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Using Semantic Wikis to Support Software Reuse
Sajjan G. Shiva
The University of Memphis/Department of Computer Science, Memphis, TN, USA
Lubna A. Shala
The University of Memphis/Department of Computer Science, Memphis, TN, USA
Abstract— It has been almost four decades since the idea of
software reuse was proposed. Many success stories have
been told, yet it is believed that software reuse is still in the
development phase and has not reached its full potential.
How far are we with software reuse research? What have
we learned from previous software reuse efforts? This paper
is an attempt to answer these questions and propose a
software reuse repository system based on semantic Wikis.
In addition to supporting general collaboration among users
offered by regular wikis, semantic Wikis provide means of
adding metadata about the concepts and relations that are
contained within the Wiki. This underlying model of domain
knowledge enhances the software repository navigation and
search performance and result in a system that is easy to use
for non-expert users while being powerful in the way in
which new artifacts can be created and located.
Index Terms— Software Reuse, Architecture, Domain
Engineering, Product Lines, Component, Software
Repository, Wiki, Knowledgebase, Metadata, Semantic,
Ontology, Semantic Search, Retrieval System.
The gap between the rising demands of complex
software systems and the ability to deliver quality
software in a timely and cost effective manner keeps
increasing. This has resulted in a great pressure to
improve productivity and efficiency of software
development. Several years of research in software
engineering have suggested that the key to speed up
software development and reduce its cost is to avoid
“reinventing” existing software artifacts by reusing
previously developed software when possible.
Software Reuse is defined as the process of building or
assembling software applications and systems from
previously developed software. It has been associated
with software engineering since its early days as the
NATO Software Engineering Conference in 1968 marked
the birth of the idea of systematic software reuse as well
as the formal birth of the field of software engineering.
Based on “Software Reuse: Research and Practice”, by Sajjan Shiva
and Lubna Shala which appeared in the Proceedings of the Fourth
International Conference on Information Technology: New
Generations, ITNG '07, April 2-4 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. ©
2007 IEEE.
Since then, reuse has been a popular topic of research and
debate for almost forty years in the software community.
The notion of software reusability is not a new idea; it
has been practiced informally since the early days of
software development. Many developers have
successfully reused known algorithms and sections of
code from older programs. However, this is usually done
informally when opportunities arise, i.e., opportunistic
reuse. While opportunistic reuse might work well for
individual or small groups of programmers, it is very
limited and dependent on these programmers’ skills. The
full benefit of software reuse can only be achieved by
systematic software reuse that is conducted formally as an
integral part of the software development cycle by
constructing and applying multi-use artifacts such as
architectures, patterns, components, and frameworks.
Although a potentially powerful technology, systematic
software reuse is still uncommon in the corporate world.
Even though several major corporations have adopted
systematic reuse programs and despite the advances in
reuse enabling technology, systematic reuse in practice is
still a difficult goal to accomplish. Therefore, the search
for tools and technologies to promote successful and
productive reuse is still an active area of research.
Numerous approaches to successful systematic
software reuse have been proposed over the past four
decades. Four of these main approaches are described in
the next few sections of this paper. Several major
corporations such as Hewlett-Packard and AT&T have
successfully adopted software reuse. A few of these reuse
successful stories in industry are discussed in a later
The final section of the paper presents our proposal to
a software reuse repository system that is based on
semantic wikis. A semantic wiki is a structured wiki that
is enhanced with semantic web technologies by the
addition of an underlying model of its page content
knowledge (ontology). It combines the strength of easy to
use and collaborative wiki pages, and machine accessible
semantic web. A software reuse system that is based on
semantic wikis provide a scheme where software
developers and engineers can collaborate together to
build a software repository that is easy to maintain and
search which can lead to an effective systematic reuse.
Since the concept of systematic software reuse was
proposed in 1968, several approaches have been
suggested to achieve the promised potential of software
reuse. Four of the major approaches are component-based
software reuse, metadata-based software reuse, software
architecture and design reuse, and domain engineering
and software product lines. Component-based software
development approach is based on the idea that there are
so many similar components in different software
systems that new systems can be built more rapidly and
economically by assembling components rather than
implementing each system from scratch. Metadata-base
reuse relies on the idea of augmenting components with
additional information about the component itself
(metadata). Architecture-based reuse extends the
definition of reusable assets to a whole design or
subsystem composing of components and relationship
among them. Domain engineering captures the
commonalities and variabilities in a set of software
systems and uses them to build reusable assets. The three
approaches are not mutually exclusive and in many cases
a combination is used. The following sections briefly
survey each of these approaches and some of their
common methods and techniques.
The notion of building software from reused
components the same way electronic circuits are built
from prefabricated ICs was first published in the NATO
conference in 1968. The idea emerged from object-
oriented development failure to support systematic reuse,
which needed more abstract components than detailed
and specific object classes. Component-based
development (CBD) allows the reuse of large and highly
abstract enterprise components so fewer components are
needed to build the application. This reduces the
assembling and integration efforts required when
constructing large applications [1].
A software component is a prewritten element of
software with clear functionality and a well-defined
interface that identifies its behaviour and interaction
mechanism. McClure [1] identifies several properties a
software component is expected to have to be reusable.
These properties include a set of common functionality, a
well-defined interface that hides implementation details,
the ability to inter-operate with other components, and the
ability to be reusable in several different software
applications and systems
The biggest challenge facing component based
software reuse is managing a large number of stored
reusable components efficiently to allow fast allocating
and retrieving. While all component-based development
systems include a library or a repository to store pre-built
components, the best way to structure these repositories
and implement the search interface has not been agreed
upon. Several methods have been proposed in literature
since the early days of component reuse. Below is a
summary of the most common approaches.
A. Component Repository Structuring and Retrieval
The repository structure is an essential factor in
obtaining good retrieval results. Even though some
retrieval algorithms can provide adequate effectiveness
with minimal indexing and structuring efforts, poorly
structured repository with insufficiently indexed
components will not have a good retrieval performance
regardless of the retrieval algorithm [2].
Software repository structuring (indexing) methods
can be divided to two main categories: manual and
automatic indexing. Common examples of manual
indexing include enumerated and faceted classification.
Automatic indexing most common method is free-text
Enumerated Classification involves defining a
hierarchical structure of categories and subcategories
where actual components are at the leaf level of the
classification tree. The hierarchical structure is easy to
use and understand and provides a natural searching
method of navigating in the classification tree. However,
the main problems with this classification include its
inflexibility and difficulty to change as the indexing
domain evolves. Additionally, it requires extensive
domain analysis before classifying components into
exclusive categories. Furthermore, retrieving classified
components is only easy for users who understand the
structure and contents of the repository; users unfamiliar
with the structure will most likely be lost. Finally, Single
classification can not represent complicated domains as
no one classification is correct under all circumstances.
Faceted classification was proposed by Ruben Prieto-
Diaz in 1987 [3]. It defines a set of mutually exclusive
facets combine to completely describe all the components
in a domain. Each facet can be described by a group of
different terms. Users search for components by choosing
a term to describe each of the facets. A faceted
classification scheme gives freedom to create complex
relationships by combining facets and terms. It is much
easier to modify than a hierarchical classification because
one facet can be changed without affecting others in the
classification scheme. On the other hand, users must be
familiar with the structure of the facets and their terms.
Also, sometimes it is not obvious what combination of
terms to use in the search.
Free-text indexing uses the words in a document to
create index term lists that contain all words along with
how many times they appear in the document. Most free-
text indexing techniques work with a stop list that
prevents certain high-frequency words such as “a”, “the”,
and “is” from being indexed. To find a document that
contains a set of keywords, users specify these keywords
that are matched against the index term list to find the
best matching documents. Even though easy to build and
works very well in many applications including online
search engines, free-text indexing is not suitable for
indexing code and other software artifacts. Free-text
indexing relies heavily on natural language rules and use
statistical measures that need large bodies of text to be
accurate. However code has arbitrary rules of grammar
and allows the use of non-words and abbreviation and
may contain minimum or no documentation [2].
B. Repository Retrieval Issues
Effective repository retrieval interfaces are essential to
the success of any component-base development system.
These interfaces, however, must overcome several issues
before they can serve their purpose in supporting
software reuse. One major issue is the reuse barrier. Most
current reuse repository systems are designed as a
separate process, independent of current development
processes and tools assuming that software developers
will start the reuse process when they need to. This
assumption, however, is often incorrect. Several
empirical studies suggested that “no attempt to reuse” is
the most common failure mode in the reuse process.
Because of the large and constantly changing component
repositories, programmers often fail to correctly
anticipate the existence of reusable components. When
developers do not believe that a component exists, they
will not even make an attempt to find it [4]. Therefore,
the reuse process will never be initiated in the first place.
A second issue with repository retrieval systems is
vocabularies and ill-defined queries submitted by non-
expert users. This issue is a consequence of another faulty
assumption repository retrieval systems make that
developers know exactly what they need and can translate
it into well-defined queries. Very often, searchers have a
vague idea of what they need to find and can not express
it in a clear set of terms. Even if users know what they are
looking for, they may not have the knowledge needed to
express it in the terms and vocabularies the retrieval
system uses. The same person might use different terms
to describe the same needed item at different times
Furthermore, repositories are usually indexed by experts
who might use terms that non-expert developers are not
familiar with [2]. According to a study conducted in
2006, novice developers are more likely to reuse than
expert ones [5]. Therefore, novice developers should be
the target users for these systems.
C. Existing Retrieval Tools
Several tools have been proposed in literature to
facilitate software reuse process. Expert system based
reuse tools were developed in mid 1990s [6]. Many other
tools were also proposed to address the retrieval issues
described above. This section presents three of these
tools: CodeFinder, CodeBroker, and Hipikat.
CodeFinder was first proposed by Henninger in 1995
[2] to support the process of retrieving software
components when information needs are ill-defined and
users are not familiar with terms used in the repository. It
employs two techniques: intelligent retrieval method that
finds information associatively related to the query, and
query construction supported through incremental
refinement of queries. The main idea is to create a
retrieval method that utilizes minimal, low cost repository
structure and evolves to adapt to user needs.
The proposed system is composed of three main parts:
a tool (PEEL) to initially populate the repository with
reusable components, a searching mechanism, and an
adapting tool to refine the repository when needed.
PEEL (Parse and Extract Emacs Lisp) is a semi-
automatic tool that translates Emacs Lisp (a variant of
Lisp) source code files into individual reusable,
components of functions and routines. These components
are indexed in the repository using terms extracted from
variable and function names and comments preceding
The system provides a user interface that implements
the searching and browsing mechanism to allow the user
to view and brows the hierarchy of the repository as well
as submit search queries. Each time the user sends a
query, the system responds with the retrieved items and a
list of terms used to index each item. This technique helps
users that are not familiar with the terms. As the user
explores the information space, they become more
familiar with repository structure and terms and
incrementally refine their queries based on of previous
results. To address the ill-defined query problem, the
CodeFinder retrieval method does not try to exactly
match the user queries with the item descriptions.
Applying associative network, it uses association to
retrieve items that are relevant to a query but don’t
exactly match it.
CodeFinder, however, does not address the reuse
barrier issue. The user interface and tools are separated
from the Lisp development environment. It relies on the
developer to initiate the reuse process by switching
between the two environments whenever needed. Many
developers overestimate the cost of switching and
searching for reusable item and do not attempt it. In 2001,
Yunwen proposed an active and adaptive reuse repository
system called “CodeBroker” to address this issue [4].
CodeBroker repository system is not a standalone tool;
it is integrated into the development process running
continuously in the background of the development
environment. It is an active system that presents
information when identifies a reuse opportunity without
waiting for users to submit explicit queries. It is also an
adaptive system that captures developer’s preferences and
knowledge level and saves them to a profile used to adapt
the system’s behaviour to each user. User profiles can be
explicitly modified by users (adaptable) or implicitly
updated by the system (adaptive).
The system’s repository is composed of Java API and
General Library. Its architecture consists of three
software agents: listener, presenter, and fetcher. Listener
is a background running process that captures developers’
needs for reusable components and formulates reuse
queries. Whenever a developer finishes a doc comment or
a function definition, Listener automatically extracts the
contents and creates a concept query and passes it to
fetcher. Fetcher executes the query retrieving relevant
components based on concept similarity to the comment
text or constraint compatibility to the function signature.
Presenter displays retrieved components to the user in the
RCI-display taking into consideration user profile
A similar tool to CodeBroker called “Hipikat” was
proposed by Čubranič et al. in 2005 [7]. Hipikat is
essentially intended to assist software developers who
join an existing software development team by
recommending items from the project’s development
history including code, documentation, and bug reports
that may be of relevance to their current task.
Hipikat tool performs two main functions: it builds a
project memory from artifacts created as part of a
software system development, and recommends items
from the project memory that it considers relevant to the
task being performed. These two functions are executed
concurrently and independently. The construction of the
project memory is a continuous process adding and
updating items whenever new project information is
created. Once the project memory updates are committed,
they can be included in recommendations to users [7].
Like CodeBroker, Hipikat is designed to be integrated
in the development environment platform. The tool is a
part of an ongoing research project and its free prototype
Eclipse plug-in can be downloaded online1.
Most software components including source code, test
cases, and design models are not human readable which
makes searching for these components in their repository
harder than searching for text documents [8]. One way to
make a software asset easier to find and retrieve from the
repository is the use of metadata.
Metadata is simply data describing data. In case of
software reuse, metadata is a kind of representation that
describes a software asset from all aspects including how
to use it and how it relates to other assets which helps
locating an asset and determining if it is suitable to be
Reusable software component metadata are collected
in metadata repositories which allows to proactively
manage the metadata and make it available in a highly
consumable manner. One example of a well-known
metadata repository in industry is Logidex, a
collaborative Software Development Asset (SDA)
management tool that simplifies the creation, migration
and integration of enterprise applications. SDA may
contain executables such as software components and
services, software development lifecycle artifacts, and
knowledge assets such as best practices and design
patterns. Logidex has often been used to store the
organization reuse patterns and recommend candidate
components for reuse.
Effective reuse depends not only on finding and
reusing components, but also on the ways those
components are combined [9]. This means reuse of the
control structure of the application. System software
architecture is composed of its software components,
their external properties, and their relationships with one
another. Architecture-based reuse extends the definition
of reusable assets to include these properties and
Shaw classified software architecture into common
architecture styles where every style has four major
elements: components, connectors that mediate
interactions among components, a control structure that
governs execution and rules about other properties of the
system, and a system model that captures the intuition
about how the previous elements are integrated. Some of
the popular architecture styles in [9] are pipeline, data
abstraction, implicit invocation, repository, and layered.
Applying a combination of architecture styles create
architectural patterns [10]. An architectural pattern is a
high-level structure for software systems that contains a
set of predefined sub-systems, defines the responsibilities
of each sub-system, and details the relationships between
sub-systems. Layers, Pipes and Filters, and Blackboard
are some of the common patterns described by Buscmann
et al in [11].
Software systems in the same domain have similar
architectural patterns that can be describe with a generic
architecture (domain architecture). Domain architecture is
then refined to fit individual application in the domain
creating application architecture [1] [10].
Domain engineering, use of specific knowledge and
artifacts to support the development and evolution of
systems, has become a major aspect of disciplined
software reuse. Most organizations work only in a small
number of domains. For each domain they build a family
of systems that vary based on specific customer needs.
Identifying the common features of existing systems
within a particular domain and using these features as a
common base to build a new system in the same domain
may result in higher efficiency and productivity.
Domain engineering has two stages domain analysis
and domain implementation. Domain analysis is the
process of examining the related systems in a domain to
identify the commonalities and variabilities. Domain
implementation is the employment of that information to
develop reusable assets based on the domain
commonalities and use these assets to build new systems
within that domain. Following is an overview of several
known domain engineering approaches.
Domain Analysis and Reuse Environment (DARE) is a
tool developed in 1998 to support capturing domain
information form experts, documents, and code. Captured
domain information is stored in a database (domain book)
that typically contains a generic architecture for the
domain and domain-specific reusable components.
DARE also provides a library search facility with a
windowed interface to retrieve the stored domain
information [12].
Family-Oriented Abstraction, Specification and
Translation (FAST) is a system family generating method
based on an application modeling language (AML). It
was developed by Weiss and Lai at AT&T and continued
to evolve at Lucent Technologies [13].
FAST is a systematic way of guiding software
developers to create the tools needed to generate
members of a software product line using a two-phase
software engineering method: domain engineering phase
and application engineering phase. The domain
engineering phase defines the product line requirements
and design through a Commonality and Variability
Analysis and develops a small special purpose language
to describe these commonalities and variabilities. The
application engineering phase uses the application
modeling language as the basis to generate the
requirements and design of new family members.
Kyo C. Kang and others in Pohang University of
Science and Technology presented a Feature Oriented
Reuse Method (FORM) as an extension to the Feature
Oriented Domain Analysis (FODA) method as FORM
incorporates a marketing perspective and supports
architecture design and object oriented component
development [14]. FORM is a systematic method of
capturing and analyzing commonalities and differences of
applications in a domain (features) and using the results
to develop domain architectures and components. It starts
with feature modeling to discover, understand, and
capture commonalities and variabilities of a product line.
D. KobrA
KobrA is a German acronym (Komponentenbasierte
Anwendungsentwicklung) stands for component-based
application development [1]. The KobrA method offers a
full life-cycle approach that integrates the advantages of
several advanced software engineering technologies
including product line development, component based
software development, and frameworks to provide a
systematic approach to developing high-quality,
component-based application frameworks [15].
KobrA is based on the principle of strictly separating
the product from the process. The products of a KobrA
project are defined independently of, and prior to, the
processes by which they are created, and effectively
represent the goals of these processes. Furthermore,
KobrA is “technology independent” in the sense that it
can be used with all three major component
implementation technologies CORBA, JavaBeans and
Product Line UML-Based Software Engineering
(PLUS) is a model-driven evolutionary development
approach for software product lines. It was introduced by
Gomaa in 2004 as an extension to the single system
UML-base modeling methods to address software
product lines [16]. In addition to analyzing and modeling
a single system, PULS provides a set of concepts and
techniques to explicitly model the commonality and
variability in a software product line. With these concepts
and techniques, object oriented requirements, analysis,
and design models of software product lines are
developed using UML 2.0 notation.
Many organizations have been successful with
software reuse. Hewlett-Packard (HP), for example, has a
long history with different levels of software reuse started
in 1989. It began with the development and networked
distribution of a family instrument modules and evolved
in 1991 to a corporate reuse program that guided several
divisional reuse pilot projects for embedded instrument
and printer firmware [17] [18].
AT&T’s BaseWorkX reuse program started in 1990 as
an internal, large-grain component-reuse and software-
bus technology to support telephone-billing systems. By
1995, AT&T was reusing 80 to 95% of its components
A more recent example was implemented by ISWRIC
(Israel SoftWare Reuse Industrial Consortium), a joint
project of seven leading Israeli industrial companies [19].
It was a two-phase, three-year project started in 2000.
During the first phase, a common software reuse
methodology was developed to enable software
developers to systematically evaluate and compare all
possible alternative reuse scenarios. During the second
phase, all seven participating companies implemented the
methodology in real projects. Each company modified the
model to better fit the specific needs of its pilot projects
and evaluated the methodological aspects relevant to the
pilot projects and the company.
Another industrial application for software reuse that
is becoming more popular is global software distribution
system development (GDSD). Skandia, one of the
world’s top life insurance companies, collaborated with
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) to create several IT-
enabled financial services in different countries by
integrating components developed independently by TCS
and other third-party vendors at their own sites [20].
The appearance of some promising software reuse
tools may lead to more successful industrial software
reuse stories. One example is CodeSmith, the software
generating tool that can produce code for any text-based
language including C#, VB.NET, Java and FORTRAN.
The tool has had a huge success in industry due to its
advanced integrated development environment and its
extensible, template-driven architecture that give
developers full control over the generated code.
The focus of our software reuse research is to build an
efficient component retrieval system that brings together
the best of the systems previously discussed. Integrating
the retrieval system with the development environment
could greatly contribute to increasing developer’s
intention to reuse. Also employing software agents to
create an “intelligent” system that learns to adapt to
different users’ knowledge level and terminology helps
users find the needed components faster and makes the
reuse experience more rewording to developers which
encourage them to attempt it again. The repository
systems should also incorporate machine-readable
metadata which makes software components more
manageable and improves the search performance and the
overall value of the reuse library. However, metadata
alone may not be sufficient to answer queries that require
background knowledge about application domains or
artifacts. Therefore, capturing that background
knowledge using ontologies can significantly increase the
system capability to support a wider range of reuse tasks
[8]. Finally, we are investigating the possibility of further
improving the search and retrieval process using Natural
Language Processing (NLP) techniques.
In the following section we propose a framework for
software reuse that incorporates the features presented
above through the use of semantic wikis that enable
efficient structuring and constant storage of the software
artifacts, and provide a knowledge repository where
content can be accessed and edited collectively using a
web browser.
Before describing the proposed system components,
we introduce some of the important concepts and
terminologies that will be used later in the discussion.
A. Wikis
In general, a Wiki is a web application designed to
support collaborative authoring by allowing multiple
authors to add, remove, and edit content. The word
“Wiki” is a shorter form of “Wiki Wiki Web” derived
from the Hawaiian expression “Wiki Wiki” which means
“quick.” [21]. Wiki systems have been very successful in
enabling non-technical users to create Web content
allowing them to freely share information and evolve the
content without rigid workflows, access restrictions, or
predefined structures.
Throughout the last decade, Wikis have been adopted
as collaborative software for a wide verity of uses
including software development, bug tracking systems,
collaborative writing, project communication and
encyclopedia systems2. Regardless of their purpose,
Wikis usually share the following characteristics [21]
Easy Editing: Traditionally, Wikis are edited using a
simple browser interface which makes editing simple
and allows to modify pages from anywhere with only
minimal technical requirements.
Version Control: Every time the content of Wikis is
updated, the previous versions are kept which allows
rolling back to earlier version when needed.
Searching: Most Wikis support at least title search and
some times a full-text search over the content of all
Access: Most Wikis allow unrestricted access to their
contents while others apply access restrictions by
assigning different levels of permissions to visitors to
view, edit, create or delete pages.
Easy Linking: Pages within a Wiki can be linked by
their title using hyperlinks.
Description on Demand: Links can be defined to
pages that are not created yet, but might be filled with
content in the future.
From the software reuse point of view, Wikis can be
seen as a “lightweight platform for exchanging reusable
artifacts between and within software projects” that has a
low technical usage barrier [22]. However, using Wiki
systems as a knowledge repository for software reuse has
a major drawback. The growing knowledge in Wikis is
not accessible for machines; only humans are able to read
and understand the knowledge in the Wiki pages while
machines can only see a large number of pages that link
to each other. This problem may negatively affect the
Wiki’s searching and navigation performance.
B. Semantic Wikis3
A semantic Wiki is a Wiki that has an underlying
model of the knowledge described in its pages. While
regular Wikis have only pages and hyperlinks, semantic
Wikis allow identifying additional information about the
pages (metadata) and their relations and making that
information available in a formal language (annotations)
such as Resource Description Framework (RDF) and
Web Ontology Language (OWL) accessible to machines
beyond mere navigation. Adding semantics (structure) to
Wikis enhances their performance by adding the
following features [21].
Contextual Presentation: Examples include
displaying semantically related pages separately,
displaying information derived from the underlying
model of knowledge, and rendering the contents of a
page in a different manner based on the context.
Improved Navigation: The semantic framework
allows relating concepts to each other. These relations
enhance navigation by giving easy access to relevant
related information.
Semantic Search: Semantic Wikis support context-
sensitive search on the underlying knowledge base
which allows more advanced queries.
Reasoning Support: Reasoning means deriving
additional implied knowledge from the available facts
using existing or user-defined rules in the underlying
With these enhanced features, semantic Wikis can be
valuable for software reuse. In addition to supporting
general collaboration among users, semantic Wikis
provide means of adding metadata about the concepts
(artifacts) and relations that are contained within the
Wiki. This system has the advantage of being easy to use
3 Semantic Wikis are referred to in some literature as ontology-based
Wikis or “Wikitologies.”
for non-expert users while being powerful in the way in
which new artifacts can be created and stored [23].
C. Proposed System Components
We propose a framework for software reuse repository
system that can stand alone or be integrated in a software
development environment (IDE) enabling users to access
and update a semantic repository of reusable software
artifacts. The system is based on a semantic Wiki, which
allows efficient structuring and storage of the software
artifacts as well as reasoning about the repository’s
completeness and consistency. Another major advantage
of using semantic wikis for software repository is that it
allows for standard keyword search as well as faceted-
based browsing which enables users to select artifacts
according to certain facets.
The proposed system consists of the following
Repository: contains the stored reusable software
User Interface: a web editor that enables users to
manipulate the semantic repository adding and
updating software artifacts as well as metadata about
these artifacts.
Tools and Templates: to help users add and update
metadata about software components.
Semantic Search: supports context-based search for
relevant items.
NLP Component: enhances the searching and
retrieval capabilities.
A simplified diagram of these components is shown in
Fig. 1 below.
User Interface
components Documentation Metadata
Semantic Wiki
Tools and
Figure 1.
Proposed System.
As a result of the increasing popularity of semantic
wikis and their applications in the last few years, several
software reuse systems have been proposed that are based
on ontology or semantic Wiki.
The first one was presented in 2005 in [22] as Self-
organized Reuse of Software Engineering Knowledge
Supported by Semantic Wikis which was part of the RISE
(Reuse in Software Engineering) project. It proposes an
approach to support self-organized reuse by using
semantic Wikis augmented with domain-specific
ontologies to provide a means to manage the organic
growth implied by the Wiki approach. Self-organized
implies that the community does not only provide the
artifacts to be reused, but also cares about how to
organize them which distribute the effort for the
“development of artifacts for reuse” within the
community. The authors provide an application example
for gathering and exchanging artifacts during the
requirement phase of software development.
Another system was introduced in 2006 in [8] as
KOntoR—an ontology-enabled approach to software
reuse. The presented KOntoR architecture consists of two
major elements: an XML-based metadata repository
component to describe software artifacts independently
from a particular format, and a knowledge component
which comprises an ontology infrastructure and reasoning
to leverage background knowledge about the artifacts.
Finally, one of the selected projects for Google’s
Summer Code program in 2007 is titled Semantic-aware
software component provisioning: actually reusing
software4. The project aims to “project aims to actually
achieve software reuse in an effective, reliable and
developer-friendly fashion.” However, no architecture or
implementation details are given.
Software reuse is a longtime practiced method.
Programmers have copied and pasted snippets of code
since early days of programming. Even though it might
speed up the development process, this “code snippet
reuse” is very limited does not work for larger projects.
The full benefit of software reuse can only be achieved
by systematic reuse that is conducted formally as an
integral part of the software development cycle.
This paper gives a summary of some important aspects
of software reuse research and presents a rough proposal
for a software reuse repository system that is based on
semantic wikis. The next step will be to further research
the concept and implement a prototype to ensure its
Systematic software reuse is proposed to increase
software development productivity and quality and lead
to economic benefits. Several successful software reuse
programs in industry have been reported. Yet, it is agreed
upon that software reuse has not reached its full potential.
Even though more and more organizations are adopting
reuse successfully, systematic reuse has not yet become
the norm. Reuse may not be the “silver bullet” that solves
all software productivity problems, but a combination of
technology and discipline can give reuse a chance to
show its potential.
provisioning:_ actually_reusing_software
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Sajjan G. Shiva is the Chair of the Computer Science
Department at the University of Memphis in Tennessee. He was
born in India where he received his B. S. degree in electrical
engineering from Bangalore University in 1969. Then he
received his M.S. (1971) and Ph.D. (1975) degrees in electrical
engineering from Auburn University, Alabama.
Before working as a Professor at the University of Memphis,
he was the President of Teksearch Inc. He was also a Technical
Advisor in the Computer Technology Division of the United
States Army Space and Strategic Defense Command and a
consultant to industry and government. He is an emeritus
professor of computer science at the University of Alabam in
Huntsville. He is the author or coauthor of several books and
scientific publications including Computer Organization,
Design and Architecture (2007), Advanced Computer
Architectures (2006), Introduction to Logic Design (1998), and
Pipelined and Parallel Computer Architectures (1996). His
research interests include software engineering, expert systems,
data modeling, and distributed and parallel processing.
Dr. Shiva has been a fellow of the institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE) since 1993. He is the General
Chair of the Second International Workshop on Advances and
Innovations in Systems Testing organized by Systems Testing
Excellence Program - STEP at The University of Memphis.
Lubna A. Shala is a Ph.D. student in the Computer Science
Department at the University of Memphis in Tennessee. She
received her B. S. and M.S degrees in computer and electronics
engineering technology from The University of Memphis in
2003 and 2005 respectively. Her research interests include
software engineering, natural language processing artificial
intelligence, and software security.
Ms. Shala is a member of the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE) as well as the Association for
Computing Machinery (ACM).