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J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 75 (3) 413–422 (2010) UDC *Shilajit:547.992:541.1.004.12:
JSCS–3974 543.42.004.12
Original scientific paper
doi: 10.2998/JSC090316006A 413
Humic acid from Shilajit – a physico-chemical and
spectroscopic characterization
1Dept. of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Jamia Hamdard (Hamdard University), New
Delhi-110062, 2Dabur Research Foundation, 22, Site IV, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad,Uttar
Pradesh-201010, India and 3College of Pharmacy, Al-kharj, King Saud University, K.S.A.
(Received 16 March, revised 22 June 2009)
Abstract: Shilajit is a blackish–brown exudation, consisting of organic substan-
ces, metal ions and minerals, from different formations, commonly found in the
Himalayan region (1000–3000 m) from Nepal to Kashmir. Shilajit can also be
collected throughout the mountain regions in Afghanistan, Bhutan, China,
Bajkal, throughout Ural, Caucasus and Altai mountains also, at altitudes be-
tween 1000 to 5000 m. The major physiological action of shilajit has been
attributed to the presence of bioactive dibenzo-α-pyrones together with humic
and fulvic acids, which act as carrier molecules for the active ingredients. In
this work, the aim was to extract humic acid from Shilajit from various sources
and characterised these humic acids based on their physicochemical properties,
elemental analysis, UV/Vis and FTIR spectra, X-ray diffraction pattern and DSC
thermograms. The spectral features obtained from UV/Vis, FTIR, XRD and
DSC studies for samples of different origins showed a distinct similarity
amongst themselves and in comparison to soil humic acids. The surfactant
properties of the extracted fulvic acids were investigated by determining the
effect of increasing concentration on the surface tension of water. The study
demonstrated that humic acids extracted from shilajit indeed possessed surf-
actant properties.
Keywords: Shilajit; humic acid; FTIR spectra; DSC; XRD; surfactant properties.
Shilajit, also known as salajit, shilajatu, mumie or mummiyo, is a blackish–
–brown exudate coming out from layer of rocks in many mountain ranges, espe-
cially in the Himalayas and Hindukush ranges of the Indian subcontinent.1 It is
also found in Russia, Tibet, Norway and other countries, where it is collected in
small quantities from steep rock faces at altitudes between 1000 and 5000 m. Shi-
* Corresponding author. E-mails:;
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414 AGARWAL et al.
lajit samples from different regions of the world, however, vary in their physiolo-
gical properties.2
It mainly consists of palaeohumus (around 80–85 %) and organic compounds
derived from vegetation fossils that were compressed under layers of rocks for
hundreds of years and underwent significant metamorphosis due to the prevalent
high temperature and pressure conditions.5
Extensive research has been performed to determine the exact chemical na-
ture of Shilajit. Earlier work on shilajit showed that its major organic constituents
included benzoic acid, hippuric acid, fatty acids, resin and waxy materials, gums,
albuminoids and vegetable matter with benzoic acid being the active substan-
ce.6,7 Extensive research in the eighties showed that the major organic mass of
Shilajit was comprised of humus (60–80 %) along with other components, such
as benzoic acid, hippuric acid, fatty acids, ichthyol, ellagic acid, resin, triterpenes,
sterol, aromatic carboxylic acid, 3,4-benzocoumarins, amino acids and phenolic
lipids.8 The major physiological action of Shilajit was found to be due to the pre-
sence of bioactive dibenzo-α-pyrones along with humic and fulvic acids, which
acted as the carrier molecules for the active substances.9–11 Recently, the physic-
co-chemical, spectral and thermal properties of shilajit and its humic substances
were reported, which further confirmed its humic nature.12–15 Elemental analysis
and spectroscopic techniques, such as UV/Vis, FTIR and X-ray diffraction and
DSC analyses have been widely used for the characterization of humic acids ob-
tained from lignite, charcoal, soil, sewage sludge and compost.16,17 In this study,
these methods were applied for the first time to humic acids extracted from Shi-
lajit from different sources.
Materials and methods
An authentic sample of rock Shilajit (RS) was obtained from Dabur Research Foun-
dation, Ghaziabad, India. Dried Shilajit extracts were also obtained from three different com-
mercial sources in India, viz., Pioneer Enterprises (PE) – Mumbai, Natural Remedies (NR) –
– Bangalore and Gurukul Kangri (GK) – Haridwar. The humic acid was extracted from all the
samples of Shilajit and characterised based on their physico-chemical properties and their ele-
mental analysis. Scanning electron microscopy and spectral analysis, such as UV/Vis, FTIR,
DSC and X-ray diffraction, were performed. The E4/E6 ratio was also determined. The spec-
tral properties were compared with a humic acid standard from Sigma Aldrich.
Extraction of humic acid from Shilajit
Finely powdered shilajit was successively extracted18 with 500 ml each of hot organic
solvents of increasing polarity, i.e., chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol, to remove the bio-
active components, specifically oxygenated dibenzo-α-pyrones. The so-obtained extracted
Shilajit was taken and dispersed in 0.10 M aqueous sodium hydroxide with intermittent shak-
ing under nitrogen at room temperature for 24 h. The suspension was filtered to remove humin
(insoluble in water at all pH values) and the filtrate was acidified with dilute HCl to a pH of
less than three. The solution was allowed to stand at room temperature (25 °C) overnight. The
humic acid, which separated out as a coagulate, was filtered, dried and pulverized.
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Elemental analysis
The C, H, N and S contents were determined by packing the fulvic acid powder in tin
boats after careful weighing (Balance – Mettler Toredo, MX5) with the aid of a CHNS ana-
lyzer (Vario EL-III). The obtained values are expressed as dry weight of powder, in mass %.
UV/Vis Spectroscopy
The UV/Vis spectra of various HA extracted from shilajit of different origins were ob-
tained on a Shimadzu, 1601 UV/Vis spectrophotometer by dissolving the various HA samples
in water and recording the spectra in a 1 cm quartz cuvette in the wavelength range 200–800
nm. Since humic substances usually yield uncharacteristic spectra in the UV and visible, the
E4/E6 ratio (ratio of the absorbance of the solution at 465 and 665 nm)19 was determined for
the various samples.
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
The FTIR spectra of HA samples were recorded on a Win-IRrez (Bio-Rad, Hercules,
CA, USA) using the potassium bromide (KBr) disc technique. The samples (2 mg) were mixed
with potassium bromide (about 100 mg) in a clean glass pestle and mortar and compressed to
obtain a pellet. The base line was corrected and scanning was performed from 4000–400 cm-1.
Powder X-ray diffraction
Powder X-ray diffraction patterns of powdered samples of HA were obtained using a
Panalytical X-ray diffractometer, PW3719. All the samples were treated according to the fol-
lowing specifications: target/filter (monochromator), Cu; voltage/current, 40 kV/50 mA; scan
speed, 4 °/min.
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
A Perkin–Elmer Pyris 6 instrument was used for recording DSC thermograms of the HA
samples obtained from different shilajit sources. Samples (2–8 mg) were accurately weighed
and heated in closed aluminium crimp cells at a rate of 10 °C/min under a dynamic nitrogen
atmosphere (flow rate 20 ml/min) over the 50–300 °C temperature range.
Scanning electron microscopy
Scanning electron micrographs of the powdered samples were obtained using a Joel JSM-
840 scanning electron microscope with a 10 kV accelerating voltage. The surface of samples
for SEM was made electrically conductive in a sputtering apparatus (Fine Coat Ion Sputter
JFC-1100) by evaporation of gold.
Surfactant properties
The surfactant properties of the humic acids were investigated by determining the effect
of increasing the concentration of humic acid on the surface tension of water. The surface ten-
sion of the solutions was determined by the drop-weight method using a stalagmometer. Solu-
tions of fulvic acids in the concentration range 0–1.4 % w/v were prepared. Each solution was
separately sucked into the stalagmometer and allowed to drop slowly from it. The drop rate
was adjusted to approximately 2–3 drops/min. and the weight of 10 drops was measured.
Extraction of humic acid from shilajit
The yields obtained at the different stages of the earlier reported method and
the improved method for the extraction of humic acid from shilajit are compared
in Table I. The yields of HA extracted from shilajit from Dabur, Gurukul Kangri,
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416 AGARWAL et al.
Natural Remedies and Pioneer Enterprises were 2.5, 9.2, 8.7 and 8.7 %, respec-
tively. These are high proportion compared with those reported in the literature.18
The maximum yield of HA was obtained from the Gurukul Kangri shilajit.
TABLE I. Comparison of the yields of humic acid from Shilajit obtained from different sources
Shilajit Yield of fulvic acid, %
Reported method Improved method
I II III Mean ± SD I II III Mean ± SD
RS 1.2 1.0 1.4 1.2 ± 0.2 2.2 2.8 2.6 2.5 ± 0.3
GK 7.5 7.8 7.3 7.5 ± 0.3 9.2 8.9 9.5 9.2 ± 0.3
R 5.8 6.2 6.9 6.3 ± 0.6 8.1 8.9 9.1 8.7 ± 0.5
PE 6.9 6.4 7.1 6.8 ± 0.4 9.3 8.8 8.5 8.9 ± 0.4
Physical characteristics
The physical characteristics of the humic acids extracted from Shilajit of dif-
ferent origin are listed in Table II. The extracted HA from shilajit of different
origins exhibit very similar physico-chemical characteristics, indicating no quail-
tative variation in the Shilajit samples and in their extraction procedure.18. Slight
variations are to be expected and were seen in these HA samples. All the HA
samples were brownish black in colour and had a typical characteristic odour and
taste. The pH of 2 % aqueous solutions ranged from 3.46 to 3.86. The ratio of the
absorbance at 465 and 665 nm (E4/E6) has been widely used by soil scientist for
characterization purposes. The E4/E6 ratio for all the examined HA samples ran-
ged from about 3.0 to 4.0, which are consistent with those reported in the litera-
Elemental analysis
Elemental analysis of humic substances is generally used to establish their
nature and origin.20 As shown in Table III, a comparison of carbon, hydrogen, ni-
TABLE II. Comparison of the physical characteristics of humic acid from Shilajit of differen
Characteristic Humic acid (RS) Humic acid (GK) Humic acid (NR) Humic acid (PE)
ature Dark brown
powder Dark brown
powder Dark brown
powder Dark brown
Colour Dark Brown Dark Brown Dark Brown Dark Brown
Odour Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic
Taste Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic
H of 2 % aq.
solution 3.86 3.77 3.46 3.68
Absorbance at
465 nm (E4) 0.513 0.542 0.284 0.222
Absorbance at
665 nm (E6) 0.144 0.180 0.072 0.072
4/E6 ratio 3.56 3.01 3.94 3.08
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trogen and sulphur contents of the humic acids extracted from Shilajit of different
origins with those of soil humic acids21 and the Sigma Aldrich standard humic
acid revealed that the content of C, H, N and S were very low in the case of the
humic acids extracted from the pioneer shilajit. The carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen
and sulphur contents also varied significantly among the samples of humic acids.
These differences may be due to differences in the origin, different isolation tech-
niques and error in sampling and analysis. The C/N ratio also varied among the
samples of humic acids.
TABLE III. Elemental analysis of humic acids extracted from shilajit of different origins
Source of humic acid % C % H % N % S C/N ratio
Rock Shilajit (Dabur) 36.46 5.15 3.03 0.70 12.0
Shudh Shilajit (Gurukul Kangri) 45.36 5.92 2.31 0.39 19.63
Shilajit extract (Natural Remedies) 51.48 5.89 3.27 0.81 15.73
Shilajit extract (Pioneer Enterprises) 27.44 2.90 1.24 0.26 22.10
Sigma Aldrich (Std. HA) 42.28 4.25 0.57 0.81 73.09
UV/Vis Spectra
The UV/Vis spectra of the various samples of humic acids extracted from Shi-
lajit of different origin were recorded in water from 200 nm to 800 nm are shown
in Fig. 1. The samples did not exhibit any sharp maxima but exhibited a slight hump
near 260–280 nm, which is characteristic of humic substances.19 As discussed
previously, this hump is attributed to the absorption of radiation by the double
bonds C=C, C=O and N=N of the aromatic or unsaturated components of humic
Fig. 1. UV/Vis Spectra of humic acid extracted from Shilajit of different origins:
a) RS, b) GK, c) NR and d) PE.
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substances.22 The variation in the hump observed with the different samples of
Shilajit could be attributed to variations in the concentrations of aromatic com-
pounds, which in turn is characteristic of the difference in the humification process.
FTIR Spectra
The FTIR spectra (Fig. 2) of the extracted humic acids were characterised by
relatively few broad bands. All the humic acid samples exhibited broad bands at
about 3400, 1725 and 1630 cm–1, which can be attributed to hydrogen bonded
OH groups, C=O stretching of COOH groups and C=C double bonds, respecti-
vely. Sharp bands were observed in the region of 2925, 1400 and 1050 cm–1,
which can be attributed to the bending vibration of aliphatic C−H groups, the
O−H bending vibrations of alcohols or carboxylic acids and the OH bending de-
formation of carboxyl groups, respectively.19
Fig. 2. FTIR Spectra of humic acid extracted from Shilajit of different origins:
a) RS, b) GK, c) NR, d) PE and e) Laurentian humic acid.
X-Ray diffraction pattern
The X-ray diffraction pattern in the 2θ range from 10 to 70° of humic acid
extracted from rock a shilajit sample (Fig. 3) exhibited very small diffuse peaks
with a few intense peaks, implying its non-crystalline nature. This behaviour is
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consistent with the behaviour observed in the case of humic substances from other
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
The humic acid of pioneer Shilajit exhibited no sharp endothermic peak, in-
dicating that it does not have any defined melting point (Fig. 4). A shallow endo-
therm could be observed near 100 °C, which could be attributed to dehydration of
the sample. On the other hand, it showed an exothermic peak near 331 °C, which
could be attributed to the thermal degradation of carbohydrates, dehydration of
aliphatic structures and decarboxylation of carboxylic groups.24
Fig. 3. XRD Pattern of humic acid extracted from the rock Shilajit.
Fig. 4. DSC Spectra of humic acid extracted from the Pioneer Shilajit.
Scanning electron microscopy
The scanning electron micrographs (Fig. 5) of humic acid extracted from rock
Shilajit of Dabur showed a loose spongy structure of humic acids with the par-
ticles tending to aggregate to each other.
Surfactant properties
As can be seen in Fig. 6, increasing the concentration of extracted humic
acids in water clearly led to a decrease the surface tension. The decrease was ini-
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tially gradual until a concentration of about 0.8 %, w/v, after which it rose slight-
ly and then became almost constant. This could be due to the formation of mi-
celle at this concentration. This demonstrates that humic acids extracted from Shi-
lajit indeed possess surfactant properties. The value of 0.8 %, w/v, for the critical
micelle concentration (CMC) is in agreement with the reported value of 0.7 %,
w/v, for humic acids extracted from soil.26
Fig. 5. Scanning electron micrographs of humic acid from rock shilajit; a) 500×; b) 1500×.
Fig. 6. Effect of humic acid concentration
on the surface tension of water.
Humic acids from the various samples of shilajit were characterised and their
physico-chemical and spectral properties compared. Such results are presented for
the first time herein. The spectral features obtained from UV/Vis, FTIR, XRD and
DSC studies for samples of different origins showed a distinct similarity amongst
themselves and in comparison to soil humic acids. The surfactant properties of
humic acids were investigated by determining the effect of increasing concen-
tration of humic acids on the surface tension of water. The study demonstrated
that the humic acids extracted from shilajit indeed possessed surfactant properties.
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Acknowledgements. Our thanks go to the Hamdard National Foundation, Jamia Ham-
dard, New Delhi, for a fellowship and the financial aid given for the project. The authors are
also grateful to Dr. G. N. Qazi, vice chancellor, Jamia Hamdard, for providing the facilities.
1Dept. of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Jamia Hamdard (Hamdard University), New Delhi-110062,
2Dabur Research Foundation, 22, Site IV, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad,Uttar Pradesh-201010, India и
3College of Pharmacy, Al-kharj, King Saud University, K.S.A
Шилаџит је црно-мрк ексудат, који се састоји од органских супстанци, металних јона и
минерала, различитог састава. Широко је распрострањен у хималајској регији (на висинама
1000–3000 m) од Непала до Кашмира. Шилаџит се такође може наћи у планинским регијама
Авганистана, Бутана, Кине, Бајкала, као и на Уралу, Кавказу и Алтају, на висинама између
1000 и 5000 m. Основна физиолошка активност шилаџита приписана је присуству биоак-
тивних дибензо-
-пирона поред хуминске и фулвинске киселине, које делују као носећи
молекули активних састојака. У овом раду, циљ је био да се екстрахују хуминске киселине
из шилаџита различитог порекла и да се оне окарактеришу на основу физичко–хемијских
својстава, елементалне анализе, UV/Vis и FTIR спектара, дифрактограма X-зрака и DSC тер-
мограма. Спектралне карактеристике узорака различитог порекла добијене UV/Vis, FTIR и
XRD методама, као и информације добијене DSC техником, показале су очигледну међу-
собну сличност узорака и сличност са хуминским киселинама из земљишта. Испитивана је и
површинска активност екстрахованих фулвинских киселина одређивањем утицаја њихове
концентрације на површински напон воде. Испитивања су показала да су екстраховане
хуминске киселине заиста површински активне.
(Примљено 16. марта, ревидирано 22. јуна 2009)
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