
Multi-dimentional upwind schemes for the Euler Equations on unstructured grids

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In the last few years, upwind methods have become very popular in the modelingof advection dominated flows and in particular those which contain strongdiscontinuities. For more than a decade, these methods have been usedsuccessfully to solve numerically the one-dimensional Euler equations.Fluctuation distribution has been recently introduced as an alternative toconventional upwinding. In contrast to standard upwinding the fluctuationdistribution approach extends naturally to multidimensional flow without requiringany splitting along coordinate directions. The technique uses a narrow-stencil,local, piecewise linear reconstruction of the flow field solution. The flow field isupdated in time by propagating a subset of eigenmodes of the convectiveoperator. Different choices of the eigenmode subset lead to different fluctuationdistribution schemes.In this paper, schemes for approximating steady solution to the two dimensionalof the inviscid fluid equations on unstructured triangular grids are presented, alsoan analysis of fluctuation splitting schemes applied to scalar advection equationshas been performed. Wave models based on Roe’s simple wave decompositionhave been further developed and tested, providing an exact solution to thelinearized equations, and decomposes the flux difference at the interface into aset of simple waves, all aligned with the grid face.In this work, the presented model of fluctuation splitting N combined with Roewave models implemented in our own Code written in C++ reached the stagewhere they can be used reliably to achieve maximal computational efficiency topractical steady state problems in aerodynamics (Supersonic oblique shockreflection, Flow in a channel with a Bump, Symmetric Constricted channel flows,flow around NACA 0012 aerofoil, flows in a turbine-blade cascade VKI LS-59 ).

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Resumen En este artículo se presenta un método de alto orden de Galerkin discontinuo para problemas de flujo compresible, en los cuales es muy frecuente la aparición de choques. La estabilización se introduce mediante una nueva base de funciones. Esta base tiene la flexibilidad de variar localmente (en cada elemento) entre un espacio de funciones polinómicas continuas o un espacio de funciones polinómicas a trozos. Así, el método propuesto proporciona un puente entre los métodos estándar de alto orden de Galerkin discontinuo y los clásicos métodos de volúmenes finitos, manteniendo la localidad y compacidad del esquema. La variación de las funciones de la base se define automáticamente en función de la regularidad de la solución y la estabilización se introduce mediante el operador salto, estándar en los métodos Galerkin discontinuo. A diferencia de los clásicos métodos de limitadores de pendiente, la estrategia que se presenta es muy local y robusta, y es aplicable a cualquier orden de aproximación. Además, el método propuesto no requiere refinamiento adaptativo de la malla ni restricción del esquema de integración temporal. Se consideran varias aplicaciones de las ecuaciones de Euler que demuestran la validez y efectividad del método, especialmente para altos órdenes de aproximación.
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In this paper I review three key topics in CFD that have kept researchers busy for half a century. First, the concept of upwind differencing, evident for 1-D linear advection. Second, its implementation for nonlinear systems in the form of high-resolution schemes, now regarded as classical. Third, its genuinely multidimensional implementation in the form of residual-distribution schemes, the most recent addition. This lecture focuses on historical developments; it is not intended as a technical review of methods, hence the lack of formulas and absence of figures.
In this contribution we describe a class of upwind schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws on unstructured grids consisting of triangles or tetrahedrons. Unlike standard upwind schemes which are based on a one dimensional physical model (the Riemann problem), the methods discussed here use a multidimensional physical model for the upwinding. They do not fit in a standard finite volume approach with piecewise continuous representation of the unknowns. In this respect they are much closer to finite element methods based on linear elements, with which they share a continuous piecewise linear representation over the triangles or tetrahedrons. On the other hand they share with standard upwind methods the properties of asymmetric upwinded stencils and control of monotonicity over discontinuities, and they can be considered as truly multidimensional generalizations of the successful TVD upwind methods developed during the eighties.
This paper explores a possible technique for extending to multidimensional flows some of the upwind-differencing methods that have proved highly successful in the one-dimensional case. Attention here is concentrated on the two-dimensional case, and the flow domain is supposed to be divided into polygonal computational elements. Inside each element the flow is represented by a local superposition of elementary solutions consisting of plane waves not necessarily aligned with the element boundaries.
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Reading, 1996.
Algorithmic trends in CFD, chapter Beyond the Riemann Problem”
  • Pl Roe
PL. Roe. “Algorithmic trends in CFD, chapter Beyond the Riemann Problem”. Springer-Verlag, Part I, 341-367, 1993.