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Beam loss monitoring system for the LHC


Abstract and Figures

One of the most critical elements for the protection of CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is its beam loss monitoring (BLM) system. It must prevent the superconducting magnets from quenching and protect the machine components from damages, as a result of critical beam losses. By measuring the loss pattern, the BLM system helps to identify the loss mechanism. Special monitors will be used for the setup and control of the collimators. The specification for the BLM system includes a very high reliability (tolerable failure rate of 10-7 per hour) and a high dynamic range of 108 (1013 at certain locations) of the particle fluencies to be measured. In addition, a wide range of integration times (40 μs to 84 s) and a fast (one turn) trigger generation for the dump signal are required. This paper describes the complete design of the BLM system, including the monitor types (ionization chambers and secondary emission monitors), the design of the analogue and digital readout electronics as well as the data links and the trigger decision logic.
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Geneva, Switzerland
February, 2006
CERN-AB-2006-009 BI
Beam Loss Monitoring System for the LHC
E.B. Holzer, B. Dehning, E. Effinger, J. Emery, G. Ferioli, J.L. Gonzalez,
E. Gschwendtner, G. Guaglio, M. Hodgson, D. Kramer, R. Leitner, L. Ponce, V.
Prieto, M. Stockner, C. Zamantzas.
CERN – Geneva - Switzerland
One of the most critical elements for the protection of CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is its
beam loss monitoring (BLM) system. It must prevent the superconducting magnets from quenching
and protect the machine components from damages, as a result of critical beam losses. By
measuring the loss pattern, the BLM system helps to identify the loss mechanism. Special monitors
will be used for the setup and control of the collimators. The specification for the BLM system
includes a very high reliability (tolerable failure rate of 10
per hour) and a high dynamic range of
at certain locations) of the particle fluencies to be measured. In addition, a wide range of
integration times (40 μs to 84 s) and a fast (one turn) trigger generation for the dump signal are
required. This paper describes the complete design of the BLM system, including the monitor types
(ionization chambers and secondary emission monitors), the design of the analogue and digital
readout electronics as well as the data links and the trigger decision logic.
Presented at IEEE NSS – 23-29 Oct. 2005 – San Juan/Puerto Rico
Beam Loss Monitoring System for the LHC
Eva Barbara Holzer, Bernd Dehning, Ewald Effinger, Jonathan Emery, Gianfranco Ferioli, Jose Luis Gonzalez,
Edda Gschwendtner, Gianluca Guaglio, Michael Hodgson, Daniel Kramer, Roman Leitner, Laurette Ponce,
Virginia Prieto, Markus Stockner, Christos Zamantzas
Abstract One of the most critical elements for the protection of
CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is its beam loss monitoring
(BLM) system. It must prevent the superconducting magnets from
quenching and protect the machine components from damages, as
a result of critical beam losses. By measuring the loss pattern, the
BLM system helps to identify the loss mechanism. Special monitors
will be used for the setup and control of the collimators. The
specification for the BLM system includes a very high reliability
(tolerable failure rate of
per hour) and a high dynamic range
( at certain locations) of the particle fluencies to be
measured. In addition, a wide range of integration times (40
s to
84 s) and a fast (one turn) trigger generation for the dump signal
are required. This paper describes the complete design of the
BLM system, including the monitor types (ionization chambers
and secondary emission monitors), the design of the analogue and
digital readout electronics as well as the data links and the trigger
decision logic.
Index Terms beam loss, beam instrumentation, machine pro-
tection, quench protection, damage protection.
HE start-up of the LHC is scheduled for 2007. An
unprecedented amount of energy will be stored in its
circulating beams. The loss of even a very small fraction of
this beam may induce a quench in the superconducting magnets
or cause physical damage to machine components. A fast (one
turn) loss of
and a constant loss of times the
nominal beam intensity can quench a dipole magnet. A fast loss
of times nominal beam intensity can damage a magnet.
The stored energy in the LHC beam is a factor of 200 (or more)
higher than in existing hadron machines with superconducting
magnets (HERA, TEVATRON, RHIC), while the quench levels
of the LHC magnets are a factor of about 5 to 20 lower than
the quench levels of these machines. The detection of the lost
beam particles allows protecting the equipment by generating a
beam dump trigger when the losses exceed certain thresholds.
These thresholds depend on the momentum of the stored beam,
the duration of the beam loss and on the location of the beam
loss monitor. In addition to the quench prevention and damage
protection, the loss detection allows the observation of local
aperture restrictions, orbit distortions, beam oscillations and
particle diffusion, etc. Since a repair of a superconducting
magnet would cause a down time of several weeks or months,
the protection against damage has highest priority.
Manuscript received November 11, 2005.
E.B. Holzer is the corresponding author (e-mail:
All authors are with CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland (e-mails:
The functional specifications of the BLM system are defined
in [1].
A. Families of BLMs
There are four different families of beam loss monitors. They
are listed in Table I. The highest number of monitors, BLMA,
will be installed around the quadrupole magnets all around
the ring (six per quadrupole). They constitute local aperture
minima, and therefore likely loss locations. The second family,
BLMS, will be installed at global aperture limits other than
the collimators (i.e. final focus magnets of the experimental
insertions at 7 TeV) and other critical loss locations (e.g.
losses due to beam injection or extraction errors). One set of
detectors, BLMC, will be installed after each collimator. They
will be used to set the position of the collimator jaws and to
continuously monitor their performance. All these monitors use
the same particle detectors (see Section III-A) and the same
readout electronics (described in Section III-B). The extended
dynamic range of
is realized by installing two detectors
with different sensitivity next to each other. The minimum
acquisition time of this electronics is 40 s, covering both
required time resolutions. In addition there will be a set of
movable BLMs to cover unexpected loss locations. For beam
studies there is the possibility to ignore a beam abort signal
from the maskable monitors, if the stored energy in the beam
does not reach damage potential. The BLMS and BLMC are
not maskable. All non-maskable monitors have to be available
to allow beam injection into the LHC.
The fourth family, BLMB, will not be described in this paper.
It will only be installed after the commissioning of the LHC,
to be used for dedicated beam studies on a bunch scale.
B. Quench Levels and Observation Range
The dynamic range of the system is given by the calculated
damage and quench levels (see Figure 1) and the expected
usage from pilot beam intensity to ultimate beam intensity. The
dynamic range for the arc monitors (BLMA) is . At a certain
number of the BLMS locations higher loss rates could occur
due to machine component failures. The collimation sections
(BLMC) will have the highest continuous loss rates. Therefore,
the dynamic range at these monitor locations is extended to
. The observation time range is defined by the fastest
possible use of the trigger signal by the beam dump (on the
Type Locations Purpose Mask-
Number of
BLMA All along the rings
(6 per quadrupole)
Protection of superconducting
yes 2.5 ms
BLMS Critical aperture limits
or critical positions
Machine protection and diag-
nostics of losses
no or 1 turn
(89 s)
BLMC Collimation sections Set-up the collimators and
monitor their performance
no 1 turn
(89 s)
BLMB Primary collimators Beam studies yes 1 bunch
side of short integration intervals) and the response time of the
helium temperature measurement system (on the long side). The
required time resolution for the arc monitors is 2.5 ms and for
all other monitors 89 s (1 turn). With this 1 turn resolution it
will be possible to allow beam extraction with a maximal delay
of three turns. The longest integration time is 84 s.
C. Failure Rate and Availability
The measurement system failure rate and the availability
requirements have been evaluated using the Safety Integrity
Level (SIL) approach [2]. A downtime cost evaluation is used
as input for the SIL approach. The beam loss monitor system
is critical for short and intense particle losses, while at medium
and longer loss durations it is assisted by the quench protection
system and the cryogenic system. The required probability of
not detecting a dangerous beam loss, and therefore losing a
magnet, is per year, which corresponds to SIL3. The
unavailability of the BLM system has been calculated (using
the program Reliability Workbench V10.0, ISOGRAPH) to be
per channel. Assuming 100 dangerous losses per year
this satisfies the SIL3 requirement. The required probability of
generating a false dump is calculated to be to per
hour (SIL 2) per channel, corresponding to 20 false dumps per
year. The simulation of the BLM system yields 10 to 17 false
beam aborts per year, again satisfying the SIL2 requirement.
A detailed record of the reliability calculations for the BLM
system and for the whole LHC can be found in [3], [4] and [5]
A. Detectors
Signal speed and robustness against aging were the main
design criteria for the detectors. Because of the high dynamic
range two types of detectors will be used. The standard moni-
tors are ionization chambers with parallel aluminum electrode
plates separated by 0.5 cm, as shown in Figure 2. The detectors
are about 50 cm long with a diameter of 9 cm and a sensitive
volume of 1.5 liter. The collection time of the electrons and
ions is of the order of 300 ns and 80 s respectively. The
chambers are filled with N at 100 mbar overpressure. The
composition of the chamber gas is the only component in the
BLM system which is not remotely monitored (see Section III-
B). The properties of the chamber gas are sufficiently close to
the ones of air at ambient pressure (i.e. inside a detector which
has developed a leak) not to compromise the precision of the
BLM system, but sufficiently different to detect a leak during
the scheduled annual test of all the chambers with a radioactive
Fig. 2. Photograph of the inside of an ionization chamber. The stack of
aluminum electrodes with the insulator ceramics at both ends can be seen.
At locations with very high (potential) loss rates (about 300)
the ionization chambers will be complemented by secondary
emission monitors. They are based on the same design, but hold
only three electrodes. The signal (middle) electrode is made out
of titanium, as its secondary emission coefficient shows better
stability as the integrated dose increases [6]. The chamber is
10 cm long, the pressure inside has to stay below bar.
The sensitivity is about a factor of smaller than in the
ionization chamber.
Both chambers are operated at 1.5 kV and are equipped with
a low pass filter at the high voltage input. The dynamic range
of the detectors is higher than . It is limited by leakage
currents through the insulator ceramics at the lower end and by
saturation due to space charge at the upper end.
The estimated radiation dose on the detectors during 20 years
of LHC operation is Gray in the collimation sections and
Gray at the other locations. To avoid radiation aging
(electronegative gases, organic compounds) a strict cleaning
procedure for the chambers is followed (including glow dis-
charge cleaning for the collimation section detectors). Impurity
levels due to thermal and radiation induced desorption are
estimated to stay in the ppm range. No organic material is
1.E-02 1.E-01 1.E+00 1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06
Duration of loss [ms]
Quench levels [proton/s ]
Quench level and observation range
450 GeV
7 TeV
Damage levels
Special &
1 turn
2.5 ms
He heat flow
He heat reserve
heat flow between
cable and He
heat reserve
of cable
Fig. 1. Quench levels of the LHC bending magnets as function of loss duration at 450 GeV and at 7 TeV (dark green and dark blue). The required observation
range for both energies is indicated in light green and light blue color. The damage levels for short and long duration losses are indicated as well.
present, neither in the production process (pumping, baking
and filling) of the detectors, nor in the detectors themselves.
The positioning of the detectors was determined by simu-
lation studies (see Section IV-A). In the arcs, three monitors
per beam will be installed around each quadrupole located in
the horizontal plane defined by the beam vacuum tubes (see
Figure 3). At this position the secondary particle fluence is
highest and the best separation of the losses from the two
beams is reached. Their longitudinal positions are about 1 m
downstream of the most likely loss locations.
right detector
left detector
iron yoke
vacuum vessel
Fig. 3. Cross section of a quadrupole cryostat with the two beams. The
location of the BLMs is indicated on the outside of the cryostats.
B. Acquisition System
The electrical signals of the detectors are digitized with a
current to frequency converter and these pulses are counted
over a period of 40 s (see Figure 4). The counter value
is transmitted every 40 s to the surface analysis electronics
using a high speed optical link (with a cyclic redundancy
check). The signal treatment and transmission chain is doubled
after the current to frequency conversion to meet the required
failure rate probability of to per hour. The surface
electronics calculates the integrated loss values and compares
them to a table of loss duration and beam energy depended
threshold values. Warning information is transmitted by a
software protocol. The beam abort signals are transmitted to
the beam dump kicker magnets using the LHC beam interlock
system (LBIS). The beam energy information is received over a
dedicated fiber link. Details to the readout system can be found
in [7] and [4].
The analog electronics is located below the quadrupole
magnets in the arc. For all detectors of the dispersion suppressor
and the long straight sections the electronics is located in side
tunnels to the LHC. All components of the tunnel electronics
are radiation certified to 500 Gray. The dose expected at the
electronics locations is about 20 Gray per year. The analog
signal transmission cables have a length of a few meters in
the LHC arcs and up to 500 m in the long straight sections.
This part of the transmission is subject to the injection of
electromagnetic crosstalk and noise.
The availability of all electronics channels is constantly
monitored and radiation dose induced drifts in the electronic
channels are corrected for (up to a maximum level, which
corresponds to 10% of the lowest beam abort threshold value).
The availability of all detectors, the acquisitions chain and
the generation and communication of the beam abort signal is
verified for each channel before each injection into the LHC.
The BLM system will drive an online event display and write
extensive online logging (at a rate of 1 Hz) and postmortem
data (up to 1000 turns plus averages of up to 10 minutes) to a
database for offline analysis.
High Voltage
ARC Quadrupole
8 m
5 m 5 m
5 m 5 m
3 m
3 m
3 m
3 m
6 m
10 m
11 m
7 m
4 m
Optical link
Beam loss installation Q12 --- Q34
1 2 3
5 6 7
BLM frontend
Current to
LBIS (Dump)
Beam Permit
Beam Energy
Analog Electronics
Digital Electronics
Below Quad. in ARC
elsewhere in RR, UA, UJ
or SEM
At surface (SR, SX)
Fig. 4. Schematic view of the signal transmission chain and the BLM
installation around one arc quadrupole.
The BLM interlock limits can be set for each of the about
4000 chambers individually. In the arcs they will be set to 30%
of the magnet quench levels. They vary with integration time
(12 integration time intervals between 89
s and 84 s) and the
energy of the beam (32 energy ranges). The determination of
the thresholds is based on simulations. A number of simulations
have to be combined for these calibrations. Whenever possible,
crosschecks of the simulations by measurements are performed
before the start-up of the LHC. A factor of 5 and a factor
of 2 are the specified initial and final absolute precisions on
the prediction of the quench levels respectively. The relative
precision for quench prevention is requested to stay below 25%.
A. Simulations
The aim of the simulation is to relate the BLM signal to the
number of locally lost beam particles, to the deposited energy
in the machine components and ultimately to the quench and
damage levels. The distribution of the loss locations along the
LHC is simulated by particle tracking with a detailed aperture
model [8], see e.g. Figure 5.
The lost beam particles initiate hadronic showers. Proton
induced showers through cold magnets in the LHC arc and
dispersion suppressor [9] and through the collimators [10] have
been simulated. These simulations yield the heat load on the
magnets (or the collimators) and the particle fluence at the
location of the beam loss monitors, see e.g. Figure 6.
Magnet quench levels as a function of beam energy and
loss duration have been calculated [11] and will also be
Fig. 5. Simulated proton loss locations along the LHC at injection energy for
beam 1. The lost protons are given in bins of 10 cm. In the upper picture losses
in warm magnets are marked in red, losses in the collimators in black and losses
in cold magnets in blue. The lower picture shows the loss pattern around one arc
quadrupole of beam halo particles escaping the betatron cleaning insertion in
IP7. In blue color the quadrupole magnet and in green color the neighboring
dipole magnets are shown. The beam beta functions are given as well. The
dispersion function indicated is not to scale. The loss pattern (horizontal losses
in this region) is explained by the beam optics functions. The strong peak at the
entrance of the quadrupole magnet is due to the enlarged vacuum chamber at
the bellows between the magnets. (Data courtesy of R.W. Assmann, G. Robert-
Demolaize and S. Redaelli.)
simulated [12]. The signal response of the ionization chamber to
the mixed radiation field in the tail of the hadronic shower has
been simulated [13] and measured in various beams at CERN.
The corresponding simulations for lead ion beams are being
performed as well [14].
B. Measurements
The uncertainties in the threshold level determination are
dominated by our knowledge of the longitudinal loss distri-
bution and of the magnet quench levels. Hence, the future
investigations will concentrate on these points. Quench level
measurements on LHC magnets for different time constants
(without beam) are planned [12]. A beam loss measurement
program at HERA/DESY has started in 2004. It aims to
crosscheck the simulation of hadronic showers through super-
conducting magnets and of the chamber response to the mixed
radiation field in the tail of the hadronic shower.
In the LHC itself a sector test with beam could take place in
2006. It would allow to crosscheck the threshold simulations
9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000
9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000
loss@ 11448cm
loss@ 11448cm
left detector signal
right detector signal
shower maximum @ 11560cm
shower maximum @ 11360cm
Fig. 6. Simulated longitudinal particle shower distribution at the outside of
the cryostat in the horizontal plane of the beam pipes. Proton impact positions
are in the center of the quadrupole. The maximum signal occurs one meter
after the proton impact position.
for instant losses at 450 GeV. The tuning of the BLM interlock
levels will begin with the first beam, using the beam loss and
magnet quench data of the logging and post mortem database
respectively. Dedicated beam tests will be required if the
“parasitic” tuning speed of the BLM system cannot keep pace
with the increasing demand on precision, as the beam intensity
and energy increase during LHC commissioning. Apart from
damage protection, the threshold levels also have to be precise
enough not to compromise the operation efficiency by false
dumps or magnet quenches.
The LHC tolerates less fractional beam loss than any existing
hadron machine because it features higher stored beam energy
in combination with superconducting magnets which withstand
less energy deposition. This lead to challenging requirements
on the beam loss monitoring system and to several novel
features in respect to existing systems. They include a large
dynamic range and a high reliability. To satisfy the reliability
requirements radiation tolerant electronics and a failsafe sys-
tem design is employed (reliable components, redundancy and
voting for less reliable components and a constant monitoring
of the availability of the channels). The beam abort thresholds
in the LHC system change dynamically not only with the beam
energy but also with the duration of the loss. A high accuracy in
the quench level determination (requiring extensive simulation
studies) became necessary for machine protection on the one
hand and for operational efficiency (to avoid false dumps) on
the other hand.
The authors would like to acknowledge the contributions
of various members of the LHC Machine Protection Working
Group [15] and the LHC Collimation Working Group [16].
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[2] Functional Safety Of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic
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[4] G. Guaglio, Reliability of the Beam Loss Monitor System for the Large
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[5] R. Filippini et al., Reliability Assessment of the LHC Machine Protection
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[6] G. Ferioli and R. Jung, Evolution of the secondary emission efficiencies
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[7] W. Friesenbichler, Development of the Readout Electronics for the Beam
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C. Zamantzas, The Design, Construction, Test and Integration of the LHC
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[8] R.W. Assmann et al., Expected Performance and Beam-based Optimiza-
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E.B. Holzer and B. Dehning, Longitudinal Loss Distribution along the
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S. Redaelli, LHC Aperture and Commissioning of the Collimation System,
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[10] I.A. Kurotchkin et al., unpublished simulation studies.
[11] J.B. Jeanneret et al., Quench levels and transient beam losses in LHC
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[13] M. Hodgson, Beam Loss Monitor Design Investigations for Particle
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... The characterization of the radiation field generated by the accelerators at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) is an essential task to ensure their smooth and reliable operation, preventing radiation-induced failures of critical equipment and electronics. For this purpose, the Radiation to Electronics (R2E) [1,2] effort at CERN employs different types of radiation monitors distributed throughout the accelerator complex, including the beam loss monitor (BLM) system [3], the RadMon system [4,5] and its battery-powered version (BatMon) [6], the distributed optical fibre system (DOFRS) [7], and passive high-level dosimeters [8]. As a possible addition, this work presents a recently developed Timepix3 Radiation Monitor setup, of which the suitability to be used in the scope of R2E radiation level monitoring activities at CERN is being assessed. ...
... Instead, the environment is characterised by the absence of heavy ions and by a scarce presence of alpha particles, while the relative contribution of the different particle types and the respective energy distributions can vary depending on the position, the spectrum given in Figure 1 is used as the reference radiation field for which the Timepix3 Radiation Monitor should be optimised. The existing radiation monitors used for machine protection (BLMs) and for R2E purposes (BLMs, RadMons, DOFRS, and high-level dosimeters) are all capable of measuring the total ionising dose (TID) via different technical solutions [3][4][5][6][7][8]. The RadMon system can also measure single event effects (SEEs) induced by high energy hadrons (HEH) and thermal neutrons in SRAM memories, calibrated to measure the respective flux, and it also provides measurements of the silicon 1-MeV neutron equivalent fluence via p-in-n diodes. ...
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A Timepix3 detector with a 300 μm silicon sensor has been studied as a novel radiation monitor for the mixed radiation field at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. This work describes a test campaign carried out at Centro Nacional de Aceleradores with quasi-mono energetic protons (alphas) from 0.6 (1) to 5 (5.6) MeV, where orthogonal irradiations are used to obtain an energy calibration, and a low-energy angular scan to estimate the front dead layer thickness of the sensor. The detector is operated in hole collection mode and at a partial bias of 250 μm at 50 V, which increases the charge sharing among pixels to mitigate the signal saturation at high energy depositions. The data, supported by FLUKA Monte Carlo simulations of energy losses in the sensor, show that the Timepix3 monitor operates in a linear regime up to energy depositions of around 600 keV per pixel and 2 MeV per cluster. As a result, the detector has been found to be suitable for measuring charged particle fluxes in the LHC mixed radiation field within the linear calibration regime, with the partial exception of inelastic nuclear reaction hits (mostly from neutrons).
... The LHC is equipped with almost 4000 ionization chambers which constantly monitor beam losses around the two rings [45,46]. The chambers are filled with nitrogen gas and have a sensitive volume of ∼1500 cm 3 . ...
... The collection time is around 300 ns for electrons, but is around 80 μs for ions [45,46]. In general one can assume that about 40% of the signal is registered within 40 μs, and about 70% within 80 μs. ...
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The interaction of dust particles with the LHC proton beams accounts for a major fraction of irregular beam loss events observed in LHC physics operation. The events cease after a few beam revolutions because of the expulsion of dust particles from the beam once they become ionized in the transverse beam tails. Despite the transient nature of these events, the resulting beam losses can trigger beam aborts or provoke quenches of superconducting magnets. In this paper, we study the characteristics of beam-dust particle interactions in the cryogenic arcs by reconstructing key observables like nuclear collision rates, loss durations and integral losses per event. The study is based on events recorded during 6.5 TeV operation with stored beam intensities of up to ∼3×10^{14} protons per beam. We show that inelastic collision rates can reach almost 10^{12} collisions per second, resulting in a loss of up to ∼1.6×10^{8} protons per event. We demonstrate that the experimental distributions and their dependence on beam parameters can be described quantitatively by a previously developed simulation model if dust particles are assumed to be attracted by the beam. The latter finding is consistent with recent time profile studies and yields further evidence that dust particles carry a negative charge when entering the beam. We also develop different hypotheses regarding the absence of higher-loss events in the measurements, although such events are theoretically not excluded by the simulation model. The results provide grounds for predicting dust-induced beam losses in the presence of higher-intensity beams in future runs of the High-Luminosity LHC.
... To counter the adverse effects of beam halo losses, multi-stage betatron and momentum collimation systems are installed in the LHC [6]. In conjunction with the Beam Loss Monitor (BLM) system [7], which continuously monitors beam losses and can trigger beam aborts, this setup protects from beam-induced quenches and, in the worst case, against potential damage to the accelerator equipment. ...
Conference Paper
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The LHC heavy-ion program, utilizing 208 Pb 82+ beams with an energy of up to 7 TeV, will profit from significantly higher beam intensities in future runs. During periods of short beam lifetime, a potential performance limitation may arise from secondary ions produced through electromagnetic dissociation and hadronic fragmentation in the collimators of the betatron cleaning insertion. These off-rigidity fragments risk quenching superconducting magnets when they are lost in the dispersion suppressor. To address this concern, an alternative collimation scheme will be introduced for forthcoming heavy ion runs, employing bent channeling crystals as primary collimators. In this contribution, we detail a thorough study of power deposition levels in superconduct-ing magnets through multi-turn halo dynamics and FLUKA shower simulations for the crystal-based collimation system. The study focuses on the downstream dispersion suppressor regions of the betatron cleaning insertion, where the quench risk is the highest. Based on this work, we quantify the expected quench margin in future runs with 208 Pb 82+ beams, providing crucial insights for the successful execution of the upgraded heavy-ion program at the HL-LHC.
... Significantly higher loss rates would have required dedicated stud-ies to ensure there is no risk of collimator damage. For the protection of the collimators, and to reduce the risk of triggering a beam dump by the beam loss monitors (BLMs) [14], a slow ramp of the loss rate from zero to 1 MW over roughly 15 s was envisaged. ...
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The High Luminosity upgrade of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) aims at achieving stored beam energies of 680 MJ. A possible limit on the achievable intensity is the quench limit of the superconducting magnets downstream of the betatron collimation insertion. At HL-LHC beam intensities, even a tiny fraction of particles scattered out of the collimation system may be sufficient to quench them. The quench limit of these magnets, when exposed to proton loss, depends on a variety of parameters. The amount of beam losses needed to cause a quench can be quantified through beam tests under realistic operating conditions. In this paper, we present the design and execution of a quench experiment with proton beams at 6.8 TeV carried out at the LHC in 2022. We describe the experimental approach, the result, and the analysis of the test that aims to probe the collimation cleaning performance while deliberately inducing high beam losses. The result of these tests is crucial to determine the need for future collimation upgrades.
... This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and content may change prior to final publication. TID (SiO 2 ), 1-MeV-Si-n-eq, HEH-eq th-n-eq [20]- [23]. The core is 3600 ionisation chambers, BLMs. ...
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In this work we present the radiation environment of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), focusing on the year 2022, the first after the Long Shutdown 2 (2019-2021). We highlight the most prominent radiation level changes with respect to the 2018 operation, commenting on the related Radiation Hardness Assurance implications. In addition to presented data from well-established radiation monitors, such as Beam Loss Monitors and RadMons, we demonstrated the excellent capabilities of the recently deployed Distributed Optical Fibre Radiation Sensing covering selected regions of the LHC. Profiting from the SRAMs deployed along the accelerator and its shielded alcoves, we demonstrated their capabilities for distributed SEUs monitoring.
... 1) BLM: The Beam Loss Monitoring system in the SPS consists of approximately 270 BLM units [8], ionisation chambers filled with air, distributed along the entire accelerator in the locations with potentially high beam losses, and therefore high radiation levels. The system is, however, different with respect to the one installed in LHC [19]. Although the main purpose of the system is machine protection rather than dosimetry, it plays an essential role in the active monitoring of the radiation environment, mainly thanks to its very good time resolution (5 ms). ...
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The Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) is the second largest accelerator at CERN where protons are accelerated between 16 GeV/c and 450 GeV/c. Beam losses, leading to the mixed-field radiation of up to MGy magnitude, pose a threat to the reliability of the electronic equipment and polymer materials located in the tunnel and its vicinity. Particularly in the arc sectors, where both main magnets and radiation sensors are periodically arranged, the Total Ionizing Dose (TID) is of concern for the front-end electronics of A Logarithmic Position System (ALPS). The SPS is equipped with multiple radiation detection systems such as Beam Loss Monitors (BLM), RadMons, and as of 2021, the Distributed Optical Fibre Radiation Sensing (DOFRS), that combined all together provide a very comprehensive picture of both the TID spatial distribution and its time evolution. Within this study, the overview of measured 2021 and 2022 TID levels is presented, together with the demonstration of capabilities offered by the different radiation monitors. The DOFRS, supported by the passive Radio-Photo Luminescence (RPL) dosimeter measurements, is used to assess the TID values directly at the electronic racks, which turned out to be reaching several tens of Gy per year, potentially affecting the ALPS lifetime.
... Many beam-based aperture measurement techniques were developed for precise measurements during the LHC Run 1 and Run 2 [4] operations. All the techniques developed are based on generating beam losses either by shifting the beam orbit or by blowing up its emittance and monitoring them using about 4000 beam loss monitors (BLMs) installed around the ring [10,11]. The BLMs allow us to measure local losses at most elements and identify the bottleneck locations. ...
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This paper presents a first experimental demonstration of a new nondestructive method for aperture measurements based on ac dipoles. In high intensity particle colliders, such as the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), aperture measurements are crucial for a safe operation while optimizing the optics in order to reduce the size of the colliding beams and hence increase the luminosity. In the LHC, this type of measurements became mandatory during beam commissioning and the current method used is based on the destructive blowup of bunches using a transverse damper. The new method presented in this paper uses the ac-dipole excitation to generate adiabatic forced oscillations of the beam in order to create losses to identify the smallest aperture in the machine without blowing up the beam emittance. A precise and tuneable control of the oscillation amplitude enables the beams to be reused for several aperture measurements, as well as for other subsequent commissioning activities. Measurements performed with the new method are presented and compared with the current LHC transverse damper method for two different beam energies and two different operational optics.
... For this purpose, the radiation levels are simulated using the FLUKA Monte Carlo code [18]- [20] (version 4.1.1) and compared to measurements performed with: 1) two beam loss monitors (BLMs) [21], [22]; 2) the RadMON system [23], [24] at different possible locations; and 3) 60 m of distributed optical fiber (OF) sensors [25]- [28], with several point dosimeters along the OF path: five RadMON RadFETs and 13 radio-photoluminescence (RPL) glass dosimeters [29], [30]. ...
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A benchmark between various radiation monitors employed at CERN for radiation to electronics applications and their simulated values with the FLUKA Monte Carlo is performed at the CHARM mixed-field irradiation facility. Comparisons are made for different operational conditions, using data recorded in the 2015–2018 period.
... The different techniques are based on the general principle of generating losses with a safe beam, i.e. beam conditions that are deemed non-dangerous for the ring integrity. These losses are measured by means of the beam loss monitors (BLMs) [26,27] placed all around the ring. Different analysis and reconstruction methods are performed, depending on the method and type of aperture measurement (global or local), in order to derive the aperture at the bottleneck location from these losses in units of σ . ...
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The beam aperture of a particle accelerator defines the clearance available for the circulating beams and is a parameter of paramount importance for the accelerator performance. At the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the knowledge and control of the available aperture is crucial because the nominal proton beams carry an energy of 362 MJ stored in a superconducting environment. Even a tiny fraction of beam losses could quench the superconducting magnets or cause severe material damage. Furthermore, in a circular collider, the performance in terms of peak luminosity depends to a large extent on the aperture of the inner triplet quadrupoles, which are used to focus the beams at the interaction points. In the LHC, this aperture represents the smallest aperture at top-energy with squeezed beams and determines the maximum potential reach of the peak luminosity. Beam-based aperture measurements in these conditions are difficult and challenging. In this paper, we present different methods that have been developed over the years for precise beam-based aperture measurements in the LHC, highlighting applications and results that contributed to boost the operational LHC performance in Run 1 (2010–2013) and Run 2 (2015–2018)
Technical Report
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The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is one of the largest scientific instruments ever built. Since opening up a new energy frontier for exploration in 2010, it has gathered a global user community of about 9000 scientists working in fundamental particle physics and the physics of hadronic matter at extreme temperature and density. To sustain and extend its discovery potential, the LHC will need a major upgrade in the 2020s. This will increase its instantaneous luminosity (rate of collisions) by a factor of five beyond the original design value and the integrated luminosity (total number of collisions) by a factor ten. The LHC is already a highly complex and exquisitely optimised machine so this upgrade must be carefully conceived and will require new infrastructures (underground and on surface) and over a decade to implement. The new configuration, known as High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), relies on a number of key innovations that push accelerator technology beyond its present limits. Among these are cutting-edge 11–12 Tesla superconducting magnets, compact superconducting cavities for beam rotation with ultra-precise phase control, new technology and physical processes for beam collimation and 100 metre-long high-power superconducting links with negligible energy dissipation, all of which required several years of dedicated R&D effort on a global international level. The present document describes the technologies and components that will be used to realise the project and is intended to serve as the basis for the detailed engineering design of the HL-LHC.
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The design LHC aperture and its dependence on various optics imperfections are discussed. The cleaning perfor- mance of the LHC collimation system is reviewed. The loss maps around the LHC ring at injection and collision energy are compared with the quench limit of supercon- ducting magnets. The effect of optics imperfections is also discussed. These studies are based on the results of track- ing simulations of the beam halo and on a detailed aperture model of the full LHC ring, with spatial resolution of 10 cm over the total length of 27 km. Experimental results from the collimator test with beam at the SPS are reviewed and specific issues related to the commissioning of the col- limation system, such as alignment of the jaw with respect to the beam envelope and adjustment of the jaw angle, are discussed.
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The increase of beam energy and beam intensity, together with the use of super conducting magnets, opens new failure scenarios and brings new criticalities for the whole accelerator protection system. For the LHC beam loss protection system, the failure rate and the availability requirements have been evaluated using the Safety Integrity Level (SIL) approach. A downtime cost evaluation is used as input for the SIL approach. The most critical systems, which contribute to the final SIL value, are the dump system, the interlock system, the beam loss monitors system, and the energy monitor system. The Beam Loss Monitors System (BLMS) is critical for short and intense particles losses at 7 TeV and assisted by the Fast Beam Current Decay Monitors at 450 GeV. At medium and higher loss time it is assisted by other systems, such as the quench protection system and the cryogenic system. For BLMS, hardware and software have been evaluated in detail. The reliability input figures have been collected using historical data from the SPS, using temperature and radiation damage experimental data as well as using standard databases. All the data has been processed by reliability software (Isograph). The analysis spaces from the components data to the system configuration. © 2005 American Institute of Physics
Conference Paper
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Simulations of collimation and beam cleaning were so far often performed with simplified computer models. However, the increase in available CPU power has opened the possibility for far more realistic simulations. For large accelerators like LHC it is now possible to track millions of particles, element by element over hundreds of turns. The well established SixTrack code treats the full six-dimensional phase space and considers the non-linear magnet components up to very high order. This code is being used for all LHC tracking simulations and has well developed linear and non-linear error models. SixTrack was extended for tracking of large ensembles of halo particles, taking into account halo interaction with arbitrarily placed collimators. An interface to a program for aperture analysis allows obtaining beam loss maps in the machine aperture. A standardized and portable SixTrack version is now available, providing all functionality of the old SixTrack, as well as the newly added support for halo tracking, collimation and aperture loss maps.
Conference Paper
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A large number of complex systems will be involved in ensuring a safe operation of the CERN Large Hadron Collider, such as beam dumping and collimation, beam loss and position monitors, quench protection, powering interlock and beam interlock system. The latter will monitor the status of all other systems and trigger the beam abort if necessary. While the overall system is expected to provide an extremely high level of protection, none of the involved components should unduly impede machine operation by creating physically unfounded dump requests or beam inhibit signals. This paper investigates the resulting trade-off between safety and availability and provides quantitative results for the most critical protection elements.
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The BLM (Beam Loss Monitoring) system has to prevent the superconducting magnets from being quenched and protect the machine components against damages making it one of the most critical elements for the protection of the LHC. The complete system consists of 3600 detectors, placed at various locations around the ring, tunnel electronics, which are responsible for acquiring, digitizing, and transmitting the data, and surface electronics, which receive the data via 2km optical data links, process, analyze, store, and issue warning and abort triggers. At those surface units, named BLMTCs, the backbone on each of them is an FPGA (field programmable gate array) which treats the loss signals collected from 16 detectors. It takes into account the beam energy and keeps 192 running sums giving loss durations of up to the last 84 seconds before it compares them with thresholds uniquely programmable for each detector. In this paper, the BLMTC's design is explored giving emphasis to the strategies followed in combining the data from the integrator and the ADC, and in keeping the running sums updated in a way that gives the best compromise between memory needs, computation, and approximation error.
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At the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) a beam loss system will be used to prevent and protect superconducting magnets against coil quenches and coil damages. Ionisation chambers will be mounted outside the cryostat to measure the secondary shower particles caused by lost beam particles. Since the stored particle beam intensity is eight orders of magnitude larger than the lowest quench level and the losses should be detected with a relative error of two, the design and the location of the detectors have to be optimised. For that purpose a two-fold simulation was carried out. The longitudinal loss locations of the tertiary halo is investigated by tracking the halo through several magnet elements. These loss distributions are combined with simulations of the particle fluence outside the cryostat, which is induced by lost protons at the vacuum pipe. The base-line ionisation chamber has been tested at the PS Booster in order to determine the detector response at the high end of the dynamic range.
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The performance of the LHC as a heavy-ion collider will be limited by a diverse range of phenomena that are often qualitatively different from those limiting the performance with protons. We summarise the latest understanding and results concerning the consequences of nuclear electromagnetic processes in lead ion collisions, the interactions of ions with the residual gas and the effects of lost ions on the beam environment and vacuum. Besides these limitations on beam intensity, lifetime and luminosity, performance will be governed by the evolution of the beam emittances under the influences of synchrotron radiation damping, intra-beam scattering, RF noise and multiple scattering on residual gas. These effects constrain beam parameters in the LHC ring throughout the operational cycle with lead ions.
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The cleaning efficiency requirements in the LHC are beyond the requirements at other circular colliders. The achievable ideal cleaning efficiency in the LHC is presented for the improved LHC collimation system. The longitudinal distribution of proton losses is evaluated with a realistic aperture model of the LHC. The results from simplified tracking studies are compared to simulations with complete physics and error models. Possibilities for beambased optimization of collimator settings are described.
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The LHC collimation system is designed to cope with requirements of proton beams having 100 times higher beam power than the nominal LHC heavy ion beam. In spite of this, specific problems occur for ion collimation, due to different particle-collimator interaction mechanism for ions and protons. Ions are subject to hadronic fragmentation and electromagnetic dissociation, resulting in a non-negligible flux of secondary particles of small angle divergence and Z/A ratios slightly different from the primary beam. These particles are difficult to intercept by the collimation system and can produce significant heat-load in the superconducting magnets when they hit the magnet vacuum chamber. A computer program has been developed to obtain quantitative estimates of the magnitude and location of the particle losses. Hadronic fragmentation and electromagnetic dissociation of ions in the collimators were considered within the frameworks of abrasion-ablation and RELDIS models, respectively. Trajectories of the secondary particles in the ring magnet lattice and the distribution of intercept points of these trajectories with the vacuum chamber are computed. Results are given for the present collimation system design and potential improvements are discussed.
The quench process is briefly review and the methodology for the estimation of the minimum quench energy required for quenching a magnet is presented. Existing parametrization of the NbTi critical surface are presented which provide the temperature margin and examples of their application in two dimensional magnet cross section are shown. The calculation of the cable enthalpy is presented and the importance of a fair estimation of the fraction of helium in direct contact with the conductor is clarified. Finally numerical simulation of the minimum quench energy as a function of the length of the perturbation and of its duration are reported.