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Survival of mite infested (Varroa destructor) honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies in a Nordic climate


Abstract and Figures

An isolated honey bee population (N = 150) was established on the southern tip of Gotland, an island in the Baltic sea. After infestation with 36 to 89 Varroa destructor mites per colony, they were unmanaged and allowed to swarm. For over six years colonies were monitored for swarming, winter losses, infestation rate in the fall, and bee population size in the spring. Winter mortality rate decreased from 76% and 57% in the third and fourth years, to 13% and 19% in the fifth and sixth years. Swarming rates increased from zero the third field season to 57.1% and 36.4% in the last two years. The mite infestation on adult bees decreased during the last two years, from 0.47% in the third year to 0.19% and 0.22% respectively. Our data suggest that a host-parasite co-adaptation has occurred ensuring survival of both the host and the parasite. The mechanisms behind this co-adaptation require further study.
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Apidologie 37 (2006) 1
INRA/DIB-AGIB/EDP Sciences, 2006
DOI: 10.1051/apido:2006031 Original article
Survival of mite infested (Varroa destructor)honeybee
(Apis mellifera) colonies in a Nordic climate
Ingemar Fa, Anton Ib, Peter Rc
aDepartment of Entomology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Box 7044, 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
bSwiss Apicultural Institute, FAM, Liebefeld, 3003 Bern, Switzerland
cState Institute of Apiculture, University of Hohenheim, 70593 Stuttgart, Germany
Received 7 November 2005 – accepted 23 December 2005
Abstract An isolated honey bee population (N =150) was established on the southern tip of Gotland,
an island in the Baltic sea. After infestation with 36 to 89 Varroa destructor mites per colony, they were
unmanaged and allowed to swarm. For over six years colonies were monitored for swarming, winter losses,
infestation rate in the fall, and bee population size in the spring. Winter mortality rate decreased from 76%
and 57% in the third and fourth years, to 13% and 19% in the fifth and six years. Swarming rates increased
from zero the third field season to 57.1% and 36.4% in the last two years. The mite infestation on adult bees
decreased during the last two years, from 0.47% in the third year to 0.19% and 0.22% respectively. Our data
suggest that a host-parasite co-adaptation has occurred ensuring survival of both the host and the parasite.
The mechanisms behind this co-adaptation require further study.
Varroa destructor /Apis mellifera /host-parasite interaction /survival /adaption
Varroa destructor Anderson and Trueman
mites have become a major plague for world
beekeeping of European bees (Apis mellif-
era L.), although the impact from mite in-
festations varies greatly between continents
(Rosenkranz, 1999). The original host of the
mite V. destructor, the Asian honey bee Apis
cerana Fabr., is not damaged to any apprecia-
ble degree by the infestations mainly because
mite reproduction occurs only in drone brood,
and mites become increasingly entrapped in
dying drone brood when the mite population
increases (Rath and Drescher, 1990). Groom-
ing of mites is also more eective in A. cerana,
compared to A. mellifera (Peng et al., 1987),
but the impact from this behaviour on mite
tolerance probably has been over emphasized
(Fries et al., 1996).
Corresponding author: I. Fries,
It is well documented that Africanized
honey bees (Apis mellifera adansoni imported
into Brazil) also survive and coexist with V. d e -
structor in South America (Rosenkranz, 1999)
and similar host-parasite adaptations have also
been reported from North Africa (Boecking
and Ritter, 1993). In Europe, however, it is
generally accepted that the mite population
must be controlled to avoid colony collapse
(Fries et al., 1994). Nevertheless, although
data demonstrate that in a Nordic climate
colonies infested by V. destructor are dam-
aged and are likely to die over winter only
three years post infestation (Korpela et al.,
1993), there are frequent anecdotal reports in
beekeeping journals of mite infested colonies
surviving extended periods without mite con-
trol. Although such claims are often dicult to
verify, a documented case of European honey
bees surviving mite infestation without treat-
ment is found on an island 345 km othe
coast of Brazil (de Jong and Soares, 1997).
Italian bees infested with V. destructor were
2 I. Fries et al.
introduced in 1984 onto this island and this bee
population later increased in size without mite
control (de Jong and Soares, 1997). Recently,
the return of feral bee populations has been re-
ported from France (Le Conte, 2004) and the
USA (Seeley, 2004), indicating long-term sur-
vival of non-treated mite infested honey bee
colonies in Europe as well as in the US. In
France there are also reports of mite tolerant
bees developing based on bee material brought
into Europe from Tunesia (Kefuss et al., 2004).
It remains unknown if this development oc-
curs because of increased mite tolerance in the
host, reduced virulence in the parasite (with
the virus infections vectored), or both.
Epidemiological considerations predict that
honey bees and V. destructor may develop
a benign host-parasite relationship, but this
depends on beekeepers maintaining selection
pressure on both the bees and mites imposed
by the infestations. This means that beekeepers
should not constantly remove mites from the
system through mite control methods (Fries
and Camazine, 2001). Host-parasite adapta-
tions have probably occurred where mites and
bees coexist, although these processes have
not been documented. On the other hand, the
introduction of an exotic parasite, V. destruc-
tor, into a new host system, A. mellifera, could
potentially lead to local eradication of the
honey bee species. The invasion of an exotic
species into an ecosystem is currently viewed
as one of the most important sources of biodi-
versity loss and may lead to host eradication
(Deredec and Courchamp, 2003).
We have studied the survival rate for over
six years in a population of V. destructor in-
fested honey bee colonies in an isolated area
to determine if all colonies would perish, and
their parasites along with them.
In 1999 we established a genetically diverse
honey bee population of 150 honey bee colonies in
8 apiaries with variable distances between apiaries
(500 m to 2 km). The apiaries (N5801’–N5804’,
E1809’–E1815’, only a few meters above sea
level) were located on “Sudret”, which is the south-
ern tip of the island Gotland in the Baltic sea, iso-
lated from the main island through a narrow land
bridge. In July of the same year, these mite free
colonies were infested with 36 to 89 V. destructor
by adding 400 cm3of bees (number of mites cal-
culated from three separate sub-samples), collected
from mite infested colonies. No mite treatments
were performed at all and the colonies were allowed
to swarm at will. The only management of experi-
mental colonies throughout the six year monitoring
period consisted of data sampling and of feeding
of sugar solution for winter in cases where honey
stores were deemed insucient for winter survival.
The hives used were Swedish standard hives with a
frame size of 366 ×222 mm. Throughout the exper-
iment each colony has had access to two boxes with
a total of 20 combs. The background and the origin
of the bees and the impact from swarming on mite
population dynamics have been described in some
detail (Fries et al., 2003).
2.1. Data collection and analysis
Inspections of all colonies were done 4 times
each year during the summers of 2000–2005 to reg-
ister if colonies had swarmed or not. When colonies
had emerged queen cells and a break in brood pro-
duction, they were registered as swarming colonies.
Swarms were collected on site upon inspection or
from swarm boxes put up in the experimental area.
In one colony with mature queen cells in 2003,
an artificial swarm was produced to avoid losing
this swarm. In 2004 and in 2005 four artificial
swarms each year were made the same way follow-
ing swarm preparations in individual colonies. In
2004, one natural secondary swarm was also cap-
tured. Swarms collected or produced were placed in
separate apiaries each year but returned to the api-
ary where they originated the following year.
Late October 2000–2005, when colonies have
no sealed brood in the study region, samples of
approximately 100 cm3of bees were taken from
all colonies to measure mite infestation levels.
Colonies that were wintered each year were re-
garded as surviving the winter if they had a queen
and enough bees (i.e. more than 1000 bees) to ex-
pand in June the following year.
During the first inspection (late April or early
May) each year, the size of the bee population in
each colony was investigated from 2001 through
2005 by examining the combs and estimating the
number of bees on each comb (Imdorf et al., 1987).
Throughout the experiment, no attempt was made
to strengthen any colony by adding bees, or to re-
place failing queens. Thus, a few colonies were lost
Survival of mite infested honey bee colonies 3
Figure 1. Mortality rate of honey bee colonies over
six winters without control of Varroa destructor.
N=number of colonies in late October each year.
Bars with dierent letters above are significantly
dierent between years (P<0.05, chi-square).
during the breeding season not due to colony col-
lapse, but to queens becoming drone layers. This
explains why some colonies disappeared from the
experiment for reasons other than winter mortality.
The proportion of colonies that died each winter
and the swarming rate of colonies each field sea-
son were compared between years using chi-square
statistics. The mite load of colonies in late fall was
compared using a Kruskall-Wallis test for mite in-
festation rate, with year as grouping variable. The
data for each year were also analyzed by correlat-
ing first the mite infestation in the fall with the bee
population size in the spring (between years, over
winter) and second the bee population in the spring
with the mite population in the fall (within year,
over summer). The influence of the mite infestation
level on bee population size in the spring and the
influence of the bee population size in the spring on
the mite infestation level in the fall were also an-
alyzed (ANOVA) where the influence of year was
added to the respective models.
3.1. Winter mortality, swarming
and mite infestation rate
Figure 1 shows the mortality rates of win-
tered colonies each year of the experiment.
The mortality rate during winter decreased af-
ter the third year of the experiment when more
than 80% of the wintered colonies died. The
Figure 2. Swarming rate of honey bee colonies for
six years without V. destructor control. N =number
of colonies in late May each year. Bars with dier-
ent letters above are significantly dierent between
years (P<0.05, chi-square).
mortality rates during the two last years of
the experiment were not significantly dier-
ent from the first winter with low mite infesta-
tion levels (P>0.05, chi-square), whereas the
mortality rates the last two winters were sig-
nificantly lower compared to the two preced-
ing years (P<0.05, chi-square). The swarm-
ing rate of colonies throughout the experi-
ment showed the opposite trend compared to
the mortality rate (Fig. 2). During the third
year, no colony showed any swarming ten-
dency, whereas the swarming frequency in-
creased significantly in the last years of the
experiment (Fig. 2) (P<0.05, chi-square).
The mite infestation levels on adult bees in
the fall in broodless colonies are graphed in
Figure 3. The average infestation levels were
significantly reduced by about 50% during the
sixth and seventh fall recordings from high in-
festation rates of 40 or more mites per 100 bees
during the second to the fourth fall of the ex-
periment (P<0.05, Kruskall –Wallis).
Table I lists the number of colonies and
swarms that survived throughout the experi-
ment. The survival of swarms did not seem to
be better compared to the “mother” colonies
(here called “original colony”), which re-
mained in the apiary with the new queen. This
finding is congruent with earlier evaluations
from the same experiment (Fries et al., 2003).
4 I. Fries et al.
Table I. Number of wintered and surviving original colonies and swarms respectively and total number or
colonies in the experiment.
Year Parameter Original Swarms Swarms Swarms Swarms Swarms Total, no of
colonies 2000 2001 2003 2004 2005 colonies
1999 Wintered 150 - ----150
2000 Survived 142 - ---- 142
2000 Wintered 130 16 ----146
2001 Survived 92 12 ----104
2001 Wintered 91 12 17 - - - 120
2002 Survived 21 8 0 - - - 29
2002 Wintered 17 4 0 - - - 21
2003 Survived 9 0 0 - - - 9
2003 Wintered 8 0 0 1 - - 8
2004 Survived 6 0 0 1 - - 7
2004 Wintered 6 0 0 1 4 - 11
2005 Survived 5 0 0 1 3 - 9
2005 Wintered 5 0 0134 13
Figure 3. Average infestation rate of adult bees in
brood-less colonies in late October each year. N =
number of colonies in late October sampled each
year. Bars with dierent letters above are signifi-
cantly dierent between years (P<0.05, Kruskall-
3.2. Mite infestation in the fall vs. bee
population the following spring
There was a significant negative correlation
between the mite infestation rate in the fall and
the size of the bee population in the spring for
each winter even when colonies that died over
winter were removed from the data set (Tab.
II). When data from all the years were com-
bined this negative relationship remained (–
0.31, P<0.001). An analysis of variance (data
not shown), with bee population size in the
spring as the dependent variable and mite in-
Table II. Correlation coecients between mite in-
festations in the fall and bee population size in
the spring (log10) the following year in surviving
colonies. Values are given for each year separately
and for the combined data set.
Winter Correlation coecient N P-value
1999/2000 –0.20 15 0.49
2000/2001 –0.42 121 <0.001
2001/2002 –0.12 36 0.50
2002/2003 –0.33 11 0.33
2003/2004 –0.46 7 0.32
2004/2005 –0.77 9 0.013
1999–2005 –0.33 199 <0.001
festation rate during fall (not including the first
winter when mite levels were low (Fig. 1)) and
year as independent variables, demonstrated
that both parameters had a significant influ-
ence (P<0.0001) on the variation in bee pop-
ulation size in the spring.
3.3. Bee population in the spring vs. mite
infestation the same fall
For the two years with the largest numberof
observations (2001 and 2002) and for the fifth
year there was a significant positive correlation
between the bee population size in the spring
and the mite infestation rate during the same
fall, (Tab. III). When data from all the years
were combined there was a significant positive
Survival of mite infested honey bee colonies 5
Table III. Correlation coecients between bee
population size in the spring (log10) and mite in-
festations in the fall the fall of the same year. Val-
ues are given for each year separately and for the
combined data set.
Summer Correlation coecient N P-value
2000 0.44 14 0.12
2001 0.27 103 0.006
2002 0.54 21 0.01
2003 –0.18 7 0.71
2004 0.87 7 0.008
2005 –0.08 9 0.84
2000–2005 0.27 161 0.0004
correlation (0.27, P<0.001). An analysis of
variance (data not shown), with the fall mite
infestation rate as the dependent variable and
the bee population size in the spring and year
as independent variables, demonstrated only a
tendency (P=0.12) of a direct influence from
the bee population size on the variation in fall
mite infestation rates.
This is the first experimental data from Eu-
rope with continuous monitoring where it is
demonstrated that honey bee colonies infested
by V. destructor may survive for over 6 years
even if mite control is not practiced. The pre-
sented data suggest that some form of adapta-
tion has occurred in the system, ensuring the
survival of both the host and the parasite. The
fact that (i) the proportion of colonies that died
over winter decreased significantly (Fig. 1),
(ii) the swarming incidence increased (Fig. 2),
and (iii) the mite infestation rate of adult
bees in the fall decreased significantly (Fig. 3)
strongly supports the hypothesis that the sys-
tem will develop a host-parasite relationship
where both parties will survive even if mite
control is not practiced. This is what could be
predicted from an evolutionary epidemiolog-
ical perspective (Fries and Camazine, 2001)
provided the host population does not perish.
Whether this persistent relationship is depen-
dent on the bees becoming mite tolerant, the
mites (and vectored virus infections) becom-
ing less virulent, or both, remain to be investi-
Our experiment demonstrated that most
colonies were likely to succumb within the
first three years if left untreated, which was ex-
pected from previous experience. During this
phase of selection a fluctuating population size
of the honey bee colonies, induced by the mite
parasitism, may have supported the survival of
some colonies even without changes in host
resistance or parasite virulence. Such a pat-
tern became clear when the interactions be-
tween the host and the parasite were consid-
ered. First it was obvious that there was a sig-
nificant negative correlation between the mite
infestation rate in the fall and the number of
bees in the following spring (except for the
first year when no eect was expected because
the mite population was still low). This obser-
vation was supported by the results from an
analysis of variance where both the influence
from winter and mite infestation level in the
fall had a significant impact on the spring pop-
ulation size of the bees. This means that the
mite infestation level in the fall was decisive
for how well the colonies survived the win-
ter, something previously demonstrated in an
earlier phase of this experiment (Fries et al.,
2003). Likewise, the bee population size in the
spring seemed to influence the mite infestation
rate in the fall (Tab. III) with a positive corre-
lation for most part of the data set. An analysis
of variance, however, demonstrated no signifi-
cant tendency (P=0.12) of a direct influence
from the bee population size on the variation
in fall mite infestation rates.
Thus, the data confirm that heavy mite in-
festation levels in the fall led to poor win-
tering survival. Those colonies that neverthe-
less did survive with small number of bees
also had small absolute numbers of mites be-
cause mites and bees had similar death rates
in over-wintering colonies (Fries and Perez-
Escala, 2001). Some of these colonies may
then grow to be suciently strong by the next
winter, but at that point would have lower
mite infestation levels compared to the previ-
ous fall. Thus, some colonies in the experi-
ment may have survived part of the time be-
cause of this dynamic host-parasite interac-
tion. This is an important observation, because
it puts anecdotal observations by beekeepers
of surviving colonies in a dierent perspective.
6 I. Fries et al.
Survival of individual colonies, also for ex-
tended periods, does not necessarily mean that
such bees have developed specific traits for tol-
erance to V. destructor. For the colonies in our
experiment that were still alive after over six
years without mite treatment it is dicult to
know if survival depended on random events
or on specific traits. But although the number
of colonies that have survived in the present
experiment is limited, the significant increase
in colony survival and swarming rates and the
decrease in mite infestation rates clearly indi-
cated that the reported development was not
driven primarily by fluctuating dynamics in
mite and bee population sizes. The only pos-
sible conclusion that explains the experimental
outcome is an adaptive processon behalf of the
bees, the mites, or both. The course of V. d e -
structor infestation over the years shows simi-
larities to the development observed in a trop-
ical island of Brazil where mite infested Eu-
ropean bee colonies were left untreated since
1984: after an increase in the infestation levels
of the adult bees during the first years the in-
festation decreased continuously leading to an
obviously balanced relationship between host
and parasite till today (de Jong and Soares,
1997; de Jong 2005, pers. comm.). Unfortu-
nately, also in this case, the critical factors for
this stable situation are unknown.
Our results allow us to conclude that the
problems facing the apicultural industry with
mite infestations probably is linked to the api-
cultural system, where beekeepers remove the
selective pressure induced from the parasitism
by removing mites through control eorts.
Further experiments must confirm whether se-
lection experiments as described here can be
used as a basis for further honey bee breeding
The dedicated eorts from beekeeper Åke Ly-
berg in supplying infrastructure and ground sup-
port is highly appreciated. The study had finan-
cial support from the National Board of Agriculture
through the European Commission supported “Na-
tional programme for support of beekeeping and
sale of honey”, from the “Gesellschaft der Freunde
der Landesanstalt für Bienenkunde an der Univer-
sität Hohenheim e.V.”, and from the Swiss Beekeep-
ers Association. All highly appreciated.
Résumé Survie de colonies d’abeilles (Apis mel-
lifera) infestées d’acariens (Varroa destructor)en
climat nordique. Une population d’abeilles do-
mestiques (Apis mellifera) isolée et génétiquement
diverse de 150 colonies a été installée dans huit ru-
chers afin d’étudier si les acariens Varroa destruc-
tor pouvaient éradiquer la population hôte. Après
avoir ajouté la même année entre 36 et 89 acariens
par colonie, on n’est plus intervenu sur les colonies
et on les a laissé essaimer à leur guise. Durant six
ans on a noté les essaimages, le taux d’infestation
par les acariens à l’automne et la taille de la po-
pulation d’abeilles au printemps. Dans la mesure
du possible, les essaims ont été capturés et utilisés
pour regonfler les colonies. Nos données montrent
qu’une certaine forme d’adaptation a dû avoir lieu
dans le système, permettant la survie à la fois de
l’hôte et du parasite. Le fait que (i) la proportion de
colonies mourant durant l’hiver ait diminué signifi-
cativement (Fig. 1), (ii) que l’incidence de l’essai-
mage se soit accru après plusieurs années (Fig. 2),
et (iii) que les taux d’infestation des abeilles adultes
à l’automne aient diminué (Fig. 3) corrobore forte-
ment l’hypothèse selon laquelle le système se déve-
loppe en une relation hôte-parasite où les deux par-
ties survivent. Du point de vue de l’épidémiologie
évolutive, ceci correspond à la prédiction (Fries et
Camazine, 2001) à condition que la population hôte
ne meure pas. Il reste à étudier si ce développement
repose sur la tolérance des abeilles aux acariens, sur
la moindre virulence des acariens (et des infections
virales qu’ils véhiculent) ou sur les deux.
Les données récoltées suggèrent que les fortes in-
festations par V. destructor à l’automne peuvent être
la cause de mauvais résultats d’hivernage et que
les colonies qui néanmoins survivent avec un pe-
tit nombre d’abeilles puissent parfois se développer
susamment et passer l’hiver suivant, mais avec
des taux d’infestation moindres (Tabs. II, III). Cer-
taines colonies de l’expérimentation ont pu ainsi
survivre un temps en raison de cette interaction
dynamique hôte-parasite. Cela n’explique pourtant
pas les variations de taux dans la mortalité hiver-
nale, les taux d’essaimage, ni les taux d’infestation.
Les résultats suggèrent que le problème sur le long
terme de l’apiculture avec les infestations par V. d e s -
tructor est lié au système apicole, dans lequel les
apiculteurs suppriment la pression de sélection in-
duite par le parasitisme en éliminant les acariens par
des traitements.
Varroa destructor /Apis mellifera /interaction
hôte-parasite /survie /adaptation
Zusammenfassung Das Überleben milbeninfi-
zierter (Varroa destructor) Honigbienenvölker in
einem nordischen Klima. Um zu untersuchen, ob
Survival of mite infested honey bee colonies 7
Varroamilben (Varroa destructor) eine Wirtspopu-
lation ausrotten können, wurde eine isolierte und
genetisch diverse Bienenpopulation aus 150 Bie-
nenvölkern auf 8 Bienenständen eingerichtet. Nach
Zufügung von 36 bis 89 Milben pro Volk im Juli
des gleichen Jahres konnten die unbewirtschafteten
Völker nach Belieben Schwärmen und wurden über
einen Zeitraum von 6 Jahren auf Schwarmhäufig-
keit, Milbenbefallsrate im Herbst und Bienenpopu-
lation im Frühjahr untersucht. Soweit möglich, wur-
den die Schwärme eingefangen und zur Ergänzung
der Population genutzt. Die vorgelegten Daten zei-
gen, dass in dem System eine Form von Anpassung
aufgetreten sein muss, die das Überleben von Wir-
ten und Parasiten ermöglichte. Die Tatsache, dass
(i) der Anteil über Winter gestorbener Völker si-
gnifikant abnahm (Abb. 1), (ii) nach mehreren Jah-
ren die Schwarmtätigkeit wieder zunahm (Abb. 2)
und (iii) die Milbenbefallsrate der adulten Bienen
im Herbst abnahm (Abb. 3), ist eine starke Unter-
stützung für die Hypothese, dass sich das System in
Richtung einer Wirt-Parasit-Beziehung entwickelt,
bei der beide Partner überleben. Aus einer evolu-
tionären epidemiologischen Perspektive entspricht
dies der Vorhersage (Fries und Camazine, 2001)
unter der Vorraussetzung, dass die Wirtspopulation
nicht zuvor zu Grunde geht. Ob diese Entwicklung
darauf beruht, dass die Bienen milbentolerant wur-
den, die Milben (zusammen mit den übertragenen
Viren) weniger virulent wurden oder beides, muss
noch geklärt werden.
Die gesammelten Daten legen weiterhin nahe, dass
ein hoher Milbenbefall im Herbst zu schlechten
Überwinterungsergebnissen führt. Völker, die trotz
geringer Bienenanzahlen dennoch überleben, wur-
den häufig über die Saison genügend stark um den
nächsten Winter zu überleben, wobei sie dann einen
geringeren Milbenbefall aufwiesen. Es ist daher
möglich, dass einige der Völker in dem Experiment
über einen Teil der Versuchszeit auf Grund dieser
Dynamik in der Wirt-Parasit-Beziehung überlebt
haben. Dies erklärt allerdings nicht die Änderung
in der Wintermortalität, der Häufigkeit des Schwär-
mens oder der Milbenbefallsrate. Die Ergebnisse le-
gen weiterhin nahe, dass das langjährige Problem
der Bienenhaltung mit dem Milbenbefall vermut-
lich mit der Methode der Bienenhaltung zusammen-
hängt, bei der die Imker den von den Parasiten aus-
geübten Selektionsdruck beseitigen, indem sie die
Milben durch Behandlungsmaß-nahmen entfernen.
Varroa destructor /Apis mellifera /Wirt-Parasit-
Beziehung /Überleben /Anpassung
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... Transforming model equations of (1) to (12) has an advantage of reducing the number of model equations and thus; the study defined the following: ...
... Now applying equation (14) on equations (1) to (12) gives the following equations: ...
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Honeybee colony is invariably invaded by vectors which negatively affect their survival and reproduction. The compartmental model approach was adopted and partitioned the honeybee population into three (3), the population of vectors into two (2), and a single compartment for the population of biocontrol agent respectively. The model is aimed at expending treatment and biocontrol agent as a combined control strategy for curbing Varroosis in honeybee colony. Disease-free and infestation-free steady state was obtained and its global stability was established. Also, the basic reproduction number 0 R of the model was computed. Furthermore, the numerical simulation indicated that Varroa-mite infestation in honeybee colony has a greater negative impact; if control measure is not taken, honeybee colony extinction is certain. Hence, with the treatment using Thymol powder as a control strategy; the numerical results indicated a sharp decline in the population of honeybees infested by Varroa-mite. In the same vein, a biocontrol mechanism was employed by introducing 1,500 biocontrol agents into the population of Varroa-mite in a honeybee colony. This effort swiftly triggered the mode of extinction of the Varroa-mite population within 5-6 months. As such, the findings indicated that treatment and biocontrol strategies are the most efficient methods of curbing Varroosis in honeybee colony. Thus, it is recommended that a higher initial value of biocontrol agents should be employed prudently to achieve the control of Varroosis via biological and treatment as a combined control strategy.
... However, this does not seem to be the whole story. The Swedish researcher Ingmar Fries (17,18) decided to investigate in a large-scale experiment whether natural selection would lead to resistance to Varroa and related viruses when beekeepers no longer intervened in the fate of the colonies. He collected 150 colonies, both Buckfast, ligustica and carnica to ensure the greatest possible diversity, and placed them on an isolated peninsula on the south side of Gotland. ...
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Citation: Jacques JM van Alphen. The Downside of Selection: A Forgotten Cause of Honeybee Decline. Archives of Microbiology and Immunology 9 (2025): 1-9. Abstract This article explains how resistance alleles have disappeared from honeybee populations in Europe and North America. Honeybees have the highest recombination frequency of any animal, suggesting that pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi and microsporidia are an important source of selection. To respond to new virulent strains of pathogens, honeybees need access to rare alleles that could confer immunity to a new pathogen. By mating in a large panmictic population, new rare alleles can be recruited, which can then be combined into new genotypes through recombination with useful alleles of other genes. Selection for desirable traits typically involves taking a small sample from a larger population. As a result, rare alleles are under-sampled and disappear from the selected population as selection continues. In addition, selection for polygenic behavioural traits leads to runs of homozygosity and hampers the role of recombination in creating new genotypes. Restoring large panmictic populations of native subspecies of honeybees can provide a reservoir from which lost alleles can be recovered.
... Varroa invades multiple compartments of the honeybee colony: it reproduces in the brood, feeds on adult honeybee haemolymph and fat body, and is associated with a higher prevalence of viral infections (de Miranda et al. 2011;Rosenkranz, Aumeier, and Ziegelmann 2010;Traynor et al. 2020). Combined together, these effects on individual bees can lead to colony collapse within a few months if no actions are taken to control mite infestations (Fries, Imdorf, and Rosenkranz 2006). To date, managing varroa infestation presents many constraints, offering beekeepers only a few unsustainable solutions to fight the deadly mite (Rosenkranz, Aumeier, and Ziegelmann 2010;Noël, Le Conte, and Mondet 2020). ...
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Honeybees, Apis mellifera , have experienced the full impacts of globalisation, including the recent invasion by the parasitic mite Varroa destructor , now one of the main causes of colony losses worldwide. The strong selection pressure it exerts has led some colonies to develop defence strategies conferring some degree of resistance to the parasite. Assuming these traits are partly heritable, selective breeding of naturally resistant bees could be a sustainable strategy for fighting infestations. To characterise the genetic determinism of varroa resistance, we conducted the largest genome wide association study performed to date on whole genome sequencing of more than 1500 colonies on multiple phenotypes linked to varroa resistance of honeybees. To take into account some genetic diversity of honeybees, colonies belonging to different ancestries representing the main honeybee subspecies in Western Europe were included and analysed both as separate populations and combined in a meta‐analysis. The results show that varroa resistance is substantially heritable and polygenic: while 60 significant associations were identified, none explain a substantial part of the trait genetic variance. Overall our study highlights that genomic selection for varroa resistance is promising but that it will not be based on managing a few strong effect mutations and rather use approaches that leverage the genome wide diversity of honeybee populations. From a broader perspective, these results point the way towards understanding the genetic adaptation of eusocial insects to parasite load.
... Left untreated, colonies typically die within 1-3 years. 1,2 Unfortunately, all of the currently registered treatment agents have one or more of the following shortcomings. On the one hand, the efficacy of natural products such as organic acids varies substantially with environmental factors such as temperature, 3 the presence of brood and the time of the season. ...
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BACKGROUND Owing to its systemic mode‐of‐action and ease of application, lithium chloride (LiCl) is an ideal varroacide for the control of Varroa destructor infestations in honey bee colonies. To better understand how LiCl functions within a colony, we screened different parts of honey bee anatomy for lithium accumulation. We wanted to elucidate the time‐dependent effects of LiCl on V. destructor and its metabolism within honey bees when they were fed continuous LiCl treatments, as well as evaluate potential adverse effects such as accumulation in the hypopharyngeal glands of nurse bees, which could negatively impact queens and larvae. RESULTS Cage experiments reveal rapid acaricidal onset, with >95% mite mortality within 48 h of treatment. Bee hemolymph analysis supports these observations, showing a rapid increase in lithium concentration within 12 h of treatment, followed by stabilization at a constant level. Lithium accumulates in the rectum of caged bees (≤475.5 mg kg⁻¹ after 7 days of feeding 50 mm LiCl), reflecting the bees' metabolic and excretion process. Despite concerns about potential accumulation in hypopharyngeal glands, low lithium levels of only 0.52 mg kg⁻¹ suggest minimal risk to the queen and 1st‐ and 2nd‐instar larvae. Cessation of LiCl treatment results in a rapid decline in mite mortality in the first 5 days, which increases again thereafter, resulting in mite mortality of 77–90% after 10 days. CONCLUSION These findings help optimize LiCl application in colonies to achieve high Varroa mortality without unwanted adverse effects and provide important baseline data for future registration. © 2024 The Author(s). Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.
... Different approaches and selection criteria have been identified. One approach is natural selection where survival stock without treatment is used for breeding purposes (Blacquière et al., 2019;Fries et al., 2006;Locke, 2016b;Luis et al., 2022). This tactic has advantages such as lower work effort in selection, as it only requires minimal colony evaluations and a large enough starting population to compensate for the high colony losses. ...
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A sustainable solution to the global threat of the Varroa destructor mite is the selection of varroa‐resistant honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies. Both “mite non‐reproduction” (MNR) and “varroa sensitive hygiene” (VSH) appear to be promising selection traits for achieving the goal of a resistant honey bee. MNR describes colonies that have a high number of non‐reproductive mites (no offspring, no males, or delayed development of mite offspring). High numbers of non‐reproductive mites have been observed in selected colonies, but the mechanism behind this trait has not yet been identified. The specialized hygienic behavior of selected honey bees, called VSH, is the removal of varroa‐infested brood. These traits were thought to be linked by VSH bees preferentially removing reproductive varroa females leaving only non‐reproductive mites behind in cells and thus creating colonies with high levels of MNR. To further investigate this link, we used an experimental setup and data sets from a four‐year selection project designed to breed for MNR and VSH colonies. In addition, we sought to answer the question of whether non‐reproductive mites are a direct consequence of worker removal behavior. To test this, we artificially induced removal behavior, and after providing the mite with enough time to re‐enter another cell, we opened all capped cells, relocated the mites, and evaluated their reproduction. As shown in previous studies and in this study, VSH had no effect on MNR levels. Also, the induced removal behavior did not lead to non‐reproduction in the subsequent reproductive cycle post interruption. We thus concluded that breeding for non‐reproductive mites does not automatically breed for VSH behavior and worker removal behavior does not cause subsequent reproductive failure of the mites forced to flee and find a new cell for reproduction.
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Varroa species, commonly known as the honey bee mites, poses a significant challenge to the worldwide beekeeping industry. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of haplotype variation on morphology of Varroa destructor. Forty-one apiaries across Bingol province (Türkiye) and its districts were visited using random sampling to examine 2440 honey bee colonies. Adult Varroa spp mites were collected from each apiary and morphometrically analysed at species level, resulting in seven mites being used to represent each apiary. Length measurements were taken of six morphometric parameters of 287 adult Varroa spp. isolates under a stereo microscope, including body length, body width, genital shield length, genital shield width, anal shield length and anal shield width. In order to analyze genetic diversity, genomic DNA was isolated from a total of 82 individual Varroa spp. isolates, and specific primers were used to amplify the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunite 1 (mt-CO1) gene fragment (376 bp) by PCR followed by DNA sequence analysis. Morphometric analysis revealed that the adult Varroa spp isolates had a body width of 1691.10 ± 06.55 μm and a body length of 1125.69 ± 06.62 μm, with no significant differences between apiaries. These findings indicate that all the isolates were morphometrically identified as V. destructor. Moreover, all the sequences were highly similar to the Korean (K) haplotype of V. destructor. Six haplotypes (Hap01-Hap06) of V. destructor were identified via haplotype analysis. The haplotype groups exhibited low nucleotide diversity and were separated by 1–3 point mutations. There was no significant difference in body widths between Hap01 and other haplotypes. However, Hap03 had significantly higher body widths than Hap04 and Hap05. This indicates that haplotype differences may have an effect on morphological parameters in Varroa species.
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The Varroa destructor represents a significant threat to honey bees, leading to substantial yield losses and declines in colony health. Defense behaviors, including grooming (auto and allogrooming), serve as crucial mechanisms against Varroa infestations, yet the genetic basis of these behaviors remains elusive. This study examines the expression levels of hymenoptaecin (hym), neurexin-1 (AmNrx1), and CYP9Q3, potentially associated with defense behavior, in colonies of the Muğla honey bee ecotype (Apis mellifera anatoliaca) subjected to a Varroa selection program. Worker bees from 23 control groups and 23 colonies under selection were evaluated by using qPCR analysis. Results reveal a significant upregulation of hym, AmNrx1, and CYP9Q3 genes in the selected group, with fold changes of 2.9, 2.95, and 3.26 respectively compared to controls (p < 0.01). This suggests that selection against Varroa induces alterations in gene expression linked to Varroa exposure behaviors. These findings advocate for the potential use of hym, AmNrx1, and CYP9Q3 genes in preselection for future Varroa-resistant programs in honey bees. Supported by previous studies, these genes may facilitate the establishment of populations with enhanced defense behaviors, such as autogrooming and allogrooming.
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The honey bee ectoparasite Varroa destructor is the main cause of honey bee colony losses worldwide. Over the last decades, several projects have focused on improving the robustness of Apis mellifera against this parasitic mite. Selection traits, such as mite non-reproduction (MNR) and Varroa sensitive hygiene (VSH), are favored selection factors in Varroa resistance projects. VSH is a trait where adult honey bees remove the Varroa -infested brood. During this process, the female mites are arrested in their reproductive cycle leading to a reduction of the Varroa population within the bee colony. From 2019 to 2022, 1402 queens were instrumentally inseminated with single or multiple drones in a breeding program. Colonies headed by these queens were established annually, and the MNR and VSH levels were analyzed. VSH was evaluated in response to cells artificially infested with Varroa , and colonies with high VSH values were used to generate our selected VSH stock. Despite crossing high VSH drones and queens, we measured a remarkable heterogeneity of MNR and VSH in the next generation(s), most likely due to the well-described, high recombination rate in the honey bee genome. When assessed multiple times in the same colony, great variance between measurements was observed. Detailed evaluations of daughter colonies are thus required if selection programs want to breed colonies with reliable VSH traits. This constant need to evaluate all offspring to ensure the desirable resistance traits are present results in high workloads and great expenses in selection programs. Furthermore, such large-scale breeding programs are inefficient due to high fluctuations between measurements and generations, indicating we need to develop new approaches and improved methods for assessing Varroa resistance.
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In 1993 at Le Born near Toulouse, France 12 Apis mellifera intermissa queens from Tunisian colonies that had been naturally selected for tolerance to varroosis were tested against 12 unselected Apis mellifera carnica queens. We wished to determine if the tolerance of the intermissa queens was genetic in origin or simply due to specific local conditions in Tunisia. Queens were placed in 2 kg swarms of varroa infested bees and allowed to develop without any treatments. Nine colonies from each group over wintered. After exposure to heavy varroa infestations one carnica and seven intermissa queens were still surviving in August 1994. From 1995 to 2004 the surviving experimental colonies hybridized with the local population of bees. The majority of these hybrids were tolerant to Varroa destructor indicating a genetic control of the tolerance.
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The change in infestation levels of the mite Varroa destructorAnderson and Trueman on adult bees during periods with little or no brood rearing (late October/early November to early Febru- ary) was investigated in 10 colonies for two consecutive years in a Swedish climate (N57°06'E18°16'). The results do not support the hypothesis that mites become concentrated on the remaining bees as bees die off from the winter cluster. When the number of all mites recovered from dead bees or from debris was used to calculate mites per dead bee, the level of infestation per bee was not signif- icantly different between samples of live bee and dead bees. For modelling purposes, we presently find no reason to differentiate the mortality rates of bees and mites during periods when there is no or limited amounts of brood in the colonies, although the connection between bee mortality and mite mortality may not be as direct as previously assumed.
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In this paper, we review the main thresholds that can infl uence the population dynamics of host–parasite relationships. We start by considering the thresholds that have infl u-enced the conceptualisation of theoretical epidemiology. The most common threshold involving parasites is the host population invasion threshold, but persistence and infec-tion thresholds are also important. We recap how the existence of the invasion thresh-old is linked to the nature of the transmission term in theoretical studies. We examine some of the main thresholds that can affect host population dynamics including the Allee effect and then relate these to parasite thresholds, as a way to assess the dynamic consequences of the interplay between host and parasite thresholds on the fi nal out-come of the system. We propose that overlooking the existence of parasite and host thresholds can have important detrimental consequences in major domains of applied ecology, including in epidemiology, conservation biology and biological control.
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Field techniques for sampling and measuring the standing crop and secretion rate of nectar are described, in order to clarify some discrepancies and omissions in existing reviews of nectar measuring techniques. Slender microcapillary tubes (a fresh one for each sample) are recommended for withdrawing nectar, and a hand held sucrose refractometer, capable of operating with very small fluid volumes, is used for measuring concentration. Potential errors due to the presence of solutes other than sucrose, or to temperatures other than the calibration temperature, are discussed. I consider how measurements of secretion rate are affected by reabsorption and by the nature of the bags used to exclude nectarivores.
Twenty colonies of Italian bees, infested with Varroa jacobsoni were introduced to the Island of Fernando de Noronha, located near the equator off the coast of Brazil, in 1984. These colonies initiated a population that is isolated and protected from genetic contamination by 345 km of ocean. During the 13 years since that time, the colony numbers have increased to about 50 colonies in hives, and an undetermined number of wild colonies on the 26 square kilometers of this archipelago. This group of colonies is unique, as it is maintained without any type of treatment, and yet there is no evidence of significant damage or colony mortality due to the varroa infestations. The mean infestation rates of the adult bees in the colonies, found to be about 26 mites per hundred bees in 1991, decreased to 19 in 1993, and 14 in 1996.
The removal and grooming behaviour of Apis mellifera intermissa against Varroa jacobsoni was investigated in Tunisia. Workers in 15 test colonies detected and removed up to 75% of artificially infested brood and removed up to 97%-99% of freeze-killed brood in each of two trials. Likewise, A. m. intermissa actively groomed off V. jacobsoni, as shown by a great number of injured mites dropping from naturally infested colonies. Both grooming and removal activities of A. m. intermissa provide evidence for active mechanisms of resistance against V. jacobsoni.
A behavioral and physiological resistance mechanism of the Asian honey bee (Apis cerana) to an ectoparasitic mite, Varroa jacobsoni, which causes severe damage to the European honey bee (Apis mellifera) in the beekeeping industry worldwide, is reported here for the first time. Parasitism by the mite induced Asian worker bees to perform a series of cleaning behaviors that effectively removed the mites from the bodies of the adult host bees. The mites were subsequently killed and removed from the bee hives in a few seconds to a few minutes. The grooming behavior consists of self-cleaning, grooming dance, nestmate cleaning, and group cleaning. Worker bees can also rapidly and effectively remove the mites from the brood. The European bee showed cleaning behavior at low frequency and generally failed to remove the mites from both the adult bees and the brood.