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Shellfish toxicity: Human health implications of marine algal toxins

Cambridge University Press
Epidemiology and Infection

Abstract and Figures

Five major human toxic syndromes caused by the consumption of shellfish contaminated by algal toxins are presented. The increased risks to humans of shellfish toxicity from the prevalence of harmful algal blooms (HABs) may be a consequence of large-scale ecological changes from anthropogenic activities, especially increased eutrophication, marine transport and aquaculture, and global climate change. Improvements in toxin detection methods and increased toxin surveillance programmes are positive developments in limiting human exposure to shellfish toxins.
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Shellfish toxicity: human health implications
of marine algal toxins
K. J. J A M ES
, F. van P ELT
PROTEOBIO (Mass Spectrometry Centre), Cork Institute of Technology, Bishopstown, Cork, Ireland
Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork, Lee Road, Cork, Ireland
Department of Zoology, Ecology and Plant Science, University College Cork, Distillery Fields, North Mall,
Cork, Ireland
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics,
Cork, Ireland
(Accepted 24 March 2010)
Five major human toxic syndromes caused by the consumption of shellfish, contaminated by
algal toxins, are presented. The increased risks to humans of shellfish toxicity from the prevalence
of harmful algal blooms (HABs) may be a consequence of large-scale ecological changes from
anthropogenic activities, especially increased eutrophication, marine transport and aquaculture,
and global climate change. Improvements in toxin detection methods and increased toxin
surveillance programmes are positive developments in limiting human exposure to shellfish
Key words: Food safety, toxic fish and shellfish poisoning, toxins.
Shellfish are a rich source of protein, essential min-
erals and vitamins A and D and they feed mainly on
marine microalgae. The importance of algae in the
food chain arises from the fact that they are the only
organisms that can readily make long-chain poly-
unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and the potential
beneficial role of shellfish and finfish in the human diet
has been attributed to the presence of oils that are rich
in PUFAs [1]. Bivalve molluscs filter large volumes of
water when grazing on microalgae, and can concen-
trate both bacterial pathogens and phycotoxins [2].
However, a range of human illnesses associated with
shellfish consumption have been identified as being
due to toxins that are produced by marine microalgae.
When algae populations increase rapidly to form
dense concentrations of cells they may form visible
blooms, the so-called ‘ red tides ’ (Fig. 1), but blooms
are not always visible as they may not be coloured and
they can proliferate well below the surface. The term
harmful algal blooms ’ (HABs) is preferred and these
events can have negative environmental impacts in-
cluding oxygen depletion of the water column and
damage to the gills of fish. However, toxin-producing
algae can cause mass mortalities of fish, birds and
marine mammals and human illness via consumption
of seafood. It is estimated that only 60–80 species of
about 4000 known phytoplankton are potentially
toxin-producing and capable of producing HABs [3].
Maximum toxin levels permitted in shellfish are con-
trolled by national and international regulations and
new analytical methods have been developed for the
* Author for correspondence : Professor K. J. James,
PROTEOBIO, Cork Institute of Technology, Bishopstown, Cork,
Epidemiol. Infect., Page 1 of 14. fCambridge University Press 2010
Clinical Investigations Building, Cork University Hospital,
determination of toxins in shellfish, especially liquid
chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS). These
methods have recently been reviewed and will not be
discussed in detail [4]. The European Food Standards
Agency has recently published a scientific opinion on
marine biotoxins with proposals to lower some toxin
limits and other measures that will hasten the re-
placement of lethal mouse bioassay (MBA) methods
that have traditionally been used to monitor toxin
levels in shellfish for human consumption [5]. Un-
fortunately, the lack of clinical testing methods
has led to a large underestimation of the incidence
of human poisonings due to algal toxins, especially
since many of the symptoms are similar to viral and
bacterial infections. In addition, only acute intoxi-
cations due to algal toxins are recognized and there
is very little knowledge of the human impacts due
to chronic exposure to these toxins. The high potency
and target specificity that many of these marine toxins
possess has led to their exploitation as research
tools [6].
The main vectors of algal toxins to humans are
filter-feeding bivalve molluscs and herbivorous finfish
that ingest toxic algae (Fig. 2). The bivalve molluscs
that are mainly affected with algal toxins include
mussels, clams, scallops and oysters. Although crus-
taceans can also be contaminated with toxins, the ex-
tent of toxicity is generally low and the incidences of
human intoxications due to crustacean consumption
are rare. Other significant environmental impacts of
HABs include major fish kills and large mortalities
to birds and marine mammals [7, 8]. One of the most
dramatic events involving sea mammals was the ex-
tensive mass mortalities to sea lions in California due
to domoic acid (DA) intoxication where the main
vector was anchovy [9]. Figure 2 summarizes the
interrelationships and potential vectors for toxins
arising from HABs but the toxic impact to humans is
predominantly from shellfish consumption. Bivalve
shellfish graze on algae and concentrate toxins, if
present, very effectively.
Historically, there have been sporadic reports of
shellfish poisoning ; one fatal incident that occurred
in British Columbia in 1793 was reported by Captain
Vancouver and the earliest scientific reference to
shellfish poisoning appeared in 1851 [10]. Prohibitions
regarding the consumption of shellfish are found in
several cultures and, together with religious beliefs,
this has limited the role of shellfish as a potential
food source. Such prohibitions are found in the Old
These ye shall eat of all that are in waters : all that have fins
and scales shall ye eat : And whatsoever hath not fins and
scales ye may not eat ; it is unclean unto you. (Deuteronomy
14: 9–10 ; King James Version).
In this review, five major human toxic syndromes
caused mainly by the consumption of bivalve mol-
luscs contaminated by algal toxins are discussed
(Table 1), together with the identification of the in-
creased risks to humans of shellfish toxicity.
Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP)
Mild symptoms include a tingling sensation or
numbness around the lips which gradually spreads to
the face and neck, accompanied by a prickly sensation
in fingertips and toes. Greater intoxications induce
headache, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea with in-
creasing muscular paralysis and pronounced respir-
atory difficulty. In the absence of artificial respiration
there is a high risk of death as a consequence of acute
PSP intoxication [7]. The onset of symptoms of PSP
in humans is dose dependent and can occur rapidly
(within 30 min) after the consumption of shellfish.
PSP toxins are collectively called saxitoxins (STXs)
and at least 21 analogues of these cyclic guanidines
are known in shellfish, with saxitoxin (Fig. 3a) being
the most common toxin. STXs exert their effect by a
direct binding on the voltage-dependent sodium
channel that block the flux of sodium ions in and out
Fig. 1. A dramatic algal bloom (red tide) in the South China
Sea. This bloom, Noctiluca scintillans, was non-toxic.
(Reproduced with permission of Springer SBM NL. In :
Okaichi T, Fukuyo Y, eds. Red Tides, Berlin, Heidelberg :
Springer, 2004.)
2 K. J. James and others
of nerve and muscle cells, leading to paralysis [11].
The primary site of action of STXs in humans is the
peripheral nervous system. The lethal dose in humans
is 1–4 mg STX, or equivalent STXs, and since levels
up to 100 mg STX equivalents/g shellfish have been
reported, consumption of only a few contaminated
shellfish have proved fatal in these rare cases.
However, hospitalization of affected individuals is
critical to deal with respiratory paralysis and STXs
clear from the blood within 24 h leaving no organ
damage or long-term effects [12]. Saxitoxin has
reached notoriety by being included, along with ricin,
in the Schedule 1 list of the Chemical Weapons
Convention. Detection and control of PSP toxins in
shellfish is less problematic than the control of lipo-
philic toxins. PSP toxins are efficiently extracted from
shellfish tissues using a strong acid and a MBA has
been validated as an official method by AOAC
International [13].
Dinoflagellates that produce STXs belong to three
genera; Alexandrium,Gymnodinium and Pyrodinium
and HABs involving blooms of these dinoflagellates
occur in both Northern and Southern Hemispheres [8]
(Table 2). It has been estimated that there are 2000
human intoxications per year and PSP outbreaks
are seasonal [14, 15]. Although there is anecdotal
evidence of human intoxications associated with
shellfish for centuries, a PSP outbreak that occurred
in northern California in 1927 led to a major in-
vestigation of this phenomenon. Poisoning of 102
individuals from mussel consumption caused six
deaths [16]. PSP outbreaks have occurred on both the
eastern and western coastlines on North America,
with Alaska being particularly badly affected and
toxic events have been reported for more than 130
years [17, 18]. Large marine mammals have also been
affected by PSP and 14 humpback whales died in Cape
Cod Bay in 1987 from exposure to STXs where
mackerel was suspected to be the main vector [19].
Although STXs are detected in the coastal waters
and shellfish in many European countries, human in-
toxications are rare. In the 1970s, there were several
PSP intoxications involving 80–120 individuals,
caused by mussels produced in Spain, Portugal and
the UK [20–22] but implementation of good regulat-
ory control has effectively eliminated further major
outbreaks. There have been repeated PSP outbreaks
in Chile and Argentina during the past 40 years, with
21 PSP deaths reported in Chile since 1991 [23], and
these investigations included one of the rare identifi-
cations of toxins in the body fluids of victims [24]. In
the Philippines, there have been an estimated 2000
cases of PSP between 1983 and 1998, with 115 deaths
[25]. Blooms of Pyrodinium spp. were the main cause
of these intoxications and these blooms have spread
throughout the tropical Pacific region. Climate
change has been implicated with an apparent corre-
lation between these HABs and the occurrence of El
˜o Southern Oscillation events [26]. PSP events in
geographically remote locations cause higher death
Toxic phytoplankton & bacteria
Marine mammals
Fig. 2. The toxin cycle: diagram illustrating the interrelationships between harmful algae and shellfish, finfish, birds and
Shellfish toxicity 3
rates due to the lack of hospital facilities with respir-
atory support equipment.
Diarrhoetic shellfish poisoning (DSP)
DSP is a gastrointestinal illness and the main symp-
toms are diarrhoea followed by nausea, vomiting and
abdominal cramps. DSP can occur within 30 min to a
few hours after ingestion of contaminated shellfish
and complete recovery occurs within 3 days. Since
clinical tests are rarely used for DSP toxins, this con-
dition is often confused with bacterial enterotoxin
poisoning. DSP is caused by the ingestion of con-
taminated filter-feeding bivalve molluscs, especially
mussels and scallops, where the lipophilic toxins are
accumulated mainly in the digestive glands (hepato-
pancreas) [27].
DSP toxins were originally divided into three
different structural classes : (a) okadaic acid (OA)
(Fig. 3b) and its analogues, dinophysistoxins (DTXs),
(b) pectenotoxins (PTXs) and (c) yessotoxins (YTXs)
[28]. However, YTXs have now been excluded from
the DSP classification because they are not orally
toxic and do not induce diarrhoea [29, 30]. PTXs
Table 1. Confirmed outbreaks of human poisonings due to shellfish toxins
Toxic syndrome Location of outbreak (year) Shellfish species
Number of
poisonings Ref.
PSP USA – California (1927–1936) Mussels >100 (6 deaths) [16]
USA – Alaska (1973–1992) 117 [14]
USA (1998–2002) 43 [123]
Canada (1880–1970) 187 [17]
Spain Mussels 120 [20]
UK (1968) Mussels 78 [22]
Norway (1901–1992) 32 (2 deaths) [124]
Portugal (1994) 9 [21, 23]
Chile (1991–2002) Mussels, oysters 21 deaths [24, 26]
Philippines (1988–1998) 877 (44 deaths) [25]
DSP Japan (1976–1984) Mussels, scallops >1000 [39, 40]
France (1980–1987) Mussels 7600 [41]
Denmark (1990–2002) Mussels 800–900 [43, 47]
Norway (1984–1985) Mussels >400 [125]
Spain (1978–1981) Mussels >5000 [43]
Portugal (2002) Mussels 58 [126]
UK (1997) Mussels 49 [45]
Ireland (1984–1994) Mussels ? [46]
Canada (1990) Clams, mussels 16 [127]
Chile (1970–1991) Mussels, cholgas >100 [128]
Argentina (2000) Mussels 40 [129]
New Zealand 13 [59]
NSP USA – North Carolina (1987) Oysters 48 [60, 130, 131]
USA – Florida (1996–2006) Whelks, clams 23 [56, 61]
New Zealand (1993) Green mussels,
Cockles, oysters
186 [58, 132]
ASP Canada (1987) Mussels 107 (3 deaths) [66, 67]
USA – Washington State (1991) Razor clams 24 [73, 77]
AZP The Netherlands (1995) Mussels 8 [85, 133]
Ireland – Arranmore Island (1997) Mussels 20–24 [86]
Italy (1998) Mussels 10 [89]
France (1998) Mussels 20–30 [89, 94]
UK (2000) Mussels 16 [93]
France (2008) Mussels 200 [134]
PSP, Paralytic shellfish poisoning ; DSP, Diarrhoetic shellfish poisoning ; NSP, Neurotoxic shellfish poisoning; ASP, Amnesic
shellfish poisoning; AZP, Azaspiracid poisoning.
4 K. J. James and others
and YTXs are toxic to mice upon intraperitoneal in-
jection, which is the official, but primitive, DSP test-
ing procedure. However, no case of human poisoning
due to these toxins has been reported. The strange
scenario when using the official MBA is that the least
toxic substances, YTXs, elicit the highest toxic re-
sponse [7]. Not only are these lethal bioassays pro-
hibited in several countries, including Germany, The
Netherlands and Sweden, alternative methods for
toxin determination can only be implemented in the
EU when they have been validated against the MBA
which itself has never been validated [31]. A recent
pronouncement from the European Food Safety
Authority belatedly acknowledged the unacceptable
current regulatory situation and stated :
The mouse bioassay (MBA) is the official reference method
for lipophilic biotoxins. The Panel on Contaminants in the
Food Chain (CONTAM Panel) noted that this bioassay has
shortcomings and is not considered an appropriate tool
for control purposes because of the high variability in re-
sults, the insufficient detection capability and the limited
specificity [5].
The mechanism of action of the OA group toxins is
via inhibition of serine-threonine protein phosphatase
2A (PP2A) [32], which plays important roles in many
regulatory processes in cells. OA probably causes
diarrhoea by stimulating phosphorylation of proteins
that control sodium secretion in intestinal cells [33].
Protein phosphatase assays are very sensitive and can
be readily applied for detecting OA and analogues in
shellfish but LC–MS methods are more widely used
[34, 35]. Although DSP is not fatal, this type of
poisoning deserves attention, because in addition to
the severe acute effects, the chronic effects may be
important as OA and DTX1 have been shown to
be potent tumour promoters [36, 37]. A major risk
factor for colorectal cancer from shellfish consump-
tion has been proposed due to the presence of DSP
toxins [38].
The first confirmed outbreak of DSP occurred
in Japan in the late 1970s with 164 cases of shellfish
poisoning [39]. There were 34 outbreaks of DSP in
Japan between 1976 and 1984, affecting more than
1000 people [40]. DSP outbreaks have involved large
population numbers and have affected the greatest
number of individuals compared to the other shellfish
toxic syndromes (Table 1). In Europe, DSP outbreaks
involving several thousand individuals have been re-
ported since 1978 in France [41, 42], Norway and
Denmark [43], Spain [44, 45] and mussels exported
from Ireland have caused DSP outbreaks throughout
Europe [46]. Despite this DSP monitoring, mussels
from Denmark caused DSP intoxications to more
than 1000 individuals in Belgium [47]. DSP is
now recognized as a worldwide problem and also af-
fects Canada, Chile, Argentina and New Zealand
(Table 1).
DSP toxins are produced by the dinoflagellates,
Dinophysis spp. and Prorocentrum spp. (Table 2) and
their toxin profiles can vary within a single species
Fig. 3. Structures of the most abundant toxin responsible for each of the five shellfish toxic syndromes; (a) saxitoxin (PSP),
(b) okadaic acid (DSP), (c) brevetoxin (NSP), (d) domoic acid (ASP), (e) azaspiracid (AZP).
Shellfish toxicity 5
[48–50]. In Europe, OA and its isomer, DTX2, are the
predominant DSP toxins and they co-occur in shell-
fish from Ireland [46], Portugal and Spain [51]. DTX1,
the methyl analogue of OA, is the predominant DSP
toxin in Japan [49, 52]. The regulatory level for these
toxins in Europe is currently 0.16 mg/g.
Neurotoxic shellfish poisoning (NSP)
NSP is a illness caused by the consumption of bivalve
molluscs contaminated with neurotoxins that are
produced by the marine dinoflagellate, Karenia brevis
(formerly known as Gymnodinium breve and
Ptychodiscus brevis) [53, 54]. Brevetoxin (Fig. 3 c)
and its analogues can also affect finfish, aquatic
mammals and birds and this topic has been recently
reviewed [55, 56]. The symptoms of NSP include
gastroenteritis and neurological problems [53].
Brevetoxin-producing HABs have caused problems in
the Gulf of Mexico for many decades and have been
responsible for respiratory problems and eye irri-
tation in humans due to exposure to aerosol sprays
along Florida beaches [55]. Brevetoxins have also
been responsible for the deaths of large marine ani-
mals, including manatees and bottlenose dolphins
[57]. In New Zealand, brevetoxins have also caused
problems and new analogues have been identified
[58, 59]. The first confirmed NSP outbreak in New
Zealand occurred in 1993, affected 186 individuals,
and caused both gastrointestinal symptoms and
respiratory problems due to aerosol inhalation
(Table 1) [59].
In humans, the onset of symptoms of NSP occurs
within 0.5–3 h after consumption of shellfish and can
include gastroenteritis, chills, sweats, hypotension,
arrhythmias, numbness, peripheral tingling and, in
severe cases, broncho-constriction, paralysis, seizures
and coma. NSP symptoms can persist for a few days
[53, 60, 61].
In addition to ingestion, the second route of ex-
posure to brevetoxins is by inhalation of sea spray and
this affects individuals who are near to a beach.
K. brevis is a very fragile dinoflagellate and during
rough seas this organism readily ruptures releasing
toxins into the water. This exposure to aerosols
containing brevetoxins can cause irritation of the
eyes and nasal membranes, as well as respiratory
problems [62].
The mode of action of brevetoxins is by receptor
binding to the sodium channels which control the
generation of actin potentials in nerve, muscle and
cardiac tissue, enhancing sodium entry into the cell.
This leads to the incessant activation of the cell which
causes paralysis and fatigue of these excitatory cells
[63]. A recent NSP outbreak in Florida affected 20
individuals, of which seven were hospitalized. Six in-
dividuals complained of uncontrolled muscle con-
tractions and psychotic outbursts [56].
The monitoring of shellfish for NSP has tradition-
ally involved MBAs that involve a non-specific ex-
traction process but this test can be effective for
control in situations where other lipophilic toxins are
not prevalent. The action level is 20 mouse units
(MU) per 100 g shellfish tissue which is equivalent to
Table 2. Seafood toxic syndromes, toxins and the phytoplankton source of toxins
Toxic syndrome Toxins Affected seafood Toxic algae
1. Paralytic shellfish
poisoning (PSP)
Saxitoxin (STX), Neosaxitoxin (NEO),
Gonyautoxin (GTX) and 18 other
Bivalve shellfish,
Alexandrium spp. [135],
Gymnodinium spp. [136]
2. Diarrhoetic shellfish
poisoning (DSP)
Okadaic acid (OA), Dinophysistoxins
(DTXs), Pectenotoxins (PTXs)
Bivalve shellfish Dinophysis spp. [49, 137],
Prorocentrum spp.
[138, 139]
3. Neurotoxic shellfish
poisoning (NSP)
Brevetoxins (PbTx) Bivalve shellfish Karenia brevis (formerly
Gymnodinium breve and
Ptychodiscus brevis)
[140, 141]
4. Amnesic shellfish
poisoning (ASP)
Domoic acid (DA) and analogues Bivalve shellfish,
Pseudonitzschia spp. [68]
5. Azaspiracid
poisoning (AZP)
Azaspiracids (AZAs) and analogues Bivalve shellfish Protoperidinium crassipes
[105], Azadinium spinosum
6 K. J. James and others
0.8mg brevetoxin (PbTx-2)/g tissues [56]. There are
a number of sensitive receptor-binding assays that
utilize the specific binding of brevetoxins to sodium
channels [64]. LC–MS is the only method for identi-
fying individual brevetoxins in seafood [55]. Overall,
it can be concluded that NSP is relatively rare [56], it
is not geographically widespread and therefore poses
the least threat to human health of the five toxic syn-
dromes discussed in this review.
Amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP)
ASP first came to attention in Canada in 1987 when
human fatalities occurred from eating mussels
(Mytilus edulis) cultivated in Prince Edward Island
[65]. In addition to gastrointestinal disturbance, un-
usual neurological symptoms, especially memory im-
pairment, were observed. Of the 107 cases involved in
this ASP event, three individuals died within 18 days
after admission to hospital [66]. The neurological
symptoms included headache, confusion, disorien-
tation, seizures and coma within 48–72 h. However,
the permanent loss of short-term memory in some of
the survivors led this toxic syndrome to be named
ASP. Epidemiological studies revealed age-dependent
responses to ASP. Those aged <40 years were more
likely to suffer gastrointestinal problems whereas in-
dividuals aged >50 years were more likely to suffer
from memory loss [66]. DA was identified as the
causative toxin (Fig. 3 d) [67] and a short time later,
marine diatoms of the Pseudonitzschia spp. were
identified as the source of this toxin [68]. DA was a
previously known marine natural product and was
originally discovered in seaweed in Japan where the
latter was used for its anthelminthic and insecticidal
properties [69]. In addition to mussels, DA can enter
the food chain through vectors such as scallops, razor
clams and crustaceans [70–72]. There was a second
report of human intoxications from consumption of
razor clams, cultivated in Washington State, USA,
but only two individuals experienced slight neuro-
logical problems [73].
Although there are many analytical methods for
the determination of DA in seafood, liquid chro-
matography with ultra-violet detection is used by most
regulatory agencies. The permitted limit of 20 mg DA/
g shellfish tissue has been generally adopted [74]. DA
is a tricarboxylic amino acid and analysis is compli-
cated somewhat by the presence of isomers of DA,
as well as tryptophan, in naturally contaminated
samples [75]. There have been many worldwide
reports of DA contamination of seafood and mor-
talities to marine animals and birds [76]. An event that
generated worldwide publicity was when 70 sea lions
were washed up onto beaches in California. It was
evident that they were suffering from neurological
problems including seizures and 47 animals died. DA
was identified in faecal samples from these animals
and in anchovies collected nearby [9].
In 1991, an outbreak of DA poisoning was reported
in Monterey Bay, California, USA, where pelicans
and cormorants were behaving strangely, e.g. vomit-
ing, exhibiting unusual head movements, scratching,
with many deaths [77]. In this case the vector was the
northern anchovy and it is probable that the making
of the Alfred Hitchcock film The Birds was prompted
by a similar event that happened in the summer of
1961, near Santa Cruz in California. Flocks of shear-
waters began acting erratically, flying into houses and
cars, pecking people, breaking windows and vomit-
ing. These ‘strange ’ events were reported in local
newspapers and these clippings were included with
Alfred Hitchcock’s studio proposal to make the film,
based on Daphne du Maurier’s novella. In subsequent
years, several similar incidents occurred along the
same coastline which have been attributed to DA
produced by blooms of Pseudonitzschia spp. [78].
Soon after the establishment of monitoring
programmes in Europe, DA was found in shellfish
from Galicia, Spain [79], Ireland [80], Portugal [81],
Scotland [82] and France [83]. In Ireland, only the
king scallop (Pecten maximus) exhibited high levels of
toxin. Although a record high level of DA (2820 mg
DA/g) was found in the digestive glands of scallops,
the adductor muscle and gonad contained levels be-
low or just over the regulatory limit of 20 mg DA/g
[71]. It would therefore be a prudent and simple food
safety measure to recommend the non-consumption
of the digestive glands of these shellfish to reduce the
risk of exposure of humans to ASP. DA has also been
found in shellfish from New Zealand, Australia and
Chile, but there have been no major toxic incidents
involving humans. Further information regarding
ASP and DA can be found in a recent review [84].
Azaspiracid shellfish poisoning (AZP)
AZP is the most recently discovered toxic syndrome
from shellfish consumption and several analogues
belonging to this new class of toxins were identified in
contaminated mussels [85–87]. The first confirmed
event was in 1995 in The Netherlands and was caused
Shellfish toxicity 7
by the consumption of mussels (M. edulis) that were
cultivated in Killary Harbour in the west of Ireland.
At least eight individuals were affected and the
symptoms, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and abdomi-
nal cramps were similar to DSP. Azaspiracid (AZA1)
was isolated from these mussels and the structure was
later modified following the total synthesis of AZA1
(Fig. 3e) [88]. Several other AZP outbreaks occurred
in the following years due to the consumption of
mussels cultivated in Ireland (Table 1) [89]. Following
the development of sensitive LC–MS methods for
their determination [90–92], azaspiracids were ident-
ified in five other European countries, including the
UK, Norway [93], France, Spain [94] and Denmark
[47], as well as throughout the western coastline of
Ireland [95]. Azaspiracids have also recently been
found in North Africa [96] and Japan [97]. More than
20 analogues of AZA1 have been identified in shellfish
[86, 87, 98, 99], which complicates the regulatory
control of these toxins as most have not yet been
toxicologically evaluated.
Toxicological studies have indicated that azaspir-
acids can induce widespread organ damage in mice
and that they are probably more dangerous than
previously known classes of shellfish toxins [100, 101].
AZA1 is distinctly different from DSP toxins as its
target organs include liver, spleen, the small intestine
and it has also been shown to be carcinogenic. Using
oral administration to mice, multiple organ damage
was observed ; (a) fatty change and single-cell necrosis
in liver, (b) erosion epithelial cells of small intestinal
villi and (c) lymphocyte necrosis in the thymus and
spleen. In the most severe cases, inflammation and
oedema in the lungs and stomach occurred. The
chronic study showed tumour formation in lungs and
malignant lymphomas. All mice used in these studies
developed interstitial pneumonia and had shortened
small intestinal villi, even at low doses (1 mg/kg)
[100, 101]. Cytotoxicity studies using neuroblastoma
cells showed that AZA1 disrupts cytoskeletal struc-
ture, inducing a time- and dose-dependent decrease in
F-actin pools. A link between F-actin changes and
diarrhoeic activity has been suggested and this may
explain the severe gastrointestinal disturbance in AZP
outbreaks. Azaspiracids were found to induce a sig-
nificant increase in [Ca
] levels in lymphocytes.
Elevation of [Ca
] levels can lead to cell death
Azaspiracids have been identified in two dino-
flagellates, Protoperidinium crassipes [105] and a new
species, Azadinium spinosum [106]. AZA2 has also
recently been found in a sponge (Echinoclathria sp.)
in Japan, representing the first report of this class
of toxins in Asia [97]. Although confirmed reports
of AZP have only been associated with mussel
consumption, several other types of bivalve shellfish
species have been found to accumulate these toxins,
including oysters, clams and scallops [95]. The
exclusive reliance on the DSP live animal bioassays,
recommended by the EU, to monitor azaspiracids
contamination of shellfish failed to prevent human
intoxications [89]. This was a consequence of poor
sensitivity of the assay and the incorrect assumption
that azaspiracids were exclusively concentrated in the
shellfish digestive glands that were used for testing
[107]. Most regulatory agencies in Europe now com-
ply with a strict regulatory control of azaspiracids in
shellfish (<0.16 mg/g edible tissues) by frequent test-
ing of shellfish using sensitive LC–MS/MS analytical
methods, as outlined in recent reviews [4, 108].
There has been an apparent global increase in the
occurrence of algal toxins in shellfish, with several
new toxin classes identified in recent years. However,
the reasons behind the apparent expansion in HABs
and shellfish toxicity remain unclear with a number of
factors being implicated including, climate change,
anthropogenic activities, changes in shellfish culti-
vation, eutrophication, increased global marine traf-
fic, improved toxin detection and better food control
and toxin monitoring programmes [15, 109–112].
Projected increases in ocean temperatures are pre-
dicted to change global circulation that may lead
to an increase of HABs. Moreover, the increased
concentrations of greenhouse gases are expected
to reduce pH, increase surface-water temperatures
and affect vertical mixing and upwelling [113].
Phytoplankton growth is dependent on the avail-
ability of nitrogen. Atmospheric deposition of nitro-
gen, from agricultural and urban sources, can lead
to increased algal blooms [3, 114]. Most marine HABs
are comprised of dinoflagellates. The mobility
characteristics of dinoflagellates allow them to swim
under stratified layers of the water column to access
nutrients in deeper layers. This may give dino-
flagellates a competitive edge over other phyto-
plankton that cannot swim [113]. The potential
consequences of these changes for HABs have re-
ceived relatively little attention and are not well
understood. Several studies have emphasized the
8 K. J. James and others
relevance of coastal eutrophication to increased
HABs and this is especially relevant to shellfish pro-
duction and intoxication [110]. Increased coastal
aquaculture activities can lead to local nutrient en-
richment and eutrophication which not only increases
the growth of toxic algae but also acts as the main
vector for increased exposure of humans to toxins.
A remarkable example of the positive effects of re-
ducing nutrient loading was in Hong Kong harbour
where the frequency of algal blooms declined after
several years of nutrient reduction [115]. However,
many algal blooms are not due to national anthro-
pogenic activities and toxic algae can be transported
from remote oceanic regions to affect coastal regions
which have normally pristine waters. Thus, in Europe,
the major shellfish toxicity from HABs occurs along
the western Atlantic coastline, affecting Scotland,
Norway, Ireland, France, Spain and Portugal, but the
Mediterranean region which has a high nutrient
loading, has a low incidence of such problems. It is
therefore prudent to caution against a rush to judge-
ment until there has been an extensive database
of algal population flux over an extended period of
The emergence of non-indigenous toxic algal
species in various geographical locations has been
linked to an increase in global marine traffic. In par-
ticular, the release of ballast waters has been shown to
be responsible for invasions of exotic species, includ-
ing algae, bacteria and zooplankton. Algal cysts
in ballast waters have been identified as the cause of
new PSP events in regions of Australia that were
previously unaffected and led to new ballast water
guidelines to limit exposure to exotic species [8, 116].
Recent evidence of an increased global expansion
of HABs includes the first reports of palytoxin and
tedrodotoxin in European waters and the discovery of
azaspiracids in Japan [97]. An outbreak of respiratory
illness in people exposed to marine aerosols occurred
in Genoa, Italy, in 2005 and a palytoxin analogue
was identified as the probable causative agent [117].
Ostreopsis spp. are widely distributed in tropical and
subtropical areas, but recently these dinoflagellates
have also started to appear in the Mediterranean
where they produce palytoxins [118, 119].
Tetrodotoxin is a well known paralytic toxin that
is found in pufferfish and causes fatalities in Japan
almost annually [120]. Once again, a toxin that is
usually found in tropical and sub-tropical waters
appeared in a trumpet shellfish (Charonia sauliae),
harvested from the Atlantic coastline of Portugal. An
individual was hospitalized and suffered general par-
alysis, including the respiratory muscles, a few min-
utes after the consumption of several grams of this
shellfish [121]. The investigation of the extent and
implications of these new toxic problems in Europe is
currently the subject of a collaborative EU project
(ATLANTOX) [122].
The impact on human health from the consumption
of biotoxins in shellfish has apparently increased in
recent decades. There is evidence, although not con-
clusive, that the increase in HABs is a consequence of
large-scale ecological changes from anthropogenic
activities, especially increased eutrophication, marine
transport and aquaculture. Global climate change has
also been implicated. Recent improvements in toxin
detection methods and increased toxin surveillance
programmes are positive developments in limiting
human exposure to shellfish toxins. However, there is
a requirement for the development of clinical tests to
improve the correct diagnosis of shellfish poisoning in
We acknowledge funding from the Higher Education
Authority of Ireland, as part of Ireland’s EU
Structural Funds Programmes (2007–2013) and the
European Regional Development Fund ; Programme
for Research in Third Level Institutions (PRTLI-4),
Environment and Climate Change : Impacts and
None. AQ1
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14 K. J. James and others
... There are numerous marine biotoxins present in the environment such as azaspiracid-1, dinophysistoxin-1, pectenotoxins, yessotoxins, cyclic imines, brevetoxin, ciguatoxin, palytoxin, saxitoxin, tetrodotoxin, okadaic acid, and domoic acid [5]. Many of these toxins may pose a serious threat to animals and humans through poisoning after consuming contaminated seafood, skin contact with contaminated water, and inhaling toxic aerosol chemicals [6][7][8][9]. ...
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In this review, we toxicologically assessed the naturally occurring toxin domoic acid. We used the One Health approach because the impact of domoic acid is potentiated by climate change and water pollution on one side, and reflected in animal health, food security, human diet, and human health on the other. In a changing environment, algal blooms are more frequent. For domoic acid production, the growth of Pseudo-nitzschia diatoms is of particular interest. They produce this toxin, whose capability of accumulation and biomagnification through the food web impacts other organisms in the ecosystem. Domoic acid targets nervous system receptors inducing amnestic shellfish poisoning, among other less severe health-related problems. However, the impact of domoic acid on non-target cells is rather unknown, so we reviewed the currently available literature on cytogenetic effects on human and animal cells. The results of different studies indicate that domoic acid has the potential to induce early molecular events, such as oxidative imbalance and DNA damage, thus posing an additional threat which needs to be thoroughly addressed and monitored in the future.
... Previous reviews have extensively discussed various aspects of marine algal toxins, including their chemical structures, toxicological effects, and environmental impacts [12][13][14][15]. These reviews provide a solid basis for understanding the diversity of these toxins, but lack information on their pharmacological effects and potential medical benefits. ...
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Marine algal toxins have garnered significant attention in the research community for their unique biochemical properties and potential medical applications. These bioactive compounds, produced by microalgae, pose significant risks due to their high toxicity, yet offer promising therapeutic benefits. Despite extensive research identifying over 300 marine algal toxins, including azaspiracids, brevetoxins, cyclic imines, and yessotoxins, gaps remain in the understanding of their pharmacological potential. In this paper, we critically review the classification, bioactive components, toxicology, pharmacological activities, and mechanisms of these toxins, with a particular focus on their clinical applications. Our motivation stems from the increasing interest in marine algal toxins as candidates for drug development, driven by their high specificity and affinity for various biological receptors. We aim to bridge the gap between toxicological research and therapeutic application, offering insights into the advantages and limitations of these compounds in comparison to other bioactive substances. This review not only enhances the understanding of marine algal toxins’ complexity and diversity, but also highlights their extensive application potential in medicine and bioscience, providing a foundation for future research and development in this field.
... Pelagic primary production serves a critical role in marine ecosystems, as phyto-and mixoplankton constitute the basis of the pelagic food web, generate oxygen through photosynthesis and contribute significantly to the global carbon cycle. However, blooms of certain microalgal species, known as harmful algal blooms (HABs), may pose serious ecological threats causing mortality among shellfish and finfish, as well as impacting tourist and recreational industries (Hallegraeff 1993;James et al. 2010). Furthermore, HABs have the potential to disrupt marine food web structures, for instance by negatively impacting zooplankton (Granéli and Turner 2006), which may favour the proliferation of these harmful organisms (Riebesell et al. 2018). ...
... HABs are primarily caused by dinoflagellates, including many species of the genus Alexandrium, which produce various phycotoxins (Long et al. 2021). Some of these toxins can directly affect other protistan species, but others can be transferred through the food web and subsequently accumulate in higher trophic levels (e.g., in bivalves) (James et al. 2010;Long et al. 2021). ...
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The toxin‐producing dinoflagellate Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax has become increasingly abundant in northern European waters, replacing other Alexandrium species. A. pseudogonyaulax produces goniodomins and lytic substances, which can be cytotoxic toward other organisms, including fish, but we still know little about the environmental conditions influencing its growth and toxicity. Here, we investigated the impacts of different nitrogen sources and light intensities, common bottom‐up drivers of bloom formation, on the growth and toxin content of three A. pseudogonyaulax strains isolated from the Danish Limfjord. While the growth rates were significantly influenced by nitrogen source and light intensity, the intracellular toxin contents only showed strong differences between the exponential and stationary growth phases. Moreover, the photophysiological response of A. pseudogonyaulax showed little variation across varying light intensities, while light‐harvesting pigments were significantly more abundant under low light conditions. This study additionally highlights considerable physiological variability between strains, emphasizing the importance of conducting laboratory experiments with several algal strains. A high physiological plasticity toward changing abiotic parameters points to a long‐term establishment of A. pseudogonyaulax in northern European waters.
... These outbreaks force harvesting closures in production areas and represent a critical factor for the shellfish industry (Álvarez-Salgado et al., 2008;Rodríguez-Rodríguez et al., 2011). In this region, the shellfish toxins associated with HABs do not cause mortalities in aquatic organisms, but pose a public health risk due to their bioamplification in the food web including commercial resources (James et al., 2010;Vilariño et al., 2018). ...
... Acute symptoms from exposure to different biotoxins range from mild (e.g., nausea) to severe (e.g., respiratory difficulty, death) [11]. The severity of symptoms experienced during illness is generally associated with the amount of toxin ingested relative to that person's body size and metabolism and thus the concentration of toxin in a person's body [11,36,37]. When a person consumes only a Table 3 Recent reviews on the human health effects of marine biotoxins. ...
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People who consume high quantities of seafood are at a heightened risk for marine biotoxin exposure. Coastal Indigenous peoples may experience higher levels of risk than the general population due to their reliance on traditional marine foods. Most evidence on the health risks associated with biotoxins focus on a single exposure at one point in time. There is limited research on other types of exposures that may occur among those who regularly consume large quantities of seafood. The objective of this review is to assess what is known about the unique biotoxin exposure risks associated with the consumption patterns of many coastal Indigenous populations. These risks include [1]: repeated exposure to low doses of a single or multiple biotoxins [2]; repeated exposures to high doses of a single or multiple biotoxins; and [3] exposure to multiple biotoxins at a single point in time. We performed a literature search and collected 23 recent review articles on the human health effects of different biotoxins. Using a narrative framework synthesis approach, we collated what is known about the health effects of the exposure risks associated with the putative consumption patterns of coastal Indigenous populations. We found that the health effects of repeated low-or high-dose exposures and the chronic health effects of marine biotoxins are rarely studied or documented. There are gaps in our understanding of how risks differ by seafood species and preparation, cooking, and consumption practices. Together, these gaps contribute to a relatively poor understanding of how biotoxins impact the health of those who regularly consume large quantities of seafood. In the context of this uncertainty, we explore how known and potential risks associated with biotoxins can be mitigated, with special attention to coastal Indigenous populations routinely consuming seafood. Overall, we conclude that there is a need to move beyond the single-dose single-outcome model of exposure to better serve Indigenous communities and others who consume high quantities of seafood.
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Exposure to toxigenic harmful algal blooms (HABs) can result in widely recognized acute poisoning in humans. The five most commonly recognized HAB-related illnesses are diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP), paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP), neurotoxic shellfish poisoning (NSP), and ciguatera poisoning (CP). Despite being caused by exposure to various toxins or toxin analogs, these clinical syndromes share numerous similarities. Humans are exposed to these toxins mainly through the consumption of fish and shellfish, which serve as the main biological vectors. However, the risk of human diseases linked to toxigenic HABs is on the rise, corresponding to a dramatic increase in the occurrence, frequency, and intensity of toxigenic HABs in coastal regions worldwide. Although a growing body of studies have focused on the toxicological assessment of HAB-related species and their toxins on aquatic organisms, the organization of this information is lacking. Consequently, a comprehensive review of the adverse effects of HAB-associated species and their toxins on those organisms could deepen our understanding of the mechanisms behind their toxic effects, which is crucial to minimizing the risks of toxigenic HABs to human and public health. To this end, this paper summarizes the effects of the five most common HAB toxins on fish, shellfish, and humans and discusses the possible mechanisms.
Water supports life, ecology, and basic production. Only 2.5% of Earth’s water is fresh, and only a small part is drinkable. Despite the Clean Water Act of 1972, phosphorus and nitrogen-based contaminants are hard to remove. Although aquatic species need fertilizers, too much input can disrupt ecosystems. Phosphorus and nitrogen perform complex ecological roles, but excesses are harmful. Eutrophication, algal blooms, and biodiversity are affected by nutrient enrichment. This chapter discusses eutrophication, nutrient sources, biogeochemical cycles, and impacts. Ag, industry, stormwater, fossil fuels, and nature create nutrient contamination. The nitrogen-phosphorus cycle affects aquatic environments. Nutrient enrichment promotes eutrophication by causing algal blooms, oxygen deprivation, and biodiversity loss. HAB toxins harm aquatic life and humans. Nutrient toxicity affects ecosystems and health with ammonia and nitrate. Remediation includes biological, chemical, adsorption, and ion exchange to minimize nutrient contamination. Blue mussel farming, sustainable agriculture, and reduced car emissions reduce nutrient input. Breakpoint chlorination and nitrification-denitrification help remove nitrogen. Adsorption is a potential alternative to chemical precipitation and improved biological phosphate elimination. Nutrient pollution management protects ecosystems, human health, and water quality.
Bias refers to those factors related to study design and analysis that may affect the results and conclusions of a study. Descriptions of clinical manifestations may have several sources of bias including selection bias, recall bias, diagnostic bias, and information bias. Selection bias occurs at the outset of the study. For example, persons with mild illness usually have a lower likelihood of reporting to a health care facility and thus a lower likelihood of being included in a hospital-based study or evaluation of surveillance data. Consequently, surveillance and hospital-based studies of marine neurotoxins may overstate the importance of severe sequelae such as neurological symptoms and understate the importance of mild sequelae such as gastrointestinal symptoms. One of the important contributions of outbreak investigations is to actively identify persons with mild illness or persons exposed to toxin but who did not develop illness. This, in turn, greatly contributes to the understanding of the spectrum of disease and illness risks associated with a particular toxin.
A new type of seafood toxicity, called amnesic shellfish poisoning, was described from 107 human cases after individuals consumed mussels containing domoic acid harvested from Prince Edward Island, Canada, in 1987. Most of these cases experienced gastroenteritis, and many older persons or others with underlying chronic illnesses developed neurologic symptoms including memory loss. Standard treatment procedures for the neurologic condition were not effective and three patients died. Domoic acid is a known neurototoxin, and it is believed that in these cases enough toxin was absorbed through the gastrointestinal system to cause lesions in the central nervous system. The most severely affected cases still have significant memory loss 5 years after the incident. The source of the domoic acid was identified as the pennate diatom, Nitzschia pungens f. multiseries , which was ingested by the mussels during normal filter feeding. A possible biosynthetic pathway for the toxin has recently been determined. Certain marine macroalgae also contain this toxin but have no association with human illness. Domoic acid, produced by N. pseudodelicatissima , has been found in shellfish in other eastern Canadian locations. In addition, domoic acid was identified in anchovies and pelicans in Monterey Bay, California, the source of which was Pseudonitzschia australis . In November, 1991, domoic acid was found in razor clams and crabs harvested in Washington and Oregon States and may have caused human illness from ingestion of the clams. Control mechanisms have been put in place in Canada to prevent harvesting of the shellfish at ≥20 μg/g, and no further human illness has been reported since the 1987 episode.
Marine biotoxins have been monitored in shellfish since 1993 following a widespread outbreak of what appeared to be neurotoxic shellfish poisoning (NSP). Since the 1993 outbreak, there have been a number of events where levels of each of the four major types of marine biotoxins in shellfish have exceeded regulatory limits. There have been three small outbreaks of diarrhoeic shellfish poisoning (DSP). However, the human health risk posed by marine biotoxins is considered to be low compared with some other risks to public health. Consequently, the Ministry of Health has modified the marine biotoxin surveillance programme. Shellfish monitoring will now be concentrated on fewer sites. Phytoplankton monitoring is being evaluated in a number of areas of lesser risk. Toxic shellfish poisoning (TSP) is notifiable as acute gastroenteritis. Medical practitioners can support surveillance by notifying any suspect cases to the local medical officer of health.
In the present study a search was made for a plankton which transmit a fat-soluble toxin to shellfish and thus lead to a new type of shellfish poisoning. A regular monitoring on phytoplanktons at 10 m and 24 m depths of Okkirai Bay revealed that the occurrence of a dinoflagellate Dinophysis fortii paralleled well, both in time and quantity, with the variation of mussel toxicity. When sea water samples were passed through sieves of varying mesh sizes, toxicity was detectable only in a sample trapped in a 40–95µm fraction. D. fortii was not only concentrated exclusively in this fraction but also its abundance was proportional to the toxicity levels of the plankton samples. Possibility of other organism being toxic was eliminated by comparing the abundance of each species in sieved fractions of different sources. The plankton toxin was indistinguishable from the mussel toxin in both gel permeation chromatography and partition chromatography. All the above results unequivocally support that D. fortii is responsible for inducing toxicity in shellfish. It was proposed to name the toxin dinophysistoxin and the poisoning diarrhetic shellfish poisoning. © 1980, The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science. All rights reserved.