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A cost effectiveness indicator for software development


Abstract and Figures

Product quality, development productivity, and staffing needs are main cost drivers in software development. The paper proposes a cost-effectiveness indicator that combines these drivers using an economic criterion.
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Cost-Effectiveness Indicator for Software Development
Erdogmus, Hakan
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Cost-Effectiveness Indicator for Software
Development *
Erdogmus, H.
* Proceedings of the International Symposium on Empirical Software
Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2007). September 20, 2007. NRC
Copyright 2007 by
National Research Council of Canada
Permission is granted to quote short excerpts and to reproduce figures and tables
from this report, provided that the source of such material is fully acknowledged.
A cost effectiveness indicator for software development
Hakan Erdogmus
NRC Institute for Information Technology
Ottawa, Canada
Product quality, development productivity, and
staffing needs are main cost drivers in software
development. The paper proposes a one-stop cost-
effectiveness indicator that combines these three cost
drivers through an economic criterion.
1. Introduction
Tradeoffs between development productivity and
product quality make it hard to assess the cost-
effectiveness of software development, both across
software development projects and across development
techniques and practices. Previous research confirms
the variability in quality and productivity [1], and the
tension between them [2]. This paper proposes an
indicator that reconciles this tension by aggregating
software development’s main cost drivers [3] -- team
productivity, staffing needs, and product quality -- into
a single coherent quantity. The indicator, called
breakeven multiple, allows comparison among projects
and development techniques based on their relative
cost-effectiveness. The indicator incorporates
productivity through its impact on direct development
costs and product quality through its impact on indirect
or downstream costs associated with rework [4].
Economic metrics for software development have
existed since the late nineties. Erdogmus [5]
developed a cost-benefit model based on net present
value for comparing software initiatives. Muller and
Padberg [6] adapted this model to evaluate extreme
programming projects. Erdogmus and Williams [7]
later combined net present value with breakeven
analysis to derive an economic feasibility metric for
pair programming. Padberg and Muller [8] used a
similar approach in their own analysis of the same
practice. Wagner [4] recently proposed an economic
efficiency model for quality that aggregates costs and
benefits of quality activities into a return-on-
investment metric.
The work presented here builds on the metric
defined by Erdogmus and Williams [7] for comparing
two practices. It both generalizes and simplifies this
metric, allowing more robust, multi-way comparison.
2. Basic Concepts
A project is work undertaken by a team. A project’s
output is a partial or complete software product with
working features and no known issues that require
resolution. A project comprises production and rework
activities. Production refers to all work that leads to
the initial external release of parts or whole of a
usable, but not necessarily perfect, product. Production
results in a product that may contain issues requiring
resolution. The output of production is the project’s
nominal output. Rework refers to all work that resolves
any identified issues in the nominal output. Rework
transforms a released imperfect product into a finished
product free of such issues. After rework, nominal
output becomes the project’s real output.
Product quality, or simply quality, refers to absence
of issues in a project’s output. Think of an issue as a
defect or an undesirable property or behavior that
incurs some latent cost, or prevents the benefits of a
product from being realized as intended. Issues are
discovered post-production and require resolution.
They may relate to functionality, reliability, usability,
maintainability or other external attributes. Rework
captures cost of poor quality.
Schedule is the duration of an activity, measured in
calendar time. Effort is the labor cost of an activity,
measured in person-time.
3. Derived Measures
The following derived measures can be obtained
from the base measures of nominal output, production
effort, rework effort, issue count and staffing profile
(salary loading of project as a function of schedule):
Load factor (L) quantifies a project’s average
staffing load based on the staffing profile, in terms of a
base salary’s a multiple.
Production speed (p) captures the production
component of team productivity. It is the average
delivery speed of nominal output by the project:
Lp ×=
effortt Developmen
output Nominal
Issue density (d) captures the level of rework that
the released nominal product requires. It is the average
issue count of a unit of nominal output.
Resolution speed (r) captures the rework
component of team productivity. It is the average rate
at which the project resolves issues in a nominal
4. Derivation of the indicator
Production efficiency is the ratio of production
effort to the total effort. A project that is 100%
efficient does not perform any rework, and its nominal
productivity effectively equals its real productivity. A
project having a production speed of p output units per
unit schedule, an issue density of d issues per unit
output, a resolution speed of r issues per unit schedule,
has a production efficiency,
, of r/(r + pd). If V
denotes the hypothetical value earned by a single unit
of real output, then for each unit schedule the project
on average earns a value of Vp
Now suppose S is the base salary of a developer. If
the project has a load factor of L persons, it incurs for
each unit of schedule a cost of SL. Then the average
net value, NV, earned by project per unit schedule is
LS. Of interest is the minimum level of the
quaintly V that allows the project to break even.
Solving the equation NV = 0 for V yields this
breakeven unit value. Thus BUV = min{ V | Vp
= 0 } = LS/p
BUV combines productivity and quality as desired,
but it still depends on S. Normalizing the base salary S
with respect to BUV results in a more compact
indicator called the breakeven multiple, or BM, where:
BM = S/BUV = p
BM expresses the base salary S in terms of a
multiple of BUV, but it does not depend on S. Since S
is invariant within and across projects in the same
context, if a project’s BM increases, the project
requires a lower unit value to break even, and the
project’s cost-effectiveness and profitability increase
as a result. A more intuitive interpretation of BM relies
on its unit. BM is measured in output per person-time,
the same unit as resource productivity. BM is indeed
nominal calendar productivity adjusted by efficiency
and de-normalized with respect to resource load.
Therefore, it can be thought of as the real resource
productivity of a production process.
5. Advantages, Limitations, and Uses
BM is an indicator that aggregates productivity,
quality, and staffing needs into a single, simple
quantity. It makes possible to compare projects with
opposite productivity and quality characteristics, thus
reconciling the underlying trade-offs. BM is
empirically determined through combining
interdependent measures, but does not express a
natural relationship among these measures.
Through alternative derivations, BM captures both
cost-effectiveness and real (as opposed to nominal)
productivity, both of which admit intuitive
interpretations. It is also sound with respect to standard
financial theory under the assumption of continuous
incremental delivery [7].
BM requires simple base measures to be collected
about a project. It can be customized for a given
context by appropriately choosing the underlying base
measures. A serious limitation of BM is its dependence
on the unit of the particular output measure used. Thus
projects having different output measures are not
comparable by this indicator. The base measures of
output and issue count should be interpretable on a
ratio scale for realistically large ranges. Particularly
problematic is the situation when base measures are
highly variable. Software unfortunately does not admit
a universal and uniform output measure. Although the
ideal output measure is delivered business value, either
size measures such as lines of code (low-level) and
function points (high-level) or requirements-oriented
measures like use-cases and stories are adopted as
proxies. However, each proxy has advantages and
disadvantages [9]. Finding portable, meaningful, sound
measures of size, functionality, productivity and
quality has been an elusive endeavor.
The breakeven multiple has two intended uses: (1)
as a high-level, one-stop performance indicator inside
a portfolio of projects; and (2) as a one-stop dependent
variable in empirical studies of software development
practices. In experimental contexts, BM’s limitations
can be alleviated through study design.
6. Application Example
As an example, consider test-driven development
(TDD), a coding technique in which development tasks
are driven by unit tests written before production code.
The example demonstrates BM’s use in conjunction
with sensitivity analysis.
An empirical study by Erdogmus, Morisio, and
Torchiano [10] evaluated the effects of writing unit
tests before production code (Test-First) relative to
writing units tests after production code (Test-Last).
The study measured the average nominal productivity
and product quality of two groups performing a
programming task with a set of incremental
requirements. The study measured external program
quality (through failing acceptance tests) and
production effort, but not rework productivity.
0% | 0%
16% | 14%
27% | 25%
36% | 33%
42% | 39%
48% | 45%
53% | 49%
56% | 53%
60% | 57%
62% | 59%
65% | 62%
Production Efficiency: Test-Last | Test-First
Breakeven Multiple
Figure 2. Breakeven multiples for the TDD study as a
function of the resolution speed.
To calculate the two groups’ BM values, we treat
them as two projects, setting the output measure to
number of completed stories. The measure of
production speed is stories per hour, which is readily
adoptable. For the quality measure, we equate a failing
acceptance test to an issue, and calculate issue density
in failures per story. The load is constant since the two
techniques were executed by single programmers.
Since the study did not measure rework
productivity, we fix the production speed of Test-Last,
and estimate the resolution speed of Test-First by
applying its observed 28% nominal productivity speed-
up. Subsequently, we vary Test-Last’s resolution
speed, determine the corresponding Test-First
resolution speed, compute the corresponding
production efficiencies, and finally plot the BM values
against the resulting production efficiency pairs. The
chart in Figure 2 shows this analysis. The analysis
suggests an increasing cost-effectiveness for the Test-
First group relative to the Test-Last group as efficiency
7. Summary
The breakeven multiple is an aggregate economic
indicator for software development. It reduces what
would ordinarily be multi-criteria comparisons based
on separate quality, productivity, and staffing measures
into single-criterion comparisons based on cost-
effectiveness. It is indented for use as a high-level
performance indicator for software projects and as a
dependent variable in empirical studies of software
BM does not express a functional-empirical
relationship among the base measures. Sensitivity
analyses should be conducted with the recognition of
the base measures’ mutual dependence in mind.
Measurement issues constitute BM’s main limitation.
Availability of proper and meaningful base measures,
ability to accurately capture them, and dependence on
the output measure limit BM’s applicability and
8. References
[1] K. Maxwell and P. Forselius, "Benchmarking
software development productivity," IEEE
Software, pp. 80-88, 2000.
[2] A. MacCormack, C. F. Kemerer, M.
Cusumano, and B. Crandall, "Trade-offs
between productivity and quality in selecting
software development practices," IEEE
Software, vol. Sep/Oct, pp. 78-85, 2003.
[3] B. W. Boehm and P. N. Papaccio,
"Understanding and controlling software
costs," IEEE Transactions on Software
Engineering, vol. 14, pp. 1462-1477, 1988.
[4] S. Wagner, "A literature survey of the quality
economics of defect-detection techniques,"
presented at International Symposium on
Empirical Software Engineering, 2006.
[5] H. Erdogmus, "Comparative evaluation of
software development strategies based on Net
Present Value," presented at First ICSE
Workshop on Economics-Driven Software
Engineering Research, Los Angeles,
California, 1999.
[6] M. Müller and F. Padberg, "On the economic
evaluation of XP projects," presented at
Jouint 9th European Software Engineering
Conference and 11th ACM SIGSOFT Int'l
Symposium on Foundations of Software
Engineering, Helsinki, Finland, 2003.
[7] H. Erdogmus and L. Williams, "The
Economics of Software Development by Pair
Programmers," The Engineering Economist,
vol. 48, 2003.
[8] F. Padberg and M. Müller, "Analyzing cost
and benefits of pair programming," presented
at 9th International Software Metrics
Symposium, 2003.
[9] M. Asmild, J. C. Paradi, and A. Kulkarni,
"Using data envelopment analysis in sofware
development productivity measurement,"
Software Process Improvement and Practice,
vol. 11, pp. 561-572, 2006.
[10] H. Erdogmus, M. Morisio, and M. Torchiano,
"On the Effectiveness of the Test-First
Approach to Programming," IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering, vol.
31, pp. 226-237, 2005.
... Also related is the work to define measures for economic evaluations in SE e.g. the "cost-effectiveness indicator" proposed by Erdogmus [14]. Economic evaluations in evidence-based medicine: In health care, the guidelines for systematic literature review [15] provide support for performing economic evaluations in a secondary study. ...
... There have been some proposals for unified indicators to allow cost-effectiveness analysis to compare two or more interventions (c.f. [14]). Such proposals need to be further evaluated. ...
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... Rework in this context is all work that "transforms a released imperfect product into a finished product free of such issues (Erdogmus 2007)"; this definition excludes "evolutionary rework" that adds value to an evolving product to provide new capabilities in the next version (Fairley and Willshire 2005). ...
... The central assumption of "pull" is that it aligns the production on what provides value for the customer and in this way avoids rework (Ohno 1988, Womack and Jones 1996). Rework in this context is all work that "transforms a released imperfect product into a finished product free of such issues (Erdogmus 2007)"; this definition excludes "evolutionary rework" that adds value to an evolving product to provide new capabilities in the next version (Fairley and Willshire 2005). To get an estimation of the gravity of the problem of rework within a development team, we want to evaluate the costs that are generated because of rework. ...
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... Erdogmus presents a cost-effectiveness indicator for software development. He uses base measures such as nominal output, production effort, rework effort, issue count, staffing profile to derive a breakeven multiple as an indicator aggregating productivity, quality, and staffing needs [28]. This is a good example for this approach in a different context. ...
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