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Two-Leg Squat Jumps in Water: An Effective Alternative to Dry Land Jumps


Abstract and Figures

The current study was designed to quantify and compare the kinetic parameters of two-leg squat jumps carried out on dry land, in water and in water using area devices that increase drag force. Twelve junior female handball players who had been competing at national level for the previous two years volunteered to participate in the study. Intensity of the two-leg squat jump was examined using a force plate (9 253-B11, Kistler Instrument AG, Winterthur, Switzerland) in three different conditions: on dry land, in water and in water using devices. An ANOVA with repeated measurements (condition) was applied to establish differences between the three jumps. The results show that peak impact force and impact force rate for the water jumps was lower than for the dry land jumps (p<0.05), while peak concentric force was higher for the water jumps than the dry land jumps (p<0.05). In addition, no statistically significant differences were found between water jumps for these variables (p>0.05). These results indicate that water provides an ideal environment for carrying out jumps, as the variables associated with the exercise intensity are boosted, while those related to the impact force are reduced and this fact could be less harmful.
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Training & Testing118
Colado JC et al. Two-Leg Squat Jumps in Water: An E ective Alternative … Int J Sports Med 2010; 31: 118 – 122
accepted after revision
October 19, 2009
Published online:
December 17, 2009
Int J Sports Med 2010; 31 :
118 – 122 © Georg Thieme
Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York
ISSN 0172-4622
Dr. Luis-Mill á n Gonz á lez
University of Valencia
Physical Education
C / Gasc ó Oliag, 3
46010 Valencia
Tel.: 00 34 963 864 374
Fax: 00 34 963 864 353
Key words
vertical jump
strength training
aquatic load plate
Two-Leg Squat Jumps in Water: An E ective
Alternative to Dry Land Jumps
speed [15, 21, 23] . These improvements in per-
formance may be due to the forces resisting for-
ward movement (e. g. increased load) that are
generated during jumps in water [5, 6, 23] .
This leads us to believe that jumps in water may
be an e ective alternative to dry land jumps to
produce adaptations and improvements to motor
performance, with the additional advantage that
they reduce the risk of injury.
In addition, certain professionals have recently
used aquatic area devices that increase resistance
to forward progress so as to increase intensity,
thus counterbalancing the fact that apparent
weight is less in water than on dry land. It has
been shown that using said materials increases
maximum concentric force and reduces the
impact forces generated during one-leg jumps in
water [25] . Despite this evidence, we believe that
more research is necessary to corroborate the
e ectiveness of the area devices.
This study was designed to quantify and compare
the kinetic parameter of two-leg squat jumps
carried out on dry land, in water and in water
using area devices.
Traditionally, dry land jumps have been used in
sport to improve muscle force, strength, overall
mobility and joint stability, as well as to prevent
injuries [12, 15, 19] . In the therapeutic eld, these
exercises have been associated with di erent
bene ts, including an increase in bone mineral
density [2] , an improvement in motor and occu-
pational tasks [14] and facilitation of the nal
stages of recovery from injury [10] . However,
there are a number of risks associated with these
exercises that are linked to the impact forces pro-
duced during the landing stages, and which can
cause great stress to structures of the muscu-
loskeletal system [16, 23, 25] .
Carrying out jumps in water may be an alterna-
tive that helps to reduce articular compression
forces during the landing stages by reducing
impact forces [15, 17, 25] . This could be due to
the fact that there are thrust forces in water that
act on subjects to reduce their apparent weight
[24] . In addition, some studies have shown that a
programme of jumps in water increases power,
peak concentric torque, vertical jump height and
Authors J. C. Colado
1 , X. Garcia-Masso
1 , L.-M. Gonz á lez
1 , N. T. Triplett
2 , C. Mayo
1 , J. Merce
A liations 1 University of Valencia, Physical Education and Sports, Valencia, Spain
2 Appalachian State University, Health, Leisure and Exercise Science, Boone, United States
The current study was designed to quantify and
compare the kinetic parameters of two-leg squat
jumps carried out on dry land, in water and in
water using area devices that increase drag force.
Twelve junior female handball players who had
been competing at national level for the previ-
ous two years volunteered to participate in the
study. Intensity of the two-leg squat jump was
examined using a force plate (9 253-B11, Kist-
ler Instrument AG, Winterthur, Switzerland)
in three di erent conditions: on dry land, in
water and in water using devices. An ANOVA
with repeated measurements (condition) was
applied to establish di erences between the
three jumps. The results show that peak impact
force and impact force rate for the water jumps
was lower than for the dry land jumps (p < 0.05),
while peak concentric force was higher for the
water jumps than the dry land jumps (p < 0.05).
In addition, no statistically signi cant di erences
were found between water jumps for these vari-
ables (p > 0.05). These results indicate that water
provides an ideal environment for carrying out
jumps, as the variables associated with the exer-
cise intensity are boosted, while those related to
the impact force are reduced and this fact could
be less harmful.
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Colado JC et al. Two-Leg Squat Jumps in Water: An E ective Alternative Int J Sports Med 2010; 31: 118 – 122
Materials and methods
Twelve junior female handball players who had been competing
at national level for the previous two years volunteered to par-
ticipate in this investigation. Subject characteristics were as fol-
lows age: 16.0 ± 0.7 years; height: 170 ± 10 cm; weight:
64.4 ± 8.9 kg; and body fat percentage: 25.7 ± 5.7 % . The subjects
did not have any cardiovascular, neuromuscular, orthopaedic or
psychological disorders, and were used to performing two-leg
jumps during their normal sport training. The participants were
noti ed about the potential risks involved and gave their volun-
tary informed consent, approved by a Research Commission
belonging to our institution.
Study design
A randomised, repeated measures experimental design was used
to examine the hypothesis that there were di erences between
two-leg jumps on dry land and two-leg jumps in water with and
without devices. Subjects completed a familiarization session
and a testing session 24 48 h later. The intensity of the two-leg
squat jump was examined in three di erent conditions: on dry
land, an aquatic jump and an aquatic jump using devices. The
dependent variables included were peak concentric force, con-
centric force development rate, total time, time to peak concen-
tric force, impact force, time to peak impact force, and impact
force development rate.
Test procedures
The subjects rst performed a session to familiarise themselves
with the correct technique for two-leg squat jumps on dry land
and in water with and without devices. After a 24 48 h break,
the subjects completed the testing session in which the depend-
ent variables were evaluated. Subjects had performed no
strength training in the 48 h prior to data collection. The mea-
surement protocols were always strictly controlled by the same
evaluators with the additional help of video recording and gonio-
metry. Subjects were always encouraged to make the maximum
e ort during all measured jumps. Three attempts were made at
each type of jump, with the best attempt at each type of jump
(e. g. peak concentric force value) chosen for analysis, also con-
sidering the landing pro le of the same attempt (e. g. whether
the subjects landed solidly on the plate or landed partially o
the plate due to otation). Subjects performed a general warm-
up prior to both the familiarization and testing sessions, which
consisted of 5 min of range of motion movements for the main
joints with light jogging between exercises. Following the warm-
up, subjects were allowed a practice jump prior to each di erent
type of measured jump. All jump conditions were randomised
within a jump environment to avoid fatigue e ects and one
minute of rest was given between trials. Due to the logistics of
submerging the force plate, all dry land jumps were completed
rst, followed by the di erent types of aquatic jumps. The plate
submersion and calibration required approximately 20 min, so
the warm-up was repeated just prior to measured jumps. The
aquatic jumps consisted of jumping with or without devices that
increased drag force (i. e. the subjects took up in each hand a rec-
tangular device through a handgrip placed in the middle of the
device). The sizes of the device were: 25 cm (height) × 17 cm
(width) × 1 cm (depth). The subjects were asked to keep their
hands on their hips during the whole test (push-o , ight and
landing) or, in the case of the aquatic jumps with the devices, to
keep their arms straight by their sides with the devices parallel
to the surface of the water. Subjects were instructed to jump as
normally as possible and land as they would during training,
bending the knees and avoiding violent impact with the ground.
The degree of knee exion for the starting position of the jump
was set at 90 ° with a manual goniometer and monitored through
the use of live video imaging sent to a computer.
Standing height in the water (prior to knee exion) was at the
xiphoid process ( ± 3 cm). However, the level of immersion at the
beginning of the jump was deeper since the subjects had to
squat down to 90 ° knee exion. Previous studies such as Miller
et al. [17] and Stemm and Jacobson [23] used an immersion
depth equal to the waist or less. It is known that the compressive
load on the spine that is generated when running at an immer-
sion depth equal to the waist is no di erent to that generated
when running on dry land [8] . Since a clear mechanical di er-
ence exists between running and jumping, it is important to
understand di erences in impact force with di erent immersion
depths during jumping. Although that concept was not the focus
of the present investigation, a standing immersion depth of the
xiphoid process ( ± 3 cm) was chosen because previous works
using walking activities at the same immersion depth found a
lower impact force compared to dry land activities [3, 22] . More-
over, previous studies that used general aquatic exercise pro-
grams at a similar immersion depth found positive results as
regards improving physical performance [15, 16, 21] .
Data collection and analysis procedures
Height, body mass, and body fat percentage (Tanita model BF-
350) were obtained according to the protocols used in previous
studies [5, 7] . A portable force plate (9253-B11, Kistler Instru-
ment AG, Winterthur, Switzerland) measuring 400 mm
(width) × 600 mm (length) × 45 mm (depth) was used to assess
ground reaction forces for all conditions tested. The force plate
contained four piezoelectric sensors and each recorded the force
produced in the three spatial directions. All the signals were
recorded at a frequency of 200 Hz, ampli ed and converted A / D
using a 16-bit card. We used the manufacturer s own software
® Type 2812A1-3, version 3.24) to calculate the three
absolute components of the force.
Prior to calculation of the statistics parameters, each signal was
corrected by the removal of the force that every subject pro-
voked as a result of their own weight, and it was also considered
that the subject s weight decreased by the otation force. In
water, the measured vertical ground reaction force while stand-
ing still in water was a result of body weight minus buoyancy,
which was denominated apparent body weight . For example,
the measured vertical ground reaction force while standing still
(apparent body weight) with the water at the xiphoid process
was approximately 28 % (17.8 ± 6.1 kg) of the same position on
dry land (64.4 ± 8.9 kg). Apparent body weight was further
reduced when the subject reached the starting position (90 °
knee angle), as the body was submerged further [18] . This cor-
rection was performed with the purpose of analyzing only verti-
cal forces of taking o phase of the jump.
Dependent variables were de ned as follows: (i) Impact force as
the highest ground reaction force during jump landing; (ii) Peak
concentric force as highest ground reaction force before nish-
ing the propulsive phase of the movement; (iii) Concentric rate
of force development as the rst peak of ground reaction force
divided by the time from the initiation of the concentric phase
to the rst peak of ground reaction force; (iv) Total time as the
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Colado JC et al. Two-Leg Squat Jumps in Water: An E ective Alternative Int J Sports Med 2010; 31: 118 – 122
time necessary to nish the propulsive phase of the movement,
that is, from beginning of the propulsive phase to take-o ;
(v) Time to peak concentric force as the time necessary to reach
peak concentric force from the beginning of the propulsive phase
of the movement; (vi) Time to peak impact force as the time nec-
essary to reach peak impact force from the beginning of the
landing phase of the movement; and (vii) Rate of force develop-
ment for impact force as the rst peak of impact force divided by
the time from the initiation of the landing phase to the rst peak
of impact force.
Fig. 1 shows an example of a standard signal
and the analysis carried out. One previous research suggests that
the mechanical power is the variable that can predict the per-
formance [1] . We did not measure the mechanical power in the
three conditions. However, some vertical ground reaction forces
were considered an interesting form to quantify the intensity
[13] of the exercises and other ones indicate the stress to the
musculoskeletal system [11] . Test-retest reliabilities for the vari-
ables measured in the single-leg jumps (both dry-land and
aquatic) were previously established with an intraclass correla-
tion coe cient (ICC). They consistently ranged from 0.89 to
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS software version
17 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). It was checked that all the varia-
bles complied with the assumption of normality (K-S normality
test). Standard statistical methods were used to obtain the mean
as a measurement of the central trend and the standard error of
the mean (SEM) as a measurement of dispersion. One ANOVA
with repeated measures (condition) was applied to establish dif-
ferences between the three jumps. Univariate contrast was uti-
lized to determine the main e ects of the condition over the
dependent variables. Greenhouse-Geisser correction was used
when the assumption of sphericity (Mauchly s test) was vio-
lated, and Bonferroni correction ( α / number of comparisons) was
applied to avoid increasing familywise error (e. g. increasing the
possibilities of having made one Type I error) because several
dependent variables were included in the analysis. Helmert
planned contrast was used to establish di erences between the
dry jumps and the two aquatic jumps and between aquatic
jumps. This contrast was employed because it is more powerful
than post hoc analysis [9] . The level of statistical signi cance
prior to applying Bonferroni correction was set at p < 0.05.
The results show that the main e ect on maximum concentric
force (F
2,22 = 10.52, p = 0.001), peak impact force (F 2,22 = 35.98,
p < 0.001), time to maximum concentric force (F 2,22 = 7.55,
p = 0.003), total time (F 2,22 = 11.77, p < 0.001) and impact force
development rate (F
1.17,12.89 = 22.31, p < 0.001) is the medium in
which the jump was performed.
Planned contrast revealed that maximum concentric force was
greater when the jumps were performed in water than on dry
land (F
1,11 = 15.7, p = 0.002, r = 0.77), but there were no di er-
ences between aquatic jumps. In addition, peak impact force
was lower for the aquatic jumps than for dry jumps (F
1,11 = 44.21,
p < 0.001, r = 0.89), and no di erences were observed between
aquatic jumps. Also, di erences in impact force development
rate between dry land and aquatic jumps were found (F 1,11 = 24.16,
p < 0.001, r = 0.83), with the values for aquatic jumps being lower
than the values for dry land jumps (
Fig. 2 ).
On the other hand, the time to maximum concentric force was
higher for aquatic jumps than for dry jumps (F
1,11 = 8.4, p = 0.015,
r = 0.65), and the contrast also showed that aquatic jumps with
devices showed greater times to maximum concentric forces
Force (N)
1 s 0.5 s
Fig. 1 Example of a standard signal and the
analysis performed during the aquatic jump. On
the left a typical signal of the forces generated
by a subject during the aquatic jump is shown.
The di erent phases of the jump can be observed
through the dolls placed in the superior zone
separated by dotted lines. The shading shows the
fragment of the signal selected for the posterior
analysis. On the right side an example of the
statistical parameters calculated in the data
reduction section is shown. As can be checked
the signal force was corrected removing the force
exerted by the subjects body weight on the right
side signal compared to the left side signal. The
statistics mean: A . Peak Concentric Force; B . Peak
Impact Force; C . Rate of Concentric Force;
D . Rate Impact Force; E . Time Concentric Force;
F . Time Impact Force; G . Total Time. Although
the graphical representation of the rates is not
exact, it can provide a visual help to understand
the calculation of these parameters. The rate
impact force was calculated dividing the di erence
between the force at the beginning of the braking
phase and the peak impact force by the time to
impact force. The rate of force development was
calculated dividing the peak concentric force by
the time to concentric force.
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Colado JC et al. Two-Leg Squat Jumps in Water: An E ective Alternative Int J Sports Med 2010; 31: 118 – 122
1,11 = 6.2, p = 0.03, r = 0.36) and total time (F 1,11 = 26.35, p < 0.001,
r = 0.84) than aquatic jumps without devices ( Table 1 ).
The rst important question associated with our study deals
with the parameters used to characterise the signals acquired
during the jump attempts. Despite there being a signi cant
number of calculations to summarise the data collected during
jumps, in line with other authors, we think that the impact force
and impact force development rate are two parameters that
indirectly indicate the stress level that the musculoskeletal sys-
tem receives [11] . In addition, the intensity of the jumps can be
expressed by peak concentric force and force development rate
[13] .
Research into jump characteristics is a well-consolidated eld in
scienti c literature, but to date we only know of one study
describing jumps in the aquatic medium. Vicente-Rodriguez
et al. [27] quanti ed the peak force in dry squat jumps per-
formed by female handball players and they did not show any
similar data to ours within this variable. The mean value of their
measure of the peak force during the dry squat jump was 519.36
N and our results indicated a value of 838.14 N when the jumps
were performed on dry land. This di erence can be explained by
the fact that the females they studied were younger and their
body mass was lower (14.2 ± 0.4 years and 53.6 ± 1.8 kg respec-
tively) than the females in our study (16.0 ± 0.7 years and
64.4 ± 8.9 kg respectively). On the other hand, the experimental
data we gathered clearly coincides with a previous study carried
out by Triplett et al [25] . that measured the vertical ground reac-
tion forces in the same three conditions but using one-leg jumps
instead. Basically, our data supported the suitability of using the
aquatic medium as a way of increasing the intensity of the
jumps, although the di erences with regard to certain parame-
ters measured in our laboratory and those mentioned in the
above study require additional explanation.
Triplett et al. [25] , observed that when one-leg squat jumps were
performed in water, the concentric force peaks were higher and
the impact forces were lower when compared with the same
jumps carried out on dry land. However, in his study the resist-
ance materials were signi cantly e ective, reducing impact
forces by 31.6 % and increasing maximum concentric forces by
12.7 % when compared with aquatic jumps performed without
using said materials.
Although our experiment also showed that both aquatic jumps
generated higher concentric forces and lower impact forces, we
were unable to demonstrate statistically that the use of area
devices was signi cantly e ective. The resistance o ered by the
material was quite possibly not high enough in our study, as the
jumps were performed with both legs and the devices used were
Fig. 2 Forces and rates during dry land and
aquatic jumps. A . Peak Concentric Force; B .
Peak Impact Force; C . Rate of Concentric Force;
D . Rate Impact Force, in the three conditions.
Squares represent mean (n = 12) and error bars
represent standard error of the mean. * Signi cant
di erences (p < 0.05) related to both aquatic
Table 1 D i erences between dry and aquatic jumps in time variables
(n = 12).
Dry Jump Aquatic Jump Aquatic Jump
with Devices
concentric force
0.26 (0.02) * 0.31 (0.03) 0.38 (0.02)
time impact force 0.11 (0.01) 0.18 (0.02) 0.14 (0.03)
total time 0.36 (0.01) 0.35 (0.02) 0.45 (0.02)
Data are expressed as mean (standard error of the mean). * Signi cant di erences
(p < 0.05) related to both aquatic jumps. Signi cant di erences (p < 0.05) related to
aquatic jump
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Colado JC et al. Two-Leg Squat Jumps in Water: An E ective Alternative Int J Sports Med 2010; 31: 118 – 122
the same size as those used in the above-mentioned study. In
addition, we found no signi cant reduction in the impact forces
as a result of using the aquatic devices, despite the fact that the
reduction was high (e. g. 12.7 % less impact for the aquatic jumps
with devices when compared with the aquatic jumps without
devices). It may be that no signi cant di erences appeared in
our study because the size of the e ect to be detected was very
small (r = 0.28).
It should also be remembered that the maximum concentric
force was maintained and even increased in the aquatic jumps,
as we detected increases of 25.6 % over the gure for dry land
jumps for this variable when the jumps were performed in
aquatic conditions. These increases may be due to the increased
resistance to movement generated by the drag forces [4] , which
have a positive relationship with the speed of movement [5, 6] .
These results explain why previous studies have found a pro-
gramme of jumps in water designed to improve the vertical
jumps of athletes to be more e ective than one carried out on
dry land [15, 17] . With regard to concentric force development
rate, no di erences were found between the conditions tested.
This could be due to the fact that the time taken in water to reach
maximum concentric force is prolonged, with the force develop-
ment rate being reduced, despite the fact that the subjects gen-
erate higher maximum forces.
The main implications of our study centre on the use of jump
exercises in water. It is known that open kinetic chain exercises
in water are normally used because they can be performed eas-
ily and the drag force can be increased by using devices, all in
order to increase strength and muscle mass [20, 26] . The nd-
ings of the present study show that applying closed chain kinetic
exercises such as jumps in water is as e cient as dry land jumps,
or even more. In the sporting performance eld, aquatic jumps
can be used to improve overall physical capacity in periods when
the workload is more important than focused training. In addi-
tion, these low impact activities can be used by obese individu-
als or athletes with large body masses (e. g. shot putters,
heavyweight judo competitors, etc.) to improve their explosive
force, as performing jumps on dry land greatly increases the risk
of joint injuries for these individuals, due to the high impact
forces generated when landing. They can also be very useful in
slowing the reduction in neuromuscular performance that
occurs with ageing [12] , as the use of exercises focusing on
improving explosive forces has been recommended for this pop-
ulation [20] , and water can o er a safe environment for the mus-
culoskeletal system.
To sum up, it seems to be clear that water is the optimum envi-
ronment for performing jumps, as the variables associated with
the exercise intensity are boosted, while those related to the
impact force are reduced and this fact could be less harmful.
However, the e ectiveness of aquatic devices that increase drag
forces to augment the intensity and safety of these exercises has
not been proven. This information may be useful in elds associ-
ated with prevention, sporting performance, rehabilitation and
health-related recreational activities.
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... After reviewing educational literature and scientific studies and research in the field, such as those by various researchers [16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25], a training program using aquatic plyometric exercises was developed as follows: ...
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The objective of this study is to examine the impact of eight weeks of aquatic plyometric training on the explosive and agility abilities of swimmers. The following keywords were used: The objective of this study was to ascertain the impact of aquatic plyometric training (APT) on explosive power and agility. A training program incorporating APT was implemented on a sample of 20 swimmers. The findings revealed that utilizing APT at a depth up to the pelvis for 8 weeks and 3 times a week led to statistically significant differences and improvements in explosive power and agility. The effect size values for the two variables were 0.97 and 0.97, respectively. The researcher recommended the use of APT as a viable alternative to plyometric exercises on hard ground for enhancing explosive power and agility, while also reducing the risk of muscle and tendon injuries.
... Specifically, the literature reports positive effects of this practice on overall muscle strength, cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular power, range of motion, balance, agility, and controlling symptoms of musculoskeletal system diseases (Aboarrage Junior et al., 2018;Alberton, Antunes, et al., 2011;Colado & Garcia-Masso, 2009;Colado et al., 2010;Colado, Triplett, Tella, Saucedo, & Abellan, 2009;J. P. Ferreira et al., 2020). ...
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The present study investigated the effect of implementing the Hidrotreinamento® aquatic program on strength and sarcopenia indicators in older people who have already practiced aquatic exercises. Methods: 51 Volunteers were organized into two groups. The experimental Hidrotreinamento® (HTG) followed a new periodized program with controlled load progression, and the Aquatic Exercise Community (AEC) control group maintained the community aquatic program they had previously carried out, a non-periodized program without controlled load progression. Both groups were subjected to the same battery of tests at the baseline and after 16 weeks of the aquatic program. Handgrip, Time Up and Go (TUG), Chair Stand Test (CST), Chair Sit and Reach Test (CSRT), Back Scratch Test (BST), body composition, and the questionnaires SARC-F and IPAQ. ANCOVA was used to compare differences between groups. Results: A significant correlation was found between age and Sarc-F (p > 0.05), age and TUG (p > 0.05), BMI and TUG (p > 0.05), BMI and Handgrip (p > 0.05), Fat mass and all strength variables (p > 0.05) and between IPAQ sitting time and handgrip (p > 0.05). Regarding physical tests, a significant group effect was found for handgrip and the BST (p > 0.05). Relative results for changes within each group HTG and AEC, respectively, after the aquatic program were: handgrip (11.75%; 0.04%); TUG (117.2%; 12.06%); CST (21.6%; 2.96%); BSTR (21.7%; 2.5%); BSTL (12.2%; 13.6); CSRTR (6.6%; 2%); CSRTL (1.9%; 1.2%) Conclusion: The Hidrotreinamento® aquatic program appears to be effective in combating sarcopenia and increasing strength in older adults. Keywords: Muscle strength, older adults, sarcopenia, physical fitness, aging.
... Aquatic training has become an essential training method in recent years for improving specific physiological characteristics (Miller M. et al., 2007;Peyré-Tartaruga et al., 2009). Because water offers more resistance than land does, performing plyometric exercises in it can help improve force output more than doing them on land (Colado et al., 2010). Aquatic plyometric training is a type of workout that can improve performance during a competitive season for a power-based sport (MillerM. ...
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Background: Plyometric training (PT) are performed in different hard surfaces like dry land, hard court or grassy turf which is at the same time susceptible to muscle and joint injury of the lower limbs. To avoid this risk Aqua-based training gradually has become popular to the trainers. Therefore, in the present study the PT were conducted in an aquatic medium. Objective: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of Aquatic plyometric training on speed and explosive leg strength ability of the young Indian athletes. Method: This study was quasi-experimental in nature. Twenty-four (N = 24) athletes aged between 14-16 years were selected. They were equally grouped into two: i) Aquatic Plyometric Training Group (APTG, N=12), and ii) Control Group (CG, N=12). Both the groups were involved in regular physical activity as usual in their academy which was not under the control of the researchers, however, in addition to that APTG underwent an aqua-based Plyometric training for fourteen weeks. The dependent variables were speed and explosive leg strength. Baseline (pre) and post intervention mean values for APTG and CG were analyzed through ANCOVA. The F-values were tested at p0.05 level of significance. Results: The APTG improved significantly with respect to the CG in speed (F = 70.890; p 0.00001) and explosive leg strength (F = 32.553; p 0.00001). Conclusion: Aquatic Plyometric Training was found as an effective training means for the development of speed and explosive leg strength of the athletes belongs to the age group of 14-16 years.
... Under the prerogative of reducing the considerable mechanical overload that occurs while performing plyometric jumps 8 , training in an aquatic environment has been proposed as an alternative [9][10][11] . In water, this load reduction occurs due to buoyancy, which attenuates the ground reaction force (i.e. the impact) during the execution of different types of jumps in comparison to land [12][13][14] . Held et al. 15 compared the effects of plyometrics on land and water in a systematic review that included eight studies. ...
... land) and isokinetic (e.g. water) environments [43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51]. Indeed, PJT may improve WSA performance [31,52,53], targeting key muscles from ankle, knee, and hip joints that may aid during key competitive movements such as kicking in swimming [54], jumping from the start platform and flip turns, lower-limb extension during the stroke in rowing [5,7], among others. ...
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Background A growing body of literature is available regarding the effects of plyometric jump training (PJT) on measures of physical fitness (PF) and sport-specific performance (SSP) in-water sports athletes (WSA, i.e. those competing in sports that are practiced on [e.g. rowing] or in [e.g. swimming; water polo] water). Indeed, incoherent findings have been observed across individual studies making it difficult to provide the scientific community and coaches with consistent evidence. As such, a comprehensive systematic literature search should be conducted to clarify the existent evidence, identify the major gaps in the literature, and offer recommendations for future studies. Aim To examine the effects of PJT compared with active/specific-active controls on the PF (one-repetition maximum back squat strength, squat jump height, countermovement jump height, horizontal jump distance, body mass, fat mass, thigh girth) and SSP (in-water vertical jump, in-water agility, time trial) outcomes in WSA, through a systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized and non-randomized controlled studies. Methods The electronic databases PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science were searched up to January 2022. According to the PICOS approach, the eligibility criteria were: (population) healthy WSA; (intervention) PJT interventions involving unilateral and/or bilateral jumps, and a minimal duration of ≥ 3 weeks; (comparator) active (i.e. standard sports training) or specific-active (i.e. alternative training intervention) control group(s); (outcome) at least one measure of PF (e.g. jump height) and/or SSP (e.g. time trial) before and after training; and (study design) multi-groups randomized and non-randomized controlled trials. The Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scale was used to assess the methodological quality of the included studies. The DerSimonian and Laird random-effects model was used to compute the meta-analyses, reporting effect sizes (ES, i.e. Hedges’ g) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs). Statistical significance was set at p ≤ 0.05. Certainty or confidence in the body of evidence for each outcome was assessed using Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE), considering its five dimensions: risk of bias in studies, indirectness, inconsistency, imprecision, and risk of publication bias. Results A total of 11,028 studies were identified with 26 considered eligible for inclusion. The median PEDro score across the included studies was 5.5 (moderate-to-high methodological quality). The included studies involved a total of 618 WSA of both sexes (330 participants in the intervention groups [31 groups] and 288 participants in the control groups [26 groups]), aged between 10 and 26 years, and from different sports disciplines such as swimming, triathlon, rowing, artistic swimming, and water polo. The duration of the training programmes in the intervention and control groups ranged from 4 to 36 weeks. The results of the meta-analysis indicated no effects of PJT compared to control conditions (including specific-active controls) for in-water vertical jump or agility (ES = − 0.15 to 0.03; p = 0.477 to 0.899), or for body mass, fat mass, and thigh girth (ES = 0.06 to 0.15; p = 0.452 to 0.841). In terms of measures of PF, moderate-to-large effects were noted in favour of the PJT groups compared to the control groups (including specific-active control groups) for one-repetition maximum back squat strength, horizontal jump distance, squat jump height, and countermovement jump height (ES = 0.67 to 1.47; p = 0.041 to < 0.001), in addition to a small effect noted in favour of the PJT for SSP time-trial speed (ES = 0.42; p = 0.005). Certainty of evidence across the included studies varied from very low-to-moderate. Conclusions PJT is more effective to improve measures of PF and SSP in WSA compared to control conditions involving traditional sport-specific training as well as alternative training interventions (e.g. resistance training). It is worth noting that the present findings are derived from 26 studies of moderate-to-high methodological quality, low-to-moderate impact of heterogeneity, and very low-to-moderate certainty of evidence based on GRADE. Trial registration The protocol for this systematic review with meta-analysis was published in the Open Science platform (OSF) on January 23, 2022, under the registration doi (internet archive link:
... This will stimulate the metabolic and neuromuscular systems, followed by physiological adaptation processes (Torres-Ronda & Schelling I Del Alcázar, 2014). Some studies show that jumping in water can help you get stronger, reach higher peak torque, and jump higher; speed and agility can also improve (Colado et al., 2010), and a study from (Anista et al., 2018) shows a considerable gain in skill and strength among preadolescent boys due to water exercise. ...
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Study purpose. Agility plays an essential role in basketball so increased agility needs to be a concern in the physical conditioning exercises of basketball players. To achieve the best results possible with an exercise, the type and manner of the exercise must be considered. The more varied is the training model offered to athletes, the more will it further encourage athletes not to feel exhausted while training. However, the training model used is still limited to hard textured courts. Though the use of textured fields such as water and sand has an impact other than power load, it lowers the rate of injury. Materials and methods. The method used in this study was a 2 x 2 factorial design experiment. This study involved 36 men's basketball athletes ages 16–18. The leg power instrument used a vertical jump, agility assessment used an agility test, and analysis of this study data used the ANOVA test. Results. (1) the sand exercise method shows higher results than the water exercise method; (2) athletes who have high limb power are better in agility testing than athletes who have low limb power; and (3) there is an interaction of water exercise and sand exercise methods and power of the limbs against agility. Conclusions. The results of this study could prove that sand exercise methods are more effectively used in increasing agility to be an alternative for coaches.
... land) and isokinetic (e.g. water) environments [43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51]. Indeed, PJT may improve WSA performance [31,52,53], targeting key muscles from ankle, knee, and hip joints that may aid during key competitive movements such as kicking in swimming [54], jumping from the start platform and flip turns, lower-limb extension during the stroke in rowing [5,7], among others. ...
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Background: A growing body of literature is available regarding the effects of plyometric jump training (PJT) on measures of physical fitness (PF) and sport-specific performance (SSP) in water sports athletes (WSA, i.e., those competing in sports that are practiced on [e.g., rowing] or in [e.g., swimming; water polo] water). Indeed, incoherent findings have been observed across individual studies making it difficult to provide the scientific community and coaches with consistent evidence. As such, a comprehensive systematic literature search should be conducted to clarify the existent evidence, identify the major gaps in the literature, and offer recommendations for future studies. Aim: To examine the effects of PJT compared with active/specific-active controls on the PF (one-repetition maximum back squat strength, squat jump height, countermovement jump height, horizontal jump distance, body mass, fat mass, thigh girth) and SSP (in-water vertical jump, in-water agility, time trial) outcomes in WSA, through a systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized and non-randomized controlled studies. Methods: The electronic databases PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science were searched up to January 2022. According to the PICOS approach, the eligibility criteria were: (population) healthy WSA; (intervention) PJT interventions involving unilateral and/or bilateral jumps, and a minimal duration of ≥3 weeks; (comparator) active (i.e., standard sports training) or specific-active (i.e., alternative training-intervention) control group(s); (outcome) at least one measure of PF (e.g., jump height) and/or SSP (e.g., time-trial) before and after training; and (study design) multi-groups randomized and non-randomized controlled trials. The Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scale was used to assess the methodological quality of the included studies. The DerSimonian and Laird random-effects model was used to compute the meta-analyses, reporting effect sizes (ES, i.e., Hedges’ g) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs). Statistical significance was set at p ≤0.05. Certainty or confidence in the body of evidence for each outcome was assessed using Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE), considering its five dimensions: risk of bias in studies, indirectness, inconsistency, imprecision, and risk of publication bias. Results: A total of 11,028 studies were identified with 26 considered eligible for inclusion. The median PEDro score across the included studies was 5.5 (moderate-to-high methodological quality). The included studies involved a total of 618 WSA of both sexes (330 participants in the intervention groups [31 groups] and 288 participants in the control groups [26 groups]), aged between 10 to 26 years, and from different sports disciplines such as swimming, triathlon, rowing, artistic swimming, and water polo. The duration of the training programs in the intervention and control groups ranged from 4 to 36 weeks. Results of the meta-analysis indicated no effects of PJT compared to control conditions (including specific-active controls) for in-water vertical jump or agility (ES = -0.15 to 0.03; p = 0.477 to 0.899), nor for body mass, fat mass, and thigh girth (ES = 0.06 to 0.15; p = 0.452 to 0.841). In terms of measures of PF, moderate-to-large effects were noted in favour of the PJT groups compared to the control groups (including specific-active control groups) for one-repetition maximum back squat strength, horizontal jump distance, squat jump height, and countermovement jump height (ES = 0.67 to 1.47; p = 0.041 to <0.001), in addition to small effect noted in favour of the PJT for SSP time-trial speed (ES = 0.42; p = 0.005). Certainty of evidence across the included studies varied from very low-to-moderate. Conclusions: PJT is more effective to improve measures of PF and SSP in WSA compared to control conditions involving traditional sport-specific training as well as alternative training interventions (e.g., resistance training). It is worth noting that the present findings are derived from 26 studies of moderate-to-high methodological quality, low-to-moderate impact of heterogeneity, and very low-to-moderate certainty of evidence based on GRADE.
Priljubljenost vadbe v vodi se je v zadnjih dveh desetletjih znatno povečala, kar je verjetno posledica pozitivnih lastnosti vodnega okolja – sile vzgona in sile upora. Medtem ko prva pripomore k razbremenitvi telesa in lažjemu izvajanju vaj, lahko drugo med vadbo v vodi izkoriščamo za krepitev mišic in večjo porabo energije. Za učinkovito izkoriščanje prednosti vodnega okolja je ključno poznavanje mišično-skeletnih (MSO) in srčno-dihalnih obremenitev (SDO), ki jim je telo izpostavljeno v vodi. Namen tega prispevka je bil sistematično pregledati članke z opisom raziskav, pri katerih so merili MSO ali SDO med vadbo v vodi oziroma med potopitvijo v vodo. Podrobneje smo predstavili značilnosti in ključne rezultate raziskav, ki so med vadbo v vodi merile sile reakcije podlage, mišično aktivnost in SDO. Predstavili smo tudi priložnosti za nadaljnje razvojno-raziskovalno delo na področju merjenja obremenitev med vadbo v vodi. Ugotavljamo, da se kaže potreba po dodatnih raziskovalnih ali preglednih člankih, ki bi pripomogli k oblikovanju z dokazi podprte prakse vadbe v vodi.
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى التحقق من تأثير تدريبات الوثب العميق على تحسين بعض القدرات البدنية الخاصة والمستوى الرقمى لمتسابقى 200 متر عدو المصابين بمتلازمة داون، واستخدم الباحثان التصميم التجريبي للمجموعتين الضابطة والتجريبية باستخدام القياسات القبلية والبعدية على عينة بلغ قوامها (22) من متسابقي ألعاب القوى لذوي الأعاقة الذهنية والمصابين بمتلازمة داون بنادي المعاقين بالعريش، وكانت أهم النتائج وجود فروق دالة إحصائياً بين القياسات القبلية والبعدية لأفراد عينة البحث الضابطة لصالح القياسات البعدية في الإختبارات البدنية الخاصة قيد البحث والمستوى الرقمي، وتراوحت معدلات التغير لنسب التحسن ما بين (1.67 : 8.18) % في إتجاه القياسات البعدية ، كما يوجد فروق دالة إحصائياً بين القياسات القبلية والبعدية لأفراد عينة البحث التجريبية لصالح القياسات البعدية في الإختبارات البدنية الخاصة قيد البحث والمستوى الرقمي، ، وتراوحت معدلات التغير لنسب التحسن ما بين (8.09 : 21.54) % في إتجاه القياسات البعدية، وكذلك يوجد فروق دالة إحصائياً بين القياسات البعدية للمجموعتين الضابطة والتجريبية لصالح المجموعة التجريبية في الإختبارات البدنية الخاصة قيد البحث والمستوى الرقمي وبحجم أثر كبير حيث تراوحت قيمة مربع إيتا ( η2 ) ما بين (0.38 : 0.56) وبلغت في المستوى الرقمي 0.55، وهذه القيم ذات دلالات إحصائية أكبر من 0.14، ويمكننا أن نستنتج أن لتدريبات الوثب العميق دور إيجابي وفعال في تحسين بعض القدرات البدنية الخاصة والمستوى الرقمى لمتسابقى 200 متر عدو المصابين بمتلازمة داون أكثر فاعلية من برامج التدريب التقليدية.
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Elite athletes are competing for longer seasons, training more hours, and taking less time off. This schedule may predispose the elite athlete to overuse injuries. When an injury occurs, aquatic-based rehabilitation may expedite the recovery process, as effective cardiovascular and musculoskeletal training may be accomplished by aquatic exercise. The pool may be used both during rehabilitation and postrecovery as an adjunctive tool. Knowledge of the unique physical properties of water, as well as the physiological responses to immersion both at rest and during exercise, will aid the physical therapist when designing a rehabilitation or training program for the athlete. Understanding the principles of movement in water will provide a foundation for creative use of water's unique properties.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the kinesiological factors that distinguish good jumpers from poor ones, in an attempt to understand the critical factors in vertical jump performance (VJP). Fifty-two normal, physically active male college students each performed five maximal vertical jumps with arms akimbo. Ground reaction forces and video data were collected during the jumps. Subjects' strength was tested isometrically. Thirty-five potential predictor variables were calculated for statistical modeling by multiple-regression analysis. At the whole-body level of analysis, the best models (which included peak and average mechanical power) accounted for 88% of VJP variation (p < .0005). At the segmental level, the best models accounted for 60% of variation in VJP (p < .0005). Unexpectedly, coordination variables were not related to VJP. These data suggested that VJP was most strongly associated with the mechanical power developed during jump execution.
Context Land and aquatic plyometrics have clinical relevance for exercise, sport performance, and rehabilitation, yet study is limited comparing both. Objective To compare the effects of land-based and aquatic-based plyometric-training programs on performance variables, muscle soreness, and range of motion (ROM). Setting Aquatic facility and biomechanics laboratory. Subjects Forty subjects randomly assigned to 3 groups: land (n = 13), water (n = 13), and control (n = 14). Main Outcome Measures Performance variables, muscle soreness, and ROM were measured before and after an 8-week training period. An analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and a Bonferroni post hoc test determined significance. Results ANCOVA revealed significant differences between groups with respect to plantar-flexion ROM ( P < .05). Paired t test determined that the aquatic group significantly increased muscle power pretest to posttest ( P < .05). Conclusions Results indicate that aquatic plyometric training can be an alternative approach to enhancing performance.
This study investigated the kinetic and the kinematic differences in female athletes in single-leg static jumps in an aquatic environment compared with those performed on dry land. Twelve healthy, junior national team handball players participated. Subjects completed a familiarization and a testing session. The subjects performed a series of single-leg jumps, dry land and aquatic with and without devices, which were randomized to avoid fatigue effects. Peak concentric force, rate of force development, impact force, and time of the jumps were determined using a force plate. Peak concentric force and rate of force development were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the aquatic jumps, whereas impact force was significantly (P < 0.05) lower. There was a shorter total jump time (P < 0.05) for the aquatic jump without devices, whereas the time required to reach peak force was not significantly different between the two environments, despite the greater resistance to movement in the aquatic medium. Aquatic jump exercises result in greater force production and rate of force development in the same amount of time with less impact and can thus offer a viable alternative to traditional dry-land jump exercises, which may also be beneficial for rehabilitating or aging populations. The benefits of this type of exercise include an exercise mode that can be performed without compromising speed while reducing the potential for joint injury.
This study was designed to analyze the effects of a short-term periodized aquatic resistance program (PARP) on upper-limb maximum strength, leg muscular power, and body composition (BC) in fit young men. Twenty subjects (21.2 +/- 1.17 years) were randomly assigned to an exercise or control group; 12 subjects completed the study. The aquatic exercise group (AEG; n = 7) participated in an 8-week supervised program of 3 d x wk, and the control group (CG; n = 5) maintained their regular activities. The PARP consisted of a total-body resistance exercise workout using aquatic devices that increased drag force, with a cadence of movement controlled and adjusted individually for each exercise and subject. The volume and intensity of the program were increased progressively. Submaximal tests were carried out to determine the change in upper-limb maximum strength, as well as a squat-jump test to determine the change in leg muscular power. Four skinfold sites, 6 circumference sites, body weight, and stature were used to determine changes in BC. A significant increase in upper-limb maximum strength and leg muscular power was observed for the AEG. A significant increase also was noted in the circumference and muscular area of the arm, and there were significant decreases in pectoral and abdominal skinfolds. Nevertheless, the circumference, muscular area, and local fat of the lower limbs did not change. There were no significant changes in any variables in the CG. These results indicate that the PARP produces significant improvements in muscular strength, power, and fat-free mass and, thus, seems to be a very effective form of resistance exercise.
The aims of this study were (i) to check whether monitoring of both the rhythm of execution and the perceived effort is a valid tool for reproducing the same intensity of effort in different sets of the same aquatic resistance exercise (ARE) and (ii) to assess whether this method allows the ARE to be put at the same intensity level as its equivalent carried out on dry land. Four healthy trained young men performed horizontal shoulder abduction and adduction (HSAb/Ad) movements in water and on dry land. Muscle activation was recorded using surface electromyography of 1 stabilizer and several agonist muscles. Before the final tests, the ARE movement cadence was established individually following a rhythmic digitalized sequence of beats to define the alternate HSAb/Ad movements. This cadence allowed the subject to perform 15 repetitions at a perceived exertion of 9-10 using Hydro-Tone Bells. After that, each subject performed 2 nonconsecutive ARE sets. The dry land exercises (1 set of HSAb and 1 set of HSAd) were performed using a dual adjustable pulley cable motion machine, with the previous selection of weights that allowed the same movement cadence to be maintained and the completion of the same repetitions in each of the sets as with the ARE. The average normalized data were compared for the exercises in order to determine possible differences in muscle activity. The results show the validity of this method for reproducing the intensity of effort in different sets of the same ARE, but is not valid for matching the same intensity level as kinematically similar land-based exercises.
This study was designed to determine whether different effects on functional capacity and body composition were produced by using different devices (elastic bands (EBs) versus weight machines (WMs)) with the same resistance training program. Forty-five healthy sedentary middle-aged women volunteers were chosen and randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups: 21 subjects trained using EBs (EBG), 14 in trained using WMs (WMG), and 10 were controls (CG). Both exercise groups trained with a periodized muscular endurance program twice a week for 10 weeks, with a total of 6 exercises per session for the major muscle groups. Exercise intensity was equalized by jointly monitoring the same targeted number of repetitions (TNRs) and rate of perceived exertion in active muscles (RPE-AM). Functional capacity was assessed by using knee push-up (KPU) and 60-second squat (S) tests. Body composition was measured using an 8-polar bioelectrical impedance analyzer. The results for both the EBG and WMG show a decrease in fat mass (p = 0.05 and p < 0.01, respectively) and an increase in both the fat-free mass (p < 0.05 and p < 0.01, respectively) and the number of repetitions in the KPU (p < 0.05 and p < 0.01, respectively) and S tests (p < 0.01 in both). None of the variables measured for the CG varied significantly. It can be concluded that, independently of the device used, the combined monitoring of TNRs and RPE-AM can be a valid tool for controlling the resistance exercise intensity and can lead to healthy adaptations. EBs can thus offer significant physiological benefits that are comparable to those obtained from WMs in the early phase of strength training of sedentary middle-aged women.