were affected by age. In contrast, insulin sensitivity improved in younger people but not in middle-aged or older groups. Thus, the muscle mitochondrial response to 4 months of aerobic exercise training was similar in all age-groups, although the older people did not have an improvement in insulin sensitivity.
Mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM) is essential for mitochondrial DNA transcription and replication. TFAM transcriptional activity is decreased in diabetic cardiomyopathy; however, the functional implications are unknown. We hypothesized that a reduced TFAM activity may be responsible for some of the alterations caused by hyperglycemia. Therefore, we investigated the effect of TFAM overexpression on hyperglycemia-induced cytosolic calcium handling and mitochondrial abnormalities. Neonatal rat cardiomyocytes were exposed to high glucose (30 mM) for 48 h, and we examined whether TFAM overexpression, by protecting mitochondrial DNA, could reestablish calcium fluxes and mitochondrial alterations toward normal. Our results shown that TFAM overexpression increased to more than twofold mitochondria copy number in cells treated either with normal (5.5 mM) or high glucose. ATP content was reduced by 30% and mitochondrial calcium decreased by 40% after high glucose. TFAM overexpression returned these parameters to even higher than control values. Calcium transients were prolonged by 70% after high glucose, which was associated with diminished sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase 2a and cytochrome-c oxidase subunit 1 expression. These parameters were returned to control values after TFAM overexpression. High glucose-induced protein oxidation was reduced by TFAM overexpression, indicating a reduction of the high glucose-induced oxidative stress. In addition, we found that TFAM activity can be modulated by O-linked beta-N-acetylglucosamine glycosylation. In conclusion, TFAM overexpression protected cell function against the damage induced by high glucose in cardiomyocytes.
Elite oarsmen and oarswomen possess large body dimensions and show outstadning aerobic and anaerobic qualities. Oarsmen have V̇O2max values of 6.1 ± 0.6 L/min and have incurred O2 debts of between 10 and 20 litres. The caloric expenditure of rowing estimated from the O2 cost of a 6-minute rowing ergometer exercise was calculated at 36 kcal/min, one of the highest energy costs so far reported for any predominantly aerobic-type sport. Aerobic and anaerobic calculations show that 70 to 75% of the energy necessary to row the standard 2000m distance for men is derived from aerobiosis while the remaining 25 to 30% is anaerobic. Women achieve V̇O2max values of 4.1 ± 0.4 L/min and slightly lower anaerobic values than men. The relative 60 to 65% energy contribution of aerobic metabolism and 35 to 40% for anaerobiosis is not surprising since women compete at 1000m. Rowers also exhibit excellent isokinetic leg strength and power when compared with other elite athletes and oarswomen produced higher relative leg strength values than men when lean body mass is considered. Muscle fibre type distributions in oarsmen resemble those of distance runners while women tend to have a slightly higher proportion of fast-twitch fibres. An average power output of 390 ± 13.6W was produced by oarsmen for 6 minutes of simulated rowing while women were able to develop 300 ± 18.4 for 3 minutes of the same activity. Mechanical efficiency for rowing was calculated at 20 ± 0.9%. Oarsmen also achieve very high ventilation volumes being able to average above 200 L/min BTPS for 6 minutes of simulated rowing; women ventilate 170 L/min BTPS for 3 minutes of this exercise. Excellent V̇O2max and O2 pulse values demonstrate outstanding cardiorespiratory efficiency. Both oarsmen and oarswomen utilise a unique physiological pattern of race pacing; they begin exertion with a vigorous sprint which places excessive demands on anaerobic metabolism followed by a severely high aerobic steady-state and then an exhaustive sprint at the finish. Tolerance to excessive anaerobiosis is evident by very high lactates and O2 deficits measured during the first 2 minutes of exercise. Physiological profiles of successful international calibre rowing athletes have been established as a result of studies described in this review and the data have been used in a variety of ways to improve rowing performance.
Molecular epidemiological research has identified the association of a common apolipoprotein E (apo E) isoform (E4 as opposed to E3), with risk both of coronary artery disease and of Alzheimer dementia. In addition, the role of apo E genotype (usually E2/E2) in Type III hyperlipidemia is well known. However, both for diagnostic and research purposes, apo E genotyping is cumbersome. The preferred approach is electrophoretic sizing of restriction digestion fragments, enabling simultaneous analysis of the two codons (112 and 158) that represent the six common genotypes (E2/E2; E2/E3; E2/E4; E3/E3; E3/E4; E4/E4). However, the consequent demands of high-yield PCR, high-resolution, high-throughput electrophoresis, and sufficient detection sensitivity have left shortfalls in published protocols. In conjunction with a high-throughput electrophoresis system we described recently, microplate array diagonal gel electrophoresis (MADGE), we have constructed extensively optimized, simplified protocols for DNA isolation from mouthwash samples for PCR setup and high-yield PCR, for restriction digestion, and for subsequent MADGE gel image analysis. The integral system enables one worker to readily undertake apo E genotyping of as many as hundreds of DNA samples per day, without special equipment.
Protein levels of mitochondrial transcription factor A (Tfam) and nuclear- and mitochondrial-encoded subunits of respiratory chain complex IV (COX I and COX IV) as well as citrate synthase activity were analysed in muscle biopsy samples of vastus lateralis in six healthy male subjects before and after 4 weeks of one-legged cycle training. One leg was trained with restricted blood flow. The other leg was trained with the same power profile but with non-restricted blood flow. Tfam, COX I and COX IV levels all increased with training, with no differences observed between the legs. The training-induced increase in citrate synthase activity was greater in the leg trained with restricted blood flow. These findings indicate that changed expression of Tfam protein could be one mechanism of exercise-induced mitochondrial biogenesis. The increases of COX I and COX IV indicate a concurrent increase of nuclear- and mitochondrial-encoded subunits of respiratory enzyme complex IV at the protein level in skeletal muscle in response to increased muscle activity. In this study, it was not possible to demonstrate that the greater energy disturbance induced by reduced blood flow further stimulates the expression of mitochondrial proteins, even though it did cause a greater enhancement of citrate synthase activity in concordance with earlier studies.