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A new duty cycle based digital multiplexing technique


Abstract and Figures

A new multiplexing technique which is called duty cycle division multiplexing (DCDM) is presented in this paper. Theoretical and simulation studies have been carried out to evaluate the performance of this technique based on the signal energy and symbol error rate (SER). A wireless channel based on free space propagation model is considered for the simulation study. Two modulation schemes of PSK and QAM are used to evaluate the technique, against the data rates. Also, the performance of the multiplexing technique is compared with the conventional Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) technique as well as with the multilevel M-ary signaling. The study shows that the energy per bit in the DCDM technique, unlike that of the TDM technique increases with the number of users. The simulation results correspond with the theoretical study in which the DCDM technique has better SER than that of TDM.
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A New Duty Cycle Based Digital Multiplexing
Mohamad Khazani Abdullah1, Ghafour Amouzad Mahdiraji1, Mohamed Faisal Elhag1,
Ahmed Fauzi Abas1, Edmond Zahedi2 and Makhfudzah Mokhtar1
1Photonics Laboratory, Department of Computer and Communication Systems Engineering,
Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.
2Department of Electrical, Electronic & System Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.
Abstract––A new multiplexing technique which is called duty
cycle division multiplexing (DCDM) is presented in this paper.
Theoretical and simulation studies have been carried out to
evaluate the performance of this technique based on the signal
energy and symbol error rate (SER). A wireless channel based on
free space propagation model is considered for the simulation
study. Two modulation schemes of PSK and QAM are used to
evaluate the technique, against the data rates. Also, the
performance of the multiplexing technique is compared with the
conventional Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) technique as
well as with the multilevel M-ary signaling. The study shows that
the energy per bit in the DCDM technique, unlike that of the
TDM technique increases with the number of users. The
simulation results correspond with the theoretical study in which
the DCDM technique has better SER than that of TDM.
Keywords—Duty cycle, multiplexing technique.
Multiplexing is an essential part in a communication system
where multiple data streams are transmitted simultaneously
through a single link, whether the link is based on coaxial
cable, fiber, radio, or satellite [1, 3]. Multiplexing is widely
employed due to its capability to increase transmission
capacity and to reduce system costs [2]. There are three basic
types of multiplexing technique in communication systems;
time division multiplexing (TDM) [4-6], frequency or
wavelength division multiplexing (FDM) [3, 7] or (WDM) [8-
10], and code division multiplexing (CDM) [11-15].
TDM is the most widely used multiplexing technique in
communication systems today [16-17]. However, for
multiplexing high number of users with high data rates, high-
speed multiplexer and de-multiplexer are required, resulting in
very high cost for TDM systems [18-19, 26]. At higher speeds
clock recovery is another essential issue that may render the
system highly complicated and costly for TDM systems [20-
23]. Therefore, many investigations have been done to design
and develop reliable and cost-effective clock recovery
modules for TDM in both the electrical and optical (thus,
OTDM) versions [20-25].
Realizing these problems, duty cycle division multiplexing
(DCDM) is proposed in this paper as an alternative
multiplexing technique. In this technique, different users can
share communication media and transmit data simultaneously
by using the same frequency band, but with a different duty
cycle. The proposed technique also has an inherent property
which allows for better clock recovery (however, this is not
within the scope of this paper).
The purpose of this paper is to introduce the new
multiplexing technique and compares this technique with
TDM. In section II, the basic functions and characteristics of
DCDM are explained based on the theories. The results of a
simulation study are discussed in the subsequent section,
which is then followed by a conclusion.
A. Basic Function
The DCDM technique is based the unipolar return to zero
(RZ) line code. In this technique, each user transmits a bit of 0
with zero volts within Ts second where Ts is symbol duration,
and bit 1 is transmitted with +A volts with a duration less than
Ts seconds. The technique defines the duration for ith user as
i (1)
where n represents number of multiplexing users. For
example, for multiplexing 3 users, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd user uses
duration of
T and
T respectively to transmit bit 1s.
Therefore, different users can share communication media to
transmit simultaneously by using the same frequency band but
with different duty cycles. Fig. 1(a) shows an example of a
rectangular signal that carries bit sequences of 11010. Fig.
1(b), (c), and (d), represents the same signal with
T and
T duty cycle respectively, represents as different users. Fig.
1(e) shows the patterns when the 3 users are multiplexed with
the same period of Ts.
The multiplexed signal can then be modulated by using a
single modulator. At the receiver side, after demodulating the
received signal, the original signal can be extracted from the
demodulated signal based on the signal voltage amplitude and
the duty cycle’s time duration.
Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications and
Malaysia International Conference on Communications, 14-17 May 2007, Penang, Malaysia
1-4244-1094-0/07/$25.00 ©2007 IEEE.
Amplitude (V)
Fig. 1. (a) Original rectangular signal carrying bits 11010 with duty cycle of
100% Ts, (b), (c) and (d) 3 multiplexing users with duty cycles of 25, 50 and
75% Ts for user 1, user 2 and user 3 respectively, (e) multiplexed signal of the
3 users.
Based on the number of multiplexing users, there are 2n
possible combinations of bits for n users. In the multiplexed
signal, each of these combinations produces a unique symbol.
Fig. 2(a) shows the 8 possible bits combinations for the case of
3 multiplexing users, and the multiplexed symbols for the 8
cases are presented in Fig. 2(b). By having the knowledge
about this uniqueness at the receiver side, the original data for
each user can be easily distinguished and recovered by taking
1 sample per slot for n+1 slots per Ts seconds. This technique
allows for automatic bit error detection and correction, based
on the sequence of sampled amplitudes per symbol duration.
For the case of multiplexing n users, if only one sample per
slot is taken, then, the 1st sample (taken from the 1st slot), has n
+1 possible levels, the 2nd sample (taken from the 2nd slot), has
n possible levels, the nth sample (taken from the nth slot), has 2
possible levels (0 or A volts), and the last sample (n +1)th,
(taken from the last slot), has 1 possible level which is 0 volt.
B. Signal Energy
The calculation of the average energy per bit of the
multiplexing signal can be obtained by considering all possible
combinations of bits for a specific number of users. For
example, Fig. 2(b) shows the method for calculating the
average energy per bit for the case of 3 multiplexing users.
The average energy per bit of the DCDM technique can be
defined as:
bitavg TA
= (2)
where A is sign al amplitude in volt, Ts is signal symbol
duration in second and n is number of users. The energy per
bit will be increased linearly as the number of multiplexed
user is increased. This is important as it helps to improve the
signal transmission quality at a larger number of users.
Case 1
Case 2
Case 6
Case 7
Case 8
Case 3
Case 4
)4/(40 =
Case 5
User 3
User 2
User 1
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. (a) The 8 possible bits combination for multiplexing 3 users, (b)
multiplexed symbols for the 8 cases and the average energy per bit for 3 users.
C. Comparison of DCDM with M-ary and TDM technique
M-ary signaling is normally used to transmit multiple
amplitudes, each one representing 2 bits or more. The main
purpose of M-ary is to increase the bandwidth efficiency
whereby many bits can be transmitted by a single symbol. If
each bit is assumed to represent a different user, then M-ary
can also be used for multiplexing, thus worthy of comparison
with the new scheme.
Two comparisons are done which are based on the number
of signal voltage levels and on the average energy per bit
versus number of users. Fig. 3 shows the theoretical results for
the signal voltage level versus number of users for the DCDM,
TDM and M-ary techniques. Comparison study shows that the
number of voltage levels in the TDM remained fixed to 2
levels, for the DCDM technique it increased as (n +1), and for
the M-ary technique it increased as (2n). Thus, in order to
multiplex 15 users, the TDM, DCDM and M-ary techniques
require 2, 16 and 32768 signal voltage levels respectively.
This result shows the disadvantage of the M-ary technique
which makes it impossible to use as a multiplexing technique
for high number of users. Therefore, the next comparison is
continued between the TDM and DCDM only.
Number of voltage level versus number of user
0 5 10 15 20
Number of user
Number of voltage leve
Fig. 3. Number of signal voltage level versus number of user for the M-ary
and DCDM techniqu e.
Based on signal energy, the average energy per bit for the
DCDM is calculated as presented in Fig. 2, based on Eq. (2).
For the TDM, the same method shown in Fig. 2 is used to
calculate the average energy per bit of the TDM signals, which
is defined as
=. (3)
Fig. 4 shows the average energy per bit of the TDM and
DCDM for multiplexing up to 15 users. The figure shows that
the average energy per bit of the DCDM increased linearly
with the number of multiplexing user whereas the average
energy per bit for TDM reduced. This increment of energy in
the DCDM is very important because, it makes this technique
able to support higher number of multiplexing user compared
with the TDM, considering the energy per bit only.
The other advantages of the DCDM technique include
simple transmitter design, error detection and correction
capability and better clock recovery. For example, as far as
transmitter design is concerned, the OTDM technique requires
one modulator for each user [27, 28]. The use of multiple
modulators is costly and may lead to cross-talks [4]. On the
other hand, the DCDM technique requires only a single
modulator for all the users. This is much chipper and at the
same time avoiding the cross-talk problems.
Also note that there are various transitions taking place
within the period Ts. If the duty cycle is less than 100%, there
will always be a transition between any two consecutive
symbols except for the case when all users are transmitting 0
bits consecutively which is highly unlikely (especially as the
number of users increases). The transition is important in that
it provides a simple means to recover the clock timing.
Normalized energy per bit versus number of user
0 5 10 15 20
Number o f use r
Average energy per bit (J)
Fig. 4. Normalized avera ge energy per bit versus num ber of user for DCDM
and TDM.
A simulation study has been done in order to compare the
performance of the DCDM with the TDM technique. The
simulation has been set for a wireless transmission with the
additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). Two modulation
schemes of 16-PSK and 16-QAM have been applied to
compare the performance of the two multiplexing techniques.
A. Simulation Set Up
The parameters used in this simulation study are presented
in Table I, applicable for both the DCDM and TDM
techniques. A block diagram of the DCDM technique is
depicted in Fig. 5.
The performance simulation is studied considering two of
the main impairment factors which are attenuation and noise.
As the transmitter and receiver antenna are assumed to be in
line-of-sight, therefore, the free space propagation model is
used to calculate the attenuation in the communication media.
The attenuation of the communication media calculated based
on the Friis free space equation [29] is
++= c
GGPP rttr
log20 (4)
where Pt and Pr are the transmitted and received power in
watts, Gt and Gr are the transmitter and receiver antenna gain,
d is the transmitter and receiver separation distance in meters,
f is the carrier frequency and c represents the speed of light for
space which is 8
103× m/s [29-30]. Pt is assumed be the same
as the baseband signal power which is calculated from the
energy content of the multiplexed signals shown in Eq. (2) and
(3) for the DCDM and TDM respectively.
Fig. 5. Block diagram of the DCDM technique for multiplexing 7 users.
Fixed design parameter s for th e DCDM and TDM technique
DCDM 1 + number of user Number of sample per
symbol TDM number of u ser
Number of pulse per simulation 10000
Number of mu ltiplex ing user 15
Modulation scheme 16-PSK, 16-QAM
Number of level (M) TDM 2
Propagation model Free space propagation loss (FSPL)
Carrier frequ ency 4 GHz
Transmitter power Baseband signal power
Transmitter and receiver antenna Fixed, line-of-sight
Noise parameters k = 1.38e-23 J/ºK, F = 10 dB
Tant = 300 ºK, To = 300 ºK
Signal voltage amplitude per user 150 mV
Transmitter antenna gain (Gt) 16 dB
Receiver antenna gain (Gr) 20dB
Distance (d) 8 km
The amount of thermal noise that is considered in the
communication media is given by [29-30]
nnn BkTP = (5)
where the Pn is thermal noise power (W), k is the Boltzmann’s
constant of 1.38 × 10-23 J/ºK, Tn is known as the equivalent
noise temperature and Bn is the equivalent noise bandwidth.
The noise bandwidth is assumed to be equal with the
multiplexed signal bandwidth. The noise temperature is
calculated as [29-30]
)1( += FTTT antn D (6)
where the Tant is noise temperature of the antenna, To is
temperature of source and F is antenna noise figure in dB.
Temperature of the antenna and source are assumed to be at
the room temperatur e of 27oC.
In order to calculate the SER of the DCDM and TDM with
both the PSK and QAM modulation scheme, the simulation is
modeled in the Matlab environment. In this software the SER
calculates using the direct method, by comparing the
transmitted and received data, (i.e. Number of error / Number
of transmitted bit).
B. Simulation Results
Fig. 6 and 7 show the simulation results of the SER versus
bit rate of the TDM and DCDM for the case of PSK and QAM
respectively. In this simulation the number of multiplexing
users is fixed to 15 users. The data rate of each user is varied
from 1 to 15 Mbps per user contributing to the maximum total
data rate of 225 Mbps.
The results show that for all bit rates, the DCDM has better
performance than the TDM in both modulation schemes. This
is because of the higher energy per bit of the DCDM signals as
previously shown.
By comparing the two modulation schemes, Fig. 8 shows
that, QAM has better SER than PSK for modulating the
DCDM signal.
Although, the symbol error rate is high, the main objective
of comparing the performance of the two techniques is
nevertheless achieved.
SER versus data rate for PSK
0 5 10 15 20
Data rate per user (Mbps)
Fig. 6. SER versus bit rate per user of DCDM and TDM for the case of PSK.
SER vers us data rate for QAM
0 5 10 15 20
Data rate per user (Mbps)
Fig.7. SER versus bit rate of DCDM and TDM for the case of QAM.
SER vers us data ra te for DCDM
0 5 10 15 20
Dat a rat e p er u ser (Mbps)
Fig. 8. SER versus data rate of DCD M using PSK and QAM.
The principle of the DCDM technique has been discussed in
this paper by comparing with M-ary and TDM techn iques. The
theoretical results show that if the M-ary technique used as
multiplexing technique, the number of signal voltage level is
increased by 2n which is impractical. However, it is possible
for the DCDM in which the number of signal level is only (1+
n). Although TDM has the advantage of smaller amplitude
levels, its energy content decreases with the number of users.
On the other hand DCDM energy content impr oves with th e
number of users. The simulation results clearly show the better
performance of DCDM than that of TDM whether the signals
are QAM or PSK modulated. For DCDM, QAM proves to be
a better modulation scheme. Although the simulation
considers only thermal noise, the generality of the
transmission performance of DCDM in comparison with TDM
is maintained. The other inherent advantages of the DCDM
technique considered for future reports are simpler transmitter,
better error detection and correction, and better clock
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... 3LCDM system has intrinsic sensitivity penalty as compared to the binary signals, due to fragmentation of the main eye to smaller eyes [16]. Another multiplexing technique that can support multiple users per WDM channel is duty cycle division multiplexing (DCDM) [17]. 3LCDM technique is quite similar to DCDM technique in the encoding process, but with unique properties for its decoding part. ...
... 3LCDM technique is quite similar to DCDM technique in the encoding process, but with unique properties for its decoding part. In terms of capacity, 3LCDM is designed for two users per channel only while DCDM can support more than two users per channel [17,18]. However, looking at both systems' performance for the same number of users (i.e., two users per channel), 3LCDM has a few advantages compared to DCDM. ...
... 3LCDM system uses only RZ and NRZ line coding [12,13]. However, in DCDM technique, the usage of RZ at different percentages [17,18] of the duty cycle makes the system more complex. Another drawback of DCDM is the use of a guard band in the system's clock recovery [17,18], thus requiring more bandwidth than 3LCDM clock recovery. ...
Full-text available
A new dispersion map is designed for three-level code division multiplexing (3LCDM) of a 40 Gb/s (2×20Gb/s)(2\times 20\, \hbox {Gb/s}) over 500 km (5×100km)(5\times 100\,\hbox {km}) standard single mode fiber. The results show that an 87.5 % dispersion compensation ratio was the optimum map for the 3LCDM system. The system performance is improved by 6 dB in optical signal-to-noise ratio, 6 dB in receiver sensitivity and 3 dB in self-phase modulation threshold. Based on these improvements, the 3LCDM performance is comparable to the available multiplexing and modulation techniques while offering simpler transmitter and receiver architecture.
... However, the broad spectrum signals used make the signals less tolerant to dispersion [3], thus making these signals to be only suitable for shorter distance or low speed transmission. Another multiplexing technique that can support multiple users per WDM channel is duty cycle division multiplexing (DCDM) [4]. For three-level code division multiplexing (3LCDM), it is a different multiplexing technique that can support two users per channel [5,6,7]. ...
Conference Paper
In this work, a spectrally efficient 6-user APDCDM based Optical communication system is theoretically investigated and verified using simulation. The data rate considered here is 10 Gbps for each user and it propagates over 150 km standard single mode fiber. Average energy per bit with and without guard band is calculated for all the 64 cases of 6×10 Gbps system. Performance parameters like BER, receiver sensitivity and null to null bandwidth is also evaluated for this system. The simulation design and the analysis are performed using Optisystem and MATLAB
Conference Paper
In this research, performance of Three Level Code Division Multiplexing (3LCDM) technique is investigated for high-speed optical fiber communication systems. It is shown that 40 Gb/s (2×20 Gb/s) 3LCDM system perform s better than the conventional 40 Gb/s non return to zero (NRZ-OOK) in term the dispersion tolerance. At 40 Gb/s, the lower level displays a nearly analogous behaviour of positive and negative chromatic dispersions tolerance which stands about ±98 ps/nm while the upper level has chromatic dispersion tolerance of ±81 ps/nm at BER of 10-9. These values are higher than that of 40 Gb/s conventional NRZ, which is approximately ±49 ps/nm.
Conference Paper
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In this paper, wavelength division multiplexed optical communication system is designed based on duty cycle division multiplexing. The design is proposed for 6-users, each one assigned a different RZ duty cycle and with a data rate of 10 Gbps. A hybrid DCDM/WDM system is thus designed by modulating each group of 6-users DCDM system with different wavelength in a single channel. Using this technique, 3×60 Gbps data rate is transmitted over 50 km SSMF and recovered by using 10 GHz clock thereby utilizing the channel capacity of WDM system. The design is simulated using Optisystem ver-5 and MATLAB.
A new multi-slot and multi-level coding technique for high capacity communication system, known as Multi Slot Amplitude Coding (MSAC) is presented. This technique offers better flexibility in terms of defining the symbol based on time slot and signal level in order to generate more unique symbols as a line code with better clock information since all the symbols have zero level (return-to-zero) at the beginning. A set of mathematical equations have been established to relate the parameters of MSAC symbol properties. Theoretical analysis to evaluate the performance of this technique based on the number of slot and the number of signal level against conventional Time Division Multiplexing (TDM), multilevel Mary signaling, and Duty Cycle Division Multiplexing (DCDM) are discussed. The comparison shows that MSAC technique is capable to maximize the number of supportable tributaries with better utilization of the slot and the signal level.
Duty Cycle Division Multiplexing (DCDM) hasbeen shown to be able to improve utilization of the optical bandwidth. However, the challenge arises on its signal recoveryat the receiver ends. Decision making protocol plays an important role to determine the correctness of its regenerated data. Previous approach regenerate inaccurate data due to its assumption that all received signals are valid. Thus, the automatic mapping is used in their decision process with no consideration on invalid signals. Due to this motivation, we design a new signal recovery protocol for DCDM. In this protocol, the signal properties such as amplitude level, distance between slots, number of slot change and probabilities of occurrence are used in order to discriminate the received signal into an appropriate data. The simulation is established through OptiSystem simulator and Matlab programming. It is observed that an improvement of the BER by 16.2 percent can be achieved using the new proposed protocol.
Conference Paper
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Timing jitter of an OPLL based clock recovery is investigated. We demonstrate how loop gain, input and VCO signal jitter, loop filter bandwidth and a loop time delay influence jitter of the extracted clock signal
Optical fibers are used extensively for data transmission systems because of their dielectric nature and their large information-carrying capacity. Network architectures using multiple wavelength channels per optical fiber are utilized in local, metropolitan, or wide-area applications to connect thousands of users having a wide range of transmission capacities and speeds. A powerful aspect of an optical communication link is that many different wavelengths can be sent along a fiber simultaneously in the 1300-to-1600- nm spectrum. The technology of combining a number of wavelengths onto the same fiber is known as wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). The concept of WDM used in conjunction with optical amplifiers has resulted in communication links that allow rapid communications between users in countries all over the world.
Passive optical matched filtered detection (MFD) has been employed in many proposed optical pulse code division multiple access (CDMA) system implementations, driving the development of unipolar pseudo-orthogonal codes (incoherent). Coherent optical pulse CDMA systems based on coherent correlation detection (CCD) through homodyne correlation detection (HCD) and self-HCD directly in the optical domain is proposed. With HCD, optical sequences from a pulsed laser, modulated by the data and encoded by an optical tapped delay-line encoder, are multiplexed in an optical fiber network. At the receiver, the optical code sequence of the intended user is locally generated. Through proper code and carrier phase synchronization, the local optical code is multiplied with the received signal chip by chip via an optical correlator consisting of a 3-dB coupler and a balanced detector. Thresholding is performed in the electrical domain after integration of the optical correlator output over one bit interval. The self HCD approach utilizes two bipolar code sequences multiplexed alternately in time, obviating the need for the generation of a local code at the receiver. The received signal is divided at the receiver, decoded by two encoders (matched to those at the transmitters), and correlated via the optical correlator. The removal for the need of the local oscillator avoids the stringent implementation issues with HCD such as optical frequency stability and carrier phase noise. Following a description of the two implementations, system performances are theoretically analyzed and a comparison of the several approaches given
Conference Paper
The proposed paper presents a novel multimedia multiplexing protocol that enables the transmission of multimedia data over several wireless networks at the same time. The multiplexer system has been designed to be adaptive, maximizing the performance. Traffic control and congestion reactive techniques, based on channel parameter estimations, are provided. Data error protection mechanisms are illustrated and performance/efficiency issues are discussed using the simulation results. The frame structure of the protocol, the advantages, and the flexibility that can be provided to future wireless systems are highlighted. Additionally, the performance of multimedia multiplexing and transmission in noisy environments is presented and improvements compared with existing systems and the ITU H.223 standard, are highlighted.
Conference Paper
Future 10 Gbit/s-TDM systems demand high-speed circuits with a high level of integration in order to be reliable and cost-effective. The building blocks of a 10 Gbit/s-system and a four-part chip-set (16:1 multiplexer, laser-/modulator-driver, AGC-amplifier, 1:16 demultiplexer) are described. The results show the suitability of Si-bipolar technologies for this data rate
Conference Paper
Optical multiplexing is considered for gigabit-per-second (Gb/s) long distance transmission networks with emphasis on applications for which optical techniques can offer remote signal processing using passive components. Experimental transmission systems, operating at multi-Gb/s line rates and using both optical-time-division multiplexing and wavelength-division multiplexing are described. Particular attention is given to demonstrating realistic practical systems, emphasizing control and the use of commercially available components