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The Economics of Unit Testing
Michael Ellims &James Bridges &Darrel C. Ince
#Springer Science + Business Media, Inc. 2006
Editors: Antonia Bertolino and Eda Marchetti
Abstract Conventional wisdom and anecdote suggests that testing takes between 30
to 50% of a project’s effort. However testing is not a monolithic activity as it con-
sists of a number of different phases such as unit testing, integration testing and
finally system and acceptance test.
Unit testing has received a lot of criticism in terms of the amount of time that it is
perceived to take and its perceived costs. However it still remains an important
verification activity being an effective means to test individual software components
for boundary value behavior and ensure that all code has been exercised adequately.
We examine the available data from three safety-related, industrial software proj-
ects that have made use of unit testing. Using this information we argue that the
perceived costs of unit testing may be exaggerated and that the likely benefits in
terms of defect detection are quite high in relation to those costs.
We also discuss the different issues that have been found applying the technique
at different phases of the development and using different methods to generate
those tests. We also compare results we have obtained with empirical results from
the literature and highlight some possible weakness of research in this area.
Keywords Software testing .Unit testing .Adequacy criteria .Test effectiveness
1. Introduction
The general computing literature tells us that Btesting^as an activity can take up 30
to 50 percent of the total effort consumed by a software development project.
Values for test effort as a percentage of total effort from a number of standard texts
are presented in Table 1.
However testing is not a monolithic activity; it is usually discussed in terms of
the types of testing activity being performed; examples being unit testing, module
M. Ellims ())IJ. Bridges
Pi Technology, Cambridge, UK
D.C. Ince
Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
Empir Software Eng (2006) 11: 5–31
DOI 10.1007/s10664-006-5964-9
testing, integration testing, system testing and so on. While overall figures are
often given in the literature, the authors can find no work that gives reliable es-
timates for the various component activities. This paper attempts to rectify this
This paper details some of the results obtained from unit testing activities on
three different industrial projects and in a real-time area that can be broadly classed
as Bautomotive.^The primary focus of the paper is to examine the unit testing
activity; however, where relevant, we put this activity into the context of the other
verification and validation activities (particularly testing) performed on the
The three projects examined are described in detail in Section 4: Wallace is an
engine control system of approximately 13,500 lines of executable code
Grommet is a set of modules that comprise part of an engine control unit of ap-
proximately 10,700 LOC and Sean is a Bsmart^sensor comprising around 3,500
The three projects have a number of factors in common. First, they were all
undertaken by the same company; second, they all had as a basis similar quality
plans based on the same generic company quality system. However it should be
noted that the generic quality system allows a large degree of freedom in the
exact form that the specific project-based quality plans can take (Ellims and
Jackson, 2000). Thirdly, all projects made extensive use of bench or system testing
(Aitchison and Goody, 2000; Ellims, 2000), even building specific test equipment
where necessary (Ellims et al., 2005). Importantly they all also used a unit test
tool derived from a common basis (Ellims and Parkins, 1999). Finally some of
the personnel involved in all three projects were the same, one of the authors
being employed as the project architect on two of the systems (Wallace and Sean)
and was involved in formulating the unit test requirements for the other project
Section 2 examines previous work in this area. Section 3 provides definitions,
process framework and discusses the data sources utilised for this work. Section 4 of
the paper gives an overview of each project and specific details of the development
process followed. Section 5 looks at what was found during the unit testing for each
of the projects. Section 6 contrasts the results from the three projects and Section 7
discusses the major features of what was observed and in Section 8 we present our
conclusions. We finish in Section 9 by discussing some other analysis activities we
could perform with the available data.
In this paper the term lines of code always refers to executable lines, including other referenced
Table 1 Test effort data from
standard texts Reference % Given
Brookes (1995) 50
Shooman (1988) 30–50
Pressman (2000) 30–40
Sommerville (2004) 50
6 Empir Software Eng (2006) 11: 5–31
2. Previous Work
Unit testing is now, or at least should be, an integral part of safety related software
projects. While much has been written on the theoretical aspects of unit testing, for
example test adequacy criteria such as Frankl and Weyuker (1983), Parrish and
Zweben (1991), Richardson and Thompson (1993), Zhu (1996) and of metrics for
software testing (McCabe, 1976; Davis and Weyuker, 1988) there have not been
very many published results from real software projects.
For example, in a
comparatively recent major review paper on software test adequacy (Zhu et al.,
1997) few citations from over 220 were to statistically valid empirical studies.
The reasons for this state of affairs are clear: industrial staff rarely have the time
to analyze past projects before being moved to other projects and academics very
rarely have access to statistically valid collections of data.
Consequently software
developers have had to rely on anecdote, myth and software engineering textbooks.
A criticism strongly echoed by Fenton and Ohisson (2000) and Tichy et al. (1995)
among others.
There have been a limited number of studies which have drawn on empirical data
from humans performing test activities. Some of the better (in statistical terms) are
outlined below.
Myers (1978) undertook a study using 59 experienced engineers as sub-
jects, though all were not programmers they are all described as being Bbetter than
average.^The experiment consisted of evaluating functional and structural testing
using individuals and walkthroughs/inspections using teams of three.
Basili and Selby (1987) in their classic comparative study of validation methods
used 74 subjects and four relatively small programs to examine the effectiveness of
code reading, functional testing using equivalence partitioning and boundary value
analysis, and structural testing using 100% statement coverage as the completion
Kamsties and Lott (1995) performed a study to replicate that undertaken
by Basili and Selby (1987) using a fractional-factorial design, observing the effect
of functional, structural and inspection techniques over three programs. Wood et al.
(1997) repeated this experiment as part of a software engineering course.
Laitenberger (1998) carried out a study in which 20 graduate students carried out
code inspections and structural testing of 262 executable lines of C code. The two
main findings were that inspections were superior to structural testing and that
inspections and structural testing do not complement each other well.
So et al. (2002) performed a large scale exercise with 34 students divided into
teams of four over 12 weeks as part of a course in software engineering. The aim of
the associated research was to determine which of a set of six defect detection
techniques was the most effective. The conclusions they came to were that N-
A set of Google searches involving keywords such as Fempirical,_Funit testing,_Findustrial_Fdata,_
Fmetric,_Fcoverage,_Fexperiment_and Fstructural_returned hardly any hits at all. Searches using
CiteSeer were only marginally better.
One of the few large scale ongoing empirical-based projects the NASA-backed Software
Engineering laboratory at the University of Maryland closed down fairly recently depriving empir-
ical researchers of probably the only major source of realistic project data. This project produced the
vast bulk of useful statistical data for researchers over the past 15 years including Ince and Shepperd
Empir Software Eng (2006) 11: 5–31 7
version programming, testing and Fagan inspections were the most effective fault
detection techniques of those examined.
Maximilien and Williams (2003) report on the use of a test-driven approach re-
liant on extreme programming concepts on a project which reduced the defect rate
at IBM by a factor of 50% over ad-hoc unit testing.
Lyu et al. (2003) carried out an experiment in which they measured the effec-
tiveness of coverage testing vs. mutation testing using 34 independent versions of an
avionics program developed by computing students and came to the conclusion that
while structural coverage was an effective testing method its use as a quantitative
indicator of testing quality was less good than mutation measures.
Runeson and Andrews (2003) compared white-box testing and code inspection,
examining the results of these two activities carried out by graduate students. The
result of this experiment was that testing detected more errors than inspections, but
that the latter was more efficient in terms of time. Moreover it was found that
inspection was more efficient in isolating the cause of an error.
Torkar et al. (2003) examined a large open source component which had
supposedly been thoroughly tested and which was in use and discovered 25 faults
even though it had been thoroughly functionally tested. They considered that a
number of these faults were so serious that they would have given rise to major
errors in any system using the component.
Unfortunately the majority of these studies suffer from two major problems, that
of size and realism. In the case of size, either the systems under investigation were
too small or only a small part of a larger system is studied. As concerns realism, too
often the subjects of the research are university students (Ince and Shepperd, 1993).
In this paper we report on results from three large industrial projects.
One final interesting piece of work was conducted by Dupuy and Leveson (2000)
investigates the effectiveness and cost associated with meeting MC/DC coverage
criteria (as per the DO178B standard, Anon., 1992) on the HETE-2 Satellite
software after functional testing had been performed and is similar to work
undertaken on the Grommet and Sean projects.
Given the limited amount of empirical data that is available there are still many
important research questions that at best are only partially answered or at worst not
answered at all. These include:
&How efficient is unit testing as compared with other verification activities such as
code reviews?
&What resources does unit testing consume on software projects as a proportion
of overall spend?
&Are the resources consumed on unit testing different in different types of projects?
&How effective are structural coverage metrics such as coverage of LOC or
coverage of branches at determining test effectiveness?
This paper describes some large-scale, empirical data on testing which we hope
will help researchers make the first steps to answering some of these questions and
help illuminate some of the views that have been put forward with little
experimental validation, for example Hamlet’s (1994) view that it is misleading to
assume that trustworthiness and reliability can be demonstrated via coverage
metrics and Garg’s (1994) almost contrary view that software reliability metrics are
intimately related to software dependability.
8 Empir Software Eng (2006) 11: 5–31
In addition to the above, while reworking the original paper (Ellims et al., 2004)
we decided to compared the results from previous empirical work surveyed above
with results presented here to see what comparisons could be made.
3. Definitions, Process and Data
3.1. Definitions
Unit test is the testing of a single C function in isolation, using a test harness to
provide inputs to the function under test, collect and then check the outputs pro-
duced. Called functions are normally replaced by test stubs to provide complete
control. All the unit tests described in this paper were performed using a version of
the in house Test Harness Generator (THG). The THG tool (Ellims and Parkins,
1999) uses a spreadsheet as its user interface with users manually defining input and
output fields. The advantage of a spreadsheet format is that it puts at the users’
disposal all the inbuilt facilities for generating the expected outputs which is
excessively laborious if done manually. A macro program provided as part of THG
converts the spreadsheet data into a standalone test harness thus removing another
major overhead (Dalal and Mallows, 1998) of supplying the test scaffolding. Note
that this definition says nothing about whether the tests are structural or functional
and both are applicable and encouraged (see Appendix for details).
There are limits to how spreadsheets may be used, the use of the built-in
programming language (Visual Basic for Applications, VBA) for generating
expected results is forbidden. Expected results are required to be calculated using
normal spreadsheet facilities. This is done for two reasons, firstly allowing use of
VBA would encourage cut and paste conversions removing most of the indepen-
dence between code and unit test. Secondly forcing the use of the spreadsheet
means that where necessary a functional programming paradigm is being employed.
Green (1990) observes that the spreadsheet is a declarative programming envi-
ronment (as opposed to imperative language such as C) and that, Bit hardly counts
as programming.^
Module test is the testing of groups of related functions, usually in a single file.
For example, on Wallace there is a module for analogue input processing, a module
for analogue output processing etc. During module test, called functions are not
normally replaced by test stubs so the complete call tree is activated. While THG is
used for almost all unit test activities within Pi Technology, a larger variety of test
tools are used for module testing. THG can be used but it is problematic to define all
the variables that may be involved though many can be set and left at default values.
Other methods include compiling the code as part of a complete system and using a
debugger with breakpoints and building bespoke test harnesses; however the latter is
expensive in terms of time expended.
Integration test is testing to ensure that interfaces to code external to the module
being integrated with the rest of the system are correct. Techniques used are similar
to module testing and system test techniques can also be applied. Usually there is a
nontrivial overlap between the module and integration test activities.
System testing is the process where by the complete system comprising software,
hardware and often sensors and actuators are combined together with a hardware in
Empir Software Eng (2006) 11: 5–31 9
the loop (HIL) test environment to provide the model of the plant under control
and to provide generation of inputs (e.g., analog and digital inputs) and check
outputs for accuracy and timing. Testing is performed either using scripted tests or
in many cases by manually executing tests. Details of the system test environment
can be found in (Aitchison and Goody, 2000; Ellims, 2000).
Prototyping is the technique of circumventing the majority of the process to
directly address the question Bare we building the right thing?^irrespective of
whether we have built it right. This was necessary for a small number of modules
where insufficient domain knowledge existed to give confidence that the functional
specifications were adequate. Prototyping is effectively an ad hoc system testing
activity. It should be noted that once prototyping has been completed the full
development process would always be applied.
3.2. Process
The generic quality management system (QMS) at Pi Technology is based on a
standard BV^model (McDermid and Rook, 1991) though the QMS has been
specifically set up so that it is simple to modify for specific projects (Ellims and
Jackson, 2000) to give us as much flexibility as possible. The use of this flexibility is
demonstrated in both the Grommet and Sean projects. The QMS itself meets the
requirements of ISO 9001 and has achieved ISO 15504 Capability Level 3 for all
processes in the defined scope of assessment that cover the requirements of the key
European car manufacturers. The specific Wallace quality plan and activities has
been externally audited to be consistent with the requirements for software to be
developed for DO178B (Anon., 1992) Class B applications with only small changes
needed to meet Class A requirements.
The left side of the BV^is comprised of the following major steps; requirements
analysis and definition, functional requirements, architectural design, module design
and coding. The right side of the BV^contains the corresponding verification and
validation activities.
Each of the major components listed above consists of the number of sub-
components such as review activities and checklists. Of particular interest here is the
process for unit testing. Figure 1 shows the unit test activity and the simplified
process flow within the activity. The term simplified is used as not all features are
shown, for example the activity Code Correction or Update involves a change
request (CR) being raised, approved and acted on.
It should be noted that there are two phases to test execution, one on the host
and one on the target system. Host execution is allowed and even encouraged as
running tests on the host is far more efficient than on the target because of better
tools (debuggers) and faster turnaround. However the tests have not passed until
they have been executed successfully on the target hardware as issues with processor
hardware and compilers are not that uncommon.
3.3. Data Sources
A number of data sources have been used to provide the data presented here, all
of which were constructed during the normal course of the project work.
10 Empir Software Eng (2006) 11: 5–31
Timesheets are spreadsheets with project and sub-projects codes, the sub-project
code defining what activity and on Wallace what module is being worked on. These
are filled in weekly and reflect the actual amount of time spent on each activity.
Review records are text documents that record the results of each review and
where up or down stream work products need modification, along with a reference
to the change requests used to track any necessary changes in those work items.
Change requests document all errors, changes in functionally and/or im-
plementation and requests for new functionality. Information is recorded in an
MS Access database to simplify location and tracking of work products that need to
be changed. All required changes not discovered as part of a review have change
requests associated with them. The CR system acts as the Bcollective memory^for
the project.
Code coverage, on the Wallace project this was measured using LDRA TestBed
tool and on Grommet and Sean using the GCT freeware tool.
4. The Projects
4.1. Wallace
Wallace was a full function engine control system; it comprises modules to perform
hardware level I/O on discrete analogue and digital lines as well as dealing with a
Fig. 1 Simplified process for performing unit tests, shaded boxes show associated activities that must
be completed before or in conjunction with unit testing
Empir Software Eng (2006) 11: 5–31 11
number of different communications channels. Its primary function is to control the
performance and power output of large industrial internal combustion engines via
spark timing, digital knock detection, air fuel ratio control etc.
It was a fairly classic project in that it more less follows the standard project life
cycle based on the V model (McDermid and Rook, 1991). Therefore, for most
intents and purposes, detailed design followed specification, coding followed de-
tailed design, unit testing followed coding, integration testing followed unit tests and
hardware in the loop (HIL) (function or bench testing) followed integration testing.
At this point you fly to the USA to perform the combined system/acceptance test
which involved endless discussion about whether any fault observed is in the loom,
an actuator, sensor or any other item that can fail. This is an extremely expensive
exercise both in terms of personnel, but also in costs associated with operating the
test facilities.
The major work products associated with the unit test phase were the detailed
design, the unit test construction and analysis of the results of running those tests. The
detailed design was a text document that consisted of a high level overview of the
module, an extracted version of the data dictionary and pseudo-code for each of
the functions that comprise the module. Fixed point code (the 32 bit target pro-
cessor does not support floating point) was generated by hand from the designs.
Other test activities are a combined module/integration test phase and extensive
system/bench testing of the complete system using a hardware in the loop simulation
system and either the various external devices being controlled (i.e., sensors and
actuators) or digital models of those devices.
4.2. Grommet
Grommet was a project to provide new functionality for a hybrid power train
control system, it comprised modules to provide the following functionality:
&input signal processing,
&failure detection and mitigation,
&vehicle security,
&power train co-ordination.
Grommet was also a fairly classic project in that it more or less followed a
standard project life cycle based on the V model, the main difference being that the
unit test activity was allocated to the end of the development process. Detailed
design followed specification and coding followed detailed design. Module testing of
functional behavior followed coding, integration testing, concluding with bench and
vehicle-based testing by the customer. Unit testing was deferred until the end of the
project because the software requirements and software designs were in a continual
state of flux. The intention here was to remove the cost of maintaining unit test cases
during development. It should however be noted that this was not ideal but was a
reasonable response to the serious problem of requirements churn, on Sean doing
this proved to be (at least in part) counter productive.
The major work products associated with the unit test phase were the detailed
design, the unit tests, the results of running those tests and associated coverage
metrics. The detailed design itself was an executable model-based design with a text
12 Empir Software Eng (2006) 11: 5–31
document that consisted of a high level overview of the module and an extracted
version of the relevant data dictionary information. Floating point code was
generated by hand from the designs.
The unit tests comprised a number of sheets in a spreadsheet workbook from
which a C language test harness was automatically generated using the same in-
house tool, THG. There were two outputs from the test: the test results themselves
and secondly the coverage data collected while running the tests.
Other test activities involved a module/integration test phase and extensive
system/bench testing of the complete system using hardware-in-the-loop simulation.
One significant difference between this project and Wallace is the unit test data
creation activity was out-sourced to a company in India with a very tight spec-
ification (Appendix).
4.3. Sean
Sean was a smart voltage and temperature sensor which processed a large number of
inputs, performed a small amount of filtering and error detection on those values
and then transmitted them to a master control ECU over a communications link.
Unlike Wallace and Grommet, Sean was a crash program to independently re-
engineer the software to meet process requirements for safety related software.
Thus it was required to possess all the attributes of a process similar to Wallace and
Grommet but within a compressed time scale.
To meet the delivery schedules for the first release of software the process was
modified by moving the unit testing phase to the end of the process so that it was
effectively the last activity performed. To compensate, more effort was put into the
bench/system test phase of the process, which was started while the requirements
were still being developed. This allowed special purpose hardware to be developed
to aid that testing activity. This strategy was helped by the fact that the functional
requirements document contained specification detail down to a very low level, so
testing against requirements would actually check the implementation to a large
The process outputs were very similar to the Wallace project in that the require-
ments, software architecture, and detailed design documents were all text docu-
ments supported by a data dictionary; again fixed point code was developed from
the designs. However unlike Wallace the in-house requirements tracking tool
was used to trace each numbered requirements though each work product,
so an exact correspondence between requirements and functional tests could be
made automatically.
Like Grommet, large parts of the work were out-sourced to various companies in
Russia and India, though all design work was kept in house. In particular the initial
generation of unit test data was performed offshore to a re-worked and cut-down
version of the test data generation specification used on the Grommet project, for
details see Appendix.
The Pixref tool will be available for download from
Empir Software Eng (2006) 11: 5–31 13
5. Test Results
5.1. Wallace
Unit testing on Wallace had the requirement that the tests should be branch
adequate, normal testing heuristics were applied where they seemed applicable. For
example boundary values analysis was applied to all values that had physical
interpretations as this seems effective (Jorgensen, 1995)—however in this context it
means most variables. Heuristics such as checking loops for zero, one and two
iterations were not applied as there were no loops which were not statically bound.
Analysis of Wallace fault data was originally performed in 1999 by manually
reviewing all change requests and review records to count the number of changes
which were just corrections (excluding Bimprovements^)toeachworkitem
recorded. The major results are shown in Fig. 2. This shows the total and cumulative
changes for each phase of work. The activities shown left to right are as follows; fs—
functional specification, fs rev—review of functional specification, des—detailed
design, des rev—design review, code(ing), code rev—code review, ut des—unit test
design, ut run—unit test execution, int des—integration test design, int run—
integration test run, sys des—system test design, sys run—system test run and
engine—on engine testing.
From the development point of view the most pleasing feature is the shape of the
cumulative curve which clearly shows that the rate of change is dropping. Data from
field use indicates that this trend may accurately reflect the number of actual errors
removed. Conservative estimates from the customer indicate that in excess of two
million operating hours have been accumulated by the software in the field with no
software related errors having been reported.
The engines being controlled by the Wallace software are in operation 24/7 for periods of up to six
months using techniques such as hot oil changes and spark plug replacement while in operation. One
confounding factors that needs to be taken into account is that since results reported here were
produced the software has been under maintenance and had significant new functionality added
over last five years. This is an on going process.
Fig. 2 Corrections found at each phase and cumulative totals
14 Empir Software Eng (2006) 11: 5–31
From Fig. 2 it can be seen that the most effective error detection strategies in
terms of finding errors in the system were design review, unit test design, review of
the functional specification and the unit test runs. In total these activities account for
around 60% of the necessary corrections. One interesting feature of the data above
is that more errors were located during the design of the unit test data than were
discovered during the execution of the tests themselves. This is probably because
the unit test design activity itself forces the unit test designer to examine what they
were attempting to achieve in a new and rigorous manner. Effectively the unit test
design process is a type of review.
Note that the test design is effectively a functional programming process, how
significant the use of a declarative environment may actually be in practice is dif-
ficult to gauge, however we would propose that this is at least in part the cause for
the high rate of detection during the test design phase.
It is also possible to attach costs in terms of time to each of the activities by
extracting data from time sheets as shown in Table 2. This shows the activities of
design review (DES REV), unit test design (UT DES), functional requirements
review (FS REV) unit test run (UT RUN) as a percentage of total engineer hours.
For comparison the total figures for integration (INT TEST) and system/bench
testing (SYS TEST) are also given. Percentage time expended on unit test activities
compare favorably with the total effort expended on integration and system test
It is instructive to examine the data in terms of cost in hours per correction made.
For example the detection rate (in hours expended) for the unit test activities is 3.6
and 0.6 hours per correction giving an average value of 4.2 hours per defect. If each
of these corrections were not discovered until integration testing was performed
then the potential correction cost goes up by nearly a factor of five. For system
testing the cost would rise by a factor of two. This can primarily be attributed to the
additional effort required to perform these testing activities in terms of difficulty
finding the error and rerunning the tests. However, it should be noted there is no
guarantee that all the changes made due to unit testing would be found by those
activities (and vice versa).
It should be noted, however, that the figures for system testing given in Table 2
are, in one sense, an aberration as much work that could potentially be classed as
system test has been recorded as prototyping activity. If this is included with the
system test figures then the time increases to 14% of the effort and the hours per
detection increases to 50 and the difference in the ratios increases to a factor of 12.
5.2. Grommet
The total number of defects located by unit testing is given in Table 3. This shows
the total number of code defects discovered during unit test design (out sourced),
Table 2 Percentage time and detection rates for each activity
Activity DES
% TOTAL time 1.7% 3.7% 0.6% 0.5% 10.7% 2.5%
Hours/change 0.8 3.6 0.6 0.6 21.7 11.6
Empir Software Eng (2006) 11: 5–31 15
run of the unit tests in the host environment (windows PC) and re-running on the
target environment. Unlike the Wallace data above more errors were found during
the execution of the test cases rather than the unit test design stage. This may be a
factor with outsourcing the creation of unit test cases.
Unfortunately, on this project (unlike Sean) we were unable to classify errors as
either minor or major, where a minor error did not require code to be modified but
major errors did (see Section 5.3). This was because it is not always easy to identify
the system severity of the effect of failure. In many cases it is less time consuming to
fix an issue raised at unit test rather than to judge the true impact. This was possible
on the Grommet project because, even though unit testing was deferred to relatively
late in the process, there was still sufficient project time that the risk of introducing
defects through late changes was considered acceptable. It should be noted that this
was not necessary on Wallace due to looser time constraints.
It is unusual that unit testing was deferred in this manner. However, there were a
number of reasons for doing this. First, the requirements were still in a state of flux
at the point where unit testing would normally be performed; thus there was sig-
nificant risk that the work would have to be redone almost completely. Second, it
was felt at the time that the functional module testing would be capable of dis-
covering the majority of the errors. Given the number of errors found during unit
testing the original presumption does not now seem reasonable.
In terms of effort to detect a defect using unit testing required an average of 8.4
days per defect. While this may seem excessive it must be remembered that unit
testing occurred at the end of the project after several iterations of the software
which included the complete life-cycle though to acceptance test on a vehicle. Thus
the majority of errors should have already have been found though review, module,
system, track and on road testing. The surprise for the development team was that
so many errors remained. Overall unit testing required 10.8% of the total project
effort and through outsourcing resulted in costing the customer 5% of the total
project costs.
What we are able to conclude from the data above is that 57 code defects escaped
from all other verification and validation activities. As stated above this was
contrary to what was expected due to having had a fairly high level of confidence in
the rigor of the module functional testing. Due to the nature of the module testing
performed on Grommet, it was possible to gather coverage metrics usually used to
determine whether unit test cases are sufficient, namely statement and branch
coverage. Table 4 compares the coverage metrics for unit testing and module testing
which compares favorably with figures reported in the literature (Dunietz et al.,
1997; Burr and Young, 1998).
It should be noted that during the module functional testing it was not the
intention to obtain full statement or branch coverage on code, that is code coverage
adequacy was not the formal completion criteria. Rather 100% requirements
Activity Number of errors found
Test design 25
Run on host 32
Run on target 0
Table 3 Number of defects
detected on Grommet
16 Empir Software Eng (2006) 11: 5–31
coverage was required. Tests were Badequate^if they demonstrated that the
functional behavior of the code relative to the executable specification was correct
by executing both with the same test vectors. It should also be noted that it would
probably not have taken a great deal more effort to increase the coverage of the
functional module testing if statement coverage was to be included as a criteria for
test completeness. However, what extra utility this would have provided is not clear
from the data available given that only 3.4% of the code was not executed.
5.3. Sean
Like Grommet the Sean project performed its unit test activity as one of the last
process activities. In practice the moving of unit tests to the end of the process did
not significantly affect the development of the majority of the modules. However for
the largest of the modules we faced significant issues due to its relatively complex
logic and the fact that it performed a significant amount of fixed point numerical
computation. Though additional functionality to increase visibility of internal data
values (Freedman, 1991; Voas and Miller, 1995) had been specifically added during
requirements development, this proved in some notable cases to be insufficient.
In the functional test environment establishing what code was being run when an
erroneous output was observed was difficult to determine as it was not possible to
step though the code. In the most extreme instance this forced the engineers res-
ponsible for the particular module being tested to build an ad-hoc unit test envi-
ronment where they had sufficient control of the code to be better able to design
specific tests to probe the code. Several significant errors were found this way, of
particular interest was that one of the errors located was found to be a compiler bug.
In the ad-hoc environment the error was found not to occur; examination of the
generated assembler code for the target revealed the cause of the problem (compiler
error) and the BC^program logic was rearranged to ensure that generated target
code was correct.
It is also interesting to note that the engineer with primary responsibility for
this module commented (forcefully) that it should have been unit tested before
we attempted to perform functional testing.
We discuss this change in attitude
further in Section 7.
The total number of defects located by unit testing is given in Table 5 which
shows the total number of code defects discovered during test design (out-sourced),
running the unit tests in the host environment (windows PC) and re-running on the
target environment. As for the Wallace data, more errors were found during the test
data design process than during the running of the tests. Unlike the Grommet
project, on this project we were able to classify errors as either minor or major,
Coverage Module test Unit test
Mean statement coverage 96.6% 99.7%
Mean branch coverage 82.5% 98.9%
Table 4 Statement and branch
coverage metrics for unit and
module testing on Grommet
The same engineer also worked on the Grommet project and had expressed doubts as the utility
of performing the unit testing!
Empir Software Eng (2006) 11: 5–31 17
where a minor error i.e., those that did not significantly affect the safety or func-
tionality of the system after analysis did not require code to be modified, but major
errors did. Data for major errors is shown alongside the totals in Table 5 in
parentheses. Examples of minor errors include the following:
&Access off the end of an array—system would be non-functional long before
condition can be met in real world therefore modification is not required on
safety grounds and not required on functional grounds.
&Temperature comparison uses B>^rather than B>=,^given the lag in the physical
system and other physical limitations a difference of 1/10 degree Celsius was not
significant and does not affect safety.
A major error that was corrected was an instance of a communication buffer
overrun as this could be expected to occur in the field due to electrical noise. The
change was allowed as system analysis showed there would be no safety issues due
to hardware redundancy for critical voltage measurements. Classification of errors
as major/minor is not an ad-hoc process, in the first instance it requires agreement
between the engineer responsible for the software module and the project archi-
tect and then agreement between the project architect and senor engineers from
the customer and the vehicle program. All errors not corrected at this point re-
main in the change request system and it is intended to correct these in any future
release of the software.
A notable feature of the data given in Table 5 is that running the unit tests found
more of the major errors than the test design process, but overall the design process
discovered numerically more errors.
The reasons for the above are unclear. However, if we examine the data for the
largest and most problematic of the modules (Table 6) we see that authoring of the
test cases found none of the major errors while four of the six errors were found
during running of the tests. Examination of the errors shows that they all seem to be
structural rather than functional in nature.
The total person hours devoted to unit test development and review was such
that approximately 6.7% of the total effort was devoted to this activity. A further
3% of the project effort was associated with enabling the unit test to be run in the
target environment, a complication due to the small amount of RAM available and
the processors segmented architecture.
Activity Number of errors found
Designing tests 36 (3)
Run on host 8 (5)
Run on target 1
Table 5 Total (and major
errors) in code for all modules
Activity Number of errors found
Designing tests 7 (0)
Run on host 6 (4)
Run on target 0
Table 6 Total (and major
errors) in code for the largest
18 Empir Software Eng (2006) 11: 5–31
As part of the project shutdown process, management requested an analysis of
the errors found during unit test. In particular they were interested in knowing if the
errors located during unit test could have been detected by other means. Table 7
lists the 12 defects that were analyzed as part of this process. Detection is measured
against the two other major verification and validation techniques employed: review
and bench/system functional test. For each defect examined the analysis gives one of
three detection probabilities as follows:
&No: it is not believed that this defect could be expected to have been found in
the normal course of events.
&Possible: it is possible that the defect could have been found but it is not un-
reasonable that it was not.
&Yes:it is reasonable that the defect could have been expected to have been
In the case of review the majority of defects either should have been detected or
it was felt that it should have been possible to detect the defect. However it was
pointed out in the report to management that most errors were potentially detect-
able by review. For the two defects with a Bno^comment it was felt that the amount
of work required would have been unreasonable. For example to detect defect 9 it
was thought that desk checking
would have been required, duplicating the work
done in the unit test phase.
The situation with the system tests is more complex and each of the cases is
analyzed separately below.
1. To trigger the fault during system test would require injection of either fault
inducing code (Voas and McGraw, 1998) into the code under test or physically
disabling the on-chip EEPROM.
2. This could not have been found during system test as it has no visible func-
tional effect.
The process of executing the code by hand with a small number of numerical values as opposed to
reviewing. Though the former may be a component of the latter this would not be usually done.
Table 7 Total (and major errors) in code for the largest module
No Issue/defect Review System test
1 Possible infinite loop in EEPROM code Possible No
2 Wrong register cleared in eep code No No
3 Variable not cleared Yes Possible
4 Buffer overflow Yes Possible
5 Variable not initialized Possible No
6 Off array access (off by one) Possible No
7 Arithmetic overflow Possible No
8 Timer overflow Possible No
9 Numerical accuracy No No
10 Memcpy flaw Possible No
11 Local variable assigned but not used Yes No
12 Redundant logical expression Possible No
Empir Software Eng (2006) 11: 5–31 19
3. This was not visible during functional test as it was masked by another defect.
4. It would have been possible to trigger the fault, however it is not clear that
the fault would have been detectable unless an extremely long message was
5. This fault had no viable functional effect apart from the first pass though the
code i.e., in the first 10ms.
6. This fault requires a catastrophic failure of the system wiring and was not
regarded as a credible scenario when designing system tests—because it’s not,
the system would be completely non-functional before this could arise.
7. It would be almost impossible to trigger given the hardware test environment,
for details of this see Ellims et al. (2005).
8. To trigger this during functional test would require unit test like initialization
or several years of running.
9. It would be almost impossible to trigger given the hardware test environment.
10. The memcpy function is an assembler routine, this fault could not have been
triggered in actual use.
11. This fault had no visible functional effect, however writing the unit tests is also
areview activity as noted above and this was discovered by trying to force data
12. This fault had no visable functional effect, again the review effect is evident.
Interestingly it is thought possible that the defects 4, 6, 7, 8 and possibly 9 may
have been detectable using the PolySpace
tool set given their nature and the fact
that they were discovered using boundary value analysis.
6. Comparison of the Projects
First, given the differences in the development processes applied, the cost of
performing unit testing is reasonably similar i.e., we have a spread of between 5 and
10 percent of total project effort. It is not certain why this spread exists, however it is
probable that the requirements for the unit test designs were at least partly res-
ponsible. For example Wallace had a looser unit test specification versus the other
two projects, formally requiring only statement and boundary value coverage, but
probably achieving good data adequacy coverage. The most expensive (%time)
project, Grommet required branch and boundary value coverage, but also effectively
required MC/DC like coverage for predicates as well has having well defined data
adequacy requirements. The adequacy criteria for Sean falls between the other two
projects, its formal adequacy criteria being derived from those developed for Grommet.
It should however be noted that even though, in general, only statement or
branch coverage was required by the quality plan, the testing seems to do much
better. For example, on Wallace, 31% of the functions unit tested obtained 100%
linear code sequence and jumps (LCSAJ) coverage (Natafos, 1988; Woodward et
al., 1980) which subsumes branch coverage and 66% obtained 90% coverage. In no
cases was coverage lower than 80%. What is interesting is that we were not
intending to deliberately do better than 100% branch coverage. Why this should be
The basic properties of the PolySpace tool and associated usage issues are outlined in Nguyen and
Ourghanlian (2003).
20 Empir Software Eng (2006) 11: 5–31
the case is difficult to pin-point from the data available, however the requirements
for input test data require good data coverage; work by Sneed (1986) makes a rea-
sonable hypothesis that good data coverage implies good code coverage with well
structured code which seems to be supported by some empirical work on applying
design of experiments methods to testing (Dunietz et al., 1997).
Table 8 shows the error data given in Section 5 normalized for the number of
executable lines of code in each project and for the number of units in each project.
From this data it is difficult to pick out any strong trends as there are too many
factors that influence the number of errors that were discovered, for instance; the
size of functions, Wallace and Sean have a larger number of small functions used to
control access to hardware than Grommet which only implements higher level logic.
In addition, the time scales of the projects are different, in particular Sean ran a
large number of activities in parallel which tended to both delay error discovery and
compound the effect of rework.
The most interesting figures in Table 8 are the rates of error discovery per func-
tion, both Grommet and Sean have very similar figures and both projects performed
unit testing as the last verification activity. This is perhaps indicative that the
number of errors remaining for both projects were similar when unit testing was
The figures for Wallace are however only a factor of two greater, despite the fact
that unit testing was performed as the first test activity and hence will (or at lest
should) discover more errors than latter activities. This data can probably be used as
aFrule of thumb_on similar projects for predicting the number of errors that can be
expected which can be used as an independent check on the adequacy of the test
The obvious question is how does the work presented by the studies summarized
in Section 2 compare with the work presented in this paper? As the majority of the
work is directed at attempting to answer the question Bwhich fault detection
techniques are effective?,^the answers however are not clear cut and, in some
instances, results contradict previous work.
So, as such, none of the work is directly comparable with the results presented
here. However we can obtain a partial answer if we examine the work for possible
points of comparison.
Firstly a number of the papers contain information on the number of executable
lines of code and of the number of test vectors that were applied. This data is
summarized in Table 9 which gives the executable lines of code, the number of test
vectors and the ratio between the two values. It can be clearly seen that the three
projects discussed here have a significantly lower number of lines of code exercised
per vector on average.
Table 8 Normalized average number of defects detected on all three projects
Project Defects Designing tests Run on host Cumulative
Wallace per 1000 LOC 11.11 9.17
per unit 0.41 0.34 0.75
Grommet per 1000 LOC 2.34 2.99
per unit 0.15 0.19 0.34
Sean per 1000 LOC 10.28 (0.85) 2.28 (1.4)
per unit 0.32 (0.03) 0.07 (0.04) 0.39
Empir Software Eng (2006) 11: 5–31 21
Some information about the amount of time spent on test activities is also available
from a number of the papers
and the data has been summarized in Table 10. What is
immediately apparent is that the number of lines of code being covered per hour in
previous empirical studies differs from what we have observed in industrial practice
by as much as an order of magnitude.
However it should be noted that different studies perform the testing activity
using different techniques, for example Laitenberger (1998) and Runeson and
Andrews (2003) studied only structural testing, while Myers (1978), Kamsties and
Lott (1995) performed both functional (e.g., instructing students to pay attention to
boundary conditions) and purely structural unit tests.
The unit testing on the three industrial projects (Wallace, Grommet and Sean)
perform functional unit testing combined with structural elements to ensure that
code coverage requirements were met. If we assume that this would be Bnormal^
industrial practice, then the combined functional/structural LOC per hour figure for
(professional engineers) results in 19.5 LOC/hour which is comparable with
the Wallace data. Combining Kamsties and Lott’s functional/structural data for the
first replication (students) gives 32.7 LOC/hour which is only a factor of two greater.
A comparison of the defect detection rates would be desirable, however this is
would not be meaningful given the differences in process. The fact that for two of
the projects extensive testing occurred before unit testing was applied, thus re-
moving a significant number of errors which could reasonably be expected to have
been located by testing would also bias the comparison.
What this is saying about the empirical studies vs. actual industrial practice is not
clear, however some differences are obvious. For example in the majority of the
studies examined above, the amount of time allowed for each activity was artificially
constrained (Myers, 1978) being the notable exception. In the projects examined
here that was not the case, at least not to the same degree. Another issue is the
subjects training in the techniques applied, or rather lack thereof. In the empirical
studies all subjects received some instruction in the techniques to be applied and in
some cases undertook Bhomework^assignments for those activities. However that
does not match the continual write, review, rework cycle applied in the projects
described here.
Table 9 Number of test cases vs. number of executable code lines
LOC Vectors LOC/vector
Wallace 13500 3405 3.9
Grommet 10700 4613 2.3
Sean 3500 1669 2.1
Laitenberger (1998) 262 25 8
Maximulien (2003) 71000 2490 28.5
The data from Kamsties and Lott (1995) has been separated out for both replications (R1, R2)
and only the data for functional unit test has been shown in Table 10. The data as presented here
is not given in the paper and the authors have performed there own analysis from the raw data
given in the paper from Tables 7.1 and 7.15.
Data for time is taken from Table V in Myers (1978) and the lines of code from pg. 763, the same
analysis is performed for Kamsties and Lott (1995) from the raw data presented in Tables 7.1 and
22 Empir Software Eng (2006) 11: 5–31
7. Discussion
Possibly the most significant difference between the projects is when they chose to
perform the unit test activities. Wallace had the luxury of having adequate time and
stable requirements when unit testing was applied. Where stable requirements were
not available Wallace took the path of least resistance and opted to prototype de-
sired functionality avoiding the overheads of applying the full development process.
When requirements derived from prototyping activities were stable, the work was
reengineered from the requirements down, incorporating unit testing. Neither of the
other two projects had the prototyping option though it is felt, in hindsight, that it
should have been pursued on Grommet. Sean never had the time nor the adequate
manpower to take this approach.
The most notable difference in the approach from the reported figures reported
above is the time expended to locate each change, Wallace reported 3.6 hours per
defect, Grommet reported 8.4 days and for Sean it is 13.6 days. There are a number
of possible reasons for this,
firstly Wallace simply had more defects to find as it
was the first testing activity applied. Secondly the unit test phase followed directly
from the design phase and thirdly the unit test were specified by the module
designer. These last two factors possibly make the process more efficient in the
sense that the test design process is possibly more effective as a review activity as
the designer tends to use there own mental model of what they intended rather than
relying wholly on the written documentation. That is they try and test what they
thought they designed rather than what they did design. The test design process in
this case then tends to compare the mental model vs. the actual design.
There are other possible factors as well, for example over the five years that
Wallace ran, the designers became adept at using the THG tool. On the other two
projects which were outsourced, this would not have taken place to the same extent.
The unit test data generation activity was outsourced for Grommet and Sean.
What effect that has on the quality of the tests is uncertain. At the current time the
main issues with the out-sourcing process would appear to be firstly, there is signifi-
cant training overhead involved to have the test data generated as required. Sec-
ondly a significant overhead is associated with monitoring and reviewing the work.
See also comments in Section 5.2.
Table 10 Lines of code covered per hours for the projects described in this paper and extracted
from the existing literature
LOC Hours LOC/hour
Wallace 13500 865 15.5
Grommet 10700 4440 2.5
Sean 3500 400 9
Myers (1978) 83 1.9 43
Kamsties R1/F (1995) 200 2.6 76
Kamsties R2/F (1995) 200 2.2 90
Laitenberger (1998) 262 2 131
Runeson (2003) 200 1.9 105
Empir Software Eng (2006) 11: 5–31 23
This second activity occupied 39% of the total effort associated with performing the
unit tests on Sean and located 149 required changes to the unit test cases.
In terms of total cost unit testing appears expensive, but not unduly so.
However if the cost in terms of man hours to find errors from the Wallace data is
considered representative, then unit testing can be between 2 and 13 times more
effective than the other test activities applied. The case is less clear cut for the other
two projects, however as noted above, engineers were forced to resort to what
amounts to unit testing to make progress on Sean.
It has been noted that the attitude of engineers who have been required to
perform unit testing changes over time, in effect what we see is Hamlet’s Bnose
rubbing effect^(Hamlet, 1988). The attitude of engineers who in many cases have
not performed unit testing previously is interesting to observe. On Wallace two
events stand out, during unit test design one engineer enquired BI can’t (unit) test
this code—can I redesign it?.^The answer was of course yes. Another engineer on
the same project, who was actively hostile to the idea of performing unit testing
commented when he located a bug B.. that one would have been hard to find
(elsewhere).^The changing or changed attitude of one engineer who worked on
both Grommet and Sean was noted above, the polite version of the comment boils
down to Bthis code should all have been unit tested before we tried to bench
(system) test it.^Maximilien and Williams (2003) noted a similar effect stating
Bthere was some resistance from developers at first.^
The attitude of the Pi Technology authors is also interesting; Ellims undertook
the analysis of the available Wallace data to prove to management that unit testing
was a cost effective technique. Bridges however was attempting to find evidence for
the converse on Grommet, that unit testing was not effective either in terms of
errors found and cost. Analysis of the actual error and cost data vs. the perceived
effectiveness by project engineers shows that the latter premise could not however
be justified. The evidence shows that contrary to the belief of the project engineers,
a non-trivial numbers of errors were located.
The authors also have to acknowledge that there were significant problems in
collection and collation of the data. In particular all data had to be extracted after
the fact as adequate provision for near real-time analysis had not been made at the
start of any of the three projects. However we seem to be learning: data collection
on Sean was simpler than on either the Wallace or Grommet projects.
Of the questions proposed at the end of Section 2, we can provide some partial
answers. For the first question the Wallace data shows that unit testing appears to be
one of the more efficient of the bug removal strategies applied. But it is also clear
that review activities are more effective still. It is also clear that even at the end of
the development process (Grommet, Sean) there were still faults remaining, despite
the application of reviews at all stages and the application of detailed functional
testing. In addition to the in-house testing the Grommet code was in use in a vehicle
test fleet for nearly two years and functional testing on Sean was also conducted by a
completely independent team (the customer). The scale of functional test detail on
It should be noted that the THG tool was developed as part of another large scale development
of an engine control unit in response to the ludicrous amount of effort required to do unit testing on
a project previous to that. Therefore development costs of the tool are not a major issue for any of
the projects discussed here apart from on going maintenance costs.
24 Empir Software Eng (2006) 11: 5–31
Sean was impressive, the 3500 LOC were represented by approximately 2240 lines
of detailed specification all of which had specific functional system/bench tests. No
one technique on its own appears to be completely effective.
As to the second and third questions on resource use we can give definitive
answers (Sections 5 and 6) for these three projects which we believe can be directly
applied to other projects of a similar nature. However as the projects examined are
all so similar, extrapolating the results given here should be made with some
As to the last question, we believe that we have demonstrated that simple
adequacy criteria such as statement coverage should be viewed as being inadequate
on their own and need to be combined with a data coverage adequacy criteria of
some type. Sneed (1986) pointed out the advantage of doing this in 1986 but the
general area seems to have suffered some neglect since then: research efforts mainly
being applied to adequacy criteria based on coverage of source code. The notable
exceptions of course being mutation testing (DeMillo and Offutt, 1993) and more
recent work on applying design of experiments methods to software test Cohen
et al. (1997).
8. Conclusions
We have examined three projects where we felt that unit testing was done rea-
sonably well. The three projects have a range of different characteristic e.g., fixed
point versus floating point implementations, complete systems (Wallace, Sean)
versus a project building separate components of a larger system.
On the basis of the very fact that errors were detected by performing unit testing
on all three projects it is difficult to argue that the activity is not necessary and so
can be cut from the development process. Unit testing seems to hit the spot that
other testing does not reach and replicates results from Dupuy and Leveson (2000).
However unit tests are difficult to maintain over the life of a project so some prac-
tical strategy is required to integrate their use with the customer’s and manage-
ment’s desire to reduce time scales and cost (faster, better, cheaper–pick any two).
The data from the Grommet project also provides a strong indication that
statement coverage is, as has long been suspected (Tai, 1980; Hamlet, 1994), indeed
a poor measure of test adequacy as nearly 97% statement coverage of the
complete code set was obtained during functional module testing and errors were
still uncovered though unit testing.
Given the strong emphasis on data-adequate heuristics such as boundary value
and domain analysis in the unit test guidelines of all three projects, it is thought
probable that a large amount of the test effectiveness during unit test should be
attributed to those criteria rather than the code coverage criteria. This view is sup-
ported by results reported by Jones and Harrold (2003) on the effects of test set
minimization on fault detection effectiveness of test sets.
The results which are detailed here are an attempt to evaluate unit testing in
context of a complete project and its development process. Many publications have
treated unit testing theoretically, compared it qualitatively with other testing tech-
niques or described novel tools. What we have tried to do in this paper is to put
some solid results into the public domain and to replace myth with fact. For example
Empir Software Eng (2006) 11: 5–31 25
for the three large projects reported here managements perceived costs of unit
testing were probably exaggerated relative to benefit gained as compared with other
techniques such as expanding the system/bench test program.
We hope that the results reported in this paper will have a number of effects:
&That it will encourage other industrial sources to publish empirical data,
particularly on testing activities.
&Remind the research community that if we want to make progress on responding
to hypotheses then the way to do this is through a consideration of real-life
project data.
9. Future Work
It is envisaged that the data available on these three projects will allow a number of
other studies to be undertaken.
At the suggestion of one of the reviewers the authors intend to re-examine the
data collected to see if there are any obvious differences in the nature of the faults
that unit testing finds relative to faults that other test activities locate. There appears
to be very little data that addresses this. For example Basili and Selby (1987)
compared detection rates and characterization of faults. However, it is not clear
from their data whether there were faults that were located by only a single tech-
nique. A start on this work has been made with the analysis of faults from the Sean
project. Unfortunately repeating this analysis on the other two projects will be a
massive task
and so results could not be included here.
Another avenue that would be of interest to explore would be to examine how
adequate the data coverage of the existing test sets is. Recent theoretical work by
Dalal and Mallows (1998) and empirical data from Kuhn et al. (Kuhn and Reilly,
2002; Kuhn et al., 2004) indicate that this would be a useful exercise. Unfortunately
there are few tools available to make this type of assessment.
One possibility that was actively pursued on the Grommet project was to assess
the test inputs for data adequacy via mutation testing. As Hamlet (1995) has stated
Bthis was originally an attempt to fill the data-coverage gap,^unfortunately it did
not prove possible to find a suitable mutation tool at the time and so this work was
not undertaken.
10. Afterword
It’s known that testing can only reveal the presence of bugs, not prove their absence.
However, having performed unit testing the Pi Technology authors would like to
state that they feel much more confident that the residual defect level in the
delivered software for all three projects is at a level consistent with current best
For Wallace alone there are over 900 pages of change requests and review records to be
26 Empir Software Eng (2006) 11: 5–31
practice for the automotive industry. It is difficult to put a price on how much this
confidence is worth.
Acknowledgments Firstly every engineer the Pi Technology authors have made to Bsuffer^in the
course of these three projects, thank-you. We still think it was necessary. To Dr Charlie Wartnaby
who performed the original analysis on detection probabilities in Table 7 and Peter Ladkin for a late
review. Secondly to the reviewers for some rather interesting observations and questions.
Appendix: Unit Test Requirements
The following is a summary of the unit test requirements for Grommet and Sean,
extracted from the checklists for the software testing specifications for those projects,
with some paraphrasing. Where differences exist between the two projects this is
noted in italics. It should also be noted that to minimize the space requirements all
supporting text has been removed, the test guidelines for Sean are 17 pages in length
and contain numerous examples and references.
Small numbers
1. (Grommet only) differences should be 1/10 the minimum resolution as defined
in the data dictionary.
2. Integer values should vary by a single bit value.
Condition Evaluation
1. Short circuit evaluation—all parts of a condition are to be evaluated once
2. Single relational operator, Test cases should consist of { (A>B), (A<B), (A==B)}
with the caveat that the difference between A and B must be as small as possible.
3. (Grommet only) Compound statements
&Where the two conditions are combined with an OR test cases should consist
of the following {(A<=B&&C==D), (A<=B&& C<D), (A<=B&&C>D) &
&Where the two conditions are combined with AND Test cases should consist
of the following {(A>B&&C==D), (A>B&&C<D), (A>B&&C>D) and
4. The difference between the operands will be made as Fsmall as possible_to
ensure that any error would more likely result in an incorrect path being taken,
making the effect of the error more observable.
5. There are a number of problems that seem to occur in code despite all efforts to
avoid them
&one or more inputs missing from a logical expression
&incorrect comparison operators (!= instead of ==, = instead of == etc)
&incorrect Boolean operators applied, (&&, ||, !, & instead of && etc)
&Boolean parenthesis error (incorrect precedence in complex expressions)
&incorrect relational operator error (using < instead of <=, or < instead of >,
Empir Software Eng (2006) 11: 5–31 27
1. Are loops with variable number of conditions tested to check the boundary
2. Do loops with a fixed number of iterations execute the correct number of times.
3. Are there any loops which the test designer thinks it may be possible that they
do not terminate.
4. Are there nested loops that need to be checked from the inside out?
Data coverage
1. All inputs are tested at their defined minimum values simultaneously and
maximum values simultaneously.
2. Each physical value is tested at its range limits, limits to be justified.
3. All outputs are tested to produce a maximum and a minimum range value.
4. At least one test does not cause clipping to take place.
5. All modal values (i.e., enumeration and state variables) have all values tested.
6. All modal variables are tested for out of range values.
7. Data structures are tested exercise the limits of their allowed storage (for
example the lower and upper limits of arrays).
8. For boundary values the ranges specified in the design and data dictionary
should be used.
9. The values selected should include zero and if a signed data type is used both a
positive and negative values.
Accuracy of equations
1. All equations are tested for overflow and loss of resolution by giving
combinations of boundary value inputs.
&Where an equation requires either an intermediate or final result to grow larger
in magnitude, such as for addition and multiplication, test cases should be
chosen such that both arguments are at a maximum amplitude.
&Repeat test detailed above and, if appropriate, additional test inputs should
be chosen so that the final result is as small as possible.
&Where an equation requires an intermediate or final result to grow smaller
in magnitude, such as for division, make the numerator as small as possible
and the denominator as large as possible.
2. Fixed-point arithmetic only. Wherever there is a subtraction (A-B), make sure
that the test cases are designed such that both A and B are positive and B is
larger than A. This will ensure that the signed arithmetic has been handled
correctly in case A and B are implemented as unsigned parameters. This test
should be applied to both signed and unsigned parameters.
3. Design test cases such that the result of an equation is zero and also the smallest
possible number bigger than zero. The purpose of this is to test for loss of resolution.
Unspecified Behavior
1. All equations involving division should have a divide by zero trap implemented.
2. Make sure that all inputs that are not outputs are not changed by the code.
28 Empir Software Eng (2006) 11: 5–31
Aitchison K, Goody K (2000, September) Effective bench testing of ECUs. Proceedings of ISATA
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30 Empir Software Eng (2006) 11: 5–31
Michael Ellims is currently Chief Engineer for Pi Technology working in embedded vehicle control
systems for 14 years. Technical interests include embedded electronic control systems, systems safety
and hazard analysis and software testing. He has a M.Sc. (Hons.) in computer science from the
University of Canterbury and is a member of the IEEE Computer Society and the ACM.
James Bridges is currently a Chief Engineer for Pi Technology and has worked for over 10 years in
the field of automotive safety related embedded software controls. After graduating from Reading
University with a B.Sc. in Cybernetics and Control Engineering, James was a research engineer for
British Telecom working on speech recognition.
Darrel Ince is a Professor of Computing at the Open University, the largest university in the United
Kingdom. He is the author of 24 books and over a hundred papers dealing with topics in software
engineering. His current research interests are security requirements and software testing.
Empir Software Eng (2006) 11: 5–31 31