
A Novel Luby-Rackoff Based Cipher in a NewFeistel-Network Based LPRKES for Smart Cards

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The RKES (Remotely Keyed Encryption Schemes) are greatly useful in solving the vital problem of how to do bulk encryption and decryption for high-bandwidth applications (like multimedia and video encryption) in a way that takes advantage of both the superior power of the host and the superior security of the smart card. In this way, we propose a novel length preserving (LP) RKES by using a proposed general view of Feistel-Network (FN) in which we use only two rounds in an efficient way. The proposed LPRKES needs a strong pseudorandom permutation (PRP) as its basic building block, so we introduce a new symmetric-key block cipher, with variable block and key lengths, referred to as NLMSFC (Nonlinear Matrix Structure Based Feistel Cipher), appropriate for hardware and software implementations. NLMSFC is a 3-round Luby-Rackoff construction. In this structure, robust pseudorandom functions (PF) are used to obtain a pseudorandom permutation (PRP). NLMSFC makes use of a novel PR keyed-subfunction in a matrix like structure. Extensive statistical tests are conducted upon NLMSFC and its round function in order to demonstrate their competitive diffusion, confusion and pseudorandomness characteristics. In addition NLMSFC is provably secure. At the end of this paper, we show how we can apply NLMSFC as a strong PRP in the suggested LPKES to be used for cryptographic smart cards.

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... instead of the XOR to propose a generalized 2-round FN which will be used as a new LPRKES [10]. The E K /D K (encryption/decryption) function used in the proposed network structure of Fig. 2 should be a strong PRP functions like AES [11], NLMSFC [10], PATFC [12] and its generalized form YC [13]...etc. ...
... instead of the XOR to propose a generalized 2-round FN which will be used as a new LPRKES [10]. The E K /D K (encryption/decryption) function used in the proposed network structure of Fig. 2 should be a strong PRP functions like AES [11], NLMSFC [10], PATFC [12] and its generalized form YC [13]...etc. ...
Conference Paper
The Remotely Keyed Encryption Schemes (RKESs) are greatly useful in solving the vital problem of how to do bulk encryption/decryption for high-bandwidth applications (like multimedia data encryption) in a way that takes advantage of both the superior power of the host and the superior security of the smart card. Accordingly, we propose two novel RKESs, a Length Preserving (LP) RKES and a Length Increasing (LI) RKES. The proposed LPRKES is based on a general view of the well known Feistel-Network (FN) in which we only use two rounds in an efficient and secure way, employing data-dependent cipher-keys. In the LIRKES, an extra ciphertext block is used, encrypting the one-time random cipher-key based on a signature of the whole ciphertext. The security of the presented schemes are theoretically proven and, compared to the state-of-the-art RKESs, the savings in the required computational complexity, run-time, bandwidth, and storage space are emphasized.
... of the XOR to propose a generalized 2-round FN which will be used as a new LPRKES [10]. The E K /D K (encryption/decryption) function used in the proposed network structure ofFig. 2 should be a strong PRP functions like AES [11], NLMSFC [10], PATFC [12] and its generalized form YC [13]...etc. ...
... of the XOR to propose a generalized 2-round FN which will be used as a new LPRKES [10]. The E K /D K (encryption/decryption) function used in the proposed network structure ofFig. 2 should be a strong PRP functions like AES [11], NLMSFC [10], PATFC [12] and its generalized form YC [13]...etc. ...
The RKES (Remotely Keyed Encryption Schemes) are greatly useful in solvingthe vital problem of how to do bulk encryption/ decryption for high-bandwidthapplications (like multimedia and video encryption) in a way that takes advantageof both the superior power of the host and the superior security of the smart card.According to this issue, we propose a novel length increasing (LI) RKES, inwhich, the output ciphertext length is larger than input plaintext length. In thisscheme, an extra ciphertext block is used as a self validation or signature of thewhole ciphertext, so an adversary can’t forge the scheme.The proposed LIRKES needs a strong pseudorandom permutation (PRP) as itsbasic building block, so we introduce a new symmetric-key block cipher, withvariable block and key lengths, referred to as PATFC (Pseudorandom AffineTransformation based Feistel Cipher), appropriate for software and hardwareimplementations. PATFC adopts the 3-round Luby-Rackoff construction (acompact form of the Feistel network structures) for fusing pseudorandomfunctions of the plaintext partitions to obtain a pseudorandom permutation.PATFC mainly makes use of a novel keyed pseudorandom function (PRF) that isbased on a pseudorandom affine transformation (constructed using a highlynonlinear pseudorandom sequence generator) followed by a data and keydependent encoding and a simple hashing scheme.Extensive statistical tests of PATFC and its underlying round functionconsistently demonstrated their competitive diffusion, confusion andpseudorandomness characteristics. Furthermore, PATFC is provably secure andnot vulnerable to known/chosen/adaptive plaintext/ ciphertexts attacks.At the end of this paper, we show how we can apply PATFC as a strong PRP inthe suggested LIRKES to be used for smart cards.
Blind signatures, introduced by Chaum, allow a user to obtain a signature on a message without revealing any thing about the message to the signer. Blind signatures play on important role in plenty of applications such as e-voting, e-cash system where anonymity is of great concern. Identity based(ID-based) public key cryptography can be a good alternative for certified based public key setting, especially when efficient key management and moderate security are required. In this paper, we propose an ID-based blind signature scheme from bilinear pairings. The proposed scheme is based on the Hess ID- based digital signature scheme. Also we analyze security and efficiency of the proposed scheme.
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Principle of locality states that most memory references are made to a smallnumber of memory locations. Not only that, memory locations near most recentlyreferenced locations are more likely to be referenced than one further away. Totake advantage of this, cache memory is inserted between memory and CPU [1].Better utilization of cache is crucial for good performance of distributed filesystem; even in case of remote file accesses.Not caching a file during writes prolongs the session, thereby increasing writesharingtime, leading to slow performance especially on WANs. This paperintroduces a technique to reduce miss penalty during remote file writes andallows write sharing in LAN. It uses the principle of divide-and-rule and arrangesthe system into hierarchical domains and then gives ownerships to the writers.
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