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Center for Applied Research
Research Bulletin
Volume 2008, Issue 13
June 24, 2008
Web 2.0, Personal Learning
Environments, and the Future
of Learning Management
Niall Sclater, Open University
4772 Walnut Street, Suite 206 Boulder, Colorado 80301
There is growing awareness in higher education of student levels of engagement in Web
2.0 environments, in contrast to their engagement in the learning management systems
(LMSs) hosted by their institutions. Social networking sites, blogs, and wikis offer
students unprecedented opportunities to create and share content and to interact with
others. These sites are used regularly by the majority of students1 and provide
possibilities for customization and a sense of ownership currently impossible in LMSs.
Lecturers increasingly complain of the distractions caused by the dynamic and
compelling social networking sites their students use during lectures.
By contrast, it has not gone unnoticed that even the term learning management system
suggests disempowerment—an attempt to manage and control the activities of the
student by the university. There are various questions at this time for faculty and
university information technology staff who believe in the benefits of e-learning and need
to decide whether their LMS remains an appropriate medium in which to facilitate it:
Can we bring some of the social networking facilities that students find so
appealing inside the institution?
Should we use tools hosted elsewhere on the Internet by others?
Should we simply allow learners to select appropriate tools for themselves?
The communication features of LMSs are poorly utilized in most institutions, the LMSs
being used primarily as storage facilities for lecture notes and PowerPoint presentations.
LMSs tend to restrict students to content designed for a particular course and to
interactions solely with participants in that course. Stephen Powell suggested in his blog
thoughts mostly about learning ( on June 14, 2006, that using
LMSs in this way may consequently promote a culture of dependency rather than
autonomy for our students. The shortcomings of LMSs may, however, have as much to
do with institutions’ lack of understanding about how to facilitate learning with them as
with the inadequacies of the systems themselves.
This research bulletin details the arguments emerging in the blogosphere and elsewhere
both for and against the LMS.2 It examines whether the LMS is destined to continue as
the primary means of organizing the online learning experience for university students.
The bulletin is a companion to an earlier ECAR research bulletin that examines the
factors leading to the selection of the open source learning management system at the
Open University in the United Kingdom.3
Highlights of Web 2.0, Personal Learning
Environments, and LMSs
Most learners are entering universities with increasing experience of the online world
and competence in using social software in their leisure (or professional) activities. It has
been suggested that learning providers cannot hope to compete with the developments
that are happening so rapidly elsewhere on the Internet and that students will
consequently find LMSs and the tools within them inferior to those they are already
using freely on the Internet—both in their look and feel and in the amount of functionality
There is continual pressure on college and university computing service departments to
make available familiar open source tools such as MediaWiki (the wiki system behind
Wikipedia) and WordPress (a popular blogging system). These tools are feature-rich and
already in use by many faculty who are often highly technically literate, visionary,
influential, and prepared to make their opinions known widely in the blogosphere and
elsewhere. They point out that the facilities in the LMS are more limited, and they either
use these tools freely on the Internet or ask why the institution does not simply provide
these systems for teaching and learning alongside the LMS. Even when the institution
agrees to host such facilities, it can take a frustrating amount of time for the software to
be installed, customized, and integrated with existing systems, and its use may be
restricted in ways deemed unsatisfactory to teachers.
LMSs are relatively inflexible systems, with the standard organizational unit being the
“course”—a term inappropriate for the hierarchy of faculties, departments, subject areas,
programs, courses, modules, and other organizational concepts found in educational
institutions. The Open University of the Netherlands, for example, does not have cohorts
of students with fixed start and end dates and therefore has problems with a
conventional LMS organized on this basis. Meanwhile, universities wishing to provide
courses jointly with other institutions or businesses may find the license restrictions of
commercial LMSs to be an impediment.
Rather than being minor irritations, the features of LMSs may overtly or subtly align the
institutional processes with the software rather than having the systems serve the
requirements of the institution.4 An alternative but equally damning criticism of LMSs is
made by Martin Weller in his blog The Ed Techie (
on September 4, 2007. Weller believes that when LMSs are adapted and integrated with
institutional systems they may end up embodying institutional practices, stifling the
innovation encouraged by the use of more rapidly evolving Web 2.0 systems.
Personal Learning Environments
Much of the debate regarding the shortcomings of LMSs is taking place in the
blogosphere, and a good deal of it centers around the concept of a personal learning
environment (PLE).5 Proponents of PLEs agree that there is a need to harness the
power of a range of tools, services, and content outside of the institution that learners
can use during their studies. The movement diverges in three distinct directions,
however, when it comes to the implementation of a PLE. The first group6 argues that
client software can be developed to mediate between the learner and the many
resources and facilities on the Internet. A second group, which includes initiatives such
as Elgg (, is attempting to achieve this by providing sophisticated
web servers and enabling participation by learners via their web browsers without
additional software. Finally, some people argue that PLEs are essentially here already
and that many online learners already make effective and customized use of a range of
online facilities.
The PLE as Client Software
One motivation for developing tailored PLE client software is that if students are to take
ownership over their learning they must own the software that manages it; the software
should not sit on a server controlled by an institution. A second argument for this
approach is that until we have near-ubiquitous online access, many students will
sometimes find it necessary to learn from their computers or mobile devices without
being connected to the Internet. The system cannot, therefore, be solely based on a web
browser with assumed Internet access. One vision of the PLE comprises a piece of
coordinating software seen by the learner that interacts through web services with a
variety of educational tools and data sources inside a service oriented architecture.7
The client PLE group argues that open source PLEs will emerge, as will vendor
products, and that learners will be able to download the PLE of their choice. To deal with
the issue of how PLEs interact with institutional systems, Derek Morrison suggested in
his blog on June 2, 2006, that the learner may request that his or her PLE “docks with a
VLE [virtual learning environment] mother ship” every so often to refuel—that is, to bring
in content and submit its own to the wider world. A student learning with more than one
provider would be able to dock his or her PLE into other institutional “mother ships” as
A PLE of Multiple Externally Hosted Systems
An argument is increasingly being voiced that institutions should no longer try to
provide e-learning facilities for their students and should instead tap into free
resources on the Internet. In a blog entry on October 6, 2006,
Clarence Fischer reports on the use of different systems for blogs, wikis, podcasts,
instant messaging, e-mail, and photo sharing with his students. The multiple systems
accessed through a web browser PLE model encourage learners to draw the best from
every environment. They also arguably reduce the institutional risk of a single point-of-
failure, where a crucial system such as the LMS or authentication system going down
can mean that all student-facing systems are inaccessible. However, Fisher has serious
concerns about this approach because his students are required to remember multiple
URLs, usernames, passwords, and user interfaces. It is clearly not a robust or scalable
solution for larger institutions, particularly where students are paying for services and the
systems are critical in the assessment process.
Online facilities such as Elgg provide blogs, wikis, and other facilities for self-organized
groups of students and avoid the problems of tools distributed across multiple sites. Elgg
bears similarities, though, to the evolving LMSs that increasingly incorporate social
Is the PLE Already Here?
It is worth considering what tools students require to carry out their studies effectively.
Many already have laptop computers that are networked at home and connect wirelessly
to the Internet at their place of study. These machines have large hard disks and
hierarchical file systems allowing them to store vast amounts of learning content as well
as their own work. Systems such as Google Desktop allow them to search and retrieve
data on their machines using the familiar Google interface. Familiar office software
includes applications for word processing, e-mail, calendar, spreadsheet, database, and
The web browser gives access to learning materials either via the institutional LMS or
from the growing repository of free content. It draws administrative information from the
learning provider, such as course syllabi, reading lists, times and locations of classes
(online or face-to-face), examination timetables, results, and so forth. It is the window to
a massive range of social software and communication facilities, some provided by the
institution, most of them available elsewhere. Dictionaries, thesauri, scientific calculators,
and all the other necessities of a learning environment can be found online. Another
particularly effective tool is Google search, which, in a blog posting on June 1, 2006
(, Graeme Atwell
argues facilitates learning more than any other. Additionally, emerging e-portfolio
software is set to provide a vital bridge between the content on the user’s hard disk and
central storage and backup facilities hosted professionally.
Effective online learners know how to make the most of the services available and may
resist further client software to mediate on their behalf. There is strong evidence that
students now see the personal computer as their primary learning tool, and this can be
regarded as a de facto PLE.8 Research demonstrates that learners are increasingly
comfortable switching between a wide range of tools and sites, making simultaneous
use of locally installed applications, books, and the Internet, and participating in a variety
of online and face-to-face communities of practice.
Proponents of PLEs, motivated by a lifelong and informal learning agenda outside
the boundaries of current institutionalized education, attempt to position PLEs as
a replacement for LMSs. The whole PLE debate can indeed be seen in this light:
the PLE as a concept (in the sense of the range of digital tools at a learner’s
disposal rather than as a concrete system) being appropriate for—and already
used extensively by—the lifelong and informal learner. Mark Van Harmelen, in
Seb Schmoller’s blog Fortnightly Mailing on June 8, 2006, identifies the underlying
motivation behind PLEs and their fundamental limitation, which is that they “can
only be used to full advantage with a fundamental change in pedagogic practice
[including] greater autonomy, diversity, openness and connectedness”
( Josie Fraser, in a comment
on Stephen’s Blog on September 11, 2006, also finds the key aspect of PLEs to be
the “conceptual shift/challenge the model represents to mainstream education”
Ironically, while the PLE is portrayed as a way to reduce central control, it is itself
an attempt to systematize and bound the vast, dynamic, anarchic set of tools and
resources to be found on the Internet.
What It Means to Higher Education
In contrast to the client software approach, the web browser presents the most
significant learning tool ever devised in terms of its ability to provide access to a vast
range of tools and content and to connect learners to each other using a single interface.
The browser continues to develop as the primary tool for news, entertainment, business,
commerce, administration, and communication. Any attempt to devise systems that
mediate between the learner and the outside world through means other than a web
browser is risky. Additional client software imposes an unnecessary burden on
institutions and students, and locally installed systems will have to be trivial to install,
configure, and maintain if students are to use them in addition to or instead of
institutionally supported LMSs.9 The Horizon Project Wiki in 2006 suggested that support
issues could be unmanageable for institutions where students using one of a variety of
proprietary or open source PLEs are required to interact with tutors and other members
of a course group. While independent learning is an admirable aspiration, many learners
will continue to require considerable hand-holding in the online learning world. Leaving
the management of their formal learning activities entirely up to them will result in
increased drop-out rates.
PLEs and Web 2.0: A Reality Check
In addition to the installation and adoption difficulties already discussed, there are two
further fundamental assumptions in the client PLE approach. First, there would need to
be a high degree of interoperability between the various systems. PLE open source
developers and vendors would have to agree on a set of common interoperability
standards, and these would also need to work with LMSs. There is, however, limited
adherence to current standards by e-learning system vendors, which often have good
reasons for ensuring that their systems are not interoperable.10 Even mainstream
product vendors cannot agree on how their instant messaging systems should work
together.11 This is mirrored in the open source arena, where widely adopted systems
such as Moodle have as yet failed to integrate many key e-learning standards and
specifications. PLE interoperability therefore currently seems a utopian vision.
The second assumption of the client PLE approach is that learners can be technically
responsible for looking after their own learning materials. Many of them will in fact fail to
back up this content on their home devices, and a large proportion of it will be lost,
particularly in the lifelong learning context, where there are multiple opportunities
throughout life to lose or damage hardware and data. Docking on a regular basis with
some kind of “mother ship” is therefore going to be critical for the lifelong learner,
whether the service is provided by the state, the current educational provider, or a
commercial third party.
PLE advocates also fail to provide a solution for how PLEs can be applied in the existing
institutional context of learning organized into units with specified content and learning
outcomes, scheduled assessments, and classes in which a discrete group of students
interacts with a teacher. These units are grouped into qualifications that increasingly
incur a financial cost to the student and years of ensuing debt theoretically mitigated by
enhanced employment prospects.
The LMS Fights Back
Milligan argues that the LMS is “a conservative technology [for] managing groups,
providing tools, and delivering content.”12 Given that formal education remains in strong
demand from learners, is supported by governments throughout the world, and is
unlikely therefore to disappear in the near future, there will continue to be a need for
online systems that provide administrative functionality, such as allowing students to
register and pay for courses, and provide information, such as course descriptors,
syllabi, reading lists, class times, examination dates, and results. Centrally hosted
systems are also required for the submission and marking of assignments online—and
the return of marked scripts to students. LMSs can be used to restrict access to content
and services for those enrolled in the course and to group learners together with the
teacher allocated to them, encouraging frequent contact throughout their studies with a
single set of robust communication tools. The correct list of online contacts for the
course should be set up automatically for the student in the LMS. This is already a
considerable challenge for institutions responding to late registrations, and it would be
an unacceptable burden on students if there were no data transfer between student
record systems and online learning systems.
LMSs enable institutions to ensure a consistency of service for students and backup
facilities, particularly for e-portfolio content and lifelong learning records. Recent doubts
about the viability of a hosted service for Elgg, expressed by commentators such as
Brian Kelly in his blog UK Web Focus ( on December
16, 2007, demonstrated the vulnerability of leaving the provision of core educational
services to third-party suppliers with whom the university has no contractual agreement.
LMSs also allow institutions to protect minors against unsuitable materials and permit
the removal of pornographic or copyright-infringing materials and defamatory, racist, or
otherwise illegal blog entries. In addition, institutions have moral and legal
responsibilities for accessibility of learning content and services; it is difficult to ensure
that these are met adequately unless systems are centrally hosted.
The real costs of supporting multiple “free” online learning systems, whether hosted in-
house or externally (usually funded by advertising) are regularly underestimated. Most
universities have built up considerable expertise in their LMSs and the ability to keep on
top of the developments happening to those products. It would be a complex task for
information technology and computing service departments to maintain a similar
understanding of a broader range of open source products, their functionality, code
base, and release cycles. There is also resistance from many of the less technically
literate faculty (and some students) to being expected to use multiple systems with
varying interfaces.
Offering products with widely differing user interfaces that have not been checked for
accessibility and usability may be inadvisable. The integration possible in a single LMS
allows a forum contribution or a blog entry to be transferred instantly to the e-portfolio,
for example, or a term appearing in the glossary to be highlighted within the forum, blog,
quiz, or any other module. Achieving such integration across multiple, continually
evolving systems would be a highly complex and costly software engineering task. In
addition, with an LMS, there is no need to replicate user databases or access
permissions across multiple systems, and the user need authenticate only once. Finally,
it is far easier to track usage from the single database of an LMS than to have to trawl
for data through the databases of multiple e-learning systems—and this may be
impossible if the systems are externally hosted.
How LMSs Must Evolve
There are ongoing debates as to what an LMS should consist of and where the
boundaries lie with content management systems, e-portfolio systems, search facilities,
synchronous collaboration systems, and student portals. At the Open University (OU),
these five systems, together with an electronic tutor-marked assignment system, are
clearly delineated from the LMS, although the aim is to provide a unified interface for the
students and give the impression that they are accessing a single system.
The e-portfolio system called MyStuff, developed at the OU for Moodle, is a good
example of the debates that take place. Development of the system began shortly after
the decision to implement Moodle was made. At that time, there was skepticism among
some developers about whether Moodle would prove to be sufficiently robust and
scalable for the OU (no longer a concern). While there was an institutional push to build
the system as a Moodle module, the developers wished to build a system that could be
sustained even if the institution changed its LMS at some stage in the future. MyStuff
was therefore built to be fully integrated with Moodle but also able to be run as a stand-
alone system, if necessary.
Meanwhile, another e-portfolio system for Moodle called Mahara was being built with
funding from the New Zealand government. The architecture is similar to that of MyStuff,
although the feature set is different. There is a proposal to allow both systems to be
plugged into Moodle but to keep them out of the core architecture of Moodle. There are
no rights and wrongs about whether such systems should be part of an LMS or left out
of it, but there is a concern that Moodle may become bloated with too many features and
that certain large pieces of functionality are better left as separate systems.
MyStuff draws from social software innovations elsewhere and allows learners to store
and tag content and to share and discuss it with others. Any educationally useful feature
of a Web 2.0 system can potentially be incorporated into an LMS, although the smaller
cohort using it (based around an institution or a course rather than a global set of users)
may restrict its usefulness. The key question is not whether LMSs can or should evolve
into collections of the social software tools found elsewhere on the Internet but what is
the most appropriate context of use for the learner at that particular time? A student in a
software engineering course might use a university-provided wiki for tasks relating to
that course, a proprietary wiki for collaboration with colleagues in their workplace, and
Wikipedia for leisure pursuits. These systems are likely to differ at the functional and
user interface levels. Effective wiki users know the basic features of a wiki, however,
and should be able to master a new wiki system rapidly. Bringing these different arenas
together via a mediating interface may have some value for the learner but will not
always be necessary or appropriate and may result in a lowest common denominator of
It is possible that the LMS will evolve into more of a management information system,
working away in the background, with its information exportable to a variety of other
systems under the control of students who wish to view it in environments they prefer.
LMSs may therefore increasingly have to allow data to be exported to and imported from
other systems. There is likely to be a core set of functionality, however, that the
institution will have to continue to provide for the reasons described earlier, including for
the many faculty and students who prefer to access learning and administrative content
via consistent, simple, institutionally hosted systems.
E-Learning Standards
If data are to be transferred increasingly between the LMS and other systems, then the
further development of e-learning standards by standards bodies is crucial. The
implementation of interoperability standards is a key element in the checklist when an
institution is selecting an LMS. One of the main drivers behind standards is so that
universities will not have content stuck in proprietary formats in case they wish to
change their LMSs in the future. However, the adherence to standards by most vendors
is less than perfect, and there are serious problems in exporting content from most
LMSs into platform-independent formats. Open source LMS communities arguably have
no commercial interest in stopping institutions from moving to a different LMS that may
ensure the institution’s future viability. Ironically, however, there is often little inclination
in open source communities to implement learning technology standards. Why should a
Moodle user, for example, care about content becoming trapped in Moodle when it is
unlikely that his or her institution will switch to a commercial system after it has enjoyed
the advantages of an open source product? So long as the content can be extracted
from the system in some XML format, it should be relatively easy to transform it into a
different format for a system with more or less the same functionality. Does it matter,
therefore, whether Moodle properly adopts interoperability specifications?
Meanwhile there are encouraging efforts to develop social networking interoperability
standards, such as Google’s Open Social, which promises to allow the transfer of data
such as contact information freely between different sites. This will have implications for
evolving LMSs where there is a desire to exchange data with other systems.
Distributed LMSs
Learning technologists—such as Martin Weller in various postings to his blog—argue
that LMSs as large applications are unsustainable. Weller says that the future is a
range of components built by different organizations that interact with each other
over the Internet (or intranet) via web services. These components will operate as
a distributed learning environment. The e-Framework for Education and Research
(, the focus of a large amount of investment from
government-funded bodies in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and
the Netherlands, is an attempt to tackle the interoperability issues and to build the
underlying architecture of a distributed LMS. The development
of different applications within the framework is being funded. The concept is that if an
institution wants to change the forum system it is using, for example, it can plug in a
different one, and the distributed LMS will continue to appear as a single system to the
user. However, there are considerable logistical issues to overcome with this approach.
The e-Framework is also beginning to look like a monolithic model itself, where the
implication is that institutions will still control the student experience in the way that
LMSs arguably do currently.
The e-Framework is an interesting concept, and many of its building blocks are now in
place, but it lacks certain key features of a successful open source community.
Successful communities tend to be led by charismatic individuals such as Linus Torvalds
or Martin Dougiamas who have the skills and personality to harness the efforts of others
to enhance the product. Such leaders understand the entire application, insist on
optimizing the performance of the product at every opportunity, can spot new
requirements and ensure they are fulfilled, and are natural leaders.13 There is no such
guru to follow for the e-Framework, but, even more fundamentally, the framework is
composed of many unmaintained pieces of code written by different individuals using a
range of languages and technologies through projects with temporary funding. Unlike
the foundations of Apache or Linux, there is no common purpose that motivates
developers and users continually to enhance a system of key importance to themselves
or their institutions.
Moving On from Course-Based LMSs
As stated earlier, the course-based metaphor of the LMS is only appropriate in certain
educational contexts. LMSs need to be able to support the concept of sub-courses, such
as tutor groups, and meta-courses in which learners can be enrolled in addition to their
individual courses. Students may have finished one course and not be ready to start the
next one, but they still wish to be part of a subject community, retain contact with other
students, and continue to have access to domain content. These groupings are very
much under the control of the institution, which may not always be able to put students
together in the best way or allocate the appropriate tools to them.
In an attempt to make the LMS more flexible, appealing, and useful to students, the
Open University is working on a fundamental change to the architecture of Moodle from
the students’ (and tutors’) points of view, allowing them to set up their own forums, wikis,
blogs, and other tools and to invite others to join them in ad hoc groupings—in addition
to those provided for specific course purposes.
Offline and Mobile Access
Virtually no student has the Internet available 100% of the time, and PLE advocates are
right to argue that there is a need for offline access to learning services and content. As
more interactive course content, administrative features, and formative assessments
become available online, and as students engage more with others through forums and
blogs, they will become increasingly disadvantaged if they do not have reliable Internet
access. A few LMSs have offline client facilities that allow learners to continue to access
critical parts of their courses at times when they are not connected. Students can then
make forum postings, carry out an online assessment, view a calendar, or play a
podcast. When the student next logs in to the Internet, the client computer synchronizes
with the institutional LMS system. The drawbacks of supporting client software have
already been mentioned, but the LMS will increasingly need to be accessed offline and
will require associated client software. In addition, students will expect access to
educational content and services via devices such as mobile phones; LMSs must
therefore present content acceptably on small screens, and institutions will have to
design content with this in mind.
University Use of Social Networking Sites
Some universities are encouraging the use of the social networking site groups set up in
their name, many of which are not under the direct control of the institution. There are
convincing arguments for this approach: it reduces the burden on the institution for
hosting the service; students are using sites such as Facebook anyway, so why not
have the institution represented where the students are going; and these sites are likely
to be more dynamic, up-to-date, and engaging than systems hosted in-house. However,
there are dangers for institutions in giving implicit or explicit approval of such sites. A
high-profile newspaper article14 outlined some of the drawbacks of social networking
sites, and these concerns should be clearly pointed out to students where institutions
are encouraging the use of groups set up in their names. These drawbacks include
intrusive advertising and the fact that private information posted to these sites can
potentially be used for commercial purposes. Online student profiles are being actively
sought out by potential employers, who may use inappropriate content as a reason for
not recruiting the students.
There are emerging attempts to integrate LMS functionality with social networking
systems such as Facebook. These concentrate either on drawing information out of
Facebook and into the LMS or providing LMS facilities inside Facebook. The latter is a
more popular option because it is believed that if students are highly engaged in that
environment, it makes sense to provide them with educational facilities in the medium
where they feel most comfortable.
However successful these experiments may be, it is evident that some students do not
necessarily want their education—which they may see as quite a separate part of their
lives—to mix with their social environment. Moreover, while learners will continue to use
the environments they find most engaging and useful, institutions need to be careful that
they do not lose the opportunity to track what students are doing. If they fail to record
valuable data on how students are using learning tools and content, it will be far more
difficult to enhance the courses and provide remedial assistance to learners with
Key Questions to Ask
What is the appropriate blend of in-house and externally hosted online learning
systems for my institution?
What are the support implications of using free software either hosted externally
or on local servers?
What legal, technical, and other issues should be incorporated in an institutional
strategy for the integration and use of social networking sites for our students?
Where to Learn More
Sclater, Niall, Virtual Learning,
Weller, Martin, The Ed Techie,
1. Stephen Hoare, “Students tell universities: Get out of MySpace!” Guardian Unlimited (Nov. 5, 2007),
Education section,,,2202291,00.html.
2. Throughout this research bulletin, citations for blog postings are included when they are known. Because of
the transient nature of the blogosphere, some postings may not be reliably available over the long term.
3. Niall Sclater, “Large-Scale Open Source E-Learning Systems at Open University UK” (Research Bulletin,
Issue 12) (Boulder, CO: EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research, 2008), available from
4. Jon Dron, “Any Color You Like, As Long As It’s Blackboard” (paper presented at the World Conference on
E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (ELEARN), Honolulu, Hawaii,
October 2006).
5. Niall Sclater, “Personal Learning Environments, Virtual Learning Environments and Formal Learning”
(presentation from the EDEN Conference, Naples, Italy, June 13–16, 2007).
6. Scott Wilson, Oleg Liber, Phil Beauvoir, Colin Milligan, Mark Johnson, and Paul Sharples, “Personal
Learning Environments: Challenging the dominant design of educational systems,” TENCompetence
Project, September 19, 2006,
7. Mark Johnson, Paul Hollins, Scott Wilson, and Oleg Liber, “Towards a Reference Model for the Personal
Learning Environment” (presentation from the 23rd Annual Ascilite Conference: Who’s Learning? Whose
Technology?, Sydney, Australia, December 3–6, 2006),
8. Gráinne Conole, Maarten de Laat, Teresa Dillon, and Jonathan Darby, “Student Experiences of
Technologies,” Final Project Report, JISC, London, UK, December 1, 2006,
9. Tom Franklin, “Why Personal Learning Environments?” Franklin Consulting, 2006, http://franklin-
10. Niall Sclater, Boon Low, and Niall Barr, “Interoperability with CAA: Does It Work in Practice?”
(presentation from the Sixth International Computer Assisted Assessment Conference, Loughborough
University, England, July 9–10, 2002),
11. John Battelle, The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed
Our Culture (London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2005).
12. Colin Milligan, “The Road to the Personal Learning Environment?” CETIS, Bolton, UK, May 2006,
13. Dan Woods and Gautam Guliani, Open Source for the Enterprise (Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly & Associates,
14. Robert Verkaik and Jerome Taylor, “Facebook Backlash Over Sale of Personal Data,” The Independent
(November 24, 2007),
About the Author
Niall Sclater ( is Director of the Virtual Learning Environment
Programme at the Open University.
Copyright 2008 EDUCAUSE and Niall Sclater. All rights reserved. This ECAR research bulletin is proprietary
and intended for use only by subscribers. Reproduction, or distribution of ECAR research bulletins to those not
formally affiliated with the subscribing organization, is strictly prohibited unless prior permission is granted by
EDUCAUSE and the author.
Citation for This Work
Sclater, Niall. “Web 2.0, Personal Learning Environments, and the Future of Learning Management Systems”
(Research Bulletin, Issue 13). Boulder, CO: EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research, 2008, available from