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Formación de palygorskita asociada al flujo regional de las aguas subterráneas del borde S.O. de la Cuenca del Duero



The present work provides some data concerning the geochemistry of the paleogene groundwater in the S.W. region of the Duero Basin. The data reflect a clear decrease in silica and Mg throughout the regional flow from recharge areas to discharge ones. In one of the Paleogenes Formations of the area –Areniscas de Aldearrubia– the presence of small amounts of palygorskite Was detected. This mineral appears in perfectly automorphic crystals with a tendency to envelope and then close porosity. . From thermodinamic criteria, the possibility of the conversion of smectite –very abundant in the Formation– into palygorskite by addition of graundwater silica and Mg is in accordance with all the anaIytical and observational data. The palygorskite genesis related lo present or past groundwater flow could be considered as a variant of the diagenetic origin for this mineral. En este trabajo se presentan algunos datos sobre la geoquímica de las aguas subterráneas del paleógeno del S.O. de la Cuenca del Duero. Estos datos muestran una clara disminución de las concentraciones de sílice y de Mg a lo largo del flujo regional desde las áreas de recarga hacia las áreas de descarga. Por otra parte. en una de la formaciones paleógenas de la zona -Areniscas de Aldearrubia- hemos detectado la presencia de pequeñas cantidades de palygorskita. Dicho mineral se presenta en cristales perfectamente automorfos que tienden primero a tapizar y después a cerrar la porosidad. La posibilidad, demostrada termodinámicamente de transformación de esmectitas –muy abundantes en la citada formación– en palygorskita mediante aporte de sílice y Mg a partir del agua subterránea satisface todos los datos analíticos y de observación. Este tipo de génesis de la palygorskita asociado al flujo actual o subactual del agua subterránea puede considerarse como una variante del origen diagenético.
(c) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
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(c) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Licencia Creative Commons 3.0 España (by-nc)
(c) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
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(c) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
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(c) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
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(c) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
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(c) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
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(c) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
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(c) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Licencia Creative Commons 3.0 España (by-nc)
(c) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Licencia Creative Commons 3.0 España (by-nc)
... Numerous examples of this mechanism can be found in Spanish deposits. Thus, by studying the geochemical characteristics of groundwater in the southwestern part of the Duero Basin, Sgnchez San Roman & Blanco (1986) showed that the Si and Mg concentrations decrease from recharge areas to discharge areas. They also observed automorphic palygorskite crystals in sediment pores, concluding that the origin was linked with fluid circulation and late diagenetic alteration of smectites. ...
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A mineralogical and geochemical study of the Gabasa outcrop (Huesca, NE Spain) was undertaken. It consists of Early Oligocene marly and clayey fluvial and lacustrine (playa-lake) sediments. The phases detected were quartz, amorphous silica, calcite, dolomite, palygorskite, illite, interstratified illite-smectite, Al-smectite and Mg-smectite. The palygorskite expands with ethylene-glycol. Statistical analysis of the geochemical data shows that the rare earth elements and transition trace elements are basically associated with the detrital phyllosilicates, although a considerable amount of the latter is contained in the palygorskite (∑REE = 60-70 ppm, Cr+Co+Ni+V+Zn+Cu = 120-150 ppm), in contrast to the normally low values for neoformed minerals. This fact, together with the significant presence of Al and Fe in the palygorskite, suggest genesis involving alteration by dissolution of the 2:1 structure of the illite and/or Al-smectite, followed by re-ordering in a fibrous structure.
... On the contrary, in subsurface non-pedogenic environments, the presence of these clays is less frequent. Some examples come from Sanchez and Blanco (1986) and Rodas et al. (1994), who describe the formation of ''groundwater calcretes and palycretes'' (sic) in Palaeogene deposits of the Tajo and Duero basins in Spain. In these situations, the precipitation of calcite in proximal areas would be responsible for the increase of Mg/Ca ratio downwards in the groundwaters drainage system and consequent distal precipitation of palygorskite. ...
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The Palaeogene deposits of the Sado Basin were deposited in a continental basin that shows a typical pattern with alluvial fans system in the margins of the basin, passing towards distal areas of mudflat facies where, in some areas, the installation of shallow water bodies favoured the development of palustrine conditions. The deposits of this basin vary form coarse conglomerates and sandstones to palustrine carbonates. These sediments were affected by pedogenesis and early diagenetic processes that promoted important modifications on their primary features. These modifications have been studied by the analyses of four profiles, developed on proximal, middle and distal fan deposits and the fourth one on lacustrine deposits. The overall analyses of the sedimentological, pedogenic, diagenetic features and their relationships indicate that three main processes took place throughout the basin: soil formation, palygorskite neoformation and dolomitization.Soil formation processes led to illuviation of clays and carbonate precipitation mostly around roots. Pedogenic carbonates increase towards distal areas, whereas hydromorphic features are present throughout the basin. Palygorskite neoformation was partially diagenetic, being maximum in proximal areas and palustrine deposits. This neoformation is attributed to the percolation of alkaline Mg-rich soil and groundwaters through smectitic-rich sediments, promoting important clay transformation. Dolomitization was an early diagenetic process that occurred mainly in carbonate-rich deposits of distal and lacustrine environments, as a result of the increasing Mg/Ca ratio of the percolating groundwaters.In all these processes there has been a close spatial and temporal interplay between pedogenesis and diagenesis, driven by the chemistry of soil particles and groundwaters.
... Esto indicaría que, en general, los primeros aportan agua de menor tiempo de permanencia en el terreno, mientras que de los sondeos se extrae agua con mayor tiempo de permanencia , correspondiente a un flujo más profundo. El hecho de que la sílice sea el único elemento que no aumenta con el tiempo de permanencia en el subsuelo coincide con la misma observación realizada para la evolución geoquímica del agua subterránea en materiales terciarios (Sánchez, 1983; Sánchez y Blanco, 1986), donde el agua pierde sílice a lo largo de su recorrido porque es utilizada para la transformación o neoformación de arcillas. En general, el grupo de los pozos presenta menor dispersión de valores que los grupos de manantiales y de sondeos. ...
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This paper describes the results of 77 chemical analyses of groundwater from springs and wells in the «Complejo Esquisto Grauváquico» and other paleozoic materials from the south of Salamanca province. The types of groundwater are very diverse, usually bicarbonate dominant, with TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) between 0.6 and 16 milimoles/l. Salinity is shown to be greater in the drilled wells than in the dug wells and springs, which confirms the existence of deep flow. Principal Component Analysis indicates that the chemical composition of groundwater must be the result of multiple reactions between the water and the minerals that occur in parallel, with none of the reactions being specially predominant. The organization and geographic distribution of sorne of the elements suggest the existence of regional flow systems. Se presentan los resultados de 77 análisis químicos de aguas subterráneas procedentes de manantiales, pozos excavados y sondeos en el Complejo Esquisto Grauváquico y otros materiales paleozoicos al Sur de la provincia de Salamanca. Se trata de aguas muy dispares, en general bicarbonatadas mixtas, con TSD (total de sólidos disueltos) entre 0,6 y 16 milimoles/l. Se pone de manifiesto una mayor salinidad de las aguas de sondeos en relación con las de pozos y manantiales, lo que demuestra la existencia de una circulación a cierta profundidad. El análisis de componentes principales muestra que la composición química de las aguas debe ser el resultado de múltiples reacciones entre el agua y los minerales que se producen en paralelo, sin que destaque ninguna en especial. La distribución geográfica ordenada de algunos elementos obliga a plantear como posible la hipótesis de la existencia de un flujo regional.
The rocks of the palygorskite deposit at Bercimuel (Segovia, Spain) have been studied by transmission electron microscopy and microanalysis. These rocks correspond to the zone of convergence of two alluvial fan systems that have filled the small basin of the River Riaza and would originally have been composed of illite and quartz silts. Among the accumulations of palygorskite it is possible to observe surrounded particles of micromicas that have undergone dissolution and opening thereby giving rise to disordered illite-smectite mixed-layer clays. This process continued up to the individualization of structural relics formed of units of 1-5 layers. At the same time, the chemical composition was modified with a loss of K and AI and a relative increase in Si and Mg, progressively evolving towards the composition of palygorskite. The paleogeographic position of the deposits, and the climatic conditions (arid environment), appear to be the dominant factors in the neoformation of palygorskite by alteration of the original sediments. The basic mineralogical process could be referred to as 'early diagenesis' in the formation of calcretes.
Villamayor sandstone has been widely used as a building material for buildings of interest to art history in Salamanca (Spain). The differences in the quality of this material, displaying different kinds of technological behaviour, are reflected by the deterioration of the buildings.We studied the mineralogy and internal structure of the stone in order to explain how far it affects its use as a construction material. X-ray diffraction, scanning differential calorimetry, scanning electron microscopy, mercury porosimetry, backscattered electron scanning image and laser diffraction for particle size analysis were the techniques used to characterize the quarried rock samples.The results obtained showed that these stones have two types of internal structure. Illite predominates over smectite in the cementing clay of one of these stones and the diameter of the pores is smaller than 10 μm. Smectite predominates in the other stone and the diameter of the pores is larger than 10 μm, while the cohesion between particles is less than in the former. Each of these types with their particular characteristics accounts for and is consistent with the variations observed in their behaviour as a building material. This understanding helps to forecast their potential weatherability.
During the Tertiary, the Hercynian basement of the Iberian Peninsula was uneven due to Alpine tectonism which led to the development of a set of horsts and grabens forming its main geological structure. One of these grabens is the Ciudad Rodrigo Basin, located close to the Portuguese border. The south-western margin of this graben is filled with arkosic sandstones of continental origin that, once deposited, underwent important low-grade diagenetic processes related to the surface processes. The main diagenetic processes were hydrolysis, replacement by carbonate, and argillization to palygorskite. These three processes led to the differentiation of three main levels within the outcrops studied: (1) the Lower Level, where the original clayey sandstone outcrops, displaying fairly hydromorphic traits; (2) the Middle Level, where part of the clayey matrix has been replaced by dolomitic carbonate; and (3) the Upper Level, where palygorskite is the new neoformed clay. The change in porosity seems to have been the controlling factor, since it governs the dynamics of the solutions inside the rocks. These conditions changed from being diffusion-driven, at the start of the diagenesis, to flow-driven as porosity increased.
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